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Azerbaijan, Armenia Counted Losses In Three Days Of Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (Videos)

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Azerbaijani and Armenian forces claimed more losses in the third day of clashes in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

In a statement on September 30, the Armenian Ministry of Defense  summarized Azerbaijani losses in the last three days as follows:

  • 920 soldiers killed;
  • 83 drones shot down;
  • 7 helicopters shot down;
  • 166 battle tanks and armored vehicles destroyed;
  • 1 plane shot down;
  • 1 heavy rocket launcher destroyed.

The ministry also released two videos showing a counter-attack by its troops on positions in Nagorno-Karabakh, which were recently captured by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

From its side, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan summarized Armenian losses in a new statement as follows:

  • 2,300 soldiers neutralized;
  • 130 battle tanks and armored vehicles destroyed;
  • 50 anti-tank weapon destroyed;
  • 6 command and control centers destroyed;
  • 200 artillery piece and rocket launchers destroyed;
  • 55 military vehicles destroyed;
  • 25 air-defense systems destroyed;
  • 1 S-300 long-range air-defense system destroyed.

The Azerbaijani military also shared several videos showing drone strikes and attacks with loitering munitions on Armenian military equipment in Nagorno-Karabakh.

While the two sides appear to be exaggerating their achievements, there is no doubt that they both suffered from serious losses in the last three days.

The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which began on September 27, will not likely stop soon. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia appear to be determined to continue the battle at all costs, at least for now.



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Servet Köseoğlu

Azerbaijan Mod’s 6th video shows Russian mini anti-drone system Repellent was destroyed.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5eb652b427fb5b27ff88eee1d433044fdc4f4ccf46e23e79aa83f8e729180ecc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4c985a58a04ec939cec67d64ea8b944aaea74550517287ead67bcb954f759a90.jpg


Ironic. A drone hunter got hunted by a drone

Servet Köseoğlu

Repellent is for little-drones like İsraels sky-striker…


Russia only gave them outdated stuff. Also secondary market.

Servet Köseoğlu

not outdated just another class land-based system..

Vox Populi

Russia has no modern stuff. Their weapons are outdated Soviet era weapons that lost them the USSR and Afghanistan. Any purchaser of Russian weapons should think CAVEAT EMPTOR!

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Soviet union didnt lose in Afghanistan. It withdrew.Things were more under control in their time than now. Less casualties, less destruction, in spite facing multiple times the enemies USA faced. And better armed and financed too.

The Objective

Another excuse. We’ll know one day when these supper weapons of Russia encounter those of the west.

Vox Populi

Russia is a underdeveloped failed corrupt state dating back to the USSR. Its humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, even as USSR should have given people food for thought. Their military or weaponry is no match for a large NATO state like Turkey with centuries of martial history.


2016 is outdated?

Vox Populi

Turkey has invested wisely in highly quality drones that operate under F-16 CAP and Russian aircraft are antiquated junk as Arab-Israeli wars have repeatedly shown. In 1982, the Israelis downed over 80 Russian built aircraft with minimal losses. The Pakistanis recently shot down a Indian SU-30 with an older US built F-16. The inferiority is Russian weaponry is the primary reason for their reluctance to engage superior western technology.

Indian Army & Israel

There is no evidence that su30 of iaf was shot down..its its a claim..while IAF showed radar signature of deir downed f16..now in a war u dont come up with the body of each and every crashed or shot down aircraft in a battle

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Dont forget, according to Pakistan, it also won every conflict in the subcontinent since 1948. Now, the fact that it lost half its territory and Indian army reached in striking distances from its major cities, it simply a ..”lie”. According to Pakistan is like arse holes. Full of crap and stink like shit.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

You are comparing 1st and 2nd generation planes Syrians had with 3rd and fourth generation Israeli planes, who operated with data links and AWACS and almost certainly the entire Nato information sharing network. Get real.


The FACT is that we have installed the Exocet missiles in Cyprus you learn it here first.

Servet Köseoğlu



It’s true … as you found out with Rafal after we bought them

The Objective

Don’t worry, in a few years, the Turks will beat even Rafael with their TF-X in the pipelines.

Vox Populi

The Indians have Rafale and despite their boasts have not challenged the Pakistani F-16 for a rematch after their humiliation earlier after losing a SU-30 and a MIG-21 Bison and a MI-17 to US weaponry.

Ice Icegold

You are a jock

The Objective

Yeah, even the Turkish drones were touted as a joke. It’ll stop being a joke when it starts to happen. Turks have good knowledge of aircraft technology. What they are trying to perfect now is a 5th generation aircraft engine. They can build 4th generation engines, which means they can produce plenty of aircraft such as the F16.

Ice Icegold

?????? Dream on….

Ice Icegold


Servet Köseoğlu

Lmao..Perfect Greek..ı couldnt expect less…let me take to you Gulag..You can have a nice time with your family there..ı will not bother with your stupidity anymore.Ps:Like all the others Greek does,you can sneak on my comments with the status ”this user is blocked”.

Ice Icegold

Let me take you and your family to your grave.

Vox Populi

That is a bitter unworthy image. Erdogan has proved a very savvy politician and has taken bold, albeit sometimes controversial steps, but as the old idiom, who dares wins. Turkey is now firmly established as the primary Eurasian power and quite capable of neutralizing a weak Russia as Libya and Syria had previously demonstrated.

Ice Icegold

He is a total loser. He lost in Kurdistan , he lost in Syria , he lost i Libya ,he lost against Greece-EU and he is going to lose against Armenia- Russia.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

What the heck are you talking about? Where did he won anything? He won only enemies,a skyrocketing external debt which reached a trillion, a sinking economy, trashing the image of Turkey in the Arab world and EU, and moving structural powers of the regions to consider him a serious threat to their interests. Both Usa, Israel, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE are now treating Turkey as a liability. The hummer would have fallen heavy on it, if Israeloamericans didn’t want to apprehend any possibility of a Iranian-Russian-Turkish Alliance , Russian arent really interested in it but Iranian containment takes a priority.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Not to mention that this buffoon already caused the unthinkable with his foreign policy.2 quasi recognized Kurdish States under the protection of Usa, a russian controlled Syria, buried any possibility of Eu integration, Buried what ever his predecessors managed to built in Syria and Iraq. Buried the strategic Egyptian-Turkish military alliance they once had, stopped the flow of latest technology weapons form the USA and even managed to have high linked think tanks talking about the ”problem of Turkey” with in NATO. What ever concessions he might get, is only on the containment mode. Israel will nevel allow Turkey to become a threat to its existance, but for now it prioritized preventing a Turko-iranian military-economical pact.


Both number sounds like BS. But to be fair Armenian losses seem to be more, judging from the videos.


Exactly what I think

Vox Populi

That is reality and a fair assessment. Next battleground is Ukraine liberating the Don Bas and then conflict will move into Russia.

The Objective

You’ll get some people mad with this comment

Vox Populi

I am “Objective” observer :) The reality is that Armenian arrogance and mistaken reliance on a weak Russia sealed their fate. Russia is not a major power and is being slowly squeezed from all angles and is basically leaderless. Erdogan, whether people like him of not, has the true grit. Wars are won by bold decisions.


ella, dale sigue con tus sueños, era muy “objetivo”

cechas vodobenikov

por supeusto—el es un pesadillo


Liberation of Donbass will only come as liberation of Donbas teritory currently occupied by UAF. Who will attack Russia and with what forces? Russia is not as strong as red army was, but still much stronger than anything in the EU/NATo except US army. But even US army is only stronger than Russia in Navy and aviation, not ground forces. Besides that MAD concept excludes direct US – RF confrontation. So answer this: Who will attack Russia and with what forces?

cechas vodobenikov

u really are stupid

Assad must stay



watch me whip

Vox Populi

Armenian arrogance and mistaken reliance on Russia sealed their fate. Turkey quickly established air superiority and its drones dominated the skies. Turkey has revolutionized drone warfare and exposed even the “best” Russian weapons are worthless junk. Azerbaijan will succeed in liberating Nogorno-Karabakh and Erdogan will preside over the upcoming victory celebrations in Baku. This defeat has ominous implications for Russia.

John Brown

The attacking side usually loses more men and equipment. Probably Azer lost more in their initial attack in the first 2 days and Armenia is probably losing more now in their counter offensive..

Most likely Armenia has lost more so far as the Azer attack was a surprise cutting Azer loses and helping them to inflict lots of damage to Armenian forces. The general mobilization in Armenia first confirms their loses are high. As does Armenia saying the Azer attack was well planned. Azer has to mobilize in response as seems the Armenian leadership thinks they can win back what they have lost. As the Azer economy population and armed forces are all larger the longer it goes on the worse for Armenia.

Armenia’s leaders are to dumb to realize now Azer is the stronger unlike in the 1990s.

If Armenia’s leaders had any brains they would give back the occupied areas of Azerbaijan that are not theirs and not Nagorno-Karabakh. Then it would be settled and everyone could save face.

Russia will let Azerbaijan get a piece as a lesson to Armenia for kicking sand in Russia’s face for the empire the past 2 years I bet Russia secretly gave Azerbaijan the green light to get their territories back after Azerbaijan agreed to construct the silk road Iran to Russia transportation corridor..

I wonder if Armenians will wake up in time before their Zio Shabbos Goy leaders destroy them all.

The Azerbaijan leader is also a moron for sucking Zio d_ck. I don’t think Iran and Turkey appreciate it, but seems to have smartened up latetly.

Whichever, country has the least stupid leaders will win though both are trying to win the most stupid leader contest.

I think Armenia is winning the most stupid leadership contest right now if they are dumb enough to up the ante and try to take back those villages. Then Azerbaijan gets back all lost territories in a month or 2 including Nagorno-Karabakh and Russia will let them.

Armenia appears to be going for total defeat. You would think they would learn from what is happening with other morons who sucked up to the empire like Alexander Lukashenko, right now and past examples of Saddam Hussein, Libya etc etc.

Reminds me of the idiot Viktor Yanukovych and the other idiot Alexander Lukashenko. I bet the empire assassinates Alexander Lukashenko very soon.


The copycat Game of Throne Armenian videos are so funny. They have really bad technology. Can only copy.

Like those videos from the drones to eliminate those N-K rats. Their tanks are like made in wood or cheap metals. Sure they are made in Russia? Or they are just too old?

I believe Azerbaijan has T-90. Like Assad in Syria. So Russia makes money at both sides.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Perhaps NAGORNO-KARABAKH is a land swap deal between Russia and Turkey?

Vox Populi

Azerbaijan has been arming for two decades and has limited goals of merely liberating Nogorno-Karabakh and they intend to achieve it with Turkish assistance. The fatal flaw in Armenian arrogance was their dependence on Russia, which is too weak and fragmented to assist anyone.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Azerbaijan accomplished jack shit. It already depleted its arsenal. It lost already more Assets than it did in the first Nagorno Karabach war 30 years ago. And armenia hasn’t even went on the counter offensive. It can reach any part of Azerbaijan with its drones and missiles. If your really think that Iran and Russia will allow the slightest negative change in the status quo of the area you are deluded beyond believe. Azerbaijan is in fact completely defenseless . Has no air force, has no a/a network, has no competend army . It relayed on cheap drones and big promises.With the gamble Aliev started things can turn the other way very fast. As i see it is an excellent opportunity for Russia and Iran to close the land bridge from Georgia to Azerbaijan to central Asia. Opportunities like that come one in a millennium. Let’s see what happens in the next weeks.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Or… Russia is not being drawn into a conflict that has Pentagon written all over it. Armenia’s govt has got friendly with Washington, it is their very tough luck if they lose territory over it!


When Armenia decides to use Iskander ballistic missiles on Azeris cities then they will understand the mistake they made.

Vox Populi

I don’t believe Armenia is suicidal as that will escalate the conflict and may spell the end of isolated and abandoned Armenia. Azerbaijan has limited goals and will pursue this war until all of Nogorno-Karabakh is liberated. A UNSC ceasefire is not possible due to Anglo-American veto on Turkish behalf. The UNSC even failed to meet and discuss the issue, let alone push for a ceasefire.


But no Armenian has any desire of retreating or giving up any territory. And as of now zero percent of karabakh was taken by Azeris. So what goal do you have? Certainly not a realistic one. Russia’s fighter jets have also arrived to the region, we have no shortage of ammunition for any weapon system. It will just be a stalemate with people dying, and Armenia being successful in its defense. Your attacks are pointless. You have zero to show for all your deaths.

The Objective

Too early to conclude, lady.


Show me the results then.

The Objective

I haven’t any results to show. I just said the war is still ongoing and too early to draw conclusion.


This isn’t a game. People are defending their homes.


This guy is obviously one of the many turkish trolls on this platform. Timidly acting like a neutral outsider yet it is overwhelmingly obvious they are 100% slanted toward Turkey’s fuckeries. Dont feed the warmongers.

The Objective

Their homes in other people’s country I guess. The UN requested Armenia to pull out of the region years ago.


The UN says many worthless things.

Vox Populi

I am not Turk, but a European and have not interest in any deaths, but Armenia simply does not have the strategic mass to hold on for much longer. It should have negotiated a peaceful resolution, but now Turks are involved and they are historical enemies of Armenia. As far as Russia and Iran are concerned, don’t count on them. Iran is an isolated state weakened by 42 years of sanctions and Russia simply has no courage or capability to challenge the second most powerful NATO military. I am afraid, this is a fait accompli for Armenia. It should withdraw and end this lost cause.


You’re of Turkish descent I’m sure. Armenia will never surrender.

Not Indian Paul

Russia took on Israel, Turkey, USA, France and England to keep Assad in power. As far I can see, Assad is still in power. Your anti Russian bias affects your judgment. Although Turkey has definitely gone to the next level, they may well prevail over Russia in the region, or maybe Turkey will over extend itself, which is something Russia will try to avoid. Time will tell.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Turkey isnt not the second most powerful state in Nato, Wikipedia doctor. Maybe the second biggest in man power army.Even in your fantasy scenario Turkey is 20 missiles away from being in permanent dark for 5 years if things ever get to that point as it has no real air defenses either. And we arent talking about anything special, just conventional cruise missiles.

cechas vodobenikov

u mean u r a resident of amerikan colony…


Isolated and abandoned Armenia with Russia and Iran on our side, sure.

cechas vodobenikov

little Hans was a failure for Freud; we observe the result here

cechas vodobenikov


Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Armenia is the only one that score points.It prevented any incursion to its territory. It humiliated again the azeri army offensive, and it will now (as before ) go to the offensive. Armenia has been developing for the last few years it’s own UAVs . From loitering munition drones to ucav and 2 dozen other ground and aerial systems. Hasn’t yet finish the production phace, but necessisty is the mother of history and things will speed up.Wont be surprise at all if in few weeks, if this continues, it will attacking targets deep inside Azerbaijan territory Houthi style. Azerbaijan isnt Saudi Arabia though. It is completely defenseless from aerial attacks. Armenia has the silent support of Russia and Iran that wont allow a change in the status quo in the area.


I dont belive Armenia would go into Azeri at all, no need for it, just beat them back to their own land, and so on, and again, airsuport is vital, but not crusial, and the few Turd fighter jets will not change anything, since in all wars, the battle is always desided on what happens on the ground, not by air, but air, is good for intellegence, etc, as forward possitioned scouts, but if you dont have an desent storage of UVA you will suffer, yeah, just look at what the Yemens/Houtis are doing, against the Saudi-barbarians whom have the eh…. best mooney can buy, and they even exposed the crap the UssA sells.

I am more conserned that Turds would start to bomb Armenia and NK from the Turdian side, or/and as in the Syrian war theater use any kind of shooting back on Turdians wethere inside Armeina or Turdia to Azeri, and take that as in Syria, use it, as an pretext for changing/claiming that they have to defend them self and to safe guard their own land because of Armenian eh…. terror when they shoot back at Turdis fighter jets, and then give them as an exuse to create an new so called bufferzone inside Armenia, I can smell that even from up here, and again, some people stil dont get what I have said, Azerbaijan is an atificial created nation done during the begining of the Sovjet era, Armenians have been there since the dawn of man, and to the Azeri claims about suvrenity is based upon power tripping and nothing else, and when this referendums where held, it took away the claims since the Azeris statements have no legitimasy, because of historical pedigree and facts, if anything, the other autonomus enclave between Iran and Armenia is also partly because of this people belongs to that region inside Iran as well.

Hurmf, I read so called Russian sites, yeah, and whatever the RAF say about Syria, is partialy Ok, but ISIS is stil there, Syria stil have lost 1/3 of their country, etc, and so on, I am not impressed by the numbers since that is yesterday, we talk about today and this peacedeal created by Putin and Turdians is the sole reason for this area to become hotbed, recruitment station and test ground for ISIS forces and now they have been airlifted to other regions as we know to day, in this conflict. all because of strategic misshaps I couldnt unerstand was made and makes me go hummm….. I cant imagine the RAF are that bloody stupid, so the conclusion must be that there is much more than just what drivel we are feed officialy, incl the west/ISISrael/Turdia and by Russia, it makes their claims about fighting ISIS/Whatever, stink like high heaven, sorry, but I dont like the direction at all, we warned you before and now the war have come closer to Russia, bit by bit, and you do nothing because of what, erDOGan, ZATO, ISISrael, huh, Russia, you credibility is floating on the water like an anvil. Because this war, with this players, witch all have Uncle Samuel behind their backs, whom knows what comes in the coming months, but to me, I dont like it at all, this is the begining of something much worse. Time, will tell.


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