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MARCH 2025

Assad Forces Give Turkish Army Whipping In Eastern Idlib

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Assad Forces Give Turkish Army Whipping In Eastern Idlib

On February 20, the 2nd Army of NATO and its proxy forces once again failed to capture the village of Nayrab, eastern Idlib, from the Syrian Army. The Turkish attack involved 2 dozens of military equipment pieces, including battle tanks and artillery, over 200 Turkish soldiers and approximately 300 members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and other Turkish-backed groups.

The Turkish attack started at approximately 13:00 local time under jeers of mainstream media regarding the nearing collapse of the Syrian defense and the Assad government under powerful strikes of the Turkish Army. By 14:00 local time, some Turkish supporters in twitter already concurred Aleppo city and were preparing to advance on Damascus.

However, by 17:00 it appeared that the attack died out despite the massive rocket and artillery strikes and the participation of Turkish troops united their efforts against the Syrians with al-Qaeda. Turkish-led forces, supposedly Turkish troops, even launched a MANPAD at a Russian Su-24 warplane that came to provide a close-air-support to Syrian troops. After this, the Turkish Defense Ministry reported that 2 Turkish soldiers were killed and 5 others were injured in an airstrike.

In keeping with the best traditions, the Turkish Defense Ministry a victorious statement claiming that 50 ‘Assad troops’ were killed, 2 Syrian battle tanks, 2 armoured vehicles, 2 armed pickups and a howitzer were destroyed. However, all what the Turkish side was able to demonstrate to confirm these claims were a few Hayat Tahrir al-Sham selfies from the vicinity of Nayrab. Turkish state media immediately declared that Turkish forces did not want to capture the village and just sent a message to the oppressive Assad regime.

After this, the mighty Turkish Army requested Patriots systems from the United States in order to deter the Assad aggression in Idlib. There are two explanations:

  • Ankara apparently missed news that Patriots deployed at in Saudi Arabia had repeatedly failed to protect its military infrastructure from missile and drone strikes by the Yemeni Houthis.
  • The Erdogan government would like to see troops of the United States in Idlib alongside their Turkish and al-Qaeda counterparts.

The Russian side officially confirmed that its warplanes supported the Syrian Army striking targets in Idlib. According  to it, a battle tank, 6 armoured vehicles and 5 armed pickups were destroyed. Moscow says that Turkish artillery strikes injured 4 Syrian soldiers.

February is coming to its end and the Turkish ultimatum demanding the Syrians to withdraw from the liberated areas is expiring. The inability of Turkish forces to recapture even a single village from the Syrian Army already became a powerful blow to the public image of the Erdogan government. Therefore, it’s likely that the Turkish Army will continue their attacks in Idlib paying with own blood for neo-ottoman dreams of Erdogan and its inner circle.

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Tim Williams

Insanity has been described as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result ….


Something like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxLSO7wLSC0&feature=youtu.be

Tim Williams

a classic … have not seen this in years

Arch Bungle

Blackadder. All the political education a man needs!

Karen Bartlett

I just lub this channel. Go, Russia and SAA, and God goes with you!

Liberal guy


Xoli Xoli

Hi Karen help with the link please


Here is the link;


Xoli Xoli

Ronald Donald Duck.


Where did you get my name, you must have friends !

Karen Bartlett

I think you’re forgetting two women, boy. There’s Athena, who was fake, and then there’s this Lady, the Champion Leader, who is real:, and who was seen on the walls of Constantinople in 626 AD, wielding a sword: https://youtu.be/4K6yngx5qDI?t=4

Karen Bartlett

P.S. Why don’t you call yourself “Ron”? Ronald is such a sissy name.


I’ve never forgotten any of my women, warrior or Goddesses, There was no need to call me ‘boy’ or a ‘sissy’, I only answered because I thought Xoli Xoli was trying to give you the gears, sorry you took offence. Above was the Tibetan Buddhist prayer to Kali, who is Shiva’s Love, here is a Hindu version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl4dW30K1zU Thanks for your link

Karen Bartlett

I apologize if I was wrong about you, and I’m sorry to have called the name Ronald a sissy name. I was trying to make you feel bad. “Boy” is a Southern term. It can be good or bad, depending on context. I meant it as bad, so I’m sorry for that, too.

I thought you were putting down women with the Kali post, so I decided to hit back. In fact I thought you were expressing the opinion in a roundabout way that women shouldn’t be on this site, saying anything about or being interested in military stuff or war. Like in “Kinder, Kersch, Kitchen”, or some such expression.

I don’t know what you mean by “give you the gears”, I’ve never heard that expression. I figure you’re probably a Brit, though, and it means something. (I don’t need to know what. It’s probably gross) Xoli Xoli just knows I read a lot and like to research stuff on YouTube videos I stumble across. The last video I posted is excellent, so I’m glad you enjoyed it.

I know little about and don’t believe in Kali, so the import of the Kali post entirely escapes me. Theotokos is real, though. She’s Mary, the Mother of God. And she’s no “little woman”. :)


Karen, apologies accepted, thank you. Was trying elevate women to Supreme Goddess, not a put down. Many men of the Abrahamic (Jewish-Christian-Islamic) religions have ‘control’ issues and can’t handle real equality, not Hinduism. Kali is not only the lover of Shiva, but is God . The one book you might read explaining Hinduism is the “Bhagava Gita”, explaining ego, or false attachment verses the Reality, you are God The story unfolds on a battlefield, as Krishna explains why the king do his duty and follow through on an impending war even though he would rather not. You’ll love it.

Astrid Watanabe

Lovely! Thanks. You never know what gems you can find among the comments……

Karen Bartlett

Only found this one so far. If I find one with damage, I’ll post it: .https://youtu.be/b_dvCf2mNSw?t=39

Xoli Xoli

Thanks Karen

Karen Bartlett

The second video isn’t about the observation post but you will like it. It has English subtitles, btw.


You guys are joking right? Do you really think the ‘mighty turkish army’ that apparently attacked in full force can’t beat assad’s army? If they would really invade with an army the whole of syria wouldn’t last a week.

Tim Williams

what’s holding them back then ?




Raw courage and laughter, I suspect, Tim.


They couldn’t bust a grape.

Tim Williams

they are very good at killing unarmed KURDS


Murdering defenceless people is a Turkish military skill that has been practiced for many hundreds of years.

I fully expect the Turks to murder hundreds or even thousands if refugees in the camps on their borders with Syria, and then blame the Russian or Syrian forces.

CNN and the BBC would of course be magically in country to film the carnage.

Free man

On paper Turkey has a huge army. In practice, Erdogan purged the army and removed hundreds of talented officers. And Turkey suffers failure after failure in Syria. It seems that Erdogan should stop releasing threats and hot air and start pleading with Russia for a diplomatic solution.

Ricky Miller

I think they would do better if they were defending Turkey. Any army needs to have an overwhelming belief in mission and trust in their national leadership to depart their own borders and go and beat someone else in their own territory. That fighting spirit is more important than weapons and tactics, although all three help a lot. The Turkish Armed Forces probably have limited belief in Erdogan, and certainly a limited desire to fight or die inside Syria. The Syrian forces, on the other hand, are defending home. Their allies have overwhelming control of the airspace and they spent the last fifteen months coiling material and strength for this action. It’s a far more balanced fight than would appear.


They will be fighting Russia. Without any air cover.

Tim Williams

A recipe for success …


Well, Jonathan, your attack of reality here only lasted 60 seconds before it failed. Just enough time for me to reply to your infantile conclusions and block you.

Don’t you have a dildo to play with ? Or is your arse full of shit? Even an abused child would laugh at your performance, Jonathan.

The Man

Suck my dick and drink my jizz… you’re talking shite, you Turkish-arse-licking retard!

Xoli Xoli

Having a long convoy with troop carriers does not mean you are strong.To be honest Turkey has risk all his artillery,armory with less battlefield fighting skills cadets soldiers.

Traiano Welcome

A long convoy in modern times is like a conveyor belt to a meat grinder.

Xoli Xoli

This is really a good explanation. Carefully analyzed and stated. Thank so much.


The problem for Turkish is that Syria will not fight alone against Turkey.


Just like turkey never fights alone in syria with their how many european allies n sht?

Traiano Welcome

Show me one European ally bravely fighting alongside Turkish troops in Syria? Where are the mighty British Paras, fearlessly parachuting into Idlib to gun down SAA soldiers? French? Italians, Germans? NATO forces … Nowhere to be seen.


Get your hand off it,syria has twice as many tanks that dont rip apart like nato crap in hits! syria’s logistics fine tuned nearing 10 years,battle hardened much more agile fighters(period) and turkey can’t afford to waste offense because it has too many other places to defend,fkn drr! Jokes on you bozo!

Traiano Welcome

Ahh, the old “won’t last a week” lie we hear over and over again. Even the mighty USA couldn’t take pathetic little Iraq in a week.

The cost is too high, even if the Turkish army is materially larger, better supplied it still cannot invade Syria without risking massive internal disintegration.

With the army bogged down in Syria, the Kurds will make merry in Istanbul. If the entire Turkish army invaded Syria they will remain bogged down there for decades while the security and economy of Turkey collapses around Erdogan’s ears. If the Syrian state falls, anti-Turkish guerrilla forces will use the resulting chaos to form insurgencies into Turkey.

In short, Turkey is aware that they cannot commit more than a fraction to any action in Syria, without risking internal collapse. This is why “the entire Turkish Army” will never enter Syria, and there will be no beating of Assad’s army by the Turks.

Tim Williams

SKY NEWS … pity the Russian’s can’t drop one on them …



And this jihadi slimebag RAN from the sound of the guns.

Liberal guy


Tim Williams

Turks … we are not targeting Russians …



Xoli Xoli

Insanity has take over Erdogan. As long as their target Syrian forces Russians should target them.This fake excused of NATO must stop.With this excuse Israel destroys Syria with its inhabitants.

Arch Bungle

Of course they’re not targeting Russians. Their proxies are targeting Russians …


Can turkey commit its army to invade Syria?

No. Not even half.

The Greeks army massed near Istanbul stands ready as a pistol you recover hagia Sophia. So the Turks can’t reduce forces there.

The massive Kurdish area, 20 million strong, requires martial presence to prevent an immediate uprising. There’s half the Turkish army pinned down right there.

The Turks have miltary operations in cyprus, they can’t retreat from there either.

The Turks have Miltary occupation in Afrin and northrrn Syria and northern iraq.

Karen Bartlett

And now Libya as well.

Karen Bartlett

P.S. I didn’t know the Greek army is massed at Istanbul. “Heroes fight like Greeks!” (Churchill)


And lets call the city with its real name its Constantinople.

Arch Bungle

I prefer Byzantium.


No objections your honor.

Arch Bungle

In which case it still goes to the Greeks … you may have work out which greeks though …


I …do not…follow…

I thought the Greeks were… the Greeks and thats that … how many different Greeks are there…


Traiano Welcome

I see the Greeks used to be many tribes:


Do these distinctions still exist?


Communist greek nationalists! Nothing socialist about them,

re:google Britains dirty little secret: 1945-1949 greek civil war.

Karen Bartlett

I’ll look it up. But I think I’ve read about this before. Even if they were communist, they were fighting for Greece and had the support of the Greek people. Until the Brit gov’t took steps to undermine their influence.


Even if turkey sends 100,000 troops, that will be extremely expensive for them to fight a prolonged conflict, and it will be a prolonged conflict. Because that will trigger an equal amount of forces from Iraqi and Irani militias entering Syria to stop them.

And it remains to be seen if turkey even has 100,000 elite troops. Considering the purges on the Turkish side and the combat experience in the Syrian side, I wouldn’t be surprised if turkey relies in alqaeda to act as their elite division to spearhead their attacks. The Turkish soldier may be relegated to rear guard out of necessity.


And you forgot, Egypt will not stand and watch its brothers from Syria fall. Some sources say there is already many Egyptian high ranked officers amongst the Syrians…

Tim Williams

have only been told they were observers


Forget about money since banks (jews) are happy to support any type of war, lending money to both sides of the conflict. Do not worry, if Russia takes the right decision, it can dissappear Turkey forces from Idlib in a single day.


Lets be a bit more realistic, as much as I would like to see Konstantinopolis recovered and returned to it’s rightful owners, the people of he Hellenic Republic (AKA The Greeks), the fact remains that Greece will not invade Turkey unless it is on defence. Greece will not attack first cause Greece is not a rogue state like the Turkish regime is. However on other fronts such as North Cyprus where Turkey has invaded since 1974 and is an occupier with a fake state nobody recognises but the Turks, that is indeed a front where Greece along side Cyprus could take the initiative and re-unite the Greek island of Aphrodite.

Arch Bungle

Greece has bigger problems on it’s hands right now. The last thing it will do is attack another NATO ‘ally’ …


Cyprus is something achivable as things are today. In the AIR Greece is by far superior to the Pakistani mercenary pilots and the turks. NATO jet fighter exercises of the past 10 years (+) confirm that. The navy Greece is only just slightly behind in terms of modern frigates and in numbers the same. But the lack in number and technology is countered by the advanced skill. In 1996 Greece could have sunked the entire Turksih fleet at the rocks of IMIA but the USA saved the Turks. Those are facts.

Traiano Welcome

All this may be true, but what about the current economic problems Greece is experiencing? Money powers all wars …


Its not going to be a 10 year war pal. We are talking about days here. I dont know what you have imagined.

Traiano Welcome

I dunno, I get nervous when people say, about wars ” a couple of days, a week at the most”. These things tend to go on for longer than intended …


The geography between Greece and Turkey restricts what can be done…

There is a CIA scenario made in the late 80s of a possible war between Greece and Turkey…



Also… … retail sales growth quickened in October–November, which, coupled with consumer confidence reaching its highest in nearly two decades in Q4, point to consumer spending gaining somewhat further momentum.

In other news, on 25 January, Fitch Ratings upgraded the country’s credit rating from BB- to BB, citing improved debt sustainability on the back of a stable political backdrop, sustained growth and fiscal prudence. Subsequently, 10-year government bond yields fell to all-time lows while authorities successfully launched a 15-year bond, raising EUR 2.5 billion.

The economic recovery is set to continue this year, albeit at a very gradual pace. Private consumption is seen picking up amid sustained job market improvements while rising sentiment and tax cuts should boost investment activity.

FocusEconomics panelists see GDP expanding 2.2% in 2020, which is up 0.1 percentage points from last month’s forecast, and 2.0% in 2021.

Traiano Welcome

Well then, Mazel Tov! Or whatever the Greeks say to toast a celebration …


Tost for celebration would be ”Good health to us” which is ΓΕΙΑ ΜΑΣ (YA MAS),

ΓΕΙΑ (YA) being sort for ΥΓΕΙΑ – Hygieia (Godess of good Health) , ΜΑΣ = to us.

But…before war there would be an ancient war dance, the Pyrihios dance. (Firy Dance).

The Pyrrhichios or Pyrrhike dance (“Pyrrhic dance”; Ancient Greek: πυρρίχιος or πυρρίχη, but often misspelled as πυρρίχειος or πυρήχειος) was the best known war dance of the Greeks.

It was probably of Dorian origin and practiced at first solely as a training for war.

According to ancient sources, it was an armed dance…dance by the Spartans the Pontic Greeks the Cretens and the Cypriots and everywhere where Greeks are.




Harry Smith

ROFL. Greeks have no balls to fight even in Cyprus. But you are right. Now is the most favorable moment in last 100 years to return northern Cyprus. But! Greeks are chicken so nothing will happen. Nothing except crying in th Internet. https://media0.giphy.com/media/As8upVH7z3vkQ/giphy.gif

Constellation 2023

Keep on dreaming. Greeks should consider themselves lucky Turkey isn’t taking back the birthplace of its founder Ataturk, Selanik.

Arch Bungle

These things work in cycles. Turkey is only borrowing Istanbul for the current era. When the circle turns it will be Greek again ….


You must be mistaken. Recently, I had some arguments flowing around with some Turks who where trying to explain to me they do not have Kurdish problem because Kurds are loyal and loving citizens of Turkey :)


Turkey giving ultimatums for Syrian troops to get out of Syrian territory is beyond ludicrous.

Tim Williams

Turkish observation post … POOF


Karen Bartlett

I watch Kavork’s Syriana Analysis.He’s great!

Xoli Xoli

Hi Tim to you behaps have a link of damage Turkey observation base.

Tim Williams

watch this area for the next 48 hours


Tim Williams

never photos, videos or any proof whatsoever of these delusions …



Oh my god, he seems to have forgotton “aproximately” 5 RuAF and 15 SuAF fighter jets shot down by his proxies with help from him personally, what a pitty.

He is a pathological liar.

Tim Williams

RUAF setting up another airbase at Aleppo Int’l Airport ?


Tim Williams

TURK tank …. before and after


Raptar Driver

A drop in the bucket. NATO has much more meat for the grinder and unlimited resources because of the Dollar. The only way to defeat them is to kill their source of power or mutual suicide. Good luck Russia with your tepid approach to a matter of survival.


Very weak dollar nowadays,more than ever since 1913,natos gluttons on life support.how long? Russia’s ok have thermal active defense method,hotter than hell,hatos may pray to burn in hell!

Traiano Welcome

I would say just keep grinding …

Tim Williams

well said …


Tim Williams

ah … that’s a big NO



Translating that : He blackmailed them with illegal immigrants on plastic boats flooding the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea ! Basically ”give us money and support our invasion of Syria or get ready for thousands of immigrants at your doorstep”.


About this item you are wrong as they pay to havo more and more immigrants . They say they need tens of millions of men from Africa and Asia and they fight and put in prison every dissident that oppose those plans of Europe invasion . Our minister of interior Salvini now is inquired because as his job required to try to stop the invasion . Nobody can oppse the dirty slavery traffic of globalist ong . They destroyed Siria and overtrow Berlusconi government in 2011 because their agreements blocked the leftist plans to deport people from all Africa to Europe . Erdo is going to tell leftist micron and merkel they have to pay if they want some more slaves .

Tim Williams

I think the madman is looking for soldiers from France and Germany … that’s not going to happen …

Constellation 2023

Putin intervened in Ossetia, Ukraine, and Syria to name a few places. Dreams of a tsardom through local repression if you ask me. Shut down and imprison all opposition in the country and fill your pockets through corruption. Hardly an ideal leader, but an ideal scoundrel that’s for sure.


All these places are better off as a result. Source:Crimea


Putin is saving NATO and EU civilians from not being victims of Al Qaida right at this very moment.




Uttery patrhedic,save it for the kweer bar,like sht,hows them baby pizzas in california incest?

Arch Bungle

It takes a scoundrel to deal with scoundrels. Putin is the most sophisticated, competent and fair scoundrel there is. Compared to the stupid, incompetent and mindlessly greedy scoundrels who rule the ‘west’.

Tim Williams

400 rats killed yesterday ?



The EU did not oppose the Nato/Israel/United States destruction of Syria. Let them be responsible for the millions of Syrian victims they created.

Tim Williams

don’t leave out the ARAB countries that bankrolled and fueled the madness

Tim Williams

First ANNA video of destruction yesterday


Tim Williams

the fighting continues


Tim Williams

SANA news video of the destruction from yesterday … a nonstop TURKEY SHOOT !!


Tim Williams

after watching the video …. TURKS claim only 2 dead ?



Let us hope that the Syrian Army gets rid of the illegal Turkish presence in Idlib.

Tim Williams

One way or another, they will be gone

Xoli Xoli

Honestly speaking Erdogan has lost lots of soldiers. Because some of his soldiers were in terrorists uniform.Keep on watching to see were will their bury those dead pigs.

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan only hope is just to withdraw to avoid further casualties. He shouldn’t hope for a meeting with the hope to interfere in Syria.How many Syrians,Syrian soldiers and Kurds did he killed. Only if a NATO terrorist or traitor soldier dies then it becomes humanitarian disaster according to NATO propaganda policies,rules and procedures.

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan please storm again with those old rusty outdated cattle trucks to see your fukken ass in the mirror.

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