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MARCH 2025

At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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Since May 26th, protests in the US have taken place following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

The protests appear to be largely peaceful during the day, with violence escalating later in each of the days.

As of June 2, governors in 24 states and Washington, D.C. had called in the National Guard to respond to the protests. Over 17,000 troops have been activated.

During an address on June 1st, US President Donald Trump threatened to deploy the U.S. military in response to the unrest: “If a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them”.

As of June 2nd, 11 deaths related to the protests have taken place.

  • On May 27th in Minneapolis, Calvin Horton Jr. died after being fatally shot during a protest. A local shopowner was arrested, and police sources indicated that the suspect had blamed Horton for the looting of his store.
  • On May 30th in St. Louis, a man died after being dragged between the wheels of a FedEx truck trailer that, according to police, was fleeing from a group of protestors.
  • On May 30th in Omaha, 22-year-old protester James Scurlock was fatally shot outside of a bar. The shooter was the owner of the bar, who had a scuffle with a group of protesters and ended up firing several shots, one of which struck Scurlock in the clavicle, killing him. The bar owner was deemed acting in self-defense and there would be no charges against him.
  • On June 1st in Louisville, local restaurateur David McAtee was killed when the Louisville Metro Police and the Kentucky National Guard opened fire on a crowd of protesters. These authorities alleged that they returned fire after shots were fired at them. According to the victim’s sister, the gathering was not a protest but rather a regularly scheduled social gathering at which McAtee served food from his barbecue restaurant.
  • On June 1st in Davenport, Iowa, two people were fatally shot on a night with significant rioting. One police officer was also wounded in a shooting.
  • On June 1st in Cicero, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago), two people were killed following an “afternoon of unrest”; this was confirmed by Cicero Police.
  • On June 1st in Las Vegas, police shot and killed Jorge Gomez. Gomez was walking among protesters as a demonstration was coming to an end and allegedly reached for his firearm when he was shot.
  • On June 2nd in Philadelphia, a looter was fatally shot by the owner of the gun shop, Firing Line Inc., while trying to break into the store in the south section of the city.
  • On June 2nd in St. Louis, 77-year-old retired police captain David Dorn was shot and killed by looters at a pawn shop.

There are numerous videos that show police and protester violence. The police are particularly brutal against media, with videos showing them assault camera crews.

A video was posted of police officers vandalizing their own car to blame it on protesters.

However, violence against police is also increasing.

Business owners are also increasingly violent against what they presume would be rioters and looters.

And the protests aren’t taking place in the US alone. People all around the world are coming out in peaceful protests against racism.


At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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At Least 11 Killed In U.S. Protests So Far, As Violence Appears To Escalate

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Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump is entirely in denial claiming that there were no problems.


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Raptar Driver

The police, the politicians, need to be put in their place along with their rich sponsors. They are public servants, it is the people that are sovereign.


The humanoids who are burning, looting their own cities, and killing their own people have their own rich sponsors too.

Jens Holm

A very typical comment. Where are the 95% doing nothing like that at all.

Answ: Their are censured away. If You were American You woulkd vote for Trump plundering the poor and making not a singlenew taxpayer but unwanted children as well as no educated mothers and fathers. .


Perhaps the majority of Jews aren’t participating directly in the mass murder of Palestinians. Or in the fomenting of Anti-Christian riots in the US. But the vast majority, certainly of those in power and in responsible positions, are supportive of both.

Raptar Driver

Yes I have heard this theory. I can tell you that from here on the ground the main problem is all our police forces are militarized and they view the average US citizen as an enemy. I know this 1st hand because I was on both ends. I was a cop And I am a victim of police brutality.


I have no love for police myself.

Many years ago, a corrupt cop lied -for personal reasons, I assume- on an affidavit that subjected me to a nightmare court case, which ultimately got dropped by grand jury. In another case, I’ve seen ’em lie under oath.

Police are part of an elite club, and civilians ain’t in it.

Many cops hold disdain and contempt for civilians in general – of whatever race- maybe it’s because of espirit de corps, dispositions of personality, LEO culture, whatever.

If the insurrection was simply BLM vs the police, I’d have no dog in the fight…but BLM and Antifa are self-declared enemies of anyone to the right of Karl Marx, so you play the hand you’re dealt.

Jens Holm

As usual You not even has the 275 middle class Americans, which are the center of USA.

You only know Your own primitive version af a state having few plunderes, hardly no production and devellopments for improvements and the reast kept in poor.

Even the most poor in USA has better conditions then most people in the non develloping Countries, where You seemes to live not able to improve a lot very needed too.

Her I see You aree allowed to critiseize others in a context, You hardly understand

Raptar Driver

Not sure what you’re trying to say but I guess I don’t care.

Bobby Twoshoes

Not really a fan of protests, you’re either a pawn in someone else’s game if they’re bogus or you get your face on record as disobedient if they’re legit. Impotent rage is counter-productive, frontal assault on a more powerful and organised enemy will always bring humiliation. If they weren’t so fucking brainwashed to the cult of capitalism they’d understand the concept of a general strike, but they’d rather make a movie about change than do it irl.

Jens Holm

Reforms are needed for decades and even before Martin Luther King.

You should compare to fx Syria. I dont think its right that Assads and the BadArtist has not been able to be reomoved for many decades, because they are armed.

Peter Bozich

Not much to say other than, the U.S you are going to break up into little pieces very soon. Full on melt down will mean a total realignment for your vassal states like Western Europe, and all other puppet states around the globe. Civil war coming

Jens Holm

The usual hopes from a typical fiasco. You hope they go in deep dark and be and live like You. :(

Assad must stay

Its karma in a way for all the crap US has done to other countries


Black Lies Matter

Wayne Nicholson

But white lies are WAY more effective.

Jens Holm

Thats a matter of proproties. Whites and dont forget all the happy bæack slaves in Sout America are inventers of innovasive systems. Here blacks onluy are s small part of it.

I also wonder why so many black ones and others still behaves like slaves in “creep like hell”.

Things are both ways.


Lifetime chance that a black American will be killed by the police is 1:1000

Lifetime chance that a black American will be killed by another black American is 1:21

Wayne Nicholson

Lies, dam lies and statistics …. in this case your statistics are meaningless.

There are 37 million black Americans and 800,000 cops so even is the odds were totally random a Black American is 46.25 times more likely to be killed by a black man than a cop.

The white non hispanic white population of the USA is 198 million.

370 White people were killed by cops in 2019.

325 Black people were killed by cops in 2019.

Even though more white people were killed by cops you are 31 times more likely to die from a police bullet if you are Black than if you are White.

Jens Holm

Yes numbers might help, so I allow me to add that the low educated ones are overrepresented very much in simple crime incl. murder.

So You have too add or subtract that important factor to “black”.

And You have to add, what You can do about it. And thats good teachers and enough otf the to raise and educate better. If many can leave the poor or most poor and its visible, it also gives hopes fopr the rest. They dont feel trapped.


You are arguing from a standpoint of radical egalitarianism, which always demands equal outcomes, a near impossibility in the real world.

Blacks are killed by police at a higher rate than whites because black neighborhoods are suffering from a level of serious, often violent, crime at a rate higher than any other group, so it’s logical that blacks will have a higher rate of contact with police, since most or nearly most service calls will be in black areas.

Blacks comprise 13% of the population of the USA, while committing roughly 50% of all the violent crime, as per FBI uniform crime stats.

Thus, blacks are killed by police at a rate higher than other groups, since their rate of committing violent crime is disproportionately higher than other groups.

Stop blacks from killing other blacks first before pursuing this bogus narrative of blacks being genocided by police…

There’s probably more blacks killed by other blacks during one or two weekends in Chicago than are killed by police during the entire year across the whole country.




Blacks are financially blocked by poor education, no health care, etc etc. so they are up against the wall. It is a class war. Lock down has created another 30 odd million White people left destitute. That’s why your seeing both Black and White in these demonstrations. However, in my city there have been ongoing demonstrations for the last month, demanding an end to the lock down, people not wearing masks. Suddenly there was a demonstration in support of George Floyd, but there was no notice asking the locals to join and support it, these ‘demonstrators’ just showed up, all had masks. Don’t know who sent them, but it seems like some one has them on the payroll and their part of a plan to bring in martial law.


B.S. Blacks are given free education, free healthcare and special privilege for hiring. So your whole comment is based on a LIE! NO amount of welfare or affirmative action will change their behavior.

Traiano Welcome

Do you think 200+ years of forced breeding by white slave masters had something to do with it?

“Slave breeding in the United States was the practice in slave states of the United States of slave owners to systematically force the reproduction of slaves to increase their returns.

Slave breeding included coerced sexual relations between male and female slaves, forced pregnancies of slaves, and favoring female slaves who could produce a relatively large number of children.

The objective was to increase the number of slaves without incurring the cost of purchase, and to fill labor shortages caused by the termination of the Atlantic slave trade.

Selective breeding between slaves with the aim of developing particular physical traits was common. [3] Most slaves were unrestricted in their choice of sexual partners.”



“200+ years of forced breeding”??? That’s just stupidity. The slave trade didn’t last nearly that long. And besides that, breeding for stronger physical traits only helped the slaves. And choosing a spouse with good traits was a good thing among all races whether forced or voluntary. No one is forcing anyone to breed down their genetic pool now. They do it on their own because of a degeneration of thinking brought on by integration and the lowest of human nature present in all races. And let’s go one further. NO ONE TODAY owns slaves or was responsible for past wrongs, whether real or perceived. And it is WRONG to punish people today for things they had NOTHING to do with. Those people rioting are the real racists who blame ALL WHITES for the actions of a few. Why not focus on the slavery that we all live under instead of dividing people by the color of their skin.

Traiano Welcome

Maybe you should get an education before commenting?

” First slave laws

“There were no laws regarding slavery early in Virginia’s history. But, in 1640, a Virginia court sentenced John Punch, an African, to slavery after he attempted to flee his service.

The two whites with whom he fled were sentenced only to an additional year of their indenture, and three years’ service to the colony.[18] This marked the first legal sanctioning of slavery in the English colonies and was one of the first legal distinctions made between Europeans and Africans.”

So as you can see, for more than 300 years Blacks have been treated differently simply because they are black. Even white slaves were given more privileges.

“In 1508, Ponce de Leon established the first settlement near present-day San Juan and began enslaving the indigenous Tainos. In 1513, to supplement the dwindling Tainos population, the first enslaved African people were imported to Puerto Rico.””


That was a misspeak. And I have already edited it to show that. But I notice you didn’t answer to any of the rest of my comment.

Traiano Welcome

Maybe you should shut up and think first, because all you’re doing is misspeaking. As for the rest of your rubbish, let me give you this advice:

Put down the keyboard. Step away from the computer. Go to sleep. When you wake up tomorrow morning and read some books on the subject. Come back and post.

There are too many uneducated trolls on this forum spewing out garbage and demanding responses for absolute nonsense. You’re just one more in a long line.


So you have no way to argue the truth so you just tell me to go away. Why don’t you and your racist instigation go away.

Traiano Welcome

I didn’t tell you to go away. I told you to read some books and come back. Every new post you make includes further ignorance – like this latest attempt to frame me as creating racist instigation while you try to paper over what is obviously the result of American State racism.


You live in the past and turn a blind eye to the institutionalized racism in our government today that gives special interest to “minorities” and punishes whites.


“There are too many uneducated trolls on this forum spewing out garbage and demanding responses for absolute nonsense. You’re just one more in a long line.”

That’s *Russian* trolls to you. Russian trolls and bots who disenfranchised Berniebros and Hillaryhags in 2016, ushering in the age of Orange Man, Putin’s Puppet.

Facts = trolls

Feelings = genuine people


If blacks weren’t arrested at an exponentially higher rate than whites, they wouldn’t be getting killed at an exponentially higher rate than whites. Even if the US rate of police killings was comparable to nations with much lower rate of police killings. As long as blacks get arrested at an exponentially higher rate than whites, they’l get killed at an exponentially higher rate.


They should stop committing crimes. They bring it on themselves.

Traiano Welcome

Yes. Like these old white men getting beaten up by AmeriKKKan police:


Shouldn’t have been committing the crime of being alive.


Apparently you have gone to the extreme and think I am supporting the cops. Let’s not make straw man arguments.

Traiano Welcome

You made an argument. I’m showing you the counter argument. Do you think these two old men “brought it on themselves” ?

Did you consider that perhaps the police are the ones committing crimes? Or did you automatically jump to the conclusion that their victims must have committed crimes so the police action was automatically justified?


Don’t tell me about cops. I have been in that situation and I know full well how cops are. And by your own video you PROVE that it is not just blacks who have to put up with this crap. SO WHAT’S YOUR POINT!????? You have been making a false point that blacks are targeted because of their skin color. But the fact is that blacks DO commit more crime and that is the ONLY reason they have a disproportionate interaction with the cops.

Traiano Welcome

” You have been making a false point that blacks are targeted because of their skin color.”

You are statistically wrong, therefore factually wrong. It is a proven FACT that blacks are targeted *because* of their skin color. Crime stats regardless, it is a proven fact that innocent blacks are targeted at higher percentage based on prejudice.

You are gaslighting reality, just like that other fool on the forum who was trying to argue that Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck wasn’t the cause of his death.

I’m pointing out your lies. But what really is your point?


There are no such “factual” statistics. Only racist propaganda perpetuated by Hollywood and idiots like you. As bad as cops are they are not going around looking for innocent people to kill. They put themselves in the situation. And YES. Just like the old white guys in the video. If you taunt the bull then you will get the horns. Right or wrong that is the way it is. Now stop your racist rants and try to do some good in your life.


These blacks go around robbing and assaulting whites and it is the job of the police to stop them. I suppose many people in other countries laugh and think it’s funny when American whites are assaulted, robbed, raped and murdered. It is useless to engage with such vermin. For those with common sense and intellectual honesty, the necessity of a robust police force in a forcibly integrated society is all too obvious. Inevitably, someone like Floyd will die of a narcotics overdose while being restrained using the training that the Zionist entity gives to all the police departments (one of the ways the Zionist entity controls the US population). This gives groups like the ADL the opportunity to let the negroes they own off their leashes to terrorize the neighborhood while the Jew media starts singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic as to the righteousness of the “cause.”

Jens Holm

11 or 50 is not many and they are a result and not as Trump and hardsheads over there say.

Its well known the USA system and by that its atitude very visible in the reasons are behind ot in most things, because they need vital changes and updates.

I see no good sign for that by Biden. He is just nicer even he agree much more with the peacefull demonstraters.

I only see Sanders has good ideas about reforms, where fx Obama care went to be almost nothing.

Compare to others, I see USA in less problems then many others, but as for them it is vital ones.

Tempting to compare with cars and Russia. They stopped to produce any, because they made ones, which was not good all over, ecxpensive and no even hardheaded Russians bought them.

Thats the picture. USA has too many errors all the way in their systems and they cant get a better car with new tires or seats.

Trump fx hasnt created a singl new job because he has no idea about, what it takes.

USA is going from innovative to be loweducated productions in stead of the opposite. You can only devellop USA by devlloping people. Thats mainly by education, which can be by raising and School but also very much by medias and politicians.

I stil has some symphaty for the ones voting on Trump. But in the other hand he hardly has solved anything and also delayed a lot like fx those bad attitudes by the public iimplyed being undereducated showing it again and again.

The Sanders version of USA is more semilar to Ours in Denmarks. We have replaced a lot the the Police do in USA by social workers. Thats expensive too, but I anytime prefare Our socialworkers and very much, they are not armed to teath and handcuff and throw people to the ground for nothing.

I do recognize parts of the volor problem too. Half of our simple crime is done by muslims often being a little dark in the skin. They makes half of the crimes here but its about 10% of those, which does 500 times more crime then normal ones. So the 90%of the muslims of course by good reasons are offendied. Those 90% even many are poor and should not be here at all NEVER do any crime. Many cant even get a parking ticket because they have no car.

So registration of people should be better. The profiling is very usefull, but has to be used, where its usefull and with much less fatal mistakes for bad confrontations. Its behaverioisme in its worst.

Ancuent Judge Judy too often is wrong, when she says: If it look like a dog and behave like a duck – it is duck. Most ducks in USA are not black and brown. The public emplyed and to many in USA learns that too much.

We see that too often. Pedofiles seemes to be corrected at least here in my country. Not many years ago the police and people always looked at men doing that crime against girls and vomen.

But its not like that. 50% are done by men. 40% are done by boyes and girls at their own age or a little older and 10% are done by women.

Facts about which are victims we also know that 50% are boys and young men. The fokus on women only probatly is because they (also) can be pregnant.

So police and the rest of us has to know more and look for the right persons and also very much the reasons for, what happens and sometimes for very stramnge reasoisn hardly ever happens for white people in USA.

So many muslims are upside down in religion and women too, and it cant even be debated on those socalled FREE SITES.

If Islam is in the mind as faith, how does black tents help faith. I see muslim men here swimming in normal sahorts here every summer at the beach???

I see more muslim women and for that part children being victims for body crimes. So the clothe dont help at all. The real problem to be solved are the reasons for boys and men are raised as above women, because they are not made of clay and the boys all are amputated – or what.

We – as danes – are toally mixted with each other and not by gender. The vital thing are we raise our boys as wel as gitls not like Islam after devils reading the big books as they wish. I see old mens rules and even 100 years old Sharia.

So USA and We has to change the reasons for crime.

Good classic reasons are low knowledge about each other by education and bery much creating jobs, which both makes incitaments and tax. That goes very much for girls and women too being safe among the minority of men instead of behing hidden behind walls and under constant control.

I see the very visble socalled black problems certainly ALSO are made by themselves. Integration in the rest of USA being productive and being active there too often is not there.

Its exact the same problems i se for so many in the world and even by laws, where Sharia and The Choran keep people down insiting people to insist in making their own quagmire.

So I write here into the many dark minds about things, so many has not even been allowed to have a language for. 50% unimplyed men in fx Iran, Iraq and Syria makes perfect mercenaires for almost any one.

How much more visible can that be. It doesnt matter if its crime or not. Its about a Goverment dont include all living there and often the Govements even steal from the poor like Jesus in the Christian world didnt say we should give away a shirt to the poor but told he would run around with no clothe even in wintertime.

And thats the no go. Its not about armed police and militaries against the rest of us. Its about making it not needed at all, because we have other solutions.




– U.S. Police Shootings: Blacks Disproportionately Affected –



“African Americans comprised 5 percent of the adult population but accounted for more than 27.5 percent of adult arrests.”

– The race factor: Black arrest rate seven times higher than whites –




That’s hogwash. Were do you get the 5% lie from? Do you live in the U.S.? And they would get arrested if they were not committing crimes in the first place.


You’re welcome to try to disprove it. It looks credible to me.


I shouldn’t have to disprove the blatant lies of other people. If someone said the sun rises in the west I wouldn’t feel compelled to disprove that either. Their stupidity speaks for itself.


What blatant lies? It’s not something that’s my opinion. It’s from a published study from what as far as I know is a reputable source. And there are others that show similar results. Can you provide counter information showing that these studies using judicial system statistics are false?


We know that blacks are more likely to commit crime so we know that the arrest rate for blacks is higher. But the idea that blacks make up only 5% of the adult population is B.S. Maybe in rural Montana but I can tell you that blacks make up a clear majority where I live. Definitely not 5%. IF they don’t want to be arrested then they shouldn’t commit crimes. The idiots.


Coming from someone who evidently didn’t read the article that you’re calling lies and stupidity when it’s obviously neither. You’re the one coming across as not to bright.

Blacks have this problem that’s unique to them. Just like other ethnic groups do. Hopefully they’ll get over it.


It is not unique to them. That is another racist lie. We all live under the same laws and are subject to the same police actions. They reap what they sow.


How is their disproportionate problem with getting arrested not unique to them when it’s unique to them?


The dispensing of the laws is not unique to them. It has nothing to do with color. You racists will look for any angle wont you?


You’re comparing apples to oranges. Dispensing laws doesn’t make high arrest rates unique to blacks. Violation of them does.

How is pointing out that blacks get arrested more than whites racist when it’s simply a statistical fact?

Traiano Welcome


Traiano Welcome

The police are acting as agents provocateurs:

– Brick deliveries: https://youtu.be/3tQ4OCgxZ74?t=5797

– Breaking windows: https://youtu.be/3tQ4OCgxZ74?t=5007

Tommy Jensen

The death toll in these riots are reaching WWII levels and it is only going to get worse. Who is gonna save the innocent American people?

Assad must stay

Look at the way he talks hahahhha omg this is unreal

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