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Azerbaijani-Turkish Alliance Is Taking Upper Hand In War With Armenia

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Azerbaijan is slowly but steadily gaining an upper hand in the war with Armenia for the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region.

As of October 5, the Azerbaijani military, supported by Turkish military advisers, specialists and intelligence, captured the towns of Jabrayil, Mataghis and Talysh after heavy clashes with Armenian forces. Azerbaijani sources also report the control over multiple villages including Ashagi Abdulrahmanli, Mehdili, Chakhirli, Ashagi Maralyan, Sheybey and Kuyjagh. On the other hand, the Armenian side confirmed that it lost ‘some positions’ but did not provide details claiming that the situation on the frontline has been rapidly changing.

Stepanakert, the capital of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, other populated areas and civilian targets in the region have become a target of regular rocket, artillery and drone strikes. The Azerbaijani military extensively uses cluster munitions, heavy artillery, rocket launchers and even Israeli LORA theater quasiballistic missiles while simultaneously accusing Armenia of intentionally striking civilian targets in Azerbaijan.

For example, on October 4, the government of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic announced that Armenian forces had destroyed the military air base near Azerbaijan’s Ganja. This air base, according to the Armenian side, hosted F-16 fighter jets from Turkey. Azerbaijan indirectly confirmed the incident but insisted that Armenian strikes hit Ganja city only. In its own turn, the Armenian military denounced the Azerbaijani claim saying that only the military base that was hit.

In the comments from October 4, Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev claimed that Azerbaijani forces are “chasing” Armenians like “dogs” and demanded the full withdrawal of Armenian forces, the Armenian recognition of Karabakh as a sovereign Azerbaijani territory and an official apology from Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to the Azerbaijani nation.

On top of this, Aliyev emphasized that a military solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh question is on the table and criticized 28 years of unsuccessful negotiations. In his remarks, Aliyev apparently cosplayed Turkish neo-Ottomanist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that over the past years has been used to employ rhetoric of this kind and provide a hard power-based realpolitik in the Greater Middle East. Turkey is a natural strategic ally of Azerbaijan and extensively backs it in its war with Armenia.

A day earlier, on October 3, the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan made his own address regarding the war saying that Nagorno-Karabakh has been fighting against “an Azerbaijani-Turkish terrorist attack, the volume and scale of which is unprecedented.” He said that the Azerbaijani operation is controlled by “150 high level Turkish military officers” and claimed that the end of the current conflict can only be victory on the Armenian side. As for now, it does not look that this forecast is realistic.

The ongoing Armenian-Azerbaijani war has likely become the first military conflict of such a scale between two state actors of a comparable power. After the first week of war, it was already clear that the final number of casualties will be counted in the thousands.

While so far the Azerbaijani side has not demonstrated any miracles in ground warfare, it has once again demonstrated a successful employment of the concept of the wide-scale usage of unmanned aerial vehicles: reconnaissance, aerial targets, loitering munitions and drones carrying bombs and missiles. This allows the Azerbaijani side, with an apparent help from Turkey, to successfully detect, uncover and strike Armenian artillery and fortified positions. Regardless the reality of Armenian claims about the supposed usage of Turkish F-16 jets to cover the employed UAVs, the Azerbaijani side has gained full control over the air dimension.

In its own turn, Armenia had time to conduct extensive engineering work preparing a wide network of fortified positions across the region. This allows Armenian forces to keep their positions in many areas despite the air dominance of Azerbaijan. Up to 80% of casualties on both sides are a result of rocket, artillery or air strikes.

Nonetheless, forces of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republics and Armenian units (which Erevan calls ‘volunteers’) are an underdog in the event of a large-scale prolonged conflict with the Azerbaijani-Turkish bloc, even if Armenia openly enters the conflict. Therefore, the outcome of the war will significantly depend on the ability of Azerbaijan (with help from Turkey and its mercenaries/militants) to use its air and numerical advantage to develop the advance and make some gains while the regional diplomatic situation allows this. The balance of power could also change if some third party would intervene in the conflict to put an end to the violence. Such an action could become a response to some irrefutable evidence of ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population in the areas of Azerbaijan or the increasing deployment of members of various Middle Eastern terrorist groups to the region.

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21: 23 – Canada suspends export of weapon technologies to Turkey over unlicensed usage

Canadian Foreign Minister, François-Philippe Champagne, said the due to the ongoing hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, he has suspended its relevant export permits to Turkey, so as to allow time to further assess the situation.

“Over the last several days, certain allegations have been made regarding Canadian technology being used in the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh,” he said.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday that Canada was in the process of assessing the truth behind allegations that Azeri forces have been using Canadian weapons technologies originally exported to Turkey in their ongoing conflict with Armenia.

Champagne also said Canada continues to be concerned with the ongoing conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which has resulted in the shelling of communities and civilian casualties.


Pretty much symbolic gesture

Free man

Azerbaijan’s main arms suppliers are Russia and Israel. They will not stop supplying weapons.


Who doesn’t like a quick buck?

Pave Way IV

A horny doe?

Free man

It’s a business. If one stops supplying weapons while his customer is at war, one risks losing many customers.


Funny, the US military customers must be too stupid to know this rule. Maybe you can explain it to them and see if they stop buying?

Pave Way IV

The Times of Israel claimed it supplies 60% of Azerbaijan arms today. Russia was a major supplier, but Azerbaijan and Armenia sales were a drop in the bucket for them. It’s not like the Russian arms industry depended on those sales, and Russia had to loan Armenia $200m for their last big purchase.


Most of recent Azeri purchases must have been for drones, loitering munitions, etc. So this campaign into Armenia N-K was planed quite a while ago.


Yes, and Russia has been selling weapons to both sides. How moral of Russia.


Not in this case, the Turkish drones can not be assembled without vital western technologies.


They are already asambled, would take months for that to be a problem and usually arms are sold through third parties, ex: Canada sells to Qatar and Qatar to Tuekey.


I dought it will take months, Turkey is invading so many countries and regios. But anyway the fight in Nagorona karabach is not over yet, it is just starting. And mountains are a bitch ask the Americans and the Russians in Afghanistan. And with winter coming, those Armenia are used to this. And then while this enrols their is a good change that the war among Azeri politician for the money and power leads to civil war.


Afghanis are far, far more rugged than Armenians, the latter will start crying when they can’t play their video games anymore. How will they survive in the mountains without food and armed infrared surveillance drones scanning the mountains 24/7?

Technology is approaching the point where insurrection will be impossible. Of course that is all part of the plan to bring on the New World Order – Global Totalitarian Communist Technocracy. And the (idiotic) sheep cheer its arrival.


Let’s see


But Tramp will do nothing as Israel supports Azeris which Iran also opposes.

Europe hates America

Just sad that the armenians really thought that US will care about them


There you go again with your “Iran opposes Azerbaijan” lies. You think repeating a lie over and over and over again makes it true? lol. Of course, you never bother presenting even a shred of evidence of this alleged malice. You working for ZioNazi Israel?

Ivan Freely

Canadian government are hypocrites. Slowly but surely the thin veneer of their virtuous nature will be removed.


Right, the Canucks, when they are not busy exercising their systemic racism over their downtrodden and impoverished Native population, sell weapons to other countries “not to use them”, lol.

Meanwhile this inherited queer PM, Trudeau, trying to outdo the inherited dictator of Canada, the Royal Qu*t, is still selling weapons to the Saudis the better to destroy Yemen, which, unlike Armenia’s invasion of Azerbaijan, has never invaded Saudi Barbaria.

It’s so laughable who these Canuck soy-boys act like they have a conscience, when they are simply ZioNazi Communist vassals.

Khazar Supremacy

Heeh heh good good https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8cdc9b1ecd0fc3b82441512fb8eddd0a678bc02382e8cb1896a5a10407217bcd.jpg

John Brown

Zio Satanists Soros are laughing at stupid the Armenian Goyim.

May the stupid Armenian Goyim should not have kicked out those Russian military advisors. Maybe they should have gotten those air defense upgrades TOR and others from Russia to shoot down drones.

Now Armenia leaders need to withdraw from the CSTO and kick out the Russian base ASAP so Turkey can conquer all of Armenia the next day.


Pave Way IV

Azeris using Israeli and Turkish weapons to reclaim land stolen from them and ethnically cleansed of Azeris 28 years ago. How about that…

Outside intervention? “Such an action could become a response to some irrefutable evidence of ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population in the areas of Azerbaijan”

That’s a pretty goddamn odd statement, ESPECIALLY considering ZATO’s history of using false flags for its ongoing geopolitical schemes. Is this how ZATO will try to bait Russia into another quagmire? Maybe the goal instead is to drag Iran into a hot war that can be used as an excuse to attack them? It wouldn’t be beneath US/UK/Israel to fake a Sarin attack in Stepanakert and blame Azerbaijan. Or a bioweapon attack on Yerevan (time to make those Georgia labs earn their pay). Hey – ends justify the means when you’re a f’king psychopath.

ZATO: Please don’t use those Mi-6 fuck-ups to stage the provocation. The world still wants to know where you got all those dead kids for your false flag shit-shows in Syria. You can’t just drag some more Alawite kids up to the Lesser Caucasus. People will notice that the dead kids are not from there if you fuck up your usual censorship. Everyone’s got a cell phone with a camera today.


Problem dates to Lenin giving Azeris Armen land 100 years ago.

Pave Way IV

Doesn’t matter. Turkey and Azerbaijan wouldn’t have attacked now without a green light from the U.S. We probably stabbed Armenia in the back years ago when we were negotiating with Azerbaijan for pipelines, CIA weapons smuggling and a forward base for an invasion of Iran. I hope Armenia isn’t looking for any cooperation or intervention by the U.S. Armenia doesn’t have anything we want to steal, and we’re already close enough to Iran. All Armenia has is moral justification for their historic land, and the evil fucks that run the U.S. are incapable of understanding that. Where’s the profit for us?


It was never Armen land, but keep up your lying to try to start WW III, I’m sure you’re proud of yourself.


Fuck head go open a map from 2000 years ago it was always Armenia! In fact why don’t you go open a map from 150 year ago you fucking moron!



More recently late Russian Empire also…it was LENIN who put the Karabach into Azeris province…Lenin was a notorious player of favourites in the nationalities game to reinforce Soviet power….I suspect Armenians were suspected of bring loyalists to the old regime…Muslim Azeris less so.


Even though the site is obviously blatantly pro-Christian, pro-Armenian and hating Muslims and Azerbaijan, none of what it says supports your claims. The Turks controlled the land, then the Russians, never the Armenians. Well, until Armenia’s unlawful invasion of Azerbaijan in 1992 or so.


Well, we know what a lowlife maggot like you is capable of, hurling lies and insults. I’m sure you’re trying hard to do your best, unfortunately your best is pretty damn pathetic, you lying asshole.


How can you tell the kiddies are not from there?

Pave Way IV

Because the U.S. said the kids were from there. Most of us know better than to trust our treasonous neocon Zionist bastard leaders – they only tell us what they want us to hear.


First clue: nobody claims them as their kids.


How about those who manipulate the bodies?

Ryan Glantz

Pentagon sources also say “over 1,600 Israelis may have received extra-judicial treatment as protests against Bibi [Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] continue.” Furthermore, Israel has been exposed for trying to start World War III by fomenting a dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” the sources say. Israel is being forced to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and de-nuke as a condition for Middle East peace, they add. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/HJK2bD8ID


And stolen Turkish Cyprus can also go back to the legal Cyprus owners together with the EEZ. Or is there international right and Turkish hypocrite injustice.


I remember the whole Cyprus split started with an illegal Greek coup trying to unite Cyprus with Greece, to which Turkey put a stop, in accord with an agreement both parties (and others) signed. But if Russia gives back Crimea to Ukraine, then I am sure Turkey will consider giving back Cyprus.

Fog of War

There goes another one. ” Protesters have “captured” the White House, Sputnik Kyrgyzstan confirmed just after 3:30 am local time, accompanied by photos of the compound. ” https://www.rt.com/russia/502642-kyrgyzstan-white-house-stormed/


What is at stake?

Fog of War

” The military works with the US Armed Forces, which leased a facility named the Transit Center at Manas at Manas International Airport near Bishkek until June 2014.[68] In recent years, the armed forces have begun developing better relations with Russia including signing modernization deals worth $1.1bn and partaking in more exercises with Russian troops. “

cechas vodobenikov

azeris will occupy small areas of artashk like the amerikans did in Vietnam—these truss will be required to return to Baku; guerrilla persistence defeats money and weapons


Hard to find food in those mountains, esp. with 24/7 infrared armed drone surveillance.

The technology to defeat insurgencies has come a long way (unfortunately).


The war is Artzahk (with supplies/support form Armenia only) vs Azerbaijan (with supplies/support from many countries). The war is brutal so nearly everyone will forced out of Artzakh during the war and there will be no one left to support guerrilla warfare.


Azerbaijan will not engage in ethnic cleansing, that is what Armenians did. In fact the number of civilian casualties is tiny – Armenia crying about 11 or 12 civilians dead while maybe 10,000 army have died. What war has ever seen such a low percentage of civilian deaths? It’s a miracle, really, Azerbaijan is being VERY careful.

Europe hates America

At the end u have to recognize, that was a smart move by azeris and isis turks. Corona sh*t and US with the election and all the trump bullsh*t, it seems the world doesn’t care about this war

Lazy Gamer

Nope. Even if there was no corona, Armenia was truly on its own. Pashinyan should start spending energy on other avenues instead of phoning OSCE.


First conflict that we have seen when drones have made such a big difference. Consider the limited road net in rough and mountainous terrain, and lack of air control by N-K forces. But how will this end, will the local Armenian forces leave (hoping that the Azeri forces do not do ethnic cleansing of N-K) ? So this fight may go on for a while.

Fog of War

” First conflict that we have seen when drones have made such a big difference. ”

No, I think that honor goes to the war in Syria.


OK, how about a bigger difference. Do you have a problem with that :) Off topic: Look for planet Mars as an orange dot in the night sky to the east around 9 pm. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5a2508724a4c66de454c95c3abf31639135ea4abb116aa260c45bf7fb697218.jpg

Fog of War

Mars = war

Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50bc2792f4113eb3adcdc628384a9d1b649a827ecb3799687406aece401858b3.jpg hmm, what’s that google earth? Your technocratic creators already made a deal with israel to paint the boarders between armenia and asserbajan?


Yes, I also noted that. Was working hard to figure out the borders of N-K to read the terrain. But actually N-K “Republic” is not officially recognized as a independent state, so no borders shown.

Ryan Glantz

I’m putting my money on Trump buying the N-K republic and making his own country. Trumpland. Home base of Space Force Special Section Star Port. kinda like old Anunanaki times, eh?

Ryan Glantz



Intresting, nice. It confirms my thought hat it will need more than some drones to evict these wariors.


I think there’s gonna be a Shia vs Sunni civil war in Azerbaijan as once the conflict enters a stalemate,the Sunnis from syria are gonna turn against their Shia masters!


Right, those invisible, imaginary Sunnis from Syria.

What are there are Sunnis from Turkey.


deployment of members of various Middle Eastern terrorist groups to the region

Oh, the partisan accusation in search of any evidence. But who needs stinkin’ evidence? Groundless propaganda serves partisan interests just fine!

the Armenian military denounced the Azerbaijani claim [that Ganja was targeted] saying that only the military base that was hit

Yes, of course they do! And as Southfront is, sadly and disappointingly, 100% a blind partisan for Armenia, no comment is made on this lie. But, fortunately, there are other sources of information – one very good one is Conflict News on Twitter, who just happen to have pictures of the damage caused (and pictures of more damage).

What’s interesting is that lying about the situation does not help one side or the other win, but does affect your credibility. It’s one thing to cheer for the aggressor in a war (Armenia clearly having invaded Azerbaijan), but it’s quite another to repeat lie after lie in support of that partisanship.


Many bodies of Turki Jihadist have been sent back. And do you believe this photo put out by Azeri’s ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/78bd7390b0fd5c5a4a5835d1652e2cfe3d44949eea517d9655bc03f438e9a0e9.jpg


I’m convinced!!!!!

Mustafa Mehmet



I have no knowledge of this photo, looks like an unexploded missile.

What Jihadists have been sent back? More in the endless stream of Armenian lies? Just like the “Armenian genocide”, an accusation in search of a crime.

Like I wrote, lies don’t change reality, you just want to trick people into hate and war, that says a lot about you, doesn’t it?

Romeo Pesiao

A planted rocket by Azeris obviously.

Felipe Luker

One would have imagined that Russia would immediately side with Christian Armenia against Muslim Azeris, but this time there is some evidence that the Russians have (finally!) Learned some painful lessons from history, especially about the “so-called” brothers. “Orthodox” of Russia. The sad truth is that, like Belarus under Lukashenko, Armenia, since at least 2018, has been following the same kind of “multi-vector” political course as Belarus. This policy can be summed up as follows: “maintain an anti-Russian political course by demanding Russia’s support.” The Russians did not like this more in Armenia than in Belarus. But the big difference is this: although Russia cannot afford to “lose” Belarus, it has no real need for Armenia, especially for an Armenia hostile to Russia.

That is not to say that Russia should back Azerbaijan. Why? Well this has nothing to do with language or religion and everything to do with the fact that modern Azerbaijan is a political protégé of Erdogan’s Turkey, which is truly one of the most dangerous countries and political regimes out there. , which Russia should deal with. with the caution of a snake handler facing a particularly nasty and unpredictable pit viper. Yes, Russia has to compromise with both Turkey and Azerbaijan, if only because these two are powerful countries (at least in a regional sense) and because they almost always do not plot anything good, especially Turkey.

Then there is the question of the role of the United States in all this. We can be pretty sure that the United States is talking to both sides telling them that as long as they maintain an anti-Russian course, they will get the support of Uncle Shmuel. There are two problems with this:

Both parties know that the US is talking to both parties When push comes to shove, US support really matters very little I would even say that any major escalation of the conflict will show both sides that the United States makes a lot of promises and doesn’t really keep them. In stark contrast, Turkey complies. Yes, recklessly and, yes, in violation of international law, but still Turkey complies and is not ashamed to confirm it.

As in the case of Belarus or Ukraine, Russia could stop this conflict, especially if the Kremlin decides to use military force, but this would be terrible in political terms and I am sure that Russia will not openly intervene. On the one hand, this war is a clear case of a zero-sum game in which a negotiated compromise is almost impossible to achieve.

Also, both parties seem determined to see this through to the end, so why should Russia step in?

It seems that remaining a neutral intermediary is the best and the only thing Russia should do for now. Once the dust settles and once either party realizes that Uncle Shmuel is more about words than actions, then perhaps Russia can once again attempt to offer a regional solution, possibly involving Iran and excluding the United States for sure. But that can only happen later.

At this point, both sides have been cornered and both sides appear equally committed to a total military victory.


Turkey complies. Yes, recklessly and, yes, in violation of international law, but still Turkey complies and is not ashamed to confirm it.

What international law is Turkey violating in Azerbaijan? None? Thought so. The violator here is Armenia, though the virulent Muslim hatred by SF regulars means you all support Armenia, no matter they are obviously the invaders and occupiers.

cechas vodobenikov

azeri/turkis air power? hilarious how did amerikan “air power” turn out in Vietnam and Afghanistan? will the turkis CIA commenters admit they violate “international law” in Kosovo, Cyprus, Syria, Libya? Of course these CIA racists will do nothing about Crimea, Abkhazia, S Ossestia, Pridnestrovia or their CIA colonies’ theft of the Bolivian access to the ocean by Chile the turkis hypocrites already genocided 1.5 million Armenians

Romeo Pesiao

To Azerbaijanis and Turkz avoid early celebration of victory. Today you advance tomorrow you retreat.

Anvar Akbarov

I live in Ganja city. Armenia has for the last two days launched missile attack on the civilian population of my city. I heard and felt the first missile strike when I was home. Our apartment windows shook from the blast wave. Armenia claims that they targeted and hit a “military airbase” but we don’t even have a military airbase Ganja. They were targeting civilians, that was very obvious. The missiles fell in the downtown. This is the Armenia in the essence. They have been loosing positions more and more positions in the Nagorno-Karabakh, therefore they decide to attack civilians instead. So Armenian style of warfare.


Explosive Stakes On Armenia-Azerbaijan Chessboard

Pulling Russia back into the Nagorno-Karabakh morass means more Turkish freedom of action in other war theaters..

By Pepe Escobar

October 05, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – Few geopolitical hot spots across the planet may rival the Caucasus: that intractable, tribal Tower of Babel, throughout History a contentious crossroads of empires from the Levant and nomads from the Eurasian steppes. And it gets even messier when one adds the fog of war.

To try to shed some light into the current Armenia-Azerbaijan face off, let’s crisscross the basic facts with some essential deep background. … ”

Continues at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/55681.htm

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