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Azerbaijani President Claims His Troops Captured Mataghis In Nagorno-Karabakh

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Azerbaijani President Claims His Troops Captured Mataghis In Nagorno-Karabakh

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Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev announced on October 3 that his country’s armed forces had captured the town of Mataghis from Armenian forces.

Other towns and villages that are allegedly under control of Azerbaijani forces are Talysh, Mehdili, Chakhirli, Ashagi Maralyan, Sheybey, Quycaq and Ashagi Abdurrahmanli.

Earlier today, the Azerbaijani media reported the capture of an Armenian base next to Mataghis, which is located in the northeastern part of the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

“Today, the Azerbaijani army raised the Azerbaijani flag over Mataghis. Mataghis is ours, Karabakh is Azerbaijani,” President Aliyev wrote on Twitter.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan has not released footage to confirm the capture of Mataghis, so far. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia is yet to comment on the Azerbaijani President’s claims.

In the morning, Shushan Stepanyan, Press Secretary of the Armenian MoD, announced that a large-scale Azerbaijani attack on Nagorno-Karabakh was repelled. Stepanyan didn’t provide any further information.

The battle in Nagorno-Karabakh, which began on September 27, has not seen any real advance by Azerbaijani forces, thus far. If the capture of Mataghis is confirmed, the situation will likely escalate further.

A ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh is unlikely as for now. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia appear to be unwilling to step back and engage in talks.

The Azerbaijani military released a video showing some of the captured positions:


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The only thing’s the Kremlin right on is not falling for the instigations of a war to defend a pro-EU Armenian regime, but what’s not right is to have allowed this situation to go on and on and on unresolved since the USSR was butchered, and much less to let it go on to protect the apparent “sanctity” of bu$ine$$ with Turks and the globalist Ziocorporate terrorists. The longer it lasts, the better for Turks and the Ziojew terrorists to weaponise Azerbaijan and create ever greater instability.


Instability? Turkey wants to rebuild the ottoman empire. They need stability to do that. Don’t think for a moment that Azerbaijan or NK will become another Syria.

Also, when Erdogan will reach his objective, at what direction do you think he will look? To Moscow? No, to Rome!

The west is losing face over this, much more than Russia. France has had 2 journalists wounded. French people are very nationalistic, they want revenge! Armenia is catholic and Italy is catholic. Here ( in Italy ) people are starting to get really pissed at Turkey. They demand something to be done. The government ( center-left ) is the classic gay government, indecisive and stupid. Far right parties ( the Lega in particular, has already voiced its discontent at Turkey ) will win the next elections.

All this mumbo jumbo will easily open the road to the resurgence of an antimuslim sentiment in the entire EU.

Porc Halal

It must be emphasized that the anti-muslim sentiment is more than justified and legitimate …

Vox Populi

Arab Sunni extremism emanating from Saudi Wahhabist teachings has tarnished the wider Muslim image, ironically most Muslims are Asians not even remotely connected with Arabs or even understand Arabic. Islam is in dire need of reformation.

Porc Halal

Bingo!!!…but this will never happen tho…muslims know what I am talking about…you don’t understand this because you are not a muslim…

catalin zt

Mohammed was an killer and a PAEDOPHILE! FULL STOP! All the muslim i met here in west wants only money and to shout allahu akbar….other than this they know or want to know NOTHING!

Porc Halal

I don’t remember to say it otherwise ever!…

catalin zt

The wahhabism is nurtured by CIAMOSSAD anglo-saxonjew cabal khazarian World Mafia!


Armenians are Orthodox. Technically Apostolic not Orthodox, meaning the church was actually founded by two apostles of Jesus who went there. Armenia is the only Apostolic Church in the world. Thaddeus is better knows as Judas.

Saints Thaddeus and Bartholomew, two of the twelve apostles, were the first evangelizers of Armenia, and were martyred there, giving the Armenian Church its apostolic identity and earning them the title, “First Enlighteners of Armenia.”

Thaddeus came to Armenia about 43 AD to preach Christianity. He was martyred in southeastern Armenia. His tomb lies in the Armenian monastery of St. Thaddeus (Iran) where a chapel was built in the third century. ​ Batholomew is believed to have arrived in Armenia about 66 AD. He was martyred in Hadamakert, southeast of Lake Van.

Vox Populi

Regurgitating ancient history is pointless. Armenia is on the ropes and no one will lift a finger. The annexation of NK was a disaster in the making.

The Objective

“All this mumbo jumbo will easily open the road to the resurgence of an antimuslim sentiment in the entire EU.” That’ll be a gift, so that our dumb Muslim leaders who consider Europeans business partners and let the enemies benefit from our immense natural resources will be forced to rethink this relationship. True Muslims are NEVER afraid of the Disbelievers.

Vox Populi

Your comments show simplistic brainwashed madrassa mentality. There is no Muslim world as such, Arabs hate Arabs, Jews, Turks and the Asian nominal Muslim states are not interested in these pointless conflicts. It is a small ignorant Muslim fringe like yourself that has given Muslims a poor reputation. Most of the Muslims would seek refuge in the secular west if they could, like you have.

The Objective

We see a decisive push against the satanic order your Christian world has imposed across the globe. Sexual prevision even in churches with women moving naked despite been clothed, normalization of usury across the entire Christian world, proliferation of weapons by your industries despite preaching and claiming peace, being the highest to die from alcohol consumption, having the highest number of bastard children due to epidemic fornication and adultery – some christian countries have over 80% of children born out of wedlock, having the highest number of criminals in society, and much more. This is prove of a defunct religion. These things will never be considered normal in any Islamic society no matter how weak in faith Muslims are. These are an abnormality.

Muslims may seek refuge in your countries not because they love your system, but because of the oppressive rulers you set up in their countries and the less oppressive ones in your countries. It’s just basic human need for security. A tyrant Muslim ruler is far worse than a disbelieving ruler who is less tyrannical.

For me, I will reject any offer to live in Europe or America, because I have successfully overcome the love of this material world. So fuck materialism and flashy life-style.

catalin zt

Those muslim going west are doing it ONLY for moneymaterial reasons ,all I’ve been in contact knows only moneyallahu akbar! Also this World is not wrecked by Christianity but by the anglo-saxonkhazarian cabal mafia who is actually looking to destroy Christianity and especially the Orthodoxism the only TRUE religion ! That’s why u had the Bolsheviks demolishing churches etc at the order of Rotschild (by his real reptilian name Pindar) !

The Objective

The cabal already succeeded in destroying Christianity from within. The current paversion in the Christian world (naked women, bastard children, etc.) is starkly against what the bible teaches, but Christianity is impotent against these satanic trends. That’s because Christianity is a manmade religion with lots of errors, so it lost God’s support and the satanist destroyed Christian communities, culture, and spirituality. People hardly even go to churches in places where Christianity was once state religion.

Islam presents a special and enduring challenge for the satanists. And that’s because Allah promised to preserve the Religion for its entire duration on Earth. The satanists have done a lot to destroy Islam too. They have tried to get our women walk naked like their Christian counterparts. But the Muslim world has largely rejected this alongside other evils like usury, alcoholism, etc.

Christians are no doubt an ally of the satanists against Islam. They waged the crusades and subsequent massacres of Muslims out of frustration of our refusal to assimilate their cultures like the rest of the world did. And we’ll never do that. and we’ll defeat them both economically, politically, intellectually, and militarily. We did with the crusaders, and we will again and restore some sanity in society. It’s just a matter of time. I can see the trends already.

Vox Populi

Turkey is a predatory power just filling in the vacuum created in the chaotic multi-polar world. As there no real power center left in the world, expect more global instability and conflicts.

catalin zt

Are u talking about the anglo-saxonkazarian rule on Earth?


Armenia is Catholic and Italy is Oriental Orthodox.

catalin zt

The anglo-saxon SINGLE neuron is talking….


Good news for your parents that their vegetable is talking.

Rhodium 10

Kremlin knows that Azerbajan wont be able to retake NK and even less to keep troops safe inside there!…ATGM teams are active and it is a mountain terrain full of trenchs and caves…Azerbajan army have been naive and deceived by Erdogan!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnE0fOyYF6M

Vox Populi

Azerbaijan using Israeli “kamikaze drones” in Nagorno-Karabakh clashes to great effect

Israel also has a strategic relationship with Azerbaijan involving cooperation on security and energy.

60% of Azerbaijan’s arms procurement comes from Israel, while a large portion of Israel’s oil supply comes from Azerbaijan.

What’s happening: Over the last several days an “air train” of cargo planes affiliated with the Azeri ministry of defense departed for Israel. According to flight radar apps, the cargo planes stopped at Ovda airbase in southern Israel before departing for Azerbaijan. Considering the large Russian and Ukrainian Jewish community in Israel, it appears that Moscow approved these weapons transfers or turned a blind eye.

Rhodium 10

And Russia are supplying the new smerch rockets with have a range of 120km and have glonass guide!..I have seen a video whre one of them hit a four- story building in the midddle of the field and the explosion is compatible with 300mm

Lazy Gamer

If Russia allowed its policies to be personality based, that would just be short term thinking.

Vox Populi

Russia has no coherent policies under Putin.

catalin zt

Good murica has coherence under Donald Duck and uk under Boris the the mental gaypaedophile!!!??? Ha ha that remark is really laughable :) sick anglo-saxons….

Vox Populi

Russia is not in a position to successfully change the balance of power in the Caucasus or anywhere, Russian policies under Putin border on bi-polar schizophrenia. It starts conflicts and then makes deals with its sworn enemies. Russia has even contributed to Turkish aggressive policies by selling it weapons and backing down in every case. The Russian weakness will haunt it soon. NATO is already firmly in control of Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Romania and every ex-Warsaw pact state, now Turkey is ensconced in Azerbaijan and Belarus will fall to US next.

catalin zt

Nothing will go anymore under the anglo-saxonsjewscabal Khazarian mafia anymore….only nukes will fall on those places populated with this facscist-capitalist ENEMIES of Humanity! Amen

catalin zt

You are an mossadcia troll agitating your onlysingle neuron dirty anglo-saxon paedophile!

Porc Halal

For the past 3-4 days we assist to a concentrated Fake News attack on all fronts orchestrated by the turds and their azeris puppets… It’s a pity that SF has become a spokesperson for these turdish impostors …


What are the casualty count from Armenians in N-K??

Adding up everyday. Better just withdraw and save some lives.


another 150000 homeless refugees great.


Those poor Armenians soldiers have nowhere to hide. Have to dig some rat holes. The same holes as the Syrians rats did.

Now rats against rats…. LOL.


Isis Turk rat

catalin zt

Anyway a turk better than an anglo-saxon or jew….









Vox Populi

Israeli Harop drones have wrought havoc on the Armenians.


catalin zt

Go to HELL where scum like u belongs,u dirty CIAMOSSAD troll! Soon the HUMANITY will erase the anglo-saxonjewish SCUM from the face of Earth! Amen! Satanic piece of shi*


Reports from inside the city say it is untrue. The ambush operation yesterday was undertaken with those Armenian fedayis. Some nice dead rats and an Azeri flag with Isis slogan on it. https://t.me/re_publicofArmenia/4559

Vox Populi

What is quite astonishing is the complete ignorance or failure of both Armenians and Russian intelligence or lack of it, to predict the Azerbaijan and Turkish build-up of men and material which has been underway since 2018 and Mr. Aliyev had given repeated warnings that NK will be liberated. It would appear that Mr. Nikol Pashinyan missed all the signals and placed too much faith in EU, and the French in particular and now Armenia is paying the price of arrogance and ignorance. It is certain that Azerbaijan with massive Turkish and Israeli support will carry the day.


Armenians were well aware and made statements they were monitoring the situation carefully. Turkey used the annual wargames as cover, left troops in Nakechivan, and then left planes and drones in Azerbaijan. We have been knowing and planning for this for 30 years. Welcome to the wonderful life and times of being an Armenian, surrounded by foreign countries that wants to slaughter you because your Christian. Your the only one unaware lol.

Vox Populi

Most of your loses are coming from Israeli drones and long range laser guided artillery. Turkish drones are over-rated. Israel has just supplied more Harop to Azeri forces as reported in media.


Thats right, it is a new form of warfare going on, but they are loosing lots of them. Armenia doesn’t have a border with Russia, it is literally on the border of the Muslim world. Armenia has often been referred to as a Christian Island in a sea of Islam. Not to mention it is probably the most warring region of the world. So my argument is valid, we have no real allies.

Vox Populi

You have valid points, but I believe it was naive to place all your eggs in the Russian basket. Russia has a history of abandoning its allies. Just look at the pathetic fate of the Arabs. Armenia should have shifted its policies towards the west after independence from USSR, which Serbia is now wisely doing. Your other border is with Iran, another weak and isolated theocratic regime which is now itself is in danger as Azerbaijan and Turkey will pressure the large Azeri population in Iran. Russia even armed Turkey, its sworn enemy.


Yes I am well aware it is a complex web of problems. However I disagree that Armenia should have shifted to the West. Armenians have always been a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures. Armenians always bordered Greeks in the West and Persians in the East, and we are a blend of both worldviews. This is totally unrelated but the West and American exceptionalism is coming to an end. In the history of mankind, Western Europe and North America has only ruled for a mere few hundred years. Please see: https://danielvelkov.blogspot.com/2014/07/finding-worlds-economic-center-of.html

The West is finished and now must look to Eurasia and the developing world. If anything Armenia should have been a satellite of Russia. It practically already is, I don’t know what these idiots are thinking trying to join with the US. How did that work out for the Kurds, or all their allies like Qaddafi and Saddam? The west would use and abuse and throw away Armenia.

If the genocide didn’t happen or the Turks gave back lands and reparations then that would be a different story, suddenly Armenia can be strategic. However now Armenia has nothing to offer compared to Azeris and Turks.

Vox Populi

It is indeed a sad state of affairs as the world power shift to Eurasia is underway and therefore expect more chaos and predatory behavior by nations. US and the west in general are in decline and until there is a new power structure, there will be more instability and smaller nations being the victims. I wish Armenia good luck and hopefully this conflict will end soon, but am skeptical.


Thank you kindly, hope so too, but we cannot accept the loss of anymore land, as it would endanger the safety of the state. So, in Armenian there is a famous saying from when they defeated the Turks in the battle of Sardarapet, “when there is no hope and no way out, the crazy ones find a solution!” Similar to Sun Tzu philosophy of a man who has no way to retreat will fight with the courage of 10 men.

catalin zt

Ha ha you anglo-saxonjewish SCUM,you are abandoning your vassals all the time and treating your mercenaries as cannon fodder with no exception! You the “exceptionals” in crimes,genocide, stealing,paedophilia,perversities and all the rest of Pandora’s box can offer!

catalin zt

Become again an Russian Federation Nation and you will be free of all the anglo-saxonjew dirty,perverse plots my dear friend

Lucia West

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catalin zt

Another anglo-saxon capitalist Fascist scammer bit*h…this is what I’m talking about…. This empty criminal”heads” have just money and profit on their single neuron and willing to do any crime in order to have them!

catalin zt

I LOVE Armenia and armenians!!! They are WONDERFUL people! I’m romanian and they are one of our 18 minorities I’m proud to have in my country. Unfortunately Romania my beautiful country is under the control of the genocidal anglo-saxoncabals and member of North American Terrorist Organisation… I hope during the next war coming with help from Almighty Russia we will get rid of this capitalistfascist anglo-saxon dirty race and we will be part of an Free World where anglo-saxons and jews will be seen only in the zoo cages of the Nations of The Free World! Amen!


Ammunition and supplies confiscated by Artsakh: https://t.me/re_publicofArmenia/4558


So, because someone thinks the Armenians are Pro-EU and whatever, its just Ok to wipe them out, right, sounds like an American, by the way, when the Armenians have seen that Putin sels S-400 to, sels weapons to Saudi-barbarians, is sucking whever that swings that is attached to any Jew or ISISraeli, huh, you dont want to talk about that, like the Graveyard of the Faker and othere shitholes like MoA, go back to them scums and stay there, we dont need more drivel than whats already soaking this site because of Turdians and Russian hurrah patriots whom after years of continuing cluster f…. and geo-political idiocy the Western forces are taking Caucasus bit by bit, and the only explanation we get is that Putin plays 124d Chess, right, morons, but hey, the Armenians are Pro-EU, well, if you deal with them or anyone apart from Putin him self means you can be wiped out and slaughtered.

Fascinating development by the hurrah patriots.

And even now, I read abolut nonsense, the western backed controlled shitholes like Anti-war and so on, do whatever they can to lie about everything, incl the fact that NK have had an referendum, that, is not fake news, just by large ignored, why, dont ask me, and why dont you talk about the marvelous democratic Gov of Azerbijan, huh, where they have an copy cat of Sultan erDOGab roaming around, and wants to wipe the NK clean of any Armenians and most of the usual scums like the Units to Brigades are backing this Azeri scums. Fascinating, and even to this day most of you denie the fact that witch is becomed smack on the open, the cooperation between Sultan erDOGans turds and ISISrael, weapon, and soldiers, even transporting the happy head chopping, of course, modeRats ISIS (huh) to Azerbijan, and the Russians are selling more weapons to them than they do to Armenians whom have become lost, expiriencing the same destiny that another so called Russian allie, Syria, yeah, and why should then Armenians think that Russia is any help, when they have seen whats been done, by their eh…. brothers aka the Ruskies. Putin is rotten to His whatever left of core, all the way to the bone marrow.

The ugly truth is, somehow suddenly Armenia is the bad guy, Armenia whom have been slaughtered by the millions, pogroms after pogroms, and despite doing referendums, despite the fact Azeris have no an iota of legitimasy regarding the evil Baku despots claims about taking back Azeri territory, most of you are backing the Islamic scums, whom, like the ZioNazis are pushing an entire religion infront of them as an sheild, and if you say anything, you are an ehh…phobe, uh. Yeah, its an shame, once again, the world bows to the scums of this earth, turds and zionazis. Whom again is green lightened by the ZATO nations witch is becoming more and more rotten. But hey, the Armenian Gov is pro-EU, this comes from the mofo whom is by large fake opositions, in sites that have by now shown they are not trustwurth at all. They get exposed every day now, the only positive shit I can think of right now. Its an good thing.

Dunka, dunka.



It was expected. First SAMs, then artillery, then motorized infantry all taken out by drones. It was a matter of time till those positions are taken over. Unless any diplomatic situational change happens, seems like it will continue in the same scenario, piece by piece, height by height.


Azeris made a failed attack on the town yesterday, citizens inside refuted reports. Alexander Lapshin confirms it is untrue based on people on the ground.


Isn’t Lapshin the guy that sat in prison in Azerbaijan. I doubt he is neutral. I prefer looking at he videos, photos and matching them with satellite images, instead of rumors from the ground.


That’s right .. I do not believe the full report from ARMENIA on the situation in N.K.


No, that hasn’t actually happened. Drones are only attacking targets of opportunity for the most part. NK & Armenia have plenty of SAM and continue to down drones. Again, stop looking at those stupid drone videos and thinking ‘omg! such a game-changer’, because that’s not how wars are won.

Wars are won by being able to break through points in the enemy’s line and then flank the remaining areas, which the Azeri’s clearly can’t do. Otherwise it’s purely ‘hill by hill’ (as you say) at a painfully slow rate (often back and forth), which Azerbaijan doesn’t have the numbers for; especially when surrounded by hostile locals.

Drones are literally the one saving grace the Azeri’s have to at least keep the kill ratio fairly even, but that’s about it.


That seems to be a reasonable analysis… Artsakh Armenoidz are highly motivated volunteers, as infantry still able to inflict serious losses on the Azeris, who seem to be far less combat-effective, man for man, to the Artsakh Armenoidz. Their heavy weaponry is taking the brunt of the drones firepower.


Unfortunately drones can hit people gatterings too, after they finish with the armor.

Toni Liu

Yeah thats true, taliban already hit left and right by such drones from beginning afghan war since the beginning of the war but they still a thorn under US occupation on afghan, so as long as azeris fail to take that mountain it still NK armenian territory in the end even thousand or hundreds sams of armenia got destroyed in that places


Talibans keep coming in numbers from Pakistan, they don’t care as much of loses, NATO ammo is too expensive to be spent on infinite guerrilla, in Nagorno is more like Serbia.


did you read the article before commenting?


I don’t believe a word of Erdogan or Aliyev’s claims without proof, as they are notorious liars. They have taken nothing so far except a few hills, so yes I stand by my analysis of the current situation.


Of course you shouldn’t believe statements from any side without proof. But also don’t judge the statement by its author, thats bias. Look at the photo and video evidence.


I don’t pick and choose what to look based on what I want to believe in. But I do understand its emotional for many people, many people have confirmation bias. And many are in stage of denial in their stress. But give it time, let is sink in.





Random Dude

He officially changed the name from Madagiz to Sugovushan.


Wasn’t there a film with Gene Kelly in it called “An American in Sugovushan”?

Random Dude

no idea

Vox Populi

The region had a Azeri population of over 25% before they were ethnically cleansed and now it is reverting back to its original names and demographics.

catalin zt



don´t know what to make of this conflict yet.


I pretty much felt the same, but I am sympathetic to the Artsakh Armenoidz since this area is an Armenoid land. IMO this is the salient point- this land is populated almost entirely by Armenoids, and is historically Armenoid. This takes precedence over the dictates of Stalin and legalworks of the USSR era. Real nations are organic entities, not legal ones.

Besides, the Artsakh Armenoids are real fighters, anyone’s gotta respect that. They’re also fighting for their homes and their ancient folk’s survival.

I have no quarrel with Azeris altho Aliyev is a POS for sparking this debacle.


A very nice post, thoughtful. Thank you Phoron.

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