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Azerbaijani Combat Drones, Loitering Munitions Inflicted More Losses On Armenian Troops (Videos)

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On October 4, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan shared videos of new strikes on Armenian troops in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The strikes, which were carried out with combat drones and loitering munitions, targeted the following equipment:

  • 2 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled howitzers;
  • 2 T-72 battle tanks;
  • 1 BM-21 multiple rocket launcher;
  • 1 military truck.

The Azerbaijani MoD’s videos also show a rocket strike on Armenian forces’ positions and an attack on an ammunition depot in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The strikes seen in the second video were all carried out with loitering munitions. The Azerbaijani military is known to be operating at least two types of Israeli-made loitering munitions, the IAI Harop that has a range of 1,000 km and a 23 kg warhead and Elbit Systems’ SkyStriker that has a 20 km range and 5 kg warhead.

Despite sustaining heavy losses as a result of Azerbaijani aerial attacks, Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh continue to show fierce resistance.


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Random Dude

One day Israeli, one day Turkish drones. They are simply making fun. Looks like colonization where soldiers with guns were fighting against natives with bows and arrows. Judging by the equipment (literally age of equipment) Army of 21st century against army of 20th century.

Lone Ranger

Armenia has S-300 SAMs, well within range, they also have Su-30s, they could easily neutralize all drones, the reason they arent doing it is beyond reason, my best guess is the leadership wants to play the victim card for Russia and for the rest of the World, forcing them to help Armenia, but its a very bad strategy to be honest.


I am thinking the reason Armenia is not engaging directly is because they need the pretext, as you have seen from all the other areas of recent conflict, pretext is everything when the dust settles. The Armenian government is waiting for the green light for the counter offensive. I can see from the areas being targeted, there may be a massive invasion of the region north of Artsakh, which would put Azeri water supplies in Armenian hands. We will see.

Pave Way IV

I really don’t think you mean ‘pretext’, Andranik – it’s confusing (at least to me) in the context you’re using it. Def: “a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.“.

Pretext is generally understood as a fake or merely convenient excuse but implies lack of sincerity and partial deception. Armenia may be said to be waiting for a more serious provocation or justification for war, but not a pretext or ‘excuse’. The current hostilities provide plenty of pretext for Armenia’s involvement right now. An actual attack on Armenian soil, for example, would not be considered a pretext for war – it would be a clear and reasonable justification for war.

Sorry if I’m assuming too much about what you’re trying to say. I only speak english and have exactly zero credentials other than a keyboard.


English is my first and only fluent language however I speak several. Under normal situations you would be correct, but this is a bit more complex. I really mean Armenia needs a pretext for their involvement for a couple of reasons. 1) Artsakh is technically an independent state from Armenia, which is why other than some shelling and some drones the conflict has been concentrated on Artsakh not Armenia proper. 2) Armenia has the protection of CTSO and Russia, but Artsakh does not. Informally it is backed by the Armenian government, but formally not. It’s a super political technicality clusterfuck. So for these reasons, Armenia needs a solid pretext, or reason, or justification from a larger power to assist Artsakh. Without such a situation Armenia doesnt have the legal grounds to defend. In most countries getting shelled or attacked would suffice but Armenia is stuck between a rock and hard place when it comes to politics. So just a normal justification wont be enough for full Armenian involvement.

Pave Way IV

Ah, NO Andranik – you can’t redefine a word at your convenience. Pretext = false reason, deception. You just reiterated that Armenia needs an reason (obvious) without explaining why it would need a pretext – a FALSE excuse.

Which brings me to a more troubling question. Why would Armenia need wait for a fake reason if Artsakh – essentially an extension of Armenia – is under attack? Any time I hear ‘technicalities’ as justification, the CIA and their little buddy Israel isn’t too far behind.

FFS, Armenia wasn’t too worried about optics when it ethnically cleansed (genocided) over a million Azeris to create a buffer zone for N-K and then create the fake ‘independent’ country of Artsakh (to deflect the the atrocity FROM Armenia)? That was a million Azeri lives destroyed for the security and benefit of, what, 150,000 Armenians in N-K now? See how one-sided that seems?

And now Arminia is waiting for some kind of technical justification to fight in Artsakh so it’s all legal? Sounds like some sneaky bullshit is going on.

Is Armenia planning another land grab somewhere? Will you genocide – er, ‘ethnically cleanse’ the people there as well and make up yet another fake ‘independent country’ to absolve Armenia of the atrocities? Or do the ethnically-cleansing deniers – Artsakh – get the war booty again? You were mentioning the reservoir in the north. Please tell me the Fedayi haven’t turned into common land thieves today. That’s pretty fucking sick considering Armenia’s own history.

Random Dude

S300 “within range” that has drones roam freely, and 4units of amazing SAM evading stealth Su-30 that could destroy all of drones on the sky. The reason why its not used because they are useless. Soviet military technology is also 20th century and can’t keep up with current trends. Russian arms industry is not bad at all, specially new developments, but whatever was being produced from 90s till 2010s is based on old Soviet design. There was no budget back then for R&D like there is now. So I stand by what I said, this conflict is 20th century against 21st century.

Lone Ranger

Lay down the crack, its bad for you… You just proved you know nothing about military tech. Go back to Clown News Network… Bye.

Random Dude

best of luck with junk

Vox Populi

Russia was defeated in Afghanistan, largely to immense military inferiority and lack of political will and today Russia is a pale shadow of the USSR, which by itself was a facade.

Vox Populi

Russian weapons have never won any conflict. Arab-Israeli wars are a good indictment of Russian weaponry. The US and the west in general have technological, economic and intellectual superiority.

Fog of War

Russia will not intervene, Putin has his orders. Armenia was told to lose for several reasons. Soon NATO will be on Iran’s borders. The 18th is getting closer, the clues are in the timing of most conflicts.

Lone Ranger

Putin aint taking orders. Its simply that Armenia is lead by neo-liberal traitors whom backstabbed both Armenia and Russia. In place of Russia I wouldnt help them either. It will be a valuable lesson for them same as for Lukhasenko as why its s bad idea to bend over to the CIA.

Fog of War

” Putin aint taking orders. ”

I’m glad you have insider info on this.

” It will be a valuable lesson for them same as for Lukhasenko as why its s bad idea to bend over to the CIA. ”

Yes, Putin will ” teach them a lesson “, a lesson where NATO ends up on Iran’s and Russia’s borders either way. Some lesson.


Keep dreaming. But don’t cry when Burevestnik’s will smash your house down.

Fog of War

Whats that even supposed to mean ? Seriously .


wrong answer

I was answering to “Russia with inferior Soviet era failed weaponry”


Those toys you mentioned would be easy targets for the Turkish F-16s stationed in Azerbaijan

Vox Populi

Russia with inferior Soviet era failed weaponry is not in a position to challenge Turkish/NATO airpower as amply demonstrated in Syria.


A Russian Su-24 Fencer shortly after its was shot down by a Turkish F-16 on Nov. 24, 2015.


And is not even the best of NATO


Is Su-24 air superiority aircraft?


It’s a Soviet junk like Kuznetsov

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking…


And Su-24 is not (1) an air superiority aircraft, (2) the best Russia has!

It is known in military circles that a F-22 would have a bad day against a Su-35. F-35s would be defeated in minutes. Yes, F-22 is better than F-35 in air-to-air fights.


Please communicate to your high military circles that I was not talking about Su-24 vs F-16 but Turkish drones vs Russian drones and AA equipment.

Lone Ranger

Su-24 is a tactical strike craft, and was ambushed from behind by a fighter jet. It could have been an F-22 in its olace and the results would have been the same. Turkey lost 60 drones in Syria and 122 in Armenia. Not very efficient…


Reread the thread.

Lone Ranger wrote: “Armenia has S-300 SAMs, well within range, they also have Su-30s”

to which you replied: “Those toys you mentioned would be easy targets for the Turkish F-16s stationed in Azerbaijan”

So you both were talking about S300, Su-30 and F-16. What drones are you talking about?

Lone Ranger

NATO is dead.

Pave Way IV

I think you mean ambushed by a Turkish F-16 pilot exploiting the Russian pilot’s trust in previous Turkish-Russian operations deconfliction and coordination. A cowardly act that required the Turkish pilot to turn off his tracking radar and inexplicably use a heat-seeking missile on an unsuspecting aircraft.


Inferior? Avangard? Poseidon? Burevestnik? You turks are seriously delusional.

I see why Paisios prophesied about Turkey disappearing from the maps.

Lone Ranger

In disney movies…


Let’s see if Armenia uses them, by now Russian toys make the best advertising for Turkish and Israeli arms sales.

Lone Ranger

Not really. Russia is the number 2 arms saler in the world. Turks failed in Syria, and pretty much in Lybia as well. Merkava IV is no match for Kornet either…

Lone Ranger

Armenia is lead by neo-liberal traitors. Not sure if they are dumb or want to destroy their own country deliberately.

Khazar Supremacy

Our Azerbaijani Turk brothers uses Israeli and Turkish drones. Just like in old days Iran will fall and Turkic ppl will rule Caucasian, Persian lands with help of Israel.


at the moment you rule kebab restaurants in France ,Germany , Poland and Belgium so good luck . From banana republic aka tourist destination to empire :D my dear , we live in clown world

Khazar Supremacy

Those are ethnic kurds, Turks dont know how to make kebab u silly white goy. We are sending them to “enrich” ur women and culture. Ur european ppl turned into cuckold simps and women to feminazis and soon u will be replaced by migrants thx to us lol.


nope , they are 100% Turks , Come on dont be ashemed of your own people dude. Well , Turkish man has low sexual market value in europe , most of western and central europe woman see them as gypsy and see Turks as unattractive people. MAybe you don’t know but in europe most of woman prefer white tall caucasian type , If you re from middle east , asian or african then its over for you :( this is all based on facts so dont take seriously , life goes on.

Khazar Supremacy

Hahahah yeah thats why most of native european population will be minority in 2040’s lol. Damn u goyim are so funny.


muslims are very small % in most of EU countrys so you predictions sound like incel wet dream and many countrys these days are ruled by right wing partys so muslim will have more and more difficault time to get social benefits ;) btw 20 years is not long time so i think that you watch too much TRT tv propaganda . Just play playstation 4 and relax bro

Khazar Supremacy

>right wing parties top kek I see u are a good sleeping goy any of those right wing parties cant dare to speak against Israel&Jews and If they do not cooperate with Jewish bankers they will be marked as anti-Semite and burned but yeah keep sleeping in ur wet dream.

Fleecing Rabbi

Nazi drek.


thanks , yes , i am handsome

Vox Populi

Your ignorance is gratifying.

Vox Populi

Idiotic trolling is not the answer to a already complicated situation. Try posting on Stormfront not Southfront. You are apparently confused due to low IQ.


cry more and create more accounts you turkish troll , who knows ….maybe one day it will help ;)


Yeah, turkey has unleashed an army of trolls. On twitter it is even worse.

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshuggenah goyim drek.

Fleecing Rabbi

Yes, yes more drugs.

Khazar Supremacy

Shalom what drugs???


Your brain is messed up….

Khazar Supremacy

Ahaha yeah sure thing shitskin persian. Most of ur population hates ur goverment and bomb ur own factories with help of our eternal ally Jews. Oghuz Turks settled in there in early 1200s and soviet commie retards gave them the name of Azeris. Thats not the name of ethnicity but a land. Like not calling Republic of Hungary but Republic of Panonnia. Anyway most of ur ppl runs away from ur country and comes to Turkey to be gay boi prostitute and ur hairy shitskin women to whores, ur own persians hates ur goverment and kurds about to get revolt(just like how happend in Kirmanshah), Iranian Oghuz hates u (look to tractor fans) and soon with help Israel we will take ur goyim ppl down.



Khazar Supremacy

Bezrat hashem thats what will be ❤


No you won’t, your Persian soldiers can only use proxies like the good little cowards they are.


Not at all, they will join their Azeri brothers and sisters from Iran back to Azerbaijan after Iran will be dissolved. Since you are a fake state and with 40% Persians, you are the MINORITY.


They surely don’t see it that way, and they don’t wanna be part of your stinky religious dictatorship country.


Fact is they are seculars like us, that’s why we have a good cooperation with them.


Okay Ali, as things are going now my country and yours will be in a war not too long from now I give it 6 months. I hope you know what it means for you.


That is where you’re wrong my dear Ali, Israel is 72 years old but that is just a small part of our history on this lands. Just take a look at Jerusalem, it used to have a Temple. Now there is a mosque, how long do you think it will stay there?


The difference is the Azeris chose not to be part of Iran, you can say they are Iranians but they don’t see it that way. For them, calling them an Iranian is an insult. We however have been living here sincle the Bible times, but were exiled in 70 AD by the Romans after our second Temple was destroyed. We have never gave up on our right to return here, and we succeeded eventually. Meanwhile, Arabs had stolen our land and built a Mosque there, fearing we would build our Third Temple. I don’t know how this war ends, but you shall never step a Persian foot on our land.


Goodluck Ali, you will need it.

Khazar Supremacy

❤?? today I thought like Iran will be split into 4 parts then I saw ur comment, Northern Iran’s Azeri Oghuzs already revolt against Persian monkeys when they helped armenians. On the north Greater Khozaris and on the south Greater Zion of Israel will have commen border and sons of proud Khazarians will rule that geography.



Iran dissolved, yeah with ethyl alcohol



Arman Melkonyan

Thanks for sharing the good news.


Enough with this. I respect our relations with Azerbaijan but I’m fed up with seeing our weapons killing the Armenians which have done us no harm. Israel should make it clear to the Azeris that we will stop arming them if they don’t reach an agreement over Nagorno-Karabakh and end this war.


That’s a surprising turn of opinion for you.


It is, as I have said before I have nothing against Armenians and it saddens me to see our weapons kill them. I wish both Aremnia and Azerbaijan end this conflict, and reach a peaceful solution.


Thank you, and I am glad to see many Israelis are feeling the same, I saw some billboards in Israel against Azerbaijan and the Armenian flags are selling out, being hung from windows.

Vox Populi

Jews are very good at playing all sides historically.

Khazar Supremacy

Dont support those armenian goyim my fellow Khozari friend. Jews and Turks have allience since 600s and soon we togather take down Iran and create greater Azerbaijan.


I would rather see Azerbaijan get their historic lands from Iran, and reunite with their brothers in Iran. I just hate seeing a war between two sides I respect, I also respect Turkey since they have never fought us. My only problem is with the terroristic Arabs (not all of them) and the Persians.

Khazar Supremacy

Good perspective ??


Thank you, I hope the bloodshed will stop for both countries. There must be a way to reach an agreement.

Blue In Green

I don’t normally talk to you (since I find you utterly repulsive) but this time you’ve really crossed the line and said some blatantly false things.

What an utterly stupid comment devoid of any basis in reality. Do you just spout any nonsense that comes to your mind just cause? I guess radicalized Arab-Jews like yourself just like to say-shit that makes you feel good huh? What a dunce…

“Azerbaijan get their historic lands from Iran” — You must be a special kind of stupid to think this lol. Azeris are IRANIAN BY BLOOD (as well as culture) and the lands (the ones you idiotically are referring too) were always apart of greater Iran (Persia, Seljuk, Sassanid, Parthia, etc etc…). Azeris like the rest of the IRANIAN PEOPLES, have been living on the Iranian plateau for thousands of years. It wasn’t until recent wars that saw the lands known as Azerbaijan be taken away from the motherland and its peoples who are all closely related by blood.

You’re basically asking for IRANIANS to take land from OTHER IRANIANS (never gonna happen, so I don’t really care). Goes to show how much it is you don’t know yet deludedly talk about regardless of the facts.

This is something that has been true for the greater part of WRITTEN HISTORY itself. Something you wouldn’t understand for shit apparently… Damn, by that logic I guess any ethnic group around the world should just up and take what they think is “theirs”. I mean hell, why not. They have your consent right? sky’s the limit when you don’t give a shit about reality it appears.

You can’t just get to arbitrarily pick and choose who lands “land” belongs to who, hey…wait I forgot who it is I’m talking too.

Blue In Green

For your own further consideration

First of all, there is no such thing as “Turkish Azeris”. Azeris themselves are a distinct Iranic group that have lived on the Iranian plateau for millenias before the arrival of the Turko-Mongol tribes. Genetics do not lie:


“The origin of the Turkic-speaking population of the north-western provinces of Iran, the so-called Azaris, is the subject of long-year debate. Here, we present preliminary results on testing of several hypotheses concerning their origin: 1) the Azaris are the descendants of the Turkic ethnic groups migrated from Central Asia; 2) they have an autochthonous origins; 3) they are of Iranian origin; and 4) they have mixed ethnic origin with unknown proportions of source populations’ contribution. The results show that Azaris have much weaker genetic affinity with the populations from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with their immediate geographic neighbours. Relying on these outcomes one can suggest that language replacement (change) with regard to Azaris occurred through “elite dominance” mechanism rather than “demic diffusion” model”

In other words, any connection between Azeris and Turks are relatively superficial i.e linguistic based and recent. Culturally speaking, Azeris today are in reality connected to other Iranic groups. So please, do not muddy the discussion with mis/disinformation. Yes you find some confused individuals in Iran, but do not forget the Iranian leader himself is part Azeri and Azeris have historically fought and killed countless Turks/Ottomons. Pick up a history book and learn about Shah Ismail.

Blue In Green

Even more facts for consideration


Khazar Supremacy

Goyim will cry and rage lol


It doesn’t matter you think or claim, Azerbaijan is a state and they see some parts in northern Iran as their lands. I hoped our weapons would be used against you so they can get their lands back, sadly it is being used against the poor Armenians. One day the Azeris will all be united and Iran will be dissolved as the fake state that it is today, Persians are only 40% of the population. Your time will come – Kurds, Azeris and Arabs will revolt and return your fake state back to where it should be in the pages of history.

Blue In Green

Big talk coming from a radical Arab Jewish terrorist lol.

Like I said before, you’re deluded rantings about topics in which you hold little to no real-world knowledge in doesn’t magically change reality . There is no version of this where Azerbaijanis (Iranians) get “back” their “land” nor the Kurds (also an Iranic group) or Arabs for that matter, from Iran proper, NONE. It was, is and will always be Iranian land for all the IRANIC peoples of the world to hold onto and enjoy. Something a stupid Iraqi-Arab Juhood like yourself will never understand in full. Sectarian overtures wont get you anywhere when it comes to Iran Iron_Idiot. Best start accepting facts, but whatever, you do you I guess…

You know whilst I’m here I’ll say this. I’ve had the immense displeasure of sitting here going through South Front article after South Front article having to watch you shit over everything your dumb-ass decides to talk about. You sincerely lack critical information about so much stuff (you ignorantly comment on) that it’s actually sad to think you’re somebody who exists in the real-world. Idk what it is they’re teaching over there in Jew supremacy land, but it obviously isn’t’ objective history. Wallow in your own ignorance as much as you want Iron_Dumpster, that still wont change facts, especially since Iran is well out of your reach (thank god).

“Your time will come – Kurds, Azeris and Arabs will revolt and return your fake state back to where it should be in the pages of history.” — You’d sooner be a frail old racist Arab Jew dying on some god forsaken death bed before any of that came to pass. But for you own fanatically deluded sake. I hope you live long-enough to see your rantings about Iran not come to fruition.


We will see, Iran is a fake state, you can only control the areas where Persians are the majority, which is not the case in most of Iran. When the mullahs go down, you will have a civil war then we will see how strong your words are.

Blue In Green

I won’t hold you to shit Iron_Idiot, you have nothing to back up your words with other than some ill-informed perspectives of a racist Iraqi-Jew spouting utterly nonsensical diatribes not even you yourself fully understand.

“Fake state” my ass lol, Iranians been around for well over 7 thousand years and yet they’re the “Fake” state. On god you’re easily the stupidest person on SouthFront, I make no exaggerations at all when saying this.

“We will see” — Yeah sure whatever, you repugnant ninny. Keep yourself deluded, It’s what you do best.


Btw, Kurds in Iran will be united with the Kurds in Iraq, I would be happy to see that! Afterall, my origins are from Kirkuk. You Persians will learn the hard way what it means when others don’t obey your commands anymore.

Blue In Green

Oh sod off into the abyss will you? I’m done listening to you bullshit on and on. Go jump off a cliff or something, you sad 30 years old nobody…

No one is going to learn anything the “hard way” Iron_Rat. Cool, your roots are actually Iranic (really wish they weren’t, you don’t deserve the prestige) lol. I’m actually really disgusted to know that, by blood, you are and me have common roots.

Oh god…I’m gonna be sick…


Don’t be sick my friend, be healthy and see how the mullahs go down faster than you may think. You can call me in names which is okay, the truth is always stronger. Iran will be dissolved into 4 smaller areas – Kurds, Azeris, Arabs and Persians. Just give it a time, you can see all the protests in Iran that have been going since 2018.

Blue In Green

I’M NOT YOUR FRIEND IRON….. ugh….whatever man, think you want I’m not getting anywhere with you anyways

Okay… I’ll calm down for civility’s sake. Are you genuinely like this Iron? Do you sincerely think this way?

I’m telling you Iran will never be dissolved into 4 smaller states yet you continue to babble on about it incessantly as if it was some foregone conclusion. You have nothing to really back it up yet you still say it (protest happen here in the states as well, will America also break up because of it?).

You are just false, wrong and not right when you say such things. You lied about Azerbaijan, you lie about Iran’s future fate (and I don’t like the current Iranian governmental system either) yet you still spout this nonsense.

You aren’t an Iranian (well actually you are technically) nor are you a person even remotely familiar with how Iran as a people, culturally, historically, in ways concerned with mannerisms, thought processes, and how they operate in general (like I do) yet you still hold such erroneous and false assumptions. So it becomes hard, if not impossible, to see where it is you get such dumb ideas from.

Look, idk what to say anymore, you are demonstrably wrong, that’s the end of that, period. There is only so many times I can say this to someone who just doesn’t understand…

If the Dunning-Kruger effect was personified (if it was a person), it would undoubtedly be you….


You could be right since you do live there, but I’ve seen alot of protests from Iran over the internet how they chant death to the dictator and fight with the police. Last time, 400 Iranians were killed because of that, yet you say everything is okay. The people themselves have had enough, the mullahs are trying hard to keep the pieces together but sooner or later it will break. I guess we shall see? I think it will all be crystal clear after the U.S elections and who wins it.

Blue In Green

I’ve been more than forthcoming about where it is I’m from, time and time again (I know you read my comments so stop acting stupid). I’m American, born in the states and I won’t repeat this EVER again, my parents are Iranian though and I’m attached to Iran sentimentally. My words are well informed due to my frequent visits and constant rapport with those currently living in Iran. Economic situation is bad but nobody (in general) is looking to start tearing the nation up into pieces because of it.

The current Iranian government sucks, I will freely admit this to anyone who wants my opinion on the matter yet that doesn’t change how I feel about Iran’s role in the region, their rise a country as well as their importance in the future affairs of the Middle East.

Iran’s trajectory is on the up and up. With future trade-deals with China, continued full-sale of oil despite American sanctions and the ending of the arms embargo. Iran as nation will only grow more populous whilst increasing their defensive power exponentially year-in, year-out. If there is a change in government that sees domestic policies change in favor of more progressive liberal ones than I’m all for it but that is of no concern to you. Iran is for Iranians to govern as they see fit. What others have to say on the matter is of no real consequence.

Honestly Iron, you are the most inconsistent person on SouthFront. When COVID-19 was ravaging Iran you had openly called for Iranians to die without remorse, yet here you are saying you want what’s best of Iranians? I don’t see how anyone is supposed to take you even remotely serious when you say such things. You are the same person who wants Palestinians to leave en-masse, the same one calling for nuclear strikes as a FIRST-OPTION (deluded) in a war and the person that willingly says the full destruction of LEBANON is justified in war if you can’t win it (which you won’t), the same person who actually thinks ISIS is better than Shias (lol) only a bigoted person filled with hate would say this as well as calling for general genocide of all those living in Gaza. As a “human” being you exhibit highly repulsive in-humane/human behaviors that are best saved for the most wicked of humanity objectively and historically speaking.

It’s really, really, really, really hard for me to even try and take your words as meaningful when so much hate and ignorance is behind them. That’s always been my issue with you.

I just can’t take you seriously. By all means you are my enemy yet you talk as if you “care” about Iran and its peoples? Why the sudden change of heart? did an Iranian girl in Israel capture your heart or something? Was it Iranian food or music? Perhaps the poetry or history did you in?

I’ll leave the conversation be for now as I think I adequately stated my point.


“Iranians” is a confusing word. It is a mix of 4 different ethnicities and my only real problem is with the Iranian Persians. Now, I’m not saying all the Persians think alike as also in Israel we don’t see eye to eye many subjects, but overall most of the Persians are in favour of the mullahs and for me that means that want my country destroyed because of some religious agenda they have in mind. You see where my hate comes from? what did Israel do to deserve it after 1979? we were not your enemy back then, but your hate is what started it and with time we learnt to hate you too for calling our destruction. Even more, you’ve created proxies to do the dirty job for you be it in Gaza or Lebanon, and you still support them to this day in order to kill Israelis. Then you ask why I want you dead? I grew up under suicide bombers as a kid in a conflict I knew nothing about. Then I realized the bitter truth, you will not be happy till we are all dead. In time, I got stronger mentally and I promised myself I would do whatever it takes to make you pay for it and anyone that supports you. I stand behind my words today too, if a war is what you want, then a war you shall have which will make you regret it for many more years to come.

Blue In Green

lol, here you are again with the bullshit (zero shame huh?).

Persians would be the part of Iran that would welcome Israel more so than any other Iranian ethnicity xD (next to Kurdish probably). FYI (in case you cared) The leading heads of IRGC and Iranian government are often Kurd, or Azeri in their Iranian background along with being “Persian” but as i’ve alluded to earlier. You still want to divide Iran up into “Kurd, Azeri, Lor, Persian” when it fits your false narrative and I’m here to tell you, flat-out, Iranians are you enemy in general, not this “Persians” you keep speaking of incessantly and ignorantly. Also I really should say this, as I know you have zero clue about it but the general consensus in Iran about Israel is neutral/uncaring to hostile/unfavorable amongst MANY Iranians regardless of ethnicity. Why you want to sadly believe that somehow many Iranians are on your side is beyond me. This simply isn’t the case, AT ALL.

Khamenei is of Azeri descent and the Khomeni himself wasn’t even Persian. Goes to show you don’t even know who your enemy exactly is. Your problem with Persians stems from something else entirely. Again, your ignorance shows how you still say “Persians” are you enemy yet they’re just one part of the entire Iranian peoples. The Iranian nation has taken a moral and ideological stance against what Israel does to the Palestinian/Lebanese as well as America and Israel’s plan for Israeli regional dominance. All of Iran’s geopolitical decisions are done in accordance to what it deems necessary in order to counter American/Israeli power. Resolutely, this is what makes Iran a mortal enemy to Israel. They flat-out refuse to go along with Zionist controlled America’s plan for Israel to become the kingmaker of the region.

Anyways…what used to be a political issue is slowly turning into a bitter blood feud and Iranians as a people aren’t ones to shrivel up, wash away and forget. Iran is planing decades if not centuries ahead and will take steps in order to ensure those plans get implemented one way or another. I will point out that it has been America and Israel who are pushing for a conflict to happen sooner rather than later as challenging Iranian power directly in the future will prove to be decidedly not worth it as Iran’s conventional and asymmetrical military capability will out-class what conventional capabilities Israel and America employ. Moreover, the United States can ill-afford to focus their attention on the Middle East with the meteoric rise of China causing severe power struggles for America in the East-Asia Pacific region. The Americans will leave the region and Israel along with the chicken-shit Persian Gulf Arab dictatorships, will have to fend for themselves.

Lastly, with what you said Iron. You are my enemy, and the enemy of all Iranians as well as Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese.

I will say this, as far I’m concerned I don’t want all Israelis “dead”. That’s a horrible thing to want quite frankly. What I do want though is for Israel to be humiliated and defeated in battle in order to reach a more favorable position in the proceeding peace talks when all the dust-settles.

Breaking the back, humbling etc, etc… But no, I surely don’t wish death upon on you Iron.


Haven’t fought you yet, remember Erdogan says Turkey has no allies, only adversaries. Also, Jerusalem is a Turkish city, so good luck with that.

Fleecing Rabbi

Mazal Tov bruder.

Khazar Supremacy

Mazal tov my choosen one ?

Fleecing Rabbi

ir zent ams slmid Zion.

Vox Populi

You appear to be hypocritical troll devoid of any morality.


Israel should let Palestinians return to their homes. Just like the Azeri people return to their homes in N-K….


We will, when a peace deal is signed.


the jew grew a false conscience

Pave Way IV

Didn’t Israel specifically arm the Azeris with your theater ballistic missile system – LORA – to finish genociding the Armenians? I recall Baku almost immediately threatening to strike Armenia’s Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant as soon as the first Israeli LORA battery was delivered to Azerbaijan. Up until that point, they really had nothing that could actually hit Metsamor.

The prevailing winds at 5000m would carry radioactive fallout from Metsamor’s 50 tonne or so burning VVER core over the southwest coast of the Caspian and cover Tehran. Didn’t Bibi or one of your other nutjob politicians make a joke about nuking Tehran that way?

All Israel needed was Azerbaijan to be provoked enough to do it because they’re kind of insane like that. A false flag attack on a dam, maybe a fake chem weapons attack on Baku? Israeli commandos could blow the SCP with ease. Everyone would assume it was Armenia. It wouldn’t take much to make Baku go full retard and launch a strike on Metsamor. IAI claims 10 minutes launch to target strike. A S-300 is useless against it. The Ottomans couldn’t genocide all the Armenians in 1915 despite well-documented Zionist cheerleading. Why not get the Azeris to finish the job with a LORA?

Khazar Supremacy

Bezrat hashem thats whats going to be happen. Persian goyim will cry in agony cuz of radiation then wiped out. Plus, radiation will hit useless kurdish goyim of eastern side of Turkey so we can get rid of them and blame Armenia for killing our beloved kurdish population lol. 1 stone 3 birds.


I don’t like to comment to lunatic people, next.


I see. The order from Tel Aviv has arrived. Azeris are your “brothers” no more.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Its clear that Southfront has become mouthpiece of the Azeri aggression. Notice how Southfront is sharing nothing about the actual development of the war, that is videos from the Armenian side, showing the retake of outposts littered with the bodies of dozens and dozens of Azeris, the ambushes of Azeris from today that show the (tragic) end of 50 Azeri Soldiers, the ATGM destroying azeri trucks(probably full of soldiers too) etc etc etc. Armenia side claims to kill 400 azeri today, and on tape there is the recorded deaths or bodies of 100. Instead of money begging daily someone found it more fruitful to just get a ”sponsor”.

Khazar Supremacy

Oh stop crying greek goy and give Afrodite parcel to its rightful owner… to Israel.


Don’t worry, I am sharing them lol

Vox Populi

Can’t blame Southfront for reporting obvious reality. Azerbaijan prepared for this conflict and has deep pockets, thanks to oil and natural resources. Armenia is not endowed with any resource or of any geo-strategic importance. Israel also has a strategic relationship with Azerbaijan involving cooperation on security and energy. 60% of Azerbaijan’s arms procurement comes from Israel, while a large portion of Israel’s oil supply comes from Azerbaijan. The endless supply of Harop drones is decimating the Armenian military and the most prudent approach at this late stage appears to be capitulation and withdrawal from NK. Armenia is a weak pawn on a bigger chess board.



Totally agree. Surrender before the Lachin corridor is closed….

John Brown

Well we will know in a week or 2 who is right about what is happeing.

The leaders of Armenia are selling out their own people to their Zio masters George Soros. They are leading Armenia to total destruction. When they kick out the Russian base,Turkey will gladly conquer Armenia the next day.


Just did read some historian works about guerrilla war looks like the war will be not over get. The suffering for Azarbidjan is gone begin, the environment, the cause, the ethnic population and the knowledge that a ceasefire only will end in the Turkish ethnic cleansing and oppressing from other religions as they every where commit everything is against a ceasefire. A decade of guerrilla will bring them to reason and Erdogan to his grave, then there is time enough to talk. A guerrilla is gone cost not that much for Armenia, drones wont help, neither tanks and the number of Azuri is not important, there are multiple examples of a 10 time force of majority and far more superior armes as Turkish; who are so afraid to send jihadi terrorists.


You will be expelled out of N-K… Good bye.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Azerbaihan is running out of Cargo UAV planes. Seems Armenians arent line about how many planes the shot down. https://twitter.com/Obs_IL/status/1312760674104283138


Armenians said they striked a military airport in Granja. Azeris and their trolls armies on the web, say it isn’t true. Then they said only civilian facilities were hit ( yes, there is a civilian airport, that in times of war become a military airport!! War gonzo 101 ).

They say “armenians are dying like cockroaches”. Then they show maps purporting armenian attacks to cities located on the western border of Azerbaijan ( so armenian missiles traversed all of AZ airspace without being shoot down!! ). If you make them notice the last sentence, they will reply “no, armenians are mongrels, don’t have this and that, no armenian missiles traversed AZ airspace”.

They are changing narrative faster than their underwear.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

An of the videos posted today by Armenians showing a recapture outpost full of at least a dozen Azeri bodies https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary/status/1312832918721527809

Fleecing Rabbi

Gayreek drek.

Vox Populi

Azerbaijan with a population of 10 million and unlimited resources is in a far better position to absorb casualties and will eventually succeed. The best course for Armenia is to accept defeat or it is in danger of being pummeled.

John Brown

They could offer to give back the land with conditions but they better do it quick before Azer gets it back by force.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

these armenian coward terrorists will burn painfully same like in video. Just wait Turkish Army.


Azeri army has killed plenty Armenian troops. They can’t even locate their bodies….


turkish army is currently searching for a dick to suck

Mustafa Mehmet

That’s your mama job dam asss


your mother should have swallowed you


If turks officially enter the fray, expect something very bad to happen. There is no way that France and Russia will accept a turkish sultanate in the Caucasus.

James Adams


Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Yesterday Azeri president was bolstering how he captured the tiny village of Mataghis. Today though videos show another story, along with the tragic end of several dozens of soldiers. https://twitter.com/ShStepanyan/status/1312756522334683138

Fleecing Rabbi

Lang lebn harop.


Wow, those drones are bad ass killers.


armenia must take out zerbaijani oil now and cut the yids off

James Adams

Armenia needs to attack Nakhichevan and bomb Azeri oil infustructure !!!

Mustafa Mehmet

I totally agree with you brilliant idea.. this gives us gd excuse to go all the way to Azerbaijan.


All the way to Armenia, you mean! I see you turkic trolls are melting.

Ivan Divandeler


Ivan Divandeler



Armenians should consider attacking the Nachivan exclave (look at the map). Azerbaijan can’t defend it, and is vulnerable there. This could force Azerbaijan to pull back its assault on N-K.

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