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Azerbaijan’s Forces Entered Aghdam, Aliyev Says “Normality” With Armenia Possible With “Healthy Forces” In Power

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Azerbaijan's Forces Entered Aghdam, Aliyev Says "Normality" With Armenia Possible With "Healthy Forces" In Power

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On November 20th, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that he is ready for normal relations with Armenia if “healthy forces” come to power there.

He also stated that “the Karabakh is over.”

Meanwhile, to reinforce Aliyev’s claims, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan dismissed defense Minister David Tonoyan and he appealed to the President with a proposal to sign a decree on the dismissal of the Minister.

On November 19, the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ara Ayvazyan had a phone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

Lavrov congratulated Minister Ayvazyan on assuming the post of Foreign Minister. In this context, the mutual readiness to continue developing the Armenian-Russian allied relations in all spheres, including regional security issues, was emphasized.

The interlocutors touched upon the details of the practical implementation of the November 10 trilateral statement and the activities of the Russian peacekeeping mission in Artsakh.

The ministers also discussed the situation in Artsakh and the region. Reference was made to the efforts aimed at the settlement of the humanitarian situation in Artsakh, as well as to the meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs held in Moscow yesterday.

1,235 refugees returned to Artsakh from Armenia during the day. Since November 14, about 4,000 people who were previously forced to leave their homes have returned to Stepanakert.

In Azerbaijan, WarGonzo reported that Azerbaijan’s president Ilham Aliyev signed the peace deal, which allowed Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh, without consulting with his “big brother” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Azerbaijan's Forces Entered Aghdam, Aliyev Says "Normality" With Armenia Possible With "Healthy Forces" In Power

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Azerbaijan's Forces Entered Aghdam, Aliyev Says "Normality" With Armenia Possible With "Healthy Forces" In Power

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According to unnamed diplomatic sources, Aliyev asked Putin for twenty minutes to coordinate with Erdogan a well-known document on the deployment of Russian peacekeepers to Nagorno-Karabakh. The Russian President did not provide such an opportunity to Aliyev.

“Naturally, this circumstance caused serious tension in relations between Baku and Ankara, since Erdogan’s plans did not include giving the region under the control of the Russian Peacekeeping Forces.

In the Turkish scenario written for this war, the calculation was that in addition to the Russian contingent, Turkish troops should have been directly on the line of demarcation between the Artsakh Defense Army and the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. The current agreement does not provide for this.

The emergency entry of Turkish troops into the territory of Azerbaijan-recently approved by the Turkish Parliament-is a consequence of this internal conflict. Erdogan is urgently trying to make up for the geopolitical points given by Aliyev to Moscow.

Aliyev promised to fulfill these requirements. Erdogan again-opposes this. He has his own plans for extremists.”

Azerbaijan's Forces Entered Aghdam, Aliyev Says "Normality" With Armenia Possible With "Healthy Forces" In Power

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The issue of the presence of militants from Pro-Turkish terrorist groups in the region remains open. According to diplomatic sources of the WarGonzo project, Moscow and Tehran demanded the immediate withdrawal of radical elements from Transcaucasia.

On the ground in Karabakh, the situation is stable, another 18 Il-76 aircraft and two An-124 “Ruslan” aircraft of the military transport aviation of the Aerospace Forces of Russia with equipment and personnel were sent to Armenia to take part in the peacekeeping deployment.

During the day, 33 pieces of equipment were delivered to Armenia by Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft – armored vehicles “Tigr”, “Lynx”, cross-country trucks, repair and evacuation vehicles, equipment and material support equipment.

Meanwhile, according to the trilateral Statement signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the prime minister of the Republic of Armenia, and the President of the Russian Federation, units of the Azerbaijan Army entered the Aghdam region on November 20th.

There are quite a few videos showing that:

Azerbaijan's Forces Entered Aghdam, Aliyev Says "Normality" With Armenia Possible With "Healthy Forces" In Power

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Mr T

Turkish flag on AZ Turk tank… lol :) Russia super power:)

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is not very popular in the Caucasus, the Bolshevik brutal history of mass murder and deportations is still very fresh in the Muslim and other minority areas. The Muslims resented the Slavization of their culture and even names, and now history is coming full circle.


Maybe, but Turkey is a terrorist sponsor and Russia will not stand for it.


Haha Turkey is one of main Russia business partners.


No. Turkeys is one of the main Russia’s partners. It is not only about business anymore.

Zhirinovsky’s plan is going ahead full steam.


I’m not familiar with your internal politicians just know about the guy that pushed a youngster towards a female journalist screaming rape her, can you detail a bit about this plan? I hope is not with rapes :)

Ryan Glantz

Agreed, of all nations, Turkey is perhaps more corrupt than USA, and that’s really saying something!

Harry Smith

This world is not black and white, but endless shades of grey. Nobody is 100% good or 100% bad.

Al Gathafi Did Nothing Wrong™

“Bolshevik brutal history of mass murder” same goes for “Ottomans brutal history of mass murder of Armenians and Slavs”.

Zionism = EVIL

Not so sure about Armenian genocide as like the Jew liars they exaggerate the killings after WW1 and Ottoman collapse era. Turkey and Slavs have been rivals for almost a thousand years for control of Dardanelles and Eurasia, and since Peter’s Russian revival the Turks have been on the backfoot and lost a lot of territory. The Turks have probably killed more Arabs than Slavs, the Ottomans and even Mustafa Kemal was very anti Arab and racist. Turkey is now occupying parts of two old Arab states, Iraq and Syria, so its role is actually worse than Zionists in causing divisive policies and fanning Salafist terrorism.

I try to be objective, BTW, Kaddafi was a good man, only mistake he trusted the devious westernCUNTS in the end and paid the price. Should have remained a secular pan Arab- revolutionary.


Not only Bolseviks, the majority of North Kaukas was muslim before Tsarist expansion. Russia did ethnic cleansing before communism, against equally both muslims and christians.


The bolsheviks did a genocide against russians too! There is a reason why “conspiracy theorists” talk about “the jew revolution” and “the jews ruled USSR”.


Speaking about the jews, they jyst gave the orders, the young soldiers who pulled the teiggers or assisted passively, were Russians. That’s why communism revilutions won only in backwoards countries like Russia and China, cause they are subhumans that blindly follow orders and kill their own relatives if a boss say so.

Zionism = EVIL

Pashinian fires the Armenian Defence Minister and blames him for the defeat LOL

On Friday, media sources revealed that the Armenian authorities are in the process of appointing an advisor to the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, as the Defense Ministe, David Tonoyan, is reportedly preparing to stepdown after being blamed for the country’s defeat..

According to the Armenian publication Aravot, Tonoyan is stepping down and has notified the government.

Random Dude

Inventing stories and non existent victors will not change any reality on the ground. There were 2 countries in this war. One won another one lost. Pretty simple.



Random Dude



Yes. If Armenia had won, Russia peace keeping forces would be taking up different positions closer to Baku and we would be talking about peace keeping forces to protect O&G pipelines out of Baku and not keeping the Lachin corridor open.


Turkey has bankrupted its economy and Russia is now in total control of both Armenia and Azerbaijan. Turkey has been sidelined to an inferior onlooker with tacky flags, and that is about it.


Peace keeping at Russia expense while Azerbaijan, Turkey’s cultural + historic ally, completes takeover of 3/4s of Armenians occupied N-K. Azerbaijan road to Nachivan putting Armenia southern territory under threat in the future. Remaining Armenian N-K tiny and totally isolated so any Armenian’s left will abandon it anyway. The territory split in this region has a major shift for Christian to Muslim so is Armenia’s and Russia’s defeat.

Sure Turkey is doing badly economically (who isn’t these days?), that is separate discussion. Analysing this conflict Azerbaijan and so also Turkey have a major victory.


Russia is the only winner.


Russia is also the only superpower in the region with nuclear weapons, while Turkey is a third world cannon fodder client of US and NATO and its military can be crippled with Uncle Sam’s sanctions anytime.


So Russia (a superpower) victory over Turkey is not much then. But a historical and cultural ally loosing a massive chunk of territory in a short war is a defeat.

Rhodium 10

Look at map and see the the size of Russia and the Turkey..and then tell me!

Zionism = EVIL

100% of Turkish airforce is of Americunt manufacture as previous clients like Pakistan found it the hard way, just blocking the spares in one day can cripple the Turkish airforce. Same with the economy. People should never forget that Turkey is vulnerable state beset with domestic problems. Even bigger and more impotent losers are the EU arseholes who like the Frenchfaggots kept barking about supporting Armenia, but did fuckall, even in their own neighborhood. How lame is that ?.

Zionism = EVIL

Who’s the big winner in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal? Russia. As smoke clears from the battlefields around Nagorno-Karabakh and the ink is drying on the three-page peace deal aimed at halting the worst fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan in decades, one thing seems increasingly clear: The Kremlin has won.


” Who’s the big winner in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal? Russia.”

WRONG … who owns the pipeline that starts from Baku and ends at the Turkish port of Ceyhan ??? Russia is also lost … and in the future it will lose more. Why do they allow Erdogan-Aliyev to spread death, Turkish F-16s to bomb Armenian civilians and even shoot down fighters of Russian origin? Why does the West allow Erdogan to set another fire on the region? So let’s open the share register to see who the real owners of this pipeline are.


Rhodium 10

Russian troops are now deployed just at 40km of that O&G pipelines beside have troops in South Ossetia also close to that pipelines!..do you know what it means?…in case of Turkish-Russia war that pipelines would be closed like Turkstream and Bluestream…if it is a NATO-Russia war…Yamal, Soyuz and Northstream would be closed too!…and then send petrol wessels and tell captains that Russian subs with long range antiship missile are waiting you…


ha ha ha none of this will happen …. Russia is a weak country even Rosneft does not belong to the Russian state, but to individuals …. the pipelines belong to others. After sacrificing Artsakh … now he will sacrifice Ukraine …


Uhm so?? Turkey now has more oil!?! Russia serves both the EU and China. There is a big ( quantitatively speaking ) difference.

Turkey is in no way able to threatened Russia’s dominance in the gas and oil markets.


To be Frank, things have really worked out to Russian advantage. Putin weakened Armenia and now it is back in the fold.


Armenia should not have left the fold in the first place, the massive US “embassy” is still there, and Pashinyan still in power formally, no visible pro Russia challenger yet.

Harry Smith

You have to wait. Pashinyan makes one mistake after another. Anyway Armenians are those who have to change the govt. and not Russia.

John Brown

Yes but Russia has to help as the USSA and Soros help the traitors stay in power.

Harry Smith

“Everybody has always underrated the Russians. They keep their own secrets alike from foe and friends.” — Winston Churchill, HOUSE OF COMMONS, 23 APRIL 1942


Azerbaijan struck the deal with Russia without first asking Turkeys opinion on the matter…Putin did not allow him the 30 mis phonecall he wanted with Erdogan before the deal was struck…this is so funny


It was not needed because Putin asked Erdogan first.

Rhodium 10

jajajaj again you and your jokes…


Erdogan was on the other line with Putin.


lol he did not


But what if he did? :)


Russia is nothing more than the willing supervisor of a demise of yet another christian and orthodox people, this time for the benefit of Turks. In 1999 a Russian unit entered Kosovo to pacify the few remaining Serbs (they hoped for protection) just for Putin to hand them over to “friend George (Bush)” after NATO forces consolidated their position a few years latter. Five years earlier Russia decorated the fascist leader of Croats seemingly for the successful expulsion of the orthodox Serbs from their homes and villages. In all this cases the Russian orthodox church has been deafeningly silent too. Russia is a fake orthodox country from hell.

Harry Smith

Don’t say it’s true or lie, but just saying what I have read from a Telegram channel which is close to Russian counterintelligence. Armenian overseas oligarchs payed to Armenian diaspora in Russia about 30 millions of US dollars for making Russians opinion to join the NK war on side of Armenia. And only 4 millions of USD were spent on real actions and pro-Armenian trolls. The rest of money magically disappeared.

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