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Azerbaijan Cheated Again To Blame Armenia (Photos)

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Azerbaijan has once again used photos showing the remains of its own Israeli-made weapons to accuse Armenia of attacking civilian areas.

On October 10, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released photos claiming to show an 9K72 “Elbrus” operational-tactical missile that was fired from Armenia in the direction of the Azerbaijani city of Mingachevir. The ministry claimed that the missile was intercepted.

However, the remains seen in the Azerbaijani MoD photos show a rocket with a diameter much smaller than that of the 9K72. They also show Israeli-made M095 submunitions.

Experts speculated that the remains belong to an Israeli-made ACCULAR guided artillery rocket. The rocket, which was developed by the Israeli Military Industries, has a 160 mm caliber and a range of 40 km.

ACCULAR rockets can be fired from Israeli-made LAR-160 multiple rocket launch systems. About 30 such systems are in service with the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

This was not the first time Azerbaijani MoD used the remains of its own Israeli-made weapons to fabricate accusations against Armenia.

On October 8, Azerbaijan claimed that it had shot down an Armenian drone near civilian areas. However, the “drone” turned out to be an Israeli-made Harpo loitering munition of the Azerbaijani military.

These false accusations are usually used to justify attacks on civilian settlements in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, like the recent strikes on the Ghazanchetsots Cathedral.


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Anvar Akbarov

I live in Ganja city of Azerbaijan. Several days ago Armenian missiles started to fall on my home city. Armenia bombarded Ganja’s downtown – a CIVILIAN CITY for days in a row and called “attacking a military air base”. Me and my family had to sleep in the basement. And you dare to say that Azerbaijan is faking this?

Steve Standley

Why don’t you show pics and vids of this horrendous damage, and verify the origin of the munitions? otherwise, you’re just a bot on the internet making baseless claims that are likely to be lies.

Anvar Akbarov

I can give you as many proof as necessary. The first day of the attack there were two missile strikes. The videos show the destruction cause by these two missile strikes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm9RKJTpHW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRD8hZyCw3E

Steve Standley

ROFL citing Azerbajian or Turkish media isn’t convincing evidence of what you say. You might as well be throwing up videos of the white helmets in Syria.

Anvar Akbarov

I showed you the footage that is readily available on YouTube, or maybe you want me to take a ride to that place a make a selfie for you? I told you, I LIVE IN GANJA I am more aware of what happened here that any one on the internet can be. There are multiple destruction sites in Ganja, around 10-12. All of them on in the city. You can look them up if you want. I am not here to convince you or any one if you choose to remain oblivious.

Jens Holm

I agree. Most of that seemes to be reliable but its not the whole picture at all.

Anvar Akbarov

To get the whole picture you need to be present here, and hear the explosion sounds of how the missiles are blown in the air or hit the ground. What you saw were not the result of the missiles exploding but merely the impact of the debree of those missiles. We have a modern AD systems that hit those missiles in the air. But the remainings of the missiles come down with great speed and force, and have a significant kinetic impact. Many of the missiles didn’t not even explode upon impact with the ground. It turns out that Russia has supplied old shit to armenia and called it “military aid”. But you can imagine how it is to be in a city which is under a constant missile attack. Not very comfortable to say the least.

Jens Holm

Thats how it is and why we try our best to avoid that being protected by Nato. Denmark was blamed to try to stay out of WW2 as we did with WW1, so we at least try tomunderstand.

It has been a great help that Iran has given Danish teahers and soldiers Ballistics making at least 50 hard traumatized soldier of Ours. That was even done even we were aked very much into the Iraq by the Bagdad Goverment.

I hope Your Leaders and You listen to Lavrov, Putin and You about it.

Jens Holm

Tempting to see Your many links for nothing happend or they tryed to commit suicide themselves:(

A lot of information is a You say ut its very much both and many ways from many.

Anvar Akbarov

This footage is from the second day of missile strikes that were caught by the security cameras of a local bazzar (large market). Does this look like a “military air base” to you? Or do I sound still like a bot to you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65G046YeNHQ

Steve Standley

Do you know how many videos there are of attacks by Azerbajian on Armenian civilians? Lots. I don’t feel a bit sorry for you. Next time, don’t start a war.

Anvar Akbarov

And neither I nor Ganja people need you to feel sorry for us. If you had the capacity for compassion you probably would regardless, as I do for armenian civilians who are under strikes in Azerbaijanese territories. But the war was started by Armenia long 28 years ago, before you knew anything about it. At the time, with the help of the Russian army, they occupied Azeri territories, now Azerbaijan is taking back what rightfully belong to its people – NK + 7 occupied regions. I am sure there are videos on the other side also. I am merely exposing the lies perpetrated by the Armenian government of their “attacking a military air base” while bombing a civilian city.

Jens Holm

You underestimate what we know – the part of us which do. Most of us av´ctualy are more then 28 years old too – I think.

And it so easy to see in many vrswions and in details fx like this:


An here we fx have this revenge reminder, where azarbaidianis was not sitting on their hands: The Shusha massacre was the mass killing of the Armenian population of Shusha and the destruction of the Armenian half of the city that followed the suppression of the Armenian revolt against the authorities of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1920.

Anvar Akbarov

History and current events are two different subjects, I am ready to discuss them both. But right now we are talking about what it happening NOW, not a hundred years ago. Just 30 years ago armenians and azeris lived in Azerbaijan side by side. Armenian women even married Azeri men. But that was before when in 1992 the nationalists in Armenia (with their Russian puppeteers) decided to start a war in Karabakh, occupy the Nagorno-Karabakh and the 7 adjacent regions, and enact genocide on the Xocali region people on the way. A million refuges fled to these territories, and to this day cannot return to their homes. With your logic any country can remember anything that was in the past and use that as an excuse to enact any war crimes today. And stop quoting wikipedia, any child can go there and anything he or she wants. Use it for science not history, especially disputed history. Read books instead. I will restate Mark Twain “If you don’t read wikipedia, you are uninformed, if you read wikipedia, you are MISinformed”.

Jens Holm

Wikipedia is the most reliable source in the whole world and Yiu take side very much. Your solutions is full of infections for the future too naming Russians as puppets. The reason for that is quite clear. Now You cant just try to take it, as You wish.

And the one about peace is not as much paradize as You write. They and Geirgia tryed to make a close relationsship just around the ast part of WW1 and the Russian, Iranian and Ósman collapse. So its sthe same thing for tomorrow, which happens right now.

And what should I repeat. I am tempted to believe You treat the Armanians in Azarbaidian better because You are forced to and not because You like them.

Yu nomber for refugees is far out too. Tempting to conclude most of the rest of Yiurs is too.

Things about Your Region and affiliates are well described from many sources and they all say almost the same as wikipedia.

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-18270325 https://meduza.io/en/feature/2020/10/01/why-nagorno-karabakh https://agbu.org/news-item/nagorno-karabakh-a-brief-history/ https://www.usip.org/publications/1998/12/nagorno-karabakh-searching-solution-0 https://www.mfa.am/en/nagorno-karabakh-issue https://www.hart-uk.org/news/a-short-history-of-nagorno-karabakh-artsakh/

Putin Apologist

Ilham Aliyev (Azerbaijan’s dictator) used cluster bombs to attack civilians in the city of Stepanakert located in the Republic of Artsakh.


Jens Holm

It doesnt matter wat if it was “only” stones. Its done from both sides with no limitations by people raised with no limitations.

I again will ask for, that the Leaders for things like that and other kinds of war should be killed and reoved first.



Jens Holm

Thats right. It terrorbombing too.

Steve Standley

ROFL citing Azerbajian or Turkish media isn’t convincing evidence of what you say. You might as well be throwing up videos of the white helmets in Syria.

Jens Holm

No he is not. Its very easy to find a lot of pictures and videos from their version of paradise.

Try Yourself. I tryed yeaterday by goodle and just asked for “Armenia news”. There was dousins(mainly from Armenia and Nagorno).


Are you the same guy who said a military airbase “never existed” in Ganja?

Since you live in the city, and Ganja is not such a large town, you can prove what you say with pictures you take from all the destruction. I thank you in advance.

Anvar Akbarov

Well, if there hasn’t been any one else beside me, then YES, it me. Do you have any objection to what I have to say or have said?


I answered regarding the airbase under that comment, so I guess it wasn’t you. Can you take pics of the destruction yourself please? Don’t post me reports from the media please, I do not trust any media for such matters.

Anvar Akbarov

Can you give me a link to your comment on the “airbase”? Ok, I will, today actually I was riding home by the bazaar that was hit by one of the missiles, tomorrow I will take a trip there a take pictures. The other missiles hit the areas that are much further away.


Sure. Here’s the link to that comment and I replied to you now that I look at it.

Thank you, I’ll appreciate a first hand picture. Worth a thousand media reports. Needless to say it is actually useful if you include the geolocation (maybe named geo tag or location tag in your phone) when taking the pic. By default it’s on in Android smartphones, otherwise maybe check it before taking pic? It needs the location (GPS) on to work correctly. Thanks again in advance for the trouble you accepted.

Jens Holm



pity they missed you. armenia needs more practice

Anvar Akbarov

you shouldn’t have reminded me this. LOL!!! As you might or might not know, there are still armenians living in Ganja. They are mostly old women. And no one harms them, so she as the other 30 000 armenians live peacefully in Azerbaijan today (unlike Armenia that is a mononational county which has zero Azeris). So on the first day of the missile strikes ONE OF THE MISSILES ACTUALLY HIT A HOME WHERE AN ARMENIAN WOMAN LIVED. This is just hilarious. Instant carma LOL. She must be very please by her Armenian government’s care.

Jens Holm

I dont think people say that. All are worried, but I see several here see more propaganda from both sides as well as from the rest to the world.

You seemes to have learned nothing. After You finally get Your own countries not being parts of Russia, Iran and Turkey, You start killing each other and a timetable says You have been accelarating that instead of finding some peacefull solution.

No, You are not faking. I hope Lavrov and others can calm You down or at least the winter somes faster this year.

Putin Apologist

You and your “family had to sleep in the basement” because Azerbaijan’s dictator Aliyev started a war of aggression to steal the historical lands of the Armenian people. Lands the Armenian people have lived on and died on for thousands of years. That is thousands of years of history before the Turkic tribes arrived to the region from central Asia.

Anvar Akbarov

Yeah I have heard this bullshit fabricated “history” of yours circulating many times. But somehow your “historians” could not convince the UN because the UN ruled out that these territories are LEGALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY recognized as Azerbaijan’s. And even Armenia itself in 30 years hasn’t recognized the self proclaimed “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic” as a country. I recon because the whole world, and the international law sees it as an illegal entity on the territory of Azerbaijan.

Jens Holm

UN saying so dont say You should sit with Your behinds on their faces in Nagorno Karabak. That area has been Armenian land as Nagorno Karabak rulers for 1000s of years.


The main probpem for both and many others are, You insist in countries. But facts here and in many other parts of the world, that they were and are divided into more or less isolated enclaves. You fx alos ignore Azarbeídianis live in an autonome between Armania and Turkey.

Look north on maps in etnicities and language maps. They all are small.

If You look at Kurds they by many are looked down at because they only a few times has made states. But states has been complitly irrelavant. The important was – and partly are – an isolated are ruled itself and also defended itself.

Kurds wasnt alone in most parts too. Fx relative many were where armenians ruled.

BUT BUT armenians, Syrians, greeks, assyrians, arabs, iranians all was Ottomans and by that very much the same country and the same governess.

So when You behaved like little children, they knocked both of You out , derported You or displaced You.

None do that now. But making wars against each other are stupidity for nothing insisting in conflicts.

Putin Apologist

“International law” is written by strong nations to control weak nations and the UN and the international community doesn’t care if the Armenian people live or die.

But you’re right, Armenia has been plagued by one incompetent and corrupted government after another. The Armenians should have annexed Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding territory into Armenia decades ago.

As for the Armenian people and their “history” in this region:

Exhibit #1. A fourth century Armenian Christian monastery located in Nagorno-Karabakh.


Jens Holm

The Turks in Turkey of today didnt arrive from central asia at all. First the Europeans and indoeuropeans arrived from somewhere north of Kaspian sea – And next the Turks did in several tribes and versions from there too.

So they have been in in Caucasus several 1000s years.

Your picture in Your head is wrong. Som Armenian Adam didt climb down wit his wife from a tree or a boat c/o Noah.

No many people from south of there already populated the country. And Armenians was never the only ones living there. The for a longer periode was very dominant and later on because of the mongols even for a period v´culod make the Great Armenia parts as vasal to ongols in contrast to the totally collpased “Turkey”.

So You are only correct about the Turks living in Turkey of today and not the many living in Caucasus as well as fx Kasakstan nearbye. Here You seemes to foirget the Tatars as well.

Антон С

“Me and my family had to sleep in the basement.” It’s ordinary life in Stepanakert along 10 days at least, not just one like in Gyanja. It’s your rulers and turkish ones started this war, what do you awaiting from another side, hugs and roses?


I know how you feel, you have my sympathy. If Armenia keeps shooting at civilians then we will arm you with more LORAS that will make them cry and beg for a ceasefire. Don’t worry.

Arman Melkonyan

Why won’t Israel recognize the Armenian genocide and why do the Jews sell terror drones and ballistic missiles to Azerbaijan? Why does Erdogan sell Azeri oil to Israel even though he claims he’s with the Palestinians and against Israel? Why do Erdogan and the Turks lie so much? Because Jews are Turks: https://themillenniumreport.com/2015/11/why-wont-israel-acknowledge-the-armenian-genocide-the-donmeh-jewish-leadership-of-turkey-was-responsible/

Steve Standley

Erdogan is an uber-Machiavellian leader. Scheming, lies, backstabbing, dissembling, and dirty deeds are his daily work. He and Bibi are birds of a feather.


Wow … Jews are Turks

Another poster suggested the Saudi royals are Jews ….

So … it must be TRUE …. pmsl

Muslims / Armenian Christians are anti-Judaism HATETS … full stop

When Muslims or Armenians point at the other side and SEE Jews … you know you’re in ‘The Twilight Zone’

This is CLASSICAL anti-Judaism HATE SPEECH …

Arman Melkonyan

The great majority of the Jewish population today are descended from the Khazarians who were a Turkic tribe from what is southern Ukraine today. The Khazarians adopted Judaism and infiltrated Eastern Europe after losing their territory.

The original Hebrews were kicked out of Palestine 2000 years ago and dispersed and disappeared. They are not the same people called Jews today whose holy book and supreme authority the Talmud says that Christ is to be tortured for eternity by being boiled in excrement and semen, and crucified.


Jesus was a Jew … eh?

Christ is a swear word … and Christ deserves his fate … lol

As for the Khazars … nice story but it’s a fairytale


“deserves his fate…” why? that you not recognize, has no historical relevante speaking. .. try harder next time


A virgin birth? lol

Jesus a Jew … whose a god? pmsl

Believe in Christ and life ever after is yours …. bs

Christianity is bs …. a bunch of pagans


this is better lol. you are NOT a biblical Jew,. so shut up , mongrel. block.


Block away … goy


LOL . Another triggered church monkey. This place is really crawling with bigots.


kys “sweetie”


Would do that rather than being an altar boy living with fairy tales , sweetie. LOL. I counted 5 of you bigots so far with in 2 days . Is this site some kind of a secret place you church monkeys gather ?


Russian religious people call themselves pravoslavni meaning the true Christians, they believe Russian nation has a holy mission in this World. Also their patriarchy calls itself the Third Rome and openly aspire to be head of all Orthodox on short term and of all Christians on long term.

It’s just a medieval form of imperialism and religios fervor that works for poor uneducated people and Russia is full if these peasants.

Jens Holm

Muhammed stole from the same library in Syria near Al Bab to make his stories. His discount version is very good. I like muslims use less pots and pans, when they cook.


Muhammed was ILLITERATE … the religion was compiled in the 800’s in Damascus …

•Jews pray 3 times a day so Muslims did 5 times a day •Jews circumcise •Jews fast •Jews eat Kosher – no pig

It’s Judaism ‘lite’ … with a bunch of Arab cultural abominations added especially about women

Christianity borrowed the entire bible … lol

Don’t get me started …


Jens Holm

Muhammed is defines as illiterate to make it more palusibke he got all his text from above instead of from some library in Syria.

A lot about Muhammed as a real person seemes more and more as a constrution.


Agreed …. there were more parts to the Koran and Hadith BUT like the Christian Church attempted to destroy ‘other’ non-sanctioned Christian texts including the Gnostic bibles … it seems the Muslims did destroy all traces of ‘other’ texts / hadiths

ALL religion is bs …

No one gets out alive ….

Stay safe …

Jens Holm

Yes,butt even so Islam has several versions and also “sects” and they dispute each other and even here try to tell, they are the correct vesíon themselves. Several here days the partly sekular Islam in Turkey is not Islam at all.

I think we see same thing.

Im not expert in agnostics. Some seemes a kind of mad to me others seemes to think too much.


tipical idiotic kazars ..SPECIAL..thats how JEWMERICANS call themselves…americans..SNAKES


Joos to you goy … special compared to y’all

Fog of War

” Christianity borrowed the entire bible ”

All the foundational stories of the Torah are stolen from the Sumerians.



Sumerians ? ROTFLMAO



Jens Holm

You wasnt there. In Denmark we often tranlate the text into Jomfru, which means non married (and by that virgin).

I wasnt there too. If so I would be more then 2000 yars old.


personally i tink is stupid repeat like parrot things that we dont know or because we read mis the absolutly fact..history of jews crsitian or muslims..has PARALELS..is of IDIOTS ..or stupids denied anything that you dont ..but ..sinsce thousands..of year ..this religious orm exist and coesxits must have a..ROOT..you look like kids fighthin by BS..those word of my religion is better than yours..is nonsense.but if they still coexist must have a REAZON..stated..that kazars are jews….is like set that cristian or muslims are the SAME 5 or more ago..the problem is thet dark forces and celestial forces batle each other sisnce the beginin..called werever you want it..and we are his SLAVES LIKE IT OR NOT..belive or not ..what you can do ..is STAY AWAY..or ..get to battle field the rest is BS


You have just proven that this SF article is True. smh


And what does the mean?

Jens Holm

We are not as close relate to some pope as You are.

I do understand his reflaxion.

You must be blind not seeing the world by churches of any kind are build on, whats believed and today more or less run bilions of people in the whole world.

You can say its a construction. So is a car. So even religion is made from nothing, which Yiu say thinking is, it has overwhelming and – afnd for me – too much influence.


im orthodox, are you agnostic?

Jens Holm

Yes like concrite .

Arman Melkonyan

We can’t even understand if you’re saying anything at all. Stop making a fool out of yourself Turk apologist Jew.


If you dont understand then try better. He is making a fool out of you church monkey , not the other way around.

I had big discussions with him during the years for hours , he does not care about anyones nationality and tells as it is and he always has a point. If there is a problem, look at yourself and your comments fed by religious dogmas and prejudices.

Arman Melkonyan


Steve Standley

I don’t read this guy’s replies at all. His English is retarded.


”They are not the same people called Jews today whose holy book and supreme authority the Talmud says that Christ is to be tortured for eternity by being boiled in excrement and semen, and crucified.’

This sums it up. Another Altar boy and his crooked world view , conspiracy theories and revisionist history.

Jens Holm

All muslims are convertits. It started with one.

cechas vodobenikov

your ignorant racism merely reveals why you are so isolated—the entirely discredited “khazarian” stupidity has been thoroughly discreditied

Arman Melkonyan


Jens Holm

You are more related to chimpanses than jews and khazars are.

Thats how it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_hypothesis_of_Ashkenazi_ancestry

Free man

And why do you have so many stupid questions and an even more stupid answer?

Arman Melkonyan

Another stupid question if you please: are you a Jew?

Free man

I am the one who reads what you write and begins to understand why Armenia is losing the war. I always thought Armenians were smarter than that.

Jens Holm

Its like other nations. The all has some unsmart persons.

Arman Melkonyan

Learn to speak English, as well, Jewish hasbara troll.

Jens Holm

Thats what it us about:


Learn to understand whats important for You own countries and the rest of us in those matters.

Arman Melkonyan

I am the one who understands you are a Jewish hasbara troll. Learn to speak English.

Jens Holm

Learn to be more tolerant for whats written then how its done – Or You will die before time.

As I wrote yesterday by a Niel Postman long time ago.

The medie is the message. You have to learn many more can write much more because its a fst media and by that even correct in seconds, what You write.

Many more people also commuicate or try to. In one hand they are better and in the other they and we are many more, so by quantity it makes no sense to demand people should learn English.

It makes more sense to understand Caucasus better for all living in Caucasus for the ones in the Region and the ones connected to it, then some shitty spelling context.

So in this I dont take side apart from so many here not even has possibilities by their own schools and education to know their own history. Very much is nationalistic constructions of the worst kind, where people know as if they had only one eye or worse.

…And You probaty think You know who are the loosers are. I think You all are not learning from last time, the many incidents before that and even Your try for unification just after WW1.

You finally got Your own countries by the Bolsjevic collapse. And what do You do – KILL EACH OTHER. And dont tell me its only a control alt delete from others.

Since last time You have had many years to learn to be fair and more tolerant to Yourself and each other.

I kind of think just as for Syria and Iraq. Are those people able to handle and grow new countries. Do they deserve it.

..And wasnt it better they were a kind of protectorat for Russia being united by their hard hands – Or for that matter Iranians or Turkish.

Freeman has a right to tell, what he think and hope for. None says its true and a minus.

Jens Holm

Its as he says. This is not about being a Jew but how You keep Yourself stupid and next – even in an evil way – expect others to be servants of Your.

We have people like You here. They are given exact the same message. S log as You know almost nothing and systematic dont like jews, You will keep Yourself in the dark.

You dey to learn about Your enemies. By that You cannot even fight them well.


He’s not, but I am. Any problem?


Are you really???? Rom_2:28,29 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.


You are the 6th one with in the past 48 hrs.


Do I get a prize for your cryptic placement.


Save your bs … the gospels are NOT history but written to gain adherents to the ‘new’ religion …

the Jews didn’t buy the Christian bs ….



I don’t buy the “Christian” bs either. The New Testament does not contradict the Old Testament as most of Christianity, and Judaism, believes. Jews have been stiff necked ever since the beginning and thankfully Yahshua has taken the need for Jews and their Talmudic bs out of the equation and has called ALL to repentance. Perhaps if the Jews had listened to the prophets and repented they would not have lost their physical covenant.


Judaism doesn’t care a shit about the Gospels … lol Jews don’t study it … lol

Christianity is bs and so is your ‘Yehshua (JEEZUS) has taken …. and has called ALL for repentance.’ lol

BTW … God’s covenant to the Jewish People has NEVER been rescinded … the proof is ‘the MIRACLE of Israel’s existence’ …. NO OTHER ANCIENT PEOPLE HAS been able to reconstitute themselves/made themselves sovereign on their own sacred territory … hello?

God listens … you’re on the WRONG FREQUENCY … bro

Yahshua implies you’re a Jews for Jesus loser ….



The Old Covenant was NOT given to the “Jews”, it was given to all of Israel. The U.N. created “Jewish” state of Israel’s existence today is a satanic deception as prophesied. And it will be destroyed by Yahwh Himself. The socalled Talmudic “Jews” are rightfully called the Synagogue of Satan. The entire Old Testament is a story of YOUR stiff necked rebellion and even today you are the same. Like I said, thankfully the world does not have to go through the Talmudic Jews any more to take part in Yahwh’s Covenant. My Father is He whom you call your God.


YOU’RE a Christian fanatic … Amy Cony Barrett? lol

YOUR division of Israel into Talmudic Jews and … is YOUR own Christian bs It’s how Y’all make peace with your bs

Jesus was a Jew … and spoke EXCLUSIVELY to Jews … His Mission to found the Kingdom of God was NOT achieved in his lifetime and has STILL been unachieved … lol

YOUR father? Is total bs




I don’t understand your “Amy Cony Barrett” reference. I didn’t know she was in this conversation. There is definitely Talmudic Jews aka non Jews. They are just like the non Christians who also serve the traditions of mean instead of Yahwh. But there are true Jews/Christians who make up true Israel who keep Yahwh’s Commands. Of course Yahshua was a Jew. The Messiah would not come from the Gentiles. And He didn’t found the Kingdom of God in this world. His Kingdom is not in this world since this world will perish but His Kingdom is everlasting. You say my Father is total bs. I say your blasphemy is prophesied. You are right that no one gets out alive. Everyone dies. Some die twice but those who are obedient to Yahwh inherit the coming Kingdom and everlasting life. It doesn’t matter if you are physically a Jew or a Gentile. Under the Old Covenant a Gentile had to come through Israel to take part in Yahwh’s Covenant. But Israel was rebellious and stiff necked and refused what Yahwh had ordained. The New Covenant is for all who find repentance and obedience in their heart. You are not needed.




No, Yahshua died because Rome was eager to appease the Jews. Yes A Kingdom was supposed to be on this earth. Israel was supposed to be a Holy nation under God but they rejected Him just as they do now. And God requires circumcision of all of His people but the circumcision is of the heart. The flesh and the fleshly covenant are dead. Also Paul never did away with the dietary Laws. Paul nor any of the apostles were given authority to change or make new laws. Even Christ didn’t make any new laws. Is Christianity an abomination? Yes and no. The false Christianity that keeps Sunday as a sabbath forsaking Yahwh’s Sabbath, keeping Christmas which is a warmed over pagan holiday or Easter which is blatant false worship of Ishtar, rosary beads, statues of j-sus and Mary etcetera then YES they are just as much an abomination as the Talmudic Jews/Pharisees. BUT, True Christianity that has answered the call to repentance and has turned to obedience toward Yahwh are brothers with true Jews and are a part of Spiritual Israel to whom the promise is made. All false worship is an abomination. Just like the Golden Calf.


Appease the Jews? Rome? pmsl

Hey …

Do YOU eat kosher?

Do YOU follow the 613 Commandments?

Do you honour the Sabbath Day (from Friday evening to Saturday evening)?

What does YOUR group call itself?


Yes. Appease the Jews. When Herod saw how it pleased the Jews he expanded his persecution. Pilate was more interested in pleasing the Jews than justice. But then with Jews it seems to be a cycle. No I don’t eat “Kosher”. I eat Scripturally CLEAN. I don’t need a rabbi to put a “Kosher” symbol on the food I eat. Neither Yahshua nor the Apostles ever ate unclean. No. I do not and cannot keep the “613” Laws, statutes and ordinances. No one can, including you. The Temple and the Levitical Priesthood are not here. Thankfully they are not necessary under the Spiritual Covenant. I keep Yahwh’s Covenant which is His Ten Commandments, which by extension includes His moral precepts and judgments, all of which are Spiritual. For we shall have NO god before Him. But there is no way to nor need to engage in blood sacrifice for instance, since we have a much better sacrifice. Yes. I do keep Yahwh’s Sabbath from evening to evening on the seventh day as Commanded. I will not be labeled by any “group”. I am a follower of the way of Yahshua. Do you eat clean? Do you follow the “613” laws? Do you keep His Sabbath? Are you Talmudic or Torah?


I’m a Jew … born by a Jewish mother and father

Jesus believed in the Temple worship and the sacrifices … hello?

Talmud and Torah are Jewish books …. both are relevant

YOU are a goy with a fixation on Jesus …. cool

Jesus was a Jew …. you’re NOT


Being born Jewish has absolutely no bearing. But if you are Jewish then you know that no one was called jesus in Scripture nor in the New Testament. Yes Yahshua did while the Old Covenant and Temple were still there. But both have passed now. Also you cannot have temple worship without a temple. But if you are a true Jew you know that the Temple is in Heaven and your shadow of that Temple is of no use now. The Torah is the word of Yahwh. The Talmud is anti Torah and contradicts the Torah in many places. Whereas the New Testament does not contradict the Torah, although there are many errors in translation. No I do not have a goy fixation on a false name. Also I must point out that you are just goy also since physical Israel never became that holy goy it was supposed to be too this day. But the children of Faith/Spirit have become that holy goy promised to Abraham. Yes Yahshua was from the tribe of Judah. And He fulfilled all His requirements as the Messiah. And the gospel He preached was to the Jew first and then the Gentile. The stranger could become part of Israel according to the Torah IF the stranger accepted Yahwh’s Covenant. And in doing so they would be treated equally to the native born Israelite. The New Covenant offers the same thing but without the Jews blocking the way. So much more am I grafted in through the Holy Spirit and the New Covenant. I am not only a part of true Israel but Yahshua is now my brother which makes me a son of Elohim. And since you didn’t return answers to the questions I put back at you then I would guess you are the one who is not a true Jew.


Stupid goy …

The Temple was up and Holy Bible and the ‘oral law’ were respected/recited and observed by many/most of the Jewish People in 1st Century Judea … eh?

So … Jesus was a TORAH TRUE JEW who put on or wore tefillin daily … observed 613 commandments … ate Kosher and respected the Sabbath … eh?

The Temple is in HEAVEN? lol With Santa Claus?

Come on man! ROTFLMAO

The Talmud is the accumulation of commentary on the Oral Law written down by 200 ACE … so that it would not be lost with the harsh consequences of Roman oppression … eh?

It COMPLIMENTS the Torah … silly Goy

Christians attempting to justify their faith / separate themselves from the now ‘hated’ Jews of the New Testament … FLIPPED THE SCRIPT ON THE JEWS … appropriating the pieces they wanted and disregarding the bits they didn’t want … eh Goy?

That ‘mamzer’ Paul/Saul, the Jew, even created the outline for Christianity … ‘the Word’ … ‘the meaning of the crucifixion’ … et al

Goyim like y’all are doomed to despair …

May your life be a curse on you and your family … in Jesus’s name … amen



The “oral law” was not “respected” by any true Jew and especially not Yahshua.

Yes, Yahshua kept the Law perfectly.

Yes the true temple is in Heaven. And there is no such thing as Santa Claus.

The Talmud is contradictory to the Torah and has absolutely no bearing on truth or salvation.

True Christians don’t have to “justify” their faith. The Jews flipped the script on themselves by their continued stiff necked rebellion. No appropriation was needed, just truth.

Calling Paul/Saul a “mamser” is just an attempt to discredit and has no basis in reality.

The only Goyim that are doomed are those who reject the truth and continue in rebellious sin.

Your curses mean nothing and actually show that I am right. It’s even funnier that you try to curse me in a false name. Sadly you have chosen the curse that Yahwh spoke of in Deuteronomy.

Even today you refuse to listen to the prophets nor any teaching of the Old Testament.

1Sa 8:7 And Yahwh said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, BUT THEY HAVE REJECTED ME, that I should not reign over them.

Hos_4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Deu_31:27 For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against Yahwh; and how much more after my death?

The entire Old Testament is a story of Jewish rejection of Yahwh.

Now what else to you have goy?


Oral Law was respected and used by Jesus …. otherwise he be a ‘Samaritan’ … hello?

Goyim like YOU are not knowledgeable enough about Judaism … go figure

Jesus ate Kosher and followed ALL 613 commandments … he had the Temple sacrifices to make amends for ‘avairas’ / mistakes / misdeeds whether known or unknown and of course, Yom Kippur … hello goy?

The ‘oral law’ was known but NOT WRITTEN until 200 ACE … so Jesus knew it … especially since he PREACHED to gatherings of Jews in synagogues and in open air congregations …

YOU suggested Paul was a goy … he was a Jew and a Pharisee


Wrong. Yahshua chastised the Pharisees for their oral tradition and rightfully said they had forsaken the Commandments of Elohim for the traditions of men.

Not Talmudic Judaism but I am very knowledgeable about the Torah which is all that counts.

I already said that Yahshus kept the Law perfectly. But he put an end to those useless sacrifices that did nothing to cover transgression. He was the perfect unblemished sacrifice once and for all to those who repent.

Like I said, the oral law was not “honored” by Yahshua since it contradicts the Torah in many aspects. For instance the Torah says that you should NOT give special consideration to the poor in legal matters but the Talmud says you should. “There is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof is destruction.”

And Jews and Pharisees are goy just like everyone else. Goy just means nation/people. You are the one who has tried to make it an insult. And it doesn’t work. In Genesis 12:2 Yahwh says to Abraham ” And I will make of thee a great nation/GOY…” And so it is throughout the rest of Scripture. I am part of THAT GOY and so is everyone else who REPENTS and turns to righteousness. I’ll ask you the same question that I ask supposed Christians. Why do you hate Yahwh’s Laws so much?


The Torah NEEDS INTERPRETATION … that’s what the Oral Law discusses … it’s expansive on understanding the Torah

No offense to the term goy … eh? Goyim are ‘non-Jews’ … eh?

Jesus KNEW the Oral Law … as a Torah True Jew … Jesus didn’t come to REPLACE THE LAW but to fulfill it … eh?

Too bad he died for nothing and the Kingdom of God is so ‘over’



The Torah speaks for itself. Anything that contradicts is not “interpreting”, it is subverting. Israel was just one of many Goyim. If you want to fling insults then find something insulting. Calling me a Goy or Goyim is in no way insulting to me. Yes Yahshua knew the “oral law” and that is why He rejected it when the Pharisees tried to enforce it. His death may be nothing to you but that is pretty much obvious. It is sad that you reject your Messiah. But thankfully you are not in the way of others who accept Him and His message of REPENTANCE and Lawfulness. Why do you reject His calls? Do you hate righteousness that much?


The Bible is / was meant for Jewish observance … NOT for goyim …. full stop

Christianity is an unwelcome add on … encumbering Judaism with negativity … full stop

The gospel writers NEVER MET OR KNEW JESUS PERSONALLY … full stop

The gospels aren’t ‘history’ they’re meant to evangelize/ convert pagans to the ‘new’ faith … hello?

The stories told in the gospels are FICTIONAL not real … Jesus coming back to life? Jesus born to a virgin? et al

Christianity is for ‘stupids’ … thinking that eternal life is simply belief in Jesus as saviour? lol

Jesus the Jew is your god? pmsl



The Bible is meant for ISRAEL’S observance. And any goy was welcome to join into Israel. Exo_12:49 One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you. True Christianity is not an add on. It is a calling and a clarification. The Gospel writer who possible wasn’t in close contact with Messiah was Luke. The Gospels are not a call to a new Faith. They are a call to all men to Faith in Yahwh. Faith is based on belief. If you don’t believe than that has nothing to do with truth or my Faith. True Christianity does not teach that salvation comes from merely saying you believe in Yahshua. True Christianity is REPENTANCE which stems from belief and acceptance of Yahwh as Elohim. Yahwh is Elohim. Anyone born of His Spirit is His son.


Cool …

Jews and Christianity have a LONG DARK PAST … CHRISTIANS and CHRISTIANITY must acknowledge and repent their sins … eh?

Still waiting …


Not true Christians and Jews. But the two usurpers have. Look at where the world is headed. It is only going to get worse and especially for those who believe in Yahwh’s righteousness. What do you think the end will be? Also, do you really want to inherit the polluted dregs of this world when the “end” does come? Well you can have it. We(WE) are given a better promise.


Christianity is finished … lol

Europe … it’s birthplace is post-Christian

Faith in Jesus is declining … not growing


There are more socalled Christians in this world than socalled Jews. True Christianity came from Scripture. False Christianity came from Rome. No matter how you look at it the decline was prophesied.


Yes … there are more Christian than Jews

Yes … there are more Muslims than Jews too

‘True Christianity’ / ‘True Christians … is going down a rabbit hole



Talmudic Judaism has already gone down the rabbit hole. Thankfully true Christianity is not defined by the false Jews nor false Christians. Neither is true Israel.


True Christians/True Christianity

False Christians …. et al

IMHO …. you’re a f/kn nut bar Christian psycho



And your attitude and language prove what you are.


A Jew …


Not a true Jew. Two witnesses in addition to your self incrimination. Deu 10:16 ” Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.” Rom 2:28,29 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Arman Melkonyan

Jews are supplying terror drones and ballistic missiles to the Turks AND Jews themselves are operating these weapons to genocide the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

Christ killers killing Christians: any problem?


Ah Armen i how I hate bigots like you., So you would love jews if they did not sell arms to Azeris.

Arman Melkonyan

Turks = Jews

Jens Holm

My first real full time job was when I was 18 years ago. I was Nightporter at a Hotel.

Number one was: No matter where the guests comes from, You divide people in to good ones, bad ones and the mainpart in the middle.

The second one was: No matter if the parents are poor or rich, thay have the same worries for their children and belowed

And number three was, we all sit on the toilet the same way.

I am confirmed by that everyday and its a routine, so I am sure its the same for Armenians as for Turks, Israeliens and Danes.


Actually we’ve halted the drone sales, for now anyway. Better to have negotiations. But it seems like Armenia is using ballistic missiles against civilians, and for Israel it’s a redline. I also don’t support Azerbaijan targeting civilians too, but atleast they don’t do it with ballistic missiles.

Arman Melkonyan


You lie.

Azeris are using Israeli ballistic missiles to destroy civilian infrastructure. These missiles are most likely operated by Israeli Jews who are the only ones in possession of the requisite skills and knowledge to use them this effectively:



The name is Iron Zion, and I don’t lie. We did provide Azerbaijan with some LORAS, but they only used one to hit a bridge and certainly not to shoot it on civilians, otherwise we wouldn’t provide it. I know Greekos think they know everything, but you don’t. I know how much a damage a Scud can cause, that is why I am against Armenia on that issue.

Mustafa Mehmet


Raptar Driver

Because the fake Jews want the world to believe in there fake holocaust.

Jens Holm

They are not fake jews.

Fog of War

Khazars are fake Jews.

Jens Holm

No they are or were not.

How many fake christians and muslims are there?

Fog of War

I see my point was too intellectually challenging for you .

Jens Holm

Khazars dont exist


I don’t know about physical Jews but their are plenty of false spiritual Jews and Christians. I would say a large majority.

Jens Holm

That how I say. Jews from Europe all are mixrted up, they are not Khazars(a kind of Turks) so its a matter of spirit faith.

And remember the same comment every time You write about muslims. Some are Nigerians and many are Indonesians.


Not as many as fake refugees are in Denmark :))


rapefugees!!! you misspelled it

Jens Holm

You understood it well.


christian and muslim is not an ethnicity

jewish is

or, at least, in the common sense it is, since we link jewish religion with a particular ethnic group

and this is what people mean by “fake jews”…they aren’t semites, they aren’t the old inhabitants of Palestine ( or whatever you like to call that land )…so why are they pretending they have some historic/divine right to reclaim that land?

Jens Holm

´Jews are no etnicity but a faith. We see it very well for the ones from western and Eeastern Europe, which emmigrated to Palestine.

They mainly are Europeans.

Isolated Jews from fx Etiopis are not mixted up – or almost not – therefore they have their own etnicity naming themselves as Jews too.

Fog of War

” They mainly are Europeans. ”

How do Europeans have a claim to land in the middle East then ? Do tell.

Jens Holm

Its well descriebed.

We could take them back and put half of the muslims in europe into Palestine.

Fog of War

Answer the question in a straight forward manner or STFU. Have a nice day.

Jens Holm

There are nome Khazars.


Khazaria was an empire…it was real, not some product of imagination

Jens Holm

My comment is related to Jwes of Europem which went to Israel are not Lhazars at all, which is true.

Science long time ago assumed it was possible that Jews in Europe came form there. Thats npt true and confirmed by DNA.

You can find some few Khazar genes along the Meditarian anne and Capisan sea, but they are not Jews.

Another thing in that is, it never is proven all Khazars or many were Jews. A good guess might be the upperclass was. We can see that part in names for several kings and queens.

Fog of War

No body cares Jens, nobody cares.

Jens Holm

It seemes somebody do care. I do.

Fog of War

” I do. ”

Like I said Nobody.


No such thing as Khazars ….

repeating lies makes YOU an anti-Judaism Hater

Fog of War

But I do hate Judaism. Its a filthy, corrupt, blood thirsty , inherently contradictory ” religion “. Hope that clears things up for you.



Cool ?

Get it off your chest … eh?

I hate Christianity and Islam as Supersessionist religions … lol


Fog of War

” I hate Christianity and Islam as Supersessionist religions ”

Good to know Khazar, but we already suspected that about you people.



You people?

I suspect that about U PEOPLE TOO

Fog of War


Jens Holm

So Your spirit meet Khazars …. Ha ha.

Do Yuo play cards or what ?

Jens Holm

Its a more answer. Mostof the few Jews I have met here in Denmark are sekular Jwes. We dont see no difference. I have had several neighbors during time, which has been more odd then any Jew I have met.


they are fake humans

Jens Holm

They are just as You.

Rhodium 10

Because Jews Holocaust is Fake while Armenian Holocaust is true…therefore Jews have not solidarity with Armenians…

Jens Holm

You are fake


LIAR … Jews acknowledge the Armenian Genocide … the State of Israel has not as of yet

Brother Ma

Maybe ,yet i have never seen nor heard a Diaspora Jew in any country say that.

So let us say you are right and most Israelis acknowledge the Genocide of the Armenians So what ? They have no power. The state has the power and is what is listened to on a higher level. State beliefs and declarations are what count.

Jens Holm

Its as written here in detail by wikki:


AND DOT FORGET HOW OTHER DIASPORAS ARE IN THIS. why only jews. I really dont get it.


Why only Jews?

As in WHY are they targeted EXCLUSIVELY?

Is that what you meant?


Maybe? American Jews would be THE FIRST to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide … hello?

Israel as a country HAS NOT yet declared it … BUT IT WILL … Erdogan’s Turkey has made it possible

Brother Ma

Well let’s see them do it. However , I can’t see why the diaspora Russian and French Jews can’t acknowledge it in the declarations made by their official organisations to start with.

Why wait ?


Politics … Turkey’s Erdogan is always threatening …


Erdogan needs us (the West) more than we need him … at this moment for sure

Brother Ma

I agree.

Rhodium 10

Israel support AZ Turkish vs Armenia..it is to say that support the Genocide Ottomans vs Armenia!..


Israel has sold weapons to Azerbaijan ….

Armenia and Israel JUST recently exchanged Ambassadors …

Your conclusion is WRONG … ISRAEL DOES NOT SUPPORT TURKEY’S Genocide of 1.5 Million Armenian men/women/children

Jens Holm

Only 32 countries has as nations recognized the armenian genoside.

So where are the 160 other countries which don t recognize it just as Israel


Because there is a lot of difference between people slaughtered in gas chambers and some backstabbers who betrayed their nation and had to walk all the way to Deir Zor. One is a fact, the other one is a joke.

Lovely source btw, very credible.


Yes and the joke is the HoloHoax.

Jens Holm

…And why havent You been reading about. Nothing is new and even well described here at internet for decades.

milleniumabort, there we go…

Mustafa Mehmet

What genocide re stupid Greek moron. why you don’t recognise genocide you did against Turks in Cyprus between 1950s until 1974 go on tell everyone f*** off stupid Greek

johnny rotten

Maybe the real war can also be stopped, but the fake’s war is unstopable to stop.

Jens Holm

Thats how the world is. We can not trust a lot of information from there as well as for the rest of the world.

Porc Halal

Why I am not surprised

Jens Holm

day to day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Nagorno-Karabakh_conflict

Europe hates America

I told ya all, isis turks and azeri are already won the propaganda war. But what do u expect? Turks are one of the most retarded people in the world, ibsee that everyday here in switzerland

Jens Holm

I see no winners and only a lot of loosers. OOne name hwerself as “Europe hates America”. I am form Europe. My Goverment dont hate Ameria at all. I would say many hate the Trimpets, but they are not the americans but some kind of accident.

Mustafa Mehmet

? sit and spin on it 100 miles an hour

Europe hates America

What’s up isis turk?

cechas vodobenikov

disinformation on both sides; I trust nearly none of the reporting

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