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Azerbaijan TV Shared First Footage From Captured Positions In Nagorno-Karabakh

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On October 1, Azerbaijan TV shared the first footage of several recently-captured positions in the districts of Fizuli and Jabrayil in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Fizuli and Jabrayil are both located in the southeastern part of Nagorno-Karabakh. In the early days of the clashes in the region, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan announced the capture of a number of positions in the two districts. Back then, the Armenian military said its forces had recaptured all lost positions there.

Azerbaijan TV’s footage shows equipment, weapons, personal belongings and papers which had been left behind by Armenian troops.

Fizuli and Jabrayil are reportedly among the main targets of the Azerbaijani military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh, which began on September 27.

Turkey is supporting the Azerbaijani operation with Syrian militants and allegedly playing a main role in aerial attacks on Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. The overwhelming fire power of Azerbaijani forces have, thus far, inflicted serious losses on Armenian forces.

Despite the advance made by Azerbaijani forces in Fizuli and Jabrayil, the battle is still far from being over. Armenian troops are showing fierce resistance and adopting to the conditions of the battle.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Looks like in a week or 2 Pashinyan will call Putin in help and Putin will impose his terms.. Hint:Good-bye pro-western policies.


We know so well that Russia won’t save Armenians in N-K. Russians blood is not to be shed in another foreign land. US will never get involved in that mess.

Leave those Armenians to dig their own graves in N-K.

Servet Köseoğlu

When Russia says stop both sides will have to stop….Russian army doesnt need to intervene besides Russia is in a win-win position..Us can not get involved in caucaus..İts Russians back-yard..


You see what happened in Syria and Libya? Of course Russian army does not want to get involved. You right with that.

Porc Halal

In fact, I am more concerned and very surprised with the fact that Russia has allowed the turks to get involved in this conflict…

Servet Köseoğlu

We dont get involved in conflict…check your sources which gives you 1/4 truth and skewing perspective…

Porc Halal

Ofcourse you are biased because you are turk but I know that islamist turkish goverment and its army is involved big time…but ok, you can deny that, who cares…

Servet Köseoğlu

if you dont care then dont ask me anymore questions…you dont have any solid proof that we get directly involved..This is what happens when opinions that don’t fit your agenda,narrative. Even going outside of your area of expertise you still find a way to discredit my or someone opinions.

Porc Halal

I did not ask you anything, just read what i wrote…don’t make up words like you are a magician…

Servet Köseoğlu

dont tell me ”biased” then you have no idea what you are talking about..

Porc Halal

pS…and, btw, why should I ask you anything first of all?! ..are you a wise man or something?!

Servet Köseoğlu

of course not but ı am telling you nicely check your sources,we didnt get directly involved

Porc Halal

Yep, I’m checking my sources very carefuly…and not because you are asking me nicely or otherwise…

Porc Halal

One thing I can tell you for sure…i don’t use any turkish source of information since it is full of shit right from the start!…


I’m not surprised at all. Why Russia would stop Turkey?

Porc Halal

I don’t know, why should they not???…sorry?

Great Khan

Russia stop no one, fat American everywhere now, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and soon Belarus.


Can you elaborate how Turkey involved? If you are talking about arm sales then yes.

Porc Halal


and this is just on of the side…


I am sorry, but I don’t take country leaders’ words as an evidence. Erdogan lies, Macron lies, Trump lies, Putin lies…. Do I really have to state that they can’t be trusted?

I really expect a solid evidence.

Porc Halal

tell me who’s the source you trust the most?..and what do you understand by “solid evidence”? Will pictures or videos work for you?…if erdoggy dog has moved around its islamic primates from syria to libya and yemen then back to syria, why would he not move these islamic savages to armenia (N-K) to fulfil his wet dreams?!…even a 6 years child would figure out what’s the plan of the mad (islamic) dog with regards to the so called union between turkey and azerbaidjan…his belicous declarations (of a mad dog) let the audience understand that he will use any kind of resources (direct or not) to “help” the azerbaidjani agressors to fulfil his goals…


A video with geolocation backup would do fine. I would accept that. Visual evidence for the bodies of killed mercenaries also would be fine. I think I was being clear, I only ask for a solid evidence, but it seems that you are still trying to convince me with words. Still I am not saying that he did not send them to Azerbaijan, I simply ask for evidence because (I repeat) I did not see a solid evidence so far! After all this talk, only thing I get… Macron’s speech…. I

Porc Halal

Let me order that because I am the fucking chief in charge of the army of the fucking who ever country has their military satelites focused on that teritory, ok?!…how is that sounds to you, fair enough?!…


If you make an argument you have to prove it, otherwise don’t make an argument simple as that.

Porc Halal

I just proved you earlier….the statement of france through its president…you know that macron despite being an (useful) idiot, is (in the first place) the president of a state who has military and intelligence structures that no one should ignore their capabilities of gaterung information from around the world…


Let me simplify what you have just said. France is capable of gathering intel –> Macron tells the truth

If you don’t see nothing wrong with this, we don’t really need to argue at all.

Porc Halal

And so lets put an end to this worthless discussion…

Great Khan

Macron little boy who marry his grandmother.


Both Russia and US has lose its ways in this world. No one wants to face a mad dog like Turkey is. N-K is just a lose cause for any party to get involved. France, Russia, Iran and US. They do not and can’t care about N-K situation.

It is not a just occupation. Google map does not even mark N-K region in its map. It is inside Azerbaijan. No country recognizes N-K as a country.

Tudor Miron

“No one wants to face a mad dog like Turkey is” Do you know what happens to mad dogs? Its always the same story. Poor animal gets killed.

Harry Smith

About 2 mln Azerbaijanis are working now in Russia. So Putin doesn’t need to send any troops, but he can order immigration dept to send those Azerbaijanis home. It will be a real catastrophe for Aliev and his govt. BTW I am for Azerbaijanis in this conflict and they make best kebab in the town I live.

Servet Köseoğlu

Azerbaijan is also main client of Russia in fact better than Armenia with its population,resources and higher-gdp and Aliyexv ex-kgb..Putin doesnt to threat anyone he will call both sides to Moscow for negotiations thats all..

Fog of War

No country should allow that many foreign workers on its soil. I guess there’s no unemployment in Russia and all Russians are happily employed, right ? SMH .

Fog of War

” Us can not get involved in caucaus..İts Russians back-yard.. ” Whos going to stop them Russia ?

Servet Köseoğlu

Yes especially in caucaus Usa cant even dare go against Russia…2008 Georgia,2014 Crimea…

Fog of War

Those conflicts involved Russian troops directly, this is different. There is nothing stopping NATO from introducing ” peacekeepers ” when the time comes, Russia’s backyard or not. Once again, this ” war ” has multiple purposes, one of the main ones is to Surround Iran, from yet, another side. Why do you think Israhell is so deeply involved ?

Tudor Miron

And where are those nato ” peacekeepers ” in Donbass, Crimea, South Osetia?

Fog of War

Reading comprehension is not your forte is it ? Crimea = Russian troops involved. South Osteia = Russian troops involved. Donbass = Ukrainian territory, no peace keeping troops were requested by either side. Armenia and Azerbaijani = Could both agree to a peace keeping force of Western NATO troops and Turkish troops ( also NATO ) .

Tudor Miron

Creature, learn the subject before you post. 102th Russian military base is situated in Armenia. 4000 Russian troops.

Fog of War

I dont think you understand what creature means in English, as its never realy used as an insult idiot. Either way, the Russians will not do anything to help in NK, as even they must understand that its a trap. Addtionally, if Aremnia was to lose NK, the Armenian population will be so furious with the Russians that they will demand their withdrawl, base agreement or not, At which point NATO moves in by Armenian request . Not to mention what I already stated earlier about the peacekeepers. This might be a checkmate for Russia as well as more NATO troops on another border of Iran. Hows that for Chess creature ?


Russia need not to send troops to area to stop Azerbaijan and Armenia. Russia get what she wanted and gave the message to Armenia: “you are nothing without me”. Pashinyan’s policies bothers Russia, they don’t want another Ukrain. My guess is that they will let Armenia to be smashed a little more and then, they will interrupt this conflict diplomatically.


Armenia is just too small and too remote for the West to get involved. It is a totally different story vs Ukraine.

Russia will never have another Ukraine at that corner of the world. Look at what happed to Georgia?


Armenians have the 2nd biggest diaspora after Jews. They may be physically far from west, but today, physical distances are not that vital.


That is exactly why people resent those Armenian diaspora. They do not want Armenia + N-K to become another Israel.


People resent? I am not so sure about this.


You just do now know.

Armenia’s occupation of N-K and other part of Azerbaijan has no support. Even even Israel and Russia.


No, no, I mean I was doubtful about this statement. I really don’t think that people resent Armenian Diaspora. Almost all westerners see Armenian cause as the legit one, because they are christians.

Porc Halal

Right…where are the western so called allies of armenian government now to help from turkish-azeris invasion?!..


Who said that Armenia has western allies? Even if West would be so enthusiastic about supporting Armenia, on paper Azerbaijan fighting against Republic of Artsakh, not Armenia. UN and the West do not recognize this state and accepts them as seperatists. So… why would they?

Abot sending fighters from Syria. May I ask an evidence for this? But please don’t quote from SOHR or SANA please… they are probably one of the worst agencies in the area. Your tone seems aggresive, don’t get me wrong though, I am not asking these in an aggresive tone. I am simply asking that if you can any solid proof to me about this claim. Then yes, ı will agree you.

John Brown

No the current Armenian government has to go and not just resign but to jail fro treason as they caused the Azeri attack

Same with Ukraine and Georgia as NATO just said Georgia will become a member soon. As Russia is now strong enough and as soon as NORD 2 is done I bet Russian and China counters all these USSA regime change moves with their own counter regime change moves


Interesting if Georgia becomes a NATO member. Then Russia wants to carve more out of Georgia before that happens.

Servet Köseoğlu

Maybe he will resign maybe he will flee to Los Angeles or Paris..Putin is kind person he will not totally humiliate Pashinyan,nicely tells his conditions thats all..Armenia and Azerbaijan eternally Siamese fighting fishes which they have to attack each other because of living in same tank.


So far, Russian, French and Iranian people have been accusing the Azeris of using jihadist mercenaries and creating the ground for the operation. I consider the Azeris already finished.

Servet Köseoğlu

we’ll see…but ı am sure they will take into account your consideration:)))


But of course …. you see I know almost everything …. even the tattoo you have on your shoulder. ha ha ha … I know everyone’s movements. Iam Seitan asker xa xa xa

Servet Köseoğlu

lol..tattoo he says…


The Armenian and Azeri people are the useful idiots who will be sacrificed for the plans of the great ones. All these are designs … of decades. !! I know what they are planning…yes your tattoo

Servet Köseoğlu

yes yes there is always higher architectures who designates everything to inches like zionists..ahahah


But the ancient mysteries of Zionism exist …. and it is not necessary for a Zionist to be a Jew. !!

Servet Köseoğlu

ok..ı am gone..this is my last post… ı wont be here a while…


Yes, I know you are going to Azerbaijan to take part in the war. Hahahaha

Great Khan

You speak truth.

Great Khan

Russia will not intervene directly as this is a border dispute. Armenian occupation of Nogorno-Karabakh is not recognized by Russia or anyone. This is turning into a slow moving war of attrition and the Great Khan’s Togrog is on Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Random Dude

NO!!!! this is FAKE NEWS!!! Brave Armenian soldiers are drinking tea in Baku, Azerbaijan is using militants from other places: Syrians, Libyans, Pakistanis, Mexican cartel, Japanese Yakuza, Chinese Triad, Australian Aboriginals, Freeza, Avengers and also Darth Vader. But still cannot take an inch of territory.


No, it is HK triad. Those HK people will never go to the mountains in N-K. They would rather enjoy their coffee in London. Paid by UK or US. Not even a single drop of blood will be shed.


Armenia made a huge mistake, thinking that Russia would back them up in this conflict. Azerbaijan is well equipped and armed with deadly weapons, have more manpower and got more support from Turkey. As someone here compared it’s like Israel vs Syria, and we all know who is the winner.

Ishyrion Av

Like David vs Goliat, yes? Who won that time? Oh, yes, it was….


Very happy to see that Azeris taking back its land…. More to come.


Problem is that we don’t know what date the footage comes from. Regardless, the battle is still raging and it’s clear very little land has changed hands.

Pave Way IV

How does either country find money for a military, FFS? Two poverty-stricken shithole countries overflowing with a geezer workforce that are either unemployed or slave away in shitty, low-paying service industry jobs. Caveman agriculture with dirt-poor old geezer scratch farmers that can’t even feed their families or livestock. Young people fleeing in droves for the last decade to ‘the West’ or to Russia to have any sort of future. And (arguably) things are marginally *better* economically that in the past, and that despite thieving, corrupt politicians from both countries stealing everything that isn’t nailed down from their own people.

Before killing each other over territorial disputes, both countries should roll out the woodchippers and ‘reeducate’ their respective governments into fertilizer. Instead, the slaves on both sides seem eager to march into the meatgrinder at the urging of foreign powers. Sure, nationalistic pride and mutual hate, but am I missing something here? If the ‘war’ ends tomorrow, both sides are still going to wake up in the same dismal shitholes. On top of that, the insane solders are not wearing face diapers or maintaining proper social distancing. Homicidal maniacs!

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