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Back To Facebook: Pashinyan Returns To His Basement Managing The Country Despite Protests

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Back To Facebook: Pashinyan Returns To His Basement Managing The Country Despite Protests

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On December 22nd, starting from morning, there are people in Yerevan’s Republic Square demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his government.

Pashinyan refuses to resign, and continues blaming everybody else for the failures in managing the conflict and the entire country.

His current attempts are aimed at shifting focus towards the 2010 government and that it is to blame for the situation.

Pashinyan said that back in 2010, Armenia MPs, ministers had voted in favor of Kelbajar being part of Azerbaijan.

“This is the description of the border lines of Sotk village of Gegharkunik Province according to the law on administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia, adopted in 2010,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wrote this on Facebook Tuesday morning.

“Today our armed forces are deployed with this description. Let me remind that in 2010, the RPA, PAP, ARF factions [in parliament] voted for the law. The bill was submitted by the government.

Many of the MPs and ministers who voted in favor accuse us and will accuse us today, too, of handing over Kelbajar [region to Azerbaijan], despite the fact that they passed a law that it is part of Azerbaijan, they will blame [us] for the Sotk [gold] mine [now becoming a territorial dispute with Azerbaijan], although they have described by law what we have today,” Pashinyan added.

Back To Facebook: Pashinyan Returns To His Basement Managing The Country Despite Protests

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Pashinyan, also, commented on the ongoing domestic political situation in Armenia.

He stated that he will do everything for the people not to lose the chance of saying their word.

“The description of the current political situation in the country is the following: 1. The “elite” who was deprived of power in Armenia as a result of the 2018 revolution is trying to achieve revenge. Moreover, the talk is not about the political “elite” only, but all those who had privileges before 2018, but after that do not have that privileges. 2. The people, who have felt the factor of being a power after the 2018 revolution, do not want to lose that status, especially now, when some circles, by using the chance that the leadership is currently engaged in foreign security issues, have applied the following logic “you will be fired for not participating in a rally””, Pashinyan said on Facebook.

Pashinyan said the real contradiction is not between the government and the opposition, but the “elite”, who lost privileges in 2018, and the people.

“But in any case, people will say the decisive word, because if the people have their say, “elites” can do nothing. I, of course, will do everything for the people not to lose the chance of saying their word. But at this moment the priority for us is to ensure the external security of Armenia and Artsakh, and the external security should not be questioned in any way in the aforementioned actions”, the PM said.

Essentially, he came out of his basement and Facebook leadership for a few days, was met with blockades and refusal to be accepted everywhere he went, and then went back to manage the country online.

Regarding Russia’s peacekeeping and the presence of Turkey-deployed militants in Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov answered the following questions about the militants fighting in Artsakh: does Russia have information about those militants, were they withdrawn from the region, by whom?

“The participation of militants from the Middle East in the hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh is a fact that has been confirmed not only by us. The number of mercenaries reaches 2 thousand.

From the very beginning, we have expressed our concern about the existence of radical mercenaries in the region who profess the ideology of jihadism. Our position on them has not changed. They should not be there”, he said.

On Azerbaijan’s side there’s limited information, with it sharing videos of the “liberated areas” and saying that Military police is securing the safety.

The military police are involved in ensuring security in the liberated territories, the Azerbaijan Ministry of Defense said.

The Azerbaijan Army military police units’ servicemen are involved in ensuring security in human settlements and places of deployment of troops in the liberated territories.

Military police squad serves day-and-night at stationary and mobile checkpoints in human settlements and on the military transport movement routes, organize pass control and control of the implementation of the daily routine by servicemen during service and combat duty.

Military police conduct a patrolling service at the deployed checkpoints, keep a record of vehicles entering the territory, organize the protection of important military facilities, as well as ensure the escort of convoys.


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Al Balog

I have no idea why, but I have the impression that somehow, Pashinyan is actually fairly popular within Armenia despite what reports say. I had a weird dream about that last night ?.


Sounds more like a nightmare of how not to be a patriot. Any man that leaves thousands of his countrymen to be slaughtered by jihadists, is a paid American traitor.

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