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MARCH 2025

Azovstal On Fire. Hostilities Resumed

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Azovstal On Fire. Hostilities Resumed

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On May 5, fighting on the territory of the Azovstal facilities in Mariupol continued. According to Ukrainian Azov militants besieged in the plant, Russian forces brought into the territory of Azovstal and bloody clashes resumed.

Russian troops and DPR forces surrounded Mariupol on March 7. On April 21, Russian Minister of Defence Sergey Shoigu reported that the city was completely taken under the Russian control, but more than two thousand militants from the nationalist Azov battalion remain at the Azovstal plant. President Vladimir Putin ordered to cancel the assault on the industrial zone, but to block it so that the militants could not leave it. The goal was to sve lives of civilians who were taken hostage in Azovstal, as well as of the Russian servicemen deployed in the area.

After the ceasefire regime established on April 30 and May 1 resulted in evacuation of about a hundred of civilians, hostilities broke out on the territory of Azovstal.

So far, no more ceasefire for evacuation has been proclaimed in the area. Ukrainian militants open fire in an attempt to find any weak points in the Russian positions around the plant. In their turn, Russian forces suppress the Ukrainian firing points with artillery, aviation as well as during the clashes in some areas in the facilities, in order to secure their positions and civilian areas near Azovstal.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed reports that the Russian army had broken into the territory of the plant, saying Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order to avoid storming of the plant was still in place.

Clashes in Azovstal continue on a daily basis. The both sides open fire. However, there is no massive assault of the facilities by Russian forces. So far, the warring parties have managed to guarantee only two ceasefires, which were also limited by strict deadlines. The rest of the time, the fighting continues. Thus, the statements of the Azov militants accusing Russia of violating the truce do not correspond to reality.


On May 5, one of the main Ukrainian propagandists Arestovich claimed that the Ukrainian Azov fighters managed to repel the assault of the units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the DPR. However, a few minutes later, Azov commanders released their traditional video appeal calling on the “international community” to save their lives, denying the claims of Arestovich and confirming that fierce clashes continue.

As soon as the fighting resumed, Azov militants revealed that there were still civilians in the basements of Azovstal. Thus, not all the hostages were allowed to leave the facilities. 

On May 5, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti cited an anonymous representative of the Russian military headquarters of the operation to liberate Azovstal saying that there could be more than 200 civilians, including women, children and the elderly held in the basements.

The source also revealed that Azov militants offered to exchange the civilians for food and medicines.

“We have to maintain contacts with the Azov Nazis who are holed up there and representatives of the SBU in order to save the civilians who remained there. During the negotiations, they offered us to exchange civilian hostages for food and medicine. The indicated terms of the deal are fifteen hostages for a ton of food, as well as medicines. They warned that they would not let anyone else go to Ukraine — now they will only exchange them,” the agency interlocutor said.

He noted that the same methods were used by ISIS terrorists in Syria. They also offered to exchange the hostages for food and medicines by weight.

The United Nations Special Envoy for Ukraine Martin Griffiths said another convoy is hoping to reach the Azovstal plant Friday morning. However, the Russian Ministry of Defence is yet to confirm the ceasefire on May 6.


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keep up the bombardment… these f’nn Azov nazis deal only in death, which will also be their reward… cry no tears

John Tosh

US News is telling the world especially Russia, that the CIA provided Ukraine the information (cellphone tracking) needed to kill Russian Generals. It is also saying it helped by providing the information needed to shoot down a Russian plane with Russian special forces. The sinking of the Russian war ship also got help from US intelligence.

The question is why are they doing this now? Why is the US intelligence giving this information to the world and to Russia now?? The simple answer is they believe they can win a war with Russia since China is not jumping in (Globally the world is disappointed with China for not supporting Russia).

A smart Russia will choose the day of retaliation…. let the fools gloat and shout…. revenge is best served at your own time when you can pull in maximum benefits.

Russia will hold out until North Korea or Iran or some other country attacks…. then they come for their own pound of flesh.

Ashok Varma

Russian passivity and confused policies are creating opportunities for US warmongers and NATO lapdogs to inflict further losses. The type of weaponry that is now flowing into Ukraine, like heavy howitzers, tanks, radars, unlimited AGTM and SAMS will cause Russia a lot of casualties and distress. Thousands of NATO soldiers are already in Ukraine and counter-offensive commanded by US and UK is coming in the next few weeks. Putin is acting quite bizarrely, apologizing to the Zionists who are killing Russians and telling EU that Russia is trying to avoid “escalation”. Russian people must be as baffled as foreigners are.

Khazar Agent

I love especially the Russian love for Israeli Zionist Khazars, as Russians allowed them to bomb their ally Syria. It is probably business (something for something in exchange). Until whole world understand who Khazars are, there will no peace and no justice.

Ashok Varma

There were unverified reports that Putin’s mother was a Jew. The problem with Russia for centuries has been the Khazar fake Jew 5th column that has repeatedly destroyed Russia, the last one was the Bolshevik Jews and how they destroyed Russia. This time the global Zionists like Blinken want to turn Russia into Jew controlled puppet Balkanized state like the clown Zelensky’s Ukraine, which is now a global Khazar terrorist base. Hopefully, some real nationalist Orthodox or Muslim Russian will take over from these evil Khazars. If the US and Anglo-Zionists do manage to destroy Russia via Ukraine, then it will be a global disaster for all free people.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

I wish Lavrov himself was president of russia, he seems a much stronger, more honest leader

Ashok Varma

You are correct, historically Stalin a Georgian, Lavrov an Armenian, and Kadyrov a Caucasian Muslim are more patriotic than some of the Slavic Russians who have been infiltrated by Jew 5th column. It is also very surprising that while thousands of US and NATO troops are now in Ukraine, training the Nazis on modern weaponry, Russia has not even mobilized its reserves. Indian TV just showed an interview with Belarus President Lukashenko and he is also confused with Russian tactics and is fearful that NATO will take the war into Russia and Belarus. Some grown-ups need to be put in charge of Russian military and leadership. The growing complexity of the Ukrainian situation is way above Putin’s head as he is suffering from cancer and will undergo surgery soon.


Is the cancer and surgery actually TRUE or more deception?


is not a true

Red Admiral

Yanki propaganda is always focused on one person with some limelight illuminating others which is designed to create friction. However, it must be remembered that the initial SMO was developed by the offices of the President, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministries of Defence and Finance. I also suspect that Glazyev, the former economic adviser to the Presidential Office, would have had some input regarding the Financial ramifications that would be unleashed by the west. The SMO was developed over time to counter the daily murder of Russians in Eastern Ukraine, which was about to be turned into a Yanki Genocidal Pogrom using their NATO trained Nazi battalions. What the SMO has revealed to date is a dastardly plan well prepared by Yanki political and financial elites to crush and fragmentate Russia. Phase one, To grind down the Russian armed forces in a long drawn out war with well-trained troops directly controlled by US/UK commanders (from afar). These commanders would have direct contact with Battalion, Company and Platoon structures and would probably have met and know those they are dealing with. From Nazi section leaders through to Platoon and to the Company officers etc.. These would be the henchmen to enforce the death of every Ukrainian soldier if they failed to fight


Lavrov is lovely and Putin is conscientious, to a fault. The Russian troops are well mannered and kind. Putin you dont need to be perfect in the world’s eyes and in war, there is killing. It is important to win the war and even Westerners who hate the satanic world order, they want you to win too.


Reports are fake,Putin is 100% russian orthodox not the mongrel, seens you ignore the fact no one had the balls of any leaders in this century to take on the askenazi/khazarian 5th column midgets like zelensky+co, ‘needless to say all whom know nothing about divine authority,chances are because are too unorthodox to resist the propoganda lies,truth says harden the fk up+ wisen! Don’t waste life on only pached up compromised or fake solutions,that only makes anyone stronger than the 5th column,but the divine exception Russia stocks URRP!

Last edited 2 years ago by NY TIMES HAS AIDZ
Ashok Varma

To be fair, even a half decent Russian leader would have acted in Ukraine to protect ethnic Russians and interests. The Nazis were killing Russians daily in the Don Bas. However, as many Indians and friends of Russia have commented, the weak Russian tactics and lack of general mobilization is putting Russian in fatal risk. The US and its NATO hyenas are intent on destroying Russia and as Biden said at the Javelin factory, ” we want Russia to be turned into a third world country and not even a minor power”. Russians really need to wake up. US will not stop in Ukraine. China is already intimidated and kow towing to the US, only India is cautiously supporting Russia. The only open allies are Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Algeria to some extent.

Michigan Man

USA is economically finished. I told it here already a thousand times. The military war – there the time is running out for the russians and they are going to lose it, if not China steps in with its gigantic producing-capacities in weapons and other gear. NATO will go all in soon and destroy the russian troops in most of Ukraine. But economically the russians will win, if only they hold out long enough.

NATO and US is going that mad, BECAUSE they are economically DONE. They are absolutely overdebted, brokeand lack resources. So in the long run, they can t even keep up the war, because they lack the resources to replace and build more weapons. At least in the long run. I guess russia will need to survive only the next 6 to max. really 12 month, then the total economic collapse of EU and USA will be so obvious and outstandingly catastrophic, that Russia will have won. But before that, NATO will likely do everything to bleed russia dry and destroy as much as possible russian military gear and troops.

The jews plan is to make the West (USA+EU)and the East (RU+China) fight till mutual destruction and then afterwards come from behind the scene as the shining saviours, and peacemakers, establish peace (of course on their conditions) by creating new councils and jewish satanic world government (dictatorship), camouflaged as great peaceful NWO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
helene matz

cut the bolshevik excuse out and go and catch a sacred cow


The last ones were in the ’90ies, when the jewish oligarchs bled Russia dry, under the drunkard Yeltsin controlled by the “civilized” west. Some are still doing it.

Ashok Varma

Most of the treacherous Jews are sitting in Istanbul, like Abrahamovich and making plans with the deluded neo-Ottoman Erdogan to carve up Russia. Indian RAW report states that Turkey, Ukraine and Israel are actively making plans to Balkanize Russia with full NATO support. Russia is in very serious trouble and Putin seeks to be on drugs and oblivious to what his “partners” are planning to do to Russia. As an Indian well wisher of Russia, such incompetence is very sad.

Michigan Man

Yes I have to admit that you are right. It is actually the very first time, I am going to thumb up one of your comments, but yes. You are right on this. It’s all jews ! Take for example Russia and the so-called “russian right-winger” Zhirinovsky there. He is just another khazarian jew, claiming to be a russian christian. This is crypto-jews ! The real name of that Zhirinowsky parasite is Wladimir Wolfovich Eidelstein. It’s a jew ! Google it if you don t believe me. It’s all jews. Putin, Zhirinowsky, Berel Lazar, Abramovic (the guy who brought Putin into power) and Alexander Ginzburg (director of the russian Gamalaia Institute producing Sputnik V so-called ‘russian vaccine”)s.o. Why the russians can t see that ? Maybe they are blind ? But it’s the same in the western EU countries. The people do not get that it is jews leading them into war and total economically, socially and mental abyss.

And yes, also on the other “the western” side Selensky, Merkel, Kahane, Blinken, Lagarde, Sarkozy, Mückstein, Söder, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg it is jews. It is all jews. Plain and simple.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Ashok Varma

I try to be objective, the Jews are the most devious evil scoundrels on the planet. They historically use others to die for their greed. Even Shakespeare had it right in the Merchant of Venice with Shylock the greedy profiteering Jew who wanted a pound of gentile child’s flesh for his usury. The US is totally under Jew control and Russia heavily under their influence, Europe is a mere Zionist puppet colony. Just a few countries are relatively free and if they manage to succeed in Russia, then humanity is a hostage to Jew evil..


How could that be when Putin’s mother baptised him in the Orthodox Church when he was a tiny baby? Putin’s communist father did not know of it. Putin has also told of which church it was.


this is a true…


Israeli Prime Minister’s Office Says Putin Apologized for Lavrov’s Statement and will follow Israeli orders and allow the evacuation of Azovstal. Bennet spoke to Zelensky for an hour and offered full support against Russian aggression.

Live Free or Die

Christ, Ukraine has a puppet Khazar for president and the American Khazars installed their fascist government to begin with.

It’s a crazy world. Bizarroworld to be exact and Ukraine is its ultimate bizarre achievement.

Johny cash

Shut you bakshi licking ass up. Do not criticise russia u fool


Seppo’s got no cash mate LOL

Michigan Man

Why shouldn t someone ? See, here we have the problem. This discussion here is not for everybody to throw their ideologically dogmatist shit at someone else. That’s not helpful. No. Upright people here want a honest discussion, to find out the truth. We want to know what is really going on in Ukraine. No censorship of speech here. Everybody can critize Ukraine, Russia, USA, China, Germany etc. It’s only hook-nosed little worms, spooks and crooks that are always eager to forbid other people to speak out freely. The truth isn t always nice and beautiful. That not a criteria of “the truth”. The truth is simply the truth and stand for itself.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

You never see this ecstatic reaction from Ukrainians toward the Russian army, rather the stare of fear and lying to escape the danger. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/video-compilation-of-people-welcoming-the-german-army-10-countries_XtVxgmuijRKdWgi.html

Ashok Varma

There is no Ukrainian army, Russia is fighting 40 countries as the latest “donors’ conference in Warsaw openly showed. The US alone is investing $33 BILLION in weapons to Ukrainian Jews and NAZIS. The EU has pumped over $55 billion in weapons so far. Even a third rate racist toady like Australia, situated on the arse end of the world is sending Bushmaster junk trucks and ATGM. As SF correctly estimated 60,000 ATGM have been pumped in Ukraine along with 30,000 manpads and SAMS and now hundreds of tanks and howitzers. Russia is basically being whittled down as the NATO criminals are sending weapons than the military budgets of India, Pakistan and Iran combined in mere four months. Unless Russia mobilizes and goes on war footing, the Russians will be speaking German, Polish and English soon. It is very sad how inept Russian lack of leadership is. The Jew cancer is destroying Russia. Grovelling to Israel is not going to help as the Jews are now arrogantly killing Russians. It is now NATO+JEWS+WAHHABI TURKS against Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
Michigan Man

In this point i am not same as you. In fact it is JEWS against ALL other nations, people and folks. And they even say it openly that they, according to the torah ought to kill every none-jew on earth including Americans, Chinese, Russians and Germans, all need to die and cease to exist, that is what their jewish religious leaders openly state. Because torah says that those are “idol-worshippers which have no right to live”.

But we all (most people in the west same as in the east) are just to stupid to listen and realize their monstrous satanic plans to eradicate nearly the complete mankind.

Here watch this video ( https://bit.ly/3sjDtSW ) were an jewish rabbis tells it openly. Do not wonder the video starts in german language, as the important scene is in english. Go forward to minute 17.35 and listen. It’s in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Then you will see that it is really them against all of us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Michigan Man


Exactly true ! That’s also why such historical evidence is strictly forbidden in Germany and most of Europe to be shown to the people. Jewish medias, TV stations, newspapers etc. will instead broadcast only bullshit and nonsense where the audience is told that “Germany was very bad”, the soldiers were “evil” and Germany was “raiding” the other countries in order to “enslave the people there”, when infact they freed the people there of the satanic jewish cabal and slavery system. They freed them from the jewish satanic bolshevists and were loved by all intelligent people which had realized who is the real oppressor of mankind since more then 2000 years. Wehrmacht entering the scene was like a second coming of Jesus to most nations and folks on earth, who realized that these troops were going to crush the satanic jewish terror system. So sad that the russians, the americans and brits not realized that in time. Now they are all fucked and jewish “vaccine” poison-injected, enslaved and will be forced into digital Identiy, communist social credit-system and total slavery.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

You are right, Putin is a weak leader, but that doesn’t surprise me, since he is from Sankt-Leningrad, which is a epicenter of treacherous prowestern anti-Russian liberals. Russia must move much harder to liberate the area of NovoRussia, the former pearl of the Russian Empire, unlike the parasitic Sankt-Leningrad.


Nah mate, Putin is a Jew shill and destroying Russia for them. Putin grovels to Zionist masters apologizes to Bennett for Lavrov’s correct Hitler comments Bennett orders Putin to allow “humanitarian corridor” for Azov Nazis in Ukraine after call with fellow Khazar Zelensky.

Mike Ryan

Slavs are dumber than a rock and can’t fight for shit. Time to incorporate Russia as our 52nd state like Alaska was.

Red Admiral

A red-necked shit-arsed Paddy incorporated into Muerica and hasn’t a fukin clue the number of states in his New-found-land. Yeah, dumber than a sack of lump-hammers. For future reference Dumbo: There are 50 States in the US, ya ignorant buffoon.


Strange post, coming from someone who couldn’t subdue sandal wearing locals in SouthEast and Central Asia for 35 years of trying.

Hassan Al Arabia

US spy and radar jets are flying near Ukraine border for 24 hrs since 3 months ago to track all Russian army movement and communication and serve as communication and targeting relay for Ukraine. Russia should shoot those US jets down as an act of self defense.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Russian Arty getting raped…


Ashok Varma

Russian military has proved amazingly incompetent and underarmed, they don’t even seem to have counter-battery radars and now with NATO soldiers openly firing the lethal M-777 155mm howitzers, Russian border cities will be hit and infrastructure destroyed as the House Negro slave Lloyd Austin openly said about shoot and scoot. The battered Russian forces have not even regrouped after the fiasco in Kiev and the US has upped the ante. I am afraid that unless Russia gets vicious and destroys Kiev it will face immense pressure as the US is now directly killing Russians with impunity and bragging about it.


oh? Ukrainian army run out of old women to rape did they?


Hey Putin tears. notice all the anti Putin chatter on SF comment section today? SF is an FSB operated site very likely the comment section is managed by the troll farm in St Petersburg.

Is the FSB preparing people for Putins assassination?

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

More ruskies amour barbecue, love the smell


Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Talking about crying… Anyone saw Hey? 🤣🤣🤣😂


There’s a fat American pig down there, General Roger Cloutier. He should be both a good fuck and a good meal for the ukroscum.




He might have been confused with Canadian General Cadieu, who has recently been taken in Mariupol and sent to Moscow. The names are close.


Hmmm he was in Canada on April 5th when he “retired” due to sexual misconduct back in 1995 while in military school. So……. How did he get into Avistol steel plant after Mariupol was under siege by the Russians since March 7 as stated in this article?

Sounds like more Russian lies too me

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

your information is based on ‘LIES’ by the Canadian government. he was already in Ukraine. its a coverup.


Putin was so amazed that the military was able to capture the two British men, that they paraded them before the media very quickly. If they caught a general, well we’d have video if his interrogation. The ship that was “lost “ supposably trying to rescue him! The Russians would have crowed about that. Haven’t heard a thing on that Also a general would not have been useful in Mariopul. His best use would have been with the English speaking volunteers, or as a go between the Ukrainian military and NATO.

The Cadieu story is likely more Russian lies.


No problem, you wont never be seeing him again. Anywhere


He definitely left for Ukraine.


nah,theres two,its suspected cloutier was “escaped” but not so cadieu.


They are both in captivity


Proof? I hear the Russians also captured the loch nes monster

Denazification - not just a catchy slogan

Nah, that was the Ukrainians. The Ghost of Loch Ness – ate 40 fighter jets in one sitting, burped and asked for a second helping.


There were widespread denials by the West of Landcom Roger L Coutier having been captured by Russia a month ago. General Trevor Cadieu has only recently been mentioned. A photo of Coutier in Ukraine with the flag and another Ukrainian was posted on Twitter 7th March.


Cloutier was captured in one of shot down helicopters by the end of march.


Seems like the sheep just drink the Russian propaganda kool aid without any critical thought! Do you want to to be true so bad you put all intelligent decisions aside?

Just like how you tell yourself the hooker actually likes you? And doesn’t have herpes?

Denazification - not just a catchy slogan

Critical thought is when you realize that maybe Minsk II was not such a bad deal when compared to the complete destruction of your country.


aka corporal Pork Sword

helene matz

is there proof

Nato is laughing at you

hahahahahahahahahahha so many imbeciles


They are all counting the minutes until they bite cynade pills rather than surrender der Fuhrer bunker.


Talking of minutes it’s day 70 of the invasion. Russia has suffered 23,000 dead. That’s a broken hearted mother every 4.5 minutes since the invasion started. In the time it took to read this poorly written propaganda someone’s son had their life pointlessly cut short probably in a very painful way.


If there are 23,000 dead Russians, I don’t want to imagine the Ukrainians who have left their skins, multiply it x5 An army without planes or trains or a navy is kaput.


We will likely never know the actual numbers of casualties. Maybe the Russian numbers after the kremlin coup. Ukraine is willing to take the pain to save their nation from Russian oppression. They remember the cost of Russian occupation from the 20s and 30s, 8 million killed . They know the Russian people were not willing to take this many casualties in Afghanistan over 9 years let alone over 70 days. It’s also interesting that with 23,000 dead Russian soldiers the invasion force has been more then decimated. And with a normal ratio of 2:1 wounded:death the Russian armed forces are down 70,000 soldiers. Almost 1/2 their invasion force. It’s no wonder they are making no progress.


not even ukrops mothers cry for dead ukrop scum send more


more lies you poofs are truly pathedic,but thats ok,the more you lie the more you die!


Mind your punctuation, it matters in English.


Says you, who uses a comma where a semi-colon or period is called for.

Ukraine - No loss to the world.

Ever done business with a Ukrainian? They’re genetically disposed to lying and thievery. They take to murdering women and children too without a second thought.


Well they missed Shitlers anniversary date which would have been a huge symbolic mass suicide for CNN and jewlensky. they should follow their leader’s actions as penance for forgetting old sticklegrubers kristalnacht mind blowing rave anniversary party for pseudo nazis and wanna be corpses. Still it was on a saturday and im sure the azisis did not want to break strict sabbat rules for sticklegruber cake and Gefilte fish (Adolfsteins favorite ‘before cowards suicide’ meal.) being such devout little jewboys. Mazel Tov


Mittels Wasser die Ratten aus den Löchern zu holen, mittels Schlauch und Pumpe!


The Russians need this to be over. Send in their troops to flush out the rats like we did in Vietnam.


And then leave just like in Vietnam lol


Hiding behind women and children. That’s Ukraines strategy.


has been since 2014-2015 ‘s defeat when ukrops realized they suck at martial planning,execution and only excel at absquatulating, routing and general cowardice under fire. Ukrops could show eyeties how to build reversing tanks.


“revenge is Mine Sayeth the Lord”




You sound like an actual Nazi!


For all those asking why a foab has not landed on them,getting these fanatics to surrender is much better than just killing them. If your best of the best ‘Ukrainian isis’ surrender them selves and go into captivity, what is that going to do to the regular troops out in the donbass? There will not be any alamo/spartan 300 bullshit. Its obvious that they dont want to commit suicide, if that was the case they would have ran out gun blazing out of the plant. They are now begging for food and medicine.


The Alamo only lasted maybe 10 days, 300 was a day or two? These boys have been holding off the #2 super power for 70 days. They will be legend.


#1 milita superpower,in reliable tech,particularly in all of continental europe,asia and the middle east (period) Usa todays are full of overhyped gimps,trannys,homosexuals,yet subsonic craap and out dated underpowered missiles on every front compared to russia and ukraine usa carriers are useless emp/super/hypersonic weapons are the majoring trends. bye,bye miss american pie,thought the levy was low but repayments too high, bye,bye these are days youll die oh lord these are the days your outdone!

Last edited 2 years ago by NY TIMES HAS AIDZ

Your English language comprehension needs work as well.! I didn’t say Russia was #2 military in the world, she is #2 military power in Ukraine!

Russian military tech is speaking for it self these days, all they way back to Belorussia

Muhammad your Prophet

They can only evacuate 30 to 50 civilians at a time. It’s common knowledge that the Putin cockroaches can’t even count so it makes perfect sense.


Whatever sodomised isis creep,who can’t even spell a simple line of truth!

Muhammad your Prophet

Because Putin the terrorist cockroach represents the truth, right? You and your rapist friends should know know all about it.


Poison their food.


I want to see all LGBTQ Westerners beheaded LIVE on TV.


It would sure lessen the amount of fake news and fake x and fake stocks and fake heros!


What? Maybe try google translate?


Russian Troops should have a huge cookout at the exit of the plant and invite the hungry Nazis to dinner.

Reinhard Gehlen

I say use fracked natural gas from the West and just pump it into the underground tunnels and then light it up. Specifically it MUST be LNG – from fracking -since that’s the main reason why they overthrew the government in Ukraine in the first place. All those pipelines that run from Russia through Ukraine: the real purpose of all this was to stop the flow of gas from Russia and replace it with Liquified Natural Gas created by the fracking industry in the US so that Europe would be FORCED to purchase it at several TIMES the price the Europeans were paying Russia. It’s called Market Capture in the truest sense of the phrase.


You have no idea how anything works do you? LNG is methane from any source super cooled and compressed to form a liquid. Fracking is irrelevant to the production of LNG.

Russian exports are being replaced because of their attack on Ukraine.


You know nothing but a few lines,try the truth they cannot afford to ditch russian gas maybe your one of these soilt rich homosexuals whom inherited from dadda thus dont mind to pay 5x for lesser grade gas which is not only more toxic overall but also 2/5 less efficient by volume to burn,fkn derr thinketh you can out wit the truth!


??? What are you saying? Stick to your native language


Put LSD in the food and they are gonna come out laughing at the absurdity of all that they’ve done.


Putin issues an apology – Israel

helene matz



as if goon!

Orcrainians are white ISIS

It needs repeating but orcrainians are white ISIS.

Now ISIS are all dead.

The same future awaits these orcrainian terrorists.


Thermonbaric bombs

35 year old virgin

i hope jen psaki starts doing milf porn

Hunter Grifter Biden

press princess jen unleashing the nasty ginger jen…

: 0


They’re getting hungrier, sicker and more desperate by the day. Awesome



helene matz

cowards hide behind women children and elderly weak,nazis have always done this,its part of their conviction that only they have a right to live,the russians are in a very difficult position.btw with todays technology cant they scan the underground with heat seeking cameras,do the russians have people in there apart from civilians that they want out alive

John Reynolds

The BBC calls the Azov battalion/regiment/whatever, “controversial”. You describe them as “militants”. For heavens sake, describe them for what they are – FASCISTS (look up Oxford definition). Left to me, I’d describe them as fascist scum.


I sincerely hope the civilian lives could be spared. In Syria too, no foreign generals could ever be found after sieges although they propably were there to begin with.


Let them die slowly, civilians ? just not discus with them, they are already dead !


LOL were is that retard “state of urkopistan” or whats was his name who was posting “2 missles a day keeps azovis at bay” or something retarted like that every post? he is hiding now crying from the non stop buttsex he recieved? hahaahah patheting fool!!

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