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MARCH 2025

Azerbaijani Army Destroyed Nagorno-Karabakh Bridge With Israeli-Made Ballistic Missile (Video)

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On October 2 morning, the Azerbaijani military targeted a bridge in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh with an Israeli-made missile.

The bridge, which links Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh near the village of Asagi Sus, was struck with what appears to be a LORA theater quasi-ballistic missile. The pinpoint strike resulted in the complete destruction of the bridge.

Developed by the Israel Aerospace Industries, LORA is a 600 mm missile with a range of 400 km. The missile is guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system with a terminal optical seeker. The advanced guidance system gives LORA a circular error probable of 10 meters only.

In 2018, it was confirmed that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces had purchased a number of LORA missile systems from Israel.

This was likely the first ballistic missile attack since the start of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan accused Armenian forces of launching OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles on several occasions. However, Yerevan continues to dismiss these claims.

The ongoing battle in Nagorno-Karabakh will not likely end anytime soon. Both sides appear to be unwilling to reach a ceasefire agreement.


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filthy jwws


Cry you loser.


enjoy your last days killer dogs


I will enjoy it when you and your big mouth face us, don’t bark here.


your mothers face is full of my large white cock


I’m so scared, you will get a bullet in the head before you even see us. Back to your hole rat, you can’t handle my mom she alone can tear you into pieces.


your a fat little dog bashing a keyboard you can’t shoot you fat dog. i shoot my jizz in your mothers eyes it makes her less dirty


Okay buddy, last words before I block you? I don’t waste my time on shits like you.


of course you can only block me you weak little murderous dog


And those were your final words, adios. Another one bites the dust…

Антон С

Oh, the mighty sofa warrior from the greatest and biggest country in the Earth! He knows how to beat all enemies on his sofa with his tongue. But did nothing in reality. Take your butt in your hands and move to real combat, if you’re so mighty. But I know your type of people – you are mighty only in internet, Iron kaput.


You want to be blocked too Anton?

Антон С

Oh mighty sofa warrior, I’m sooo frightened! Ha-ha-ha, it looks like attempt to frighten a hedgehog with naked butt.)


Fine, you joined my list aswell. Goodbye Ruski.


oh oh dont block them because they give a shit…relax Jew no one gives a shit if they’ll speak or not with you.


Does that include you too Greeko? I’d block all of you if I have to.


oh oh pls dont do it because I wont sleep tonight from the sadness lol. Hey Jew dont be deluded about yourself believing that you worth something, nobody cares what you will do.


Okay, if you don’t care then it won’t make any difference for you. Blocked.


oh now I am so sad, I wont eat a souvlaki for the next 3 hours.


Lyin’ Zion has taken his dreidel and gone home, nobody can play now

Антон С

Oy-wey, another success of zionist military! Ay, caramba!


don’t waste good breath of a filthy jw, they are all parasites feeding off human kind

Антон С

I’m not against jews.


come back to this when you realize they are responsible in one way or another for evil in the world

Антон С

Hostile ones should be punished as any other criminal. But not because they are jews or any another ethnos. That’s what shitler did with my ethnos and some other ethnic groups. Result – 55 million dead people, including millions of germans. Almost half of them in my country.


Another success for our military industries, the LORA will serve us well for the coming war.

Random Dude

send some more to Azerbaijan, they have plenty of targets


they love turkey. jwws and muslims are the same rabbid animal

Random Dude

yes, and?


you will all burn together, we will clean the world

Random Dude

Is that what you wish to people based on ethnic identity?:)) Maybe you did deserve the genocide


they are not people they are parasites


More are coming.


on your mothers face

Random Dude

I saw like daily 2 military cargo planes since the beginning of operations


Both of you are sick. You shouldn’t play with life’s of people. Izrael shouldn’t sell weapons to countries in conflicts. Izrael always cry if rocket fall in their back yard from Palestina. But don’t care now that Izrael I rockets kill Armenians.


That is sure good for your MIC. It’s been a while since we saw two nearly matched militaries go at it. War has become boring cuz you got Israel beating on Hamas, the US making movies about Gulf Wars, I mean that’s just sad. Those are no wars. You don’t go beat on third rate militaries and think you are the boss. No one dare touch Iran cuz you can’t defend against their missiles. Iran is such a thorn in the Zionists’ flesh but they just have no idea what to do with them. I bet you every simulation ends in a loss for Israel and the US, they’da done this a long time ago.

Concrete Mike

Yes its perfect for hitting civilians, something your country excels at.

It doesnt bother you that your leaders openly state that lebanese civilians will be targted.

Wtf has these civilians done to you? Bomb yout cities with jets and drones? No wait, its israel that does that to Lebanon.

This is beyond lunacy now. You guys are fucked, your politicians are putting the noose around your neck.

And you like a fucken idiot. Asks for another noose around your neck!

How.many times do I have to tell you, you are being set up as a sacrifice.

Come on man!!!


Those “civilians” in Southern Lebanon support Hezbollah and they let them store rockets under thier homes, in their mosques and in other public buildings, all of them will be hit. If Hezbollah cared for Lebanese then they would not place the rockets there, but they don’t care. So why should we? why should Israelis be in shelters and they can feel safe like in 2006?

Alekai Mordechai

Heard those IDF shayatet folks hide their grenades in Sabich shops.

Putin Apologist

The problem this line of reasoning; The Israelis were bombing civilians in Lebanon long before there was a Hezbollah, or their rockets. In fact it was these crimes Israel perpetrated against the Lebanese that would make the rise a Hezbollah in Lebanon inevitable.


It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, I refer to this moment. If we decide to hit their rocket depots which we know where they hide, thousands of Lebanese will die just from that. We need to care for our own people first, not the Lebanese.

Putin Apologist

Wait a minute, what about all the “justifications” for the state of Israel which are built upon what “happened in the past”?

Are you sure you’re an Israeli?


Wars come and go, what matters is now. I don’t wish for a war, but you have to understand how we see it, 150K rockets ready to be used whenever IRAN feels using their proxy. How would you react?

Putin Apologist

“150K rockets ready to be used”

This is the bed the Israeli have, through their own actions, created for themselves, and now the Israelis have invited Erdogan, Aliyev, MBS and MBZ, some of the worst evil on our planet, to join them in that bed. The God of the Hebrews abhors evil… no good will come of this for the Jewish people.


It’s all because the mullahs regime is trying to take over the ME, Israel and other Sunni states can not let it happen. Sadly, some other countries suffer for that.

Putin Apologist

I have no doubt Iran is the emerging power in the Middle East, and, largely because of the actions of others, its sphere of influence today stretches from the mountains of Afghanistan to the waters of the Mediterranean. But it wasn’t Iran that invaded Lebanon in 1982, that was Israel. Nor was it Iran that invaded Iraq in 2003, that was the Americans and the British. Nor was it Iran that tried, and failed, to bring down the Assad government in Syria, that was the Americans, the Europeans, the Gulf states and that Neo-sultan wannabe. Nor is it Iran that is bombing and killing the poorest Arabs (Yemen), that would be the riches Arabs, the KSA and the UAE. And today it’s not Iran that is again trying to steal Armenian lands, that would be the Turks and the Azaries… with the help of the Jews.

Seriously, you should all stop making Iran so powerful.


IZ is a blood-thristy sadist. Don’t even bother trying to appeal to his ‘humanity’. I’ve seen him comment many times about how he’d like to wipe out enemy populations.

The Objective

I don’t think there’ll be a war with Iran, largely because Iran will avoid it. What is likely to happen is a war on Iran’s militias throughout the middle east, from Iraq to Syria, Lebanon, and Afghanistan. With the current level of provocation in Iraq, it’s possible a major war breaks out between US forces and PMU in Iraq. I do hope Shiite militias get crushed throughout the middle east. that’ll bring better peace to Sunni societies currently facing death and destruction from these murderers.


I agree Objective, I hope more Sunni states will work with us in the region to counter Iran. I also hope there will be a direct talks between us and the Palestinians to reach a peace deal, both people need it and it will no longer give Iran any excuses to claim they help them.

The Objective

Yeah, sunnis in the know are not received. Iran will never help the Sunni faith.


There will be a war with Iran. These guys just can’t help it cuz they wanna have total control of the Middle East. You can’t do that with Iran still running around. Bad news for them is they have no idea how to take out Iran and yet they need to. So someone against all military wisdom and advice is gonna order an attack on Iran, they just have to. And man, drop your stupid beef between the Sunni and Shia, it doesn’t help anybody.


OK, I get it. Successful technology. What is your business in the conflict? Why favor one side over another? Do you care who benefits of the technology is being used?


It’s complicated. We need Azerbaijan on our side to counter Iran, at the same time we have nothing against Armenians so I don’t want to see them dead because of our weapons. I think the best thing is for the Armenian army to pull back its’ troops and give the Azeris their recognized territories.

Alekai Mordechai

Armenians are dying as we speak!


Are you serious? What is next, forced expulsion of Armenians from Artsakh? Shaking my head … you think it will stop there. To do as you stated next is to link up Artsakh with Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

We disagree. Wahhabism/Sunni Islam is the greater threat, regardless of temporary appearances. Turkey is not your friend neither.

Putin Apologist

“Give the Azeris their recognized territories”?

The Armenians have been in the Nagorno-Karabakh for thousands of years. Take as proof of this, this fourth century Armenian Christian monastery located in the region.



Okay, so maybe they can reach some kind of other agreement. In the end it’s up to the Azeris and Armenians when to finish it.

Putin Apologist

Why is Israel supporting a father and now his son dictatorship (backed a sultan wannabe that has almost completely undone Ataturk’s secular nation) bomb a democratic Christian nation?

The only explanation I can come with is what Euripides reportedly once said, “Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.”


It’s called politics, sadly the Armenians are in between us and Iran.

Putin Apologist

No it’s called evil, and it’s going to revisit Israel. Just as Washington support for the Islamic jihadist crazies in Afghanistan.

Alekai Mordechai

Which war?

War of falafel?


Armenia should withdraw, period. That said, where are them Iskanders? Armenia, could you please fire off a few of those so we see some real war. You got like 4 Su 30s and the Azeri have the Mig 29, where is the air war? Y’all making this really boring. Both of y’all losers got the S300, can we please see some real equipment


russia will burn the rabbid jww warmongers

Alekai Mordechai

At this juncture Russia has no power.


Go watch some porn with your family if you are bored little troll


I don’t watch porn. I can imagine you do cuz why would you bring it up? Anyone who watches porn is broken; if you don’t agree, I know why.

Concrete Mike

Right so someone cheering war on is ok, but someone who watches porn is broken.

Your nuts, little informational prostitute.


See if you had a little bit of IQ, this is not someone cheering war on. I am a military enthusiast who wants to see some equipment used. Whether or not I cheer them on doesn’t change a thing, they gonna fight anyway. And yes watching porn is low, really low, If you do, just stop.


dat lie in the first sentence though…


Armenia can’t afford to have its entire air force wiped out. Turkey is monitoring the sky. And some F-16s on standby. Armenia has no chance. Turkey has not really gotten involved yet with its own military. They are only on standby.

Turkey will make sure that the sky is at the control of Azerbaijan. That is huge.

Lazy Gamer

Turkey already shot down one of Armenia’s fighters. They are involved even if they deny it. I assume, the psychological effect was a success because after that, there were no more aerial attacks from Armenia.


I believe you. I think Turkey and the Azeri are not stopping until N-K is recaptured


Good to see that. Cut all bridges and road from Armenia to N-K….


Those Armenian soldiers should just pack their bags and do home. Before all the bridges and roads are cut. Or it will be too late. Then they will have to dig their own graves.


Come on SF you normally do a good job but that’s clearly fake. The car doesn’t even put foot on the break


Yes, that also struck me as being rather odd.


Maybe driver was texting while driving.


Thats even worse than drinking and driving. His licence should be revoked :) Its soooo dangerous to text and drive, especially in a war zone.

Assad must stay

Take out ten Azeri bridges


Russia should not alienate Azerbaijan and deliver it in a silver plate to the terrorist Turks, having accepted their takeoever of Idlib and most of northern Syria is way, way more than enough. Another Donbass-style situation on Russian borders won’t do any good.


Totally different situation. Armenian occupation disturbed the regional balance. Russia likes to have some on-going small problem. So it can be needed as a power broker, peacekeeper and weapon supplier. It doe not want EU and US in its backyard. Russia has no problem with Azerbaijan taking back N-K. It is punishment for Armenia. So it can continue to keep Russia army in Armenia.

Russia really does not care about N-K.


it is armenias land. the muslims are occupiers and parasites made after their gods the jw

Assad must stay



Putin’s gonna make another joint statement with the puppet leaders of Ziocorporate terrorist regimes like Macron and Trumpet. That will show those Azerbaijanis.

This, Donbass, partitioned Syria, you just can’t have your cake and eat it too, “business and partnership” with the Zioterrorists comes at a great cost and Turk terrorists are so emboldened they can’t care less if Putin wants the status quo to remain in place.

Marcus Lebon

Well said!

Rhodium 10

Armenia could destroy petrol facilities in Baku using Iskander..


iskandars for tel aviv


So far more than 30 years of hostilities and both sides did not attack each other’s main soil. Aliyev feels bold enough to take the war into Armenia, something which Armenians are also capable of doing. They have means to do it and Aliyev will lose much more than a bridge if his oil installations are targeted. This madness needs to stop. No one benefits from this except the usual suspects.


Well said Garga



Random Dude

people want to fight, they should fight at least to satisfy the urge

Alekai Mordechai

What makes you think Turkey and israel will stop??

Former has an empire to pursue and the latter needs to keep the business going.

COVID-19 has been hard you know!

John Brown

Wrong Armenia seized lots of territory that was not part of Nagorno-Karabak, bigger then the size of Nagorno-Karabak itself. Go look at a map.

As the Azer economy population and armed forces are all much larger now the longer it goes on the worse for Armenia.

Armenia’s leaders are to dumb to realize now Azer is the stronger unlike in the 1990s.

If Armenia’s leaders had any brains they would have given back the occupied areas of Azerbaijan that are not theirs and not Nagorno-Karabakh. Then it would be settled and everyone could save face.

Russia will let Azerbaijan get a piece as a lesson to Armenia for kicking sand in Russia’s face for the empire the past 2 years I bet Russia secretly gave Azerbaijan the green light to get their territories back after Azerbaijan agreed to construct the silk road Iran to Russia transportation corridor..

Also since Armenia had a pro USA coup 2 years ago and is now anti Russian and has been cutting all ties to Russia, a big Armenian defeat should mean a counter revolution against its USA puppet government.

I wonder if Armenians will wake up in time before their Zio Shabbos Goy leaders destroy them all.

The Azerbaijan leader is also a moron for sucking Zio d_ck. I don’t think Iran and Turkey appreciate it, but seems to have smartened up latetly.

Whichever, country has the least stupid leaders will win though both are trying to win the most stupid leader contest.

I think Armenia is winning the most stupid leadership contest right now if they are dumb enough to up the ante and try to take back those villages. Then Azerbaijan gets back all lost territories in a month or 2 including Nagorno-Karabakh and Russia will let them.

Armenia appears to be going for total defeat. You would think they would learn from what is happening with other morons who sucked up to the empire like Alexander Lukashenko, right now and past examples of Saddam Hussein, Libya etc etc.

Reminds me of the idiot Viktor Yanukovych and the other idiot Alexander Lukashenko. I bet the empire assassinates Alexander Lukashenko very soon.

Icarus Tanović

I totally agree.

johnny rotten

The Azeris are the only ones who have not understood that if you buy from a Jew you will be in debt for longer than your life, and the price of usury will fall on your children and your descendants.


i bet if russia did something in idlib or syria in general against the turks….we wouldn’t be seing this sh*t of a war …russia pussying up for “common interests” will fire back badly …you only need to use force against savages , it’s either you brake their necks or they do,…. this strategy of yes we can make turkey an ally is retarded, i bet you’ll see in the futrr turks sending syrian ‘”freeedom fighter” to fight a war in chechnya for example to help their brothers against dictator kadyrov , or in central asia ….turks and their allies need to be stopped from azerbaidjan to lybia and syria, it’s been months sisnce the idlib agreement the m4 is still not open for civilians war needs to be waged thoses fucks understand nothing but the language of steel and fire

The Objective

The thing is, they are ready for your aggression. Turkey is not a pushover like Ukraine and Georgia. You’re talking about real Muslim heroes whom you can’t scare with your threat of death and big guns. The Muslim world will only get stronger from now on.


im an arab sunni muslim Fuck turkey forever thoses roaches are good for nothing but steeling


Relax, show some respect for your brothers and sisters who actually have the balls to stand up for the Muslim world. Last I checked some kingdom is in bed with Pompeo and his masters in Tel Aviv, how low can that be?


Who took the video? Someone said that it is a video somewhere in Afghanistan or Libya.

Is the name of the area Nagorno-Karabakh or Artsakh? Is the name used depends on whose perspective?


Its clearly fake, no debris exploding launched in the air, no shock-wave and the car continue driving like nothing happened and lost in the smoke. If there was an explosion the car would have stopped, it would also get hit by a shock-wave.


Time to bring out the Tochka’s then. Maybe delete a few Azeri bases.


Time to bring out the Tochka’s then. Maybe delete a few Azeri bases?

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