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Azerbaijani Forces Continue Advance In Nagorno-Karabakh, Jabrayil Captured (Videos)

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Azerbaijani Forces Continue Advance In Nagorno-Karabakh, Jabrayil Captured (Videos)

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The Azerbaijani Armed Forces continue to advance steadily in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

On October 4, President Ilham Aliyev announced the capture of the city of Jabrayil, that is located in the southeastern part of Nagorno-Karabakh near the border with Iran. Azerbaijani Forces also captured the towns of Karkhulu, Horovlu, Shukurbeyli, Cherekan, Dashkasan, Mahmudlu, Jafarabad, Yuxari Maralyan and Dejal.

“Today Azerbaijan’s Army has liberated from occupation the city of Jabrayil and several surrounding villages. Long live Azerbaijan’s Army! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!,” the President wrote on Twitter.

A day earlier, Azerbaijani forces captured the towns of Mehdili, Chaxirli, Ashagi Maralyan, Sheybey and Guyjag in the district of Jabrayil. The village of Talish of the Terter district in the northeastern part of Nagorno-Karabakh was also captured along with the town of Mataghis.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released a number of videos showing captured Armenian positions in different parts of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Despite losing some positions, Armenian forces continue to show fierce resistance. The Azerbaijani Armed Forces sustained heavy losses while attempting to advance in Nagorno-Karabakh as seen in newly-released videos.

The heated battle in Nagorno-Karabakh may go on for weeks, if not months. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia are not willing to agree on a ceasefire, as for now.


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The difference between Russia and United States of America is that when america bark people listen cause they know of consequences and America will bomb the shit out of them and when Russia bark they take it lightly and say they just trying to be a peace maker and trying to build a different order then the one in place but I bet if they believe Russia was willing to bomb whom ever to achieve they goal ,i promise you the war between Armenian and Azerbaijan would’ve been over.


Yeah, they listen, this is why Erdogan has been pissing on Trump for the last 2 years.


They are good friends. Sorry…. They talked about having Erdogan’s daughter to marry Eric Trump….


European kings liked to have political marriages. Then they did go to war against their wifes/husbands countries.

Fog of War

You fell for the ” illusion ” I see.


Wow,your political understanding is very low. Erdogan help the CIA and its allies destroyed Syria,Edrogan was promised somethings and that is more likely lands and the ability to strike the Kurds in due times. the location of turkeys is a strategic position against Russia and the United States of America government doesn’t want it to fall under the Russian umbrella….

John Brown

After Russia saved Edrogan’s life and his family from Mossad death squads in the coup attempt Erdogan has been moving towards Russia and China


*on Putin

Lone Ranger

Lay down the crack…

catalin zt

Anglo-saxon paedophile SCUM is talking from the one neuron he has….


Be over soon…. Those poor mountains.


Touche pussycat!


lol.. thats very funny.. truth is the truth

John Brown

Ask those 130k dead Isis soldiers killed by Russia who is to be feared.


Where are American friends now Armenia ???


Same place as our Russian friends!


You backstabbed Russia, my friend!


You think Russians are your friends? No, you get no friends to save your asses.


Ask Smedly, he is the one bashing the russians.


Nobody can backstab Russia cause she so fat, has two bellies.

Fleecing Rabbi

Pork bellies is the future.


After they finish the American bean cans from WW2, maybe in WW3 Russians will receive cans with pork.


Who gave them Nakhchivan? Who gave them Artzakh to begin with?

Who stabbed who?


Who? The soviets. This is Russia we are talking about. You backstabbed Russia 2 years ago!!!

And now you pretend their help. Why should they help a country which will invite NATO bases after the war?


They enjoy their stay home quarantines.

Fleecing Rabbi

God bless Turkish bruder.


Americans care more about their president now. He is in danger.

Armenian danger is really nothing.

Black Waters

Trumpstein inst in any kind of danger, it’s a fucking circus, part of the election carnival in the U.S


Don’t wait for help. They fooled you, you fools.

Europe hates America

That was armenias biggest mistake. America doesn’t care about armenia and their ppl

John Brown

The new Armenian leaders don’t care about Armenians either.

Fleecing Rabbi

No one cares about Armenian dreks.


They have covid lol

Fleecing Rabbi

In drek.

Arman Melkonyan

Having a drink with Putin and Netanyahu.

catalin zt

Genocide by the anglo-saxonjewkhazariancabal capitalist MAFIA on Earth! The genocidal paedophiles fascist capitalist SCUM are blowing up the whole Planet for the delight of their boss Satan! Soon this two races of Evil will pay! This two races must be ERASED from the face of Earth in order we the rest to survive! Amen


So genocide by all other countries against Armenia? Then it is not genocide any longer.


Nah, just the turkic cockroaches. Khazarians are turkic!

Khazar Supremacy

Shut up ignorant goy. Khazarian Khanate will reign supreme in Caucasia.

Fog of War

Oy Vey !!

Khazar Supremacy

Hand rubbing intensifies


how did you manage to write a paragraph only from nouns?


Armenia is disappearing. Azerbaijan continues to move forward. Armenia shares the data of its dreams.

Zoran Aleksic

Que puta es la guerra

Fleecing Rabbi

far armenish khorz


Azerbaijan shows videos. Armenia continues fake news without providing evidence.

Europe hates America

I saw the videos you just a too retarded guy, but yes u a isis turk what should i expect?


ahahaha go to hell fucking Armenian


More dead lol


Learn to copy paste


thats html code kidding ?


Then it was a sad attempt to learn html coding :) clearly internet is not your thing, maybe stick with the goats.


ahaha cry. It is none of your business. Eat my goat’s shit.

Free man

This is a war that was clearly going to take place. The Azeris seem to have prepared themselves better for it.


They deserve it.

Free man

The Armenians weren’t smart about this whole thing. War is a bitch.


Its gonna keep escalating. And we will see some strikes on strategic structures, maybe even on both sides. And then there will be negotiations.

Random Dude

are the deniers still here. or did they move to next stage in the 5 stages of grief?

cechas vodobenikov

little achieved—azeri bragging

Random Dude

it was (nothing will be achieved) few days ago, what changed your mind?:)))


Little Armenia refused to recorgnise crimea as part of Russia or atleast show some understanding.. How could Russia support and die for them over NK?.. Politics is give and take and war is a bitch.they will realise that soon.. And unfortunatly it will be too late.


Russia never recognised Artzakh, why should Armenia recognise Crimea, a bit too demandy little moscals

U n k n 0 w n

Call Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for help (Li)Armenians..


Putain, the master chess player, huh, that little ISISraeli bitch from St. Petersburg is nothing but an rotten scumbag, and now, like in Syria, made the impression of been an allie while the truth was the opposite, gave Turdia S-400 while deniyng Syria the same an dumped old shit on to them, while selling state of the art to the Turds, and the same to Iran, and again, while Putain claims that He is cooperating and backing this two nations as an allie, you gotta be kidding, and all that because of ISISrael. Russia is an two faced rat pack, never ever trust this so called Slavs, they are not, they are an bastard breed of the worst scums that walks on this plannet, Slavs and Khazars, Putian is an ex. on just that, an rotten POS.

And Russia havent done shit to Armenia other than having bases witch have been there for decades back to Sovjet time and flung scraps to the locals, and why on earth would the Armenians belive anything coming from an f…. Ruskie, do enlighten me, or crawl back to MoA or Faker, where you scums belongs, die hard Putain asslikers and refuses to see the ugly truth about Russia, just money grabbing cynical rats, unbelivable corrupt and never belive anything this scums drools on the news, they never back that with actions anyway.

Yeah, Armenia have to do everything by them selfs, the drone porn dont impresses me, since its stil close to the border line, and Azeris brags about crawling/clawing them self to an vilage some klicks into NK as an what, victory, yeah, I hope the Armenians learns, their learning curve is steep, but you need to focus on the ground war, its there everything is decided. Give some people in the front line IR/UV gear, much easier to spot Drones, since they all emit heat, then we have the relative slow speed, and should be easy to spot from an distance, but you need good gear, any heat reader works, and mounted on not smaller than a 12.7.


Arman Melkonyan

Great stuff. Thanks for posting.

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