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At Least 3 Russian Soldiers Injured In Southern Idlib. Russia Responds With New Wave Of Airstrikes

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At Least 3 Russian Soldiers Injured In Southern Idlib. Russia Responds With New Wave Of Airstrikes

A screenshot from the video

UPDATE (14.07.2020, 17:00 CEST): According to fresh data, the attack was conducted with a car bomb.

Unknown group, Kataib Hattab ash-Shishani, claimed responsibility for the attack. Nonetheless, there is no such group active in Idlib. Most likely, this is a fake brand used to draw attention from the real attackers.


On July 14, at least 3 Russian soldiers were injured in a large explosion of an improvised explosive device on the way of the Russian-Turkish patrol on the M4 highway in Syria’s southern Idlib. The Russian Defense Ministry added that Turkish personnel were also affected by the attack.

The attack took place near the entrance to the militant-held town of Ariha, which lays on the route of the patrol.

According to pro-government sources, in respnose to the attack on the patrol, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched airstrikes on positions of radical militant groups in northeastern Lattakia and southwestern Idlib.

A general look at the military situation in northwestern Syria:

At Least 3 Russian Soldiers Injured In Southern Idlib. Russia Responds With New Wave Of Airstrikes

Click to see the full-size image


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There are no reason to attack the patrols unless you are against peace in the region. The radical militant terrorist groups in the region is the problem not the patrols.


The patrol is ALSO a problem because it gives legitimacy to Edogans occupation forces and their protection of Jihadis. And that is an even bigger problem than all Jihadis combinded, becasue without Erdogans occupation army and Russian deals legitimizing their rule in Idlib, the Jihadis would have been iliminated since AT LEAST 2 years.


It’s not that easy, this goes much further back than 2011. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Brotherhood_of_Syria I do think Erdoğan do things in the interests of Muslim brotherhood and not only Turkeys interests. What Russia does is putting pressure on Turkey to clean up there mess in the region or else Syria and it’s allies will do it for them. I do understand that many sees it like gives legitimacy to Edogans occupation forces, but one need to be more strategic than short sighted and focus on what they may achieve in due time. I also understand that many people in Syria feels like Turkey is after more of Syria land like with Hatay and it’s like everyone wants a piece of Syria Turkey, Israel, Kurds, Daesh, USA and so on. Sometimes one need to do things differently then they first intended or wanted to do things since it’s the better option for now.

Zionism = EVIL

Despite the evil Americunts spreading propaganda to cover up their bounty paid to the headchoppers in Syria to kill Russians, the blame partly lies on the midget Putin for endangering the lives of young brave Russian soldiers by cutting deals with terrorists and selling weapons to the cunt Erdogan. It is no surprise that the CIA IED only hit the Russian MRAP. It is time to unleash the Russian military and let the local commanders decide how to respond.

Lone Ranger

True that. CIAisis always blames the other side with their own crimes. CIA protocol 101.


Nice you now agree that Putins policy of appeasement deals with Erdogan is partly resposible as Zionism=Evil said: “, the blame partly lies on the midget Putin for endangering the lives of young brave Russian soldiers by cutting deals with terrorists and selling weapons to the cunt Erdogan”.

Like you wrote: True That. And i bet this incident will still not change a thing and finally pave the way for the SAA idlib campaign. Business as usual.

Zionism = EVIL

You are smart mature guy and understand realpolitik, Putin has been coddling to the Zionist arseholes and Turkeys since get go in Syria, meanwhile a lot of Russians and Iranians have lost their lives as they are fighting with their hands tied. The Russian military is more than powerful to send these headchopping goat fuckers to hell, but Putin is micromanaging the conflict.


Thanks for the flowers, and you are quite right IMHO with the analysis that Putin is micromanaging, and this has never worked out in history for any ruler and nation. The Russian militarys priorities are obviously different, and there are more than enough signs of their discontent with the strategy since the pullout of forces before the last election years ago and the following Erdogan deals. Though i seemed that since the start of the year, the military was given more leash after they could say “We told you so” to Putin after the Turks did nothing for 1 1/2 instead of fullfilling their obligations. But when the Russian killed the 30+ Turks in one air attack months ago, the very real posibility of a NATO Russian war changed the picture again. Erdogans stragety of always being more aggressive then his opponents still works out. And with US again behind Turkey, with Turkey being so extensively deployed in Idlib, the situation just looks shitty. How some here always see the situation as positive, instead of accepting the reality of forces in Idlib, is beyond me. Luckily the new Syria-Iran defence deal has the potential to shake things up again. It is also a message to Russia obvisouly, and it strenghtens the position of Assad immensly. We will have to see, but i dont have much hope for now. Though i am open for positive suprises.


Like every major world power Russia has her priorities. And strangely enough they don’t intend to share what those priorities are, with you or me, or any other nobody on this forum.

Soldiers have to do their part of the job and taking blows is part of the contract.

Now the Russian air-force will bomb the shit out of those bastards and they will pay 10 times more for what they did. End of story


Yeah, end of story. the VKS will bomb some Jihadis, but the overall picture will not change. Turkey is still occupying and Turkeyfiying Syrian territory, and we now know that even attacking Russian serviceman is no reason to finally force Turkey into fullfilling their obligations in the Idlib/Astana deal after 2 fucking years. End of story.


Go to your nearest NATO headquarters and file the complaint if you are not pleased. You are like that Zionist-evil dude. With “friends” like you Russia doesn’t need enemies. If guys like you are not pleased than Russia must be doing something good after all.

There is always a reason why things are done one way or another because Russia is serious country and everything (all developments and how to respond to them) was planned in well in advance. Many things does not look pretty from outside and nobody is suppose to know why is so, that is the part of the game…

Russia is not interested to play White Knight fighting injustice just to please people like you. Russia is above all playing long game of global domination for her own interests. And if you don’t like it who cares?


Whatever you might think of the Putin and however he might look ridicule or corrupt or even disgusting to you.

He is still respected leader of one of the biggest military world powers (and that thanks to him only). He is also one of the most powerful and influential leaders who have influenced if not shaped modern history of this planet in last 30 years. i understand that represents nothing to you and your frustration with him is enormous because he is messing your plans all the time. But hay be a chum and give him another chance, will you?

He might be reading this forum and he just might reconsider Russian strategy only to please you.

If you read this Mr. President Putin PLEASE nuke at least Israel because this man is really upset with you! Thanks in advance!

Black Waters

Haha, exactly. Zionism = EVIL sometimes lead things to an extreme without thinking properly why things are done the way they are.

Black Waters

I don’t agree with you on Putin stance in this situation. You have a very aggressive approach when the situation didn’t reach that point, good thing you are not in charge.


Injured ? that tiger flew right past the trees…


Yeah, even the best MRAP would stand not much of a chance for such a massive IED. It would be a true wonder if those injured would not be in serious condition. Lets hope they will make it, and not die for the folly of Erdogan appeasement.

Lone Ranger

According to the latest news, they are all lightly injured. Nothing critical. Thank God.


Wow, seems the Jihadis are too incompetent to build IEDs that concentrate their power on the MRAP and not loose their energy. Still, fucked up situation. Lets hope the end comes sooner rather than later for this Jihadi scum of Turkish Neo-Ottoman masters.


I knew these M4 highway patrols were a bad idea, I hope those soldiers survived, the Tigr has held up well in past IED attacks. Time for Russia to help the SAA launch a new assault to secure the M4 properly.


US is directing a terror campaign against Russia as Pompeo openly said in Brussels, “Russians should not be seen as being successful” in Syria and they must pay a price.

Lone Ranger

Pimpeo will go down.


There are still cannibal tribes in the Jungle, Pompous Pig must be given to those good, hungry natives there.

Zionism = EVIL

The size of the IED shows Americunt and Turkish involvement, there is no way hundreds of kilos of explosives can be planted on a main road with drones overhead and Turkeys headchoppers controlling the M4 that this could have happened. Putin needs to get his Asperger arse out of his head.

Lone Ranger

Dont worry. SAA and Russia will win. Final victory is within reach.


It was a car bomb though, you can easily fit plenty of explosives in a car. Militants did this all the time to US forces in Iraq without foreign help.

Jimmy Jim


Lone Ranger

That too… :_)

Lone Ranger

Thankfully no fatalities. It seems only the shockeawave got them. Get well soon Comrades.


No fatalities this time,but wounded could include legs and arms blown off or brain damage,the situation is bonkers,i always supported Putin he is a smart guy but i think he got this one wrong and also his rection to Zionist attacks on Syria.

Lone Ranger

Russia has to walk the razors edge. They only have around 3000troops in Syria with around 50 jets and helos. Turkish military is the second biggest in Europe after Russia. And Israel has tactical nukes…


Yes but they have ships and subs with Kalibr missiles and i don’t know if they have supplied the SAA with TOS-1 and Smerch missiles,also i am still not sure if the Syrians have S-300s,we know the turks have S-400s that Russia was stupid enough to sell them,i hope the Rusians have done something to the electrics on those missiles otherwise they could target Russian jets in the future.

Lone Ranger

SAA has TOS-1 and Sketch and used both successfully against terrorists multiple times. Turkish S-400s aren’t operational yet. I’m sure it has backdoors and a dumbed down version as well. As for the Syrian S-300s I think they have the but they don’t have any launchers. They mainly use the BUK and S-125 and S-200. 90% of enemy missiles and drones are intercepted. Israel lost two jets sofar an F-16 and an F-35. But Russia and Israel so t shoot at each other, they have a non agression pact.


Thanks for the info,but way back in 1982 when the Israelis invaded Lebanon killing thousands it was the Rusians who warned the Israelis to back off or they could get involved,the Israelis should have had a warning from Russia,the way the Israelis are acting its only a matter of time before they kill Rusians in Syria,as for the S-300s whats the use of having them if they can’t be launched

Lone Ranger

They are reserved for a full on invasion.


Good idea with these patrols to provoke ISIS to attack and so the terrorists are annihilating themselves. Idlib is cut in two by the purple zone, makes easier the Southern Green to be swiftly liberated by SAA. Then north of the M4 can be mopped up more easily via the Pincer that is nicely developing there.


I have been expecting this since that stupid ceasefire,what did they expect,are they waiting for Russians to be blown up before they act?the attack was probably in collaboration with the Turks.

Jimmy Jim


Black Waters

You are not different than the Zionists then, typical americunt.

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