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AUKUS To Bolster Combat Capabilities Of Nuclear Submarine Fleet To Challenge China

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AUKUS To Bolster Combat Capabilities Of Nuclear Submarine Fleet To Challenge China

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Australia becomes American-British staging ground to oppose China.

Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

Australia will become the second home for US and British nuclear submarines, meaning that the island country will effectively become a nuclear staging ground aimed at challenging China in the Asia-Pacific region. In this way, AUKUS – a trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, provokes increased confrontation with China.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on March 15 that the Anglo Alliance’s nuclear ships would initially be stationed in the sparsely populated state of Western Australia. However, he added that infrastructure on the east coast is “incredibly important for how we defend our nation.” Morrison explained that a site for a new base would be decided after the upcoming federal elections to be held on or before May 21. It is noted that although the eastern states account for 37% of the country’s total land area, they are home to over 80% of the population as well as Australia’s most important cities – Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane.

Earlier this week, in a virtual speech at the Lowy Institute, the Prime Minister announced his decision to build a new base in the east to support the deployment of Australia’s future nuclear submarine fleet under an agreement signed within the framework of the AUKUS military alliance. Three locations for the new eastern base are under consideration – Brisbane in the northeast state of Queensland, and Newcastle and Port Kembla to the north and south of Sydney respectively.

“The ability of US and UK nuclear-powered submarines to be here on the west coast, and ultimately we’d like to see them on the east coast as well, is all part of what our plan is as we continue to push forward our AUKUS partnership,” the Australian Prime Minister said.

In this way, the US and UK are using Australia as a junior partner to bolster the combat capabilities of the bloc’s nuclear submarine fleet in the Indian and South Pacific as confrontation with Russia and China escalates. With nuclear warships based in Australia, it greatly enhances the abilities of the US and British naval fleets to perform operations far off from home. However, it is likely not just about submarines, and we can maybe expect American and British aircraft carriers to also appear in Australia.

In general, for a long time, Australia banned nuclear vessels from entering its base. But for those unacquainted with Australian politics, the ruling Liberal Party, traditionally the party of Australia’s British heritage and conservative ideology, enthusiastically established AUKUS as the beginning of an Anglo Alliance. This is a far cry from the opposition Labor Party that has traditionally opposed militarization and sought a balance between the US and China.

It is noted that former Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who served as prime minister from December 2007 to June 2010 and again from June 2013 to September 2013, was fluent in Mandarin and used this as a leverage to create understanding with Beijing, even if there were differences on human rights issues.

However, the dominance of the Liberal Party in Australian politics for over 30 years, with only short intermittent periods of Labor leadership, saw the country participate in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, conduct airstrikes against Syria, and form the extremely hostile AUKUS alliance after snubbing France.

For the goal of containing China in Asia-Pacific, Australia has now become critical for the US and UK. For example, a US aircraft carrier after 5-7 days of conflict with a potential enemy needs to replenish ammunition for aircraft on the carrier, while repairs and additional fuel for the aircraft are usually carried out in port. Australia can now fill this gap since quite obviously British and American ships operating in and around Southeast Asia are far from home.

This elevated importance given to Australia by Britain and the US has already resulted in greater military confrontation with China, with the East Asian country complaining that an Australian surveillance aircraft was flying in a “malicious” and “unprofessional” fashion close to its warships when the plane was targeted by a laser weapon.

Although China was accused of putting lives at risk by the Australian government in February when a laser was directed towards a RAAF P-8 Poseidon plane monitoring two People’s Liberation Army-Navy (PLA-N) warships sailing through the Arafura Sea, the Chinese Ministry of National Defence released a short video clip recorded on a warship, showing the Australian aircraft flying close by in a “nuisance” manner.

“It is evident in the video taken by the Chinese naval ship that the Australian military aircraft was conducting close-in reconnaissance on Chinese naval vessels,” Senior Colonel Tan Kefei said. “The Australian military aircraft’s conduct was malicious in intention and unprofessional in operation and posed threats to the safety of ships, aircraft and personnel of both sides.”

With Chinese and Australian militaries already skirmishing in such a manner, the entry of US and British nuclear submarines into Australian ports will only further destabilize the situation. It is recalled that Australia’s decision to equip its fleet with nuclear submarines under AUKUS was met with mistrust across the region, especially from Southeast Asian partners like Malaysia and Indonesia.

Now, it has been reported that Australia is actually becoming a “second home” for US and UK nuclear submarines. In the context of growing confrontations between the US and China, including the Taiwan issue, AUKUS in fact raises tensions in the region by encouraging the increasing nuclearization of the region.


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The Truth shall set you Free 🆓

U.S. will sell its old Los Angeles class SSNs for an exorbitant price, and from the money they will build new Columbia and Virginia class subs. Australia is buying obsolete tech as usual.

Abraham Lincoln

The USSA dollar will be worthless and the USSA bankrupt long before any such deals can be completed and there will be no Columbia or Virginia class subs and there likely won’t be any USSA as we know it today. Its over!!


10 generals and commanders who were killed in action https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/how-the-russian-officer-elite-is-being-decimated-in-ukraine-9-generals-and-commanders-who-were-killed-in-combat/articleshow/90175870.cms

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

arkansas nazi—more fake news—-CIA PAY POKO MOLO 1 taco


gas hunter is out of gas again!


In pro-invasion rally, Russian President Vladimir Putin dons costly Loro Piana jacket https://www.wionews.com/world/in-pro-invasion-rally-russian-president-vladimir-putin-dons-costly-loro-piana-jacket-463688 “At a time when Russian citizens are facing numerous issues triggered by sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin, while giving speech at huge pro-invasion rally, donned a Loro Piana jacket.

The clothing is worth nearly 1.5 million Russian roubles, which is equivalent to around $13,181 or £10,200. It is also worth around 25 times the average monthly salary of Russians.

The 69-year-old president vowed to fight for the ‘universal values’ of all Russians in an expensive jacket when citizens face poverty.”

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Everyone else was in expensive jackets It seems Russians aren’t as broke as their americant counterparts…


Keep deluding yourself.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Your social stats are comparable to Africa.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Indeed. U S. Is awful 😞


You still own less, have fewer savings and lower cost of living doesn’t change the fact there is a lower quality of life.


stupid, insecure moron—for arkansas hillbilly grunting frizzy quality of life crime, rape no education no culture

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Wrong. Avg debt per capita in the U.S is $72,000 vs $4800 in Russia. Most Russians own their place most Americans rent it. 27 tent cities across the U.S. 130million on food stamps. Even Ukropisstan is better off than the crumbling americant empire.


You keep bitching about America as if I actually like it (I don’t like America). You ignore your own problems and instead of fixing them, you point the finger elsewhere. You do not allow yourself to think outside of the box and by no means understand anything beyond your misinformed views.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

pathetic slogans from nazi moron

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

You keep repeating the same BS. The crumbling americant empire is the problem not Russia. Who is at whos doorstep?


nazi poko molo senike frustrated—far less poverty, extreme poverty—zero in Russia….you have 5 million families extreme poverty—2 million homeless….poko molo fortunate to shine shoes Jew master and be allowed residence trailer park—-inferior fake pink trash

John Titor

So the usual, you antagonize some major world power, then cry because they wage a war on your puppet states. The morons at the head of NATO will soon wonder why the entire world is turning on them.

Joao M...

The goal is not to wage successful war, but to continue to prop up the military industrial complex, which is basically the only viable part of the US economy still left. Take for instance, the latest 19 billion dollars weapons package approved by the US Government for immediate delivery to the Ukranian forces. Just how such a massive quantity of weapons is to be delivered, when Russia has complete control of the air as well the sea around Ukraine, is a mystery. But you see, the money will be spent regardless…

basement in US embassy in poland

hi i am zalensky, prezident of what is left of ukraine. that is mine, my money. i can’t wait for that billions to be deposited in my bank account in swiss. it is still warm down here in the basement.

Last edited 3 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland
Hungary Guy

Wait, what about CONvid HOAX Plandemic on that Prison Island? 3rd, 4th n+ t h Jab…

Last edited 3 years ago by Hungary Guy
basement in US embassy in poland

this whole concept of (f)aukus is a failure from the get go. who gives the shit to little britain in asia with population similar to south korea? ASEAN countries have a combined population of 700 million. it just shows desperation on the part of anglos. russia has a large naval base in kamchatka peninsular with borei class subs and all. china has the largest number of warships in the world and is still building them more. with china and russia ships and subs will dominate the pacific. north korea has them also with subs and slbms. iran is building nuke subs and will soon join them. us coasts are infested with russian, chinese and north korean subs.

Last edited 3 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland

Chinese copied the Russian Delta class SSBN very nicely.


They copy the outside shape well, but inside who knows. Russia is doing all the heavy lifting and real fighting, while China as usual just sits around thinking it’s indispensable.


Now that China is backing up Russia — let there be no doubt that Russia will share ALL of it’s submarine technology with China — and Russia’s submarine technology isfar, FAR better than that of any country of the west.

And with 1.5 BILLION Chinese — they can out-produce the production of their submarines 10x times that of the fahclst ‘west’.


That would be stupid and short sighted. It’d be like teplacing another noose around the neck.


They will continue to acquire western tech through third parties, predominately Israel and China. As for Russian submarine technology, it is better but you exaggerate the difference.

Veritas Vincit

Various reports show Australia is being integrated into US operational plans for war scenarios against China (and Russia, as verified in reports). Australia is playing a key role in these preparations through developing Australia as an allied offensive strike platform (conventional and nuclear [nuclear attack class submarines (not just nuclear propulsion as claimed) and Mk-41 VLS on naval assets]) and through the formation of military alliances (such as AUKUS, QSD, RAA, CSPs. etc. that relate to these war preparations and the formation of an ‘Asian NATO’).

– “The report [‘Australia-Japan-US Maritime Cooperation’ by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies] contains specific recommendations to enhance “inter-operability” on intelligence and surveillance, submarine and anti-submarine warfare, amphibious forces and logistics….. The report’s author, Andrew Shearer, is a senior figure in the Australian foreign policy and military establishment…. Shearer is also very well connected in Washington…… Shearer makes clear [the] main “hard security” objective is to prepare for war with China. The Pentagon’s preoccupation with “freedom of navigation” and China’s A2/AD [Anti-Access, Area Denial] systems flows directly from its military strategy for war with China—Air Sea Battle. This is premised on being able to launch massive missile and air attacks on the Chinese mainland from warships and submarines in nearby waters, as well as from military bases in Japan and South Korea. Australia and Japan are central to Air Sea Battle and associated strategies, which include a naval blockade of China to strangle its economy…… “In the event of a conflict with China, the United States and its allies could adopt a range of strategies to counter its A2/AD capabilities,” the report explains. All are based on Air Sea Battle, which “relies on networked, integrated forces to take the offensive across air, maritime, land, space and cyberspace to disrupt, destroy and defeat an adversary’s A2/AD capabilities, allowing friendly forces maximum flexibility to defeat opposing forces.” (CSIS report argues for strong US-Japan-Australia alliance against China, By Peter Symonds, 9 April 2016)

– “Australia is a frontline state in the new Cold War” (Malcolm Davis, Australian Strategic Policy Institute)

– “Paul Dibb, the former head of two Australian spy organizations and a deputy defence minister, has just published [‘Why Russia is a threat to the international order’, Australian Strategic Policy Institute] a call for Australian troops to be ready to fight in Europe against [Russia].” (Australian Armchair General Weaponizes Himself in War Against Russia, John Helmer, 04/07/2016)

– “[Australian strategic analyst Hugh White] is outlining an entire agenda, including what would be needed to build nuclear weapons and the necessary delivery systems. He advocates creating a nuclear arsenal along the lines of Britain and France, based on submarine-launched missiles.” (Prominent Australian academic suggests building nuclear weapons, By Peter Symonds, 11 July 2019)

Australia is and will remain an adversary of Russia and China. If (when) developing conflicts progress a direct kinetic stages, Australia will then become a military enemy. In this context, the military commands of Russia and China should adjust their contingency planning accordingly.

Veritas Vincit

It is the assessment of various analysts Australia is being developed as an allied nuclear strike platform. Even Australian strategic policy documents have openly advocated for the attainment of allied nuclear potential on submarine platforms. In addition to seeking allied nuclear attack class submarines (US Virginia-class and UK Astute -class submarines being shortlisted), reports verify Australia is planning to host allied nuclear submarines until its domestic fleet is operational.

The broader increase in the presence of US forces involved plans to host US strategic aviation/nuclear bombers and carrier strike groups. Australia is fully integrated into US military architecture and operational planning (including nuclear warfare scenarios). In the process it is also a legitimate target for the military and strategic forces of Russia and China in certain conflict scenarios.

It is worth noting the Australian labor party has repeatedly stated recently there is no daylight between the Liberals and Labor policy of US alignment and military integration. Kevin Rudd (Labor) and Julia Gillard (Labor) oversaw a significant stage of this integration process

Note: The Mk-41 VLS on Australian naval assets is compatible with US (nuclear-capable) cruise missile launch canisters:

– “The Hobart-class guide-air warfare guided missile destroyer is the newest ship class in the RAN. It is equipped with the Aegis Combat System and AN/SPY1 radar…… The vessels are equipped with the MK 41 Vertical Launch System….. Two other destroyers in the class are under construction.” (Lockheed Martin receives contract for Australian AEGIS systems, by Stephen Carlson, UPI, Jul 11, 2017)

– “Mk 41s can be used for launching both SM-3 interceptor missiles and medium to [long] range Tomahawk cruise missiles.” (US Missiles’ Deployment to Romania, Poland Banned Under INF Treaty – Moscow, 26/04/2017)

– “Semantics may deceive the civilian layman, but the Russians have always known the “shield” is a sword….. Mk-14 canisters containing Tomahawk cruise missile have the same dimensions as the Mk-21din that launches the anti-ballistic missle SM-3 block 1b. The Tomahawk missile is armed with the miniaturized nuclear warhead W80 50 kt. American technology enables also replacing the Mk 142 kinetic cargo of rocket missile SM-3 Block 1b with the miniature nuclear warhead W80, from the cruise mini-rocket AGM-86 ALCM (which has the same mass as the SM-3 Block 1b). ” (US Anti-Missile Shield or Sword?, Valentin Vasilescu (Katehon), 23/06/2016)

Last edited 3 years ago by Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit

p3. References: – “The [Australian] navy will acquire a formidable arsenal of long-range cruise missiles for its new submarines, destroyers and frigates, able to strike at targets thousands of kilometres from Australia’s shores…. Force 2030….. will be a more potent force in certain areas, particularly in undersea warfare and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) surface maritime warfare, air superiority, strategic strike, special forces, ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) and cyber warfare,…… over the long period covered by this [Australian Defence ] white paper, we might have to contend with major power adversaries operating in our approaches” (Kevin Rudd’s push for missile supremacy, May 02/05/2009)

– “Australia is in the process of receiving an upgrade to “enhanced Partnership” status, giving greater diplomatic and military access to NATO operations. Australia is represented by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister David Johnston, who have Russian president Vladimir Putin firmly in their sights.” (NATO summit: Australia strengthens ties with Atlantic alliance, but strains of global policing starting to show, By Mark Corcoran, ABC News [Australia], 05/09/2014)

– “defense analysts from both countries expect an increased presence in Australia for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marines in the form of bombers, nuclear submarines, missiles and troops…. it’s likely the Air Force will begin using runways in the northern part of the country, possibly for the B-52 strategic bomber and B-2 stealth bomber… [missile architecture] cooperation is more likely to speed up….” (Deal likely to bring more US military assets to Australia’, Stripes, June 20, 2014)

– “None of this is about ‘protecting Australia’ from attack. The White Paper itself admits there is no conceivable threat against the Australian mainland in the next 20 years. The implausibility of the White Paper’s rhetoric about a long-term threat from China is demonstrated by the fact that the two agencies commissioned to write assessments of this threat rejected it out of hand. According to The Australian, the Defence Intelligence Organisation described China’s military build-up as a non-threatening ‘defensive’ response to American naval power in the Pacific and judged that Beijing did not have ‘hegemonic’ or ‘expansionist’ ambitions. Far from being concerned about its own defences, Australia has long been the dominant power in its immediate region, using its economic and military muscle to intimidate and coerce smaller neighbours to bend to its will. The government is now aiming to expand this influence further into Asia, and to establish Australia as a more significant military force on the world stage.” (Source: Australia’s White Paper for war, Corey Oakley, May 2009)

– “the Australian military is being integrated into the US military’s AirSea Battle doctrine. Under this plan, US forces will launch attacks on the Chinese mainland, while Australian forces will cut off China’s maritime trade links with the Middle East and Africa, starving its economy of oil, gas and other essential resources.” (Sydney’s week-long military extravaganza foreshadows new wars, 11 October 2013)

Last edited 3 years ago by Veritas Vincit



the stupid anglos impoverish themselves—having no culture they are reduced to feminized children that submissively want dictatorship


australia is a usa colony populated by criminals racists


What this means – and what those AUKUS “elites” are very careful not to tell the Aussie pop – is that Aussieland now gets the crosshairs of some nice interesting nuclear missiles from China and Russia fixed on it. …. Not well done at all Ausland – pretty downright stoopid in fact.

Bob - Enough

All sound wonderful, but when will the base be finished ?, when will Australia get their surplus Yank or Brit nuclear powered subs – what was it again 2036 or something … oh 6 years after this stage of the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 finish … All smoke and mirrors.

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