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Azerbaijani Servicemen Completed Bayraktar TB2 Training: Who Operated The Drones Against Armenia?

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Azerbaijani Servicemen Completed Bayraktar TB2 Training: Who Operated The Drones Against Armenia?

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On February 5th, 77 servicemen of the Azerbaijani Air Force completed trainings in “Baykar” company of Turkey, Azerbaijani Embassy to Turkey said.

The Azerbaijani servicemen took part in a 4-month “Bayraktar” TB2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operator” program and have been awarded the certificates UAV pilot, team management, cargo operator and other certificates on other technician positions.

The technical director of Baykar Defense, Selcuk Bayraktar, awarded the certificates to the Azerbaijani servicemen.

Turkish drones, as well as various Israeli-made drones and other weapons gave Baku the edge in the fight for Nagorno-Karabakh.

According to various reports, the Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh region who relied on tanks, artillery and missiles were “easy targets,” with footage released by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense backing up the claim.

Several analysts used drone footage to document the Armenian losses, tallying at least 185 battle tanks.

A report by German outlet Tagesschau said that the win was by no small part due to the drones which are used to “scout out enemy positions, which are then attacked with rockets and artillery shells.”

It also pointed out that Azerbaijan converted Soviet-produced Antonov AN-2 multi-purpose aircrafts in order to fly remotely over Armenian positions at low altitudes and gather position information, citing Fuad Shabasov, a military expert from Baku.

“The position data were registered by other drones at a higher altitude and used to switch off the Armenian air defense,” he was cited by the report as saying.

Besides the devastating effect drone attacks can have when used with smart ammunition, capable of taking out 50-ton tanks on the ground with nowhere to escape, the psychological effect of drone strikes can also be used as leverage.

“The Armenian armed forces with their outdated anti-aircraft systems were not able to recognize and shoot down the Bayraktar TB-2 and the kamikaze drones,” Markus Reisner, head of the development department at the Theresian Military Academy of the Austrian Armed Forces told Tagesschau. The Azerbaijani army possesses Israeli made kamikaze drones.

Exhaustion and the kamikaze drones, in particular, had a demoralizing effect on the Armenian forces, Armenian journalist Tatul Hakobjan was cited by Tagesschau as saying, adding that “as soon as the drones were heard, they had seven seconds to run away.”

One question arises though, if the Azerbaijani servicemen just concluded their training course on how to operate the Bayraktar TB2 drone, who was the one that operated the drones while fighting against Armenia’s forces in Nagorno Karabakh?

Since, according to the official version of events, Turkish forces didn’t take part in the hostilities.

Azerbaijani Servicemen Completed Bayraktar TB2 Training: Who Operated The Drones Against Armenia?

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Ashok Varma

Turkey and Pakistan fought the war for Azerbaijan and they also flew the drones. Not a great secret.


pakistan? lol. Azerbaijan won the war by itself


trollololo turkonoid 100%


iran is a fake country


Real map of iran, iranians occupy lands that doesn’t belong to them



Ofc you are. Lowest of the low, subhuman scum. You will be crushed alongside iranians. You deserve nothing but death


Yes it is. It is country that 7/24 hangs people to supress civil mutinies inside the country.


Ali, my dear friend . Iran is a shithole ran by backward mullahs. Thats the reason most of you lick shrines. Sorry mate , plain facts.


LOL here is another hollow threat from the resident of shithole.

Yr ‘crazy’ mullahs are only good in war torn states . You dont the balls or means to start a war against a well organized state and win that war , my little iranian friend .We saw that in Iran / ıraq war . You fough with Saddam and cud not do a shit about it. You could only send your militia there after a few decades when the yanks destroyed Iraq. Thats what you all are , parasites.

You are all living in a dream world . One of you guys think that you are with in top 2-3 forces of the world , another one says that iran made a nuclear proof dam , and swiss people are begging yr mullahs for a corona vaccine , and you believe iran will conquer all the world. And it is my duty to mock you all and bring you down to reality.

Why you guys are like this ? why you are so far apart from reality ? why you are always after empty threats and trying to threaten people while noone gives damn ? Why you are like this , what is wrong with you guys ?


Thats Bullshit Mr Ali. You iranians are living in a dream world of grandoise. I still could not understand if you are actually meaning it or just try to supress yr inefiority complex by claiming the opposite of it. I am not intimidated at all – I am just putting you in yr place while you continue blabbering in return and show actually what you are , a bunch of brainwashed village idiots going down with each and every comment of yours.. Now go up and read yr own / farbats comment from the beginning and see how you are making a clown out of yrselves.


Ah good , at least you know farbat is. Thats something at least.

Can you tell me a single reason why should I be ? Do you think me or any other poster is seriously aftarid of iran ? Look at the history when Iran cud do something to us through out all the history ?

Dude you are exaggerating yourselves too much . Iran can only defend itself with ins borders. It does not have any power of attacking others. The only way it can project power outside is its militia , and its useless against well organized states. Also Iran can only operate in shia majority or shia governed countries if that country slips to social unrest.

I dont think I passed you previously but let me tell you again , when I see one of you speaking about iranian plazma guns , superior vaccines, nuclear proof iranian dams or constanty threataening others with the things they can not do I feel the urge to mock them.

If I can find another group like you living in an unreal dimension I may mock them as well but unfortunately you are the only village idiots around for the time being.


Sure, I am trembling when I read one of the posts written by you village idiots. OMG , here is a iranian village idot telling that they will invade everywhere , here is another one running with a plazma gun in his hand , there is another one buiding an aircraft carrier in his backyard and the list of undereducated brainwashed morons goes on ..

Dude , may be you shold quit giving bullshit advices to others who make fun of you all the day and check what is wrong with all of you guys . for your own sake . Dont you think ?


If you are replying to silence others , then dont. Because not everywhere is a shithole like Iran where people can be silenced.

If you are calling that ‘ proving yr point’ , I will do it in every opportunity, expose yr lies and efforts to present yr backwards , mediveal state as a normal one.

Todays iran is a shithole and represents complete darkness , a leap to 200 years back in history while you propagandist militants try to prove the contrary here 7/24.

Thank you for allowing me to post one comment after another and emphazise these facts over and over.


What did the Russians do to prevent it? Nothing. This is the fate of Russian allies. There can be no Russian ally developped like South Korea is or industrialized like Japan which Americans even nuked in 45. Russian allies are always intentionally kept weak by Russia itself. Even DDR ( East Germany ) is a an example. They were starving while their cousins were becoming Europe’s No:1 economical and industrial power. With Russia you can maximum be Belarus or Armenia.I am not saying this out of anti Russian mood or Russophobia.This is sad but the absolute truth.

Lazy Gamer

The western world has more economic power and can deploy sanctions and disturbances to keep adversaries down. They have the rest of the world’s production and resources at their disposal given the existing economic order. If Russia cant get past the economic stranglehold, then its allies cant expect a different outcome.

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