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MARCH 2025

BREAKING UPDATE: At Least 66 Ukrainian Army Servicemen And Foreigners Were Killed And Wounded Near Lviv

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UPDATE: 20:00, Mar. 13 (CEST)In the morning of March 13, long-range precision-guided weapons struck the training centers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village of Starichi and at the Yavorivsky military training area, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

The Kiev regime deployed at these facilities: a training and combat training facility for foreign mercenaries before sending them to areas of combat operations against Russian soldiers, as well as a storage base for weapons and military equipment coming from foreign countries.

As a result of the strike, up to 180 foreign mercenaries and a large consignment of foreign weapons were destroyed.


Local authorities report that as a result of a Russian missile strike on the Yavoriv training range near Lviv, 9 Ukrainian army servicemen and foreign instructors were killed and 57 wounded.

On March 13, Russian missiles pounded the Yavorovo military range in Lviv Region. The range is a part of the military facility used in the area by NATO to train Kyiv’s forces in the previous years. The range is the largest in Europe and allows simulation of deployment and offensive of a tank division. The range is used by the U.S., British, and Canadian militaries to train Ukrainian army personnel.

Officially, all NATO instructors had been withdrawn from the country before the conflict began. Most likely, it was mercenaries from NATO countries who came to Ukraine to take part in combat operations against Russia. It is also likely that Kiev is speculating on the deaths of alleged NATO instructors in order to use this as another opportunity to drag the alliance into the Ukrainian conflict

After the start of the Russian military operation, the area became a hub and training center for foreign mercenaries that came to Ukraine.

BREAKING UPDATE: At Least 66 Ukrainian Army Servicemen And Foreigners Were Killed And Wounded Near Lviv

Lviv authorities claimed that at least 8 missiles hit the facility calling this as the ‘act of Russian aggression’.


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Pedo Andy from FcUKingham palace

SLAVA ROSSIYA! A lot of NATO terrorist scum wiped out in one single precision strike.

Wojciech Stanislaw

Polish media say more 200 Ukrainian and American England trainor die in attack. Polish ambulance going in to bring dead and injury. Russia win big victory.

Arzt Injektion

Indeed, when Ukraine is reporting losses always best to times ten to get a true figure.

Wojciech Stanislaw

Poland people very scared, Russian Sukhoi fly low near border, we want peace with Russian brothers. No NATO war.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan


basement in US embassy in poland

things are heating up there.


Yes. Zelensky’s blow-up doll has arrived.

Black Flag

Zelensky is from the media entertainment sector, ie, a coke addled fag.



Byzantium Rising

Arrggh. View with caution. It will hurt your eyes. The inhumanity of it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Byzantium Rising

These are grimacing fools, not Cossacks

Fred Dozer

Its a gay link

Trevor Lorenz

Wow, and Putin Thinks he is sexy with all his shirtless photo ops. Now we know why Putin’s so eager to enter Kyve.

Zelinsky must be really secure in his Hetrosexuality, LOL. It’s funny how the Bisexual men are often the most concern as about looking totally straight and macho. I’m thinking of you Putin, you weirdo he probably keeps his cabinet so rediculously far away so Those sexy men don’t arouse him so much.


Last edited 2 years ago by Trevor Lorenz

No the distance is obviously ‘cuz of the concealed shark tank under the table. See the buttons by Putin’s side. The are the controls for the trapdoors concealed in all that fancy parquetry floor! The distance is ‘cuz Putin just doesn’t like getting his suit wet from the splashing and thrashing in the shark tank! ; )


Obrigado João.

Vlad the Impaler

Don’t you mean Zelenski’s dildo?

Iron Diapers 💩 Israel’s prime time whore

Yes I blew that Zelensky blow up doll, it didn’t taste like real kosher cock would. I’m so disappointed. No refund.


that was funny

Elohim Kosher Bar

6 is a Kaballah number used by Clan Talmud.


US who controls NATO will get Poles killed if it suit US geopolitical goals against Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by BobSaysSo
Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Yes. The elite in the United States have previously killed their presidents if they become a burden to them.

Tommy Jensen

More USNato troops and ISIS and Azovnazi freedom rebels can seek refugee in Poland, and all new old weapons and many mini nukes from the international usury community can be transferred into Poland to the border of Ukraine to strengthen Poland’s defences. This will teach Russia a lesson, and make Europe and Nato more secure from any attack on our dollar values.


keep dreaming child


that’s tommy , literally everything he says is in jest

basement in US embassy in poland

Not sure why Poland is still in NATO. World knows if war broke out in Europe, it would spill over to Asia for a simple fact that Russia belongs to Asia too. Russia alone can crush NATO. With China, Korea, Iran, etc,? no need to talk about this. Poland has an uncanny way to choose the wrong side throughout its history.


Fool your education wants to be better. Russia belongs to and located in Eurasia.

Vlad the Impaler

Dunno about Poland, but in most of Eastern Europe we have EU puppet regimes installed by Germany through election fraud and military threats.


Except when its them killing Russians, then need to divide by 10. They claim they killed 12000 so far, 1200 would it be (and I think even less).


Exactly. Only complete idiots believe in Ukro-maidan grotesque lies. I mean, everyone lies in war but Ukros are lying and bullshitting beyond belief, and western media eagerly accept their every delusional claim no matter how ridiculous it is.


Nothing new for them it all started with Maidan. Entire ‘revoluCIA’ was fake and based on lies and manipulation. Snipers killing their own people for example.


If the polish are giving this number, there is no reason to not trust them. After all, being inside nato, they have an interest to minimize losses not blowing them up.


Give links please

Retired Troll

Looks like Russia got the Uki Nazis and NATO terrorists with pants down.


Its probably not that hard with modern surveillance. These foreigners all carry mobile phones they will use a lot and that can be tracked, and they all arrive of from Polish airports that Russia will have under satellite and visual surveillance. Track the plane load of foreigners to their new HQ and BOOM! A timely warning to others.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

You should keep this a secret! Now the foreign warriors can read this and change the itinerary and turn off their mobile phones.


They needed to send 30 missiles, 22 where shot down. 8 succeed. I pinkel more accurate as your cruise missiles hit. .


Man, I thought those US anti-missile systems were super effective. Sex Panther, works 60% of the time, every time. What’s the damage from eight missiles? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!


Any proof, of any of alleged 22 shoot downs – any carcasses been photographed on ground?

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
Black Flag

The Onyx site, which is pro-west and likely CIA funded, have already posted an aerial photo of site and the damage on Twitter. They circled craters in photo and they counted for 16 direct hits. Which proves your claims and numbers are total BS. You either pulled them out of thin air, or quoted some Ukrainian official’s desperate attempts at damage control, due to the negative optics of such a catastrophic blow to the Kiev Regime. Either way, you’re full of it.

Tommy Jensen

He pulled it out from his arse. I dared to call an axe an axe, and say it straight out.

Black Flag

Fair call sir!

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

There were 4 Russian planes that sent rockets. They circled the area after the attack.


Talking about accuracy: Ukraine fired one to Croatia instead of Crimea a few days ago, a bit of a wrong angle?This must be a new record of stupidity, I would say. And the missile went aaall they way through 3 NATO countries, talking about defenses… it’s almost humiliating for Russia having to fight with such an incompetent army…

Black Flag

Holy shit – that is literally in the opposite direction!

Trevor Lorenz

слава Свободной России! долой тирана путина slava Svobodnoy Rossii! doloy tirana putina



Tremor Perez Dead

Go join your dead boyfriends in Lwow you retarded insect from MI6 stinky dungeon.

Trevor Lorenz

слава Свободной России! долой тирана путина slava Svobodnoy Rossii! doloy tirana putina

Check out this sweet bait and missile attack


Tremor Perez Dead

Ukromonkeys hit another civilian cargo ship and their monkey spam bot repeats moronic lies, fake bullshit and laughable fantasies.

Stop farting from your shithole mouth and swallow Kalibr missile instead of swallowing Zelensky banana you autistic bitch.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tremor Perez Dead
Ghost of Zelensky

Totally /not/ fake news: Two Ukrops yelling in darkness – apparently enough evidence for Times Of Israel.

“Fuck bro we hit something! We sink Titanic! We sink USS Liberty! Slava Bandera! Slava Adolf! Slava Times of Israel!”


They’re actually quoting Winston “I’ll sacrifice my empire and Europe for some booze” Churchill, which is even more cringe.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Fool. Ukraine sank its best warship to prevent Russia from taking it. Are pictures online that show that it is located in the harbor.

Last edited 2 years ago by Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Probably some good people in the mix, too, but this seems to be an IQ test. Did you see through the propaganda? Yes? Then you wouldn’t be there.


hey i like your name. its good to see someone who actually know what this war is all about.


United Snakes was mercilessly ridiculed by barefoot warriors driving motorcycles but they claim to train other foreign armies. Funny!

Pedo Andy from FcUKingham palace

US is a born loser, anything it touches turns into sh * t. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Peppe il Sicario

The Russians TRAIN militaries. The USSA trannies miltaries!!!!

Pedo Andy from Queens tush

Also Pedos.

Martin Rapavý

Honestly, the best thing was a Tupolev Tu-141 Striž overflying 3 NATO cuntries and landing in Croatia. Speaks volumes of NATO air-defence capabilities.

Simon Ndiritu

Someone should have gained its control and ram it into fake interceptor sites in Romania.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Oy vey…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps CIAisis terrorists away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗

Ashok Varma

According to India media, several CIA and Mossad agents were killed in both this strike and the one in Iraqi Kurdistan attributed to Iranians, looks like Russia and Iran are coordinating on a bigger scale.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Good riddance 👍


China should join Russia and Iran, clean the western swamp

Ashok Varma

Iranian independent media and military sites are acknowledging that IRGC and Hezbollah urban combat specialists are fighting alongside Russian and Don Bas freedom fighters. The Iranians have extensive urban combat experience dating back the to the liberation of their cities in 1980’s. Even the current Iran President and most the top brass have fought in urban campaigns from Beirut to Khorramshahr.

Black Flag

China is not totally reliable, they tend to be a friend of convenience to Russia and Iran.

Ashok Varma

China is only into money and has no friends. The Russians and Persians are Scythian warrior people and historic allies.


Pleace China will do nothing for others, they will backstab you

Simon Ndiritu

Russia has already proven to be quite a mouthful for them. They are probably already sorry they started it and Russia is still marching despite their lame sanctions.


Look beyond USNato coarse partnership built on lying propaganda, invasions and sanctions.

Russians are chess masters plan 3steps ahead. Chinese are strategists plan 100yrs ahead. Persians are warriors never surrender in 1000yrs. This is a very powerful team.

They are coordinating closely in global geopolitical WW3, from Syria war to Iran’s JCPOA deal, NK matter, Central Asia security like Kazakhstan coup & Afgh war, SCS-Taiwan confrontation, India QUAD sabotage, Africa & Libya security, de-USD, alt SWIFT trade system, energy security (eg. Russia & Iran gave China fixed contravt price 30yrs while they spike to $150 derailing USNato economy)….

Russia is the only military power that can counter USNato in projecting force globally which China is lacking, such as Syria & Libya wars now. Ru also military backing Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Belarus… from USNato invasion. But its small $1.7T economy heavily relying on energy export is its greatest weakness requiring China backing to sustain.

So China has signed a new $400Bils gas deal covering all NS2 lost, on top of $500Bils deal signed in 2014 to save Russia from Crimea sanction. It also announce series of partnership such as unlimited import of Russia grains, provide banking service including Union Pay credit card, China-Russia SWIFT, RMB-rubles trade system, aerospace and industrial supplies, huge broad base investments including oil exploration, huge LNG factories for gas export beyond EU pipelines ….literally offset USNato crushing sanctions on Russia.

China is the only $18T GDP (or $24T PPP) economy of global mfg hub that can counter USNato sanction globally. Its backing Russia, NK, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia,..economically and supplying them all essentials, while exerting military pressure to bog down 50% USM force in SCS/ Taiwan simultaneously, as well as castrating India QUAD force in South Asia.

Iran is only force controlling strategic Homlz Straits that all Gulf oil flow through, as well as ME main military power capable to help Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Palestine Hezbollah,… resist USNato-Israel occupation, hence very crucial energy security to China and Russia. It can influence oil price by blockade Homlz or strike Saudi refinery at chosen time.

So each is putting their best strength in area to optimize fighting against USNato hegemony. The ultimate goal is to dedollarization, draining the fuel of USM to collapse it once & for all without a nuclear war.

Having China and Iran sending forces to officially help Russia is only symbolic win like US loves to use “Allied force”. But Russia powerful military will have better flexibility to go alone while China & Iran can better manoeuvre in UN without direct participation.

Im sure when USNato intervened military, millions of PLA and Iranian volunteers are ready to fight as they did in Korea and Syria wars. USNato is certained of humiliating defeat as Korea & Vietnam war had proven when 1400mils Chinese intervened.

Last edited 2 years ago by Naturetruth
Arzt Injektion

Yeah I am calling BS on no one dying in the Iraqi strike. It was no pinprick, it was substantial. Look for the US to have some “Training Accidents” in the next week or so. This is often how they try hide their losses.

Ashok Varma

The problem is that west is losing everywhere and they tend to lie a lot. I just saw that even the office of the CIA run TV station which was 8kms from the main Iranian strike was totally wrecked with cars piled on each other and then the US has the gall to say there were no casualties. The fireball was over 30 meters high, the Iranians used some HE over 500 kilos on each Fatah 110 missile. The Anglos are pathological liars and cheats.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
Black Flag

A ‘military helicopter crash in Iraq due to mechanical failure’ in about a week’s time, is another old standard US ploy, to publicly filter the announcement of such in-the-field casualties.

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag

Casualty laundering

Peppe il Sicario

Oh yes!! We are well into WW 3 now. The gloves have come off. Here, in currently Americant- Zionist occupied Europe, food rationing has already started at supermarkets and the spike in oil prices is bringing all activity to a halt. How long until the people attack the puppets in government?

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Ashok Varma

Let’s hope so, but unfortunately most of the western populations are brainwashed and live in total police states and fed BS. But most of the world sides with Russia. The economic consequences for the pathetic west are horrendous and their soft corrupt societies will fall with anarchy. NATO pushed its evil too much and there was bound to be resistance. The world has changed.

Peppe il Sicario

Amen brother!!!

Arzt Injektion

Well we all know what happened to Marie Antoinette after refusing to open the granaries. Maybe Italy can auction off some of those yachts to buy some groceries.

Peppe il Sicario

With the evil US Bilderberg scum puppet PM, Draghi, his only role is to cause as much suffering on the Italian populace as possible. I’d gladly tie him though to one of those Russian oligarchs’ yachts and drag him the around the Mediterranean as shark bait.

Tommy Jensen

Et tu Brute. The land of camerieres and pocket thieves.


Next stop those American bitches in Syria,and liberate Kosvo while they are at it.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Ashok Varma

Russia has dealt the Nazi Nato terrorists a severe blow and casualties are much higher according to Indian intelligence and media. It was a major weapons depot and terror training camp and now totally smoldering. JAI RUS, JAI PUTIN!


They thought they were safe so close to Poland and could carry on with their evil.


VERY NICE! MORE DEAD TERRORISTS PLEASE, thank you comrade president Putin!

Ashok Varma

Russia is just getting serious.


Nah it was in the plan. Andrei Martyanov has been saying from the first day that the russian chief of staff had the intention to raise up the pain dial if the ukrops didn’t understand their current predicament.

Some sources say that the deadline for the end of the war is one month. If they cannot end it in time, I think the russians with start shooting for real.


I agree, I’m 100% positive Russia is going easy on Ukraine so far, they haven’t got to second gear yet.


Teach the foreign scum that killing our people is NOT free, it WILL cost them their lives!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia will send Ciaisis home in bodybags. One piece at a time…


The CIA must be required to pay all the Postage and Packaging costs in advance. LOL

Wojciech Stanislaw

Polish news, many western die in attack. many ambulances bring dead to Poland.


Any sources for polish media?

Wojciech Stanislaw

W ataku rakietowym na poligon wojskowy w Jaworowie zginęło 35 osób, a 134 są ranne. To 20 km od granicy w Korczowej na Podkarpaciu!


Russia destroy big base, more soldier wounded die, many NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wojciech Stanislaw

Do you have a link to that?

Yamil Perez

At this point Russia already has more than 30 battalion tactical groups out of action and the entire reserve has been called up to die. Putin the human cockroach will have to find something he can target that’s not women and children.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

According to Disney news network…


Looks like a large NATO weapons shipment of manpads was smoked. This would put the fear of Putin in the dumb Pollacks eh boyo.

Yamil Perez

Unfortunately Putin the cockroach didn’t thought of that while the Ukranian army was army itself to its teeth and annihilating that massive tank column north of Kiev. Now they’ll just keep changing the supply networts. As far as Poland’s concerned they think that Putin the human the cockroach wants to destroy them too. And they have every reason to feel that way.


tuff day, you seem to be coping about as well as can be expected Yammy!

Mithra Shores

This is Zelensky, who you are so into, Yarmulke Perez:


Best you keep these things to yourself, Yarmulke Perez.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mithra Shores

They sure do. US propaganda dominates. You have to feel for the Poles, they were the only suckers will to bend over for the US LNG fantasy. One day the US will have to relenquish control of Europe and the people will be able to integrate the Eurasian landmass into a prosperous economic system. Too bad the Ukrainian people had to go down in the last US grasp for global dominance.

Yamil Perez



We have plenty more, have you?


Dude you still alive?


Hiding in u basement in Mariupol with the rest of nazi rats. Time is running out.


So tell us Scooby how come if your beating Russia so bad all the fighting’s in Ukraine?

Russia is sitting on Ukraines chest pounding the shit out of her and you brag about how Ukraines teeth are hurting Russia’s knuckles.

Yamil Perez

Russia seems to be doing a great job arming Ukraine too, Scooby. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=5510291865666228&id=1551444308217690&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez

WOW!! Ukraine stole a used SUV while Russia took half of Ukraine. Don’t fret … you’ll always be a winner in daddies eyes.

You know back in the day only retards got trophies for losing.

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica
Yamil Perez

Jesus, what a complete fucking moron. This idiot has no clue of the collection of Russian tanks swinging by like Santa Claus down the chimney. How did manage to gather so many idiots around here, Scooby? I guess Russian state propaganda does have a profound effect on the brainless. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=5511733855522029&id=1551444308217690&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline


Jesus, what a complete fucking moron. this idiot thinks fucking up a few vehicles equals a military victory.

Puppets and crayons time:

You win fantasy war games by destroying vehicles and killing pretend soldiers … or elves, or orcs … whatever you’re pretending to fight.

You win real wars by taking ground and achieving objectives.

So what does your video really show … Ukrainians defeating the Russian military or the Russians losing a few tanks while crushing the Ukrainians?

Here’s a clue … the country making advances and seizing territory is winning.

Yamil Perez

The Putin cockroach now gets angry because he thinks that sending 150,000 Putin cockroaches to invade another country equals victory. I’m sure the cowardly cockroach also thinks that sending more and more Russian soldiers to die for no reason is an act of bravery. Because Russia is a big country with many Putin cockroaches to die and Ukraine is only asmall country that’s turning them into roasted beef.


I just read that NATO decided to pull out all of their trainers and other personel out of the Ukraine due to this strike. 85% of the foreign volunteers they were training left with them.

Looks like Ukraine is now a lost cause. The USA’s been promising to stand with Ukraine all the way back to 2013 but when the shit hits the fan you’re on your own.

Hopes and prayers … maybe some small arms just to prolong the suffering … no NATO, no no fly zone, no EU … so long and be a good boy and kill a few Russians before your die. Remember we all love you in the west … not enough to defend you but we’ll post some nasty meme and wear yellow and blue in your honour.

Yamil Perez

You mean this one? It’s from February 12, two weeks before Putin the human cockroach decide to invade. These Putin cockroaches are living in another dimension. What a complete lunatic. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/exclusive-us-remove-military-trainers-ukraine-officials-2022-02-12/

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
Tommy Jensen

They are just crossing the border to Poland, and continue the training just at the border to Ukraine…………..LOL. Russia cant legally hit anybody in Poland, because one for all and all for one Nato rules, and we can sue Russia in the international usury court if they do anything………..LOL.

Yamil Perez

That’s why Putin the cockroach is begging his crappy generals to try another false flag operation like the one they tried in Belarus. So that the Putin cockroaches can have an excuse. Everybody knows it’s what the cockroach dictator wants.


You mad brah?


Russia has called no one. And the biggest part of the the 190.000 soldiers are idle at the border. Don’t know why, but they are using them.

Yamil Perez

Because they were stuck for a week in the 40 mile convoy north of Kiev that just got annihilated and dispersed because the non existent former Russian special forces failed to take the Kiev airport and got wiped out.

Black Flag

Because you were there to witness all these wild exaggerated claims? Thought not.

Jesus Ramirez

Did your daddy die in that strike :}


Got a source for that or is it just more spam, as usual?

Yossi Cohen (Israeli, kiddy fiddler, proud)

Oooh Yamil I love it when you talk dirty honey. Remember that day I fingered you with my nose. You felt so high. You even let me play in your brown hole 🥰


good morning Vietnam;)) hit nato whores whith napalm, please..

Wojciech Stanislaw

Very big fire, we see smoke from Poland. Russia done very much damage to base, still fire and explosion from ammunition store.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Oy oy…


At least 35 killed and over 150 wounded and rising

Wojciech Stanislaw

Polish news over 200 dead and wounded. Four Russian Sukhoi circle border and fire. base now skonczone or kaputski.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia aint playing around anymore. NATO trolls thought they know war. Wrong. But you will know it now.

Tommy Jensen

US has invisible super duper weapons. They are just waiting for the right moment until everybody are exhausted……….LOL.

Timmy Temperance

An updated statement from Ukraine says at least 35 died. So probably more. NATO have officially stated that none of their people were there. UK media is saying that at least a trillion missiles were launched in the ferocious attack by Russia. As military action goes, it seems like a direct hit.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Hit and sunk…

Arzt Injektion

“NATO have officially stated that none of their people were there.” That is what you have to love about this type of strike. They can’t admit to anything. Lot of NATO scum taken out.


Missle…Not middle

Ashok Varma

The Anglo-Zionists are pathological liars and that is why they are scared of the truth and censor the media. Too late, Russia and Iran are making monkeys out of them.


“amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin


It would have been Cheaper to send 1 Trillion Dollar Middle to cause same damage and save money. Gas prices are terrible. Ha ha.

This War was over before it began. Putin would Not have started something without an end Strategy.



Michel LeBlanc

Its nice to see the mighty volunteers get their ass kicked with their pants down.

Clownish amateurs.


35 dead, 134 wounded: https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/7025078001


Russian Defense Ministry says 180 foreign mercenaries were eliminated

Tommy Jensen

All Israelis returned safe to their Homebase without a single scratch on their uniforms.

Arzt Injektion

I hope those stupid Canadians on their way to Ukraine are having second thoughts.


They watch Zelensky act a hero on TV. They got no idea how grown men are crying in Ukraine. The propaganda war seems to have taken a hit too.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

They are probably on their way to Valhalla.


Cowards don’t go to that sacred place,they go to hell.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan



They don’t have first thoughts, just propaganda-conditioned sentiments. I am very curious to know the status of JTF2 forces sent from Canada in January, 2022.


I bet they bought a one-way ticket and they don’t even know it.

hans raus

7000-10000 + russian soldiers has been eliminated. Russian gov know that they stuck in ukraine with heavy loses. One or two missile strikes will not change fact that russian army is big joke.

BTW, anyone who think that ukrainian army keeps NATO weapons in military base(easy target) during war must be IQ below 80 :D

Jimmy from Accounting

Your fake numbers are beyond audit. Russians have scored big. We call it a net gain.

hans raus

COPE mode bro, russians are in panic mode.Weak russian army already lost this war


desperate, pathetic—you are already defeated—even amerikant MSM admits this….freud could not teach you his “reality principle”—too much lgbt reality from CIA

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

7000-10000 + ukrobot soldiers has been eliminated. UKROTRASHISTAN govt know that they stuck in Donbas with heavy loses. One or two missile strikes will not change fact that the ukrobot army is big joke.

BTW, anyone who thinks that ukrainian army keeps NATO weapons in military bases(easy target) during war must have IQ above 100 :D Unfortunately poor ukrobots are still in the double digits range as we can see from the results…


Ok if it makes you sleep better

Black Flag

Because you are on the ground to count and verify such wildly exaggerated numbers, right? Though not.


little Hans fear of death therapy failed—now bf pays to post lies on SF


“the men amerikants most admire tell them the most extravagant lies; the men they most despise try to tell them the truth”. HL Menkhen


Mencken was a nasty old racist, but he knew the American people inside and out.


Pretty sure that over 250 million Russian soldiers have been wiped out just in the last day. I get bona fide journalism from a variety of Five-Eyes sources.


I still laugh about the DPR forces seizing Canadian equipment in Debaltsevo in 2015. Very funny video. The Kiev Klown Kar Kareens out of Kontrol, straight into a Krater.


To use large open training grounds in a battle-torn country, where the enemy has clearly the air-superiority and immense long-range missile capabilities is more then careless, that’s for sure.

Why they do the volunteer trainings inside Ukraine instead of in US military bases in Poland, I really don t know.

All the volunteer-training should be done in Poland, Lithuania or else but not in Ukraine. Ukraine is a battleground now. Why risk losses through russian airstrike, when there is plenty of neighboring border countries where you can do the training ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Train them in Poland, Iceland it doesn’t matter. They gonna die


They have no brain. What do you expect, they think it’s a rambo movie. Great job 🇷🇺

Black Flag

Because then Poland would be a direct and active participant in the war (not merely a ‘transit hub’ as they now claim) and being a member NATO that would make all of NATO liable as active participants. This is why you are not in charge of anything. Because, you are stupid, or in Polish, you are…glupi.

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag

your bf bobby has new dildo for you

Jimmy from Accounting

Iranian Guards claim ballistic missile attacks in Erbil

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards claim the missile attacks, saying it targeted a CIA and Israeli ‘strategic centre’ in Iraq.


Long live Putin

Martin Rapavý

“Glory to Ukraine, glory to the neo-Nazis!”

I hope that this will be front-page news in the West.


No they will say there was a electrical fault Haaa!


“We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov


Looks like Mr Kalibr was out for a early morning walk.


The interesting part is that the russians can go all-in in the west, because western ukrainians are russophobic and pro-nato.


Well many were pro Hitler,but let us remember millions of Ukrainians served in the Red army and there were a quarter of a million Partisans in Ukraine,but most were in the east,the rest were collaborationist trash.


The Russians control the sky ,so there is no reason not to do drone recon 24 /7 and drone strike 24/7 or artillery strike 24/7 the enemy does not need a rest just keep the fire lit under they ass


To keep the narrative that there are no Nato servicemen in UA just count them as Corona cases;)

Black Flag

Western MSM: ‘In other news, a privately chartered airliner carrying a full load of western passengers to eastern Europe, all males aged 25-35, was mass infected with a virulent strain of Covid-19 over weekend. The prolonged cabin exposure proved fatal for all passengers onboard. According to health officials all the bodies are being immediately mass cremated as a necessary health precaution.’

Something along these lines…??!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag
Peter Cuter

Congrats, Russia! Nice strike. Death to all Nazis!

The Ukrainian president clearly shows that he is an actor, not a pesident. Otherwise he would not allow the Azov-Nazi to slaughter the civilians in Mariupol and elsewhere. The political leadership of Ukraine has proven that they don’t give a shit about the fate of own population. They are actors, and not responsible politicians. The extent of damage to the infrastructure and the loss of lives is by far unacceptable for any responsible leader.

For the NATO (North Atlantic Terror Organisation, see operation Gladio) this war is a nice way to weaken Russia at the expense of the ukrainian people and to burn up their Neo-Nazis.


This map tell it all. https://www.moonofalabama.org/12i/ukrsanct2.jpg The countries in blue are sanctioning Russia while the countries in white aren’t. Notice all the countries that the USA have invaded, overthrown or sanctioned aren’t sanctioning Russia.

Ukraine is being fought on a tactical level but the real war is on the strategic level.

During the cold war the USA was always telling Warsaw pact nations to revolt against the Soviets and if they did the USA would support them.

Well in 1956 Hungary revolted … the Soviets rolled in the USA did nothing.

1968 Checkoslovakia same thing.

2008 Georgia … same thing.

2015 Syria … USA does nothing.

2018 iran attacked a US base with missiles … USA does nothing

Today Ukraine …. USA does nothing

Tomorrow, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, Romania … NATO or not when push comes to shove will the USA show up …. doesn’t look likely.

The real war here is Russia driving a wedge between the USA and her allies, rallying all the nations who are fed up with US wars and bullying and turning sanctions back on the USA by withholding commodities like hydrocarbons, metals and minerals from the west ruining their economies.


little bobby mugheee only find LGBT in blue nations


Could be a miscalculation, you remember this was a initional called A liberation?, Urkraine people where thought to welcome Russians with flowers, but no they shoot at them every where. I think the Americans hate the Russians even more then the Europeans and after this aggression war it is evident the Europeans do not thrust the Russian anymore. Secondly, – the soldiers can’t fight forever, now 130 -150 battalions or fighting the rest is needed els on the borders. Somewhere he needs to call reserves in this are all unexperienced boy’s not soldiers = bad luck. -the soldiers which are now fighting will go home.on leave, recuperation etc. They will tell that this was no exercise, no liberation, that they saw comrades die, disappear , that they are lied to. Gone is the demagogy, the censure to the media will be countered. So; -don’t take it for granted that the Nato will not react.- will be the Russian army still capable fighting after the fight in Ukraine? – how will the Russian react on the lies, on the deads, on the poverty?

Tommy Jensen

Demilitarisation and Denazification! People in the West never understand when you tell them the truth once and for all times. They jump around like cockroaches “maybe Putin means this or that or some third idea or fourth agenda or a fifth possibility could also be behind.


“People in the west” like to be told what Russian intentions are through a media filter rather than reading transcripts of what the Russians actually said. Often the western translations are wrong too … probably intentionally.

I have a friend who studied Russian in Russia as a teenager then did a university degree in Russia and went on to a career in the diplomatic service serving in Russia then served in foreign affairs interrogating Russians.

She is apoplectic at the words being put into Putin’s mouth over Ukraine.

No one was happier than I was when the Berlin wall came down and we finally had peace. What the USA then did with that peace was criminal. It’s the Americans who are kleptocrats and war mongers not the Russians. I also remember statements that NATO wasn’t going to expand into ex Warsaw pact nations. Most of the world knows this but not us in the west.

What’s happening in Ukraine today falls firmly at the feet of Americans and their NATO allies.

Tommy Jensen

Precise. But it is in general. I have worked in many countries but find it extremely difficult to be honest once in semantics in the first world, as this is constant misinterpreted due to their media brainwashing in false gramma and narratives, and they cant get out of their own trap.


Taliban required 20 years to defeat coward anglosphere and their colonies—because you are coward you believe others are


commodities like hydrocarbons?


There are no US allies, only vassals. All the little blue regions on the map are dominated by US intelligence or economic assets. In the case of Canada, they basically run everything.


It’s the Zionist colonial project.

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