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MARCH 2025

Armenia Says Peacekeepers “Welcome” In Nagorno-Karabakh Amid Developing Azerbaijani Advance

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Armenia Says Peacekeepers "Welcome" In Nagorno-Karabakh Amid Developing Azerbaijani Advance

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On October 22nd, the Artsakh Ministry of Defense released a new video purportedly showing Syrian militants in Nagorno-Karabakh, fighting alongside the Azerbaijan Armed Forces.

“Various sabotage groups of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan penetrate into different settlements in the front-line zone trying to create panic, often just take pictures, sometimes they burn houses in settlements. These enemy groups are very small in number – after one counterattack, they run away from these settlements, do not return for a long time. The brightest evidence of this is Hadrut and Fizuli,” Armenian Ministry of Defense representative Artsrun Hovhannisyan said.

He also said that battles were raging along the Artsakh-Iranian border.

“Fierce battles are taking place on the Artsakh-Iran border. Full control of Azerbaijan is out of the question. If their troops see the Araks River in some narrow places, this does not mean full control,” Artsrun Hovhannisyan said.

He also claimed that Azerbaijani forces tried to advance west, north and northwest but were suppressed.

A new video was released showing presumed losses by the Azerbaijan side.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan claimed that UN peacekeepers being brought in was a desirable scenario.

“The introduction of peacekeepers is acceptable to us. I can say that Azerbaijan’s views on the composition of peacekeepers will not coincide with Armenia’s views on this issue. If we talk about compromises, then the presence of Russian peacekeepers can also become a compromise version. The Russian Federation has good relations with both Azerbaijan and Armenia. It is very important to reckon with the views of other regional countries, it is important that specific peacekeeping forces stabilize the region, and not vice versa.”

So far, according to officially released numbers, 900 Armenian soldiers have lost their lives fighting on the frontline.

An Azerbaijani prisoner of war spoke about Turkish specialists who prepared soldiers of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces for war.

According to him, they trained soldiers of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces for 10-15 days.

“They are still there,” he said.

The Iranian Telegram channel Azariha showed the destruction of houses of residents of Iran’s border settlements caused by the actions of Azerbaijani troops placed along the Iranian borders.

“Instead of deploying its positions in the north-south direction, the Baku forces turned to the east-west direction.

On the other hand, Azerbaijan sends drones to Iran and has deployed militants on the Iranian border.

Isn’t it time for the Iranian army to declare a buffer zone in the depths of Nagorno-Karabakh?”, The Telegram channel wrote.

On the Azerbaijan side, during the day on October 22 and on the night of October 23, the combat operations continued with varying intensity in the Aghdere, Fizuli-Hadrut-Jabrayil, and Gubadli directions.

The Armenian forces fired at Baku’s positions using small arms, mortars, and gun-howitzers.

“Heavy strikes were inflicted on the armed forces of Armenia in the Fizuli, Jabrayil, and Gubadli directions of the front, several enemy strongholds were destroyed, important territories and high grounds were liberated as a result of the operations conducted by the Azerbaijan Army.

The main resources and military infrastructure of the enemy along the entire front were irreparably damaged. There is a shortage of military equipment, weapons, and ammunition, as well as food in the enemy units. The enemy practically lost control of the troops. Due to the lack of regular army units to defend combat positions, civilians are forcibly brought in to replace them.”

Azerbaijani President Ilham Alyiev claimed that the entire Azerbaijan-Iran border had come under Azerbaijani control.

“With the liberation of Aghband settlement, taking full control over the state border between Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran was ensured. I congratulate the people of Azerbaijan and Iran on this occasion. Long live the victorious Azerbaijani Army!” President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has made a post on his official Twitter account.


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Armenia has been let down by a treacherous cowardly clown Pashinian while Azerbaijan has full Turkish, NATO and Zionist support. This war is a disgrace for the so-called international community.


yes,clearly putin is a zog bitch and the russian people should remove him


Armenians never trusted Russia or Putin and were moving towards the west, now that process will accelerate. Turkey is signing a Strategic Pact with Ukraine and placing terrorists and troops there too and Russia is a passive bystander. Russia is now has a quisling government unfortunately.


Man! It’s been sometime now since you commented. Good to know you’re ok… Yes Putin could have sieze the opportunity to bring Armenia back on it side.. I know Iran isn’t happy either, but they have little to do for now… Maybe in a long term they’ll surely give the Zionist what they deserved in their backyard.. I also think the Armenian should withdraw from the so called seven occupied places as it stands now.


Thanks, OK for now. This is the most uneven conflict ever. I have always believed that Armenia needed to negotiate, but poor leadership and overconfidence led us down. Pishinian has been a disaster and alienated Russia from early on. Now the US is involved and siding with Turkey as always, so this conflict may escalate after their elections, if Trump stays in. Biden is anti-Turkey and that may help. Trump has coddled this criminal Erdogan. Armenia is holding out alone.


You are just brain dead.

US is never involved. US has given up that region years ago. It is like Russian involvement with Cuba. They do not really like to do anything is each other’s backyard…..


SevenMorons…anywhere there are Turks, and Israelis, be sure to find Americans in the shadows or anywhere around. Goodluck…


No. Mr. Trump is busy recovering from his Covid. And Mr. Pompeo is busy rallying other nations to counter the rise of China. US does not give a piece of shit of your Karabakh conflict.

Both Russia and Turkey are dogs. US would just like the two dogs fighting each other in the South Caucasus.


Totally BS stuff.

This war will only bring Armenia more toward Russia. It knows West can’t do anything with it.

Brave Azeris fight hard to take back their land and their homes. It was the Artskins who sent bombs into Iran….

Fleecing Rabbi

We are coming for Eurotrash Nazis, Islamists and Communists next. Watch out for Harop!


can’t wait

Jimmy Jim



yet you are supporting ukrainian nazis!!!

mental disorder?


The rabbi is brain tard today….


The Jews are only strong in the middle east. They never want to challenge the Communists. Harop drones have no use to challenge either Russia or China.


And replace him with who pray tell? some US puppet bitch.


someone with testicles


You cant eat your cake and still have it. Pashinian is anti-Russian and anti-Putin.


It is a disgrace for the international community to allow Artskins to continue to occupy Azerbaijan territory for near 30 years. The international community did not do anything while those damn’ed Artskins expelled Azeris and took away their homes.

Those Artskins should be skinned and fed to pigs….


Dead Body of ARM Soldiers at Qubadli Front – Azery Army Advancing Towards #Lachin near ARM Border! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BstVYZ5DODw

Fleecing Rabbi

Less Orthodox rats the better.

Fleecing Rabbi

Mazal Tov to our Azerbaijan Khazar victorious alliance against Orthodox blasphemous outcasts.


how many foreskins did you eat today rabbi?


rabbi? he is the classic turkish troll

Great Khan

Great Khan think not…hahaha you loser……Turkey STRONK!

Arman Melkonyan

There will be no peace on earth as long as Turkey and ISRAEL exist.


Maybe if there were no Armenians, there would be no terror, immorality and savagery in the world !!!

Arman Melkonyan


One word: taqiyya


Last word: Your defeat is near!!!!!!

Arman Melkonyan

I think Turkey’s end is near.


Armenia has already lost its way of thinking as a nation. Therefore, it is engaged in theft, fraud and vandalism.

Arman Melkonyan

If you want to get acquainted with yourself, look up the meaning of the word “psychopath”.


Supposedly you said something now ???? You are a psychopath as a nation! You can no longer say a straight word. You are chased away like a dog, you die like a dog, you still do not give up your shamelessness. You start flattering like a jackal in a helpless castle. Your Minister Pashik is now deceiving you with his words and lies. Listen to him well !!! Soon you will see Anna’s 13-man wife’s army’s depraved show in battle!

Random Dude

Two words: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/37e774855ef3bead53dec93f36977dbfff82461c97401f889d4b7e4065adf2ae.jpg

Arman Melkonyan

Jew, Consider what will happen when goyim discover what you are. It happened before. Think what they will do when they remember you raped, tortured and killed 20 million Russians. Putin is a Jew. He’s helping the other Jews, the Turks.

Keep it up.

Random Dude

yes yes, Russians, Turks, Jews. I wonder how Armenians became hated by all around them. Surely must have been something you have done wrong.

Arman Melkonyan

Jews and Turks hate everyone, especially Armenians. Unfortunately, that’s basically what there is around Armenia.

Random Dude

Weren’t Armenians quiet comfortable within Turkey? Back in the day, the drums in my garage rock band were from Zildjian. After reading his story kinda get the impression that Armenians somehow manage to piss everyone off. Seems like its has been Russia for the last couple of years.

Arman Melkonyan

For a brief period perhaps around 600 years ago when the sultan brought some Armenians (who were skilled industrious people unlike the marauding Turkish mob) to Constantinople to replace the Greeks the Turks had terrorized and killed after the conquest of the Byzantine capital city-state.

There was a pogrom of Christians in Turkey as recently as 1955 and in 1960 many of the few remaining Greeks left were kicked out with only 20 dollars they were allowed to take with them. Christians were forced into bankruptcy via exorbitant taxation, or they had the choice to starve and die in hard labor camps according to laws passed by the Turkish government in 1942-3 I believe. Christians cannot work in the public sector in Turkey. Most Armenians who could left Turkey. The few remaining Armenians are a highly apolitical, fearful and conformist bunch, almost debilitated I’d say from the few I met on the West Coast.

So what kind of music did you play?

Random Dude

Alternative Rock. And how did Armenians suddenly land on the bad side of Turks?

Arman Melkonyan

Like Nirvana/Pearl Jam probably?

Look, it’s not an Armenian thing. The Turks themselves keep repeating today on TV and newspapers that the Turk has no friend but the Turk. It’s not an Armenian thing, my friend.

What distinguishes the Armenians’ plight is the fact that Turks chose or more accurately were constrained to call the Armenian homeland their own motherland. So the Armenians had nowhere to run. They were unarmed and outnumbered and most of them were pacific people who did not imagine Turks could do such a thing. Turks were kicked out of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Romania, etc. Having committed plenty of atrocities and genocides there: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Ottoman_Bulgaria


Here’s how the Turks’ oppression and extreme hatred of the Armenians’ started in earnest: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hamidian-massacres

Look, why don’t you research a bit on your own how the Turks treated the peoples they conquered if you really care about all this? You will learn plenty in half an hour searching the internet.

Here’s a movie you may want to watch: https://archive.org/details/TimeOfViolenceaStoryOfBalkanChristiansUnderOttomanMuslimRule

Random Dude

I get all that. But think about it. They were peacefully coexisting together, and suddenly things went bad. How did it happen, who started it, who enticed it? Just trying to get to the bottom of this. I have pretty good idea how it started, but not sure if you are interested in my ideas. You are welcome to have your version though.

Arman Melkonyan

The most recent fighting, the Turks and the Azeris started it.

Random Dude

Azerbaijan is just restoring its territorial integrity. You might disagree with it, but try to take it to ICC, you will see their response. And I don’t think it started last month. Otherwise Armenia wouldn’t be in blockade for decades.

Arman Melkonyan

As I explained to you in detail with credible links and references from independent sources appended, it started over a century ago.

I don’t think you’re reading it, that’s your choice.

Have a nice day.

Random Dude

International law doesn’t work like that. In post ww2 world, you need the recognition from UN. Armenia neither wanted nor was able to get annexation or even independence recognized. They haven’t even recognized it themselves. Doesn’t matter who petted the dinosaurs

Arman Melkonyan

The UN doesn’t recognize the Turkish Republic of Cyprus either.

I don’t see you bitching about that, for some reason.

The UN also doesn’t recognize illegal Israeli settlements.


Random Dude

Yes it doesn’t. And I never claimed otherwise. Unlike your opinion put up against UN (literally the whole world)

Arman Melkonyan

I said it started over a century ago?

Random Dude

i did, and most Armenians say

Arman Melkonyan

Perhaps you’re thinking of this? It’s a repost:

I will be the last person on earth defending Soros and his ilk importing rapefugees into Europe to rape our women and kill our children.


All those things you mentioned Russia brought it on herself and its former soviet republics by not dealing with them honestly and equitably. Russia has been ruled by Frankist Bolsheviks and subversive Jewish interests for over a century now. Research what the Frankist are and you will understand the reason behind Russia’s erratic and perfidious behavior. The Frankist Jews believe that evil is good; that the greatest amount of suffering is necessary to attain salvation.

Returning to facts on the ground, the Armenians cannot forget how they were betrayed by the Russians in the recent past: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi… https://en.wikipedia.org/wi… The Russians allowed the civilian Azeri population to rape, torture and massacre Armenians living in Azerbaijan and only intervened later to assert their control. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were ethnically cleansed from their homes in Azerbaijan between 1988 and 1990.

When you add the fact that the Russians under Frankist Bolshevik rule gave away Armenian lands to the Turks and HELPED and EQUIPPED the Turkish army to defeat and massacre the remaining Christian population of Anatolia and the Caucuses, no-one can blaim the Armenians for distrusting Russia and seeking alliances elsewhere.

In fact, Russia leaves them no choice: if Armenians cannot find a way out, they will forever be landlocked, suffocated and oppressed due to Russia’s collaboration with Turkey and Azerbaijan to keep Armenia down to the level of a subsistence existence itself only allowed as a strategic check, for the purposes of erecting a wall between Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The world can see that Russia betrays ALL its allies, the Syrians, the Persians, the Armenians, and especially the Slavic brothers of Serbia.

As for the Pashinyan and Soros misadventure. The Turks have a saying: He who falls into the sea will even latch on to a serpent out of desperation.

Jimmy Jim


Random Dude

Turkey and Israel live to make piece with Armenia. One piece here, one piece there.

Arman Melkonyan


Random Dude

oh, my bad. did you need your ears?

Arman Melkonyan

You are enjoying this.

Random Dude

little bit. are going to join the war or not?

Arman Melkonyan

It’s not my country. I can’t help them militarily unlike the Russians who are supposed to be their allies and who have national security reasons to do so. If I could do more, I would.

Random Dude

Don’t have to be Armenian citizen. Even if your surname is not in fact Melkonyan, don’t have to be ethnically Armenian either. You can still go join them in the fight. Of course if you want to. Russians apparently don’t. So up to you now.

Arman Melkonyan

Even if I wanted to, I’m not a fighter and I’m too old. I don’t understand their language. I’d be a liability to them, just another mouth to feed.

Assuming you asked in good faith.

Random Dude

But there are plenty of old people fighting on Armenian side. I don’t think they are very picky right now. In good faith, it is absolutely up to you if you want to go to fight or not. But it definitely is hypocritical if you are here and asking other nationalities to fight

Arman Melkonyan

That’s not what I’m doing.

I didn’t ask you nor anybody else to fight for or against the Azeris.

My aim is to tell the truth and expose others’ lies.

However it is not in the Russians’ best interests to collaborate with or appease the Turks.

But the Russians are a cowed people ruled by their Frankist crypto-Jewish masters, in my opinion.

Putin — himself a crypto-Jew — is an errand boy for the Frankist neo-Bolsheviks.

Random Dude

Well thats you opinion that its not in Russian interest to collaborate with Turks. What if they think otherwise. Isn’t it up to them to decide?

Arman Melkonyan


I didn’t ask anyone, including the Russians, to be on the side of the Armenians nor fight for them.

Unlike the Azeris and the Turks who are making Muslim terrorists fight and die in their place as cannon fodder.

That doesn’t mean what the Russians are doing is good for them. They are proving to the world and to themselves that they are an unethical, cynical, short-term-profit-oriented depraved race. Good luck for a great bright future for Mother Russia with that.

Just like in cowed Europe, birth rates are declining in Russia. That’s what happens when you are amoral, apathetic and cynical. Turks and Muslims love it as they are having lots of offspring and replacing the Russian, European and generally what were more civilized peoples — in the past that is.

You are most likely a Jew yourself and quite happy about that. But the same things apply to you.

Have a great day.

Random Dude

no one is stopping anyone from multiplying. can’t put one persons problems on someone else.

Arman Melkonyan

Live long and prosper.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ebd55260e29b56cd9e1ebe3c677ce32ef6239803ee9a7bab2add39bd4926c2d1.jpg This was stated by Valera Hayrapetyan and Edik Tonoyan.

“My name is Valera Hayrapetyan Ashotovich. I am from Khankendi, I was born there in 1997. On September 27, I was called home to go to the military commissariat. But I refused and they came to me the next day. I was told that if I refused, I would be arrested. I was taken to the front line – Hadrut. Then they said we had to retreat. There were about 400 people, then we went in different directions. We went to Fizuli. We came under fire there. I ran away. I realized that I did not come here to fight, I was shot. I had to flee. Eight people joined me. We started to cross the mountains. We did not know where to go. The next morning I heard the voices of the Azerbaijani military. We told them we did not want to fight, this is not our territory. We just told them to surrender and live. I appeal to the Armenian people. It is not necessary to fight for something that does not belong. Do not send your sons and husbands to die in vain.

Another prisoner is Edik Solakovich Tonoyan: “I am Edik Solakovich Tonoyan. I was born in 1975 in the village of Metsavan (Shahnazar) in Armenia. After the war started on September 27, I and my son were arrested and taken to the military commissariat. I agreed to serve in Armenia. I did not want to go to Karabakh, because it is not our land. If necessary, I am ready to serve for Armenia, but not for Karabakh. Then they took me to Gorus and gave us weapons. We did not want to take weapons, but they said. Then it was taken to the territory of Azerbaijan – Horadiz region. We started digging trenches there. After the bombing, we stood up and ran away. Those who were with me were young people, they managed to escape, but I could not escape. I decided to surrender. I appeal to all the Armenian people. My dear compatriots, send your children to fight on the territory of Azerbaijan do not let go. We used to live well, we had good neighborly relations. “

Great Khan

Valera man look Indian…boy loook very scared….Armeni stupid…hahahhaha

Random Dude

arien race as they call themselves


Its like i said,the usual suspects are trying to pull Iran and Russia into the conflict,Iran may have no option,as for Russia if they send in peacekeepers i can see a situation where those Syrian Wahabi bastards attack them,it could end up like South Ossettia where Russian peacekeepers were attacked by that tie eating piece of shit Saackashvili


My word is to the owners of this site. What are you trying to get with such low-false news-videos? Either remain neutral or shed light on the truth! But you are an Armenian supporter, you write in their favor. Why? Aren’t you interested in the truth? The truth is that Azerbaijan is a Turkic state with an ancient history dating back to BC. There has never been an occupier or terrorist state. In the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, Azerbaijan’s riches and men showed the greatest support to Russia in winning! Today, it is a just state that stands by its power and strength and defends its rights within the framework of international law, trying to return the lands occupied by the Armenians for almost 30 years. Who are the Armenians? A tribe with no history, no borders, engaged in theft and immorality! What contribution have they made to the international community? What great support did they show to Russia? Look, all terrorist groups in the world are of Armenian origin. Armenians only support terrorism in the international arena. Which country did they provide humanitarian assistance to? In no way did they show a benevolent position! Only women (like Kim Kardashian) were nominated to steal the traditions, culture and wealth of other countries. Where are their ancient commanders, writers, artists, composers? Fortunately, Russia owns these homeless beggar tribes. However, Russia, knowing their ugly nature and nature, did not give them land in Russia. Instead, in the early 20th century, these savages settled in the lands of ancient Azerbaijan by the Russian Empire. Iravan khanate, Zangazur province, Zangazur lake are the lands and territory of ancient Azerbaijan. Look at the ancient maps of one world and everything will be clear! As soon as they failed, they came to live in Azerbaijan and later, claiming land, abused their treacherous plans on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and occupied Karabakh, the main motherland of Azerbaijan. That is the truth! You already know that! Those who have a comfortable opinion here … who would agree that someone would come and savagely evict him from his land where he lives? Will you endure this for 30 years? Sooner or later, even if you are not, your children will be held accountable! That is why no one has the right to condemn Azerbaijan today! Azerbaijan is doing the right thing today! Today, the world powers accept this in Russia, Europe and America. It is necessary to be a neighbor of such a strong, well-intentioned country as Azerbaijan. Because Azerbaijan is always ready to be a brother to its neighbors, to help each other in any difficulties. It is an exemplary tolerant country in the world. Representatives of all nationalities live in Azerbaijan. Victory has always been just and fair. Today, Azerbaijan is winning!


You are talking about ancient map in the 21st century. May be the red Indians should return their land stolen by USSA?

Great Khan

Yes, fat American steal too much….hahahhaa


You learn history better! America has been invaded by European countries and committed genocide against the Red Indians. And the whole world knows this. They have been paying compensation for years. They have even made films about their fascism and admitted their guilt. The truth is that the people of Azerbaijan are not red Indians, and the Armenians are the occupying Europeans! Not only 30 years, even a century later, Azerbaijan has not given an inch of land to the ungrateful Armenians! Are you relieved now?

Great Khan

Great Khan like, Armeni no people but donkey tribe hahahahhaha


stop spam


Yes, Armenia is very dangerous spam for the world! :)))

Karamanids Khan

Armenian lies part 1 https://twitter.com/sammurado/status/1319292792691134464

Karamanids Khan

known people who live in Turkey, the Azerbaijani army was shown as dead as military. https://twitter.com/AsbGhost1/status/1319210653253570561

Karamanids Khan

Liesss, Youtuber with 1.5 million followers was portrayed dead in the Azeri army. :))))))))))))))))))))))))) aahah


Karamanids Khan

Tarkan, ahahahahaha https://twitter.com/esvetkocak/status/1319230929748054016


So much junk here at SF. Some people are BS, spammer, hater….


Then please feel free to leave this site. :)


You are the shit I’m talking about. You are the junk…


Oh nooo. Seven Moons has hurt my feelings. :(((


said Pakistani paid bot

Random Dude

Volodya, we have missed you. come more often


Head of Nagorno-Karabakh authorities Arayik Harutyunyan is asking Putin to intervene and make parties to return to the diplomatic path of conflict resolution

Such an idiot. Begging, keep begging for your master’s help. The help will never come. You Artskin pig…


Թուրքական խոզուկ :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0627df7e1dfbe653612ed06daaff2432d61e3735a7b93aad9ab167b95fdb089c.jpg

Lazy Gamer

Armenia will have to deal with this alone. The diplomatic front did not slack. It is just that everyone wants Azerbaijan to take NK. Armenia should remember who were its true friends in this phase. Arayik should now work for evacuation.

Arman Melkonyan

Who were they, these friends you talk about?

No-one said the Armenians are right. No-one stood with them.

Just some empty words by some cynical politicians like Macron.

Everyone, including the Greeks (who sold our national assets to the Germans who were massacring us not long ago), the French and the Russians, agree that NK belongs to the Azeris.

Lazy Gamer

Man stop being an ass. You do know that even if governments were not taking action, there were people who volunteered to go to the front.

Arman Melkonyan

Yes, individuals. Who will not be remembered by most on either side nor by their own people.

Those are the heroes of Bhagavad Gita.

I don’t know them but I love them.

Crystal Clarke Jewellery


Random Dude

Doubt anyone will ask Armenia anymore. Legally Azerbaijani land, and soon fully physically Azerbaijani lands as well. So will be purely Azerbaijani decision if they want any peacekeepers or not.

cechas vodobenikov

more new turk/CIA bots at SF celebrating death and genocide—they are brave because 7000 die for a few empty villages —7 morons now 2 1/2 gomiks

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