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Tens Rockets Were Launched From Gaza Strip At Israeli Targets (Videos)

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Tens Rockets Were Launched From Gaza Strip At Israeli Targets (Videos)

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UPDATED: According to pro-IDF sources, a total of 90 rockets were launched.


At least 50 rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip at Israeli targets in the morning of May 4, according to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). According to pro-IDF sources, “tens” rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system.

Especially intense explosions were reported in the area of Ashkelon.

There are reports that the IDF’s aircraft delivered strikes on at least two supposed Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

The May 4 rocket launchers took place one day after two Israeli troops were shot and injured during patrol along the contact line with the Gaza Strip. In response to the shooting, the Israeli Air Force struck an alleged Hamas target, killing two people.


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Promitheas Apollonious

the populations around war zones, slowly they are learning that weapons does not make warriors, commitment to be free at any cost, is what make warriors. Simple message… get of your fat ass and do something against what enslaves you, or shut up and accept the destiny others impose on you.

YOU, are a slave.


Tell me, SouthF, whom is running this sites, incl yours this days. Go to Russian ugh…. sites, like the despecable rotten RT and Sputnik, etc, where somehow, Palestinians are the scums, and poor Joohos have nothing else to do than retaliate, yeah, evil, evil Palestinians whom is so rotten they acutally do something back at the most piss… sorry peaceful humans on this earth, right RT. The same idiot propaganda, as in Norway another Jewish run shithole, where truthfull, and never ever lying nor fabrikaing bollocks orgs, as SPLC is as we speak used an an org where they tell us the “nothing but the truth” about everybody else, right VG and Dagbladet, as RT, they always have something that is meant to show how anti-semtic we are, because, yeah, why, RT, huh. The second thing is, Arabs, my patient have run dry, now I know what they are.

To use a Somali monkey as an cowbar on issues as Islamaphobia, is noting but an joke, that Somali bitch is everything BUT an Muslim, thats why I have zero problems with hammering their bigorty, and to me, she isnt anything but an lying sack of shait, like the AmeriTrads claiming to be Christians, when the Pumpeous is an good christian, yeah, only in an society where people are indeed ignorant and downright stupid, is this even considered as normal, and they whine about Muslims. But the Jews control of our MSM is shining thrue, like the stupidity of beliving Russia will be an savior, that, idiots, is an ilution. And Putin is an real Jew, not crypto or whatever, but an real Jew, because Khazaria is/was Ukraina and whats to day, Polan, and the Russian state was made possible thru the Khazars, just ask Putin. No wounder the Russians is closing their files, to hide the truth. Why do you think nobody cares, not an single f…. western Gov cares, nobody, but is siding with the scums of this earth, The Jews, and I dont know how many times we have to explain, that this scums arent Arabic, they are Russian sewage rats, and thats why the east dont lift an finger, they, Putin and the inbreed cockroatch crawling out from an rock in Siberia dont do anything is because they dont shoot their own, unless you are an christian.

Never forget this, while you whine about Islam, The “christian” Russians have killed more people than most, the only nation that have killed more, is UssA. Never ever trust the Russians, never, I never have, and never will, and this latest shows in Syria tells me everything, like the last attack on the airfield, yeah, the reason the stopped it was it was NOT ISISraelis that did it, thats why, if ISISraeli did it, the Russians would do what they have done for years, turn of the systems of defence, and Syria is right now highjacked by Khazarian sewage rats, aka Russians. The Slavs, an people worse that African monkeys, low life rats, they are humantys problem, the Khazars. So, I dont expect anything else than more killing by ISISrael, poor f…. have to defend them selfs, right Russia, we arent anti-semtis are we, huh, Russians whom brags about been educated, acoding to another raving loonie Saker. To me its more like simple treason, nothing else, and every day the Russians confirms it, every god dammed day.

Yup, the shoah must go on.

( PS: so, you stil dont get it do you, people, tell me, how many countrys did Russian jews/comies attack before Germany retaliated, huh, do you even know, like Finland, Poland, the BallTick states, Iran, etc to the eastern worlds, and how many times did France/Khazars, attack Germany, and all this before 1939/40, f….. Adolf Hitler, the last standing european, since then its been an decline, in intellegence and truth)


You can call me Al

Get some sleep and stop waffling incoherent shite.

Miroslav Beran

It is very bad modus operandi for these Semitic people (Palestinians). They cannot fire rockets. They must 15 years be in silence, keep patience and look at another land steal by Khazars. Only Abbas passive method is good. Gandhi and Abbas with their passive method recorded big victories. Or no? If something is missed in my comment, please taught me!

Khazars have no rights to murder Semitic people! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7f3bf64ba45cf4a93687a21b4144816440e3949add2ed3dc77f0093018b5cac2.jpg

Елена Перельман

It is not the fact, but false anti-Semitic imagination. Jews same “Khazars” as Serbians – “Tatars” or “Saami” ;). In Khazaria there were few proselytes of Judaism, the vast majority of the population there were pagans, Muslims and Christians. Modern ashkenazs occur generally from ancient Jews, it is visible on our southern Caucasian (generally), but not Mongoloid (as at Khazars) or North Caucasian (as at the European Aryans) appearance, on our genes (first, most of Ashkenazian males have a SEMITIC Y-chromosome J), on the Ashkenazian language Yiddish which half is coming from medieval German, but almost not having a Tyurki component and on our documentary history (as far as it remained.)

Lena Jones

They’re NOT “israeli communities” as the first photo depicts – THEY’RE ILLEGAL JEWISH COLONIES!

You can call me Al



Lena Jones

Sorry Al pal but the fact remains that they are illegal JEWISH colonies, with jew-only roads. The only difference between israeli jews and the neturei karta jews is that the later still wants Palestine, just not yet.

You can call me Al

I do not know what to say to that as it makes a lot of sense; therefore agreed and my apologies, I was and have been wong.

You can call me Al


Елена Перельман

You not only anti-Semitic rubbish and slanderer, but also big hypocrite and silly woman: Do you live in the USA? It is REAL Aryan colony on absolutely alien(Indian) land for which creation Aryans exterminated most of Indians and drove the others into small worst areas (reservations.) Do you live in England (judging by your surname)? It is colony of the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Norman colonisators in absolutely alien (Pictish) country. Do you live in Australia or in New Zealand? It is known that the English colonialists exterminated there (and, likely, eat?;) ) most of natives. But our state, Israel, is created in historically our country where our ancestors lived and had their states 3000+ years ago, long before its occupation by the Arab Muslim fanatics in the seventh century A. D. Therefore explain why you lie that your colonial state “has” the right to exist, but non-colonial Israel “has no”. Likely, you will coward evade the question and will swear only senselessly as a mad.

Lena Jones

I actually live in south Lebanon ;-)

Why dontch come on over for a spot of tea, little klepto jewish terrorist?


50 rockets from Gaza and 90 total so where did the missing 40 come from and what was destroyed by the 90 rocket barrage? Smells fishy , like spoiled geflida fish. NOTHING was hit or hurt?

just let the Matzo BALLS roll.


50 or 100, it ought to have been 1000 with better reach – for the squatters there is just one end and that is to depalestinate the entire country and if they, the palestinians, can’t escape out of the land the squatters have stolen, they will be killed, slowly and efficiently by the squatters, who are helped on the way by moronistan (aka usa – home of useful idiots) which is directed by guys like adelson and aipac and zillion of jewish organisations around the world transmitting zillion of shekels to the squatters for the palestinian holocaust, i.e. the complete annihilation of all palestinians, just like hitler tried 80 years or so ago. and the world stays mum (except turkey)


a jew pig just stole all my up votes ban this stinker 12000 in 3 years!

go to this site and see .

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Bug Reports & Feedback: UPVOTES DISAPPEARING

On 4-27-2019 I had almost 25,700 upvotes. Now it’s 4-28-2019 and I have less than 8300. So, 2/3 of my upvotes, gone in one day. That can’t be somebody closed an account

CaliCheeseSucks Mod • 16 hours ago

Antisemitism is not welcome here and you are banned for it.

this jew pig stole all my up votes ban this stinker 12000 in 3 years

Елена Перельман

Do you live in the USA? It is REAL Aryan colony on absolutely alien(Indian) land for which creation Aryans exterminated most of Indians and drove the others into small worst areas (reservations.)

Do you live in England (judging by your surname)? It is colony of the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Norman colonisators in absolutely alien (Pictish) country.

Do you live in Australia or in New Zealand? It is known that the English colonialists exterminated there (and, likely, eat?;) ) most of natives.

But our state, Israel, is created in historically our country where our ancestors lived and had their states 3000+ years ago, long before its occupation by the Arab Muslim fanatics in the seventh century A. D.


hog wash – the illegal so called statehood israel is a failed geopolitical experiment that needs to be discontinued forthwith and the murderous and thieving occupiers be sent on to their next 5000 year diaspora – a good advise is for these occupying murderer/thieves is to apply for green cards for the more than dysfunctional states of A and prey that the 95% of ordinary americans will accept the influx of murderers and thieves. they won’t so the occupying murderers/thieves will face pogroms never seen before – good luck with that.

Елена Перельман

How did you think up nonsense about “the Palestinian Holocaust”? We kill “Palestinians” only if they murder or try to murder us and we kill very little. I equally well can think up that you plan to kill ALL (except yourself) residents of your city, it will be same “reasonable” and “truthful” as your nonsense about “Palestinian Holocaust”. Paraphrasing Albert Einstein, are infinite only: a) Universe; b) anti-Semitic falsity, dishonesty, idiocy and impudence. But about the Universe I am not sure.


the illegal settlement called israel is better viewed as a dfaile geopolitical experiment which it is timely to discontinue now. after about 100 years of ethnic cleansing of palestinians, of murdering the palestinians with impunity and operating a concentration camp a la treblinka where the only thing missing from the real treblinka is IG_farbens zyclon gas, all rights of the illegal settlement are forfeited and the only practical solution is to evict the squatters, who can leave willingly or the hard way – no one needs israel no one will miss israel and thus apply for a green card.list of criminal acts by the squatters is endless and it needs to be ended now!

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