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At The Edge Of The Abyss. The Battle For Mariupol Through The Eyes Of A Witness

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This video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIaHQET_M7I

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Is there a longer version of it? It looked great! The only thing about war is the deaths, those mourning their lost ones, war widows with orphaned children, elderly parents without their sons, those without their siblings and friends… and the cost of reconstruction. Lets be kind to one another and lets be helpful and giving.



it is a trailer, the full documentary has not been released yet.



“Few days ago Putin visits wounded soldiers, one of them, by a strange coincidence, happened to be also a factory worker he previously met. And that’s not the first staged meeting with ordinary people.”



Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

nazi Idaho hillbilly traumatized


Yet you can’t prove me wrong. That means you’re wrong. Everything you say against me is a lie, such dishonest statements honestly apply to yourself one thousand times over. You only understand when violence and pain is viciously inflicted upon you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Midgardlad

While your post is sympathetic and full of feeling which is a Humanitarian thing lets not forget the USA invading Iraq which I watched with Fox “news ” & CNN congratulating the US military for their “Shock & Awe ” all out war tactics in which in TWO weeks =4164 civilians were blown apart . Their use of Depleted Uranium shells caused 1000,s of long term Cancer suffers -DEFORMED Babies etc. ONE Million dead Iraq,s at the last count . It did of course cause Cancer in Ex.VETS for which the USA held back medical funds until recently after much bad publicity.

Tony Lizzerri

Right-on, Brother! Fucking US and NATO criminals. Savages. Satanic warmongers. They have the audacity to talk about Russia??? They haven’t stopped bombing, invading, occupying and starving to death nations who don’t bow before them for the last 30 years… God Bless Russia!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Tony Lizzerri

No criticism of Russia was intended or made. The horrors of war should remind us to be kind to others AND to stand up and get justice too. The poor babies of Fallujah, they were so distorted. I heard that many married Iraqi couples stopped their intimate relations so as not to have any more deformed children. Libya was terrible, the satanic dajal takfiris, how the youth were drugged and disturbed, the rapes, the slavery, the pedo rapes, the tortures, the bombing which killed babies in their beds, the ambulances carrying French soldiers transporting weapons, ammo and drugs, the tyre burning with the cremations, the organ harvesting, the blood of the Libyan people being removed. …


Which is why Russia shouldn’t have toyed around with these Ukrainians and this Pan-Slavist GARBAGE


New York Times: Henry Kissinger suggests Ukraine give up territory to Russia, drawing a backlash.


More info not from the article: https://t.me/EternalMuscovitessChat/402572

From 1943 to 1945 he worked for US intelligence. In 1955, he developed a relationship with Nelson Rockefeller (Frank Capell, Henry Kissinger: Soviet Agent. Cincinnati, 1992, p. 29). The Rockefeller family began using him as a proxy.

It was in April 1946, Kissinger started teaching at a school for intelligence agents. During this period he was recruited as a Soviet agent by the KGB, under the codename Bor (Gary Allen, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State. Seal Beach, California, 1976, p. 18).

In the early 1960s, a defected communist agent exposed Kissinger as a Soviet spy, codename Bor.

Colonel Michal Goleniewski of the Polish intelligence service had sent a letter under the alias Sniper in March 1959 to the United States ambassador to Switzerland, and revealed secret information leading to the arrest of SIS officers George Blake and Gordon Lonsdale in England. Both were tried and sentenced as Soviet agents. During Christmas of 1960 Sniper himself defected. He was a relatively high-ranking KGB officer, who exposed many Soviet agents in Great Britain.

Next in turn were West Germany, Denmark, and France. Again all the information turned out to be correct and Soviet agents were caught. A total of 5000 pages of top-secret material were delivered by Goleniewski, plus 800 pages of Soviet intelligence reports and 160 microfilms. All information was correct.

On 12 January 1961, Goleniewski arrived in the United States. He had extremely important information about a spy at high level and demanded to see President Kennedy, which was denied. Instead he saw the head of the CIA and revealed who the secret Soviet agent was — national security adviser Henry Kissinger.

The CIA reacted instantly — Goleniewski received 50 000 dollars to keep quiet and was henceforth expelled.

Kissinger had sent all of the most secret information directly to the Soviet Union. This was, however, leaked from the CIA and got to the right-wing press. The American Opinion exposed Kissinger secret activities in April 1975 (p. 35) and in March 1976. All this was verified by the historian Ladislav Bitman in his book KGB: Soviet Misinformation (New York, 1985, pp. 54-55).

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Because you have no verified facts to backup your story, your story will be just a fantasy product, nothing less nothing more,


I present verified facts all the time while you live in your little fairytale.


Kissinger’s a kike and by necessity is subversive, they have been a good asset to the Soviets and Russian Federation thereafter. Johnathan Pollard is another example, he went as far as admitting to so-called “dual loyalty”. At the end of the day their only true loyalty is to themselves and ordinary jews do nothing to oppose such evil, therefore they are guilty by association and take pride in such deviousness.


Jack- it is amazing the propagandist lies that the USA &UK come out with constantly to try to save the US $ and uni-polar hegemony . Why don’t you want to talk about the AZOV brigades who boast of their love of Hitler and are quite open in their talk and pictures and actions .


“It is amazing the propagandist lies that the USA & UK come out with constantly to try to save the US $ and uni-polar hegemony.”

Then you do not understand jews or the Soviet long-term strategy, or the fact that Russia is also unipolar and globalist. It continues the same propaganda it spread against the West ever since the USSR’s creation, as a result of jewish Communists financed by jewish capitalists and Zionists.

“Why don’t you want to talk about the AZOV brigades who boast of their love of Hitler and are quite open in their talk and pictures and actions.”

Why don’t you talk about the Russian brigades who boast of their love for Stalin and are quite about their beliefs, while documenting their crimes with pictures and video?

Do you have any idea what war is like? What on earth would a body look like after it is shot, blown up, or gets fried inside out with anti-tank weapons and thermobaric munitions? What do you think the Ukrainians look when they get blown up? Do they materialize into fairy dust? I wouldn’t think so.

I certainly do not like how mangled corpses look, I do acknowledge the fact you seem to take everything literally and do not understand that in places like Russia and Ukraine the people are certainly rougher around the edges.

Maybe you should take religion and culture into consideration, and also the temperament of the ethnicities involved? Much of Europe has a long history of tenuous relationships with other nations, eastern Europe itself is by no means an exception.

With the exception of Russia, the rest are more nationalist and somewhat ethno-nationalist. Russia like the US and Britain is an empire and likewise holds an internationalist mindset.

As for Hitler, you are quite mistaken about that man. He was certainly much better than Stalin was.


Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

If you only watch RT and Fox News, you will not understand the truth of the matter.

European Information & NS views on Russia’s Ukraine War & Azov Regiment https://odysee.com/@historyreviewed:7/European_information_ns_views_on_russias_ukraine_war_azov_regiment-1:e

Discussing Russia with Red Ice (part 1) https://odysee.com/@ApollonianGerm:a/discussing-russia-with-red-ice-(part-1):f

Beyond Russia v. Ukraine https://odysee.com/@ApollonianGerm:a/beyond-russia-v.-ukraine-and-an:e

Globalism is a Global Problem — Discussing Russia, the Calvert Journal, and Alexei Kudrin https://odysee.com/@ApollonianGerm:a/globalism-is-a-global-problem-discussing:b

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

You cannot seem to fathom that not everything is a two-sided dialectic representing two opposite extremes. You do not understand there is a third position that dislikes all the governments in Russia, Europe, North America and Oceania.

You should ask yourself why Russia is funding Nazbols (National Bolsheviks) in Europe and America? Communists who are pretending to be Fascists and National Socialists?


Are Western dissidents (e.g. the National Justice Party of TheRightStuff.biz) being paid to shill Kremlin propaganda?


Chinese Communists Are Funding Steve Bannon, Gettr, and Likely Nick Fuentes, David Duke, Daily Stormer, and Others:


Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

(mirror) Tankie vs. Rainbow Commies — Martinez Perspective https://odysee.com/@martinezperspective:2/tankie-rainbow-commies:b

Aug. 6, 2021: Eurasian Saviour Nonsense, Russia & China Jew Ties https://odysee.com/@martinezperspective:2/MP-STREAM-aug6-FINAL:d

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack


“It would not surprise me one iota if some dissidents in the West are being paid to shill Kremlin / GRU propaganda or are, at the very least, fishing for Kremlinbux.

See, for example, Charles Bausman who owns the pro-Kremlin propaganda website, ‘Russia Insider.’ He is reportedly financed by Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev via Alexey Komov (source).

Malofeev also funds Russian separatists in Ukraine, and founded/funded Aleksandr Dugin’s thinktank ‘Katehon’ (which is aimed at subverting Westerners) and Tsargrad TV, on which Dugin has a show (source).

Apparently, TRS’ National Justice Party throws events at a barn on Bausman’s $450k 5-acre property, which is also home to one of NJP’s founders, Greg Conte. (source).

And, apparently, Eric Striker’s National-Justice website shares a Google analytics account with Russia Insider and also uses the same web code (source).

So, maybe this explains all of the weird Alt-Right and Identitarian links to Aleksandr Dugin that I’ve been talking about for years? 🤔”

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

No matter which side you are on war has always had a human cost, as Abraham Lincoln, said “There is no honourable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. there is nothing good in war, except its ending.”

Ru ru ru💘💘💘💪💪💪



Slava Rossiy *


How does one pronounce “Surrender, faggots” in Russian?


many ways—svdatysya gomik is sufficient


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Last edited 2 years ago by jessica

Looks like someone stepped up big time with a $3000 contribution to SF a couple of days ago. We all thank you! Maybe with that largess in hand, some time to rid this comment section of all the spam scams can be arranged..?

Rodney Loder.

Russian courage has turned the tide of history, I believe jew Zalensky was getting set up to retake Donbass and Crimea, Russia beat them to the punch, this video is probably Mariupol that had to be taken whatever the cost, Odessa could very well be exactly the same unless Zalensky capitulates, I hope he doesn’t that would be great for the future of the region that might become just Russia and Poland. Jews are a pox on humanity thats what the war is all about, exposing evil.


Keep fighting the new world order russia!!!

Aunt Polly

BBC have done a hit-piece on you. Can’t even get South Front right. They are getting desperate.

Aunt Polly



Sorprendente este esfuerzo por documentar una batalla que pasara a la historia y también sorprendente como es que realmente somos la sociedad del espectáculo.


Looking forward to seeing this.


It’s heartbreaking watching Orthodox brothers blow each other up. War is not glamorous.


Looks good. On a different note seems that the foreign mercenaries have been warned not to bother going to help Ukraine. Some foreign mercenaries that have managed to survive the Russian onslaught and left Ukraine have warned others not to bother because they say the Russian army is too strong. They said there is no support for them and no proper weapons only light arms. Lost cause in other words. Seems the western media propaganda is just that lies and more lies. Ukraine is a lost cause. No one is going to save Ukraine except Russia. Bye Zelensky. Bye Azov Nazis. Bye NATO.

Cory Christofferson

what the fuck is Russia supposed to do. Just sit back and watch the Nato wackos take over the world and enslave us all! Anyone ever listen to Putin compared to the bought and paid for Nato Zombies

andre zulu

lack of investment in ukraine during the past 30 years has resulted in the total destruction of the country… still many “leaders” do not understand that populism and authoritarianism can only temporarily delay the total economical collapse of their publicity-hungry regime…


Same applies to the US.


worse in USA—infrastructure graded “D” by US assoc of engineers


false—ukraine has other problems—oligarchy, geopolitics, poor investments, donbas (most industrialized region in ukraine), internal fragmentation, US influence that has prevented Russian/Chinese investment

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