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The Saker: “NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP”

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The Saker: "NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP"

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

“And the unbelievers plotted and planned, and God too planned, and the best of planners is God”
Quran, Sura Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) – 3:54

It has been pretty obvious for many years already that the AngloZionist Empire was not viable, that it had to tank sooner or later.  There were two main scenarios which were typically considered for this collapse: an external crisis (typically a major military defeat) or an internal one (economic collapse).  Personally, I always favored the first scenario (specifically, as described here).  I even had a “favorite” location for such a catastrophic military defeat (for the USA): Iran and the Middle-East.  Irrespective of the scenario one preferred, this was obvious:

  1. The Empire was not viable
  2. The Empire was not reformable

The same is true of the US political system, by the way.

There was one huge problem, however.  The quality and sheer size of the AngloZionist propaganda machine was very successful in keeping most of the people in the West in total ignorance of these realities.  The faster the Empire was collapsing, the more  Obama or Trump peppered their patriotic flag-waving ceremonies (aka “press conferences”) with references to an “indispensable nation” providing “vital leadership” thanks to its “the best economy in history”, the “best military in history” and even “unbelievable CEOs”, “incredible politicians” and even “incredible conversations”.  The message was simple: we are the best, better than all the rest and we are invincible.

Then COVID19 happened.

The initial reaction in the USA to the pandemic was to either dismiss this completely, or blame it on the Chinese.  Another exceptionally dumb theory was that the virus only affected Asians.  This one tanked pretty quickly.  Other myths, and even outright lies, proved much more resilient, at least for a while.

Then “Italy” happened.  Soon followed by Spain and France.

Some folks started to change their tune.  Other still thought that the EU was not as “incredible” as the USA.

Then “New York” happened and all hell broke loose for the “indispensable nation” and the “imperial parasite” this nation was hosting.  Even the Idiot-in-Chief switched from “it will be over by Easter” to talk about saving “millions” of (US) “Americans” (the US does not care about non-US Americans).

I predict that this process will now only accelerate.

Here are a few reasons for this conclusion:

First, the imperial propaganda machine is simply unable to conceal the magnitude of the disaster, even in countries like the USA or the UK.  Oh sure, initially doctors and even USN ship commanders were summarily fired for speaking the truth, but even those cases proved impossible to conceal and public opinion got even more suspicious of official assurances and statements.  The truth is that most of the entire planet already realized that this is a huge crisis and that countries like Russia or China responded almost infinitely better than the USA.  The planet also knows that the US “healthnotcare” system is broke, corrupt, and mostly dysfunctional and that Trump’s initial optimism was based on nothing.  BTW – Trump haters have immediately instrumentalized the crisis to bash Trump. The sad thing is that while they are no better (and most definitely not the braindead Uncle Joe), they are right about Trump being completely out of touch with reality.  In the age of the Internet this is a reality which even the US propaganda machine is unable to conceal from the US public forever.

Second, and that is now quite obvious, it is becoming clear that the capitalist ideology of free markets, globalism, consumerism, extreme individualism and, above all, greed, is totally unable to cope with the crisis.  Even more offensively to those who still believed in an ideology based on the assumption that the sum of our greeds will create an optimal society, countries with stronger collectivist traditions of solidarity (whether “enhanced” by Marxist or Socialist ideas or not) did much better.  China for starters, but also Cuba and even Russia (which is neither Marxist nor Socialist, but which has very strong collectivist traditions) or South Korea or Singapore (both non-Marxists with strong collectivist traditions).  Even tiny Venezuela, embattled and under siege by the Empire, managed to do much better than the US or the UK.  Not only did these countries all fare much better than much richer, and putatively much “freer”, countries, they did so while under US sanctions.  And, finally, just to add insult to injury, these supposedly “bad” countries proved much more generous than those incorporated into the Empire: they sent many tons of vitally needed equipment and hundred of specialized scientists and even military personnel to help those countries most in need (Italy, Spain, Serbia, etc.).

Eventually, even the USA has to accept aid from Russia: the contents of two huge military AN-124 transporters:

The Saker: "NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP"

The Russian military delivers aid to the “indispensable nation”

The Saker: "NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP"

The Russian military delivers aid to the “indispensable nation”

Think of the irony!  The country whose economy was supposed to be “in tatters” (Obama) delivers humanitarian aid to the “indispensable nation” (Obama again).  Not only was this aid delivered from a country under US sanctions, the gear delivered was produced by a Russian company also under US sanctions.  The “grateful” US media immediately declared that this was a Russian PR action, especially since 50% of the cargo was paid for by the USA (the rest, including transportation costs, were paid by Russia).

At least in Italy questions began arising why the US, NATO or the EU did absolutely *nothing* to help them when they were in such dire need of help, and why countries which did generously help (Russia, China, Cuba) were all under sanctions, including Italian ones!  Good questions indeed.  It was answered by Serbian President Vucic who declared that European solidarity was a “fairy tale“.  He is quite correct, of course.

Third, then we all saw the ugly sight of various western “democracies” literally stealing vital medical gear from each other, over and over again.  In fact, under a purely capitalistic logic, this kind of “competition” was both inevitable (true) and even desirable (false): major Med&Pharma companies all have used this financial windfall to maximize their profits (which is, after all, what all corporations have to do in a capitalist system: get as much money as possible for their shareholders).  Even states and countries are competing against each other for medical equipment now!  As long as all was well and the West was free to plunder the rest of the planet, Capitalism could be seen as a promise of a better future (just like Communism was, by the way).  But now that this big “propagandistic house of cards” is tumbling down and capitalism shows its true face (an ideology created by the rich to screw the poor), the comparison with (supposedly “backward”) collectivistic societies is most embarrassing yet inevitable.

Fourth, we also witness the raw nastiness of the imperial propaganda machine in articles about how “Russia sent useless gear to Italy”, that “Chinese equipment did not work” or about how all the countries which responded better and sooner were all lying about the real numbers (which is utter nonsense, the Chinese have been very open, as have the Russians: the truth is that in the early phases of a pandemic it is impossible to get real numbers, that can only be done much later).  This is as false as the “Iraqi incubators”, “genocidal Serbs” or “Gaddafi’s Viagra” and time will prove it.

Fifth, then there is the issue of poverty.  We see the first signs that this pandemic (like all pandemics) is affecting the poor much harder than the rich.  Hardly a surprise…  For example, in the USA cities like New York, Chicago, Detroit, Miami or New Orleans have a lot of poor neighborhoods and that people there are getting hit very hard.  But this is only the beginning, there are much bigger slums in other countries, including in Latin America and, even probably worse, Africa.  Barring a miracle of some kind, the death-toll in the third world slums will be absolutely horrendous.  And, you can be pretty sure that collectivistic poor countries will do much better than those in the grip of the delusions of the free market economy.  Again, there will be major political consequences in all those countries: I predict that we will see some cases of regime change in the not too distant future.

Sixth, just like the Empire itself, NATO and the EU are also in free fall, both clueless as to what to do and in a panic about doing anything proactive.  Besides the flag-waving Idiot-in-Chief, I also took the time to listen to both Macron and Merkel.  They are both in a full-freak-out mode, Macron speaks over and over about a “war” while Merkel declared that the pandemic is the most serious challenge facing Germany since WWII!  Still, the most amazing contrast to the USA might well be Russia. Putin has made several special appeals to the Russian people, and his mood was both clearly determined and clearly somber. I took this screenshot of Putin’s latest message to the Russian people, and see his expression for yourself:

The Saker: "NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP"

As for the main MD in charge of the COVID19 crisis in Moscow, he told Putin that Russia needs to prepare for what he called “the Italian scenario in order to avoid it”, even though at the time (March 30th) there were only 1’836 confirmed COVID19 cases in Russia, including 9 death and 66 recoveries. Let’s compare the three countries:

The Saker: "NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP"

All the numbers above come from here: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html (as of March 30th!!)

Furthermore, the Russian special medical teams of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces are now on full alert and even though there is no shortage of specialized ABC/NBC medical gear in Russia, the Russian Armed Forces are now building 16 special hospitals in various locations in Russia. Russia is also almost completely shutting down internal air and rail traffic. A lot of that was predictable, since Moscow is much richer than any other Russian region, Moscow is doing fine, in spite of being a huge population (about 12 million in the city, plus another 7 or so in the Moscow Oblast’). Here are the official Russian numbers for the Moscow area: (also as of March 30th!!)

The Saker: "NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP"

The source of these numbers is: https://coronavirus-monitor.ru/

Does it not strike you as very strange that a country like Russia, which clearly is faring much better than the USA (even in per capita indicators) is preparing for the worst?  What do the Russians know that the US leaders are not telling you?

Of course, the anti-Russian propaganda machine has an explanation. For example, it claims that the Russians are lying about everything.  There is even a psyop going on with western agents of influence impersonating Russian MDs claiming that there are thousands of hidden deaths, that Russia has no equipment and that the Russians are clueless. One previously sober-minded analyst now even claims that “Putin is loosing control“.

To be totally honest, I have never in my life seen such a tsunami of nonsense, false information, unfounded rumors, and, last but certainly not least, shameless clickbaiting. For some, this crisis is clearly a chance to regain some visibility. It is shameful, really, a total disgrace: just a new form of profiteering from a crisis.

I am not medical expert for sure. But I know the Russian government and its “body language” if you wish, and I can tell you that the Russians are preparing very, very seriously, for what might well become a huge crisis even for Russia (having the Ukraine and Belarus both sitting in deep denial will obviously not help!).

Seven, in the USA, the contrast between the Federal government and the state authorities is quite startling.  As much as the Federal government is terminally dysfunctional, state governors have often had to use a lot of out of the box thinking to get supplies and specialists.  For example, the governor of FL, Ron DeSantis (R) had to call a friend of his in Israel to get the giant Israeli pharma company Teva Pharmaceuticals to send in desperately needed medical gear to Florida.  Similar things are happening in other states I believe.  This is one of the reasons why US Americans are typically very suspicious of the Federal government but much more supportive of their local authorities (again, as a general rule, there are, of course, exceptions to this).  There are many reasons for the contrast between the Federal and State authorities, including the fact that governors are much “closer” to their constituents on a local level than on the national one.

While not as dramatic as the contrast between societies based on pure greed and societies based on solidarity, this contrast between the local and national level will also contribute to the collapse of the imperial system, albeit more indirectly.

Conclusion: NWO, globalism and US “leadership”- RIP

The first (non-human) victim of this pandemic will be the so-called “New World Order” promised by several US presidents.  The same goes for its underlying globalist ideology.  If the putative “Illuminati world government” imagined by some really did trigger this pandemic, then it shot itself right in the foot and is now quickly bleeding out.

The US is now showing to the world that the so-called “US leadership” is nothing but a crude lie to conceal what I would describe as a the rule of one, single, narcissistic world hegemon who will screw over even its closest “allies” (really colonies) to get any advantage.

Right now most of what we see are only warning signs, say like the EU members closing their borders.  But irrespective of how this pandemic progresses, what will happen next is a huge economic crisis which will dwarf both the Great Depression, the crash after 9/11 and 2008.

Of course, the world will, sooner or later, recover from this pandemic and economic collapse.  But the kind of world which we will then see will be dramatically different from the one we have lived in until now.

For the time being, there are still observable manifestations of the “US leadership”: the US tries hard to rob medicine and medical gear from other countries, the US imposes sanctions on countries like Iran and Venezuela who desperately need meds, and the US re-plays the Noriega scenario with Maduro.  This foreign policy of “US leadership” can be summed up in terms like evil, immoral, hypocritical, dysfunctional, narcissistic. etc.  Whatever label one chooses to apply to it, it is always a morally repugnant and practically self-defeating policy.

Right now, after blaming China, Trump is now pointing fingers at the WHO. Truly, a noble soul and a brilliant, 5D, chess player…

There is no more hiding it.  The SARS-COV-2 achieved that which even RT or PressTV could not: it put a bright spotlight on the true nature of the AngloZionist Empire.

As the Quran says, God is the better planner.

The Saker

UPDATE: I was wrong, I admit it.  The US government does not only think about itself. It CAN be very generous, but only in one special case.  In fact, it appears that the US has send ONE MILLION masks to…  … Israel, of course!  See for yourself: https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/04/08/622584/US-masks-Israel-coronavirus-covid19
This makes sense, after all – Israel is far, far more important to Trump and his gang than the first responders, doctors or suffering people of the USA.

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Zionism = EVIL

Americunts have shown their ugly face again as they steal medical supplies from pathetic arselicking NATO faggots and EU pimps. The arrogant racist thugs even locked the local population out of the occupation bases in Italy and Spain, so that only Russia, Cuba and China ended up helping these hapless Euro toads. Americunts are lower than slime.

Liberal guy

So true

Zionism = EVIL

US Broke and desperate: 60% can afford up to three months on savings; 4 in 10 would sell their blood as millions face hunger and unemployment.


Rather than affirming the chest-thumping arrogant self-anointed American “exceptionalism”, the pandemic has fed into a narrative of American decline and abject failure as a civilized society.

Liberal guy

Actually they want this to happen to brought huge deaths in New babylon i mean in America

Liberal guy

So what’s next left for the zios and Henry kissenger and kushner

Zionism = EVIL

Kushner the faggot is running the white house, if the average redneck has any brains left they should turf the Jews out before they destroy US completely. It is interesting to read the alt-right websites like Rense and they are turning against the Jews. With independent news now, the Jew media is in real trouble and the old arsehole Murdoch is selling 167 of his propaganda rags, but no one will read print media anyway. In the Mid East now, Iranian, Russian and Chinese media now dominate. India however, has a lot of Jew media or Hindu RSS type propaganda.

cechas vodobenikov

the lying amerikans r fully aware that they r a nation of liars—they frequently racistly project their despicable qualities onto civilized peoples—they pretend that their murder and violent crime is as reported—yet their standards for what constitutes both must meet a far “higher” standard than that in European nations—and of course there is no mandatory reporting in the USA—the worst states refuse to report anything to their lying FBI—-of course the FBI refuses to accept data from the 3 worst cities…audits have shown that they so vastly under-report that their data is useless “the men amerikans most admire tell them the most exxtravant lies; the men they most despise try to tell them the truth”. HL Menkhen “obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon

Lone Ranger

U.S. Empire is toast. It wont be missed, good riddance. Now its time to restore the U.S. of A. As the Founding Faters intended, no foreign engagements. By the People for The People. Not for banksters and the MIC…

Arch Bungle

“No news will reach the public without our approval. We have already practically reached this goal, since the news from the entire world flows through a few news agencies, where they are processed and only then sent on to the individual editorial boards, agencies, etc.” [Protocol 12] The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Zionism = EVIL

The US was always full of evil greedy cunts, but since the Zionist parasites and their Protocols of Jew Scum crawled up dumbass redneck arse since 1945, US has turned into devil’s own playground with no regard for even the basic norms of civility, let alone humanity. Average Americunt is a just greedy, racist, ignorant, narcissistic moron and led by an orange fat moron. Nations are defined by their “leaders” and in this case the emperor has no clothes, masks over even gloves and has beg rest of the world for them. Even Vietnam who defeated these scum sent them 5 million gloves and masks from its own stocks. All these evil bastards have done is to bring wars, misery, terrorism and plunder to the world.

Liberal guy

Where are the zio trolls like iron zion and jake and the old man jens

Zionism = EVIL

Hasbara liars now know that people around the world as the article by Saker said know that the Jew parasites are only out for their own greed. The faggot Kushner who is running the Americunts into the ground sent all the needed medical supplies to the dying Zionist entity while poor Americunts are dropping in the streets like flies. These Jews are pure evil as we have seen their organ harvesting in Palestine and even Haiti and India.


exactly and that’s why they need to be finished occupying palestine and if they can find another host, say the truly dysfunctional states of A, yep, fine and dandy,let the rats skedaddle over there and if not, 6 feet under for the bunch. and any jew anywhere remitting funds to the jews in palestine are nothing but accomplices and should be treated accordingly!


You guys do make real great Hummus and Olive Oil but your silly threats not so real and great. Your suicide vest awaits, kid. Practice a lot and make your mommy happy to get your Martyr’s Pension and Darwin Award,

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew cancer in the region or even the world now is unsustainable. It is time to get rid of the parasites once and for all or humanity will perish.


I’m glad that diatribe made you feel better. Now take your meds, Adolf or Igor as the case may be. Little difference nowadays.

Liberal guy

Hmmm u cynical foolll u and ur blah blah blah blah blah blah

Zionism = EVIL

Just watch the Jew arsehole upvoting himself and posting to himself with the “Iron Zion” account and soon Azreal will appear. This is beyond desperate :)


LOL…maybe would be if so. But as most else you post, it is not so. I never up vote myself. I leave that to the Putz Putin the Poisoner Trolls around here to do that. And it’s obvious that Zions posts and mine are done by different people. That’s also a game the Putz’s Trolls use along with having more than one person use the same tag.


LOL…your auto bot comment generator is not working very well again, Igor. Just spewing out meaningless crap again. But still better than what you spew out yourself.


At some point, one can only shake ones head in wonderment and disbelief at all your bigoted idiocy. At some point, even watching the nut house inmates frolic is no loner entertaining.

Arch Bungle

If it’s no longer entertaining do feel free to piss off …


While I keep social distancing I’ll aim in your direction, kid.

Zionism = EVIL

Do not respond to Jew BOTS, their agenda is very primitive and backfires like their virus. They spam to deflect from real issues, so the best is to ignore. This arsehole with a dozen accounts has over 60,000 comments and all nonsense.

Arch Bungle

True that!

Liberal guy


Arch Bungle

Off shift during cranial reprogramming cycles.


I have to disagree with the author. He doesn’t address how the deaths are being overstated by up to 10 to 1 by including dead who had the virus or might have had it. Rather than only those who definately had it and definitely died of it. Not of the preexisting comorbidity that up to 99% of them have.

Zionism = EVIL

This virus shot is the biggest con job in history, like many have said this is a template for a police state run by Jews in the western world. The Chinese and almost all rational nations did fall for this bio-terror. US deadbeat economy and that of its paranoid vassals will be destroyed. China is back to over 90% production, the Swedes also stayed open and the sky did not fall. Iran is back to normal too, thanks to Chinese timely assistance and Iran’s excellent universal health care system, thanks to the 1979 revolution. Mostly Hispanic, black and poor Americunts are dying due to existing poor access to medical care and poor state of health and diet.


I’m 5’10” 150 lbs with a 32 inch waist. I’ll be 62 next month. I can do a 10 mile mountain hike on black diamond trails with a lot of vertical carrying a pack and weapons.

I probably contracted the virus and developed immunity. It’s not a stand alone killer like malaria, TB and aids. 99% of deaths of someone who dies with it are comorbidity deaths. And according to the Italian ministry of health. In 88% of those cases it’s not a causal factor of death.

If those numbers hold up, it’s a huge scam as a pandemic. The lying Jew media and NATO Zionist governments manufactured the crisis. It’s clearly a fabricated economic takedown. How it plays out is yet to be determined. It’s a fluid situation.

Zionism = EVIL

I totally agree, I am around 6 feet and 178 lbs and in your age group and do 30 kms of cycling and walk 15 kms every other day on mountain trails and have had no real issues. This “virus” besides being a scare campaign by the Jew fucks is mostly affecting poor people with bad diets, chronically sick and fat out of shape people. In US, Italy and Spain the health care systems are corrupt and non existent so the toll on the poor and old has been heavy.

John Wallace

I would keep an eye on Sweden as it appears to be doubling by the week , rather than 3/4 days and is starting to take off.. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/ Singapore looked like it was under control but has a sudden upswing last few days . America has lost it as I said weeks ago . What a choice , Trump or Biden who can’t even remember who he is married too. How the fuck will he help America.. Sorry forgot , he will make the perfect President for the real ones pulling the strings out of sight. Making America Garbage Again.


I have been following Sweden. It intentionally chose to not impose strict measures. It’s contiguous neighbors, Norway and Finland, did do that early. In only about three weeks, Sweden is now among the top ten countries in the world in terms of deaths per million, more than 50% higher than the US and Iran that have had the Pandemic longer. Sweden is now four times as bad as neighboring Norway and ten times as bad as neighboring Finland. Yep, you picked the right country to prove the point that early strict remediations work.

Like it or not, most voters in the US don’t think we could get anyone much worse than Moron Trump. And prefer Biden to him by a significant margin. But November is a very long ways away.


LMFAO…near nothing in medicine, science or the big bad world in general is “definite.” Anyone with half a brain and even a little education knows this. And “up to 10 to 1” means the total can still be over 99% accurate. The same about the comorbidity. Oh, and then there are all the uncounted Pandemic deaths of those dying at home and not being tested or even reported, all the Pandemic deaths of those who appeared to die from the seasonal flu who were not tested, all those who died in medical facilities where they did not have adequate testing, all those who died in places where any deaths from say pneumonia regardless of its underlying cause were either not tested or only listed, test or not, by the apparent cause of death. And the list goes on and on and on of the reasons the mortality has been an undercount.

Oh, do you have the definitive word yet from your tinfoil hat controlled brain whether what you claim is a nothing burger or even hoax is the diabolical work of the Jews to create their NWO? Or the Martians getting even for us using a virus they were not immune to last time when they invaded Earth to defeat them?

You really are entertaining in your arrogant high school dropout sort of way, AH.


““up to 10 to 1” means the total can still be over 99% accurate.” wtf ????

When you can’t conduct a rational fact and evidence based debate you spam the thread with lies and stupidity. You’ve disproven none of the material that I’ve posted. Your repeat claims that the material that I’ve posted disproves the material that I’ve posted without showing in anyway that it does is as nonsensical as the idiocy in the above quote. You’re really quite insane.

Liberal guy

He is insane


That’s what lots of nuts like you and him think of others. Typical looney toon thinking. Or attempt at thinking.

Zionism = EVIL

Hasbara fucks are desperate and hiring certified lunatics :) Times are tough.


Up to 10 to 1 includes 5 to 1, 1 to 1 and even 0.000000001 to 1. And you have no idea what percent of the global total your meaningless 10 to 1 applies to anyway. You sure show you are a high school dropout, AH. Well, maybe an elementary school dropout.


So, what does that have to do with your nonsensical reply that up to 10 to 1 can still be 99% accurate when the Italian government is telling you that 88% of the people who died with the virus didn’t die of it and 3 out of 4 of the most infected nations, the US, Italy and Germany all admit to counting those who died with the virus or might have died with it as virus deaths? When all governments that I’m aware of are reporting that over 90% of those who die with the virus are already dying of preexisting comorbidities.


A distribution of readings from 100% accurate to 10% accurate is the same as saying up to 10 to 1. Thus, say with 100 readings 99 are 100% accurate and one is 10% accurate, the total accuracy is 99%. And that still meets the meaning of up to 10 to 1. If 1,000 readings 999 are 100% accurate and one is 10% accurate the total accuracy is 99.9%. And it too meets the meaning of up to 10 to 1. Note that what you linked to never said 88% were NOT Pandemic deaths. It never said only 10% were Pandemic deaths as you claim. At most it said 12% were definitive and 88% were questionable. It never made a claim about the likely actual total Pandemic deaths in Italy. It just added to the likely error factor in the total and opined it was likely lower than reported. If you hadn’t dropped out of school so early you might understand this stuff a little better, Adolf. Of course, it failed to note all the cases of Pandemic deaths unreported or missed that would add to the total. These things are most always a two way street, I’m sure way over your head to comprehend.


Coming from someone who thinks Jew pedophile rapists are God’s chosen people and people condemning these perverts are AHs. I’m not surprised that you claim that the 88% of death certificates that show that the deceased died of their comorbidities and don’t list the virus as a cause of death should be counted in your nonsensical 99% accurate statistics.

I’m also not surprised given your predisposition to habitually lie that you ignore that 3 out of the top 4 or 5 most infected nations on the planet, the US, Italy and Germany, all admit to counting everyone who dies with the virus, or might of had the virus even if they were never even tested for it, as a virus death. When up to 99% of these people are already dying of a comorbidity. And in cases that have been reviewed it’s been determined that 88% of them died of the comorbidity and that the virus wasn’t a causal factor of death.

Arch Bungle

This is not mathematics, this is garbage. Product of the US public schule system I presume?


What would a dodo like you know from school?

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t respond to a desperate Jew BOT, that is their agenda is to spam. As you can see, the BOT responds to every comment.


You’re wrong as usual.

Arch Bungle

You’re lying as usual.


Ya, his programmers aren’t doing a very good job updating his AI algorithms. Because he keeps spewing out it does not compute responses.

Zionism = EVIL

This Jew BOT’s algorithm perimeters are being set up by retards as Jew cheap fucks don’t want to pay for good programmers. He keeps on spewing simple spam and craves attention. Responds to very comment whether it is on subject or not. It is quite entertaining.


Sorry for your congenital mental deficiencies. Next time pick better parents.


Coming from a malevolent Zionazi miscreant who thinks moral people are AHs for condemning blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes institutionally raping 1,000 children worldwide every week. And that these depraved perverts infecting children with venereal disease during their pedophile rape rituals are God’s chosen people. I’m not impressed by you lies, stupidity and criminal insanity.


LMFAO…and do you ever know from insanity. You really are sickly funny.


You’re the one who’s sick in the head habitually lying and shilling for blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes institutionally raping 1,000 children worldwide every week and infecting them venereal disease. Your false allegations against people condemning this depravity that they’re guilty of what you are just further illustrates what a degenerate malevolent miscreant you are.


Every infectious disease has the same reporting issues. It doesn’t alter where the virus is in relation to the others.


“LMFAO…near nothing in medicine, science or the big bad world in general is “definite.””


Science can be added to your math and English deficiencies.

You’re clearly ignorant of how the scientific method works, or you’re lying. The same goes for the judicial process that you also struggle with.

The way science works is hypothesis, theory and fact proven with dependable repeatability in certified testing laboratories and properly monitored real life examples. So that facts can be definitely determined.


Math has proofs. Science does not. It has inference and probability. You would know that if you didn’t drop out of school so early, AH.


Look up the definition of fact.

Ashok Varma

US was more of a despised crazy teenage armed thug with a gang of NATO petty criminals than a leader. In mere 70 years of accidental “leadership’ US bites the dust and about time.


That’s a tad premature. In a mere 100 years or so, two Great and Glorious Russian Empires have fallen into the dustbin of history. And a third not so great and glorious one is on its way soon to join them. Try to keep up.

Arch Bungle

3 Russian empires in 100 years? Impressive! You mean they can whip up empires at short notice? No wonder the Elders of Zion are terrified of them?


LOL…you mean they can lose empires so fast. So often, it may indicate a congenital defect.

Peter Bozich

The West in particularly the U.S is heading for the dust bin of history, never to return ever, in the form they currently are. The ordinary people are about to learn how much of an illusion the whole western project was/is. The final nail will be hyperinflation just to ram home how much the political elites shafted them. Pitchforks are about to make an entrance on a grand scale, the elites better hide and hide well, or their about to find out what a pitchfork feels like.


Nahhhhhhhh…the US can’t get into the dustbin of history. It’s too filled with and dominated by old Glorious Russian Empires that won’t let the US in. They are holding the space for the latest Russian Empire on its way to collapse, Putz Putin the Poisoner’s RF.

Arch Bungle

There’s a little space in that dustbin for the last crusader state to rise and fall in a thousand years.


Well, maybe the US will fall in the next 750 years. Or were you referring to your favorite country known as the Thousand Year Reich, Adolf?

Arch Bungle

The US will no longer be a major economic power in 8 years time. All it will be able to do is terrify and threaten with it’s rotting stockpile of nuclear weapons. In the 9th year from now, Israel will be forced, like apartheid South Africa, to agree to a unity state shated equally with the Palestinians. The Gaza prison camp and west bank checkpoints will be removed. The IDF will be merged into the Palestinian National Defense Force. This is the only future that guarantees some degree of survival for european jews in Palestine, all others lead to defeat.


LMFAO…you have such demented and delusional wet dreams, Igor. And you can’t even blame these on your Vodka ration binging. It’s the real you. Sad.

peter mcloughlin

One plain message from history is that all empires collapse. Power makes them unviable; power makes unreformable. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


Yep, and in only a century, Russia has seen two of its collapse into the dustbin of history. And a third is soon on its way. YEH!!! Pass the popcorn.

Arch Bungle

And in that time they’ve shown humankind the way to Space, saved the world twice from annhilation, balanced the power of the most evil empire the world has ever known and recovered to take the stage as a central player on the world stage with a massive landmass, infinite resources and military power, no foreign debt. Impressive!


Damn, you’ll be able to write a really great obituary, Igor. Hit yet another bottle of your Vodka ration to help you even more with that obit for the latest Great and Glorious Russia headed into the dustbin of history. And maybe another for yourself which you, like most Russian men, will need really early from all your binging because conditions in your Great and Glorious Russia are so good.

A resent survey found that almost a half of all Russian Millennials wanted to get the hell out of Russia and move to a better place. The rest said they would use Vodka to get them there.

Arch Bungle

How’s this an obituary? Russia is once again on the ascent and doing better than in the last 1000 years. Americans ate hitching rides to space on Russian Soyuz. Russia is now a major producer of food in the world. All the Russian youth I speak to absolutely love their homeland and return frequently from work abroad – so you seem to have distorted information there. As for jewish youth in Israel, many just want to get out of that shithole, and you can be sure that with covid19 that’s just going to intensify. If you want talk about obituaries you can add Israel, USA, most of Europe and Japan to the list of decaying ex empires well on the way to tje graveyard.


LOL…just like the crap folk like you said just before the collapse of the late great and glorious Russian Soviet Empire. Just the kind of stuff that one would put in an obit. Like say one for a Mafia Don who was bumped off. He would get tons of flowers and glowing praise about all the wonderful things he did. But everyone would be quite glad he was gone. Your past Soviet and Czarist glories will welcome Putz Putin’s RF with open arms and a kiss on both cheeks. Social distancing is not needed in the dustbin of history for the already dead, Igor.

chris chuba

One of these days I’ll find the courage to post a Saker article on my facebook page, he uses language that will infuriate people but if you read him carefully, he is making a point, not trolling. His 5 points are brilliant.

Regarding his second point, I’d say that countries under sanctions, especially Cuba have most likely developed a strong sense of community, it’s not about communism. Think about it, you are on an island. You are besieged by a monster for decades. You keep your independence without entanglement from the IMF or other institutions. Under those circumstances, it’s not surprising that you develop an attitude that ‘we are all in this together’.

I dread to see how we in the U.S. would respond if we experienced real hardship instead of bellowing about how strong and resilient we are. A lot of us are nice but we’ll see …


The US steals from others (and its own health workers) to send the much needed supplies to Israel:


There’s no hiding for western governments’ incompetence. As a remedy, I think what they will do is to inflate the number of “expected death” to such insane numbers so that the real result, whatever it may be, would be a reasonable one. As we say in Persian, offer them death so they become content with fever.


I hear Iran is trying to corner the market in industrial wood alcohol as your preferred and tested cure for the Pandemic. You already found it worked real good in killing the bug and keeping it from spreading. Oh, radiation treatment also works so try to act out your chants of Death to Israel, kid.

Arch Bungle

I hear your god Bibi went begging to India for masks Jakestein. Thought you joomonkeys were supposed to be SMART: https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/netanyahu-requested-pm-modi-to-allow-export-of-masks-pharmaceuticals-to-israel-report/amp_articleshow/74624164.cms … Face it, you and the rest of you inbred tribe are fucked! You’re all going to rot away before you ever get a chance to attack Iran.


LOL…Bibi ain’t my god and the want-to-be God-Emperor here sure isn’t either. Yours went into isolated hiding a few days ago to try to avoid becoming a Pandemic stat as his country starts to burn. My US will attack Iran whenever it thinks it needs to as will Israel. And there is nothing your god in hiding can or would do about it. So Islamist Iran better learn quick to behave better and stop its demented dream of having nukes.

Oh, speaking of smart, just checked to find that Jewish kids from just the public schools in New York City went on to get more than twice the Nobel Science Prizes ever gotten by all of Great and Glorious Mother Russia including your old Soviet and Czarist Empires. Oh, and almost a third of those Russian winners were also Jewish, Igor.


Don’t forget the “burn patients alive” and “graves visible from space” while you’re at it.

Israelis are doing a fine job killing themselves. Tonight, tomorrow night (Purim) and the next week’s $hitshow (Passover) in Israel will be really amusing. See ya!

Arch Bungle

You’ll see those israeli rednecks burning Palestinian olive trees from space.


Damn, you learned about those new high powered Israeli laser satellites!

Arch Bungle

No. The American ones the yanks allow zioreptiles to piggyback off.


LOL…now that is yet another silly and vacuous reply from you, kid.

chris chuba

Did we accuse Iran of doing that? Our Intel Community is pretty unimaginative, they accused China of doing that the day before they lifted the lockdown restrictions in WuHan in ‘Radio Free Asia’ https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/04/07/report-wuhan-funeral-homes-burned-people-alive/ oops. Even FOX news wouldn’t touch that story but Breitbart latched onto it. These guys have no boundaries; basically saying that the Chinese are worse than the nazis. Well .. we’ve played our card. China now knows they will never be accepted by the U.S. / Western Europe no matter how hard they try to play nice. If they survive, they must realized that they have to join the axis of resistance.


Burning alive was the same Brietbart article you mentioned. Graves visible from space was about Iran, saying so much people have died (more than 1 million is what they claim!!) that Iran made a whole new graveyard in days. I checked the location in their sat pic using Google Earth and went back in time, turned out the same part of graveyard was prepared 2 years ago and constructed 8 months ago. They say more than a million have died in Iran because of Corona virus and at the same time described Covid-19 as a Dem hoax. Fortunately the steps our ministry of health took had a positive effect and the number of new infected decreased noticeably. When it’s passed we have a more precise idea about the number of the dead, comparing to years before But it might be actually less because of the restrictions for travel and presence of road police, the number of people killed in traffic accidents is about %20 of last year.


Yep, that was a fake. But Islamist Iranians killing themselves by the hundreds with Menthol Alcohol as a Virus cure is no joke. Nor are Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles, Haman. Learn from your own history before it is too late.


LMFAO…your pockets aren’t near deep enough, junior. The Chinese gave up Marxism but they sure as hell keep its materialism.

Arch Bungle

Said as if capitalism is not materialistic.


Who said otherwise, Adolf? And so what? You truly are a wondrous vacuous one.

Arch Bungle

Another vacuous statement from the resident liar Jake-stein.


US has been exposed as a mean nasty liar. China’s rise will now only accelerate.


LOL…you’re a bit behind the time and ahead of the time, kid. And both Israel and my own California are doing a hell of a lot better than you guys in terms of the Virus. And the same goes for nukes. But Purim, 6 weeks ago, did celibate a time when reasonable Persians hung the bigoted ones who were giving Jews a hard time. You might learn from your history before it’s too late, Haman. And speaking of Passover, the Egyptians learned their lesson and made peace and natural gas deals with Israel.


If someone needed proof who calls the shots…

Arch Bungle

“Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate victory is near. We stand on the threshold to the command of the world. … We have done everything to bring the Russian people under the yoke of the Jewish power, and ultimately compelled them to fall on their knees before us. ” — A protocol of 1919. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.


It’s a fabrication you unspeakable cunt.

Arch Bungle

Who cares? It’s still true, fabrication or not. Cunt.


LMFAO…yep, you tell the truth about your Kremlin Ministry of Truth, Igor.


How do you know?


I liked the article. I see evidence of the change now in Brasil. The government has given up on obtaining gear in other countries like China. Face shields and masks have already begun to be produced and sold in my area. Yesterday it was announced that a contract to produce ventilators in Brasil was signed. I think it is 60 or 90 days before they arrive but, for the moment Brasil is still way ahead of the curve on the outbreak.

The use of unproven drugs to treat the patients suffering from Covid-19 will be very restricted. I saw it announced 2 days ago that there will be some testing, under strict conditions, beginning with some of the drugs in about 2 weeks. Yesterday the health Minister took 15 or 20 minutes to discuss the decision making process involving the use of these drugs. Considering what he divulged, concerning the actual treatment conditions of the patients, it makes no sense to try inoculate everybody. After listening to him and thinking about it, it is lunacy what other countries are experimenting with on their populations. My take from here, good luck all.

Wolfgang Wolf

let those american idiots die from corona, aids, or whatever… nobody needs this shithole country…


LOL…so sours Igor after downing yet another bottle of his Vodka ration on his way to an early grave like most Russian men. But why pray tell, would a patriotic Russian ever use a German Tag like that? Maybe you aren’t an Igor but actually an Adolf. Still, on this site it’s often hard to tell the Igors from the Adolfs. More and more that seems to be where Putz Putin in Hiding is taking Russia.

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