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As COVID-19 Crisis In Italy Softening, U.S. Finally Opts To Assist ‘European Allies’

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As COVID-19 Crisis In Italy Softening, U.S. Finally Opts To Assist 'European Allies'


Finally! The United States has finally opted to help its European ally – Italy – to fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The decision was announced in an official memorandum signed by US President Donald Trump:

“Section 1. Policy. The Italian Republic (Italy), one of our closest and oldest Allies, is being ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already claimed more than 18,000 lives, brought much of the Italian healthcare system to the brink of collapse, and threatens to push Italy’s economy into a deep recession. The Government of Italy has requested United States assistance. Although the United States Government’s first and foremost responsibility is to the American people, coming to the aid of Italy will help fight the COVID-19 outbreak and mitigate the impact of the crisis, while simultaneously demonstrating United States leadership in the face of Chinese and Russian disinformation campaigns, lessening the risk of re-infection from Europe into the United States, and maintaining critical supply chains,” the document reads.

So, now, all should know that it’s Chinese and Russian “disinformation campaigns” stopped the United States from helping Italy and Europe in the most acute period of the crisis and forced Washington to snatch protective gear out of European governments when they were in a drammatic need of it.

However, on April 11, when Italy, Spain and other European nations show numbers indicating about the softening crisis, Washington is ‘rushing’ to assist them and demonstrate its leadership. Soon, we will see MSM reports assuring the audience that dozens of Russian specialists and medical equipment pieces deployed to help Italy, Serbia and other coutnries were useless and it’s the Untied States, the real ‘hero’ that resuced Europe from COVID-19.

While MSM and US diplomats are preparing their victorious statements about how the US defeated the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, here is a video fo how Italians welcome Russians deployed to help the country:


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It’s the “American way” to wait for others to do the heavy lifting and giving blood, and then come to declare victory and pretend it was them who did the job.

They did so in WW2 Europe, they did it with ISIS, why wouldn’t they do it for Covid-19?


I thought the same: They liberated Sicily only after nazis suffered heavy losses on the eastern front. Guess who the nazis were fighting against?

Hasbara Hunter

WWII was Organized by the AngloZioNazis for the execution of WWI-Balfour-Declaration: the foundation of ISraHell…them Germans & Russians had to destroy eachother + the Creation of the United States of Europe…

Btw Hitler was a Rothschild-Bastard…

Jacob Wohl

The good old antisemitic trope of “hitler being a rothschild” even though there’s ZERO proof or evidence of that outlandish claim. Just another antisemitic claim with no proof to back it up.

Hasbara Hunter


Traiano Welcome

By the way: The Gates Foundation has for the last 20 years carried out intensive children vaccination programs in Africa. In 2014 and 2015 Kenya carried out a massive tetanus vaccination program, sponsored by WHO and UNICEF. The Government administered a vaccine of tetanus toxoid impregnated with beta human chorionic gonadotropin (BhCG) that causes permanent infertility among girls and women, to about 500,000 girls and women between the ages 14 and 49.

Traiano Welcome

Please try to use “semitic” to refer to actual semites. Neither the european jews no hitler were/are semitic. The Palestinians are semitic. The Syrians are semitic. The Lebanese, etc …


You Zionists are no semites, but fake jews from Europe. Why do you think do many of them have German surnames like Goldstein for example. Arabs are true semites. Jews too, but not you fake jews so get lost.

Séamus Ó Néill

The anti-semite card, like the holohoax card is played out, change the record !

Jacob Wohl

USA singlehandedly defeated Nazi Germany in -Africa (Libya, Egypt) -France (D-Day), Belgium, Holland, Netherlands -North Atlantic air and sea campaign -BERLIN

Meanwhile the Russkies suffered a loss 12 million soldiers in barely 3 years just trying to retake lost territory in Ukraine and Poland. Now get lost, antisemitic troll.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Rocket Nose, a 5th grader has better historical knowledge than you ?‍♂️

Saso Mange

Imagine… The amount of arrogance and disrespect in that reply was astonishing :D As if no one fought… Half my family died in Yugoslavia and that means that Nazi’s had to leave some of their assets in Balkans too, which made allies have easier time in Greece etc… Alto it was minor when compared to the efforts in the East it still makes one wonder – was the USA also winner in Yugoslavia?

This Jacob hasbarist is boring af.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Exactly man. The entire Eastern Front (including Yugoslavia/Greece) were the main reasons why German’s Army weakened and depleted tremendously, leading to their collapse and defeat on the Western Front/D-Day, Ardennes, etc. If it wasn’t for the Eastern Front and Balkans, America and its allies would have been completely decimated at D-Day and west front, and millions of allied troops would have been encircled by Wehrmacht/SS divisions and killed/captured.

Germany had less than 20% of its Wehrmacht to defend its western flank by 1944 because up until then, 4 million of their troops were killed in battle and another 4 million had been captured by the Red Army, that’s literally an extra 8 million troops they could have used to decimate the allies in the west, but chose to use them against Russia in the East and Balkans.

Lone Ranger

You shouldnt get your history lessons from corn flakes boxes…

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Lol, he gets his history lessons from Mcdonalds Happy Meal toys

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Russia was the one defeating germany. And your other claims were mostly achieved by the Brits. U.S. didn’t suffer millions of losses because they were too coward to step a foot on.mainland Europe till late 1943, by that time Russia has already won at Stalingrad and was chasing az the nazis towards germany. Russia defeated 80% of the german forces. The U.S., UK, Canada and the French Resistance managed the rest late in the war against run down troops. You could be more thankful, your grandparents were probably saved by Russians from a deathcamp. You per them…

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Well said. Russia saved their ancestors, thus enabling the modern state of israel to even exist, and this is the thanks they receive. Typical ungrateful rats.

Lone Ranger

Indeed. No shame whatsoever…

Hasbara Hunter

There was only Hitler-Jugend left in Europe…Adolf “Rothschild” Hitler’s Best troops were all send to the Eastfront to fight the Russians…that was the only reason that D-Day was possible…besides that the Netherlands were liberated by the Canadians, British, Polish & indeed American troops..

Now get lost Womenterrorizing Paedophile HasbaRat…

Traiano Welcome

Do you ever even read?!

Traiano Welcome

> US were and still are the BEST soldiers of all time.

– Yet they couldn’t defeat the starving impoverished armies of Mao just emerging from the horrors of a civil war and 2 hundred years of colonial oppression with only primitive weapons or their own bodies as weapons. They needed UN military backing just to fight the Chinese to a draw?

– Yet they couldn’t defeat the starving impoverished armies of Ho Chi Minh and Vo Diem Giap just emerging from the horrors of a civil war, French colonial war and 2 hundred years of colonial oppression with only primitive weapons or their own bodies as weapons? Leaving Vietnam in defeat.

– Yet they couldn’t take Cuba, a tiny little island run by a ragtag army of latino rebels?

The US soldier is the most EXPENSIVE soldier of all time. If the Chinese, Vietnamese and Cuban fighting man had HALF the budget of the American soldier he would be FAR superior. I would take all the money the US wastes on it’s land whale marines and just outsource it to Chinamen, they fight harder anyway, better use of money!

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S. of A. is asking to be Nuked…together with them filthy British “Royal” ZioNazi-Parasites & Puppetmaster ISraHell…burn them AngloZioNazis in one Big Giant Nuclear Chemotherapy…wipe all them Demonic Cunts of the face of this Planet…

Spreading COVID-19 might become your Death-Sentence filthy piece of Excrement!


About 80 percent of all German troops killed in world war 2 were killed in eastern front fighting Russians.


Says the guy who likes his own comment.


Seems you know very little about history, why does this not surprise me. In North Africa US forces never entered Egypt or Libya, Is was UK and commonwealth forces coming from the east. At Normandy there where 5 beach heads, 2 where UK, and 1 was Canadian. You are a disinfo troll for sure, or you could be just plain ignorant? :)

Séamus Ó Néill

You forgot to mention that the US was making tanks and planes for Hitler all throughout WW11.


You’ve forgot the Canadians, Aussies, British, Indians and South africans who formed the “Allies” and played their part in the various ops you mentioned. But I am sure it was an innocent oversight of yours


Exactly, and USA continues to save the World ! “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”

Hasbara Hunter

The AngloZioNazis love Biological-Warfare for Centuries….throwing plague victims over Castle-Walls…dead bodies in Watersources…Smallpox-Blankets for Native Americans…and the list goes on


Jacob Wohl

First off antisemite, I’m almost 100% positive Mr.Schwartz has deleted his account after keeping his promise that he would if the Russkies did NOT annex Italy. Second off, the USA has won every major war for the world, including WW1 and WW2. Third, USA is a beacon of light, democracy, freedom and prosperity for ANYONE in a 3rd world country, especially China or Russia. Finally, COVID-19 cases are decreasing and the US economy is going way UP. Now get lost, twerp!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Lol so you admit Avi shithead Schwartz is your alternative account? How could you be 100% positive otherwise ?

Traiano Welcome

By the way – you’re not being anti-semitic, Mr. Nose, Ashkenazis are not semites.


Actually they are antisemite, because they support the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Traiano Welcome

We cannot let this anti-semitism stand! Call your member of parliament right away! /s

Lone Ranger

WWI was won by the Brits, France and Russia. WWII was won by Russia at least the European theatre. Defeating 80% of the german forces around 23divisions. U.S. came late both in WWI and WWII. U.S. couldnt win the Korean war it was a tie. Lost in Nam. Couldnt invade Serbia. Lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. I wont even mention the Lybian fuck up. Better luck next time…

Harry Smith

But the Fury movie shows how Americans destroyed all Germany’s panzerwaffe and most of SS divisions! Movie can not lie! [sarcasm]

Jacob Wohl's Nose

LOL! of course, Fury was directed and written by almost all zionist jews (like the rest of Hollywood). Count on them to re-write history to favor the US. Historical accuracy of that movie is less than 5%.

Lone Ranger

U.S. was a beacon of light in the 50s. Not anymore. It has a run down infrastructure, collapsed economy, tent cities, drug epidemic, with an exorbitant debt. U.S. has more people in prison than Russia and China…

Traiano Welcome

Sorry, the Koreans would disagree. The Cubans as well. The Philipinos being massacred in their villages. I could go on. If America ever was a beacon it was a warning beacon: “Stay the F*** Away”

Traiano Welcome

3 million dead Vietnamese would beg to differ on your “beacon of light” nonsense. 500 000 dead Iraqi children wouldn’t agree either. The black slaves upon whose backs American is built on don’t think much about your “democracy bullshit. Neither do the black soldiers used by the US government for testing Siphillis think much of your ‘freedom’. The Native american tribes who lost their prosperity would like to know about this prosperity you speak of. I think you better check the stats again: Pumping 2 Trillion dollars of Fiat currency into a dead economy and calling that ‘way UP’ doesn’t mean what you think it means. A country that has to steal medical equipment from it’s allies and beg India and China for medical equipment is not going anywhere fast … Finally, American COVID-19 stats are meaningless right now – they don’t even have proper tests! How can they know ? Wait till the Yanks actually start *testing* before you speculate.


Why didn’t you delete your account, huh? I’m almost 100% positive you’ve said it too, Chicken! Too yellow to stand by your own word?

You have to do way better than a simple “antisemite”. I like hearing that coming from the likes of you. Come on, what else you’ve got, narish?

Hasbara Hunter

You AngloZioNazi-Parasites love biological Warfare….it has been enough boy…Satan’s little Helpers will be destroyed before they destroy us…

Saso Mange

”antisemite” – word which lost it’s meaning because of Zionist scum.

Harry Smith

Oh yeah! And after couple of years Hollywood will make a movie how USA saved the world from COVID-19 while Russia and China made all their efforts to kill the mankind. And of course their will be 20 y.o. female virologist with Nobel prize for viruses research and 3rd size boobs.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

I have a feeling this will become true unfortunately. Directed by Harvey Weintein’s nephew lol. And then Call of Duty (also zionist jewish CEO) will make a video game where you fight Russian COVID-19 agents to save the world

Harry Smith

Yep. And at the start of the game will be a shot movie how 2 dirty Russian and Chinese mercenaries in protection masks wanna rape an Italian girl. But then you appear as brave US marine, shoot them all, save the girl and take their mask.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, the Americunts are selfish greedy cunts who live on fantasy and hype. Russia/Soviets had already won WW2 and defeated the Nazis at a cost of 26-28 million Russian and Soviet lives and over 10,000 villages, towns and cities in USSR from the Caucuses to Belarus destroyed. The Americunts did fuckall for anyone in both WW1 and WW2, besides dropping two nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians after Japan was ready to surrender anyway. Now yet, after stealing the Euro trash’s medical supplies and locking the population out of NATO occupation bases in Italy, Spain and even UK arsekissers, now the begging cunts want to look like Hollywood heroes. What a bunch of disgusting arseholes, no one is fooled anymore. Only China, Russia and Cuba are the real heroes and the non-Zionist brainwashed world knows it. FUCK AMERICA!


did same in syria,declared victory over ISIS.

johnny rotten

They always come to the end, then they take credit, Yankees shitty faces, they should think about their dead and leave others alone.

Pave Way IV

The great part about this colossal fuck-up is now every little shithole country on earth with a decent lab probably has a sample of this stuff by now.The US (or China – who gives a fuck) didn’t just let a genie out of a bottle, one of them let 100,000 genies out of the bottle and they’re sure to pop up somewhere outside the China-US pissing match for decades. What a nice legacy we’ve left the morally void souls of the children of the earth. I guess the governments will have to step up from now on to prevent their use. The government is the experts!

Traiano Welcome

I’ve been saying that since December! There’s a “pandora dimension” to this shit show that will be with us ’til the end of time. Cthullu help us if ISIS gets a hold of a biolab and corona virus samples …


Should have thought of that 20k deads ago…

Zionism = EVIL

This is a MADE IN USA virus.

Iranian Official Urges Probe into US’ Role in Creation of COVID-19

TEHRAN – Head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization called for the formation of a fact-finding committee to look into the possible role of the US government in the creation of coronavirus.

Hasbara Hunter

The World is simply Hijacked by very Rich Psychopathic Demonic Elitist-Parasites & Paedophiles…A lot of’m are Filthy Offspring of King John of England…Eradicate the Vermin…

These Dangerous Retards will release a Real Killer-Virus in the near future…this is all just a Testing-Fase….

Traiano Welcome

So now that the curve is flattened, Trump can stand before the world and say “I did it! With MY help, Italians were able to defeat corona virus!”

Zionism = EVIL

With immense from China and Russia, not to mention Cuba.

Traiano Welcome

A day late and a dollar short.

Zionism = EVIL

The violent Americunt scum cowards would have been the first to line to up behind Italy or any EU/NATO poodle if there was money to be made via war and plunder of OIL anywhere. But when it comes to humanity, the Americunt arsehole savages are nowhere to be seen. Such sick perverted savages deserve to die by their own created Pimpeovirus.


I seem to recall that the US always joins a fight when the other guy is on the verge of defeat and then declares victory and how exceptional they are..

chris chuba

The only reason the Trump Admin. waited until April 12 was because the Chinese lied about the number of infections and WHO covered up for them, oh, and don’t forget about the whistleblowers that disappeared last week. How were we supposed to know that Italy needed help last week in the face of this conspiracy to cover up the spread of Covid? It was impossible, impossible I tell you.

Sure the Chinese reported a new type of pneumonia on 12/31/19 but they didn’t tell us it was contagious and WHO told us it was contagious on 1/24 with 5,000 cases but that was not early enough. How were we supposed to know between now and then that Italy needed help, especially with the Russians and Chinese controlling our media. #sarcasm.

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