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MARCH 2025

Attacks In Spain: Another Anti-Russian False Flag?

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Attacks In Spain: Another Anti-Russian False Flag?

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Recent attacks in Spain using packages with explosives leave many questions unanswered.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

In Spain, attacks are taking place with explosives placed in postal service’s packages. On December 1st, the Spanish Ministry of Defense reported an incident of this type at its facilities. The Prime Minister of Spain also received a package containing a bomb, as did an air force base and some other locations. Previously, the same situation had already happened at the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid. On the internet, pro-Kiev netizens baselessly accuse Russia of being behind the acts. However, it seems more likely that the cases are just another false flag operation against Moscow.

The office of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, the headquarters of the country’s Ministry of Defense and the Torrejón de Ardoz air base in Madrid received via postal service packages with bombs on the first day of December. All bombs were detected before they were opened, and there were no injuries or damage, according to spokespersons for the Spanish government. But the Spanish national police activated the anti-terrorist protocol across the country in light of the attacks. This alert authorizes police and bomb squads to carry out special operations to block roads and airports in order to search explosives and arrest suspicious people.

Another place of strategic importance that was targeted with an explosive envelope on December 1st was the headquarters of an arms company in Zaragoza, in the west of the country. Instalaza is a Spanish military company involved in the manufacture of equipment for the Spanish armed forces and NATO allied countries. The company is therefore currently involved in the process of sending weapons to Ukraine.

Interestingly, the incidents took place a day after another box also containing explosives was sent to the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid. An employee of the Embassy was injured when opening the pack and is now hospitalized – according to the Ukrainian ambassador in Madrid, Serhii Pohoreltsev, he had his fingers burned by the explosion but is recovering well and is not at risk.

There appears to be a common pattern to all the situations, with targets aimed at departments of military and political relevance in Spain, as well as specifically regarding ties between Madrid and Kiev. To analyze the case, it is necessary to remember that Spain has played a significant role in NATO’s anti-Russian diplomacy since the beginning of the special military operation, having hosted the alliance’s July summit, where many decisions to support Kiev were taken. The country has played a more active role than it normally does in international military topics. In addition, internally there are reports from local citizens of strong censorship of pro-Russian journalists, which makes the Spanish government’s position of absolute support for Kiev even clearer.

However, the case cannot be reduced to Spain. It is important to consider the European context as a whole, particularly the most recent anti-Russian maneuvers. Days before the occurrences began in Spain, the European Union declared Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. The attitude was absolutely unjustified, being criticized by experts worldwide. Not even the US, which leads the global pro-Kiev coalition, has taken such a solid and dangerous position as this – on the contrary, American President Joe Biden has repeatedly said that he will not consider Russia a state sponsor of terrorism.

In fact, the EU’s measure put an end to any hope of improvement in relations between the bloc and Russia, with no longer any expectation of good ties in the near future. The worst aspect of this is that it was an absolutely unfair decision, as there is no proven case of terrorism with Russian involvement – while, on the other hand, Ukrainian terrorists, in complicity with NATO intelligence, have already operated several criminal assaults without any condemnation by the EU.

It is interesting that this EU measure is followed by such bombs sent to political, military and diplomatic facilities in Spain. The Spanish government, when declaring an anti-terrorist alert, simply authorizes exceptional measures against any target considered “suspect”, which will allow the reinforcing of the persecution against pro-Russian activists, even if there is no evidence of their involvement in these events.

But, more significantly than that, the incidents will certainly be reported by the mainstream media and official departments as an example of the so-called “Russian terrorism”, thus justifying the EU’s shameful move to consider Russia a sponsor of terror. In fact, on the internet several pro-Kiev websites and activists have already started to spread this narrative – which may soon become official in the big media outlets.

In addition to there being no evidence of Russian involvement, it is impossible to identify what would be Moscow’s real interest in supporting attitudes like these, which would only harm itself. Most likely this is just another false flag maneuver to move public opinion against the Russians and justify sanctions.


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Peter L.

Thank you for this interesting and informative article. Mostly I agree with you, and I hope Spanish people will raise against fascism like they did in WW2

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter L.
John Tosh

Revelations 19: The Prostitute is the Central Intelligence Agency…. Here we see the end of the CIA and the freedom the world gets after the murdering cruel agency is ended.

After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting:

“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, 2 for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.”

Edgar Zetar

Take your pills Mr. Tosh, compairing a prostitute with CIA is very very crazy… are you on drugs?

Chris Gr

He means that modern USA is Mystery Babylon.

John Tosh

Like a prostitute who sells her wares to everyone, the CIA is in business with thieves, terrorists, governments even the Vatican. This is why the Bible calls it the Prostitute. Did you think the Bible referred to an actual prostitute???? Lol


Probably just some pro-Russian person sick of Putin’s diplomatic pandering.

Karl Pomeroy

Probably just some pro-Russian person sick of Spain’s military pandering to NATO and Ukraine.


Spain sends weapons to kill Russian soldiers and murder Russian civilians and I’m supposed to care about some weak bs like this? GTFO.

Chris Gr

Russia did one mistake though. They funded Catalonian separatists. That’s bad.


When is Putin going to reply to the UK blowing up Nordstream? Isn’t the Kremlin going to do anything to defend Russian assets?


when is vanya to resist 3 LGBT boyfriends and find more compatible nebraska tranny?

Chris Gr

You are tranny yourself

Lgbt = german national team

The only problem of the German national team is that they could not wear a lgbt band on their arms at the word cup, the german team condems fifa .

Israel first

Always assume Israel and Mossad first, since they love instigating fights among gentiles and walk away laughing. If it’s not the Mossad it’s the American CIA which is heavily monitored and infiltrated by Israel agents, and if not them, just Jews or a few dumb gentiles tricked by Jews.

Peppe il Sicario

OK, Shlomo! You’re not too veiled Kike bragging is as thick as cow shit. Maybe it’s Russian GRU and you in the Kike infiltrated West don’t want to admit it. They’ve had sleeper agents, “Natashas”, in Europe and the USA since the 50s and can activate them when they want. During the Cold War, it was well known that the Soviets once active hostilities initiated would resort to behind enemy lines direct action strikes.

Chris Gr

The funny thing, you have Jewish surname!


Classic CIA brainwashing strategy. 87% ameriscums hate Russia after decades of Russophobia peddled on all Ameruscum mainstreams. Now, They are influencing Europeans as well in anticipation of an open NATO-Russia war.


But of course!… And why should anyone be surprised when the UN member($) especially the 3 most important among them with 2 hauling away the crime scene https://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html that allowed the Ho$t at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA to get away with THIS https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11 https://www.ae911truth.org/

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Edgar Zetar

The Collective West Goverments are playing NATO tone; I say Goverments because Western Goverments are ruled by Elites that doesnt represent their entire people and country, the Elites only cares about Money and about perpetuate themselves at the Top of Goverments… This is what Full Capitalism in the West means, only the Top Groups of the %5 population rules over 95% of the people, and those 95% lives in poverty and they have to take credits to survive, and almost are slaves of their Masters, the Money Owners Masters… Spain was a very corrupt civilization since middle ages, so you cannot expect anything good coming from them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
EU must not be USA slave

Maybe it’s a kind of Unabomber , sick of this Ukronazy dellusion dragging the World into poverty and misery. Obviously is an insane one, since Ukraine does not really exist, it is a CIA crime sindicate.

Chris Gr

Ukrainian nationalism existed before CIA though.

EU must not be USA slave

Nationalism is one healthy attitude, nazism is criminal madness. The results of nazy madness is obvious in Ukraine now.

Chris Gr

Zelensky is not a nationalist but a centrist liberal. The nationalists are Svoboda and the nazis are Right Sector. Svoboda and Right Sector dislike EU.


3 options: – some lone nut. seems unlikely – organized Russian campaign, to effect what? – UKR/western PSYOP to influence the European public opinion, that is starting to doubt the war and their leaders failing response to it.

If this was a bet I know where I would put my money on.


Crimes like this are sometimes an inside job look to NIC/CIA Spain first…..to bring citizens onboard with NATO crimes would be as likely as any guess.



Here also for you.

As again we see here these know-nothing people talking about the ‘evil nazis’ and such bullshit, when in fact these german people simply wanted to live in peace and autark not being slaves and depended on the jewish foul finacial system. Because of this strict attitude they were first forced into WW2, then totally bombed, raped and are occupied since 1945 by the Allied Forces of World Jewry.

And then infiltrated, tortured in every possible way and alienated from themselves. Their children are told lies since birth, and the whole world gets told lies by Jews about the bad evil Germans aka Nazis. When in fact it is the exact other way around. The Jews attacked every decent, great and honourable nation and civilisation of thelast at least 1500 years. They destroyed ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome and the Ottoman Empire and then the Russian Empire and the German Empire.If we look close we see that the British Empire too fell victim to these parasites.

And intelligent russian men and women know that it is true what I say. See: http://rlu.ru/39CuX Also the old Chechens they know it. Just the young brainwashed russian generation, same as the young european generation, they know nothing but the weired and fake infos presented to them by the global jewish newsnetwork stations.(May it be those from USA,EU,or Russia or China – it is all led by the same hook-nosed parasites).

All those antichristian networks, websites, persons etc. who are satanic and therefore do not stand on the ground of the truth, are unable to let the truth stand, and therefore they always try to ban, delete, and forbid it, resp. try stopping the truth from being spoken out, or from reaching the ears and eyes of the blinded and brainwashed. They are afraid of real information, because they want the people to stay inside the matrix and stay gullible and stupid and foolish. As stupid people are the best slaves. And that’s what the global government NWO/JWO (Jewish World Order) needs.

You see this here on this website. As the mods are deleting all the precious infos, videos, comments which do not support their pro-Putin position. So there is no freedom of speech here as well. Same goes for the EU. USA has more freedom of speech but they have other means and methods in place, for hindering people from talking the truth openly.

Therefore I advice everybody here to copy the links from this comment, before the comment is deleted. The suppressive and censoring acts of the mods of this SF board really show the real face of todays Russia and how “free” the russian society under Putin is, as no opposition thoughts and information is allowed.

Pastor Ray Hagins tells you about it, see: https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/11mz . Whatever, if you are really interested in the truth you need to start counterchecking everything, informing yourself of what’s behind it all, who is really calling the shots and why are things happening as they are. Learning, understanding, researching etc. takes time – it’s like cooking good healthy meal. But people today got lazy, they consume things, they do not create them themselves anymore, they have this ‘ McDonald’s mindset’ – this way they make it easy for the evildoers to poison their minds and souls.

I did long search today to bring to you this (below) very informative documentation in english. Here you will see point to point how USA, EU, and Russia are constructed, by whom, and what this means. It is a docu that is much more than 10 years old and still it predicts perfectly everything we see happening today before our very eyes.

I tell you: Knowledge is power, and if you have no knowledge of the true dynamics behind the scene, you will always get misled by those who work for those who know about them. Here this docu will help you understand things, and see through the fog. https://tinyurl.com/5cphvpy9

( it is called – Europe – The Last Battle here at least part 1-5 – if link is broken then look for it at see at archive.org )

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

When you paint them with the word Jew your brush is too wide though mostly correct not all Jews are the same and many involved are not Jews by heredity or faith and not all Jews are involved in anything of this sort so you loose credibility and many will not listen to you regardless of the truth of your message.

Edgar Zetar

If you truly believe in the Gods, you will not be interested in adquire power in your short time human live, you will try to live well without getting involved in mens affairs, low level mens will always fight for power, will always compite against each other and try to get to the top to get the best they think they deserve, they cheat, they steal, they deceit…. low level humans will always behave like that. And no matter what of the Newest or Ancient Gods do you believe, if you understand the Power doesnt belong to you you could live pretty well on this earth while preparing to be attached to the MATRIX you departed before arriving earth. Its not a Good or Evil thing, you could be as good as a Saint or an Evil Machiavelian like Satan himself…. it depends on you and what the MATRIX and the Gods commands you to do.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar


I understand, but what you say is falling short of the real problem.


I tell you the following:

Judaism is not a religion it is an ancient arc-evil mafia organisation, which was already 1500 years ago clever enough to camouflage itself as ‘a religion’. Their leaders ordered them to scatter through the whole world and establish confronting and diffrent at best contradicting branches. In order to act as parasites, and rule through lies, infiltration, satanism and perversion, and money-slavery. Same as parties which come in different colours but are at bottom-line, all ruled from behind from the very same hook-nosed power-structure.

And further to your interventions, that it is not all jews that are evil. So what ?

Let’s say you have 10 flasks of water – someone advices you to drink from one of them. But you know that 8-9 of that flasks are poisoned with plutonium. What will you do ? Choose one of the flasks and drink from them ?

Or will you refuse to drink from any of them, regardless if there is 1 or 2 flasks which are not poisoned !? Nah ?

So here you have your answer, resp. my answer to your question !

It doesn t matter if there is part of the Jews not evil – it is more then enough that a certain part of them is deadly evil and dangerous (like an infectious extrem deadly alien bacteria), and because the evil ones always camouflage and pose as nice, helpful and friendly and are masters of deception, we cannot sufficiently differ between the dangerous the the none-dangerous ones. That’s the facts. Therefore – to save our own lifes and that of our children – we HAVE to seperate ALL OF THEM from us and our societies.

If we do not – look at the Corona-hoax and the millions of now death-jab poisoned mRNA vaccination victims. Genocide 100x the size of what all the famous dictator massmurderers together did not manage to do – but the Jews now did. Why could they do it ? Because mankind still doesn t realized that they are a pest on two legs. The most evil world-enemy of all times, hellbend on exterminating all none-jews (down to 500mio) and turn the earth into a prison planet, a jewish one-world (NWO/JWO – Jewish World Order), a world government ruled shithole with themselves (the Jews) as the master-race, the “chosen people”, and the other beings being their slaves. They not even call you human. Jews call none-jews GOYIM which means human-like cattle.

This you need to know !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Chris Gr



this indicate that spain inteligence does not exist

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