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OSCE Minsk Group Supports New Ceasefire Initiative In Nagorno-Karabakh Region

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OSCE Minsk Group Supports New Ceasefire Initiative In Nagorno-Karabakh Region

Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to another humanitarian ceasefire in their almost month-long conflict over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The decision was announced in a joint statement by the two parties to the conflict as well as the US State Department following negotiations in Washington, DC.

The ceasefire is the third to be agreed between the warring sides, and will take effect at 8am local time (04:00 GMT) on Monday, according to Sunday’s official statement. The agreement was reached after meetings were held between US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun and the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on Saturday.

Following the announcement on Sunday, the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk group – consisting of representatives from Russia, France, and the United States – again called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to take immediate steps to implement the agreement signed in Moscow on 10 October regarding steps to end the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Representatives of the group also met with Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, along with US Deputy Foreign Minister Stephen Biegun on Saturday during the negotiations.

Another meeting between the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group and the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia is scheduled to be held in Geneva on 29 October to “discuss, reach agreement on, and begin implementation, in accordance with a timeline to be agreed upon, of all steps necessary to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”.

Meanwhile, fierce fighting continued over the weekend. On Sunday Azerbaijan’s president, Ilham Aliyev, claimed that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces have captured the city of Qubadlı in the Kashatagh province of the self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh.

The Artsakh Ministry of Defence announced that their forces lost 11 servicemen over the past day, taking their total soldiers killed since fighting broke out to 974.

Both sides accused the other of attacks against civilian areas over the weekend.

Nagorno-Karabakh’s armed forces accused Azerbaijan of firing upon civilian settlements with artillery in the areas of Martuni and Askeran on Saturday evening, and reported that battles were continuing “on all directions of the frontline” on Sunday morning.

At the same time, Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry claimed that Armenian forces shelled the Terter, Agdam and Aghjabedi regions of Azerbaijan. LINK

As the fighting continued between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Iranian Armed Forces announced on Sunday that they were conducting military drills in regions bordering Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“Ground forces drills were held in the country’s northwestern border regions”, the army said, noting that the goal of the exercise was to demonstrate strength and increase combat readiness.

The drills involved infantry and artillery units, as well as drones. Iran has been monitoring the fighting closely, and claims that at least three drones operated by Azerbaijan have either crashed or been shot down after they crossed into Iran’s airspace.


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Maybe a partial ceasefire with less arty. But the Azeris will not abide by this in the south, as seen in the last 2 “ceasefires”. They are pushing to secure the road up the small river valley to support the northern prong.


Yes. You are finally right this time…. LOL.


even a broken clock is right twice a day :D

S Melanson

Interesting that ceasefire negotiations were in Washington D.C. and with the Deputy Secretary of State and not Pompeo. Why not Russia? Why only Deputy meeting with Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers and not Pompeo?

Your thoughts…


Parshinyan keeps calling Washington everyday. Trump agreed to speak with him once. But Trump ended up having Covid and stayed at hospital. So the conversation was forgotten.

Pompeo showed up for camera shots. Then disappeared. So he can at least try to please Armenian Americans that he cares about those Armenians. Then his deputy took over the hopeless negotiation.

Both FMs just want to save face for Americans. No one wants to have lasting ceasefire. They both know that is impossible now.

So the bottom line is that, US does not really care about a landlocked country that offers little strategic value. Trump actually wants to remove American troops out of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. So he does not want to get involved with that region and another military conflict. Also Trump, Putin and Erdogan get along well. Trump leaves that region to Turkey and Russia.

Armenians and Artskins should just drop their hopes. No help from USA.

S Melanson

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Good analysis, but does Erdogan really get along with Putin and Trump??


Absolutely yes. Both Putin and Erdogan want Trump to be re-elected again. So Trump can let them do their things. Putin and Erdogan would finally find peace in each other.

Actually it is better for US not get involved in Middle East, Caucasus and almost anywhere.

If this were Hilary Clinton, then she would send American soldiers in all troubled countries. Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Valenzuela, Yemen, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and who knows where…

S Melanson

Agreed, I think the US will be busy with China. Speaking of US-China rivaly, I published this analysis on SF – the link is below.



“Sometimes you have to let them fight,” Trump said of Syria and the Kurds, the same goes for Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Yes. American people are sick tired of fighting another nation or another people’s war….


“Yes. American people are sick tired of fighting another nation or another people’s war….” for israel?

Vox Populi

Infact, the endless wars for Israel have ruined the US and weakened it substantially and made the rise of China much faster.


yes that and dirty politicians like biden selling that countries secrets for a few pieces of silver

Vox Populi

US system is corrupt top down. The influence of Jews on their government, banking, media and policy making has been very detrimental to the average American whose quality of life is now abysmal. US economy is in freefall and the wars instigated by Israel against the Arabs and Muslims in general have cost the US over $15 trillion now and the cost is increasing. The so-called “normalization” by puppet Sunni regimes of UAE, Bahrain and soon Saudi Arabia is all about money for Israel, so that Israelis take total control of oil rich economies as US is now broke and can fund them.


yes the jews raped the usa for everything it is worth, now they are moving to other countries

Fog of War

Smoke and mirrors.

S Melanson

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I published another analysis piece and the link is below. Any feedback is appreciated, Cheers, Stewart.


Fog of War

Excellent work, although, I respectfully disagree with some of your conclusions . You might find the following interesting:



Because this temporary ceasefire will not hold, so send in the Deputy?

Vox Populi

Cracks in Turkish-Russian ties begin to show

Mistrust instead of the spirit of mutually beneficial political cooperation is guiding current relations between Ankara and Moscow.


Crack? The distance has been always there. South Caucasus was the place where Imperial Russia and Ottoman Empire fought for countless wars. It won’t change.

Armenia is still considered a Russian vassal state. And Azeris are Turkish. So it is very obvious.

There has never been “trust” between Russia and Turkey. It is just the balance and mutual beneficial relationship. They do not want third party like US to get involved.


The war in Nagorno-Karabakh … is over. It ‘s just a matter of time.

Vox Populi

It is apparent that Azerbaijan has failed despite a month of inconclusive drone warfare which has now run out of steam.


Where is that? I do not see the stalling. It is just another ceasefire under the pressure of US. It just save them some face….

Parshinyan will never agrees to real ceasefire and pull the Artskins and Armenians out of N-K. So the Liberation War will continue.

Vox Populi

Latest reports indicate the 7th “ceasefire” has already collapsed and Azerbaijani forces have resumed ground operations in the central region.


The word of Aliyev is as worthless as Erdogan’s. They’ll just keep bombarding civilians and accuse the Armenians of doing the same to them. Every time they attack, they pretend it’s an act of self-defence – typical sociopath behaviour for dictators.


Why Azerbaijan need to bomb civilians. They are not losing and desperate to harm civilians.

Those Artskins are the worst creatures on earth.


You are lying piece of filth, here is video evidence one of many use of cluster munitions you fucking scum.



To ethnically cleanse them. We all know your agenda.

Vox Populi

From all available evidence it would appear the Azerbaijan offensive has stalled as the drones now have been stopped by Russian counter-measures as detailed in Asia Times. The Azerbaijan army also lacks the discipline to sustain combat in the rough mountain terrain in north and central NK. That is perhaps the reason that they may settle for a ceasefire after a month of inconclusive ground operations. Also, the Iranians have built up a formidable force on the Aras, to stall any more spillage..


I really don’t think so, most probably they are solidifying their gains and reorganizing their offensive. I am quite sure we will see new gains from Az. today or tomorrow, despite the ceasefire.

Vox Populi

I believe Turkey wants a quick conclusion as pressure is building up on it and winter in the Caucasus is coming and is very harsh for ground operations. Also this war would need to end before the new US president takes office in January 2021. Both the Turks and Azerbaijan has spent too much capital and reputation on this conflict. I am not certain that Russia or Iran will intervene unless their interests or people are threatened. The occupation of NK by Armenia is globally non-recognized and Russia has ruled that out.


The pressure is all on Armenian and Artskins. US election will drag on for some days. Turkey and Azerbaijan have at least 2-3 months before the outcome becomes clear. And US won’t change anything with the N-K conflict. So US election is pretty much a non-factor.

Yes the winter can be harsh, but Azeri is on the winning side. It can afford all the military supplies, particularly fuels. But Artskins do not produce any fuels. Artskin citizens can still survive from own farming, but the military needs the fuel and ammunitions to continue the war. But they do not get any of those.

This is why the Artskins are losing the war. They are doomed from the very beginning. Time is running out.


Again, your analysis does not make sense at all.

What “Russian” counter-measure against the drones? Pretty much none. Even Russians can’t counter the Turkish drones in Idlib. That is your dream.

The Azeri Liberation War continues as is. But you need some time to get in the reserve army and all the war supplies. This is how Assad’s Syria used all the ceasefire to prepare for the next move. The war will go on as usual. Ceasefire or not.

Azeri army has liberated all South side of the occupied territory and is now marching toward Lachin corridor. So this is an inconclusive ground operations? Does not make sense at all.

Iran has no reason to get involved. Or its own Azeri population will rise against Iran authority. That will be nightmare for Iran. Iran has no stomach to confront Turkey. So leave Iran out.


Look at the fact, not your fictions.

Who expelled the nation citizens in N-K and occupied 22% of Azeri land? Now you know who has been doing your ethnic “cleansing”. Very obvious.

Vox Populi

It appears the Russia has made an outright Azerbaijan and Turkish military victory difficult with introducing new weapons systems.

Russia knocking Turkish drones from Armenian skies

Moscow has unleashed its ‘Belladonna’ drone killer system in Armenia to counter Azerbaijan’s use of Turkish-made Bayraktar armed drones. While Iran has developed counter-Harop measures after bringing several down successfully intact and conducting electronic post mortems.

The electronic warfare system is known as “Belladonna”, a poisonous plant that gets its name from Renaissance women who used its extract for tinctures to dilate the pupils of their eyes, ostensibly to make them more attractive.

While Belladonna translates to “beautiful woman” in English, in Russian it has a second meaning: it is the name of a Russian electronic jamming system now credited with knocking out at least nine Turkish Bayraktar armed drones used by Azerbaijan to target Armenia.

cechas vodobenikov

turkeys not allowed in Minsk group; for turkeys cease fire means benzene on fire trump now reports he will replace CIA/FBI directors if elected again—Biden/CIA, Harris/FBI


a short break and we will keep rolling again…our plans are working fine partners…just like we talked:))…until pashinyan goes… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ffd78f1cd8f2c686c723628cc756597edd9d2a88bf7bfd1fd33ffb641908e1c7.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu

Us elections on the way..L.A Armenians votes are vital:)))


The Armenians do not know whom to vote. Both Trump and Biden do not really care about Armenians. They are aggressors and occupiers.


Biden’s son for sure would prefer to be CEO of an Azeri oil company instead of an Armenian cimpany.


Yes … and in case Trump loses … Ernogan’s friend and collaborator..turkey is preparing for many and serious sanctions.

Vox Populi

A Biden victory is looking more possible and he is quite anti-Russian and anti-Turkish. So where US policy goes in such confused setting is an unknown. But he will try to rein in Erdogan.


Whoever wins in the US … the deep American State has made its decisions for Turkey … it is just waiting for the right opportunity to implement them. Nobody wants a strong and independent Turkey … neither Russia nor America nor China.

Vox Populi

Erdogan has pushed Turkey into an abyss and ruined its economy and now even NATO allies are turning on Turkey.

Canada has halted the sale of the Wescam camera system to Turkey because of its use on Bayraktar drones in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. But Canada has been silent about Rotax engine exports, although the Austrian company is owned by Canada’s Bombardier Recreational Products.

No doubt there are other Bayraktar parts that are made in Europe, the United States and elsewhere and with Biden’s imminent election victory, a complete arms ban on Turkey will be imposed and that may spell the death knell of NATO.


NATO is already dead … it is already divided in two. I agree with everything else. NATO will be disbanded and replaced by another defense and military coalition.

Vox Populi

If the US and its Zionist masters have a say, it will be focused on undermining Russia, China and Iran. It would be better if Greece and other civilized nations get out of NATO as it has proven to totally useless and counterproductive. Many nations like Spain and Portugal are even questioning its value.


The Zionist masters are 2 groups and at the moment they control the whole planet. They have divided him in half. These are the “Two Snakes” that one reads in Greek mythology that went to drown Hercules. Hercules is Solar Hellenism. These two snakes can also be seen in the Conan film.



And Lenin is still alive, only he’s divided in two.


Yes, and drink tea together every afternoon … you and Lenin


And your mom. Tea-some.


You just do not even talk sense.

Turkey can just make those parts on their own.


You are wrong again. Biden will be just like Obama. He will be very cautious. Biden will continue the peace and nuke negotiation with Iran and try to reach another peace agreement. This should solve Iraq problem. He will probably complete the troop pullout from Afghanistan. And improve relationship with both Cube and N. Korea.

As for N-K, Biden will get more involved in peace negotiation. But He won’t get directly involved and taking side. Only Armenia can do is to turn to his old master Putin.

Also, US will be very occupied with the election “dispute”. This will drag Washington politics into early 2021. Artskins can’t survive this winter with the possible Lachin blockage and Covid-19. Those Artskin pigs can’t hide in the mountain over the harsh winter. While their mothers, wife and families hiding inside basement in large cities.

Parshinyan should just admit the loss and save some civilian suffering. All his talks make him look even more stupid every day.

Servet Köseoğlu

Why you so obsses with future tenses and 3rd parties?When will Greece learn to achieve something on your own?you should be grateful to us..Because of Turkey you learned all syrian cities,m-4-5 route,n-k mountains,Libya deserts..xD


The present has been determined … the war will be for the future. You say the opposite … Turkey should be grateful to Greece … because without it it would not have value! Did you know that a 2000 year old altar was found near Antalya ?? Can you read the inscription ?? I can because it is in my own language !!



it is inherited from our anatolian anchestors…nothing to do with greeks in athens…

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont want to be disrespectful but being or claiming refine nations doesnt have any wieght in modern society:)))


The news was presented in the Turkish media, without, however, mentioning the ancient Greek script, or anything that has to do with Ancient Greece. Do you understand now who gets value from the other ???

Vox Populi

There are less Armenians in California than Iranians. So that may be moot.


You need to talk some sense. Or just keep mouth shut.

All citizens in US believe they are Americans. All Muslims in US believe they are Americans too. No such thing of Iranians vs Americans here.


Except for the Jews :))

Fog of War

See the nice Pentagram on the Turkish flag. The flag is always positioned that way on purpose.

Are there Masonic lodges in Iran ?


its a star:))…looks like dozens of countries including china are using it as a symbol… https://flagpedia.net/index

Fog of War

” dozens of countries including china are using it ”

Funny how dozen of very different countries just happen to use the exact same symbol. Also, that particular star positioned upside down is a Pentagram. Look it for yourself.


Crescent moon and Venus ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c34d8b8e4d9ea2ec4d2a43a151ea772cf41b9b0c523a55f1aa512d88bdd3ef61.jpg

Fog of War

Venus = the morning star = Lucifer.

Fleecing Rabbi

Ceasefire only when all Armenian rats are wiped out.

Ida Acobian

hey turkish troll did Armenians rape you or sold you to slavery? Where is that satanic hate coming from?


We all know this is not true. Turkey has been “slapped” everywhere, in Syria, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh …. Erdogan is outraged with Putin for not including Turkey in last week’s negotiations or consultations on developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh war . An anti-Turkish axis / alliance has been created … which will take action in the future.

Vox Populi

The Russians are bringing in new weapons systems and the Iranians have built a formidable force on the Aras river and will intervene if Azerbijan keeps on shelling their territory.


That won’t happen. Period.

cechas vodobenikov

2 1/4 aces morons believe shaking hands suggests solidarity; the Greeks invented shaking hands—to show that they each not in possession of a weapon


All Parshinyan has been begging for these days are the Russian peacekeepers to enter N-K and to help Artskins hold onto the soil of Azerbaijan land. But Azerbaijan will never agree to that.

Without both parties agreeing, there is no settlement and no peacekppers. There has to be peace first. Artskins have to agree to withdraw their weapons from N-K and other occupied territories. Then there can be peace talk, ceasefire and peace agreement. Without any of that, there is no peace for the peacekeepers to keep.

Also, Russians alone can’t be peacekeepers. It is just meaningless to have Armenian military alliance partner as peacekeeper. Russians have been always on the side of Armenia.


Russia supports Armenia proper to keep the Turkish and Azeri wolfs at bay. They would be the best peacekeeper in N-K.


You are correct to state that Russia supports Armenia. It is because Armenia is very vulnerable to survive on its own. And Russia wants to control or influence that region.

Actually Azerbaijan is a peace loving country. As a country, it has suffered as much as Armenia in the countless wars between Imperial Russia, Iran and Ottoman. So I would not say it is wolf.

You could say Turkey is a wolf. But Turkey was a very wounded wolf right after WW I. The old mighty Ottoman was dismembered by the world powers. It was not pretty. So many wars broke out from the old Ottoman. Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Georgia, Greece, Cyprus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and finally Turkey itself.

As for peacekeeping, Russia alone can’t qualify since Russia and Armenia have military alliance. So it is not an impartial party. I do not think Azerbaijan/Turkey want Russians to be in N-K.


Perhaps joint Russian and Iranian peacekeepers? Wow, that would be a surprise. Surely would piss off NATO and the West, not to mention Israel !


It will be really hard to say. But I think both parties can turn to UN to send UN peacekeeping forces instead.

I really prefer Asian countries contribute to UN peacekeeping. Like Chinese, Japanese and North European countries. Those countries have no conflict with either Armenia or Azerbaijan.


France urges Arab nations to prevent boycotts over Macron’s cartoons defence



Macron has been labeled as against Muslims. Both Turkey and Azerbaijan would want to push him out of the Minsk Group.

Random Dude

Interestingly after every Azeri major gain there is a ceasefire pushed by one of the co-chairs.

Fog of War

Very similar to Syria don’t you agree ?

Random Dude

could be. but its no biggie, the advancing army also needs time to regroup and secure supply lines.

Fog of War

However, once you’re on a roll its better to utilize the inherent momentum.

Random Dude

If you go too far, the group can get cut off from supply lines and potentially encircled. The advance with a full front is a tactic used in WW2 as well as Soviets until its collaps. Some ex Soviet countries still use it, but this war showed Azerbaijan apply completely different strategy. It is clear that Azerbaijan has prepared for this war for decades.

Fog of War

True, but just like in Syria, these non stop ceasefires are used to stop one side from having a quick and final victory.

Random Dude

I am yet to see a ceasefire to apply. non of those 2 have followed any of 3 ceasefires.




https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a321615f86abdbe6ea4419d153f0808909fac7e3fd53919b60079c77918c6ff.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c45f47a1ca9c629d23d486184277fd970e3f190e546abdfe21b6d15798dfc86.jpg Armenia is in a desperate situation: it is still arming girls against our army – PHOTO A video was shared yesterday proving that the Armenian armed forces used the labor of a minor for wholesale use during artillery fire due to a shortage of troops. Another photo was spread on social networks showing Armenians arming underage girls to use in the war against the Azerbaijani army. It should be noted that this image is evidence of Armenia’s violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UNICEF Paris Convention. It should be noted that some time ago, the Armenian armed forces sent “volunteers” of the elderly to the occupied Azerbaijani lands. According to the source, the old man in the group taught the children about weapons. It should be noted that the political and military leadership of Armenia, helpless in the face of the Azerbaijani army, recruited the country’s elderly and women to participate in the war.

Porc Halal

azeris like all other muslims are misleading, so don’t have high hopes … it is called taqiyya


Azerbaijani army confirms it is in Sefiyan 13km to Lachin

It is just a matter of time before Lachin is liberated. Then war is pretty much over.

This is even faster than all military analysts predicted.


Azerbaijani army entered the district of Lachin


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