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MARCH 2025

Azerbaijan Supplied Ukraine With Dozens Of Precision-Guided Bombs In Secret

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Azerbaijan Supplied Ukraine With Dozens Of Precision-Guided Bombs In Secret

The QFAB-250 LG laser-guided bomb. Source: the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan Republic.

Azerbaijan had secretly supplied Ukraine with dozens of precision-guided bombs, documents leaked by the Iraqi Sabereen News Telegram channel on July 27 revealed.

According to the shipping documents, the bombs were sent by the CIHAZ Industrial Association, which is owned by the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan, to Ukrspecexport, a Ukrainian state-owned arms trading company.

Ukrainian airline Meridian, that has links to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, shipped the bombs from Khartoum Airport in Sudan to Rzeszow Airport in Poland.

Azerbaijan Supplied Ukraine With Dozens Of Precision-Guided Bombs In Secret

Click to see full-size image. Source: Sabereen News (t.me/sabreenS1).

The bombs were reportedly shipped in April, more than a month after the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Azerbaijan, which enjoys strong relations with Russia, chose to take a “natural” stand on the conflict.

In the documents, the cargo is designated as 31 “Precision Guided Air Bomb” and one “Precision Guided Air Bomb INERT”. Each bomb weighs 270 kilograms. The weight suggests that the bombs were of the QFAB-250 LG type.

Azerbaijan Supplied Ukraine With Dozens Of Precision-Guided Bombs In Secret

Click to see full-size image. Source: Sabereen News (t.me/sabreenS1).

The QFAB-250 LG was jointly developed by the Research Institute of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense Industry and Turkey’s defense giant ASELSAN. The bomb, which weights 270 kilograms, is guided by semi-active laser. It has a circular error probable of less than 10 meters and a range of 12 kilometers.

The precision-guided bomb was designed to be carried by Soviet Su-25 fighter jets. The Ukrainian Air Force still operates an unknown number of Su-25s.

As of now, there has been no comment on the leaked documents by Russia, Azerbaijan or Ukraine. Moscow, which made many warnings against supplying advanced weapons to Kiev, may have known of the secret shipment since April. The Russian reaction to the Azerbaijan step is yet to be known.



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I know what my comment would be- Traitors !!


Russia prefers to remain silent for now but has started to confirm the veracity of the report and subsequently reviewing its foreign policy towards Azerbaijan, subject for adjustment of course according to its findings. Since the evidences of backstabbing presented were credibly strong, it’s most likely would turn friendship into hostilities.


Azerbaijan signed a “Declaration of Allied Co-operation” with Russia in the Spring and at the SAME time visited Ukraine and signed a declaration SUPPORTING Ukraine in its “territorial integrity ” – Azer Times Newspaper – if that’s not TWO -faced I dont know what is -only one way to deal with traitors !

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh

I know what mi6 and cia dud iraqi media would expect you to believe.


The Washington Institute: “Sabereen News is the main media conglomerate supporting all “resistance” actions and factions in Iraq, but it quietly keeps a unique connection to Asaib Ahl al-Haq.”

You know…you could look them up. Also, why can’t you believe it?

Zion-stan: “We lost Iran but we are very close to Azerbaijan”.

Facts: Azerbaijan hosted Mossad and allowed the Zion airforce to enter their country FREELY. Gas and weapons deal with Zion, etc etc…


Iraq is controlled by corrupt officials taking US money look at the latest unrest about this in Iraq.

opet ja

Never mind, Ukraine has no aircraft to carry and drop those bombs and has no adequate laser designators. Useless purchase…


shitty country, they say they are neutral or ally with russia but for a story of money they would even send their own mother to ukraine


More like ukraine sell the mother to iraq/cia media.

Abraham Lincoln

Looks like the president of AZERBAIJAN has committed suicide. Going against Russia where Azer gets all its food from and whose good wil it needs to exports it oil and gas. Now with the new Russian Iran alliance Azer can be over run in less then 24 hours from the north and the South. I expect he and his family will be eliminated


No way, because Azeris and Turks are brothers, so Turkey that now holds a significance leverage over Russia would never allow that. (Yes, leverage – that’s what the world has come to! Thousands of Russian civilans and enterprises opening bank accounts in Turkey, buying real estate, etc, and Turkey holding back from the new Syria offensive it had planned. Although it’s not a country to be trusted – it’ll backstab Russia the moment Russia is weakened)


@Abe Lincoln

You missed the point that Azerbaidjan is main influence area of Turkey too. Turkish weaponary (mainly Bayraktar drones) saved the victory of the war against Armenia, and Turkey is main trade and business partner to that country. The people there speak a turkish dialect and are historically a turkfolk. Russia will soon face a multifront war. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazastan, Turkey, Usbekistan, Chechnya, Georgia – these are all countries which will further or later get dragged in resp. get involved into the hostilities. Russia will have to fight all of them at the same time, while the war on the Westfront will still continue. The moment Russia realizes that it opened the box of the pandora when attacking Ukraine, the trap is already sealed. No escape possible. So Russia will then go into full attack mode and try to overrun all of Europe in a final madmans act. If you think me telling bullshit – then wait and see the next 5 years to come. You’ll be surprised !


It’s now getting clear that the US UK EU NATO has no plan to end the Ukraine crisis because once the Russians achieved victory over the Ukraine, the Ukrainian government officials together with the military would switch allegiance to Russia, who can be used as state witnesses in courts where they could testify and disclose everything they know about the atrocious conspiracy and war crimes committed as partners that will certainly lead into conviction of these western bloc nations of crimes against humanity


The northeastern Quba-Xaçmaz-Xizi region of Azerbaijan is mostly populated by Lezgians. If I were the Azeris, I´d be telling the Russians the delivery was in error and meant for Moscow . . .

Kill islamics invaders

Russia made a mistake when unsupported Armenia, Azerbaijans are islamic 3rd world country but Armenia is developed country by culture, i hope Russia will help in tge future Arnenia and then it will re take their sands back from Turkis backed islamic invaders in the future


Forget it wokey dopey poof!Won’t happen cia/soros keweers are no friend of heterosexuals (period) Either way this is fake desperate new\s as im confident russia will negtoiate peace in the region too! fuk soros,fk the eu,and fuk the cia/lgbtq too. FIXED!

Cuckmander Hebrew

Armenians are christcuck shitskins much like you (given that you are a sewerbian 🇷🇸 or gayreek 🇬🇷).

Blyatkovia 🇷🇺 won’t do shit because it’s short-dicked personnel are sissy faggots and the axpers 🇦🇲 are far worse cowards than them.

The only land that belongs to those mountain apes ☦ is six feet under or mounted on the wooden phallus they worship (the cross), same as all christcucks.

Simon Ndiritu

pashinian was a loser who deserved being left alone by russia

Bigg Chungus

Armenia is just as backwards as Azerbaijan. What is needed is for the adults in the room (Iran, Russia) to keep the children (Armenia, Azerbaijan) from fighting.


Armenia develop country ? Joke of the day 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Why would Russia support either government, both are anti-Russian and pro-American.


One of the scummiest countries in the world. Russia should send plenty of high tech weaponry to Ngaro-Karabach, recognise it as independent and let it join the Moscow Alliance, guaranteeing Russian assistance next time the Azeri filth attack – then slaughter the joke of a country.


LGBTQ MUST BE ELIMINATED FROM THERE (PERIOD) DID YOU LIVE THERE,FK NO! Armenia will do ok,as long as they accept the truth and soros must be eliminated from Armenia! FIXED!


Azerbaijan is a weird situation. Majority is Shia who supposedly hate their government because it’s ruled by wahabis and when turkey helped them they were discriminating against the Shias. No doubt Azerbaijan is a hub of Iranian spies

Assad Defeated Zionists

Once Russia is done with Ukraine may be they can go into Azerbaijan together with Iran and annex 50/50.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Let’s be real – blyatkovia will never make it past Georgia. Those days when Tblisi’s army was small and weak are gone and another incursion would break Moscow’s back.

Hm, maybe the blyatkovs SHOULD invade. I’d love to see those uraloid kalergi mutts and the slit-eyed pindicked hordes of siberian monkeys exterminated there.


Is it because Russian Army destroyed airports in Georgia with Israely equipment and specialists there as Israel intended to use airport in Georgia to launch attack on Iran? Many would love to see Russia destroying or helping to destroy Zaddokite fiefdom of Israel.

Cuckmander Hebrew

You stupid wanker, you think the short-dicked russian animals have the guts to kill their shitskin hebrew jewish financers?

Lay of the vodka, Comrade Blyatkov – your brains have become as tiny as your worthless penis.


Muhammad for profit finally correct, although genetically you are inferior to cockroach

Cuckmacaroni Pakistani 🍆

Cuckmoron cocksucker stupid worthless faggot swine you have no brain or penis, except all those nigger dicks you cumguzzling, pissdrinking italo-arab-paki darkskin gay whore swallow every in you shithole, mutant prison colony owned by Jews and Yanks.

Lay down in your daddy’s toilet and die already you moronic pile of animal shit instead of polluting this planet with your idiotic, moronic, retarded gay garbage while vomiting diarrhea from your shithole mouth.

Muhammad your Prophet

Let’s be real – you’re a dumb cocksucking cockroach.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Look who’s talking – a shitskin hebrew desert mongrel of yhwh the pindick demon.

Tisha Ba’v is coming on August 6th and I’ll be cutting a cake to celebrate the Roman destruction of the shitskin city of jerusalem by Titus.

You can hump “le wailing wall” with your mutilated tiny brown kosher micropenis, you bastard sand nigger wog. I’d beat the filthy brown colour out of your skin personally.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew
Muhammad your Prophet

What a fucking deranged cockroach. Kiss my supreme Jewish ass you crazy son of whore, you’ll find a cake for you there.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Kiss your filthy brown ape arse? How about I hammer a rusty six inch nail through it instead like my forefathers did to your shitskinned monkey ancestors, yighal, you darkie?


USA reptile obviously inferior to Jews, blacks and LGBT—they rule your cesspool nation


Last time it took 7 days. The next one won’t take more than 5. Georgian government is smart enough to avoid any issues with Russia. Dismissed.

Cuckmander Hebrew

KEK, the meme goes like this –

Jew-Ass-AIDS 🇺🇸 : 21 Days to Baghdad

Blyatkovia 🇷🇺 : Never Reach Kiev

And 5 days? That’s all the time I need to rape your mother into becoming a cock-addled cumdumpster.

Dismiss THAT, Mr. Short Dick Vanya (your pecker is tinier than Jewtin’s, which makes you even more of a yellow muttgolian (🇲🇳) crossbreed subhuman).

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew

Baghdad? Comparing starving Iraqi army with Ukraine? Lol you are truly the dumbest, most retarded pile of gay shit ever. Iraqi army trained by US fags surrender to ISIS in 5 minutes. They are the shittiest soldiers ever you incredibly stupid and equally crazy faggot degenerate.

Bigg Chungus

No Iran should go alone and take all of its rightful territory back.


Russia should ask Iran if they want help to take the azeris under their control. Cause either they make their brothers stop doing stupid things or russia sends the azeris back to stoneage. There are no slavic or orthodox brothers to spare there azeriz asked for it when the attacked artsakh/ karabach. You cant be a dominant force in this world and let tiny nations oppose you at the same time.


It would be the best to avoid any more wars. It is ugly and dehumanizing adventure playing directly into hands of Occult oligarchy with direct phone line with some very, very non-human dark forces.

Hans rauss

Good to hear that azeri brothers helps ukrainian people. Hope for more russian ammo depots and military bases will be destroyed like they do everyday in kherson region. Russkies dead -> happy time for hans :D

hans raus dead

They are your brothers no doubt, they fucked your mama lol. and you love sucking turko-azer dicks just like her. Sucking dicks -> happy time for hans cocksucker :D



Last edited 2 years ago by IRAQ=CIA/MI6 MUPPETS!



Happy time for the whole world and all mankind, after all of youalikes will be killed and the little parasite “state” south of lebanon will be nuked.

#1 tranny USA

rauchy need more cocaine–very unhappy degenerate lgbt

Hans rauss

Waiting for azeri and kazakhstan people to join NATO. Russobots will cry and bark hahahahahahahaha


TOO BADAINT GOT THE GUTS,NOR RESOURCES NOR ENOUGH FIREPOWER TO EVER CHANGE ANYTHING OTHER THAN LITTLE NAZI VILLAGES,AS 3 STOOGES AND OTHER satanic dumfked undemocratic spastic wokey try hard wannabe neo nazi,lgbtq gay nothing burger likes of you! Wont happen gimp,your too weak and dumb and woke as shit,nice try but this too is all fake news. WHATS NOT FAKE 140 OF NATOS ELITE SMOKED IN WORLD RECORD TIME TOO,SO KEEP LAUGHING, FIXED!

Last edited 2 years ago by IRAQ=CIA/MI6 MUPPETS!
russian-german friendship

I know this countries. You are a crackhead. Shut up ,take your chair and keep on watching your propaganda TV. To make it clear, neither the Azeris, Kazakhs nor the Turks undertake hostile activities against liberating Russian Federation. Why should they do that! They are not so immoral and stupid like you and your NAZI-friends!

Last edited 2 years ago by russian-german friendship

While it’s a stab in the back to Russia, I doubt any on these were ever dropped given the sorry state of the Ukranian AF. I’m sure, if they haven’t been destroyed in a ammo depot by now, Zelenskyy has sold them to another country and pocketed the profits.


Caught double dealing just like their Turk cousins.


Dud,cia are really desperate theyd use anything any media to fabricate utter nonesense,particularly when the heterosexual soviets are not into any gay goy zelensky retard at that,I wont buy it (period)


Is there anything wrong with southfront. No updates for a while. What we see is about RUS being bitten from the western sources


U can see after I speak

russian-german friendship

I know most of the countries in middle east and central asia! To make it clear, neither the Azeris, Kazakhs nor the Turks will undertake hostile activities against liberating Russian Federation. Why should they do that! They are not so immoral and stupid like this propaganda infested NAZI-crackheads from previous ukraine!


If you claim this, you know nothing of the secret CIA activities in Kazakhstan (“reduce Russian influence in Central Asia”) and Azerbaijan (“Exploit tensions in the South Caucasus”). Especially Azerbaijan is a brother state to Turkey like Belarus is to Russia, meaning Turkey has more of a hold of it than post-USSR Russia- it helped it beat the Armenians while Russia stood aside. Mossad operates there too, not only CIA.

Last edited 2 years ago by helen

Useless and senseless. Because how man ukro planes are left who can carry them? 3?


İran will invade azerbaijan soon with russian help.. iran drones will hit even azerbaijan even turkey at the same time.. Russia should ask Iran if they want help to take the azeris under their administeation.


Turkey and Azerbaijan fought the Armenians last year over Nagorno karabakh and that event ended early.

Turkey wants a land bridge by eliminating the Armenian presence between Nakhchivan and the rest of Azerbaijan.

Russia interests are incompatible with Turkish and Azerbaijani interests in the region. Ticking time bomb.

Azerbaijan siding with Ukraine is no surprise.


Iran won’t invade, that’s not their style. If they go to war with Zionist, Israel will use Azerbaijan as a hub for their airforce, Iran will attack those bases, but that’s about it.


You don’t say. I don’t expecting from gays mollahs to attack Turkey or Azerbaijan some how. Iran can do jackshit 💨💨💨

Icarus Tanović

So, turkay did this.


A loophole and maybe no… Azerbaijan is corrupt as fuk, that’s what happens when they allowed Zion, yanquis, the EU, and others just fuk them.


Russia is so weak. We told them to attack Azerbaijan but instead they attached a European Christian nation

Cuckmander Hebrew

>Armenia >European

At least you got one thing right – those shitskins are christcucks indeed.

Two, actually. Blyatkovia 🇷🇺 is a nation of pussies indeed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew

“European Christian nation” by the name, that has a Gay Goy Clown as their leader.

Also, are you down that bad to use religion?

Warrior Nation

I would throw out all the Azerbaijan scum that lives in Russia!


That is what Western countries doing to Russians, is it right? Fuk no.

Why would you blame the people for their government actions?

I have close friends who are from the State, do I hate them? No, but that doesn’t mean I like their fuking government.

Most people don’t care…

Cuckmander Hebrew

And I hope they do the same to the blyatkovs living inside their borders since soviet times.

Actually, I hope they genocide and mass rape the moskals of Azerbaijan instead of simply killing them off.


The Russian foreign services and diplomatic corp has plenty of explaining to do. Literally every “good relation” and “partner” is co-operating with US sanctions and US foreign policy objectives (including the Chinese, Turks, and Indians). Even thought the Yeltsin-Putin administration has been openly crapping on them for decades, the only people who aren’t acting like total c-nts are the Iranians, and North Koreans. All the rest of the “partners” are worse then worthless.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vanya
Abraham Lincoln


You are a fool. They all get their food from Russia and import or export energy because Russia allows it.

I guess Paul Craig Roberts is right stupid morons like you think patience is weakness, Do you think Russia will be nice to them like it is being with its Ukrainian brothers????

If you are, so confident why don’t you volunteer to go to the front lines against Russia????

Russia can wipeout the Turkish armed forces and economy and economic infrastructure in a few days. So, no electricity, running water, gas or oil or food. How well will Turkey function let alone the Turkish armed forces function without these things???

Russia hasn’t even started with anyone yet and can destroy Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazastan, Turkey, Usbekistan, Chechnya, Georgia easily and quickly in a few days all at the same time and with the help of Iran and China which they don’t need, even faster. The Russian army is now the best trained and battle-hardened army on the planet.

Random Guy

Ukraine has supplied tonnes of ammunition to Azerbaijan during Karabakh war while Russia was supplying Armenia. This is simply a payback at a time of need. I am suprised to see the suprised comments.

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