Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront
At the end of the Cold War, the level of international tension has considerably declined for at least a decade, thanks to widespread multilateral disarmament bolstered by a variety of arms control regimes for conventional and nuclear armaments. That decade also saw the rapid deterioration of Russia’s early warning and surveillance systems as satellites launched during the Soviet era exhausted their service lives and crashed into the atmosphere without being replaced. At first, this was either not seen as an urgent priority by Russian decisionmakers or, if it was, there were more urgent priorities for scarce defense funding in an era of a prolonged economic crisis.
Fast-forwarding a decade, we find ourselves in a radically different situation. There is no more “end of history” optimism in the air, nor is there a sense of durable US hegemony either that seemed so permanent in the 1990s. Unfortunately, history tells us that such shifts in the global balance of power are fraught with danger, as the fading hegemon has an incentive to resort to extreme, reckless measures to preserve that hegemony. What makes the current situation unprecedented is this being the first hegemonic transition of the nuclear age. In the past, nuclear deterrence existed only in the context of relatively stable bipolar and then unipolar systems. Does nuclear deterrence mutually assured destruction still work under conditions of a multipolar system experiencing a hegemonic transition?

Project 949A Oscar-class Antey nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine. Click to see full-size image
International relations theory has no answer to that question, but the US national security establishment appears to think that it doesn’t, particularly in an era of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, drone and missile swarms, hypersonic delivery vehicles, and possibly even directed energy weapons. Crash US programs in developing all of the above, far beyond anything that might be termed reasonable defensive sufficiency under conditions of the US spending far more on defense than anyone else in the world, do raise the possibility of long-term plans to prevail in the new round of great power competition through not only covert action and “hybrid warfare”, but also, if an opportunity arises, through good old fashioned strategic first strike which need no longer be delivered using nuclear weapons.
The point of Cold War-era nuclear arms treaties was not to limit the number of nuclear warheads for its own sake. Rather, it was to deprive the two superpowers of their ability to launch a disarming and decapitating strike which, given technologies of the era, could only be launched using nuclear weapons. That is still the case today, but may not be by 2030 should the US complete its planned rearmament with a large array of land-, air-, and sea-based long-range stealthy and hypersonic weapons. Even the US Army, with its plans for “1,000-mile cannon” is once again getting into the game of strategic strike, to speak nothing of land-based hypersonic missiles. And strategic strike using non-nuclear warheads is a novel scenario in which the old “mutually assured destruction” calculations may not apply. Combined with the explosive growth of US anti-ballistic missile programs, if the rest of the world stands still, by 2030 US decisionmakers might find themselves tempted to launch such a strategic strike against even a major nuclear weapons state like Russia or China, to say nothing of mid-level powers like Iran or North Korea, particularly if they have no nuclear deterrent to begin with.
Except the rest of the world is not about to stand still, and the Liana space surveillance system is an important component of the Russian response to US initiatives. The imminent era of post-nuclear strategic strike demands strategic defense and stability cannot be provided solely by anti-ballistic early warning systems. They would simply provide warning of an attack once it was underway, and in view of the possibility that large numbers of hypersonic missiles could be launched very close to Russia’s borders from the territory of NATO member-states following a rapid and covert deployment, as well as submarines and stealthy bombers, that warning might come too late to make an effective response possible. To make matters worse still, US drive to destroy the Open Skies Treaty that is supposed to prevent precisely that kind of a covert preparation for a first strike, is also indicative of what the long-term US plans are.
Liana is therefore intended to provide that kind of strategic early warning, as well as operational target designation, in the event of an attempted surprise first strike. The satellite constellation is to consist of two types of satellites. The first, Pion-NKS, is a 6.5 ton satellite intended for a 67-degree, 500km orbit, with service life of more than three years. It’s development is nearly complete at the Arsenal Design Bureau. It is a high-resolution radar reconnaissance satellite, capable of positively identifying “car-sized” objects on the Earth’s surface. The second component of the Liana will be Lotos-S, a six-ton satellite operating on a 67-degree, 900km apogee orbit, and performing passive detection, identification, and location of electronic emitters, including radio communications. It was developed by the Arsenal Design Bureau, in collaboration with several other scientific research institutions. Both types of satellites are expected to be launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, using the proven and reliable Soyuz-2-1b launch vehicles. The complete Liana configuration is to consist of two Pion-NKS and two Lotos-S satellites, and open-source information sources suggest the two satellite types have a fair amount of component commonality in order to allow them not only to complement one another, but to perform each other’s primary missions though in a degraded form. So far there have been three Lotos-S launches from Plesetsk, with the first 2009 one being a failure, and the 2015 and 2018 one a success. No Pion-NKS launches have been scheduled yet, but the satellite’s advanced stage of development suggests they will occur in the coming years.
Technological advances mean that once complete, Liana will serve as a replacement for both the Legenda naval surveillance and target designation satellite network, and the Tselina radioelectronic reconnaissance one, thus providing Russian decisionmakers with the ability to monitor troop deployments and electronic activity that would inevitably precede a strategic first strike. Liana will also no doubt prove itself useful in non-Doomsday scenarios as well. The Syria experience revealed the need for reliable detection and target designation of NATO cruise-missile launch assets, including aircraft, submarines, and surface vessels. Liana’s capabilities mean both the assets themselves, other than submarines, and their communications can be monitored to reveal preparations for a strike and provide targeting information as well. It is not clear Russia would have been able to accurately strike at US warships launching cruise missiles at Syria had they been directed against Russian bases. The absence of radar surveillance satellites was a painful gap in Russia’s capabilities at that time, one that will be filled in the coming years.
Would have been very useful in Barbarrosa I also. Because there’s no way in hell The Luftwaffe could knock it out. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/819aebbf9993fe21fce3972a4e8080410ed83ddc6758d26e63e7fa22d1068841.jpg
Still some food would have saved more lifes.
The next question… How do the Russian space assets protect themselves from U.S. anti sat?
By knocking down enemy satellites. There is no way to protect your own.
Russia cant do anything against Dr. Manhattan because his directed energy weapon is coming from behind the satelites with photonic speed and cant be seen on any radar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uXkRVWKXg8
too much meth and Star Trek illusions tammy
Just keep believing all the things Russia can’t do. Don’t let anyone tell you different. You are aware Russia has DE Weapons in service ? Fitted to surface ships ground vehicles. These weapons are known to require huge power generators to operate, making it small, and light, and with high power output adequate to use the weapon repeatedly, fitted to a fighter, or satellite, is not practicable at this time. Of course Dr. Manhattan, can solve the any silly insignificant problems of this nature. Using US advanced technology, and capabilities. Cutting edge tech that brought US military F-35, yeah, impressive.
Also S-X00 is very impressive in Syria.
No S-400 has been fired cuz neither the Turks nor the Ziorats are stupid enough to attack Russian bases at Tartus or Hmeimem. UAVs fired by Wahhabi terror gangs are easily dealt with using Pantsir and AA arty, and not a single UAV has gotten thru.
U fail again, but pls keep trying ;-)
Disagree. Let him NOT trying at all. He looks smarter when silent.
Israel hit Iranian targets few hundred meters away of the Russian base. NATO launched a salvo right over Latakia. Anyway few drones got through and were reported by Russian media. No AA system is 100% safe.
Dr. Manhattan has shown his “power” against several hundred thousand killed civilians (women and children included) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities without military infrastructure or big military units.
Thank you Dr. “Manhattan” (project) what could we do without you !
No more of the crack pipe for you….
despite that US spends more on its military than the next 14 largest military nations combined, American corruption produces inferior trash—US can produce as much trash weapons as they like, designed to further impoverish their cultural desert—yet due to their insecurity and fear of death they lose all wars
Not trash actually, but it becomes obsolete without replacement by new generation. Modern generation is good and in big numbers. Research and production of next one is failed. Some successful types as “Virginia” is to build in less numbers. In next few years US submarine fleet will be outnumbered by ours (i.e. russian), 60-65 submarines, including diesel subs.
Contact op gear, Geiger counter. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/123835cab08a99904262384c3a5a9f36e529fd784de8ac2675b6c6ba32de7cba.jpg
15 4 foot x 7 foot Specops Aluminum Mylar ECM sheets. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9127f2512d6c8ea7f29e1e5e9ef5d0e15a5c13b6adce3071156b8fcc5b69cd8.jpg
The first ecm test will involve using 2 smartphones. To see if one wrapped in aluminum Mylar will receive a call from the other.
Other tests will involve using a 3 axis emf testing meter.
Maybe also test with a see through copper mesh. Connecting it to earth grounding should improve the EMF shielding. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/542ef022f589522c9187eddbabb34dde38d16c7f9c7dd339d10a30b7336d865f.jpg
Grounding is evidently a factor in some applications. Aluminum screening is a fraction of the cost of copper. And evidently nearly as effective. The place to start is with a 3 axis emf testing meter using small samples. If copper screen vs aluminum screen has a negligible difference. There’s no sense in paying exponentially more, like 5 to 10 times, for copper for most applications.
Aluminum Mylar is 95 cents for a 4’x7′ sheet. That’s 3 cents a s/f.
What are you planning, Richard?
Initially a faraday cage sleep canopy to avoid 5g and other emf pollution. And faraday enclosures for my electronics for privacy and emp protection.
You do realise that the rich are more exposed to 5g than the rest of us, right?
No, how so?
The 5g anttenas are installed where they are profitable, in the stocks, office centers, trading centers, not in front of your house.
Makes sense. Unfortunately given their limited range. The antennas will saturate all densely populated areas. Which includes much of the residential areas.
That will come years after the city centers, like it was with 4g.
That’s one of the reasons that I’ve started staying out of the city.
How about those permanently working on these anttenas, shouldn’t they be exposed the most?
Probably. I’m interested in taking care of myself.
Richard is building his own deep bunker. Relax, Richard, survivors will be envy to dead ones.) Especially if you’re living in megapolis or near it. Their population is doomed if the war starts, so no need to cary about death, it’s inevitable. Spend these money to your normal life, family, kids.
The Geiger counter is for ships, probes, energy vortexes and transport portals, etc.. Not for war. It is dual use, and could be used in the event of war. But that’s not why I bought it. The aluminum Mylar is for emf pollution shielding for every day life, privacy, and emp or damaging emf from ET/ED/non conventional lifeform contact work. EMP from war would be a secondary use.
I own a couple of pieces of land where I’ve thought about underground construction. But I’m not to that stage yet.
in view of the possibility that large numbers of hypersonic missiles could be launched very close to Russia’s borders from the territory of NATO member-states following a rapid and covert deployment, as well as submarines and stealthy bombers, that warning might come too late to make an effective response possible. To make matters worse still, US drive to destroy the Open Skies Treaty
If US in the future positions their hypersonic missiles near Russian border, Russia will do the same near US border. In that case we will be one tiny step away from WWIII.
Russia already has these weapons within 200 miles of both US coasts., and has had for quite some time. Putin explained Russia’s strategy on its counter-attack if Russia, and/or it’s allies with nukes. Including the weapons in Europe, the Baltics, and Eurasia. These weapons can be launched in existing systems, on the ground, from surface, ships, and submarines, as well as from it’s strategic bombers, two of the three bomber designs are fast bombers. Long range MiG-31 fighters carry these under the wings, extremely fast. People are talking as though US military already has these weapons deployed, and stockpiled. And, US military plans to sneak up on the Bear and launch their glorious attack. In like the next 3 days. US has not a working prototype developed yet. Putin offered to give US the plans. At a press conference when he explained Russia’s counter-strike, named the 7 locations Russia will strike in US, and the locations in Europe. US has problems tracking Russian submarines, you know. US Government damn near had apolexy when the pair of “White Swans” came, toured the Caribbean, and landed in Venezuela. Loaded with hypersonic weapons, how long would it take for these bombers to fly from Venezuela to a location just outside the range of US radars, launch it’s missiles, and be back in Venezuela for breakfast ? US has other problems, if/when these weapons are ready for production, where will these weapons be manufactured ? US has no industry, having moved the industry offshore, beginning in 1975. Outsourcing war production is not considered a brilliant move. When a country moves it’s manufacturing offshore to countries, that don’t like you, or your foreign policy. Everything must now be imported, usually components built in different countries, are shipped to US for assembly, this is the way US auto manufacturing does cars, F-35 the same way. What’s funny is Turkey manufactured some key components for F-35, had several ordered with a contract to buy replacement parts, and maintenance. Turkey bought S-400 from Russia, US Government went batshit crazy all up in Turkey’s grille, cancelled the order for F-35 planes, yanked the contracts to supply component systems produced by Turkey. US Government pissed off China 8 ways from Sunday, then attacked China with bio-weapons and attempting to project blame on China. COVID-19 derivitives were developed at University of North Carolina, funded at least in part by Gates, Rockefeller, Schiff, Clinton, Bilderberg, and others. A sample, AND the cure was sent to Pirbright Institution in London. Interesting that Lord Pirbright is a Rothschild. A long twisted inflated, and perverted story.
There is simple option.
Official range of Mach 9 Zircon (nuke tipped also) is 1000 km (at least) Strategic attack submarines positioned not far from US coast will have Zircon missiles for “immediate response”. Zircon is officially entering service next year. Targets can be nuked with hyper sonic missiles in range of few minutes max. The moments alarms start nukes will explode.
That’s quite a simplistic description. Not incredibly accurate. Much of my comment was quoting Putin, the statements he made towards US Government on the subject of nuclear strikes, and counter-strikes. The specific locations Russia will strike, two on the West Coast, five on the East Coast, all are less than 100 miles inland. Putin stated “within 200 miles of both US coasts.” The boats are carrying hypersonic weapons now. I see you assume the bells will activate when these incoming weapons are picked up on radar. Also, you’ve assumed US military has an analog, it doesn’t. What’s it going to do, use a Patriot missile defense system to knock these babies out of the sky ? US military has not the capabilities to successfully defend against these weapons. You must’ve missed the part that discussed these missiles navigation capabilities, radar detection avoidance systems, EW, they’re ability to autonomously avoid radar, and independently find it’s way to it’s target undetected. Tipped with multiple warheads, each assigned a different target. However, these weapons are not after individual missiles that have been launched. Again US military, or any military in the world have an analog. Probably not a good idea to hold your breath waiting for the US military’s new wonderweapon being in service in a year. If you think Russia isn’t improving, and upgrading it’s hypersonic weapons, and they’re going to stay the same until US military comes up with one of it’s own, you’re thinking like a fool. Russian military hardware is infinitely upgradeable, and Russia’s military technology, and capabilities are advanced 45-50 years ahead of US. After CIA crashed USSR, Russia was ignored, those that did take a look, saw what the Western media told them to see. Saw nothing not listed in the media’s Russia’s debt, and it’s military forces, were not. These are where Putin spent the biggest part of the money, repaying the debt, and building a strong defensive force. The Germans taught Russia how to fight during WWII, Russia has expanded that education, R&D advanced technology
It is simple but I don’t understand why you are labeling it “simplistic”?! Everything is in speed. Country that can deliver immanent crippling 1st strike is winner before conflict even starts. It is as simple as that ! At that is not “simplistic” !
For the moment Russia is much closer to that target with their missile tech… Also… It would be very naive to think that Putin will reveal whole their strategy in public. Everything he has “revealed” are just well known usual tactics; more of PR for “Russia world power” image than anything else. Anyways”200 miles” is within Zircon range so….nothing contradicts There is no bigger advantage than ability to nuke enemy within 60 seconds
No “boats” ! For the 1st strike will be used always only strategic subs (ballistic and attack subs).
‘I see you assume the bells will activate when these incoming weapons are picked up on radar” You assume wrong. The hyper-soinc missile flying Mach 9 creates plasma of heated gasses that prevent radio waves to register it so they will be extremely difficult to be captured by the classic radars. But instead with sensors from the satellites surveillance network that would trigger alarm immediately.
I didn’t “assume” that US has hyper sonic missile because EVERYBODY knows that they don’t have them…But since I was only talking about future…. I have ASSUMED that they will have them eventually one day. It was logical to speak about that situation when they catch up on Russia and China one day and have hyper sonic missiles also
What is annoying about your comment:
You make stupid suggestions than you counter that stupid suggestion with logical response and present that as if I have sad that stupidity and not you!?? PATRIOT IS THE BIGGEST CRAP not capable to target any advanced Russian missile let alone to shoot it down. And hyper-sonic missiles they can’t even see them with Patriot radar let alone to try target them !
So all you know to put your stupid story about Patriot into my mouth ! Only anti hyper sonic missiles defenses in the World exist in Russia today and they are in the Moscow…That is their ABM system and the mobile version of that system is known as “S-500” going in production next year…. You ;also talk to me as if I am anti-Russian ??! Which is insane because by now everybody knows that I am very pro Russian! You do NOT rad my comments and put your words in my mouth ! I will not answer any more your comments, b cause you are being incorrect
I believe I said that.
Russia will do the same near US border.
where? russia has no allied country nearby america. cuba, nicaragua are no more friends of russia. they remember, how deeply were betrayed by ruskies after 1990.
Submarines buddy.
:DDDDDDDDD russia has no money to send Tayphoons into Atlantic and Pacifif. Occationally mke 1 juorney and that is all.
So the gas station has no nuclear fuels neither?
If you move your neck a little, light would flood in and allow you to see inside your ass.
the gas station has no money, dear my ass licker.
You can tell by their FX I’m sure.
Don’t call me your dear, keep that for your partner whose ass sits right in your face.
“Russia will do the same near US border.”
In Venezuela. There was information about naval base for submarines to build by 2028th. May be a rumor to make Pentagon spend more or a potential possibility.
I don’t see why not? It is very cheap (and much more effective way+ S-500) way to respond to US ABM insanity and attempt to surround Russia with missiles close to the border. We are entering era of very fast missiles
Zircons will hit their targets in range of few minutes max. if launched from attack subs. Time to respond is becoming VERY short.
this Antey submarine surrendered already in the homeport. :DD (white flag)
look at picture in the article
Cool story Shlomo… Now slurp your matzoball soup before it gets cold…
Even better deterrence against collapsing North American Empires…
That first photo is not a P-700 Granit. Its a P-500 / P-1000 Vulcan or SS-N-12 Sandbox.
It’s P-500 “Basalt” on the first photo, it has air intake under the corpus, “Granite” has air intake in nose as MiG-21.
https://missilery.info/files/m/granit/granit_1.jpg http://k32.kn3.net/taringa/F/B/9/3/6/6/Nerpa/308.jpg