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MARCH 2025

At Least 15 Russian Warships Spotted In Eastern Mediterranean

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At Least 15 Russian Warships Spotted In Eastern Mediterranean

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At least 15 warships of the Russian Navy have been deployed between Cyprus and Syria in the Mediterranean Sea.

According to Russian publication Avia.Pro, experts are seriously concerned about the presence of at least 15 Russian warships and submarines off the coast of Syria.

This is the first time such a large military formation has been seen in the region, which raises suspicions about whether Russia plans to engage in a military special operation against jihadists using the navy.

At Least 15 Russian Warships Spotted In Eastern Mediterranean

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According to the Telegram channel “Hunter’s Notes”, one of the last to appear off the coast of Syria was the tanker of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy “Akademik Pashin”, however, in addition to it, there are 14 more vessels off the coast of Syria, including five warships and three submarines, and, obviously, this is far from the final number of ships of the Russian Navy, located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.

This Russian naval buildup also comes at a time of increased tension between Turkey, Cyprus and Greece in the eastern Mediterranean, as the latter two countries have accused Ankara of encroaching on their territorial waters.

This is more than likely part of a Turkish-Russian live-fire naval exercise, which Turkey announced in early September.

Ankara issued two navigational notices on September 2nd.

They said the Russian exercises will take place Sept. 8-22 and Sept. 17-25 in areas of the Mediterranean where Turkish seismic research vessels are operating.

Turkey’s announcement and the deployment of Russian warships came at a time of increased friction between Turkey on the one side and Greece and Cyprus on the other over offshore energy exploration rights. Warships from Greece and Turkey have been shadowing each other in recent weeks as Turkish survey vessels and drill ships continue to prospect for hydrocarbons in waters where Greece and Cyprus claim exclusive economic rights.


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So Russia is backing Turkey, that’s really nice.


Or making sure this dispute takes long enough, not to start production until EV is all over the place


Obviously Erdogan is not able to resist Western economic presure for too long even with Russian help but Putin is playing his cards well encouraging the Sultan in his idiocy.


I also doubt Erdogan is prepared to go all in. Something tells me he is raising stakes to settle for compromise.


If this situation continues, we might be able to see an agreement between Turkey and Greece for revenue sharing, leaving Egypt and France offboard. That would be a massive burn


No case dear. Erdogan wants Turkish rights and the other countries rights. No deal under these circumstances. Turkey government succeed to destroy all serious international relationships of decays within months, with EU and US. And with Russia the relationship is still balanced between friends and enemies.


1 is better than 0 when 2 is not an option


Depends for which side you understand the 1 or the 0. :-)


In this situation it seems a possibility of 0-0 or 1-1. Like either I get a peace of cake or no one gets a peace of cake. None of those interested parties will have an absolute win. So far both are saying “I will get the full cake”. We will just wait and see until they settle for splitting.

Tommy Jensen

As a bankrupt country dependent on Western usury loans, Greece has to sleep with anybody.


Ιt is obvious that you have not idea not only about the Greek economy but also about your country’s economy. Your economy according Moody’s and Fitch has been downgrade on the same level of Uganda. But of course Erdogan says that you are under a conspiracy of Europe and USA. Not that his family has destry your economy. Neither your newspapers report anything in depth.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

GR is willing to negotiate maritime zones with TR for the area east of 28th meridian

at the same time GR has developed cooperation with FR and EG on many levels including militarily demonstrated by signing international agreements and strategic deals


“In addition to the Russian tanker, there are 14 more vessels off the coast of Syria, including five warships and three submarines.” But the story title is much more exciting !


Word on the street that Pompeo talked with Anastasiades about Russian Navy access to Cyprus ports. No wonder why arms embargo on Cyprus was lifted. Something is cooking.


Washington passed a law that prohibits the lifting of a weapons embargo on Nicosia as long as Nicosia allows vessels of the Russian Navy to moor on cypriot ports.


as i suspected


The most possible reason for such a concentration, is a future synchronised attack with missiles agains Jihadists in a very short time.

Porc Halal

Against jihadists backed by islamist turkey and against turkey itself in case they will try helping their neanderthals offsprings…

Porc Halal

PS…russia and egypt+UAE defeted already turkey in libya…GNA + turkey are now history garbage…

Idlib is next big lost for islamist turkey…

Lone Ranger

Deterrence is gold :) CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ;)


Also look at how Israel is totally surrounded by Russian ships now :) They must be really nervous.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

I look but I do not see them surrounded nor they look nervous


Well, maybe you should take the tomatoes from your eyes and look into the right direction.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

I recommend you start using corticosteroid eye drops on a regular basis. No entity hostile to IL dares approaching its coasts. A decade ago unthoughtful turk islamists tried to play nasty games on gaza and several of them perished on mavi marmara. That took place hundreds of miles off the israel coasts. Juice take those things too seriously LOL at the same time the juice bombs whenever and wherever they see fit those iraniroaches holed in syria – they often do so by flying unhindered through lebanese airspace LMAO

keep crying, make sure your eyes are hydrated enough, do use Systane ® often xD


Hope its a Kalibr fest.

Антон С

Or “Zircon”. New version of “Caliber” is coming in 2024. 4-5 thousand km range (longer range for nuclear variant). If development succeed, “Caliber” will be really strategic missile.


Russian naval exercises are being announced by a Turkish station. This has only one meaning: Russia is siding with Turks in case of a hot conflict in Med.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

russia sides with russia, they won’t take sides yet it is in their interest to unsettle NATO and western allies

it should be noted here the man you sport in your pfp was clearly pro west and despite what you might believe you are very far from being ” kemalist “, in fact you are an unfortunate embarrassment :(


Really? :) Here is an education video for you showing our close relations with our Soviet friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNGaZraH8e4

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

yes really, during the independence war the soviets helped b/c it suited their own agenta

after the liberation though kemal orientated turkey to the west, that was his project and nobody can deny that let alone a real kemalist ( which you are not, the sole fact you support iran speaks for what you are )

the man established and modeled your country after the american values the way he puts it in that interview, shame on you



Go educate yourself, Greek. It always suits to the Soviet agenda being partners with Turks. They know it very well. That’s a geostrategical fact. Look at Taksim Republic Monument at the center of Istanbul showing Ataturk and his Soviet friends. They helped us against you and your western masters at the most vital times and continued to do so until we became a NATO member. The same situation is valid again. Your nightmares are becoming real :) Enjoy https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5f01071f8ef164dbccc9906f07ff739314089207e4cd872e1ad7c7b8d6d1c31.jpg

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

is that why turkey joined NATO in the first place ?

the one who needs education is yourself iranirat, nobody denied the soviet commies helped kemal’s army during the war for independence which was in the first place a war against the western allies british, french etc

once that was over kemal worked towards establishing turkey in the western secular standards instead of caliphate or soviet principles – get a reality check, here are some news for you, you don’t qualify as a kemalist even remotely

you are a sad delusional biscuitist :)))


Ok, Angry Bird. These are opinions of a real kemalist from Turkiye. Take it or not. It’s up to you :) Cheers

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

your opinion is at odds with reality, how do we call that – insanity :)))

Servet Köseoğlu

oh,ı blocked him at his first comment…ı advise you to do it.its like getting car air-refreshener..clean air no problem…

Fog of War

Lets not block people as eventually everyone will just create an echo chamber of their opinions. Its good to consider other views.

Servet Köseoğlu

thats right but ı cant tolerant people with serious baseless insults over and over again..its like products from lathe workbench same-size same colour and everyday..ı have right to block..

Tommy Jensen

This was in the middle age. We have modern times now. Even the music is middle age.


It’s 1933. Not that much old lol. Just 19 years before we joined Nato.


the ruskies are there to deter france and greece from being foolhardy towards turkey, the syrian idlib war is being finalized and the yankee-twats are soon to be evicted from syria’s northeast. no outside meddling will be allowed and greece will have to fend for itself so it won’t do much good to cry for mama. lebanon will still refuse the jews in palestine the right to build a pipeline across lebanon’s eez however much the jews cry for help from their bought and paid servants on the hill in washington dc.

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

LOL share please the address of the universe you are dwelling, it must be fun there xD

cechas vodobenikov

Russia has zero interest in siding with Greece, turkey, Egypt, etc; Russia maintains reasonably good relations w all these nations. the Russian naval forces are in the med sea to reduce tensions, not to support any possible conflict

Alberto Garza

really ? why are they conducting live fire exercise with turkey >?

FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

they are not actually, what happened is the turkish station issued the NAVTEX for russian navy exercise because turkey – as well as cyprus – claims jurisdiction in those waters

no common exercises whatsoever

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Maybe the live firing exercise (with Turkey) is the launching of another terrorist cleansing operation against groups inside Idlib that refuse to take leadership directives from Ankara?

Just a guess.

i.e Rebels and terrorist separation.

Антон С

Syria is good place to strike on the Middle East bases of yankees and catch their ships in Mediterranean before they come close to Black sea straits. Base in Lybia can overlap western part of Med-n sea from south. But even now missile from Crimea and Kaliningrad region able to fly to every capital of EU except Lisbon may be.


This is just part of a contigency plan in case of a naval battle between he Greeks and Turks. In orther words, if war breaks out between Athens and Ankara then Damascus, aided by the Russian Navy will srike deep into the portion of Idlib occupied by pro-NATO terrorists.

Dick Von Dast'Ard


Lazy Gamer

Isnt it also possible that someone is hoping for a 2nd uss liberty event?


Good video! Wold be nice to see more of the stuff like this.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I think the Russians could quite happily take a back seat while the Turks kick both Nato-Greece and Nato-Britain out of Cyprus…

Calculated risks, potential gains.


China, Russia and Iran are in alliance. Iran and China have good relationships with Turkey and Turkey is an important point for the BRI for China. It is not surprising to see Russia and Turkey are working alongside in Syria. Russia will be more likely support Turkey.



Turkey is in NATO No support for any NATO country

Антон С

Five are not warships, but support vessels. Others can hold long-range strike missiles (yes, it “Caliber”), 8 missiles per ship, except “Vice-admiral Kulakov”. “Admiral Makarov” can hold 16 missiles, submarines – unknown number, they can hold 18 torpedoes, torpedoes can be replaced with missiles. Testing new shiny missiles on DAESH will go on further.


Wrong there Anton because those are upgraded submarines Kilo 636,3 (Kilo-M) with Kalibr launch capability. There are 5 of them +1 older 636 in Black Sea fleet


“The submarines, which feature 533-milimeter torpedo tubes and are armed with torpedos, mines, and Kalibr 3M54 (NATO SS-N-27 Sizzler) cruise missiles, are mainly intended for anti-shipping and anti-submarine missions in relatively shallow waters.” https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/636m.htm

Антон С

Addition to your addition.) That old 636th project submarine (actually 877V) is unique among 877/636, because uses pump-jet.



Russia can launch missiles against Daesh from the Caspian Sea or the Black Sea, their ships don’t have to be on the Mediterranean for that! I think this is something else. Whatever it is, it does not look entirely defensive.

Servet Köseoğlu

speaking of russian fleet,any russian foe can explain me why project 11246 has lots of radars including Fregat M2M,MR-352 Pozitiv-M1.2,Puma 5P-10E,Monument E 3T-25,MR-90 instead of advanced one?just curious…

Lone Ranger

Old long wave radars are more effective at detecting stealth aircrafts.

Servet Köseoğlu

Fregat M2M is consisting of gallium oxide sensors,russians have issues with gallium nitrat which is more effective and chinese purchased know how of fregat m2m radars and they cretaed even more advanced ones type 382 radars.why chinese dont offer know-how to russians ı dont understand.

Lone Ranger

I take these reports with a grain of salt. Could be true, could be desinformation. One thing is sure, countries will rarely lay out all their capebilities. Russia has a proven and solid trackrecord when it comes to radars. The Voronezh ground based radar systems are currently the most powerful and most advanced on the planet.

Servet Köseoğlu

ground based radars ok..no question…

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