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MARCH 2025

At Least 80 Prisoners Of War Killed In Saudi Airstrikes On Dhamar

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At Least 80 Prisoners Of War Killed In Saudi Airstrikes On Dhamar

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At least 80 captives were killed and 100 others were injured when Saudi warplanes pounded the prison they were being held inside the central Yemen city of Dhamar, the Houthis Health Ministry announced on September 1.

Saudi-led coalition warplanes targeted the prison and the nearby Community College in the early hours of the morning. The coalition claimed that the Houthis were storing attack drones and anti-aircraft missiles in the target sites.

Chairman of the National Committee for Prisoners, Abdul Qader al-Mortada, revealed that all the captives were Saudi-backed fighters who were captured by the Houthis. Al-Mortada claimed that at least half of the captives were set to be freed soon as a part of an exchange deal.

“The targeted prisoners were fighting on the fronts of Shabwah, Taiz, Dali’, the frontlines along the border [with Saudi Arabia] and other fronts,” al-Mortada told al-Masirah TV.

The International Committee of the Red Cross confirmed that the prison was well-known and that its team in Yemen visit it on a regular basis.

Mohammad Abd al-Salam, head of the Houthis’ National Delegation, condemned the massacre saying that Saudi-led coalition is “sending a message to all Yemeni people that their blood is cheap no matter on what side they are.”

The Saudi-led coalition and its main backer, the U.S, are yet to comment on the Dhamar massacre. The coalition claimed earlier that its airstrikes were carried out “in accordance with the international humanitarian law.


At Least 80 Prisoners Of War Killed In Saudi Airstrikes On Dhamar

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At Least 80 Prisoners Of War Killed In Saudi Airstrikes On Dhamar

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At Least 80 Prisoners Of War Killed In Saudi Airstrikes On Dhamar

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At Least 80 Prisoners Of War Killed In Saudi Airstrikes On Dhamar

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At Least 80 Prisoners Of War Killed In Saudi Airstrikes On Dhamar

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They couldn’t find a MSF hospital or food market to bomb? :’)

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunt cowardly arsehole shitheads use only satellite intel with is always wrong as the Ansarallah are masters of moving things around and camouflage. The Americunt criminal cowards thought that the university campus would be full of young students and mass murder of civilians will demoralize the Yemenis if they killed hundreds of youth. Sadly for the POWS, the smart Ansarallah had turned the campus into a POW camp with clear markings on the roof for the thousands of prisoners they are capturing. Almost all the Saudi morons F-15 are flown by Americunt and mercenary pilots, since the Ansarallah started using SAMS to down drones. The Americunt murderers think that their ECM pods will make them safe, they are in for surprise soon.


They see loads of uniformed men and security measures around the place and figure it’s the HQ. :’)

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, that is what I thought as well. Their high altitude drones send a satellite feed from 40,000-60,000 feet and a lot of uniformed men in a camp looks like a tempting target, but the murdering dumbasses have no ground HUMINT to know that the Ansarallah were using the campus dorms as POW camps.


And are too lazy to double check.

Zionism = EVIL

Also racism too. They have no respect for Arab or any third world human life. To think of it, even at home the gun toting murderous rednecks are killing anyone for being Mexican, Black, Muslim or “colored”. Just 5 killed in Texas a few hours ago and 21 wounded. These are degenerate, dehumanized racist cowards we are talking about.


I don’t think that’s the case but you are ofc free to your own opinion. :)

Zionism = EVIL

I am just going by Americunt racist redneck history and the Zionist Apartheid criminals even have a worse record of massacres of the innocents as they even bombed and shelled a UN compound full of children in Qana Lebanon. The Americunt cowards have killed over 2 million Iraqi, Afghan, Syrian, Yemeni, Libyan and other Arab civilians since 1991. The United Nations compound at Qana had taken in a large number of Lebanese women and children seeking shelter from Israeli indiscriminate bombing, the compound was clearly but was still bombed with cluster weapons.Of 800 Lebanese civilians who had taken refuge in the compound, 106 were killed and around 116 injured, most were shredded by banned cluster bombs supplied by the US.


US has inflicted more civilian casualties than any other nation since the end of WW2. It is also a very thuggish and violent culture that dehumanizes people.


The US and Israeli doctrine is based on inflicting maximum civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure to erode civilian morale, but it has the opposite effect. The Saudis have created a nightmare for themselves.

Zionism = EVIL

As I posted in real-time, the Saudi arseholes F-15 flown by Americunt murdering morons hit a POW camps with mostly Sudanese and Saudi captives.

Sanaa, Yemen: Yemeni officials say airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition hit a detention centre in the south-western Dhamarprovince, killing at least 105 people, mostly prisoners of war being housed by the Yemni military and their Ansarallah allies.

The officials say the airstrikes, flown by US pikots took place on Sunday and targeted a university in the city of Dhamar, which the Houthi rebels use as a detention centre for the growing number of Saudi, Sudanese and other captured mercenaries..

Zionism = EVIL


Zionism = EVIL

White flags are clearly visible on the building…



given the number of posts the zionism=evil produce it’s obvious it’s coming out of a troll factory, probably situated in tel aviv or thereabouts and even if seemingly of the ‘right’kind it is subversive and consistently belittles russia and hezbollah and Iran. yemen is a safe area to show off some anti-saudi sentiment while Syria and the proximity to israel is of greater importance and snide and belittling remarks of russia et al are standard fare from the zionism=evil troll factory!


Zionism = EVIL



not really but and this is something the troll from tel aviv, zionism=evil, should learn -the compass, the compass rose and what is east and what is west und zu weiter. that you don’t know, uneducated trolllllllll ! hahahahahahhahahhah

Balázs Jávorszky

He was clearly right in this case, with round and well expressed posts. He has a clear opinion, and always expresses that. Trolls usually float up some short stuff, often a single line, and they try muddle any discussion. Their opinion is elusive, hard to catch, apart from some very general direction. So no, he (she?) is quite unlike a troll.


sure but appearance can deceive and in his or rather their case the insistent belittling of russia and turkey and iran and in general of the group of countries that is not aligned with the unhinged states of A and israel is more than troubling, in fact it spells troll located in say tel aviv, another aspect is the number of lengthy comments made under the avatar zionism=evil that you are entitled to be suspicious.


He has been on this website for a long time and is not troll, but does have strong positions coupled with robust language, that is refreshing and perhaps off-putting for some.


i s’pose it’s fair to assume you’re part of the same troll factory in tel aviv!

Balázs Jávorszky

Your above statement is a very good illustration of your extremely poor assessment abilities. It is now clear that you’re completely wrong in this question.

You can call me Al

I blocked him.



Balázs Jávorszky

Hi, it turned out that this “verner” was either an idiot or an actual troll. He claimed (see below) that I was “part of the same troll factory [as Zionism = EVIL] in tel aviv”. This (completely wrong) statement makes it obvious that “verner” has no clue whatsoever in these questions (or acts with malicious intent). I’m kindly asking you to reassess your decision.


due to the inanities out of your machine it’s obvious you’re a troll although you try to deny the fact by more inanities.

Balázs Jávorszky

It’s quite obvious that I’m not a troll, your bullshiting won’t deceive anyone. It’s quite simple to check it. But you more and more resemble one to me.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Reminds me of when the US and the UK-empire bombed all the rail lines that brought food to the prisoner of war camps in Poland. Without the rail lines and the food supplies and medical supplies bombed by the ‘allies’ there was no way in the final 4 months of the war to get adequate food supplies to the prisons. Then the evil-US UK-empires just blamed the tiny nation anyway for their own war crimes of bombing 100% of all civilian infrastructure. http://ihr.org/

Jozef Mak

Freedom Nobel Prize for Trump! Obama got one as well; for killing 1million brown people during his 8 years.

Ashok Varma

Saudis have lost the war and they should accept reality and leave the poor people of Yemen alone.


Saudi be like



Mohammed bin Sauron cares nothing about his Orcs. They are disposable.

thomas malthaus

Do you suppose the Saudis are trying to end the war by cleaning up loose ends? His initials (MBS) as well as his reputation precede him.


HAHAHAAAA… This is hilarious!

Xoli Xoli

USA attack in Idlip and this Saudi Arabia,France,Britain, Germany and UAE are silencing witnesses against them.It also serves as hiding USANATO atrocities and criminal indiscriminately attack on small developing countries.

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