At least 3 Turkish soldiers have died since the start of the new Turkish operation against the PKK, Operation Claw-Eagle 2, in northern Iraq on February 10. Two other soldiers were injured.
3️⃣ uluslararası hukuktan doğan meşru müdafaa haklarımız doğrultusunda, Irak kuzeyinde Gara bölgesinde bulunan ve teröristler tarafından kullanılan hedeflere 10 Şubat 2021 günü saat 02.55’ten itibaren “Pençe Kartal-2 Harekâtı” düzenlendi. Operasyona devam edilmektedir.
— T.C. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) February 10, 2021
The main target of the ongoing operation is Iraq’s Gara region. Turkish forces actively employ artillery, warplanes and ground troops to neutralize PKK cells hiding in the region.
Killed Turkish troops:
Why are Turks dying for a unattainable conquest of Arab lands. Should have learnt from Ottoman failures.