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Azerbaijani Combat Drones Inflict More Losses On Armenian Forces In Nagorno-Karabakh (Videos)

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Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh are sustaining serious material and human losses as a result of Azerbaijani combat drones attacks.

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense released on October 3 new videos showing a number of drone strikes that targeted Armenian forces in the last 48 hours.

The strikes destroyed or damaged the following equipment:

  • 9 T-73 battle tanks;
  • 2 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles;
  • 2 MT-LB armored vehicles;
  • 2 BM-21 multiple rocket launchers.

The videos also show strike on a mortar position and what appears to be an airstrike with heavy munitions on a base in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drones, acquired by Azerbaijan earlier this year, are responsible for these strikes. MAM-L and MAM-C small-diameter laser-guided munitions are the main armament of the drone. Both are likely being used by Azerbaijani forces.

Despite sustaining heavy losses, Armenian forces are still holding onto most of their positions in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijani troops are struggling to advance.


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Porc Halal

Fucking useless azeri losers!!.. give the monkeys expensive hi-tech weapons, because they’ll mess it up anyway …


Matter of time.

Lone Ranger

They are deliberately playing the victim card trying to force Russia to enter the game, wont happen, not with that neo liberal cia pimped leadership in Armenia. The Su-30 could hunt down these drones with ease, they dont even have to use the S-300. So why arent they doing it? Im only surprised there is no insurrection due to that treasenous leadership.

Porc Halal

Not surprising at all…It is called brainwashing…it is working nicely when ever you find a neo-liberal government in place…

The Objective

They are not playing the victim card with the lives of their soldiers. this is beyond their power to subdue.

Lone Ranger

You wanna bet?


I agree. Im also askin myself whaj Armenia is not yousing Su-30 and way the hell they dont deploy S-300 in NK. Also some atack with iskander misle on drone airport woud be apropriate in this point.


It’s not clear Armenia controls the S-300, they may be at the Russian airbase.

As to why not use Su-30, you do know that Azerbaijan has multiple advanced S-300PMU 2 units that can easily shoot them out of the sky, right? And neighboring Turkey has S-400 units that can do the same?

Remember, Mr. Ignoramus, all of this fighting is occurring in Azerbaijan, so it is a purely internal matter, according to all international law, and so Armenia has no business attacking Azerbaijan, which would be an act of war, and would allow Turkey and Azerbaijan to attack Armenia proper, including it’s capital, in “self-defense”.

Try thinking a bit.




lol S400 in turkey are not operational you clown


Of course they are you liar. They may not have been activated yet, but all the equipment, missiles, and training are there. The moment they turn them on, they are operational. Comrade.


they have 0 missiles delivered as yet…how are thy going to operate them?


More lies? Already in January Russia sent 120 missiles to Turkey. https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Russia-ships-120-missiles-to-Turkey-for-S-400-system-614784

What’s the next lie on your list? They don’t have fuel for the missiles? lol


u actually have no launch codes…sorry!


S-300 is deploid around capital Turkis S-400 is curentl not in rainge of Armenia air spaice. Way alowing masacer on your own trops? For public apinionabroad?


You may have read somewhere, these systems are mobile. It’s one of their selling points actually. Plus the S-400 has a long range, and Armenia has a long border with Turkey. The capital, Yerevan, is actually quite close to Turkey. They can use their home-grown air defense missiles to keep the skies clear. Or maybe they shell the capital and airports. All those drones, they can destroy not only the planes, but Yerevan as well.

But keep smoking your Kool-aid, bud, party on!


Are you not capable of normal discousion? Maybe you are emotional, probably pro Azeri?


More 3yo insults? Grow up, little child, and maybe in a few years you can join the adults at the table.


Does that meak you feel beter? Tray it with pils. You probably achived al redy somthing in your life? Or are you still living with your momy?


@ Lone Ranger…Methinks a couple batteries of Pantsirs would stop this whole business immediately…unlikely there are any Koral systems in AZR, which is what was giving the Pantsirs a hard time in Idlibistan…. but like you say, Pashinyan isn’t worth it.

Rhodium 10

Koral? one of them was wipe off in Libya by antiradar KH-31 kripton launched by Mig 29!…anyway Azerbajan will waste drones and will not retake NK!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN-RIbbZGps


You want them to use the 4 Su-30? Is this some kind of joke. Azeri/Turks can down them easily. The only thing Armenia can do is to destroy some Su-25 and cry foul…


How can the Su-30 kill the drones? There are hundreds….

Lone Ranger

Easily. A drone is slow, the Su-30 has excellent radars and IRST, can tazje out drones with IR missiles or guns with laser rangefinder. In 2008 a Russian Mig-29 shot down a Georgian drone with an IR missile. Video is up on youtube.


turkey is making the middleeast more unstable day by day …from syria to iraq to azerbeidjan, the east mideteranean and “libya” …this is getting out of control what next ?? chechnya ? turkmenistan ? central asian countries ? RUSSIA ??? CHina ?? europe ? north africa ….i don’t care what anybody says turkey needs to be hurt bad really really bad…russia and france have been really nice i think it’s time they get along and deal with turkey erdogan needs to be punched in the face so that he knows he’s real place in this game


It does not matter what Turkey is doing. Get Armenians out of N-K. Then war will stop.


Yes it soud. Also turkey soud get out from Sirya and out of Cayprus. What do you think?


Turks can be out of Syria if Russia insists. But Turks will never get out of Cyprus. The Turks there do not have security there. History was clear.

Great Khan

Turk brothers protect Turkic Mongol people. Good.



That is almost all white nations. Only diferec is traditional clothing.


History is slso clear in N.K. yeat you insist in retreat of Afmenians. You are yousing duble standards. So your comdnts and apinions are shity.

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h86)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★:::


Why? Armenians have lived here as an absolute majority for CENTURIES. Why teh fuck must they leave to satisfy the urges of Islamist whackjobs who covert their land and seek absolute dominion over them???

I’m guessing you supported the equally whackjob Georgians in their desire to erase Ossetia and Abkhazia.

You’re a fucking idiot, no mistake.

Great Khan

Inuit brother live in Alaska for centuries, fat American capture Alaska sold by stupid Russian czar, so now go back to Inuit Mongols?

Great Khan

Armenia out of NK soon, Jew drone do much damage. harop, harop, Armenia kiskmish.

Ida Acobian

Let Erdo commit suicide. You will not understand now but you will see it unfolding. Watch Islamic Scholar Imran Hosein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08KAyS33wjs

The Objective

We Muslims don’t see this as a game. We are fighting for survival. And should France and Russia take your advice, Turkey will indeed fight to defend itself.


you don’t represent muslims you only represent yourselves

The Objective

Indeed I represent the feelings of a majority of Muslims around the world – I mean Sunnis. We perceive an existential threat from the Christian world (Europe, USA, and Russia). These enemies don’t want our progress. They are saddened if any Muslim country starts getting strong and immediately try to crush it by any means. They don’t want any form of democracy in our lands even though the first generation of Muslims selected their leader on a Majority basis – similar to democracy. They want for us leaders like Sisi, MBS, MBZ, and other hypocrites who bow to them. They protect these oppressive rulers with everything they’ve got. They terrorize the Muslims of these countries to silence through the devils they put in power. They will not tolerate any form of Islam that is critical of their rule. Islam has no tolerance for oppression, usury, immorality, and dictatorship/monarchy.

I am giving you an assignment to produce one single report that says a majority of the World’s Muslims have favorable views of America. For everyone you produce, I’ll give you ten to the contrary, that’s if you are able to find one. Even illiterate Muslims in my country know America is among our greatest enemy. Russia is an even greater enemy.

So yes, I speak for Sunnis of the world.


im sunni and you’re muslim brotherhood two different things… please stop speaking about muslims you only represent zionist muslim brotherhood

The Objective

One of three is true: 1. You are not a Sunni Muslim 2. You are an uneducated Sunni (you can’t teach the Qur’an or Hadith for whichever of the four schools of thought.) 3. You are a hypocrite despite knowing the truth (Saudi, Elsisi, or Emirati regime loyalist) But most likely, you are a Shiite attempting to mislead Sunni Muslims on this forum. Cos I discovered this forum is infested with Iranian agents waging a disinformation campaign.

However, I’ll like to know where you and I differ – I mean your understanding of the present situation and how Muslims should go about facing this mounting aggression in accordance with the True Islamic teaching by traditional Sunni Scholar since generations past.


none of the above is true, im sunni arab muslim i don’t support zionist islam like you do …if you support turky it’s just like supporting golf states …same sh*t different shitter… both are US slaves ….second of all i don’t think that politics and religion should be mixed, your beloved erdogan doesn’t give sh*t about muslims he only uses them for the interests of his country by the name of “islam” …third of all you seem like a sectarian guy …things will get better if we get rid of zionism and islamist zionism that you support

The Objective

“i don’t think that politics and religion should be mixed” This statement of yours is enough prove that you belong to the category of unlearned Sunnis. The Quran and Sunnah clearly commands us in many places to live by the Shariah and govern our countries by it. Separating religion from politics is the opposite of Shariah implementation. That’s why you’re an unlearned Muslim.

Turkey is no Western puppet. Read up on Erdogan’s policies in Turkey. How these changes will groom a Muslim generation firmly opposed to the West.

Why is America sanctioning Turkey, weakening the Turkish currency, preventing European companies from defense partnership agreements with Turkey? Why is Elsis so afraid of Turkish presence in Libya? Why are the GCC so afraid of Turkey? Why do they support Haftar in Libya? Why is Erdogan is currently the most popular leader with Muslims of the world?

You are just one of the useless Muslims around. Left to people like you, the Muslim society would have been destroyed; women moving naked and tempting men to fornicate, drunkenness, usury, and all others. You are a munafiq.


Fighting for survival??? By launching an attack on an enclave that is 95% Armenian and has been majority Armenian for CENTURIES.

Azeris caused this in 1991 (or earlier) when they arrogantly demanded soveignty over NK just because it lay within the borders of the Soviet-era SSR of Azerbaijan. Georgia did the same over South ossetia and Abkhazia (and Adjara), and they lost the resulting war as well.

Islamist roaches like you make me sick. Murderous intolerant bunch of untrustworthy scumbags.

Great Khan

You also speak from your big mamtu, Armenia capture Azerbaijan land, Azeri ask Turk brothers and Jew bitch for help and weapons and now Armenia yekshima. You understand.

The Objective

The UN despite not being a Muslim organization has a different stance from what you claim. Even Armenia hasn’t officially recognized NK as a country. I say Muslims are fighting to survive because of the relentless assault on our people and countries.There’s a clear attempt to weaken Turkey in whom the perceive the threat of a unifying force for the Muslim world.

The main reason for Turkey’s entry into Syria was due to America’s attempt to create an enemy country to Turkey (Kurdistan). The Turkish intervention in Libya was to protect a pro-Islamic government that cares for the plight of the Muslim world. Turkey’s entry into Qatar was to protect the pro-Islamic monarchy from the Saudi and Emirati devils ruling those countries. Turkey’s military presence in Somalia is to bring together a country scattered, destroyed, and abandoned by America.

There is an Islamic-Humanitarian reason for every Turkish intervention. While your people try to disunite and scatter Muslim countries to create failed states, Turkey strives to re-unite and build these countries again. Turkey wants technological progress for every Muslim country not ruled by hypocrites. They are striving to bring together a group of Muslim countries that’ll protect themselves and other Muslims from oppression. This is why there is so much hatred of Turkey in the Christian world. No other reason.

Azerbaijan is a similar case. They are fighting to take their land back. Turkey offers its support for a just cause of liberation.

Great Khan

Great Khan think you big idiot.


Why would Russia get involved? It agrees N-K belongs to Azerbaijan, and has voted many times in the UNSC to make this clear to everyone. But I guess your IQ is too low to grasp the obvious, instead your life is run by your fantasies. Some people might call that “insanity”.


lol telling people they have low iq while you either don’t understand english or you make up stuff in your mind ….i obviously never mentioned that russia should get involved in azerbeidjan….im talking about the bigger picture in general and btw i actually don’t give a fuck about this particular war weither nk belongs to azrbeidjan or the armenian people in nk want out …either way i don’t care ….the thing that i don’t like and is a problem is the fact that turkey is sending syrian mercenaries everywere from libya to iraq and azerbidjan ….and we all know that thoses mercenaries are ex nusra and ex isis soldiers …if nk belongs to azerbidjan then defend it with azeri soldiers don’t bring turkish mercenaries from syria don’t try to make a statement !


“i obviously never mentioned that russia should get involved”- no, you only wrote that Russia should punch Erdogan in the face, that’s not getting involved, nope, not at all. And you claim I can’t understand English, lmfao, what a buffoon!

“turkey is sending syrian mercenaries everywere” – well I haven’t seen any evidence there are Syrians fighting there, can you share it please? And not some claim made by some propaganda group, actual evidence. Does any exist? Hmmm? And even if there are Syrians fighting, where is proof they are “mercanaries”? Hmmm? Facts and logic don’t matter to you, you trade in lies and insults. What a buffoon!

P.S. Even Americans used “German mercenaries” (and others) in Afghanistan. And how many “foreign mercenaries” and “forced conscripts” did Stalin use against Germany in WW II? Hmmmm? How many soldiers did he have shot in the back as they were retreating? Hmmm? I guess that means the Russians did not want to win WW II enough, lol! What a buffoon!


very retarded indeed


Someone has 0 IQ….


I think the only party that would actually stop Turkey is NATO/USA. Given the situation that Turkey pulls the string too tight, but for now probablly they want to let her grow


Turkey is part of NATO. You fool…


thats a big joke…Turkey is the biggest enemy of nato right now…muslims dont have a place in NATO…NATO is here to destroy muslims…that why EU dont want Turkey also

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h86)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★:::::


Erdogan-controlled Turkey has done nothing for Muslims except get mostly Muslims killed and steal their oil, gold, infrastructure, and other loot. Erdogan is right at home with NATO, the Zionists, and the banker gangsters.

Great Khan

Turkey stronk Russia weak, so Armenia become kishmish.


Not really. Syrian civil war was started by CIA and its “train and equip” program.

Iraq thing is not even Turkey’s doing, for 3 decades Iraq allowed PKK to use its lands as a base and let PKK cross the border and attack Turkey.

Azerbaijan thing has NOTHING to do with Turkey. It’s literally between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Armenia just needs to pull back its forces from the lands they are invading and all will be okay.

As for Libya, Turkey is at least supporting the side that has the UN recognition, while others (Russia, UAE, Egypt and France) are supporting a freakin’ warlord that left mass graves behind where it pulled back.


Between Erdogan’s Turkey downing that Su-24 in 2015, getting Ambassador Karlov killed, basically turning Northern Syria into another Golan Heights, and turning Turkish soldiers into human shields for Al-CIA-da in Idlib, how is this role in Nagorno-Karabakh any different?

Provoking a world war-level escalation by using “NATO ally” Turkey as bait has been a working strategy for years. To “deal with turkey erdogan” is not a choice to be taken lightly; it would be analogous to invading Poland or bombing Pearl Harbor. And yes, the banker gangsters, the “international clique” provoked those, too.

Tudor Miron

Wait… I already seen this type of cartoons. Now I see how Turkey is helping Azeris – their heroic photoshop specops joined the fight.


Sure, the videos are lying, but you, an anonymous nobody thousands of miles from the war, is setting the facts straight! Thank you, Oh Oracle of Truth!


Yes, with all those soldiers killed in the rat holes…


Ohh another photoshop expert, I bet you make lots of movies with it.

Rhodium 10

IT is Orbiter loitering drone which have only 2kg of explosive…notice that most of tanks didnt burn or explode! TB2 is easy to detect and to shot down…I doubt that Azerbajan forces are using them!

The Objective

the article clearly says TB2 drones are the main weapon destroying these equipment.


They were seen in the footages, it’s guided artilery fire.

Rhodium 10

Using both guide artillery and Orbiter!..Armenia are also using guide artillery ..surely ground forces from heights have laser equipment to point targets.

Random Dude

Its like a football match with one goal box

Kenny Jones ™

But the winner doesn’t take any land, weird football match

Random Dude


Lazy Gamer

This is a slaughter. Armenians have less reliance on signals and waves, what the hell are Armenian scientists doing for this past week?


They have been rounded in its capital city.


New videos from the mountainous areas seized by Azeri forces today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy7IvKVOPUw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvoExPh88js


Those poor Armenian soldiers. They use such low technology…. Soviet era?


It seems so. Easy targets for our latest technology drones.


Recognize the road in your first video. These are remnants of an azeri column filmed earlier in the week. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b9e89d9f497aad1fcc3891f200776a7ec29d99fc4f42b088b402a1caeedaaea.jpg https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2071417672680/watch-armenian-forces-destroy-azerbaijani-armored-vehicle


No, the terrain is totally different. You can see it more clearly in the video. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1418e407a8b7a6881cc9d20151eeb57b2c1473c425ace288430deda80bf31e09.png


You have to be kidding me, right? This is just a wider shot taken from a slightly different angle. Look at the terrain features, position of trucks, and even some of the bushes.!!


lmao you must be kidding. Watch the beginning of the videos carefully. Terrains are not even similar. There must be thousands of bends like this on these mountains.


Well, I guess a Turk never lies. And bushes seem to grow in the same spots relative to each other. :DD


If you were right i would accept it but you’re not. Btw, are you using glasses :)


I looked at them again. You may be right.


Lying turk roach.


Blocked, bye parasite.

Great Khan

Great Khan say you sore loser.

Pave Way IV

Kind of interesting detail on one of the videos. Looks like the shadows of three aircraft during the strike at :29. The apparent sun angle would put these aircraft much further behind anything that could have released the bomb. Take it with a grain of salt however because 1) we have no idea if this is actual recon drone footage or something manufactured in the basement of a British ‘Social Media Narrative Management’ shop hired by Turkey, Israel or the US., 2) shadow movement seems too slow for jet aircraft and they seem really damn big to me, and 3) It’s something the bastards want us to see for whatever reason. Nothing is random or unintentional with these pricks.




Looks like 3-4 drones attacked and dropped bombs simultaneously.


Interesting… on another Azeri vid, I saw a drone cross the path on the screen


40 second mark

Dunno what model

Pave Way IV

Courtesy of the Merchants of Death: Israel


Great Khan

Jew bitch make money people die.


It’s more of that on the bottom right of the screen, don’t know whar it is but I have seen it in other war footages also. Could be cloud near the drone that is filming.

Kenny Jones ™

A lot of these footage is fabricated, it was a surprise attack so they got some hits on the first days, but now their drones are being downed by dozens, they lose hundreds of soldiers everyday, that’s why they release footage without a date, take the L https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c40ce9619c4ff8480eca2487b1f3ea874700cdec2146589145aa3024b7901810.jpg


Then why Armenian PM is seeking peace talk???

What a loser.

Traiano Welcome

So that when they break the Azeri attack, they can say to the international community:

“We offered these bastards a chance at peace, but they refused, so don’t blame us for breaking them”


Ofering peace with terms is not a peace proposal.

Traiano Welcome

It depends what the terms are.


Yes it depends. but if they demanded teh retreat of Armen forces that is not a peace proposal.

Traiano Welcome

Of course, peace does not mean surrender.

Great Khan

Jew drone do much damage. Armenia fly kite.

Kenny Jones ™

Peace as in not going till the Caspian sea


Some of these are old videos. I’ve noticed they like to recycle the same material amongst new footage. Drones will not change the outcome of the war however, as the casualties they cannot bring enough firepower to break enemy lines. All they do is cause attrition. For every one of these drone strikes, Armenia is also doing plenty of artillery strikes. So nothing is being gained by anyone in this stupid war.


You can keep denying. But the war is turning against Armenia…


Keep trolling Turk. Must feel good to have a tyrannical terrorist as your leader.


I’m not Turk. You fool….

Traiano Welcome

The Kebab upvoted you.


You sound like one. No one except Islamists and Israel supports them.

Traiano Welcome

The war has been against Armenia from the beginning, the turning has only one way to go now …


Azeris should plan a pincer movement to Stepanakert. In a few days, war will be over….


Sure General Moon. Azeri forces can move rapidly across the flat plains on the S Caucasus mountains. You can also gather together all the Syrian Jihadist on the front lines for a human wave attack. :/


Those Syrian fighters are battle harden hard fighting soldiers. They know how to drive T-90 tanks.

Traiano Welcome

Those Sunni Syrian fighters cannot even win against a fragile government barely surviving in Aleppo, with the backing of the world’s great and minor powers … What can the do fighting for Shia masters against Christians in a land they do not know ?

They are dying in their hundreds, if not thousands … Soon they’ll begin to realise the Shia Azeris are playing them for fools, and begin to turn against their masters …


Hahahaha people here who thinks Russia will help Armenia: 1. Russia supports Azerbaijan, especially in UNSC. 2. Russia sells weapons to both sides. 3. Russia has nothing to gain.


Exactly. Russia benefits from the war. Armenia PM says Armenia is the guarantor of N-K. But Armenia can’t even protect itself…. What a joke.


I doubt the war will escalate though. We will probably see a EU led peace initiative. Let’s hope that is how things work out.


Yes, they have: overthrowing the pro Western gov of Armenia.

Florin Boar

Russia tehnology against Nato tehnology 0-1 for Nato

Traiano Welcome

Not for long. The game does not end at 0-1.


of course the muslims fight like their masters the jews, as cowards


How so?

Traiano Welcome

Nagorno-Karabahk cannot be held for long from a power center in Azerbaijan, even if they capture it for a while, the ground is in favour of Armenia.

O manknd, heed my prophecy, Armenia will recapture Nagorno Karabakh.

Traiano Welcome

And the Turks are going to look like losers again.


Looks like Armenia can’t keep it either. Those drones won’t stop.

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h86)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::::

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