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MARCH 2025

At Least 73 Georgians Likely Killed By US Toxin Or Bioweapon Disguised As Drug Research: Russian Military

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At Least 73 Georgians Likely Killed By US Toxin Or Bioweapon Disguised As Drug Research: Russian Military

A screenshot from the Russian military press briefing

A US-funded biomedical laboratory in Georgia may have conducted bioweapons research under the guise of a drug test claiming the lives of at least 73 subjects, the Russian Defense Ministry said on October 4.

Refering to files received from a former Georgian minister, Igor Kirillov, commander of the Russian military branch responsible for defending troops from radiological, chemical and biological weapons revealed that the documents record the deaths of 73 people over a short period of time. This indicates a test of “a highly toxic chemical or biological agents with high lethality rate.”

“The documents showed many lethal outcomes among the patients. Despite the deaths of 24 people in December 2015 alone, the clinical trials were continued in violation of international standards and the wishes of the patients,” Kirillov claimed. “This led to the deaths of 49 more people.”

Kirillov emphasized that the US has a long record of unethical testing on human subjects in foreign countries.

As to the Georgian case, Kirillov refered to the tests carried out by the Richard Lugar Center for Public Health Research near the Georgian capital Tbilisi, involved clinical trials of a drug called Sovaldi, which is meant for the treatment of Hepatitis C.  The drug is produced by Gilead Sciences, a California-based biomedical firm that recruited former US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld as a board member in 1988, in between his two tenures as head of the Pentagon.

The Russian military pointed out that the US has at least 30 laboratories under its control all over the world and Washington is highly likely boosting its military and biological potential under the cover of peace research.

“The United States is consistently increasing its biological potential and control of national collections of pathogenic microorganisms not only in the former Soviet republics. More than 30 US-controlled laboratories with a high level of biological protection are functioning and are being constantly modernized today, which has been confirmed by official UN data,” Kirillov said.

Kirillov further noted that these labs are a source of the constant source of biological threats to Russia and China. He added that the Russian Defense Ministry was aware of the US researching ways to deliver and unleash biological weapons in breach of international accords.

“This is in line with the US concept of ‘contactless warfare’… They [images] show how capsules can be filled with poisonous, radioactive or narcotic substances, and pathogens. Such munitions are not listed among conventional or humane weapons, while any publishing of such data runs against international accords on nonproliferation of biological weapons,” Kirillov said.

“The Lugar Center is only a small element of the extensive US military-biological program. Vigorous activity has been launched on the territory of the states adjacent to Russia, where the Pentagon-controlled laboratories also function,” he stated adding that the Pentagon is working to reconstruct laboratories under its control in Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.

The US commented on the Russian Defense Ministry press briefing claiming that the provided information is false and is a part of the ongoing Russian disinformation campaign against the West.

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You can call me Al

I think it is about time for a first strike. Hint hint Russia and China – the US cannot be allowed out of their Country anymore – no maritime, no air flights, nothing.

Ricky Miller

The United States clearly has murderous intent toward Russia. There are many reasons but the primary reason is D.C.’s fear that Russia will be the last major power left standing by 2050. The world is changing. Climate Scientists are predicting that areas between 45°N latitude to 45°S latitude are likely to see heat waves well over 100°F for weeks on end in summertime. Heatwave deaths will ensue, strains on power grids and food production will be common. Additionally, many societies are simply becoming close to ungovernable, especially in the West. Every other third world type wants to immigrate there, stressing societal and economic divisions, disrupting housing markets and so on, in already restless and underserved native populations. One computer model recently predicted the breakdown in societal order and national governments by 2040. Enter the Russian Federation.

Most of Russia’s cities lie well above 45°N. In fact, Russia has the highest latitude large urban infrastructure in the World. With many Western countries already beginning to face fresh water issues Russia has the largest freshwater reserves in the World, with Lake Baikal alone holding over 20% of the Earth’s fresh water. Russia’s agriculture is booming and better insulated against climate disruption than anywhere else. Russia has large reserves of ores for metallurgy and the tech metals industry to exploit them. Power? Russia’s grid is resilient and Russia has the only company in the world that handles all phases of Nuclear Power, including mining and processing uranium and designing and building large scale atomic reactors. Russia has a large enough population to defend the country but not so many on it’s huge landmass that communities are going to have conflict with each other as they go into the countryside to gather resources. Russia’s population is educated, 80% ethnic Russian, 90% fluent Russian speaking and united around a 1,000 year state culture and a common national narrative. And they are protected by the largest nuclear weapons arsenal on Earth. American neocons know that the U.S. is in trouble. They’d love to get their hands on Russia’s resources, technology. Hence a long shot mass program to collect Slavic DNA and tailor pathogens and vectors to kill an entire generation or two of Russian children.

See how it all fits together?


The part about the West becoming increasingly ungovernable is quite terrifying.


There is no such thing as “Slavic DNA”; Slavic is a language (group).

Ricky Miller

Tell it to the USA. The Russian MOD has stated it’s concerns about American programs to seemingly collect large numbers of genetic samples from ethnic Slavs both inside Russia and on Russia’s periphery. Also, Slavic can refer to Slavs, meaning an Asian-Euro ethno-linguistic people. Etno would imply a cultural and genetic commonality, would it not?


because of russian maffia take samples


That’s why they make sure to collect enough dna samples in Russia.


Slavs are an ethnic group, they are an eastern European tribe.

Tommy Jensen

Clima Change Scientist says small children will die…..………LOL. Trolling globalism?


History shows that those who cannot adapt become extinct.


now whites in australia


Egypt became the superpower of its day, because global warming increased rainfall in the region, and Egypt grew very rich feeding the then known world. As the warming continued southern Europe became the sweet spot for food production and Athens and then Rome grew in power. As the earth warms Russia will increase its agricultural production, it’s already happening. Most of northern Canada is very low with poor soil, and so even though it will warm, it will not replace the American grain belt, that is slowly turning to desert.

Here in Australia, we are pretty much cactus with regards to wheat etc, but luckily we do reach into the tropics, so long term our future will be in rice.

Remnants of ancient rainforests in Australia’s north, are actually starting to grow, after thousands of years of decline.

Ricky Miller

The problem with rice is that it’s so water needy. Maybe that won’t be a problem in Australia but for much of the world where it’s the primary staple they are already seeing production issues related to water use, thinking about China and India here. With a billion people each and water supplies already tightening that is going to be one of the major problems for their stability. And Canada has many of the same advantages Russia does except for one: Not enough people to defend her against her voracious and psychotic Southern Neighbor. The problem is that the U.S. is going to have tens of millions of refugees flowing in during these rapid fire crisis and whole segments of American society will keep trying to preserve as much of the lifestyle from before, so the Americans will tear vast resources out of Canada but in the end it will only help delay the inevitable while fatally wounding Canada’s viability.


No the refugees will be coming from the US. As the earth warms, the tropics will grow and the other climate zones will move towards the poles. A warming earth means more rainfall, but it will occur in different places. In the US, the south west deserts will grow, but Florida will become more tropical. Some will win some will lose, but Russia will be a big winner.


give back australia to aborigenes! you little thief and reason of ecological catastrophies in the most beautiful continent.


ruskies are laisy people. therefore lost always everything. russian mentality is too sick to brcamu mighty country

Ricky Miller

Russia finished the Crimea Bridge in three years, it is Europe’s longest bridge and can be seen from the International Space Station, those lazy Russians. Russia provides rocket rides to European and American Astronauts so they can get to the ISS, those lazy Russians. Russia just built a whole slew of new stadiums and hosted nearly two million visitors in one of the most successful World Cups ever, those lazy Russians. In fact, they transported all those ticket holding visitors around on Russia’s vast and modernizing Rail network, a huge task and say too much work to be labeled lazy. Where is Europe’s tallest skyscraper? Why, just finished in St. Petersburg, thank you. Lazy Russians. Who is building most of the World’s new Nuclear Reactors? Rosatom, a company of lazy Atom splitting Russians. And so much more. Go away…


your example is in favour what i wrote. ruskies do something, semibig and 20 years do nothing. look at their hoses, flats. ruins…


russia will be destroyed by 2 bilion migrants from east/south/central asia.

Ricky Miller

Who in their weakened conditions cross the Gobi Desert? Or Russia’s vast open lands? Russia does have something like the neutered U.S. Border Patrol, but a real military force, the Border Guards some 300,000 strong with military equipment and discipline guarding Russia’s borders. The only mass movements to get in will be the numbers they allow.


who crossed the much begger sahara??? btw., hungry tatars crossed and ate chinese empire, later kiyevian russia.

Ricky Miller

I’m certain the Russian Border Guards didn’t exist then. And I know that patrolling the Sahara is far from their mandate. And by the time most of them attempt the passage North they’ll be suffering from vastly lowered calorie counts and blazing heat in the summer, swollen rivers in the spring and quickly harshening conditions in the Fall. Including Russia’s world largest inventory of landmines I’d say again that Russia’s geography positions her well to weather the coming calamity, including the mass migration of desperate survivors.


russian guards have no chance against tens of millions people.

do you know how can defeat china russia? in war daily surrend 2 millions chinese soldiers. how long could play this game ruskies? :))

Ricky Miller

Oh, they have plenty of chance. They’ll do what they have to, as they have done for the past thousand years to protect their communities and children. Ten million heavily armed Nazi’s couldn’t break through and were trying on far easier terrain with distances far less vast. They’ll be fine.


you will see

Ricky Miller

And you see nothing.

Tommy Jensen

They died to protect freedom and the United States. They are heroes and deserve a medal.


When I was reading the, well, colourful story, I felt that the Russian MoD looked more and more like Colin Powell.

Ricky Miller

You know, you’re right. A little. There’s only one way to know why American labs are showing up on Russia’s Southern periphery. Russian Forces should take the airport near to this “Lugar” Center, surround the building and detain everyone involved at the site. All hard drives should be confiscated and all material witnesses removed to Russia for investigation. With the health of Russia’s citizens on the line it’s the only way to be sure.


Yes so please give them the right to invade to make sure it’s false. I mean the US were excused to do so.


I don’t why you posted this, South Front, given it’s the Russia response to a Georgian request to Trump to investigate a facility staffed in Georgia. How would the Russian’s even know this? Rhetoric, quit republishing propaganda!

Ricky Miller

Oh, maybe they reposted it because the Russian Ministry of Defense has been investigating these labs and accounts of deaths involved in the research therein. Sputnik News posted a story about it on August 12th, including links to a story from a Georgian journalist who was chased and harassed at the site, and who saw American diplomatic plates on the cars parked there. Read her account. Many of these allegations originate from a former Georgian Security Official. For a news site like Southfront, covering security issues on Russia’s Southern perimeter, which is where these labs are, this story is almost a mandate.

Ricky Miller

It was covered in TASS too. There are two articles in TASS today. In fact one of the TASS articles quotes Russian Major General Kirillov as saying that the Lugar Center is part of a vast network of American Bioweapons facilities located near Russia. How is this not considered news?

Ricky Miller

And ka-boom! RT just posted a story about a group of German and French scientists from the University of Montpelier and the Max Planck Institute in Germany who are publishing an article tomorrow in the Journal Science questioning a U.S. program called Insect Allies. The article will claim that the program is likely a clandestine U.S. Bioweapons program in violation of Treaty. It says the program has little utility for it’s stated purpose. The article from the independent Georgian journalist in August describes an encounter with an American entomologist in Tblisi who denied who he was at first, then sped away in his car ( see the August 12 Sputnik Article for the link to the complete story.) Russian prooaganda? Colin Powell at the UN? Nope. This is something far more evil. Russian special forces should be suiting up as I type.


If this is true then why aren’t the Georgian people protesting?

Sage Durham

This is a stupid argument. Vaccines are toxic – children are dying – in Australia too. Why aren’t the people filling the streets with rage? BECAUSE THEY ARE MISINFORMED and DON’t EVEN KNOW THE TRUTH.


But those you say are dying in Australia would probably be a much, much, much smaller percentage than those in the current Georgian situation, and that’s even still a big “IF” it was due to the vaccine. And vaccines do prevent many illness which once killed a greater percentage of children – half the kids would get months, they’d get whooping cough and thousands would die. No one I’ve ever known has died or suffered complications from a vaccine – including myself.


They should but like the commenters above said there’s need to be more informed to challenge the standing government official treatments of the illegal dangerous practices.


The victims were not Jewish, so it doesn’t matter. The British Government murders its citizens, and nobody cares. The Netherlands was happy to sacrifice 193 of its citizens to further the aims of the empire and even covered up the crime. If Georgia wants to be part of the west, this is the price it will have to pay.


some evidences, please!


your name suggests that you dont need any evidence against Putin….

Hos Ng

if my children worked for monsanto id poison them myself, but these guys id make em suffer long and slow.Keeping a cd of their screams to remind evey once in a while what happens when you do crimes against humanity

AM Hants

Why are the US encircling Russia with bio-chemical, weapons labs, with full dipomatic immunity? Remember, those in Ukraine? Not forgetting the advert, when the US were advertising for Russian DNA?

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