Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley speaks at the 2017 American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference held at the Verizon Center in Washington, Monday, March 27, 2017. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
The United States’s policy in Syria is no longer focused on overthrowing President Bashar al-Assad, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, told reporters on Thursday.
“You pick and choose your battles and when we’re looking at this, it’s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit there and focus on getting Assad out,” Reuters quoted Haley as saying. “Do we think he’s a hindrance? Yes. Are we going to sit there and focus on getting him out? No.”
This statement was a strong departure from the long-term policy of the Ombama administration towards the Syrian conflict.
Indeed, this statement confirms the fact that the new US administration understands its limited capabilities in Syria. However, this does not guarantee that it’s really ready to negotiate any kind of peaceful solution of the conflict acceptable for all involved sides.
Unfortunately, the previous US administration has repeatedly shown that any public statements and even papers cost nothing while there is no deal implement on the ground.
How nice of them that they no longer want to overthrow this specific regime. Before you know it they’ll adhere to international law… The actions of the US are more than enough to drag them before the international court.
And how nice she had to go to her controllers at AIPAC for instructions…
Trump is an outsider, he has changed the way USA was heading, him and his people will make great changes, but it is a long war, and procress will be slow at time, because so many enemies of humanity is still in high places.
his unwavering support for israel is still sickening, however
judging from how much enraged were the Israelis by Trump’s victory, there must be something amiss
The Israelis knew that Trump was totally ignorant about world affairs and world history so figured he would make stupid decisions.
Perhaps they have a problem with him not being in line with the masonic corrupt DC elite who’s taking money from Soros and the Saudis and forcing the US people to fight wars abroad on their accord.
He promised to put an end at interventionism and adventurism, and Israel can’t really cope with a Middle East where American soldiers don’t die to protect its interests.
I think that there never was a candidate as much supported and sponsored by the establishment as Hillary Clinton. Her defeat pissed off the vilest, most corrupt scum of the Earth and for that it will remain an historical feat, no matter how Trump will do.
Also, there are times in which seems to me that the single, most disturbing thing (to the elites) Trump has said in his campaign, is that Russia is not an enemy but a partner in the war on terror. That in itself speaks tons on what those people are trying to accomplish.
It is all a show they staged to distract the voters. That is the way the SWAMP did it one election after another. Trump is the one the Zionist Jewish SWAMP picked to be the US president. No doubt about it, Hillary Clinton is corrupted and a warmonger but she is in the pocket of the Wahhabi Saudi. Trump the Trumpeter is different, his business was bailout by the Zionist Jewish Oligarchs and that is why his business and now his administration is surrounded with Zionist Jewish Oligarchs and Zionist Neocons. I cannot believe Americans are so foolish and have poor eyesight. Time and time again fooled by the Zionist Jewish community who have controlled America. Next time when the Ashkenazi Jews talk about the Holocaust you tell them off straight into their faces and say the Holocaust never happened the way the Ashkenazi Jews made it out to be. There were less than 1 million die in the Auschwitz camp and many were Polish and Russian prisoners. They were actually cremated not gassed to death. All of them were cremated because they died of starvation and diseases. The said gas chamber is actually a disinfection chamber for those who suffered from ticks attack on their bodies due to poor living condition in the camp. Period.
it’s a possibility that I considered, but I’m not entirely sure – in fact i’m not sure at all. Those zionists and masons playing games at the expense of the worlds population have the tendency of claiming responsibility for every event in general, particularly those that they failed to determine. My feel on the issue is that the election of Trump has been something that they did not want to happen.
As for the holocaust, don’t even try that shit with me. I never believed things went like jews said, but I never believed that it did not happen like neo-nazis say. It’s just that SOME jews hit the jackpot with it, and the constant exploitation of that subject by jews in the subsequent years is one of the greatest shames in history.
Absolutely! When Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visited President Trump, where did the PM stay? At the home of “senior advisor” (his son-in-law, in his 30s) Jared Kushner’s father in New York! For people outside of the USA, they have no idea how much of a stranglehold Israel has on US foreign policy decisions in the Middle East. It is a pimp/prostitute relationship.
Wow how do u know that? I really regret voting for him, I really hope he either wisens up to the situation or is removed from office before he starts another war in their name. I was just terrified of Hillary Winning. I should have just not voted at all lol
Sir, I live in New York City and what goes on here is, to say the least, just incredible. This “senior advisor” – Jared Kushner, is from a big, wealthy real estate family here in the Big Apple. Besides being President Trump’s son-in-law, married to daughter Ivanka (another advisor), their three children are Jews along with the conversion of Ivanka. On a side not, I voted for Mr. Trump last year hoping that he would implement policies that improved the economy and national security. Who knows. It’s still early in his administration. Concerning foreign policy, I just wish that he would extract this country from all of these damn wars. People are being killed daily by the bushel all over the world and the US can’t stop it but make matters worse. I think that the big “fix” is set. Expect more of the same.
Oh OK. Yea, I know he’s a big time Jew. I wonder how they met. And yes I fully agree with him getting us out of the wars, but I heard hes supporting the Saudis in their war against Yemen, getting us more involved in syria, being unfriendly to Iran, China, even mexico! And wanting to shut down legal weed and supporting civil asset forfeiture! And he thinks this is making america great again? Scary!!! But I do like how he has said he supports an audit of the federal reserve, isn’t so crazy about NATO, vaccines, obamacare, or global warming. So there’s that, I guess.
You are going to be disappointed. Trump the Trumpeter, is not in charge of America, the Zionist neocons and Zionist Israel regime are the one who made decision for him. He is another Zionist Ashkenazi Jew puppet. He already attacked Syria. And he is now preparing to attack North Korea. He is going to destabilised Asia if war broke out in the Korean Peninsula. Any Asian country who support or participate in the coming America-North Korea War is a fool. Every war is a bankers and military industrial complex war.
They blackmailed the worthless cowards who have NO function as human beings here in the US after 911 & the degenerate traitors went along w/it w/o the American ppl’s knowledge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCnHkjkJFOc
Yes, the corrupted American politicians are in the pocket of the Zionist Jewish Oligarchs.
Yes, Americans needs an “America Spring” urgently to drain the swamp. Trump is not going to drain the swamp. His administration is surrounded with Neocons and Zionists.
He have said it openly during his president campaign that he is a big fan of the Zionist regime in Palestine. If this remark made by him is clear enough what is? He even said Obama is not doing enough for the Zionist regime. After he won the election America delivered 20 F-35 to the Zionist regime.
im not sure if thats a good or bad thing for the zionist regime, considering how shit of a plane its turning out to be haha
Bull Shit! The leopard never change its spots. Regardless who is the US president, or Democrat or Republican, or which administration, America’s goals is the same. It is the new methods and ways to achieve the same goals, America world hegemony against countries who refused to bow to the “Dark Force”.
you should correct the title.
must not go = must stay, it is strictly forbidden to go
correct is
ned not go = may stay, may leave
The title is an irony)
good point, and FURTHERMORE, despite the quotation marks on the title, there is no indication that the USA’S Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley actually said “Assad Must Not Go”. She only said that “our priority is no longer to sit there and focus on getting Assad out”
Russia and the US are heading to the following Syrian deal: 1. Assad will remain in power. At least until the elections. 2. All external forces, except the Russians, will leave Syria. 3. Russia and the US will fight together against the Sunni extremists.
I think the US will stick around until the Iranians and Hezbollah go back home. Both have made statements about liberating the Golan Heights from the Israelis that probably annoyed Assad to no end since he was discussing the eventual return of that territory with Israel when the extremists started causing trouble.
The Lebanese and Iranians are in their own neighborhood , the Americans however , have no real reason to be there , past time they went home and cleaned up their own yard .
When have the US military left a military theater they have entered legally or illegally in last two decades? Kosovo? Iraq? Afghanistan? Once they arrive and construct bases they do not leave – and these are large scale bases – Google image ‘Camp Bond-Steel’ in Kosovo – it’s a small city. Quite simply, once in-situ, in a formerly non compliant country that the US seeks control and influence over, US forces will remain there and be the dominant force. Those US military bases are then the regional springboards for the next strategic advances – toward any further regional non compliant states the US wants to control.
Afghanistan wasn’t illegal. Iraq was but Taliban government were sure as garbage Oder legal Only Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recognized the Taliban government.[28] The state was not recognized by the UN. Those three countries recognized Taliban. Not UN or rest of the civilized world.
Remark states,’…legally or illegally…’, for a reason.
# 2 are you suggesting the US will leave Syria , wish it was so , but look at Afghanistan and Iraq . # 3 Russia and Syria would have no problem with extremists , if the US would stop funding and arming them . # 1 Neither Russia nor the US has any legitimate say about Assad .
In your analysis/thinking of #2, the US stays in Afghanistan and Iraq, as they were invited by the legitimate governments in both countries. That is not the case in Syria.
What is the legal basis for the US to stay in Syria? I don’t see the US getting a Status of Force Agreement with Syria nor do I see the shaky legal basis of Right To Protect coming into play, and therefore they will leave.
they were never invited by any legitimate government. They invaded Afghanistan in 2001 when it was ruled by the Talibans. They invaded Irak in 2003 when it was under Saddam Hussein.
In no case anybody invited them.
Relations between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (only three Islamist nations recognized it) and Iran deteriorated in 1998 after Taliban forces seized the Iranian consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif and executed Iranian diplomats. Following this incident, Iran threatened to invade Afghanistan by massing up military forces near the Afghan border but intervention by the United Nations Security Council and the United States prevented the war.
Now that you saying it, I remember reading a particular newspaper article on the subject, back in the day. iirc, there were talks about a removal of the Talibans by a combined Iranian and Russian operation, with the Iranians making up the large part of the ground troops and the Russians providing air support.
I believe that such plans were somehow being discussed at a diplomatic level for some years, until 911 happened and the US moved in..
Yes, the US was not initially invited, but after changing the governments in both Afghanistan and Iraq, they were invited to stay by the new governments. (This was original plan for Syria also; remove the existing government and then have the new government ask the US to stay.) Both governments have Status of Force agreements with the US, similar to what Russia has with Syria, allowing and spelling out the legal conditions for Russians troops to be inside the sovereign nation of Syria.
The Status of Force agreement is what legally allows the US to stay and operate within these countries. Since it’s highly unlikely that the Syrian government will make such an agreement with the US, that leaves some shaking legal basis for the US to stay.
The US and allies used the new concept of “Right To Protect” for fighting inside Libya, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see the UN (i.e., the US and its allies) try and invoke the “Fight Against Impunity” (charge him and his government with “crimes against humanity”, etc.) as their last attempt at removing President Al-Assad. See this TASS article for some recent discussion: http://tass.com/politics/938792
As long as the Syrian government is not removed and/or the borders are not changed, I don’t see a legal basis for the US to keep its military within the sovereign nation of Syria. Without that I doubt the US will stay.
Not to say someone will not dream up some new legal basis. :-)
xD well, can’t argue with that. In the end, if you invade a country, topple its government, put up another government and this one does not “invite” you to stay, you must have some issue.
Not saying that the US would not be able to get there at some point..
First sane thing she has said since becoming US ambassador to the UN.
Finally an admission that US involvement in Syria has been an unmitigated, murderous, destructive failure. Little consolation to the thousands of dead Syrians. Next task is to get out of Afghanistan and Iraq. (I recommend Miss Haley go to these countries, not in a pants suit but equipped like one of the people who actually have to fight to survive, and see for herself the death and misery US foreign policy has caused. It is a lot different from a seat at the UN in New York.)
Don’t be fool by any representative from the Viper Snake of America. Trump said he will let Russia deal with ISIS and yet he send more than 10,000 US soldiers into Syria and Iraq. Iraqi military leaders have said it, “US stay out, let the fighting against ISIS to us”. Did the US stay out? Look what has happened. More civilians killed by the notorious US coalition air force planes. Deliberate act or not there is a big question mark? When comes to Russian and Syrian warplanes bombing ISIS positions killing some civilians, the US and its controlled UN screamed “War Crimes”. The UN is a disgusting organisation whom the world cannot relied on to protect them if any member country who is attack by the Viper Snake of America, especially the Zionist regime in Palestine. The Syria invasion is clearly a continuation of the 2006 Lebanon War.
Just take a good look at this Nikki Haley face. She is a straight forward liar just like the rest of the low down snakes.