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Azerbaijan Wrongly Accused Armenia Of Firing Tactical Ballistic Missiles

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On September 30, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan accused the Armenian military of firing OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles against its forces, which are carrying out a large-scale offensive on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The ministry backed its accusation by posting a photo on Twitter allegedly showing the remains of one of the Tochka missiles fired by Armenian forces. However, the remains were identified as a BM-30 Smerch 300 mm rocket. Once confronted by its mistake, the ministry quickly deleted the tweet and published another with a stock image of an Armenian Tochka launcher.

The Armenian military is known to be operating at least six BM-30 Smerch multiple rocket launch systems as well as 40 OTR-21 missile launchers.

The Azerbaijani MoD’s claims are part of the ongoing propaganda war between the two countries. Both sides have been caught sharing false information or trying to exaggerate their achievements since the outbreak of the clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh.

In its recent statements, the Azerbaijani MoD claimed that its troops had neutralized 2,300 Armenian service members and destroyed an S-300 air-defense system. On the other side, the Armenian MoD claimed that its forces had destroyed over 160 Azerbaijani vehicles and had shot down 49 drones.


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Wonder how many of those missiles Armenia has? They are going to deplete them really quickly.

During the meanwhile, Azeris have plenty drones and can destroy 4-6 tanks with one drone. That is a good deal. Very quickly those Armenian armors and artillery will be gone.

Then Azeris can release the Syrian rats all over N-K and infect those Armenians.


You love rats dont you, you are probaly a turkisis rat your self.


No. I like rats to infest those Armenia in N-K. You expelled local Azeris. That is war crime.


Nobody was expelled. Nagorno Karabah is 99.9 % Armenian populated and it shall unite with Armenia if the people want to. turgay’s days are numbered. Not just the sultan but the country it self as a whole. Kurdistan will be created soon taking 1/4 of turkey in the south east. Armenia eventually will take not only Nagorno Karabah but its lands now occupied by turkey all the way to Erzerum. And Greece on the other side will enter and free Konstantinopole again as wel las the whole of the Minor Asia Aegean coast all the way to 200 kms west of Ankara.



Soo there won’t be any Armenians in N-K…..

Антон С

By the way, hohols used “Point” (“Tochka”) against people of LDNR. Armenia is defending in heavy situation, but still not using their main caliber. Feel the difference between army and neo-nazist gang.

johnny rotten



Very interesting, this is the first detailed analysis I’ve seen that favors Armenia.


Dont believe anything coming from turkisis-israzerbaijan.



Антон С

All sides and Turkey are not trustworthy, if try to be unbiased. Trusted numbers – if the sides recognizing their own losses. But they will never recognize all casualties, especially in the time of combat.


Do not believe those Armenia CIA spies too.

All rubbish.


No you are rubbish!


Watch out, we might decide to send some suicide drones on your Greeko navy and sink you in the East Med.



Its the jew with the big mouth !

He is going to send words again and kill us all!




Everytime you disrespect my country I will humiliate you Greeko, say thanks we are not enemies.


ok, let me know when you are going to humiliate me. hahahahah dumbass!


I just did? but seriously, your paranoia that we and Turkey are working to get you has hurt your reality perception. Not everyone is there to get you.


You did ? You humiliated me ?

In what universe what you wrote above has humiliated me ?

You are as dumb as box of horses pubic hair !


Again, till you and the rest of your Greeko friends here learn how to behave like humans and not liek animals, you will get the ugly side of me.



hahahahahahaha go play with your toys jewkid. hahahahahahahaha


You see? you keep proving my point. I mean, you don’t write any logical comments based on facts and only attack other people that don’t share your views. Even I can have a talk with Hezbollah guys here, like Ali or Rafik. The simple solution would be to block you, but I already blocked most of your Greeko friends here and it would feel a bit quiet. So, how about you learn to behave?


Do you need tissue, are you going to cry ?

You cant handle it but you always come back for more jewsnake. You got your self to blame, nobody else. I wiil be here forever kicking your silly jew backside. You can count on that. Ok , now go back to your momy, she ll make some warm milk and biscuits for you.


I don’t take you very seriously and you know that, when you see real action in your life (which I hope you won’t have to), then we can compare each others experience. You can call me in names and curse Jews / Israelis, but the solid fact is that just like Iran you know what we can do to our enemies in an all out war, and that makes you shake from the inside.



You never fought a real war like Greece did :

1. war of independence 1821 against the ottoman empire (WON). 2. BALKAN WAR 1 (WON. 3. BALKAN WAR 2 (WON). 4. WW1 (WON)

5. WAR AGAINST TURKEY AGAIN (The soviets saved them from total anihilation) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/FvkZqLe.jpg) 5. WW2 kicked Mussolinis back to Tirana in albania and lost to Germany in the end. (WON).

WHAT THE F*CK has israel done?



You bring old wars, with old equipment. Modern day battlegrounds are far different in tactics and warfare, something you have no real experience with except for NATO drills. It’s good, it means your soldiers can stay alive and have another cold beer, I wouldn’t want anything bad happening to you.


dumb ass, dont you know the Greek airforce (HAL) is the best in NATO together with the yanks ?

How many years in a row the Greeks win those ‘best pilot’ awards and sh1t ? Waht the f*ck do you know?

Only how to shoot litle kids that hold sligshots with your rifles ?

And where is the israeli army in the world? Apart from entering Gaza to terrorize women and kids and old people?

Stupid jew!


Pray to God your pilots won’t have to face one day against Israeli ones, because the score would be in our favour. You should go read how Greek pilots beg to train with our pilots, and they say they learn something new everytime. I don’t need to terrorize anyone, unless he has a firearm or shooting rockets here. Don’t do it, and I promise I won’t come in the middle of the night to get you.


Υοu will fart on my testicles!



Not really, you would most probably be dead in less than 60 seconds….



Icarus Tanović

How about you face me?


Come you bitch.

Icarus Tanović

Choose neutral ground.

Peter Jennings

I’ll tell you what the isreali apartheid regime has done, they run to america with their bleeding hearts and sob stories and claim they are being persecuted. The US fights their wars and the regime claims the credit.

Icarus Tanović

Who gives a shit who you’re Zionistic pig taking seriously?


P.S, in the meantime here is a video for you, some of that I’ve done myself few years ago. Pick your battles Smoking Man, and hope we won’t ever be enemies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKceJPKLej4


Was that after or before you murdered the children?



There’s no arguing that Israeli army is a bunch of child-killer cowards, but be aware that the lower-left image is a photo-montage and fake.

Icarus Tanović

You stupid degenerate, you are just sinking lower.

Icarus Tanović

HOLD ON TIGHT! Here comes big Zions fart straight atcha! Hahahahahaha, he’s such a bum.

Icarus Tanović

That is your face, right? The ugly side of you.

Icarus Tanović

Try out to humiliate me, Zionistic melted iron.


You slavic bitch, shut your mouth. This is not the Balkans here.

Icarus Tanović



Attacking a greek ship, means attacking NATO!!


Only if they come to us, like he says.

Icarus Tanović

Can’t wait to see that.

Servet Köseoğlu

Eh Aliyev your Nepotism and probably micro-nationalism never disappoints me..


Aren’t you a turk? Shouldn’t you love Aliyev?

I wonder how long before a shia coup will hang Aliyev and all of his family members.

Servet Köseoğlu

it has nothing to do with being Turk.. ı am criticising his obvious mistakes… I wonder how long before a shia coup will hang Aliyev and all of his family members.. Well it is only possible in a dimension where all beings are addicted to gladiator-like television programs.


Aliyev is not exactly loved in his country. His is a diabolic copy of Erdogan. He and his family control everything, from the government to the big “private” corporations.

And I suppose ( correct me if I am wrong ) that he is a sunny.


He identifies himself as a Shia. Some strange kind of Shi’a that Saudis love… But the rest is correct

Icarus Tanović

Not really, he’s a snake and Wahhabi. Covert, but it is obvious.




CIA spy.


Who me ? Hahhahah no you wrong, I am FBI !

Icarus Tanović



I’ve been saying this for years: war between Russia and Turkey is inevitable. I hope the Russian people are ready for this.


There won’t be Turkey Russia war. This is just like US vs China. There won’t be war.

But N-K is like South China Sea. US can’t stop China to exercise its control.


US cannot stop China or the rise of a multipolar world but they will still try, which will only harm their economy and isolate them politically


If Tramp wins again the US is finished.


Your right, there have been 16 in the past, if you look at the world 100 years ago and you look today, nothing is forever.


Russia needs to start doing everything possible to avoid an escalation in the Caucasus, if Russo-Turkish conflict didn’t start in Syria, it shouldn’t be allowed to start in the Caucasus, much less if it means the loss of Azerbaijani geopolitical amicability. This is in part a result of Putin’s pro-Zioterrorist tendencies and everything must be done to avoid any further deterioration, going into a collective defense obligation for an Armenian regime that got to power with EU/CIA help would be the ultimate joke.


What did Russia do in the Armenia-Azerbaijan war last time? Now Turkey has been very assertive. That won’t happen again.

Putin knows it.


Russia bombed the crap out of Aliyev. This time, they will send a bunch of mercenaries to the NK and create another Donbass.

All to take time, in the wait for the inevitable collapse of the west and Turkey. Turkey will fall sooner, the lira is beign dumped en masse. Turkey has a 120 billion dollars debt, that it cannot repay.

Icarus Tanović

320 billion, that we know. What we don’t know must be disaster.

Fog of War

How big is the US’s debt ? What about France, Germany ? the E.U. ? England ? Japan ? and so forth. Repaying anything is impossible at this point. I’m sure Turkey understands this and doesn’t care.

Icarus Tanović

When people starts to throw flame bombs at police it will.

Svincius Savickas

Russia shall obliterate the islamist turkey. War between Russia and those retarded islamist is inevitable. The sooner Russia destroys Turkey the better. First, Russia must push out all Turks from Syria. If Turkey resists, then Russia gives sophisticated weapons to the Kurds.


Warmonger. Russia wants to do business with Turkey. As long as the red line is not crossed (into Armenia proper), then Russia will only talk. And talking is cheap and bloodless. Russia can continue to sell weapons to Armenia, and to Azerbaijan too.

Icarus Tanović

Just get rid of Erdogan. That’s all.

Fog of War

Yes, and put in a totally US controlled puppet. Who do you think would replace him ?

Icarus Tanović

Hopefully Gülen.

Svincius Savickas

First, back in 2008, Russia had to take over Georgia and install its own regime. In 2014 Russia had to smash the pro-western nazi junta. Russia had to smash Turkey in Idlib and fully support the Kurds, not to negotiate with the Turkish pigs. Had Russia done those steps, Russia would have avoided troubles in Belarus, Syria and Caucasus. Russia is very soft. Russia needs Stalin, not Putin.


The kurds? These same kurds? https://southfront.org/russian-convoy-broke-through-us-barricade-in-eastern-syria-set-up-a-checkpoint/

“local residents tried to create obstacles to the Russian military”

these cockroaches are yet licking americans’ boots, although Trump backstabbed them over a year ago

Russia will not go to war for Armenia, first because it has zero interest in doing so, second because Pashinyan backstabbed Russia.

Armenia will become another Syria, divided between Turkey/Azerbaijan and Russia. You know? Total control of the battlefield. When your enemy is your friend.

The important thing for Russia, is to kick out the US from the Caucasus. And they are starting from Armenia. Then will come the turn of Georgia.


The kurds are just the worst humans ever. They have no loyalty. They should just to back to Syrian government side and get back some humanity.


The Kurds have always sided with whoever favored them. But I hope they do side with Assad.


You just not smart. No one fully support Kurds. Kurds never go to Russia side. All parties are playing games. Kurds are the worst rats ever. They are worse than those Syrian rats. They are like homeless and soulless dogs, always seeking new masters.

Russia did not confront Turkey. Russia did not have army in Libya. So Russia won’t tackle Turkey in N-K either.

N-K will be just left alone. Left to the Azeri refugees and those paid Syrian rats….

Maybe those Syrian rats can move their families to N-K and solve Syria problem.

With those drones and Syrian mercenaries, Turkey is non-stoppable. We have seen what happened in Libya. It will happen again in N-K.

Svincius Savickas

Russia can smash Turkey in Syria. Russia can smash Turkey in Libya. Russia can smash Turkey anywhere anytime. Russia has over 200 years of relations with the Kurds. Do not teach me, please. Drones are very easily stoppable if Russia wants. The medicine is called EW. It is another story that Russia can hit directly the bases where those drones take off. Turkish pig is very “brave” against Russia, but when somethings happens immediately goes and cries in NATO – this was the case with Su-24, this was the case several months ago when the Russian exterminated over 100 Turkish pigs. The thing is that Russia trusted the Turkish pigs, and this was a mistake. Russia will fix it. Armenia became puppet of the US, and the US has even biolaboratory there, US propaganda and color revolution classes in Armenia against Russia. Armenia banned Russian news, Russian schools. This is why Russia is not active. Plus, Russia has good relations with Aliev. But Turkey will be pushed back, no doubt. Turkish pigs overestimated their ambitions and capabilities and capacities. NATO will not support the turkish pigs, so turkey is alone. drones will not help the turkish pigs. Without western supply turkish pigs will can’t do nothing, even a bicycle.


Russia trusts no one. You should watch Zirinovsky, and see for yourself that they have understood the lessons from the past. They will no more help other nations for nothing in return.

Putin is just leaving everyone be. Erdogan is squandering around and making an enemy of half of the world. The US are going down into their own hubris and perversion. The EU is dying of COVID, stupidity and impotence ( yes, in the sexual sense of the term too ).

Let me kill themselves, while they waste resources. Then reap the profits.

Icarus Tanović

Zhirinovsky isn’t the best example, and he’s not the only one. But the rest of your comment is on the place.


Around the Azeri, always be wary


I just feel N-K is Libya once again. With all the drones, Syrian mercenaries and Azeri regular army, those Armenia rats in N-K can’t stop the Syrian rats…..

Syria is a totally different story. Russia will never allow Assad to go down. But Russia will never set boots on N-K.


You have no idea what your talking about. Look up the Liberation of Shushi, which is a city in Artsakh. That’s when Armenians had no weapons to fight. The Chechen leader who defeated Russia, was defeated there. You think Muslims are scary because they are willing to die, you havent seen Armenians. Look where we live, the pussies died thousands of years ago. The Armenians presidents wife is sending the son to the front line and she captured it perfectly when she said, “I love you son, but there is no higher honor than dying in battle.” You know what the motto of Armenia is? ISIS copied ours, “Victory or death.”


BS talks are always cheap. I can see the dead Armenian bodies all over the place on the hills from those drone videos. Azeris can count how many of them.

That is much more accurate than the claim your Su-25 has been shot down. I’ll be happy if your SU-25 did get shot down.

So you want to call in French and Russian because you lost your own SU-25 and gave the credit to Azeris? That is so dumb…. Or stupid.


I just hope that the Armenian authority in N-K just capitulate. It can save a lot of lives.


“Moscow urges parties to prevent use of foreign fighters”

Are those Armenian regular army in N-K foreign fighters? Yes to me.


There is only 1 Armenia and we are 1 people.


Then go back to Armenia. N-K is not Armenia….


Artsakh has and always will be Armenia. The sooner you realize it you will sleep better. Just because Stalin turned over the administration doesn’t change the reality on the ground.

Fog of War

” Artsakh has and always will be Armenia. ”

You should go cry to the U.N. as it holds a totally different opinion. Guess who’s part of the UNSC ? Russia.


Im not crying, just stating the facts jack. LOL UNSC as if they are not the most corrupted force in the world. You mean the place where they legitimize their imperial ambitions?

Fog of War

LOL ? Are you a teenage girl ? I dont care for the UN either, however, the fact stands, Russia also approved that decision. The same Russia that is supposed to be Armenia’s great ally.


The same Russia that is the cause of this situation? I’m shocked!

Fog of War

Fair enough, I’ll bite. How is Russia the cause of this situation ?


The Russian Persian war was what separated the Persian Azeris from the Tatar Azeris which were under Russian control. Then when Armenians defeated Turks during genocide the Bolsheviks gifted the western provinces to Turks so they can have peace. Then Stalin changed the administration of Nakhchevan (that strange province on the other side not connected by land to Azerbaijan), along with Artsakh where the fighting is now to Azerbaijan. Meanwhile the Armenian people of Nakechevan got ethnically cleaned, then they tried it in Artsakh but failed on multiple occasions. Bringing us to this quagmire. These are all unbiased facts you can look it up.

Fog of War

Oh well, I was hoping you would bring up something that pertains to the current world situation, not ancient history. I see I was hoping for too much.

Addtionally, when is a ” cut off ” date for territorial disputes ? 20 years , 200 years ? 8000 years ?

Also, Armenia performed some ” gentle ” ethnic removal in the disputed region, not very nice. War crimes anybody ?


Look at the border, zoom in, do you see those little circles on each side too? Could the border be designed worse? How you think it got that way, use your head.

Icarus Tanović

If you are referring to North Korea, that’s right.


I don’t want to see anymore dead Armenian soldiers by our weapons, it hurts me I don’t have anything against them but we need Azerbaijan on our side. Stop this madness, give Azerbaijan their land and finish this war.


You are the one to talk about land !!!

hahahaha How about you give the Palestinians their land back jewsnake!


They will get it when they decide to sign a peace deal, till then they can live their poor lives under Hamas.


What deal?

hahaha The deal that says Palestinians need to abandon their houses and their lives and f*ck off go someplace else? So you thieving b”stards can steal their homes?

A deal with a jew… you …you have the jokes …really !


That’s not what the deal says, read it again before you write your useless idiotic comments without facts.


I dont care right now about your deals jewsnake.

How about you stop providing the azeris with weapons and radars and drones and sh1t? Israel is the reason all this is happening over there.

You love to stir things up and make other countries fight one another. You v been doing it with the Arabs so far and now you are trying with the Christinans the Armenians too.

Thats why no country can even be safe having israel as an ally. You are filthy back-stabbing double faced snakes.


On the contrary, we have proved we are loyal to our allies and help them when they need us. Soon we will help the UAE and Bahrain too, because they made the right choice to recognize us.



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