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Azerbaijani Combat Drones Destroyed Two More Armenian Smerch Rocket Launchers (Video)

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Azerbaijani combat drones have destroyed two more BM-30 “Smerch” heavy multiple rocket launchers (MRLS) of the Armenian military.

On October 30, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released a video showing pinpoint strikes on the two MRLS. Both launchers were hidden between trees. Yet, they were detected and destroyed by combat drones.

Both MRLS were targeted with Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drones, which entered service with the Azerbaijani military earlier this year.

These were the third and fourth Armenian BM-30 MRLS to be destroyed by Azerbaijan since the outbreak of the battle in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27.

An Armenian BM-30 MRLS was destroyed with a loitering munition, most likely an Israeli-made IAI Harpo, on October 17. Another MRLS was destroyed by a Bayraktar TB2 combat drone On October 29.

The BM-30 can launch a variety of 300 mm rockets with ranges up to 90 km. The system is intended to defeat personnel, armored, and soft targets in concentration areas, artillery batteries, command posts and ammunition depots.

Azerbaijani Combat Drones Destroyed Two More Armenian Smerch Rocket Launchers (Video)

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Azerbaijan claims that the Armenian military used the system on several occasions against civilians. The system was allegedly used on October 28 to shell civilian areas in Barda city. More than 80 civilians were killed or injured.


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Mr T

5 are gone…

Rhodium 10

And Tomorrow another pack of Smerch rockets to Barda….you are naive or Stupid?…someone are supplying Armenia&NK with weapons…

Mr T

by the way with this speed there will be no male white left in West and US. Thanks to the Africans ):


dont worry , we will keep them in zoo and will feed them with sugar and salt on daily basis ;)

Mr T

looks they connect well to white girls and get more and more colored babies. I think we need to keep the last white men in zoo from extension.

I heard when they arrive from Libya via sea, they run to the beach and grab the first white girl.


Aserbaidschan has 40 Smerch Systems. I think Armenian inventory was way fewer. Lets see how much they can keep intact.

Mr T

12 according wiki, for sure 5 are gone.


And kill all those Artskin rats.


i love earthquakes in turkey


F*ck idiot Artskin killers. They deserve to die for their crimes against Azeri civilians.

Russians should be ashamed to supply Artskins with such heavy weapons.


Russian Media Leaks Sensitive Details of Armenia’s Defense Posture

In February, Russian sources confirmed a $200 million loan to Armenia. The loan—extended by Moscow to allow Armenia to buy up-to-date Russian weapons—had been promised in June 2015 (see EDM, June 29, 2015). In a rather unusual manner, and contrary to the agreement’s confidentiality clause, the Russian media published a list of weapons to be supplied, including Smerch multiple rocket launchers, portable anti-aircraft missiles, radars that may be used for coordinating surface-to-air systems, multiple thermobaric rocket launchers, wire-guided anti-tank missiles, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades, trucks and other supplies (Interfax, February 18). The loan agreement came into force on February 10, and it stipulates that the procurement shall be carried out until the end of 2017 (Gazeta.ru, February 19).



stop spamming you jewturk rat


he is paid Paki ;)


BM-30 Smerch cost $12 MM each. Each drone would cost no more than $1 MM each. The suicide drone costs even less. So 5 Smerch systems are gone. That is a total of $60 MM gone. Very nice.


Rhodium 10

Harop cost 10M..Harpy cost 5M….Smerch is cheaper than every AZ drone because is a rockets tubes mounted in a old MAZ vehicle( used to launch Scud and Russia have hundreds of them stored)….Smerch 300mm rockets also can be mounted in Kamaz and Ural vehicles!…surely some of them can be repair while Russia will supply them with Smerch ( tubes system) to be mounted in kamaz trucks or even MAZ vehicles!…I have seen in videos NK using Kamaz trucks to replace their Ural trucks destroyed!


Now you can see which one is more effective cost-wise.

The BM-30 can kill 20 Azeri people. But $5 millions can be taken away easily. Clearly Turkish army is helping Azerbaijan to track any of those BM-30 and any other killer weapons. They will be tracked and destroyed.

Rhodium 10

Turkish army?…there are dozens of Israeli Orbiter drones flying over NK sending GPS position or supporting guide artillery with laser pointer!..NK Dont have AD…some SA-8 have been manage to shot down many of them…but usually drones fly above 5000 mts to avoid SA-8…and Manpads cannot track them because range in altittude is 3500mts., Shilka 23mm only can reach to 2500 mts of alttitude.!..TOR system and Pantsir can stop these drones..we have seen at the begining of the war when AZ sent 4 drones close to Yerevan and 3 of them were shot down by TOR and the other one was shot down by Pechora-M!…also AZ have shot down Armenian drones with Pechora-M…


Isn’t it better if the Armenians expanded their air defenses instead of buying missiles ?


Air defense system is on the defensive side. Armenians are never interested in defense. They are the aggressors. They believe offensive is a better deterrence than defense system.

This is why Armenia possesses those BM-30 and is the only foreign country that possesses the Iskander missile system.


I agree with you. Armos want other countries particularly Russia to do the defensive job while the Armos grab land.


Armenia knows so well that, it can never match Azerbaijan’s military might. The only thing they can do is to possess some heavy weapon to threaten civilian and energy infrastructure. This is just like state terrorists….


This rocket launcher is also available in Azerbaijan. By the way, Russia makes good money.


Yes, at $12 millions each. 12 of those costs $144 millions for Armenia, on loan from Russia. That is a huge sum for a poor country like Armenia.


What is MM?




I thouht Mikeymouse Money


Those BM-30 Smerch systems may have been destroyed from inside Armenia proper. But clearly Azerbaijan has proof.


Good 2016 article

This Is the Arms Race from Hell (And Russia Is Adding Fuel to the Fire) Is Nagorno-Karabakh about to see a meltdown?

Russia keeps supplying deadly weapons to both sides to “balance” the military might. Now Russia wants to be a “peace” keeper? What a shame!



12MM for who? Export price? Armenia gets these at cost price. More significantly, none of these has to do with the fact that Armenia has decimated all military units deep in the Eastern front. A counterattack is imminent upon order and AK47 is all you need to simply walk into the shitlands.


Armenia paid $200 millions US dollar for those BM-30 and some other weapons from Russia. The $200 MM is borrowed from Russia. Armenia does not get the money yet.

Death to Turks

Haha, turks I hope you can swim.


Death to Turks

Azeri garbage eliminated attempting to go near Shushi. https://youtu.be/bL5Gmpk0xtI


The Armenian Iskander missile system is controlled by the joint Russia/Armenia group. It can only be activated with the permission of Russian military.

If the Iskander is ever activated to his Azerbaijan civilian or energy infrastructure, Azerbaijan has Turkey-manufactured TRG-300 Tiger heavy MLRS (up to 120m range, also deployed in Nakhchivan), Belarus-made Polonez heavy MLRS (up to 200km range), and the Israeli-made LORA tactical ballistic missile (up to 300km range) in its arsenal. If hit by the Armenian missile forces, Baku could opt for retaliating in kind by pounding Armenian high-value targets.

Azerbaijan can hit Yerevan from inside Nakhchivan. Its own 4th army group is inside Nakhchivan, along with Turkish military personnel. We’ll see the direct conflicts from both Turkey and Russia.

So the likelihood of Iskander activation is rather slim. This is because Armenia proper was never threatened.

But we know Parshinyan likes to talk tough. He has been talking ever since he was “elected” in the flawed Armenian election.

Death to Turks

We can all die together no problem. As long as we know a million of you are killed and your country is finished it’s worth it.


So clearly Parshinyan and Armenians have been bluffing all along with the use of Iskander missile system. If that weapon is ever used Yereven itself will be attacked, by both Azerbaijan and Turkey.

So Russia will never permit the use of Iskander.

Death to Turks

We don’t give a fuck. As long as you all get killed we don’t care what happens to us dumbfuck.


LoL! My funny Armo boy is back!

With which weapons you are planning to do this? Turkey + Aserbaidschan population 90 million. Turks will prevail…. You cant finish Turkey and Azerbaidschan.

Death to Turks

You will be fucked. We can destroy Azerbaijan’s total oil infrastructure that’s all they have, turkey will stand by and not do shit, we will fuck your turk assholes dry.


Missing the while point. The oildfield as a target has no equal countertarget in Armenia. Hit Yerevann, what exactly? Not to mention Iskander has no proven air defense system, but all your mentioned missiles have a radious of error of some 500m. Sace for LORA, which may be precise yet failed to even damage a narrow bridge. Don’t underestimate the flamability of an oilfield, especially if hit with the right warhead type…


Oilfields? Those are owned by international companies and the energy goes to Turkey and rest of Europe. And it may be an international crime to hit civilian establishments.

As I said above, Russia controls the Iskander systems. Armenia never gets the money to pay for it. It is part of the CSTO. You can just forget about that.

If Yereven dares to activate any missile system and hit civilian and oil infrastructures, you’ll see Yereven get destroyed. Azerbaijan places several missile system in Nakhchivan and that is very close to Yereven.

So do not even think about hitting Azerbaijan energy infrastructure. Even Turkey will get directly involved.

Death to Turks

Try not to lose your head in this war. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/360d58b82924be44d01a234c8fcd56abe4019c2dc4874d54ab00da0fc17ad92d.jpg

Death to Turks

This one needs a nose job. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/44060469db62744954ba0ac7683cdfad25d0ba0f45afcb853ee95bc867be9860.jpg

Death to Turks

What a powerful successful aseri soldier. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79871c36c677b497e41d81b9e7c3e3842c558c0af04689ecc5be085239a2223e.jpg

Death to Turks

azergayjan special forces thanks for the souvenir. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1555cc00f2720cd2cfffabbd835f5b309f27a4a020503cac17b29a61046e27e.jpg


Baku Claims to Have Means to Shoot Down Iskander Missile

BAKU—Azerbaijan’s defense minister claimed that his country’s armed forces possess anti-missile weapons with the capability to shoot down the Russian-made Iskander missile system, which Armenia added to its arsenal last year.

“As defense minister, I declare that we have a system that can shoot down these missiles. We have 50 times more missiles. I fully stand by my words. Imagine the response strike on the infrastructure and military targets [of Armenia], if they [Armenian Armed Forces] decide to use them [the missiles!?” Zakir Hasanov, the Azerbaijani defense minister told the Russian RIA-Novosti in an interview published Wednesday.

Hasanov told RIA-Novosti that the anti-missile system he referenced was not purchased from Russia, although Azerbaijan is considering the purchase more weapons from Russia, which just last month completed delivery of more arms to Baku as part of sales agreement with that country. Russia has also sold around $5 billion worth of tanks, artillery systems and other weapons to Azerbaijan in line with defense contracts signed in 2009-2011.

It is clear that Turkey supplied missile defense system to Azerbaijan to defend the Iskander missiles.


Death to Turks

Azerbaijan “liberate their land” by using extremely damaging and harmful and banned white phosphorus on the trees and forests of Karabakh. Would you use one of the most harmful chemical weapons on your own land? You can see who’s the terrorist here.


Death to Turks

Death toll in Izmir Turkey earthquake only at 12 for now, hopefully it rises to much more. https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1322156918346055681?s=20


Turkish UAVS run out of canadian cameras and now are using turkish made cameras…they cant see shit!

Jihadi Colin

Uh, that thing was sitting out in the open launching missiles, not moving, and the drone made no attempt to take it out then? Was it out of ammunition and called in another drone for the strike?


Yes. From the missile attacks, the electronic system tracks the source of the missiles. Then the surveillance drone found the BM-30 launcher. It continues to track it and called in the attack drone. This is how the videos are linked together. Then the drones found two of them hidden together. LOL.

Making it easy to kill two birds at the same time.

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