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Assassination Of Qassem Soleimani. What Is Behind The Scenes?

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Assassination Of Qassem Soleimani. What Is Behind The Scenes?

Qassem Soleimani

On January 3, Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units were killed by US strikes on the Iraqi capital of Bahdad.

The US strike caused a new regional crisis and put the entire Middle East on the edge of a new open military conflict. The US seems to be preparing for it for a notable period of time. Since May, the US has already deployed about 14,000 additional troops to the Middle East. Currently, the US is deploying nearly 3,000 additional troops from the 82nd Airborne Division to the region.

A new hot conflict in the Middle East is an opportunity for US President Donald Trump to remain in power and strengthen the Trump’s administration position among the pro-Israeli lobby and the military industrial complex. The US entered 2020, the year of the presidential election, in a deep internal political crisis. The Trump administration is facing an increasing pressure from its political opponents. The US society is strongly divided, and its parts become radicalized. This comes amid some questionable results achieved by the US foreign policy in 2019.

Taking the above in mind, the White House could be interested in escalation and will push even further in the case of a strong response by Iran. The main reason is that this would help to draw attention of the public from key social and political questions and consolidate the Presidential power ahead of the 2020 election.

Did the current US President forecast his own actions in 2011?

Despite this, the official US narrative continues to claim that the January 3 assasination of prominent Iranian and Iraqi commanders that played a key role in the war on ISIS in Syria and Iraq was ‘defensive move’.

Another factor that may have impacted the US assasination General Qassem Soleimani is the internal political struggle within Iran. The standoff between the ‘patriotic part’ of the Iranian elites and its relatively ‘pro-Western’ part, including top management of key corporations, is an open secret. For these persons, the removal of General Soleimani or some assistance in his removal was the vital task if they want to become the dominating power in Iran by one way or another.

General Soleimani was the most effective field military leader of the modern time and one of the key persons behind the defeat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Under his command, Iran and its allies de-facto won wars in Syria and Yemen. The personality of General Soleimani for the Iranian nation can be easily compared with those of Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov in 1945, taking into account the difference in scales of wars, victories, as well as the geography and historical period.

Another factor that may explain the spontaneity of Trump’s decision to approve this political assassination is that General Soleimani may have obtained some exclusive information or reached extraordinary personal agreements with the Iraqi leadership regarding further direct joint Iraqi-Iranian actions on the territory of Iraq.

The killing of the prominent Iranian military leader and the high chances of further escalation turned up the heat among players and powers involved in the Great Game in the Middle East. Many of them increased their security measures and put forces on heightened alert. According to available data, representatives of intelligence and defense agencies of the concerned sides have also intensified their contacts. One of the main negotiation fields is Moscow.


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Trump is a white/Supremacist 1.The belief that people with Pale Skin are better than people with Dark Skin . 2.The belief that white Race is Inherently Superior to other races and white people should have Control over people of other Races. 3.The belief that white people are better than other Races Disposition to Dominate Mentally , Physically , Economically ,Military , Religously

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

I’m pretty sure you are meaning to refer to the other white (Kosher) meat, the khazars, Ashkenazi Jews and their (sometimes) Semitic brethren.

Ishyrion Av

And you are a retard, talking about colors when you should speak about competence and achievements. Weak people who never learned anything, never built anything, never assumes anything are blaming others for their own mental incapacity. And because it would be too obvious to complain about the other one is smarter, you complain the other one is… white. So lame! This mumbling of yours has nothing to do with this article!

Damien C

Have you been at the medicine cabinet taking pills you weren’t supposed to again?

Damien C

I believe that the assasination was put into Trumps rather empty head by others in the background ranging from Hawks in Washington to the average garden variety child killers in Tel-aviv using orifice such as Kushner. Trump is easily impressed with pictures and graphs as he hasn’t the intellectual tools to analyse situations of minor importance let alone the complex intricacies to be navigated in all middle east affairs.

If there was going to be an increase in the military conflict between Iran and the USA then U.S military installations in the region would be Iranian targets which would come under the remit of Soleimani and the network he built, thus he would be the person the USA would most want to kill if the conflict arose.

The flip side off that coin would be his assassination would probably cause the conflict escalation in the first place.

So instead of fixing something that could be a issue the morons in Washington believe it is better if they cause a problem in order to remove a component that could stop them fixing the problem ?

Breathtakingly stupid would be the kindest discription of this caveman thinking, Nazi warmongering would be more apt.

Ishyrion Av

I suspect someone in the Pentagon killed the general and Trump was forced to assume the hit. This move is not giving Trump any advantage in the coming elections, and the consequences might cost him the victory at ballots.

Damien C

The only hope he has in the election is if he starts a war and patriotism surges him in the polls! It is a tactic that has worked many many times all over the world. Trump is miles behind in the polls even in the internal polls he can’t beat any democrat his closest chance is Biden because some of the false allegations of corruption has actually tarnished him along with his dementia problem, but Trump is still behind by 3-4 points

Against Saunders he is 12-14 points down

Ishyrion Av

Oh, I understand, you are a minority emigrant in US, democrat snow flake, which explains your comment downstairs. Dream on!

Damien C

Actually you’re wrong on so many levels it’s not worth discussing

Joao Alfaiate

I think Damien is correct. An overt attack on US forces will lead to war and Trump’s re-election.

Iran has been successful in Syria, Iraq and the Yemen. They should continue doing what they are doing with special emphasis on expelling US forces from Iraq via Iraqi political action. Any Iraqi politician not on board with that objective needs to be converted (or neutralized).

Calls for revenge (or war) are fine as long as they serve over riding political objectives.

Ishyrion Av

Trump wins elections anyway, there is nobody who can put him down. Democrats have fantasies, but nothing for real. A war with Iran will be a bloody one and thousands of body bags will come home. This is the only way Trump can loose the election.

Damien C

“Nobody can put him down”

Sir have you taken leave of your senses? The office of the POTUS in occupied by an idiotic buffoon who pays no taxes and breaks the laws of the U.S on a daily basis. His foreign policy is given to him by pressure groups and announced on Twitter. He cheats on his wife and dodged the draft but you think he’s on a pedestal of admiration.

Ishyrion Av

That is your opinion. No matter how I don’t like him, he won the elections through a vote. And you can’t do anything about it! The rest is MSM retoric and imagination.


Hillary was way ahead in the polls but still lost so I’m not sure if they can be trusted

Damien C

Hillarys was 4 million votes ahead in the election but it was the electoral colledge voting system that heavily favours Republican candidates that ensured Trumps victory. Other factors Hillary was despised by many and not trusted by others this is not a problem for the current crop.

However that said Democrats only need to flip 3 states which according to current straw and tele polls Pennsylvania Michigan and Wisconsin are gone beyond any Republican hope or expectation only a war surge will return them.


I very much doubt that Soleimani was in charge of Russian military (as in charge of entire coalition) that have basicaly defeated ISIL in Syria.. This:

“Under his command, Iran and its allies de-facto won wars in Syria and Yemen.” – is siply not true…

Ishyrion Av

Without ground force, air force cannot win any war. Russians, Syrians and Iranians won the war in Syria.


I am rather sure that not only air force, but also an ground force and most of the diplomacy were given Russians to command when they came to help Assad.. How it is now – i dont know.. Probably they have stepped back somewhat.. Bot that ONE command center was clearly visible after they have come to Syria.. So with all due respect to General Soleimani – that sentence i have copied is simply not true..

Ishyrion Av

But is true that Russian intervention made the war winnable. They were air force, diplomacy, like you said and a shield from US, ISrael and Turkey intervention.


The Serbians would disagree with you.

Ishyrion Av

In Serbia US didn’t won the war. They destroyed the infrastructure, killed many people, most of them civilians, they actually made a genocide. But they didn’t occupy the country. In fact, they didn’t have the courage to do so. Serbians would eat them alive.


Maybe not, but the Russian contingent was only 5000, military advisors and contractors in an unknown land. Given the reputation of Soleimani, would they have not at least delegated a lot of their knowhow to him? I find it hard to believe otherwise. Maybe he couldn’t direct them on the exact use of their own weapons, but that is technician level stuff.. Man was a legend, no decent soldier would have chosen to disregard him.


Debka’s account of the US strategy here – basically to protect its Iraq presence and interests – makes vastly more sense than this poor article and v. poor comments: https://www.debka.com/in-a-fresh-air-strike-us-targets-iraqs-pro-iranian-militia-chiefs-after-terminating-their-master/


You know, some fools are not worth speaking to.. aaaaww shit, I just wasted my time typing that. Bye bye!! <3

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S. are a Parasitic Genocidal Cancerous Evil Entity out for Destruction of All Living things…they must be well aware that all Americans become Targets this way….Hate will only grow Yangeese…You are Nothing but Filthy Fuckn Terrorists…

Damien C

Come now Hasbara don’t hold back tell us what you really think of them.

Hasbara Hunter

Well I think they got the message…these Chickenshit American Coyboys are nothing…they can fire Missiles from U.A.V.s…Controlled by faggots behind a joy-stick…whoOO! Scary….The Yangeese can only scream for their mommies with their intestines hangin’ out…They want war….they will get their war…Up here we are getting pretty sick from those Psychopathic Retards…Hey Mark Rutte don’t dare to help your U.S. Terrorist-Buddies this time…or your little tower might Burn to the ground….

Grim Reaper WickedFury

You are right about that but let me guess you are a Turk or a Maroccan? If not srry for the insult. If so, i want you out of my country too.

Hasbara Hunter

My Dutch Bloodline dates back at least 900 years…How far goes your Bloodline

Grim Reaper WickedFury

Then i`m srry for the insult ;)

Hasbara Hunter

I have friends from Turkey & Morocco..they are Good Folks…Our (European) Goverments have betrayed us…not the Moroccans nor the Turks…The Turks made us rich in the 17th Century with Tulips & together with the Morrocans we sailed Pirate-Ships & roamed the 7 Seas…so our History together goes back a long way…

Grim Reaper WickedFury

Maby those that came here from the 70`s but the rest is nothing more than an invasion force forced on us by those f ing k ik es and i mean those in the hague.

Hasbara Hunter

Yup…we were all betrayed…and the Treacherous Lying, Deceiving Terrorist-Supporters in The Hague should be very very carefull in my personal opinion..

Grim Reaper WickedFury

Agree it`s been breewing for so long and i`ve been waiting for the explosion for years.


That’s a long time. Now go join your glorious Islamist friends and have it ended.

Hasbara Hunter

War is comin’ you are a dead Parasite crawlin’


If you missed it, it is your glorious friends who have their guts hanging out and spread all over the place. Now stamp your little feet again and cry boohoo…


There you go again, stamping your little feet and putting on a temper tantrum because you and your glorious Islamist friends have been shown to be paper tigers. Oh, and fish in a barrel…

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S. will be Destroyed in the Middle East the only friends they have got left are the Terrorist-States ISISraHell & Jewish House of Saud Wahhabistan…Send Home American Bodybags on a Daily Basis….Cripple the Yangeese-Parasites…Scum of the Earth


Poor baby. All your bluster and the US wipes out your top friends with impunity as Israel has been doing to Islamist Iranians and their lap puppies, Hezbollah, continuously for a long time in Syria…with impunity. Now stamp your little feet and cry…it’s not fair, it’s not fair…boohoo…


Here we have a supporter of US and Israel state terrorism. You are not novel. Do you receive a pay check every time the US state murders someone? Nearly ~60% of the US $23 trillion dollar debt is due to US terrorist war spending. The US people are war debt slaves, even if they are rich.

AM Hants

Trump is a coward, We need a REAL War on Terror!… https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=399&v=WDj2LaZeOn0&feature=emb_logo

6 minutes to provide a decent summary. Thank you Master Thomas Oroko 69 for the link.


Happy new year AMH. Great video.

AM Hants

Thanks Ruca. Happy New Year and if you are celebrating the Orthodox Christmas, Happy Christmas.

The video was posted over on Fort Russ, but, well worth viewing and what he says is so true. Think the follow on video, on YT (yep, need to ban that for 2020) was talking about the end of the Holy Roman Empire, courtesy of Francis II of Vienna, back in 1806, which sent so many buzzers going off, within my mind. I assumed the Roman Empire fell decades before then. So to keep me out of mischief, in 2020, I quite fancy going back in time and seeing what dots can be joined up and how everything links in.

King Cliff

if the Iranian were to take revenge they must do it while trump is still in office cause the Democrats party didnt agree to such actions and they have shown disagreement of such action in public behind close door is something else.


If they take any significant revenge while Trump is in office, they will be destroyed and Trump will be re-elected. If they don’t, they will look like paper tigers and have to crawl back home to their pens. They are in deep doo doo.

Ishyrion Av

Democrats would do even worse than Trump. Remember the “pacifist” Obama, who killed more people with drones and airplanes than 5 presidents before him. They scream now, but is only politically. Behind them is the same mastermind too.

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