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MARCH 2025

Azerbaijani Troops Push Along Nagorno-Karabakh Border With Iran (Videos)

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Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev announced on October 18 that his forces had captured the historical Khudaferin Bridge in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The bridge, which was constructed over the Aras River in the 11th century, links the area of Jabrayil in the southern part of Nagorno-Karabakh with Iranian territory.

“Azerbaijani Armed Forces have raised Azerbaijan’s flag over the ancient Khudaferin Bridge. Long live the people of Azerbaijan! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!” Ilham Aliyev said on Twitter.

President Aliyev and a number of media sources shared videos confirming that Azerbaijani troops have taken over Khudaferin Bridge.

The capture of Khudaferin Bridge came less than 24 hours after the new humanitarian ceasefire, which started at 12:00 PM of October 17.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan claimed that its forces had destroyed 2 radars of a S-300 system, 5 T-72 battle tanks, 3 BM-21 multiple rocket launchers (MRLS), 2 BM-30 MLRS, 1 D-20 howitzer, 1 KS-19 anti-aircraft gun and 6 vehicles before the beginning of the ceasefire.

Azerbaijan is not respecting the new humanitarian ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh. Baku’s forces are likely planning to advance further in the region.


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Europe hates America

What i can’t understand is why the armenians are dumb af. I mean they still walking and sitting around with 20 comrades. Turn your f*cking brain on if u want to win this war


Because may be they are not professionals and misinformed by theirs chiefs , thinking they are superiors than theirs enemies, they are unawares that drones fly over theirs heads wich kill them like chickens.

Europe hates America

I know they aren’t professional army members. I give the fault 100% their officers and leaders. U have to tell them 10 times a day to take care about social distancing. I’m sure then they would care about it


That is exactly what is happening. They have very bad communication. I think the Artskins may be cut off from internet and do not know what is going on…


Because that’s how they won the firts war and couldn’t adopt a new strategy. Like for the old people that hate Internet.

Jens Holm

Europe dont hate America.

Europe hates America

But they should

Jens Holm

I see no reason for that. We di act and subtract and its plus compared to others and very much plus.

Jihadi Colin

Armenian patriots have gone to fight in Nagorno Karabakh on their own initiative. The Pashinyan regime wants them to lose. They’re fighting with what skills and weapons they have and are doing a pretty good albeit ultimately hopeless job.


nk-iran border… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd89dd17ec5071a07ecfcd97168afa60f849f93878743c8b022fc0f4db86cd73.jpg


Congratulations !!

Free man

The liberation of the border with Iran should be a top priority. Everyone has already seen the Iranian arms convoys.

jack duras

Is the iranian will kick out the AZ??

Pave Way IV

The Iranian looking across the border ARE the real Azerbaijanis – there’s 20 million that have always lived in Iran and make up the largest ethnic minority there. Soviets grabbed the the Republic of Azerbaijan Azeri (10 million today). They instilled a weird kind of over-the-top Turkic nationalism in those Azeri and Sovietized their Shi’a religion (which few actually practice there anyway). Same ethnic group of peoples, same basic Azerbaijani language.

Iran as a state supported Armenia. The Iranian Azeri along the northern border seem to be partial to their Republic of Azerbaijan brothers in the current conflict. ZATO has dreamed of creating a greater Azerbaijan for fucking with Iran (color revolution, etc.). Tehran has been moving a lot of equipment and armor up north. I’m sure they don’t want Iranian Azeris getting too friendly with their RoAz buddies or getting any ideas about secession. Seizing N-K is part of the greater ZATO plan to dominate the region and get a foothold in Iran.

Jihadi Colin

Azerbaijan was annexed in 1813 from the Persian Empire. The USSR was set up in the early 1920s.

Pave Way IV

True, but the Azeri in what is now the Republic of AZ didn’t change much after Russian Empire annexation. Declaration of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1918 and what people broadly consider the cultural and nationalistic changes via Sovietization produced more profound changes between the two.

I have the impression that there are mixed feelings among both populations of Azeri for some kind of grand, unified Azerbaijan. Combining the borders is the easy part, even if Iran magically agreed to give up such a huge chunk of it’s territory. Getting 30+ million Azeri to agree on the specific characteristics and government of a greater Azerbaijan is the hard part. The Kurds know all about that. And like the Kurds, ‘unification’ efforts encouraged by foreign powers to serve their own ends are bound to fail.

While a unified Azerbaijan might be a nice idea, I think a lot of Iranian Azeri are unwilling to destroy their relatively peaceful life and see hundreds of thousands die for that idea. Besides, I don’t think RoAz’s President Aliyev has any intention of sharing ‘his’ clan’s looted oil and gas money with 20 million more Azeris. Where’s the profit in that for him?

Free man

No, the Azeri territories in northern Iran will liberate themselves and unite with their brothers in the north.

Khazarian II (merchant)

Iran’s Azerbaijani Turks salutes, soldiers of Republic of Azerbaijani… Soon sons of Great Khazaria will unite and then lehitra’ot Iran :D


Free man

Another video from the Iranian side. The liberation of the Azeri lands from the rule of the mullahs regime is coming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuHm_LdNDrk


So you want to spread the war into Iran,i wouldn’t advise that if they want to stay alive.

Free man

I believe the Iranian Azeris will liberate themselves in the future.

Fog of War

It’ll be the will of the ” people “, just like in Crimea and Donbas. Ironic isnt it ?

Free man



Not really,i don’t see the Iranian Army blasting Azeri civilians with jets and arti like those Ukrainian Nazi bastards did in Donbas.

Fog of War

Great, then Iran will just let them secede peacefully.

Alekai Mordechai

Hezbollah outpost in N-K coming soon.

Jens Holm

Nazis agains Bolsjevics haha.

Jens Holm

They are not same kind at all.

Free man

How did you get to that?

Jens Holm

I read differnt sources and add and subtract. I love ancient and new maps as well

Here is a very good example even including stone age.


When USSR collpased and there also was the Tjetjenin wars, I was reading about it and how and why Russia by the Tzars and later on the Bolsjevics took it.

Cherkese vome from Caucasus. The base for Al Qaida and their international expansion was becuase they came from Caucasus.

I also know it from very old days, where it was a big mistake to divide them between Persians and Romans. The result was the Mongols came trough Armenia, which before that for good reasosn was armed to teath and everyone lived in defended areas.

Finaly I know it from WW2, where a lot of American help came in By Basra and Qaum by road and railroad and USA assisted by Britts took in 13.000 airplanes and maybee mre then 200.000 vehicles.

Half of the airplanes was the exelent Cóobras and King Cobras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mfnj0fDwKb0

But You can go back in time and see Britts in a period got 74% of its oil from there as drillers with own companies. A good link for that is:



From what?

Jens Holm

Its andold dispute with Armenians fx here about Nagorno Kharabak. Its even a kind of older.

Armenia once was a country and there was many more armenians. The1,5 mio killed by Osmans wasnt the only ones.

Armaninas just as greeks and Jews has a big diapora and they have not forgottrn old days, where Armenia as well as Great Armenia(just after Mongols) was much bigger.

So when some here says “americans” they actually are armenians living around the world as supporters and many actually are in USA.

By that not only the poor Armenia but also other gets “good will money” as well as investments.

By that an area might be and look poor but it is not as poor as it seemes.

Free man

Iranian mullahs regime rule.

Icarus Tanović

Because he’s just a common Zionistic Wahhabi suporter. What do you expect? Just ignore the punk.

The Objective

They’ll do that just to stir up trouble for the Mullahs

Jens Holm

I dont think so

Jens Holm

Nice selfie.

Europe hates America

Dear SF members what u think about my opinion that this war well prepared by turkey and russia? Turkey earn cause of azeris and putin maybe want to keep armenias dumb president away from US, cause trump have anyway other problems now


No mater who was ruling Armenia right now, could be the best friends of Russia, this war was lost anyway 1.because Russia is lagging at drone warfare 2.because Azeris are more rich and even Russia needs rich friends not beggers to trade with. This war was won by Azeris long time ago when they discovered more oil and natural gas. Maybe 10-15 years ago.

Europe hates America

I’m not on your side. Doesn’t matters how rich they are or how big the population difference is. If ur smarter u will win it. Just look at the houthis


You don’t need to be on my side,or me on yours. Houthis are millions and their country is far bigger than Nagorno-Karabakh, Yemen is comparable to Afghanistan. N-K is half of the size of Kosovo, with smaller peaks, smaller woods, and less than 150k inhabitants. Perfect for drones warfare.

Europe hates America

Good response, didn’t know that

Jens Holm

You have to learn about maps are created. Most maps fx show the northern hemisphere and up. By that Greenland and Also Alaska is bigger then Australia. They are not.

The goodle maps are almost relative correct made from globe thinking.

This link shows it vry well. The maps are made to show the important things accurate. The forst world maps was for vessels, so the distances was the most important.

If You have the same weather as here tomorrow and not in a job this link is for visibilty for it.


Jihadi Colin

Also Houthis are supported by a not inconsiderable part of the old Yemeni army and have their missiles and technical skills. And, let’s face it, the Zulu army of 200 years ago could have beaten the army of Saudi Barbaria.


Yes, Houthis have a different mentality, AK-47 is an extension of their hand and fighting is like drinking coffee for them. Well, apart of qat :))

Jihadi Colin

Never see a photo of Houthi fighters without a bulging cheek, do we?


It’s more like coffee than coke

Jens Holm

Haha. If I was a Houti I would prefare to loose:(

A good thing seemes to be they never will be overpopulated….and I have ni plus for the rest there as well.

jack duras

yep, they are amazing and look like little kids,some are

Jens Holm

Rhe oil thing is an old one. Actually Baku has and had one of the largets oilfields since before 1900 and there was never stopped drilling.

“More oil and gas” is a relative. Its more about ownership and tech to reopen old fields as well as taking up oil from the sea.

Its the same fx in Syria. Looking at maps we see socalled “empty fields”, but they are empty by not anvanced equipment and many most likely can give 3-4 times more.


Azerbaijan has 3 times more proven oil and gas reserves than Syria, 80% of them were discovered in 2002. Look it up. Back then I’ve seen a short documentary on TV about the war, the final conclusion was, if Armenia won the hot war, Azerbaijan won the economic war and time will tell what will come….

It was hard to imagine what happens today because the first Armenian victory was crushing, humiliating I would say. What a turntables…

Lazy Gamer

Someone wanted to arm Azerbaijan then and is reaping the dividends now. Those mountains would have metals but nobody is prospecting them. Clearly this was a prepared war by the forces supporting Azerbaijan.

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorect:


Maybee USSR did not but someone does now.

Lazy Gamer

I meant the mountains of NK. Understand context pls. How is my post incorrect?

Jens Holm

There is minng in Azarbaidian and those areas are explored. You hve not even resourced for it. Several maps can be found:


Jens Holm

I just mentioned, that Baku as oil center started 1884 and not 10 to 15 years ago and never was empty or zero after that.

My other part also for Syria is, that Assads has a lot of oil in the Regime area but ots not available because they technics are rather old but the money for investments for that taking up is removed by corruption and incompetence.

And its the same for the Baku on land. Its not empty but out of reach unless You let fx Shell and BP taking over – if You dont want american ones. The same goes for Russian Sibirian oil of today. Russians are not good enough even they improve some.

jack duras

behind everything is the FINANCIAL interest of the jiews,new loans,arms sales,etc.

Jens Holm

99% of the weapons there are Russian ones.

Its very impressing You can ignore that. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bafb5cb5b2f690f74d7aafb7192667c80f49b747bf84e1a78604c5105e1e3e21.jpg

Potato Man

Jen moron, again show me proof of that because I search and find this:

In 2012, Israel and Azerbaijan signed an agreement according to which state-run Israel Aerospace Industries would sell $1.6 billion in drones and anti-aircraft and missile defense systems to Azerbaijan

. That was back in 2012….

Israel is the second largest military trade partner for Azerbaijan. Referencing Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Azerbaijani media reported that Israel sold 5 billion USD worth of arms and military equipment to the Azerbaijani government.


For its part, Azerbaijan has other options, as Russia accounts for only 22 percent of its military purchases, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Azerbaijan also buys weapons from Israel and Turkey, for example. According to Aliyev, his military destroyed $1 billion worth of Armenian weapon systems using Turkish-made drones. Pukhov, of the CAST think tank, said Azerbaijan will likely buy more Turkish than Russian arms after the conflict ends.


Azerbaijan bought $77m worth of arms from Turkey a month before fighting


Jen you fuking ape, what is wrong with you ape. FAKE NEWS ass.

Jens Holm

Thats highly correct. Facts also are Israel buy about 74 of its oil form there. It makes sense parts of that is paid by needs from Israel.

Our trade is like that too with Our best tradepartners.

Potato Man

Jen…. bitch ass Read what you just said…..you saying 99% of their weapons are “Russian ones”….which is fuking lie you monkey. They ofc have SOVIET WEAPONS because they were part of SU back then and ONLY 22% their weapons are Russian.

Just look at List of modern equipment of the Azerbaijani Land Forces. That is only land forces and you see how much Zion and Turk weapons they have. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_modern_equipment_of_the_Azerbaijani_Land_Forces Look at Azerbaijani Air Force – Drones all Zion and one Turkish.


Jens Holm

They and Turks are related. MostTurkish weapons work well. So if tthe price is ok, its a good idea to make even better relations. None of them has many friends.

That goes for Israel too.

Hitler could not invade Poland and Western Europe without oil, fuel, coal, iron. nikel and a lot of food as well as secret training areas by Stalin and the Bolsjvics.

And the other way around. Stalin bought a lot of tech and also develloped mainly weapons well assisted by Adolf.

So they were united and not by friendship but united because they had same enemies.

I dont write fake news. I just tell how things are. Apes lik You are trained like parrots by Your masters to ignore that al weapond including tanks and airplanes 99% are made in Russia.

I see the same for USA and CIA here. Even they hardly are represented, they are mentioned by You even they here are tails of the dog. Thats filthy burt represent You and Yours well.

You lie for Yourself and so much, that You not even know whats going on.

You are not news. Your are dirt covering with dirt, You are dirty Yourself. Whats the use for fx this site, if it already written by people, which use it to create Your own dark and even belive ot. Thats what You do.

I dont take side in this quagmore apart from “..Whynot there too…” But I see You do the best to make, so You dont know whats goping on Yourself.


Maybe because both countries were prat of the Soviet Union?

The fact remains that Azerbaijan has started rearming their military with israeli and turkish weapons. Not russian ones!!!

Jens Holm

Facys are 99% of the weapons tjhy fight woth are Russian ones. So its very selective Ypu always blame Israel.

You are very infected by birth.


what part of “they were part of the soviet union” you don’t understand?

soviet countries obviously have tons of soviet weapons in their arsenals

but the jews on here, have said that it is thanks to the super-duper jewpons that Azerbaijan is winning

if you admit that 99% of their weapons are russian, than you must admit that it is thanks to the superior russian technology that AZ is winning

right? RIGHT?


Azerbaijan Liberation Army can’t be stopped by those Artskins…..

Victory soon….


So some moron on twitter posts 100 years old jeeps being transferred from somewhere to somewhere in Iran and claims that Iran is preparing to invade Armenia and Azarbaijan, and you take it as a reality and post it here.

Are you a fucking retard Ali ? Seriously ? Do you believe in that shit yrself ?


Calm down Rambo!

Free man

No worry, their time will come too.

Jens Holm

Goats makes almost any kind of garbage to meat. Maybee he should have some pigs too, if they want to live with him as mercenairies.

Jens Holm

Its as Sencer assume and conclude. Iran in this makes no sense.


You Persians and we, Turks, have a common problem. It seems that, it damaged your brain badly. Figure what that is… no hints, sorry.

Fog of War

Islam ?



jack duras

the common problem should be the jews,but is not

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly You can find that moving millions around in the whole world. Osmans did it too.

Look for the Ryssian Neocolonialisme, where they put in indoctrinated russians and even remove millions of people, whcih has lived there for 1000s of years.

Thats no excuse but an explanation only. Tatars. Tjetjenoens. Sovjet moving themself west i Estonia, Bellarus, Ukraine, Poland and Germany(Kaliningrad). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e86d6d2cc2f3bd9f77850f3d6df4b3532d07f690bfbbb6fe7ed69acc037c954.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a34e268067814a3c87681bd2d658ab391d071f3045569e41410800811ddc912f.png

…And others too: Preussen, USA many

Porc Halal

Tactical retreat… the azeris will have a big and very unpleasant surprise…smels like a setup to me…

Alekai Mordechai

There’s no set-up only desolation……for Armenians.

Random Dude

Azerbaijani welcoming another Azerbaijani across the river. I wonder how did Armenians magically appear between them?

Fog of War

– The Jewish World Domination plan 1928 …In Their Own Words –


Jens Holm

There we go again. Many has plans like. Why dont You mention them.

Fog of War

Showing me the Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or any other religious group’s plans to enslave the whole world and induce the ” dissolution ” of all other races. I’ll patiently wait.

Jens Holm

If You are that illiterat ignorant, You would deny it in writen facts even if I printed it into Your behind.

I just tell You how it is just as mpst stone throen up falls down again,

Fog of War

You have no answer I see So you resort to name calling. Now kindly bugger off.

Jens Holm

I have given You a very good answer. Its in the sekular world too. The communist would take over the whole world by revolution the first many years.

Fog of War

” The communist would take over the whole world by revolution the first many years. ” Who led and financed the Bolsheviks ? You’re making yourself look very foolish.

jack duras

and everything is going 100% according their plan,like swiss watch and nobody will stop them,unfortunatelly

Fog of War

I wouldnt be so sure of that.


Susa has been liberated. Why SF has not announced it yet?

Free man

The rate of the killing of Armenian soldiers and the destruction of Armenian military equipment is insane. So also The pace of the liberation of the settlements will increase.

Free man

Caucasian-style ceasefire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTsRlYL_mVI

Arman Melkonyan



“This is a war by Russia, specifically Putin, against Armenia. Putin is angry at Armenia because it is not the slave it wishes it to be. FACT: Pashinyan has been no more pro-Western than his predecessors. Recall Armenia’s membership in NATO’s Partnership peace and troops in Afghanistan. Plus Western investments, large Western embassies, the western-funded mining operation, and too much more to list here. So Putin has allowed in Turkey, F-16s, jihadis, and ISIS in Russia’s backyward just to “get back at” Armenia. We always knew from history (1920, land giveways to Turkey and Azerbaijan, aid to Ataturk, weapons to Erdogan and Aliyev) that Russia was unreliable. Now Russia has proven it. Russia could have stopped this war in 2 minutes by threatening the three oil and gas pipelines of Azerbaijan that go west. This changes forever Armenia’s view of Russia. A war all because Putin threw a temper tantrum and wants to punish Armenians. Look at the comments by Russians on the web. They think Azerbaijan is a better ally than Armenia. Sick.”


It is sick that you spam that sick, moronic, propaganda garbage all over this site…

Yet you failed to mention this ‘Armenian’ Weekly is not even from Armenia. It’s from – Massachusetts!

“the Armenian Weekly’s headquarters are located in Watertown, Massachusetts”


Why should Russia stop it,they are two independent Countries,if they did go in you would call it Russian aggression.

Lazy Gamer

If ever Putin intended this, it wont be for a simple reason that he is getting back at Armenia. It is either his hands are tied or he really intends to see NK fall.

Alekai Mordechai

Russians have no dog in this conflict.

Jens Holm

You have blindfolded and handcuffet Yourself and made a deep dark state by relating You to Your own facts created under Your never washed bed blankets.

I even read here, that all information about west from west is a lie. If so we were collpased many years ago never had esited.

If some small dot like Israel is that important for You, it only can be a cover for what You are Yourself and try to hide.

James Adams

Wouldn’t it be easy to stop these advancements as the Azeri scum can only attack from 1 direction?

Rodney Loder

I think Armenia is holding off like everyone else till after the US election, if Trump wins the US will continue to stand against Russia and China as well as standing down in general, opportune time for recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh independence supported by China, a Biden win will mean a Chinese support for a united front on present status quo, that’s why Azerbaijan and Turkey want to be in a strong position, in case Biden wins.

True !! Luis Arce is claiming victory in Bolivia, the Jew maggot Jeanine Anez interim President didn’t even run, the left are playing both sides, Turkey is being mind controlled and played by the Jews and a Biden victory will disclose new alliances for Jews via their financial operations targeting Azerbaijan’s resource potential.

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