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MARCH 2025

At Least 100 People Died In Or En Route To al-Hol Camp Controlled By US-backed Forces

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At Least 100 People Died In Or En Route To al-Hol Camp Controlled By US-backed Forces

A brief look at living conditions in the Al-Hol camp

At least 100 people — almost all small children — have died in recent days traveling out of the war zone or in the al-Hol camp controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Voice of America (VOA) reported citing the International Rescue Committee.

According to the report, hundreds more children are suffering from acute malnutrition and trauma in a crisis that has strained the camp to the “breaking point.”

The camp does not have needed conditions to receive new arrivals. Over 5,000 more tents are lacking.

“Even before the most recent influx of people, life was harsh in al-Hol. Families were crowded into leaking tents without insulation or heat, as winter temperatures dropped below freezing. It was difficult to find a mother without at least one sick child,” the VOA article reads.

The reports went further saying that the situation in the camp has always been complicated and is not likely going to improve soon.

It’s interesting to point out that the report came amid the final phase of the SDF operation against the remaining ISIS positions in the Euphrates Valley. In the course of the operation, multiple ISIS members and ISIS-linked persons as well as civilians were “evacuated” from the area by US-backed forces and then transfered to SDF-controlled camps in northeastern Syria. The poor humanitarian situation in these camps as well as a high number of ISIS-linked persons there pose a serious security threat to the SDF-controlled area.


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They brough democracy


At the point of a sword.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yeah Yankees Jew bag democracy

Jens Holm

Greeks made the very limited first succesfull try.

At that time it only was for rich men and not woen, children and slaves.

I allow me to compare with other systems. It seemes to be in best part. We can replace our leaders and have free speach mainly with almost none violence. We also can relect the ones, which we have replaced, if they improve.

Most are the human rights are secured by our constitutions and mainly much better then fx the muslim sharia. Its not only both gender having same rights. Its a lot more.

Jens Holm

You have no idea about, what democrasy is. Furthermore its not possible to make the needed changes as well as all money are used for war.

So the Democrasy today is very limited to the parts, which cost no manewy and hardly no money.


Empire of chaos bringing ‘freedom’ everywhere … how exceptional they are.

Mustafa Mehmet

Ands. Syrian kurdi join force with them. shame shame


Most of the children died of hypothermia, according to a report from WHO. How shameful is this, with the billions spent on arming the SDF. :(

Hasbara Hunter

Kick USraHell Out of the Middle East….they are a very Dangerous Entity….and a threat to the World….

Golan belongs to Syria…Kick them Jews Out! Make’m Swim back to where they come from https://youtu.be/Iq3cEMIsPws


Its good to see you my friend. I am told by GCHQ that you spent a few weeks in Davos skiing , after the annual Money Festival there :)

I suspect it will be an interesting few months for the world.

Hasbara Hunter

Goodevening my Friend how you are doin’?….yeah been training for a couple of moons in the Sierra Nevada and Alpujarras in Spain just got back…It’s gonna be a couple of interesting years to come….Resistance can only grow…still waiting for them Sheeples to wake up…but it’s goin’ in the right direction…

PS the Geo-Engineering in Spain is Crazy… the Elites must be afraid Spain is turning into a Desert Wasteland….creeks filled with Aluminum…Bees are Dying over there…coughing my Lungs out while climbing…


The UK government must be shit scared that the demonstrations in France will spread to the UK after the imminent Brexit betrayal , as the street battles in France are rarely mentioned in the UK MSM.

If the demonstrations were in Russia, it would be front page news every day :)

Hasbara Hunter

Here in Holland the Bastards are Lying about everything…still talking about Chemical Gas-Attacks by Assad & MH-17….there has never been any friggin’ Evidence…the Poor Jews and Growing antisemitism…there is this constant repetition of LIES & Propaganda to Brainwash the Braindeads……they Know there are Troubles looming on the Horizon….I’m getting pretty Fed up with these MSM-Rats…In the West every Word coming from a Puppetician or the Six o’ Clock News is a Straight up LIE….it’s best to step out of their Stupid System….I did…wanna have nothing to do with these Treacherous Rats anymore….Fuck’m


The government regime in the UK is the same. The MSM is all about the ‘narrative’ and when all outlets parrot the same ‘talking points’ at the same time it displays their complicity with government and US black propaganda.

When TV channels are not spewing out fake news propaganda, they are swamped with inane shat shows, cookery programmes and banal quiz style trivia.

Dennis Revell

¿Gringos? – long time since I’ve come across that word. Reminds me of:-



Hasbara Hunter

Very suitable to the whole situation: the U.S. wants to build Walls to keep the World out & at the same time Kicks in every Nation’s Door for some Rape & Pillage…..


If NATO personnel and their wives and children were treated in this way, the us would call it a war crime.

Its not as if the US has no money to pay for humane conditions, as the US has just stolen 40 tonnes of Iraqi and Syrian gold that was looted by ISIS and now by the US.

ISIS and the US are Birds of a Feather.

Hasbara Hunter

The US & ISISrael are Buddies since they both were Founded: Jews & Knights Templar…the Global Terrorists…Isolate, Eliminate & Eradicate All Terrorists…


Are we walking toward the climax of vicious world tyranny OR the dawn of a new era where there is more respect for the majority ?

Hasbara Hunter

The Choice is up to the People….I already stepped out….I ain’t going to support Terrorists….I prefer to chop’m up…The Elites are waiting for a Minority of Revolutionaries to start a War (part of the Albert Pike-Plan)…Let the Chickenshit-Elites Start Their War….and let’s hope the Majority gained some intelligence by that time…so that the Elites will be Crushed Hard and for Good!

Down with the One Percenters


I agree with you.

All we need to do, is to look at the strategy of the current Khazar influenced regimes in power, who use False Flags to self identify as victims of the ‘Great Unwashed’ masses.

The elitist regimes then create fake narratives to brainwash their subservient subjects, and proceed to imprison or even murder those who question their right to rule.

Hasbara Hunter

For peaceful People Boycots work Great….stop eating McDonalds & McDonalds is Gone in a matter of moons….If All people get their savings from the Bank….the Bank is Gone…as long as the Sheeple keep cooperating with the System…they are Accomplishes in every War & Every Crime the Cabal is committing….Unhooking yourself from their System is at the moment the best way to Fight it in my opinion

Jens Holm

Talk with UN about that as well as the blockers for help such as Turks and Syrians. Those are the main supplyers not USA.


Children dying en masse under US power-jurisdiction and the mass media doesn’t want to know.

Call it mess media. They are fully complicit in this war-crime.


Call it what it is, the lying vermin Jew media. –

Jens Holm


We see that in TV and has seen many rapports. Yesterday a Leader of a big camp was telling about the problems with simple humanitarian help already ahving too many in those camps.

We also yesterday were told about ISIS women from their ISIS police for correct clothing and behaving were removed to somewhere else, because they tryed to get the other women in line according to ISIS rules.

So thats not where the problems are even I wont deny SDFs probatly also are a small corner of it.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah Danish Lying Treacherous Cockroaches on TV talking Bullshit all the time….Bought by the Elites….MSM is rapidly becoming a HARD & LEGAL TARGET….they gotta watch out!!!

Jens Holm

According to fx Oxfam, they estimate 11,7 million Syrians are in big problems and 60% are in the Assad area.

You can comment this, because You get information. You hardly dont for the rest.

Thats how Your one eyeliners are for me. What You dont see, dont exist.

Let me remind You the UN are the main supplyer and they count as well as rapport. Another is red cross with green halfmoon.

I am no elite apart from reading whats behind all those numbers and where the hiiden stuff trying to avoid the worst lies and garbage produced from someone like You, which hardly knows what going on.

Often its like You have Your informations from under Your bed blanket.

As a minimum, You should not blame someone like me keeping You underinformed and infected as You are,

You hardly get any information form Assads and concluyde things are fine there.

Hasbara Hunter

You are the One that Knows shit Boy! You come in here with your Western ZIONATO BULLSHIT….we’ve had it with Fuckers like you…. so piss off with your Western LIES..go get your Shekels Boy…Uncle SatanYahoo is waiting for you….


Americans are the most callous of creatures, they seem to get pleasure from the suffering they inflict upon others. If I was religious I would pray to God to remove these vile creatures from earth.

Tom Tom

Most Americans aren’t like that but yeah, when you ignore reality and believe the media propaganda, the judgement coming, to America, and then the rest of the world, is deserved.


Call it what it is, the lying vermin Jew media.

Dennis Revell



First it takes the US puppets a year to clear an area that the SAA and co. would have cleared in a month. And then the SDF who according to the FUKUS war criminals are so superior to the Syrian government let 100 refugees freeze and starve to death when the Syrian government never would of.

The no fly zone needs to be extended over the remaining 30% of Syria, and the US told to get out and stay out.

Mustafa Mehmet

What the f… C so call United Nations wankers Club doing to save this innocent people

You can call me Al

So basically this lot of refugees are ISIS related….knowing the US government (+ EU governments), they will be allowed to rot.

After a few good conversations on this recently, I shall leave my personal opinion out as my brain and heart do not speak as one.

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