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Azerbaijani MoD Claims Armenian Troops Are Fleeing Battlefield In Nagorno-Karabakh

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Azerbaijani MoD Claims Armenian Troops Are Fleeing Battlefield In Nagorno-Karabakh

Troops in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev)

Armenian troops were fleeing the battlefield in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan claimed on October 17.

In an official statement, the Ministry said Azerbaijani troops had broken through several defense lines in the directions of Aghdere-Aghdam and Fizuli-Hadrut-Jabrayil. New positions were allegedly captured. That’s why Armenian troops were forced to flee the battlefield.

“A s a result of the combat operations, the 1st battalion of the 5th mountain rifle regiment of the Armenian armed forces retreated, leaving its positions and a large number of killed and wounded behind,” the statement reads, “Up to 300 reservists left their combat positions on the defense line of the 1st motorized rifle regiment of the armed forces of Armenia and retreated. Among the reservists, there are also many killed and wounded. The members of the special police detachment, attached to the regiment as an augmentation force, also left their combat positions and fled. There is a shortage of food and ammunition in the units of the regiment.”

Furthermore, the Azerbaijani MoD said Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh were suffering from a shortage in supplies and low morale.

The Azerbaijani MoD also claimed seven T-72 battle tanks, two BM-21 multiple rocket launchers, eight D-30 and ten D-20 howitzers, ten trucks loaded with ammunition as well as seven vehicles of Armenian forces to be destroyed.

The Azerbaijani MoD claims were contradicted by the Armenian Unified Infocenter. The center didn’t report any change in the operational-tactical situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“The operational-tactical situation did not change,” the center said in a statement, “At dawn, Azerbaijani forces once again violated the humanitarian ceasefire by resuming shelling in the direction of peaceful settlements. The civilian infrastructures of Stepanakert and Shushi were more intensively hit. The subdivisions of the Artsakh Defense Army carried out equivalent operations to stop adversary fire.”

The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh remains tense. The ceasefire announced last week has so far failed to stop military operations in the region.

Azerbaijan is apparently determined to continue its attack on Nagorno-Karabakh, which was launched on September 27. Armenia on the other side, is still refraining from taking any decisive military or political moves.


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Servet Köseoğlu

There is no option for you Armenians..White-walkers are coming for you… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/570d8ab4566da236cdcd60e1a1967706a9c7f0ec5268058f416037b06ecc89b6.gif

catalin zt

Servet paedophile mohhamad sultan,your mongolian ugly race soon will be VAPORISED by Mamma Russia ,u single neuron goat lover,jihadi terrorist! Amen

Servet Köseoğlu

Lmao…what kind of madness is this?Some accounts or alt-accounts which ı blocked are still commenting to my section….Are you satisfying your ego? You are ineffective element bro..ı know you have to protect pro-russian reputation here by propaganda and downvoting with your dozens of alt-accounts but grow up a bit..

Free man

“Armenian troops are fleeing the battlefield in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh” – Who will blame them? It’s like the Poles tried to fight the Nazis in World War II with cavalry.

Fleecing Rabbi

Harop vs Soviet era junk. No match, future of warfare is here.

Vox Populi

Russia wisely stayed out and will have a much more compliant and dependent Armenia.

Saso Mange

Russia protects Armenian sovereignty. Armenia is not sovereign in Nagorno-Karabakh. Enough said. Russia will never support expansionistic politics like that of West, which has costed Moscow a lot over the last century.


Russia will wait to see Parshinyan very unpopular and about to fall. Then Russia comes in as a white knight to rescue Armenia. Russia will rid of any Western influence out of Armenia.

Harry Smith

I think, Russia will wait until Pashinyan fall and not about fall. Or will wait until get strong guarantee Armenia will become fully pro Russian for at least 2 next decades.

catalin zt

God hear you! Amen

Ashok Varma

Well said and certainly the truth. Russian experience in Afghanistan destroyed the USSR and today taking on Turkey and Pakistan in a Jihadi war will be very dangerous.


Russian involvement in Afghanistan has nothing with the dissolve of USSR. That was the mistake made by USSR leader with the influence of West agenda.

Harry Smith

Not Afghanistan but socialism destroyed USSR. No one socialistic state can survive without external financial source. In times of Stalin the source was grain. Beginning with Khrushchev it was oil. When oil prices felt, all misbalances killed the system built by commies.


Exactly. Trotsky was right, communism killed itself.

catalin zt

Capitalist ,fascist, anglo-saxon,slave owner ,parasitic mentality…. That’s why I’m telling and telling…this two SCUM races named anglo-saxon and jews need to be DELETED from the face of Earth for the Nations to flourish in FREEDOM and PEACE! AMEN!

Not Indian Paul

Do you really think the world would have peace if your ridiculous wish came true? If your answer is yes, than you have no understanding of the heart of man.

Harry Smith

What if they delete you first?

Indian Army & Israel

Hey porki bastard….again u beggar with a begging bowl with paltry reserves barking here to show ur fictional superiority….Russians can fry turks nd porks any time dey want…its just dey r playin dere cards wisely….Mullah sala bakre ki gand se janam lene wala chutiya mahamaderchod gandu….tatti me dub kar mar ja sale kutte katue bhadwe

catalin zt

Just get israHell out of ur “name”! And finish the social caste shit in India

Indian Army & Israel

Dere is no castism being practiced in India..its just western propoganda…d elites monopolised caste system just like d priests monopolised Religion during d dark age in europe for 800 years…we r now rising again..within a decade India will be something dffrnt and we r on dat way


Exactly. Armenian pleas for outside help have been silently ignored….

International community says, you created the mess and you sort it out. Sorry…. Armenia needs to negotiate yourself. You got 30 years to do it and yet Armenia failed miserably.

Vox Populi

Poor leadership, ignorance and arrogance and a belief that Russia will bail them out. The world has changed and Armenia was literally caught with its pants down.


But Mr. Parshinyan does not think his manhood is ugly. But by judging his baldness of a 45 year old man, his manhood would not be that attractive to ladies.

Fog of War

Thats one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever seen on South Front.

catalin zt

Indeed. Repeatedly his single neuron is getting hot!

Not Indian Paul

Like you can talk

jack duras

he is a SOROSJUGEND,as his comrades

John Brown

100% right. Armenians soldiers outflanked and being slaughtered their army looks to be on the verge of total collapse it’s becoming a route a humiliation a massacre. Armenians soldiers dropping their weapons and fleeing and running in panic around Jabril. Looks really bad like its game over Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM Armenians getting their asses kicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyfriipc61A George Soros is laughing as the puppets he installed in the coup in Armenia are following his orders to destroy Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgflCE7zRpc


putin is spitting on the name of russia, he is an unreliable partner with no balls

Vox Populi

I believe there is general dissatisfaction in Russia with Putin and his corrupt ineptitude.


Putin will be the only savior of Armenia. But Putin will wait, wait until Armenian get annihilated. Then Putin will emerge as a white knight and save Armenia from “Genocide v2.0” from the combined forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Vox Populi

I am doubtful that Russia will survive the NATO agenda. Russia has enough internal problems and now with a radicalized Caucasus, they are about to get worse. Russia is headed for the same fate as USSR. Putin is not a strategic thinker or a nationalist, largely due to his lack of experience as a major in the notoriously incompetent KGB. The real conflict is now between China and a declining US.


Russia will be just fine. China and Russia will be closer. And they form nice counter-weight to USA.

Fog of War

” Putin is not a strategic thinker or a nationalist, ”

No, hes a poodle of the Chabad. However, his ineptitude is intentional. Russia needs a military coup as soon as possible to be saved.

catalin zt

Better mind the civil war coming in your feudalist,fascist,capitalist murica and the coming EXTINCTION of your DIRTY anglo-saxon ugly race! Amen!






We can add Mr. Parshinyan to this poster.



you are very skilled SevenMoons, your innate ability to post so much trash while holding all of those jewish cocks in the left hand and turkish cocks in the right hand is very astounding

Ishyrion Av

you are very fond of the man who will wipe out Turkey off the map

catalin zt

Amen! And Constantinople will go to Greece!

catalin zt

Love it!!!! Thanks

catalin zt

Future of Humanity is to DELETE the anglo-saxonjewish SCUM from the face of Earth! Amen!


Only SF claims N-K is disputed. UN and the international community do not think so.


dispute 1. argue about (something). 2. compete for; strive to win.

Of course it is disputed. Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting over it right now if you somehow missed it.. But then you dumb, boring trolls like to bash SF while spamming 100 comments every day here.


That story about polish cavalry vs german tanks is largely made-up, or at least very exaggerated.

John Brown

Armenians soldiers outflanked and being slaughtered their army looks to be on the verge of total collapse it’s becoming a route a humiliation a massacre. Armenians soldiers dropping their weapons and fleeing and running in panic around Jabril. Looks really bad like its game over Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM Armenians getting their asses kicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyfriipc61A George Soros is laughing as the puppets he installed in the coup in Armenia are following his orders to destroy Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgflCE7zRpc

cechas vodobenikov

to trust azeri propaganda is foolish; they refuse to report that they have already lost more than 6000 troops

Fleecing Rabbi

Sharmoota, harop is looking for you.

Vox Populi

Azerbaijan with a population of 10 million has lost less men and material than the Armenian side.


Maybe they lost 6000 civilians because of Armenian shooting Rockets on purpose to cities, but judging on the Videos, certainly not 6000 Soldiers.

Vox Populi

227 Azerbaijani civilians have unfortunately lost their lives.


More than half of its 150,000 Artskin population has left N-K.

The problem is that, there is no hospital to take care of their injured. Most of them will just die. Judging by its 550 official N-K death, the real death can be 1,000 to 2,000. More injured soldiers will die from their injuries.

The worse is their supply situation. Artskins run out of military equipment, ammunition and supplies. They have no ability to continue the war.

Vox Populi

If they stop the war, then Turkey and many others will help with the casualties. However, it looks like the inept Armenian leadership is burning bridges by continuing a futile war and committing war crimes.

Ishyrion Av

They lost 60 soldiers in 2 minutes. With this ratio, they will cease to exist in the next hour they will step in the Armenian mountains.

Saso Mange

Propaganda? Well this video is not CGI for one thing…

Ishyrion Av

Yes, it is.



Did Azerbaijan also lost 500 tanks? 200 military planes and 150 helicopters??

Fleecing Rabbi

Mazal TOV!


they have no other choice…only fleeing otherwise they will die…

new video from last night… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR32uhcyI1A

Vox Populi

Azerbaijani claims have proven to be credible. Armenia has made some very doubtful claims that are not borne out by any semblance of reality or the numbers involved.


Yes. Look at the Hardrut and Fuzuli. Both are verified of their capture.

So it is not only that those Azeri soldiers went there to erect flags and take some phone photos. They have been liberated.


The problem is, some also can not flee or hide: https://twitter.com/McAllisterBosco/status/1317410580026839042

The Armenian Government should stop this slaughter of their troops and negotiate truly with Azerbaidschan.


Most of them can’t run… Waiting for their death. So painful in waiting.

Saso Mange

It’s sad but Armenia had long time to prevent this. You can’t occupy other people’s land and pay no repercussions. Back in late early 1900’s people of the region voted to stay in Azerbaijan by 90% in favor to remain under Azerbaijan. Those are historical facts.

Vox Populi

Armenian arrogance and ignorance of changed circumstances globally sealed their fate. They still have time to withdraw and end this senseless slaughter now, the war is lost.

Ishyrion Av

Why all you turks are so idiot? Artsakh was Armenian since the beginning of the known history. In 1923, when it was given to the Soviet republic of Azerbaijan, it had 95% population Armenian. Now is still 80% Armenian. You like to shit on other people, isn’t it, turks? Without impunity, you think? Payment will come, because there is justice even here. Moron.

jack duras

100% agree

jack duras

Ordinary people dyeing while the Jewish enjoe the show,killing all their enemies

Vox Populi

The very fact that the Armenian side resorted to desperate war crimes against Azerbaijani civilians and missile attacks on cities proved that they have lost the war or even a semblance of global sympathy. Azerbaijan will win this conflict and hopefully soon, so that peace can return.


Hitting civilians is all Armenia can do now. Yet international community turns closed eye to their crimes….

catalin zt

Su*k mine !

jack duras

well crimes soars on both side,with killing those 2 Armenians, with so many bullets,the HATE is just soo great on both sides

catalin zt

Hell be with you! Amen!

jack duras

there will be peace when they kill the last Armenian living there, that is the real peace of turks,AZERbajjany



Azerbaijan attempts to fight a war of the future. Armenia attempts to stop this by fighting a war of the past. They can’t adapt to this new type of warfare. They won’t negotiate. They won’t surrender. The results will show.

Entering battle as if in a bygone age, the Armenian Army throws in its equipment and manpower only to get annihilated by drones time and time again. Blood is on the hands of the Armenian government and military too.


Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense video: A large number of Armenian armed forces were killed by precision strikes

This is exactly what I predicted. For the second stage of the offensive, Azerbaijan will turn to Artskin soldiers, ammunition and supplies. Also continue to decimate any missile threat. This will make the Artskins miserable.



I believe at least 100 Artskins were killed by the drones in this video. We can see clearly that those Artskin sitting pigs behave more like rats now. When they heard the sound of drones, they frantically tried to dig the dirt and expand the rat holes. But the earth soil won’t protect them from the precision bombs. Maybe Mr. Parshinyan told them Artskins have thick skin and are immune to Azeri fake bombs. And they are safe to fight for their motherland!

They look so dumb and so bad….. How can those Artskins win the war?


it is amazing that you can post so much while having 7 turkish cocks in your mouth and 4 israeli cocks in your ass



Ishyrion Av

And you look so dumb posting here azeri war propaganda.


Azerbaijan MOD:The enemy’s fuel and ammunition depots were destroyed in the airstrikes


Ishyrion Av

Azerbaijan is winning in Armenia like Turkey in Syria. Big mouth and microscopic balls.


Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense video of strikes on Armenian positions


Vox Populi

Most analysts believe that Armenia has lost over $1 billion in equipment and is now short of everything and its morale is very low. This is the time to withdraw and save lives on all sides. The outcome has been decided in Azerbaijan’s favor.



But as we know, withdrawal will the death knell of Mr. Parshinyan’s political career. He won’t allow it. Parshinyan will still try to rally his domestic support and fights on. More Armenians and Artskins will die. More innocent civilians will die with them.

But the good thing is that, this is not another Syria or Libya. Other world powers will stay out of this mess. Russia knows it can’t win. So Russia will only step in to save Parshinyan from drowning…. And that won’t be in Parhinyan’s favor.

Vox Populi

I don’t believe that Russia has that much influence anymore as the conflict has clearly shown. Putin is not a leader and could not even save Ukraine or Georgia, let alone Armenia which has an anti-Russian and pro-west population.


The Armenians hated the Russians, they deserved to be slaughtered by Azeris

Vox Populi

Armenians overestimated their importance, just like Israel does.


Armenia and Georgia are different situation. Armenia can’t survive without strong outside guarantee. But Georgia does not need. Georgia can reach outside world on its own. But Armenia is entirely landlocked by mostly hostile countries.

This leaves Russia as the only option for Armenia, whether it likes it or not.


what did you want him to do launch a full blown invasion of ukraine?

jack duras

Parsysian is a soros jiewish poodle


that;s why Armenians must bomb SOCAR facilities and infrastructure with Iranian know how.


I think Azerbaijan MoD is only half correct here. Artskins pigs can’t really flee. They are sitting pigs who are stuck in the trench and rat holes. They can’t even run….


Would be interesting to hear what Armenian MoD will report its casualty number. 26 or 28? LOL.

Vox Populi

20% of NK military manpower is out of commission.


Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense released video of the destruction of Armenian S-300 SAM



i exploded like this inside your sister

Random Dude

you seem triggered:))) awwwww, did the videos hurt you?


(((random dude)))

Random Dude

very random



Random Dude



armenia must fight like terrorist jews and turks to win, else russia needs to nuke both but putin has no balls hes not like hitler hes a procrastinator with a large vagina

Random Dude

Looking for balls of Putin, while lost your own? Why don’t you go and fight instead of screaming for Russian soldier that neither wants nor has any business to be in Nagorno Karabakh. Continue writing here, means you still didn’t go, means you have no balls.


i am too busy with one fist up your sister and one up your mutter

Random Dude

i have non of those alive. if you are keen on dead corpses go for it


yes only jews and turkish

Random Dude

most people would say living goats are better than decomposing human corpses. but well, everyone have their own taste

Blue In Green

If this conflict continues like this, Azerbaijan will completely drain Armenia’s military of both hardware and men. There is no safe place to hide on the battlefront, these munitions are very accurate and Armenia’s inability to secure their own air-space has led to such disastrous results. Other regional militaries like Turkey, Iran, Israel, etc… have seen the utility in establishing strong IADS with multi-layered defense systems ready to tackle different assets at various ranges and altitudes but Armenia just doesn’t have or can’t seem to establish such an environment, and it shows.

The TB2 drone platform along with the MAM-L/C munitions have proven to be absolutely combat effective in getting rid of hard and soft targets alike with impressive accuracy and reliability.

Can’t say much more really, Armenia needs to find a political solution to this. They aren’t winning, at all as far as I can see.

Vox Populi

Armenia has not been able to even launch a localized counter attack due to Azerbaijani and Turkish control of the air and total domination by drones. Armenian military was geared for trench warfare, not a modern war.

Blue In Green

Agreed, clearly Armenia is fighting a war of the past whilst Azerbaijan is literally fighting a 21st century war.

This is an absolute slaughter…

John Brown

Yes you are right.

Armenians soldiers outflanked and being slaughtered their army looks to be on the verge of total collapse it’s becoming a route a humiliation a massacre. Armenians soldiers dropping their weapons and fleeing and running in panic around Jabril. Looks really bad like its game over Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM Armenians getting their asses kicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyfriipc61A


Artskins have been ordered by their commanders to stay put. Defense their position at all cost. Sacrifice themselves to defend their motherland. Buy time to wait for international support and rescue. And reinforcements are coming at any moment…..

It turns out as all lies. But I’m sure Artskins have complete communication censorship….

Ashok Varma

Most of Armenian reserves did not report for duty as they knew their cause was wrong.


The Armenian trench wars are their own grave.


Because Armenians have grossly mis-calculated the N-K situation for 30 years. They always believe their “cause” is justified and will receive international support. They think the world community owed them something because of their suffering in the hand of Turkey after WW I. But they forgot of the Turkish suffering at WW I too.

Armenians are very stubborn people. They do not know how to compromise. And West kept giving them faint hope of victory. So they were dreaming of the “Greater Armenia” while Azerbaijan is building its strong economy and strong military capability….

John Brown

Yes. Armenians soldiers outflanked and being slaughtered their army looks to be on the verge of total collapse it’s becoming a route a humiliation a massacre. Armenians soldiers dropping their weapons and fleeing and running in panic around Jabril. Looks really bad like its game over Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM Armenians getting their asses kicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyfriipc61A Soros is laughing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgflCE7zRpc


Turkey has zero air defence web.

John Brown

Yes that is why they bought the S-400.


they don’t have multi layer aa web. Only S-400 and some other old american hawk

John Brown

Yes 100% right.

Turkey needs to buy more like the Pantasir and the Tor etc. to go with the s-400 for a layered air defense. Though the S-400 is better then nothingh is what they had before.


S-400 is vastly better. It was a big mistake selling them these systems. They probably make their own clones, just as Chinese did with S-300.

John Brown

Yes you are right of course.

Turkey needs to buy more like the Pantasir and the Tor etc. to go with the s-400 for a layered air defense. Though the S-400 is better then nothing which is what they had before

John Brown

Yes 100% correct.

Armenians soldiers outflanked and being slaughtered their army looks to be on the verge of total collapse it’s becoming a route a humiliation a massacre. Armenians soldiers dropping their weapons and fleeing and running in panic around Jabril. Looks really bad like its game over Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM Armenians getting their asses kicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyfriipc61A

Blue In Green

Very interesting to see the utility of Tactical Ballistic Missiles like the LORA in action. Iran showed with it’s strikes on Ayn-Al Assad that such munitions do indeed hold a much needed operational value in tackling mission objectives on the battle-field in real-time.


Well we might one day find ourselves in a situation in which Iran uses Shahabs and we use LORAS / Jerichos. Both been proven effective, but let’s hope we won’t come to that. I also must admit, you and Garga give Iranians a better PR, so respect. Gryzor too.

Vox Populi

Here comes another child with warmongering fantasies.

Ashok Varma

He is a teenager who wants to be a soldier.


Again with this teenager comments Ashok? find better ones. Also I’ve blocked so many guys here I don’t even know who responds to me, he’s one of them.

Ashok Varma

You need to stop boasting like a teenager and look at a more peaceful world. No one wins in any war.


It amazes me that you somehow only sees our agression, but ignores the fact that our enemies are improving their rocket capabilities in order to shoot on Israeli civilians like in every conflict. Adress that and I might start taking you seriously.

Blue In Green

Viewing things objectively is what I try to do most of the time lol.

Modern weapons that the bigger countries of MENA field are impressive to say the least and I’ve always been very keen on Missile technology.

One point of clarification though Iron, the SHAHAB 1,2 and 3 are very old Ballistic Missiles that probably have either been retired or phased out of service by now in favor of much more advanced modern Iranian Missiles. Iran using the SHAHABs in a conflict with Israel would be very reckless as they are terribly inaccurate and would cause unnecessary collateral damage.

EMAD, QIAM, GHADR, SEIJIL, KHORAMSHAHR, Haj-Qassem Q-BM, DEZFOULl etc… Would be the go to long-range munitions in tackling military objectives in Israel proper. The use of SHAHABs by Iran would indicate some level of desperation as they are only really useful in striking fear. Not much tactical utility to them.


I know, but it won’t matter which missile it will be as the response would be the same from both countries. I’ve also told to Garga, I am not against the Iranian people. We hate your regime and you hate ours, it’s perfectly fine. But in the end both people will suffer, unless some agreement is made.

Blue In Green

Fair enough Iron, I can’t argue with you there lol.

You had asked me some time ago if you were my ‘enemy’ and my answer is this, personally speaking, no not really. Things change over time as well as peoples opinions, sentiments, alliances etc…

Just for clarifications sake, I’m not am advocate for the Iranian government (don’t like them) but I do care for the Iranian nation/people, if that makes any sense.


Fair too, I respect that.

Khazarian II (merchant)

By the way today Palestenians walked for suppoting Armenia and Israeli Jews supported Azerbaijan Turks and beat those Palestinians down in Israel. Did u see that on Israeli news ??

jack duras

When the ordinary people will stop killing each other, for the pleasure of the Jiewish ELITES??????????

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why would any country ever bother joining a military alliance with Russia now, obviously Russian military pacts and assurances aren’t worth the paper they’re written on anymore, unlike the old Soviet alliances you could bet your children’s lives on. Syria has a military alliance of sorts with Syria and a rock solid alliance with Armenia and yet look at what’s happening in both countries, and Putin deserted poor old Gaddafi in his greatest hour of need too and look what happened to him. But at least it was nice of Putin to complain about his death/murder to the US, even though they could’ve stopped it happening in the first place, and that happened despite the fact Putin was continually saying Gaddafi was his best friend and ally in the middle east, mmm, I’d hate to be his worst friend.

So Azerbaijan buys newer Turkish and Israeli weapons and equipment to help them destroy antiquated Russian weapons and equipment and they’re tremendously successful at it, so is that a good advert for Turkey and Israel, I think it would be. Anyone wanting to buy new weapons and equipment will be paying close attention to the cost effectiveness of both armies equipment right now, and I’ll bet a lot of them are thinking it might be worth the extra money to buy the newer Turkish and Israeli equipment. Russia sells Armenia 10 units at 500k each and Turkey/Israel sells Azerbaijan 10 units at 1 million each so Armenia is the financial winner at the start, but if 8 Turkish/Israeli units are left standing at the end of a fight and only 5 Russian units are left standing Azerbaijan actually saves money, Armenia loses 2.5 mill and Azerbaijan only loses 2 mill, and in wars of attrition that’s important. This isn’t just a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it’s also a proxy war between Turkey and Russia, but you could also look at it a different way too, you could also see it as a great add for Israeli and Turkish military equipment, they’re both currently vying for market share on the world military market and Russia’s usually their main competitor after the US. So the weapons buyers will be paying very close attention to this remarkable opportunity to compare all 3 sets of military hardware in real time battlefield conditions. I don’t think sales will go up for Russia this year, Israel and Turkey may make a killing though, unless things start changing that is.

If Russian support means that you can diss Russia as much as you want then demand help when in trouble, then yeah call it “unreliable” if you want. And about weapons. It has nothing to do with the country of origin. Simply a 21st century weapon dominating over 20th century weapon, which should not be surprising. You want OSA from 70s to stop a suicide drone of 2010s? Come on, get real dude:))))

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It all comes down to affordability, do you buy more for less or less for more, if my less for more can easily kill your more for less, regardless of antiquity, I’m better off buying newer dearer stuff, but if your older cheaper stuff can kill my newer stuff cost effectively I’m better off buying the older stuff, value for buck is what most of the poorer nations are looking for and sometimes that means buying the second rate older stuff. I don’t think too many nations will consider buying the s-300’s now, and I wouldn’t say they were second rate, just vulnerable to Israeli drone strikes, so not a good add for the s-300’s but a great add for the Israeli drones.

S300 is not for drones or has even been. Even the newer version S400 is not made to counter drones. You need EW for that, which is also an integral part of air defense system. If Armenia thought that buying S300 is enough to protect the skies against anything, then they deserve to be blown up for their stupidity.

Lone Ranger

S-300 cam easily destroy drones. The problem is that they are offline, non of the missile launchers were erect when they were it. These are medium to long range SAM, you dont have to place them in harms way, yet they are there right on the frontline, offline, waiting to be hit. Thats called High Treason. Blame the CIA pimped Armenian leadership, not an offline SAM system.

Random Dude

Thats not what we are discussing. True MALE and HALE drones could be destroyed by S300, perhaps even easily. But that would be a stupid thing to do. Why use an expensive missile on a simple drone. That is not what S300 is made for. A tank can kill a moss, but should we use the tank to kill a mosquito?

Lone Ranger

You are right, but its more practical to waste a missile than losing the whole complex. I can only repeat myself…they are placed on the frontline for no practical reason they have the range to operate from safety, plus all of them were offline when they were hit. So the question is why are they placing their best SAMs to the worst possible place and even turn it off? Isnt that slightly suspicious…?


If, IF they are placing S-300 on the frontline. Or Az. just lying and filming their own S-300. You can’t really see clearly on any of their videos.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The S-300 isn’t a single unit, it’s a variety of different units that all operate together, several Missile launchers, a command unit, Radars, and short range protection units, [usually pantsir]. But the S-300 should have the range to take out enemy aircraft bombing in Nagorno-Karabakh before they can to any damage to Armenian assets, and they haven’t been, at least not effectively. I think the Armenians were actually more stupid to rely on the Russian alliance, didn’t they see what just happened in Syria and Libya, but I also have to say I do notice none of the other 4 alliance members have come running to Armenia’s aid either.

I understand that, but they are made for defense against certain type of threat. Do you think S300 would be used against a quadcopter or even Harop. Of course not, its not S300 job to hit drones. For that you need either in best case EW system, maybe manpads (but hard to target due to low heat signature), maximum OSA systems. Otherwise targeting drones with S300 is like trying to kill a fly with a machine gun

Willing Conscience (The Truths

In Russia most units that belong to a S-300 or 400 system, the command unit, launchers, radars, small mobile infantry force, and com links for S-400’s, are all protected by multiple pantsir systems and additional radars, it’s the pantsir systems and additional radars that protect the S-300/400 individual units, so nothing should get to any of the units that make up the S series AA systems, no planes, no missile, no drones, and no soldiers either. And the launchers have multiple missile types they can launch, as you said a S-300/400 isn’t usually used to attack a drone but it can, it can also hit a ballistic missile hundreds of km above the stratosphere with one type of missile, and they can take out planes with several varieties of smaller missiles that fit into the ballistic missile launch tubes, so they’re not limited to just one or 2 types of defensive capabilities.


You are right here: S-300 are strategic air-defence systems, designed long time ago for neutralizing totally different type of targets than (small) drones. If Armenians are that stupid to place it on the frontline then it will be easily destroyed. Although I believe azer. videos are just propaganda in this case. Both sides are lying heavily.


Commenting on the escalating conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the Russian colonel (ret.) Viktor Baranets commented on the question whether Yerevan could use Russia’s military base in Gyumri. Baranets wrote that Russia has not signed any document that obligates it to ensure the security of Nagorno-Karabakh. However, if Azerbaijan or Turkey were to invade Armenian territory proper, “this would be an entirely different question.”

The Russian Military Base Is An Integral Part Of Armenia’s Security System

“The Russian military base is an integral part of Armenia’s security system, stated [Armenian] Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. He assumed that in ‘specific situations’ the base’s capabilities could be used. According to him, at this current stage of the large-scale war in the Karabakh conflict zone, such a necessity has not yet emerged. ‘But situation is unpredictable, and no one can precisely forecast its further development,’ said Pashinyan.

“Here immediately the question arises: what ‘specific situations’ can occur, in which the ‘capabilities’ of the Russian 102nd military base in Armenia can be used? Let’s consider a few possible options:

“First: Azeri (or Turkish) forces invaded and occupied the legitimate territory of Armenia proper.

“Second: The Air Force of Azerbaijan (or Turkey) carried out missile and bomb strikes on the airfield, where combat aircraft (helicopters) of Armenia and Russia are jointly based.

“Third. Azeri (or Turkish) forces), following military clashes, occupy several areas of Nagorno-Karabakh.

“Of course, there could be countless other options, but we will consider only these for the moment. First of all, we need to look at the documents that define both the military relations between Moscow and Yerevan and the status of our military base in Armenia. The main document was adopted by the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) back in 1992. Russia and Armenia signed it. Let us read article number 4:

“‘If one of the member states is subjected to aggression (armed attack threatening security, stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty), then this will be seen by the member states as aggression against all States – parties to this Treaty.

“‘In the event of aggression against any of the participant States, all other participant States will, at the request of that participant State, provide it immediately with necessary assistance, including military, as well as support from their disposal of funds in the exercise of the right to collective defense in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter.’

“Everything seems to be very clear. What should Russia do in this situation? – There is a very serious ‘problem’: Who was the first [to attack] and who was attacked – did Azerbaijan attack Armenia or the reverse? No one can understand this so far, because Yerevan and Baku provide very confusing answers to this question, blaming each other. Secondly, Nagorno-Karabakh is not legally considered to be part of Armenia. And Russia, as the saying goes, did not sign up to protect this territory from anyone whatsoever.

“Now let’s talk about our 102nd military base and the possibility of using it in the Azerbaijani-Armenian armed conflict. Here, too, we need to look at the documents, and first of all at the Russian-Armenian agreement on the status of our base. It reads: ‘The Russian military base during its deployment on the territory of Armenia, in addition to the functions of protecting the interests of Russia, ensures the Republic of Armenia’s security in conjunction with the armed Forces of Armenia…’

“Pay attention to the words – ‘ensures… the security of the Republic of Armenia.’ There is nothing about ensuring the security of Nagorno-Karabakh. Because (I repeat) it [Nagorno-Karabakh] is not legally a territory of Armenia. Thus, Russia has no legal right to use its military base to protect Nagorno-Karabakh. However, if Azerbaijan (or Turkey) will enter into the Armenian territory – it would be a whole other question. In this case, the capabilities of the 102nd Russian military base can be harnessed. And even more so if someone decides, let’s say, to bomb the Russian military base in Gyumri or the Erebuni air base, where Russian and Armenian planes and helicopters are stationed together.”


That is Russian propaganda. If Armenia continues to send bombs and missiles into Azerbaijan from inside Armenia territory, Azerbaijan can continue to send in drones into Armenia to eliminate Armenian military equipment and its military personnel. This is part of the self defense mechanism. Russia knows so well of this. This is never any act of “aggression”.

There are only about 3,000 Russian military personnel in Armenia. Its strength is useless against any military involvement.

Azerbaijan has no plan to send in troop into Armenia proper.

If ever Russian military wants to get involved, they have to defend against its Western frontier with Turkey. Russia will never want to get involved with a strong NATO member right near its own sovereign border. That will be a nightmare for Russia.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s already looking like you’re right about Russia not getting militarily involved, but I do suspect Armenia will get a lot of new Russian weapons soon. Erdogan’s making Putin’s life a nightmare in Syria, Libya, and Azerbaijan.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Thanks for that very informative article, it was may more explanatory than the articles I’d been reading earlier, but it failed to mention something I did read about the relationship between Russia and Armenia, and that is Russia was actually instrumental in Armenia taking control of Nagorno-Karabakh in the first place, so if they helped them take it they should help them keep it.

Lone Ranger

Why would any country ever bother joining a military alliance with the crumbling U.S. Empire now, obviously Americant military pacts and assurances aren’t worth the paper they’re written on anymore, unlike the old Soviet alliances you could bet your children’s lives on. U.S. has a military alliance of sorts with Georgia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan and a rock solid alliance with Turkey and yet look at what’s happening in both countries, and Trump deserted poor old Erdogam in his greatest hour of need too and look what almost happened to him. But at least it was nice of Putin to complain about his near death/murder to the US by the CIA, even though they could’ve stopped it happening in the first place, and that happened despite the fact Trump was continually saying Erdogan was his best friend and ally in the middle east, mmm, I’d hate to be his worst friend.

So Azerbaijan buys newer Turkish and Israeli weapons and equipment to help them destroy antiquated cia traitors and offline equipment and they’re tremendously successful at it, so is that a good advert for Turkey and Israel, I think it would be. Anyone wanting to buy new weapons and equipment will be paying close attention to the cost effectiveness of both armies equipment right now, and I’ll bet a lot of them are thinking it might be worth the extra money to buy the newer Turkish and Israeli equipment. U.S. sells Turkey 10 units at 500k each and Turkey/Israel sells Azerbaijan 10 units at 1 million each so Armenia is the financial winner at the start, but if 8 Turkish/Israeli units are left standing at the end of a fight and only 5 CIA units are left standing Azerbaijan actually saves money, Armenia loses 2.5 mill and Azerbaijan only loses 2 mill, and in wars of attrition that’s important. This isn’t just a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it’s also a proxy war between Turkey and Russia, but you could also look at it a different way too, you could also see it as a great add for Israeli and Turkish military equipment, they’re both currently vying for market share on the world military market and the crumbling satanic Pedo Empire usually their main competitor after Russia. So the weapons buyers will be paying very close attention to this remarkable opportunity to compare all 3 sets of military hardware in real time battlefield conditions. I don’t think sales will go up for Americants this year, Israel and Turkey may make a killing though, unless things start changing that is. Fixed ???

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Good play on words but you’re in error. Trump may be wanting to pull out of all the US’s unnecessary wars but he’s never once backed away from an alliance arrangement, he even bombed the Syrian Government to help the opposition [which I hated], despite Putin making retaliatory threats before Trumps announced imminent attack. And Trump did call Erdogan a good friend [Turkey’s not in the Middle east] but that was only before Trump announced he was pulling US troops out of Syria, after he had to keep his troops in Syria due to the Turkish invasion, he stopped calling Erdogan a good friend and slapped Turkey with a heap of sanctions, so dids many EU countries, but now they’re cosying up again. And I think US sales will go up not down, countries that were thinking of forming a long term partnerships with Russia will be thinking twice now, because apart from being unreliable alliance partner, the cheap weapons the Russians are selling are proving ineffective even for their low costs. Most countries prefer to buy US weapons just so they don’t antagonize the US, but now some of those countries that were thinking it might be worth antagonizing the US to buy some cheaper Russian equipment, will be looking at what’s happened and be changing their minds for 2 reasons, unreliability of the Russian Government, and ineffectiveness of the equipment they sell.

Lone Ranger

Except for Kurds, Iraqis, Afghans… Oy gevalt…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

My country sucks up to America more than most do and I don’t like it, but America certainly does look after us for all our sucking so we fare way better than most others do, and as much as I hate to say it that’s exactly how most people and countries think, where are they going to get more bang for their buck, and lately it’s been looking like the US. BelaRus looks like it’s on the way to losing it’s vassal state status soon, so do you think it will go the same way the Ukraine did, it’s looking like it will. I love old sayings and love this one in particular, ” don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house”. Russia’s lost most of it’s vassal states over the last 4 decades and is now potentially about to lose another one, so I’d be more worried about Russia if I was you.

Lone Ranger

Russia doesnt have vassals, they have friends and allies. Belarus wont be another Ukraine, and after the fall of the U.S. Empire even Ukraine will be dealt with. Neo nazis and isis supporters have no place in Europe. Most countries want the U.S. out, except baltic nazis and poletards. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kurds, Mexico, only a few countries the U.S. let down. What countries did Russia let down? None.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia’s political allies boil people alive and stay in power for 20 to 30 years, so you go live in one of those countries if you think it’s so good and any different to a country like the Saudi Arabia, go to BelaRus or Egypt.

Lone Ranger

Saudis behead men and women publicly for no victim crimes. What are you talking about… I would pick Belarus over Saudisis Arabia any day of the week. Isnt Saudis run by an unelected royal family…? Oy oy… You must be a poletard or Ukropnazi maybe balticnazi, only they are that inbred. Im done with you. Bye…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran beheads you for adultery and murder, chops off your hand for theft, and puts you in jail for wearing the wrong clothes or protesting because you’re hungry, Russia’s ally isn’t any better than Americas ally the Saudis, they’re practically the same thing. The president of BelaRus has been elected for 30 years now but you wouldn’t know that from looking at the street protests, it looks more like he’s been running a dictatorship for 30 years. Slaves can’t tell the difference. If you’re done with me then stop making comments about my comments, because believe me the last thing I want to do is talk to you anymore, but when you keep saying stupid things I don’t agree to I can’t stop, I have to respond, so either stop replying to my comments and just give them a dislike, or don’t say anything you don’t want discuss without being obnoxious, I can handle stupidity and even bias to a certain extent, but I definitely can’t abide any obnoxious LGBTQI trolling.

Lone Ranger

Iran doesnt behead they hang people. And no they only execute pedos, maybe homosexuaks. Aside from that they have no treaties, so they arent allies. They have the same interest blocking tbe U.S.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m pretty sure they do, if Sharia law says you lose your head you lose your head, or hand, and Iran just like the Saudis and Isis obey Sharia law to the absolute letter. I’ll let you in on a little secret, all those religious zealots who demand sharia law be followed to the letter are all closet LGBTQI liars, if they were forced to take a lie detector test about their own sexuality they all fail and have to chop their own heads off. And I think exactly the same thing about obnoxious trolls who respond to my sincere comments by calling me a liar.

Lone Ranger


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Snnn Snnn zzzz, zzzz.

Lone Ranger

+25Shekels. Thats sone quality trolling right here. Money we spent…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

yawn, you’re making me sleepy.

Lone Ranger

Belarus has 9million people, how many are protesting? It seems U.S. is a worse dictatorship than Belarus…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes but it’s the LGBTQI lefties who’re protesting in the US, they hate the fact Trumps totally opposed to the LGBTQI agenda and upset he might win again.

Lone Ranger

Not only them, blacks, marxists, neo trotskyites, useful hipster idiots. Both riots are run by the same people. CIA/Soros.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They’re all gay, and it’s not really the Zionists who run the US bureaucracy, it’s the LGBTQI Israeli Pharisees who run the US bureaucracy, and the UN too.

Lone Ranger

But you call me and Richard nuts… Ok….??

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Most people are really gay, they tell us only 10% of the population is gay but the truth is 66% of people [and even monosexual bacteria] are homosexual, they’re really the majority and not the minority as we’re told they are, so do you think that’s a nutty comment too.


“Trumps totally opposed to the LGBTQI agenda” is he? he embraced LGBTQETC ideology many times, he never said anything against them. There is no much difference between him and Biden: both are old, corrupted, senile pedos, and both are owned by same masters. It’s just a reality show for masses, people don’t elect anything. They never did. 20 years ago there were some serious anti-globalist protests (*Seattle for example). Today, people are too busy hating each other over fake reasons, BLM and shit. Fake and controlled ‘revolution’ instead of real one. While Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, Bill Gates are making money more than ever…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re so wrong it’s like a joke, no wonder you believe in bigfoot, Trumps done more to stop the LGBTQI organization/movement than anyone bar Putin, you really are unbelievably ignorant of the facts.


You are a joke… without a punchline. You are the one who believes in bigfootrump just too stupid to realize that:


On the campaign’s website, Trump Pride states “President Donald J. Trump is the only President to openly support the LGBT community since his first day in office. President Trump stands in solidarity with LGBT citizens by supporting and enacting policies and initiatives that protect the wellbeing and prosperity of all gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans. TRUMP PRIDE is a diverse coalition dedicated to re-electing President Trump, the first President to begin his presidency in support of marriage equality. Through his bold plan to end the HIV epidemic to his global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality in the 69 nations where it is illegal, President Trump has proven himself to be a strong advocate for the LGBT community both at home and abroad.”

“President Trump is the most pro-gay president ever,” said Billy McLaughlin, a member of the “Trump Pride” advisory board who also was on the panel.

Charles Moran, the “Trump Pride” coalition co-chair, pointed to a “Trump Pride” sign that he characterized as historic and lauded Trump as having “an amazing track record on LGBT issues.”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You read articles from pro LGBTQI organizations hey, that’s good to know. And you must’ve found the only pro Trump LGBTQI statement in existence, here’s 100 others to dispute your BS claim that Trump’s really pro LGBTQI. You’re nothing but an ignorant liar you simpleton and here’s the proof.

“HRC lists Trump’s persistent attacks against the LGBTQ community after the RNC claims he’s taken “unprecedented steps” in support of the community. HRC President Alphonso David: “The RNC is hallucinating and advancing misleading and disingenuous rhetoric. Yes, Trump has taken many ‘unprecedented’ steps, but those steps have been to undermine and eliminate rights protecting LGBTQ people, not empower us. Appointing a small handful of gay people out of thousands of nominations and making a very few — and unfullfilled — pledges can hardly qualify as accomplishments. Don’t gaslight us. The Trump-Pence administration is the most virulently anti-LGBTQ administration in decades — the RNC cannot put lipstick on a pig.”


That directly contradicts what you posted and actually accuses the person you’re quoting of making unfactual statements, and then goes on to prove them all wrong with real facts, LOL. You do know that some gay people are actually pro Trump but they’re not usually pro LGBTQI, not all homosexuals are brainwashed morons, just the ones who want to change their sex and make little boys use the girls toilets. Here’s a hundred other articles that confirm exactly what I said, TRUMPS THE MOST ANTI LGBTQI AMERICAN PRESIDENT EVER.





















See, that’s why I said you are a joke- a brainless imbecile, so pathetic and desperate that you just posted all random crap that you found on google. LOL Transequality.org? How ironic you said: “You read articles from pro LGBTQI organizations hey, that’s good to know.” :D HRC? Not just LGBTQIMAGA but directly funded by Soros. Hah! You trust Soros now? The Guardian? The Washington Post??? They hate Trump, everything they say is ALWAYS against Trump – of course they say he is against gays, against blacks, against everyone, just as they say he is incompetent, a racist, liar, criminal, traitor… I guess you believe them?? Really?

How about Richard Grenell? Or Trump’s sons?

Eric Trump: What a beautiful video by @RichardGrenell ?️‍??️‍? “President Trump is the most pro-gay President in American history.”

https://twitter.com/erictrump/status/1296116303518892032?lang=en . Donald Trump Jr.

@RichardGrenell is the man. This video is a must watch!


You don’t trust his own campaign, his advisors, his sons, not even Trump himself. Nah, you say Trump and his sons are liars, but anti-Trump propagandists and Soros are telling the truth! See how stupid you actually are? “That directly contradicts what you posted” Delusional nonsense – that’s you, and only you: you contradict yourself again and again. But again, you are too stupid too realize that… “You do know that some gay people are actually pro Trump but they’re not usually pro LGBTQI” hahaha talking about contradictions. I’ll trust you on that one, you’re an expert on gays: if they are against Trump they are “freaks”, if they are pro-Trump they are great (like your husband). Trumpists are a sect/cult based on worshiping your leader, you can’t accept the truth (nor you deserve it). Like those morons who believe in flat Earth, they just keep repeating their bullshit no matter what… a complete waste of time trying to explain you….. Just as your opponents – anti-Trumpists, ‘liberals’, neobolsheviks, BLM, all those brainwashed fanatics: you hate them, they hate you, and the real masters are laughing at your stupidity……….. and so do I ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You post me 20 articles that assert Trump’s pro LGBTQI and I’ll pay attention to what you say, but I’ll bet you can’t even find 2 to post me, but I’ll bet you I can find and post another 100 confirming my assertion. I did a google search and only found 1 article which agrees with your claim [which was the same one you linked], all the rest were from Trump himself lauding the article you linked, but that was the only one I found that was positive, all the rest were critical of Trump and claimed he was in fact the worst anti LGBTQI president, So what’s his real record concerning LGBTQI movement.

No more transgenders serving in the US military, I can refuse to sell you a cake for your gay wedding, And little boys and girls in the US can no longer be forced to share the same toilets,

Trumps my hero. This is what he’s actually done to harm the LGBTQI movement according to the LGBTQI movement themselves, and if you don’t believe what they have to say you truly are a simpleton. ………….

July 23, 2020: The Department of Housing and Urban Development formally announced the rollback of a previous rule that protected transgender people from discrimination by homeless shelters and other housing services receiving federal funds.

June 19, 2020: The Department of Health and Human Services announced that it finalized the extensive rollback of health care discrimination rules, to eliminate the protections for transgender people experiencing discrimination in health care settings and/or by insurance companies denying transition-related care, as well as to weaken nondiscriminatory access to health care for those with Limited English Proficiency.

May 15, 2020: The Department of Education issued a letter declaring that the federal Title IX rule requires school to ban transgender students from participating in school sports, and threatening to withhold funding from Connecticut schools if they do not comply.

May 8, 2020: The Department of Health and Human Services published a final rule eliminating collection of sexual orientation data on foster youth and foster and adoptive parents and guardians and rejecting proposals to collect gender identity data.

May 6, 2020: The Department of Education published a final rule encouraging schools to dramatically weaken protections for student survivors of sexual violence and harassment, and eliminating a provision that encouraged religiously-affiliated schools to notify the Department and the public of their intent to discriminate on the basis of sex under a Title IX waiver.

March 26, 2020: The Department of Justice filed a court brief in the District of Connecticut in opposition to a Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference policy that allows transgender athletes to play sports with their peers.

February 27, 2020: The Department of Justice filed another court brief, this time in the Western District of Kentucky, expressing the view of the United States that anti-LGBTQ discrimination is not “a sufficient government interest” to overcome the objections of private businesses who want to deny “expressive” services such as photography services to LGBTQ people, and that these businesses must be permitted to opt out of complying with local nondiscrimination laws.

January 16, 2020: Nine federal agencies – Departments of Agriculture, Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, and Veterans Affairs, and the U.S. Agency on International Development – all proposed rule changes that would eliminate the rights of people receiving help from federal programs to request a referral if they have a concern or problem with a faith-based provider and to receive written notice of their rights; and that would encourage agencies to claim religious exemptions to deny help to certain people while receiving federal funds.

November 5, 2019: The Department of Labor proposed to exempt the TRICARE health care program for military dependents and retirees from requirements not to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. It is not immediately apparent whether TRICARE intends to make any changes in its benefits policies. Currently, TRICARE covers hormone therapy and counseling for transgender retirees and dependents, but DOD interprets the TRICARE statute to exclude transition-related surgery regardless of medical necessity.=

November 1, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services announced it would not enforce, and planned to repeal, regulations prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, and religion in all HHS grant programs. These include programs to address the HIV, opioid, and youth homelessness epidemics, as well as hundreds of billions of dollars in other health and human service programs.

November 1, 2019: The Department of Education published final regulations permitting religious schools to ignore nondiscrimination standards set by accrediting agencies.

September 19, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services cancelled a plan to explicitly prohibit hospitals from discriminating against LGBTQ patients as a requirement of Medicare and Medicaid funds.

August 16, 2019: The Department of Justice filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that federal law “does not prohibit discrimination against transgender persons based on their transgender status.”

August 14, 2019: The Department of Labor announced a proposed rule that would radically expand the ability of federal contractors to exempt themselves from equal employment opportunity requirements, allowing for-profit and non-profit employers to impose “religious criteria” on employees that could include barring LGBTQ employees.

July 15, 2019: The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security announced an interim final rule that would block the vast majority of asylum-seekers from entering the United States, with deadly consequences for those fleeing anti-LGBTQ violence.

July 8, 2019: The Department of State established a “Commission on Unalienable Rights” aimed at narrowing our country’s human rights advocacy to fit with the “natural law” and “natural rights” views of social conservatives, stating it would seek to “be vigilant that human rights discourse not be corrupted or hijacked or used for dubious or malignant purposes.” (Shortly thereafter, the State Department official tasked with coordinating the new commission was fired for “abusive” management including homophobic remarks.)

July 3, 2019: The Department of Housing and Urban Development removed requirements that applicants for homelessness funding maintain anti-discrimination policies and demonstrate efforts to serve LGBT people and their families, who are more likely to be homeless.

May 24, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services published a proposed rule that would remove all recognition that federal law prohibits transgender patients from discrimination in health care. Courts across the nation have ruled otherwise.

May 22, 2019: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a plan to gut regulations prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in HUD-funded homeless shelters.

May 14, 2019: President Trump announced his opposition to the Equality Act (H.R. 5), the federal legislation that would confirm and strengthen civil rights protections for LGBTQ Americans and others.

May 2, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services published a final rule encouraging hospital officials, staff, and insurance companies to deny care to patients, including transgender patients, based on religious or moral beliefs. This vague and broad rule was immediately challenged in court.

April 19, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Service announced a proposed rule to abandon data collection on sexual orientation of foster youth and foster and adoptive parents and guardians.

April 12, 2019: The Department of Defense put President Trump’s ban on transgender service members into effect, putting service members at risk of discharge if they come out or are found out to be transgender.

March 13, 2019: The Department of Defense laid out its plans for implementing its ban on transgender troops, giving an official implementation date of April 12.

January 23, 2019: The Department of Health & Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights granted an exemption to adoption and foster care agencies in South Carolina, allowing religiously-affiliated services to discriminate against current and aspiring LGBTQ caregivers.

November 23, 2018: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) erased critical guidance that helped federal agency managers understand how to support transgender federal workers and respect their rights, replacing clear and specific guidance reflecting applicable law and regulations with vaguely worded guidance hostile to transgender workers. While this guidance change did not change the rights of transgender federal workers under applicable law, regulations, Executive Orders, and case law, it is likely to cause confusion and promote discrimination within the nation’s largest employer.

November 19, 2018: The Department of State appealed a court order directing it to issue a passport with a gender-neutral designation to a non-binary, intersex applicant.

October 25, 2018: U.S. representatives at the United Nations worked to remove references to transgender people in UN human rights documents.

October 24, 2018: The Department of Justice submitted a brief to the Supreme Court aruging that it is legal to discriminate against transgender employee, contradicting court rulings that say protections under Title VII in the workplace don’t extend to transgender workers.

October 21, 2018: The New York Times reported that the Department of Health and Human Services proposed in a memo to change the legal definition of sex under Title IX, which would would leave transgender people vulnerable to discrimination.

August 10, 2018: The Department of Labor released a new directive for Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) staff encouraging them to grant broad religious exemptions to federal contractors with religious-based objections to complying with nondiscrimination laws. It also deleted material from an OFCCP FAQ on LGBT nondiscrimination protections that previously clarified the limited scope of allowable religious exemptions.

June 11, 2018: Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that the federal government would no longer recognized gang violence or domestic violence as grounds for asylum, adopting a legal interpretation that could lead to rejecting most LGBT asylum-seekers.

May 11, 2018: The Bureau of Prisons in the Department of Justice adopted an illegal policy of almost entirely housing transgender people in federal prison facilities that match their sex assigned at birth, rolling back existing protections.

April 11, 2018: The Department of Justice proposed to strip data collection on sexual orientation and gender identity of teens from the National Crime Victimization Survey.

March 23, 2018: The Trump Administration announced an implementation plan for its discriminatory ban on transgender military service members.

March 20, 2018: The Department of Education reiterated that the Trump administration would refuse to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their gender identity, countering multiple court rulings reaffirming that transgender students are protected under Title IX.

March 5, 2018: The Department Housing and Urban Development Secretary announced a change to its official mission statement by removing its commitment of inclusive and discrimination-free communities from the statement.

February 18, 2018: The Department of Education announced it will summarily dismiss complaints from transgender students involving exclusion from school facilities and other claims based solely on gender identity discrimination.

January 26, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that encourages medical providers to use religious grounds to deny treatment to transgender people, people who need reproductive care, and others.

January 18, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights opened a “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” that will promote discrimination by health care providers who can cite religious or moral reasons for denying care.

December 29, 2017: President Trump fired the White House Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. The transgender community is disproportionately affected by HIV.

December 20, 2017: President Trump nominated Gordon P. Giampietro to serve as a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Giampietro called marriage equality “an assault on nature.” Giampietro’s nomination was eventually withdrawn.

December 14, 2017: Staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were instructed not to use the words “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based” in official documents.

October 6, 2017: The Justice Department released a sweeping “license to discriminate” allowing federal agencies, government contractors, government grantees, and even private businesses to engage in illegal discrimination, as long as they can cite religious reasons for doing so.

October 5, 2017: The Justice Department released a memo instructing Department of Justice attorneys to take the legal position that federal law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination.

October 2, 2017: President Trump nominated Kyle Duncan to serve as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Duncan has dedicated his career to limiting the rights of transgender people, and even defended the anti-trans parties in the North Carolina’s infamous HB2 debacle and the school district that discriminated against Gavin Grimm.

September 7, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing for a constitutional right for businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and, implicitly, gender identity.

September 7, 2017: President Trump nominated Gregory G. Katsas to serve as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Katsas played a central role in helping Trump ban qualified transgender people serving in the miiltary.

September 7, 2017: President Trump nominated Matthew J. Kacsmaryk to serve as a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Kacsmaryk opposes LGBTQ protections in housing, employment, & and health care, and called transgender people a “delusion.”

September 7, 2017: President Trump nominated Jeff Mateer to become a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. Mateer called transgender children part of “Satan’s plan” and openly supported debunked and dangerous “conversion therapy.” Mateer’s nomination was eventually withdrawn.

August 25, 2017: President Trump released a memo directing Defense Department to move forward with developing a plan to discharge transgender military service members and to maintain a ban on recruitment.

July 26, 2017: President Trump announced, via Twitter, that “the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”

July 26, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or, implicitly, gender identity.

July 13, 2017: President Trump nominated Mark Norris to the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee. Norris has worked to make it easier to discriminate against LGBTQ people, and even worked to discriminate specifically against transgender kids.

June 14, 2017: The Department of Education withdrew its finding that an Ohio school district discriminated against a transgender girl. The Department gave no explanation for withdrawing the finding, which a federal judge upheld.

May 2, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a plan to roll back regulations interpreting the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provisions to protect transgender people.

April 14, 2017: The Justice Department abandoned its historic lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-transgender law. It did so after North Carolina replaced HB2 with a different anti-transgender law known as “HB 2.0.”

April 4, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Labor cancelled quarterly conference calls with LGBT organizations; on these calls, which had happened for years, government attorneys shared information on employment laws and cases.

March 31, 2017: The Justice Department announced it would review (and likely seek to scale back) numerous civil rights settlement agreements with police departments. These settlements were put in places where police departments were determined to be engaging in discriminatory and abusive policing, including racial and other profiling. Many of these agreements include critical protections for LGBT people.

March 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) removed links to four key resource documents from its website, which informed emergency shelters on best practices for serving transgender people facing homelessness and complying with HUD regulations.

March 28, 2017: The Census Bureau retracted a proposal to collect demographic information on LGBT people in the 2020 Census.

March 24, 2017: The Justice Department cancelled a long-planned National Institute of Corrections broadcast on “Transgender Persons in Custody: The Legal Landscape.”

March 13, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that its national survey of older adults, and the services they need, would no longer collect information on LGBT participants. HHS initially falsely claimed in its Federal Register announcement that it was making “no changes” to the survey.

March 13, 2017: The State Department announced the official U.S. delegation to the UN’s 61st annual Commission on the Status of Women conference would include two outspoken anti-LGBT organizations, including a representative of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM): an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

March 10, 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it would withdraw two important agency-proposed policies designed to protect LGBT people experiencing homelessness. One proposed policy would have required HUD-funded emergency shelters to put up a poster or “notice” to residents of their right to be free from anti-LGBT discrimination under HUD regulations.

The other announced a survey to evaluate the impact of the LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative, implemented by HUD and other agencies over the last three years. This multi-year project should be evaluated, and with this withdrawal, we may never learn what worked best in the project to help homeless LGBTQ youth.

March 8, 2017: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) removed demographic questions about LGBT people that Centers for Independent Living must fill out each year in their Annual Program Performance Report. This report helps HHS evaluate programs that serve people with disabilities.

March 2, 2017: The Department of Justice abandoned its request for a preliminary injunction against North Carolina’s anti-transgender House Bill 2, which prevented North Carolina from enforcing HB 2. This was an early sign that the Administration was giving up defending trans people (later, on April 14, it withdrew the lawsuit completely).

March 1, 2017: The Department of Justice took the highly unusual step of declining to appeal a nationwide preliminary court order temporarily halting enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination protections for transgender people. The injunction prevents HHS from taking any action to enforce transgender people’s rights from health care discrimination.

February 22, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Education withdrew landmark 2016 guidance explaining how schools must protect transgender students under the federal Title IX law.

January 31, 2017: President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Gorsuch has a history of anti-transgender rulings.

January 20, 2017: On President Trump’s inauguration day, the adminstration scrubbed all mentions of LGBTQ people from the websites of the White House, Department of State, and Department of Labor.

https://transequality.org/the-discrimination-administration ……….

Now you post me and article that shows us all the good things Trumps done for the LGBTQI movement, if you can, LOL.

Lone Ranger

So you cant handle yourself… Got it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No, I just can’t handle you or your LGBTQI style rudeness, in your last comment you said it was the, “blacks, marxists, neo trotskyites, useful hipster idiots” who are out protesting but I think it’s actually people like you that protest like that, it’s exactly the same way you protested against my original comment, in exactly the same way the LGBTQI organization does to Trump.

Lone Ranger

Ok hasbarat. Time for your matzoball soup now. Hurry up before it gets cold… Have a nice evening.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I am having a nice morning, I’m giving you a hard time.

Lone Ranger

Morning? West Coast Americant… Only If you call Aspergers hard… Bye.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m Australian genius, and as always you got it wrong.

Lone Ranger

Thats even worse. Australians are retarded.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No worse or better than anyone else, we have our fair share of geniuses and retards just like everyone else does. And it’s probably the same where you live too, you have the geniuses and the retards like you all living together.

Lone Ranger

Never knew hasbarat cybercommando is present in Australia, are you stationed at Alice Springs too with the rest of the Ameritards???

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Your logic is astounding.

Lone Ranger

Long live and prosper… And get a new job..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

OK I will Richard, and you take a break from the keyboard too, your fingers must be getting tired after 40+ post in one day, I know mine are.

Lone Ranger

Ok Shlomo :) Mine fingers are fine by the way :) In fact every post I typed I did on a phone. I only use desktop PCs for more heavy tasks nowdays. Cheers?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t mind if you can send me 5 posts for every one I send you, good on you, you’re just as fast as RichardD in that department so well done, it’s just a pity you sound so much like him as well, that part I don’t like.

Lone Ranger

I have Aspergers, maybe he has it too… Bye.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The truth at last. BYE

Lone Ranger

As always ?? Bye.

Lone Ranger

Sure you are…

Lone Ranger

Russia is a reliable ally. U.S. is a crumbling Empire with vassals.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I used to think that too, now I’m not so sure anymore.

Lone Ranger

You sounds like a 25cent hasbarat…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And you sound like EXACTLY like one of those LGBTQI trolls I find so offensive.

Lone Ranger

I have to dissapoint you, Im not your mom…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You have disappointed me, mindless slaves always disappoint me.

Lone Ranger

Than you must be very dissapointed with yourself…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You remind me of RichardD, so many posts I can’t keep up.

Lone Ranger

Oh thats a compliment he is a very smart guy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He might take you out on one of his trips to find Bigfoot when he goes, or would you prefer to find the aliens he’s also trying to find, he even said in one of his posts he hopes to fly offworld in one of those alien spaceships, maybe he could take you along for the ride if you find one, hopefully :], but he also said in the same post lots of people disappear in the forest he’s searching, so you better be careful if you go with him, one of you might not come back. You think Richards smart but I honestly believe he’s clinically insane and probably lives in a mental institution, and with the amount of posts you’ve sent me, and can see you’re still sending me, think you probably live in an institution too.

Lone Ranger

Projecting much Trollstoy…? Bigfoot amd aliens are real, sorry to burst your bubble. 1million people go missing every year in the U.S., only a fraction of them are found. According to an active FBI agent if these people were the victims of conventional crimes we would be walking knee deep in dead bodies. So something different is is the cause.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are they, I haven’t seen one yet.

Lone Ranger

Have you seen Heaven or God? Both are reality. Have you seen the metal core of the Earth, yet its there… Bye.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I understand God because I have a conscience, as to earths metal core that’s about as believable as a fusion powered sun, try thunderbolts project for a dose of reality. The LGBTQI organization also run mainstream science as well, and that’s become as far fetched from reality as our new gender neutral society is.

Lone Ranger

Azeris using the same Russian weapons except for drones. So another fail from you… The SAM s are offline, deliberately placed on the frontline waiting to be hit. Not the systems fault or that of Russia but CIA pimped traitor armenian Leadership.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Armenians are using Russian equipment and not using Israeli/Turkish equipment and they’re failing miserably, don’t you understand that. And you played on my words in a previous comment so I’m going to return the favour,

‘The SAM s are offline in Syria, deliberately placed on the frontline waiting to be hit. Not the systems fault or that of Russia but CIA pimped traitor armenian Leadership.’

I know it doesn’t corelate exactly but the situation would be exactly the same if Turkey suddenly attacked Russia in Syria, not that I think that’s about to happen. Did you see the video of the Israeli drone taking out Pantsir systems in Syria, and Pantsir systems protect the Russian S-400’s in Syria, so if Israeli drones can take out Pantsir systems protecting S-300’s in Libya and Syria, they can take out S-300’s and S-400’s in Syria if they really want to. The Armenian systems were kept on passive mode for the same reason all the Russian S-300/400’s are, when you switch them on the enemy can get a fix on your location, and they don’t want the enemy to get a fix on their positions, but they should’ve switched them on just as the missiles were getting into range and then tried to destroy them, God only knows why they didn’t, or at least try.

Lone Ranger

BS alert…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You say BS to everything I said, but everything I said was the total truth,

The Azerbaijani’s are using Turkish/Israeli weapons to destroy Russian weapons and the Azerbaijani’s are winning, how’s that BS?

I’ve seen several videos of Israeli drones taking out Pantsir systems, one of them was on SF, how’s that BS?

All S-300’s and 400’s are always kept in passive mode, not switched off as you ignorantly asserted [and you’re supposed to be pro Russian], and yet you keep claiming they were turned off, is that why you’re calling me a BS’r, if that’s the case you’d better do some research and find out exactly how the S-300/400 operate, because in fact it’s you doing all the bullshitting, the S-300/400’s are never switched off unless under maintenance.

You really do like to throw stones despite the fact you live in a very rudimentary glass house, don’t you.

Lone Ranger

Sure Trollstoy Turkey was winning so hard hitting everything left and right that they decided to stand down, and Erdogan went to Moscow to accept Putins capitulation… Thats how a drug addict like you would try to explain it… Thankfully here people are more educated than your usual Clown News Network trolls. Armenia doesnt have S-400s. Their S-300 is turned off, not in a passive mode, but totally offline. Missile tubes arent even erected. Syrian SAMs arent offline, they could fire anytime, but that would mean dead Israeli pilots and war, thats why they wont. And they wont waste it for point defense to protect Hezbollah. Totally different situation than the Azeri-Armenian conflict. Placing a long range SAM on the middle of a Battlefield, offline waiting to be hit is not idiotic, its High Treason. No weaponsystem can counter treason from within. Pearl Harbour, 9/11… Armenia 2020. Better luck next time. Bye.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I didn’t say the Azerbaijanis had S-400’s, can’t you read what I write. And the S-300’s and 4-00s can’t hit a target until the long range radar is switched from passive to operational mode and the appropriate close range tracking radar is switched on in the right bandwidth, they can only detect objects and partially identify them in passive mode. Israel killed 15 Russian airmen and Putin frothed at the mouth for revenge, Netanyahu was the one who went on bended knees to beg Putin’s forgiveness and saved himself from Putin’s wrath, that’s what I saw, it isn’t the other way around. Israel bombs Russia’s biggest political and economic rival in Syria and Putin smiles, Iran may be Russia’s military and political ally but they’re also rivals in Syria, Israel just does the dirty work Russia can’t do, and when Iran’s booted out of Syria Putin will happily invite the Israelis to help finance Syrian reconstruction, at least that’s what the Russian Governments premier think tank the RIAC wants to happen.

Lone Ranger

Armenia is failing because the leadership wants it to fail. That simple. Most the Pantsir hits were Turkish CGI as it later proved, thats why Turkey had to stand down after heavy losses. Syrian S-300s wont fire on Israeli jets, but Israel doesnt want to invade Syria either. Aside from that they have nukes, Azeris dont. Slight difference… S-300s are jam resistant, they are offline because they have an automatic defense mode, only way letting thrm to be hit is to turn them off. Thats exactly what Armenian leadership is doing. They inflict maximum damage on themselves trying to bait Russia into Entering the war. Wont happen. Russia helps allies and friends, not cia pimped traitors.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s leadership want’s it to fail? what news are you reading or what drugs are you on, change either or both. I think your simple making statements like that.

Everything’s fake is it, if that’s the case the Turks should give up fighting wars and make CGI movies instead, because they do a much better job than Hollywood does when it comes to CGI.

They don’t turn them off you simpleton, they keep them in passive mode, and the only reason to keep them in passive mode other than being vulnerable to attack, isd they want to remain hidden, they don’t want the enemy to know exactly where they are, the enemy can attack or avoid them when they know where they are, it’s harder to do that when they don’t.

Erdogan doesn’t want a war with Russia you silly boy, he’s not a complete idiot, he just wants to outmaneuver Putin and impress the US, EU and NATO, and also increase Muslim Brotherhood influence and standing in the region.

Lone Ranger

Keep lying. I won..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re definitely a winner aren’t you, just call everyone a liar and that’s all you need to do to win, and just what do you think you won, I’ll send you a prize in the mail, LOL.

Lone Ranger

Dont bother…

Lone Ranger

Saudisis is using state of the art U.S. and EU weapons yet they failed miserably against Houthis running in pijamas and flip flops. Saudis are lucky if they wont get hit by their own Patriot SAM(like it already happened in the past lol)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US bought Iron Dome and David’s Sling systems from Israel so the US themselves know the Israeli air defence systems are better than their own, but the countries that want the Israeli systems because they’re better will have to have a lot of money, they cost an arm and a leg. So what do they do, buy an expensive Israeli race car, or buy an inexpensive US race car, but also buy a cheap pickup truck, caravan, and trailer as well. Some countries wont have a choice, some of them will want Israeli/US equipment but only be able to afford Russian equipment.

Lone Ranger

They are based on U.S. tech, make no mistake. Still Russian SAMs are currently the best.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Did you say Israeli equipment is based on US tech achievements, so why would the US have to buy them from Israel, it’s be cheaper to just build their own systems. Most people say everything the US invents is usually attributed to Israeli knowhow or assistance, but you’re saying the opposite, mmm. Until they’re proven on the battlefield against real time targets they’re not really the best, they’re just assumed to be the best, and just like you I’ve lauded the S-300/400 systems many times, but that was only because I was reading the stated capabilities and believed them, but now I’ve seen them destroyed many times and proven to be not so spectacularly effective [S-300], I’m not so sure of their anti aircraft/missile/drone capabilities, but their ballistic defense capabilities are a different matter, I’m still giving them the benefit of the doubt there.

Lone Ranger

Dont blame the missile if traitors give the orders, its not the missiles fault. Russian SAMs proved themselves over Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, nobody has as much experience with SAMs as Russia. To answer your question Israel run the U.S., they take whatever weaponsystem they want even ones that arent built yet and only exist on blueprints. Israelis are talented people but no small country can develop advanced SAM systems by their own, it just wont happen, sorry. Even France and the UK struggles to keep up with Russia and the U.S., and in fact they cant. India and China are license building, copying, modding Russian SAMs, so at tge end of the day only two major players are left as usual, Russia and the U.S.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

China and India are both developing their own independent lines of research and development in some fields that have nothing to do with anyone but themselves, and they have a lot more money to spend on their military budgets than Russia does. Money makes the world go round and when the world goes around new things are made, and all the new things are being made in China and India now.

Lone Ranger

Every Russian and Chinese SAM and cruise missile is based on Russian designs. Not one is original. How comes China spends more but Russia has better weapons…lol U.S. spends a $trillion every year but are still behind. Its not only money but people, know how and experience. Russia was building advanced missiles when Chinese had a hard time figuring out how to make stainless steel… So skip the BS. Look at the Chinese, Indian inventory, 95% is Russian.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Look at the Chinese, Indian inventory, 95% is Russian”

I didn’t say it wasn’t you very ignorant person, I said they were following their own fields of research and developing their own independent systems. And no matter how smart you are if you don’t have enough money you can’t do jack shit, and the Chinese have the smarts and lots of money, so do the Indians, at least a lot of money to spend on war machines.

Lone Ranger

Russia has enough money. $600billionmin Forex reserves. Masdive trade surplus. 13% debt to GDP ratio. Also only a 146million people to feed not 1.4billion like in China and India. Okey, name me a Chinese advanced SAM or cruise missile that isnt related or copied from a Russian design..make my day…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They still have their reserves but the export revenue’s dropped dramatically, first the Saudis dropped oil prices and started a trade war which meant the Russians were literally only making a few cents per barrel profit, and then the coronavirus hit them not once but now twice, so if they’re not careful they might have to start spending those massive reserves they have. Iran has massive reserves too but no disposable income, just watch and see how quickly their reserves run out if things get any worse than they are now.

Lone Ranger

Interestingly Forex reserves are still rising not decreasing… Bye.

Lone Ranger

Whole world economy is being strangled. Only economy with a positive growth is China.

Lone Ranger

They are smart, yet they can only copy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And yet a lot of their stuff is now better than ours.

Lone Ranger

Thanks to Russia.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s not where you start the race but where you finish the race, if you first over the off the line you have to be first over the line to make it count, and no one’s crossed the finish line yet.

Lone Ranger

Thats true. But everybody is behind Russia currently and I dont see that trend to change anytime soon.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everybody’s behind Russia are they, then what’s happened to most of the pro Russian supporters who’ve disappeared from SF forums lately, most of you have suddenly gone very quiet lately, the anti Russian posters seem to have taken over the forums and now dominate the dialogue. Russia’s lost a lot of support with their flip flop behaviour, even the die hard supporters are finding it hard to defend Russia’s actions in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan, all talk and no actions is what most of us have seen from Putin lately, and when he does talk it’s just more sucking up to Erdogan, the new world strongman..

Lone Ranger

You should stop taking LSD Trollstoy… You are luvizng in a parallel Universe… You are also mixing up Russia with the U.S. ad usual…

Lone Ranger


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Bye Richard.

Lone Ranger

Bye Shlomo…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you insist.

Lone Ranger

Hard facts.

Rhodium 10

Armenia lost 20.000 soldiers and civilians during past NK war…and won!….as long as Russia is supplying weapons AZ dont have any chance to retake all NK…and even less take trucks, Apc, Tanks, Helicopters to mountain areas…anyway Pashinyan is not a clean wheat for Putin but Russian cannot allow a Syrian terrorist inside NK.


Times has changed. Those drones picking every single target one by one. Armenia has lost the skies completely and most of its armored forces. This is not a war, but a slaughter from now on. Most logical decision would be a withrdaw. Even…. even if they win this war, Armenia will be even much much poorer and will completely depend on Russia. This war drains their manpower. But I don’t think they will retreat from NK and this will be the end of Pashinyan. The only way Armenians can answer Azeris is to conduct a guerilla warfare, but I highly doubt that generals would decide on such a thing. It is real hard decision for a regular army to do this.

Rhodium 10

As far Armenia have ballistic missile which can demolish Ganja…AZ cannot win NK war…troops inside NK will always face ATGM & Snipers attacks beside ambush to supply trucks!..to win the skies dont mean that you have won the war…look at Yemen-Houttis and how Saudi Arabia face difficult to defeat them.


I think you replied without even reading my comment. You cannot compare Houtis with Armenian troops, because Armenians trying to defend NK with trench warfare… which is fatal mistake.

And demolish Ganja??? I am convinced that you are just an edgy kid who lack knowledge about war and politics.

Rhodium 10

You are very smart are you?…why another truce if AZ are advancing?…trench warfare?… there are trench to protect artillery soldiers…but most of soldiers( Infantery) are deployed around mountains…AZ after 2 weeks of war have captured 10% of NK and close to its south border. AZ have killed 700 Armenian soldiers…in the last war 20.000 were killed and Azerbajan lost the war!


You keep saying Armenia lost 20.000 and won. 1-As far as I know Armenia lost around 7.000 not 20.000 . 2-The previous war lasted 6 years. I honestly, don’t know hom many Ar. soldiers killed in the current conflict, but let’s do a math. If 700 killed in 3 weeks, it makes 11.200 in a year and 67.200 in 6 years. Just for comparison…

Rhodium 10

The only truth is that in past conflict Armenis lost 20.000 and Azerbajan 77.000!…for other side how many AZ have died to retake 10% of NK close to its borders?…


Can share your source about casualties? I am genuinely curious, maybe I might be wrong about casualties.

Rhodium 10

Search in Wikipedia for example



I did. It says 5,856–6,000 deads for Armenia and 11.000-30.000 to Azerbaijan.

Rhodium 10

But Wiki just post Azerbajan casualties but not Chechen volunters, Afghan mujahidins, Afghan militia of Hekmatyar,Turkish volunters CEI volunters…among others


Dude… we were talking about Armenian casualties. Besides, that huge gap up to 30000 is the western and Armenian claim so the figures you want to see is included there.

John Brown

Armenians soldiers outflanked and being slaughtered their army looks to be on the verge of total collapse it’s becoming a route a humiliation a massacre. Armenians soldiers dropping their weapons and fleeing and running in panic around Jabril. Looks like its game over Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM Armenians Getting their asses kicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyfriipc61A

Mustafa Mehmet

Wake up and smell the coffee.. hurry up and gone help your armanian friend

Rhodium 10

I dont like Armenians…but even less Turkish murder Jihadist

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