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MARCH 2025

Avangard Hypersonic Boost-Glide Vehicles Entered Serial Production In Russia

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Avangard Hypersonic Boost-Glide Vehicles Entered Serial Production In Russia


Russia has started a serial production of Avangard hypersonic boost-glide vehicles for its Strategic Missile Forces, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Aleksey Krivoruchko said on December 28.

“Equipment has been supplied for two stationary missile launchers to continue the re-equipment of the Kozelsky division of the Strategic Missile Forces with this type of missile system.

Work has begun on the serial production of the prospective Avangard missile system and the re-equipment of the Dombarovsky division of the Strategic Missile Forces with it,” Krivoruchko told the Defense Ministry’s official newspaper Red Star.

A day earlier, on Decemmber 27, the first regiment armed with the Avangard system entered service with the Russian Armed Forces, according to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Avangard gliding vehicle (source):

The development of a future ICBM with a brand-new payload type in the form of a gliding vehicle was the real technological breakthrough. The testing of Avangard has been successfully concluded. According to available information, Avangard can reach the top speed of Mach 20 and is one of the possible payload options for Sarmat.

The warhead can fly in dense layers of the atmosphere over intercontinental distances, while performing evasive dog-legs both horizontally (up to several thousand kilometers) and vertically. Specialists assess that the Avangard has not only an aerodynamic control system but also a propulsion system to be able to perform such maneuvers.

In spite of flying in a plasma cloud, the warhead can receive signals from its command center. It used to be an impossible task, since plasma blocks radio waves. Another challenge that was successfully overcome was the problem of heat insulation. It cannot be ruled out that the Avangard uses new generation high-temperature ceramic composites that use silicon carbide, capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 2,000 C. By mid-March it was announced that the first Avangard carriers would become the UR-100N UTTKh (SS-19 Stiletto) ICBMs that will most likely become part of the RS-24 Yars strategic missile system. About 30 of these missiles were delivered from Ukraine in the early ‘00s to cover natural gas debts. After the Soviet break-up, they were stored un-fueled. Once Sarmat is adopted, it too will carry Avangard warheads. The Russian MOD already signed a contract for serial delivery of Avangards, and they will enter line service in the near future.


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Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Too bad the Arrow 3 interceptor, THAAD, and AEGIS can adequately deal with this rusty soviet junk!


There is zero evidence THAAD, and AEGIS can take down anything travelling at hypersonic speeds of mach 20

Wayne Nicholson

Lockheed just got R&D funding to extend the range and ability of THAAD to be able to take on hypersonic missiles. They claim they will be able to intercept “rudimentary” missiles by 2022.

Rudimentary means under ideal conditions where the trajectory, launch site and launch time is known THAAD has a chance of hitting it’s target. In other words anther cost plus boondoggle that results in nothing.

Apparently the Pentagon are hedging their bets and paid Boeing to get their airborne laser out of mothballs just in case.


Even if they manage to develop such a defensive system they have never come up against a missile/glider that makes rapid direction changes. Biggest issue for any defender is early detection of the launch, Russians are not going to tell them!


Agreed Russian or not I have not seen any evidence of any system of ANY country that can shoot down an object flying at Mach 20?


Tony Blair can do it, imitating a Superman take-off move. He will need Bojo as ordnance.

Wayne Nicholson

THAAD has only ‘successfully’ shot down a missile when the speed and trajectory were know.

US air defences couldn’t protect israel from primitive Scuds in 1991, they couldn’t protect Saudi Arabia from drone and cruise missile attacks this year. The battery protecting Riyahd not only missed the Scud but did as much damage to the city as the Scud did.

Patriot sucks, THAAD doesn’t work. The pentagon covers it up because there is too much invested in these products ….. and they are products NOT weapons ….. and for them to admit failure would show the world how vulnerable the USA is to missiles of all kinds.

You’ll notice the USA won’t dare sell THAAD to anyone lest they get caught with a lemon and every country outside of core NATO allies that operate the Partiot missile have either bought or are buying Russian S-400 or S-300 systems.



Why can’t THAAD shoot down North Korea’s missiles?

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

If that’s indeed the case then why are you expressing such emotion or neurosis over what Russia does with their military science?


and those systems u just spoke of INCLUDING Russia’s systems are going to be used against Israel!

YEP! Stay tuned sunshine, youre going to realise this aint no joke REAL SOON! Everything happening in the USA is linked to Israel! Watch who goes to jail soon!

Say bye bye to Mossad!

Simon Ndiritu

Exactly like they intercept Houthi’s cruise missiles in KSA

Gary Sellars

Based in the performance of US-made air defenses in Saudi (and their inability to take down Yemeni subsonic cruise missiles) I think its a given that US gear is not what its manufacturers claim it is :-D

No reason to think that Ziostani junk is any better.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Arrow III can reach altitudes of up to 2500km! That means before the Avengard can separate from the ICBM, it will have been intercepted! Sorry Russkies!


What evidence is there it can hit a mach 20 missile!

Daily Beatings

“We don’t have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us,” Air Force Gen. John Hyten, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. – https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/21/hypersonic-weapons-what-they-are-and-why-us-cant-defend-against-them.html

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

fake news

Daily Beatings

David, I guess you are that stupid to equivocate a verified quote as fake news.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

How the hell did you find that out? David Wohl is a relative, not me. My name is Larry.

Daily Beatings

You are that stupid? https://las.touro.edu/faculty/faculty-members/wohl-david.php

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

The fact that you are looking me up and stalking me is very concerning. Not only are you antisemitic but also a stalker? C’mon now. And NO, my real name is Larry, NOT David. What don’t you understand?

Daily Beatings

That’s the picture you posted, therefore I have to believe that’s you. You wouldn’t use someones else’s image without their permission?

Zionist Internet Warrior

Dude, its Jacob Wohl. he’s using a fake profile of a guy named David Wohl, because in reality his real dad’s name is David Wohl. look it up lol

Daily Beatings

I thought Jacob Wohl was in prison? Or is he using that as a fake profile?

Zionist Internet Warrior

some say (rumor) that in order to keep out of prison, he has to work for Hasbara FULL TIME lol

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

LOL! Man that’s too funny. Dude has to be on some kind of heavy drugs..

Concrete Mike

Idiot , you got caught with your pants down!!!

Toni Liu

Hahaha stupid, snort more gas to make your mind more clearer, what a cancer to SF


He is that stupid.

Gary Sellars

fake news like the hollowcost?


You can prove this easily: Iran build nikes, Russia sell them Avantgard system and the show will go on! :))

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

You must be a satirist, is that you Tommy J? Always reliable for a good laugh.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the day before this, on christmas, i saw on youtube videos of nuclear tests from the 50s come up recommended, it was very odd, since i had not searched about it, and then the next day i read this, anyways this is very good for russia and hope they are always ahead of US


Something is wrong with this system. The NATO countires are not nervous because of it. :-o


Was this the reason the US MIC told Trump to tell President Putin: – Hey, Vlad! Look! We just spotted two CIA-hired terrorists in St. Petersburg that we commanded to carry out a mass shooting for “USA! USA! USA!”, but see, now that you have the Pentagon-Killer Avangard Superweapon, we decided we no longer need those pesky terrorist roaches of ours, so you can have them, here. See? Now you surely like us, right?

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