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Ballistic Missiles Hit US Targets In Erbil, Iran Said To Be Responsible (Videos)

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Ballistic Missiles Hit US Targets In Erbil, Iran Said To Be Responsible (Videos)

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Early on March 13, a number of heavy missiles struck the outskirts of Erbil city, the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

Some Iraqi news sources said that the target of the missile strike was the US Consulate. Others, however, speculated that the target was a US military installation in Erbil International Airport, the US Harir Air Base or the Zerin residential complex which is frequented by American troops.

Videos from the scene of the strike show direct impacts and a large explosions with several columns of smoke rising from the target.

Iranian activists shared footage claiming to show the launch of a number of Fateh-110 tactical short-range ballistic missiles from a base in the western Iranian province of Kermanshah just a few minutes before the explosions were heard in Erbil. The footage is yet to be verified.

Iran fired ballistic missiles at the Kurdistan Region before. However, the target was Iranian Kurdish anti-government guerrilla groups.

The new missile strike may have been a response by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the March 7 Israeli airstrikes on the Syrian capital, Damascus. The attack claimed the lives of two officers of the guards, colonels Ehsan Karbalaipour and Morteza Saidnejad.

On October 20, pro-Iranian forces attacked the US al-Tanf garrison in southeastern Syrian in response to the October 13 Israeli airstrikes that targeted the outskirts of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. A number of Iranian-backed fighters were killed or wounded in the airstrikes.

The missile strike on Erbil could trigger a response from the US. This would further complicate the international talks on Iran’s nuclear program.


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oy vey

But… but.. the US is trying to beg Iranians (and Venezuela) for some oil.


Ironically that ‘Venezuelan’ oil half belongs to the Russian Government after US sanctions caused them to take the reigns from private investment. Now the US has to use sleight-of-hand to disguise the transaction for Western audience approval….

Michel LeBlanc

Your absolutly correct, I forgot about the russian investent there.

Opercion Z


The Objective

I don’t think it was Iran. Since the assassination of Soleimani, Iran has been extremely shy to confront U.S forces in this manner. A dozen missile launches could easily kill Americans – something Iran isn’t willing to risk at this moment of tensions. Only Russia has the nerves and motives to target U.S forces in such manner. However, this was a message. The next attack will almost certainly draw blood. Will Biden dump Ukraine? I think he will!

Pedo Andy from FcUKingham palace

You are another paid LOSER so fcuk off.

Martin Rapavý

No, this is the best moment for such a strike; the U.S. would not be able to do anything about it because of how they have manoeuvred themselves out of their options with their own anti-Russian propaganda.

They cannot attack them in any meaningful way because they would shoot themselves in the foot with their own propaganda.

Black Flag

Ahh, and there it is, the US Clintonista-Democrat/Joo-MSM/Sell-Out-RHINO’s default cry: BLAME PUTIN FOR EVERYTHING!

Last edited 3 years ago by Black Flag

Cognitive dissonance and utter denial are simply incredible here. You seem to be desperate on finding mental workarounds to avoid having to accept the most glaring, obvious answers here. Iran cannot at the same time officially claim and insist they are the culprit and risk whatever consequences and retaliatory action from either of its regional foes AND refrain from striking, that simple makes no sense. Besides, amateur videos from all over Iran are emerging showing the missile launches from the vicinity of known IRGC missiles bases, and the US itself has confirmed Iran is the point of origin, but you can keep pathologically digging your head in the sand if that helps you handle your world of delusions in spite of reality.

That action by the hard line Raisi government indeed appears in stark contrast with Iran’zs previous administration which was largely living on the defensive and mostly devoid of credible Chinese or Russian support, at the time when all three countries still believed in some sort of long-term agreement and detente with the US, so as to interact in kind of middle-ground between cold detente and mutually beneficial trade and investment deals – For obvious reason and developments, the world has drastically changed in several directions since then, and every trend is now instead converging towards massive consolidation of new distinct spheres of influence bound with defense pacts, both official and officious. Trade , communication and exchange between them is decreasing to a minimal , more and more we alternative circuits being put in place and removing the need for compromise, further eroding a longstanding monetary dominance of the all-important dollar, which has already resulting in historically high levels of inflation on the US mainland. All of this thanks to the courtesy of shortsightedness on the part of an incredibly amateurish and foolish US leadership still thinking like Washington was culminating in some sort of unquestioned global dominance and completely overlooking the technological, financial and monetary trends concurring by their eyes in China

Beijing for its part has completely dropped the restrained approach in political discourse as well as in actions, where it is apparent that they will now go ahead with fully integrating Iran within the SCO, BRICS, the new Belt and Road Initiative and of course the realm of true military-technical cooperation with the Persian nation. They know they have to go on the offensive and stopped expecting any kind of reasonable overtures from the US political class that has proven time and again it is not after any form of coexistence with the Rising dragon, despite countless olive branches handed over for compromise on various fronts instead of antagonizing them everywhere they can including in their Pacific backyard and pushing as far as questioning the “One China Policy”, which was in my view their most reckless and crucial mistake.

New information made public by Reuters and AP have confirmed that millions of barrels of oil are getting purchased monthly by Beijing in direct defiance of US sanctions, which even started during the Trump administration, in response to the all-out trade war it launched against them, which Biden / Blinken further inflamed by adding a geopolitical side to it in HL and Taiwan, and more generally in every corner of the Pacific, including SK and Japan.

I will not even comment the Russian case as it has become a caricature and is self-evident in every respect, we are de-facto back to the Soviet era in terms of strategic posture and the latest deadly strike that wiped out US advisers along with dozens of Ukrainian operatives in a NATO logistical hub connected to NATO-member Poland is further telling of their audacity and determination to change the face of the world in their favor again, secure their western flank once and for all and put a definite end to the West’s incessant advance East that started in 1997.

I love the way they have beautifully shut the mouths of Russophobic haters like yourself when you parroted America’s propaganda alleging the instant death of 200 Wagner operatives in Northeastern Syria, bragging that Russia could never reciprocate anywhere, ever. So many folks spit their bullocks in those very pages and sections, how ironic the way history has a way to put the all back in their place. Russia, then Iran, literally in the same week, showing an unthinkable level of assertiveness. Look at them show them back due courtesy mere miles away from NATO territory and killing NATO operators in the process right by their helpless eyes.

Iran’s welcome change of military posture was long overdue and was not even a question of choice for its leadership. Indeed, if it pretend to be willing to embark on a game of powers and be a relevant actor in emerging blocs, it HAD to finally act in a serious, determined, and militarily meaningful way to safeguard its core interest, clamp the constant Israeli attacks on its core interests and switch to tit-for-tat killings of the enemy assets, both human and material.

And I love how Erdogan tries to pose like he has some sort of say around while he contends on being nothing more than a toothless, passive side observer to facts developing on the ground, unable to do sh**it in the Bosphorous while barking threats days before in that regard, ditto with his country’s supposedly dreaded Baraktyar drones supposed to give a crucial defeat to Russian forces.

We do live in interesting times, and the geopolitical face and even geography of several key flashpoints of the globe are changing at a faster pace than they have ever moved – a matter of months is seeing more drastic changes to the balance of power than what previously took years to barely take shape in a distant horizon.

All the pieces of the new world order are falling into places, both for superpowers and regional actors. And these are terrible news for whomever still was betting on the West’s ability to rebound from its many failures, past and ongoing.

Pavel Ishaias

Once the deal being approved, Russian oil could be blended or substituded and voilá! Russian oil for everyone

Cyric Vigilius

Yeah by hijacking two of their tankers. Great way to smooth relations.

Pedo Andy

Iran is allied to Russia and has been fighting the illegal US and Zionist presence in Iraqi Kurdistan since 2003. Now Iran is serious about getting US and Zionists out of the region as the renewed JCPOA has failed and NATO hyenas are getting bogged down everywhere. Iran and its allies will slowly turn up the heat. Russia needs to immediately transfer S-35 and S-400 to Iran.


I just don’t see Iran acting sincerely. I think they have thrown some more patriots under the bus, so to speak, and acted the part of a caring leadership by simulating these attacks which in all reality caused no damage to US relations.

I think the joint agreement to end Iran sanctions is very close, and I think the US wants to use this as leverage to cool relations with Russia.

Ashok Varma

US is a liar and totally untrustworthy, the Iranians are not naive. The US is a rogue outlaw regime in final days of despair and simply can not be trusted. India which has close ties to Persia, dating back four Millennia, believes that even a desperate US will not sigh another JCPOA due to Zionist pressure. US is now obsessed with balkanizing Russia and trying to fool the Iranians with empty gestures while freezing billions in Iranian assets and sanctions The problem is that the US warmongers and its NATO lapdogs are so stretched now that they are trying kiss Iran’s butt so that oil markets can be stabilized. Not likely though.


it is not billions, but more then 1.2 trillion in assets, not counting interests.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan



Russia is using Iranian regime. Immediately after Bennet’s visit to Russia , Israel attacked Syria killing the Pasdaran. Russia is not trustworthy.


Well, they are not the USA, which always stand by its word and defends its allies at any cost

The Objective

Iran lost it nerves since January 3rd 2020. The mullahs won’t pull such a risky and dangerous move. I highly believe it was the Russians.


That’s OK, we highly believe you’re full of it.

Ashok Varma

Iran and Russian need to cooperate and coordinate more in all fields. Iranians as the Economist article states are the masters of sanctions busting and can provide Russia with valuable insights. They are also huge and capable economic powers with 11th and 17th largest economies in the world. Combined Iran and Russia can override any pathetic US and NATO criminals sanctions or pressure. Iran has been under the worst sanctions since 1979 and has survived and thrived and built a $1.2 trillion economy. Russia needs to immediately transfer weapons to Iran and increase trade and cooperation. Russia will never find better allies than the Persians.

The Objective

The only way to end the sanctions is to dial up the cost for America. Unless Russia makes America pay a heavy price for the Ukraine debacle, the Russian economy is doom. One way to achieve this is to arm a faction of ISIS with deadly missiles. If they are promised more weapons for increased attacks on America, these guys won’t hesitate to lob dozens of missiles on U.S military and diplomatic positions around the Middle East. I think this is where events are headed. It’s about time for Turkey to stop sending drones to Ukraine. Let the U.S fight its war!

I fucking hate Biden and Obama for always choosing to put civilians in harms way by stocking domestic revolts and civil wars. These fuckers can kill a million civilians just to avoid sending a dozen U.S soldiers to fight America’s imperial wars. The U.S under Biden and Obama are acting like the Iranian regime – always fighting indirectly and making other people pay the price for America’s regime change wars. It’s time someone made the U.S pay directly. Maybe that someone is Putin. Turkey will not help America this time – certainly not after the countless back-stabbings.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Objective
Marshal Rokossavsky

Iran and Russia are great powers and historical friends and neighbors and must unite against NATO Nazis. SLAVA ROSSIYA, SLAVA Персия!

The Objective

I don’t think this is an Iranian attack. I think this is Russia warning America to stop arming Ukraine. I guess the next wave of ballistic missile strikes will cause serious lose of lives and material damage. Putin has promised that Russia’s response will surprise the west. the Origin of these missile strikes are unknown. Don’t forget that America has several enemies in the Middle East, including a faction of ISIS.

This unusual missile strike could also be a message to Turkey that Putin may arm the Kurds with similar weapons if Turkey continued to supply drones to Ukraine. Biden and Obama have always tried to distance themselves from anything that will lead to a war between American forces and other armed groups. They always prefer to create internal chaos and destruction that doesn’t involve boots on the ground but ends up killing thousands of civilians. This is where I respect the Russians a little: They fight their wars themselves.

What would Biden do now? Stop arming Ukraine? Prepare to fight some Russian-backed shadowy group in the Middle East? it remains to be seen, but if arms continue flowing to Ukraine from the West, Russia will like up the cost for America by arming it Middle Eastern adversaries. Things are about to get more interesting. I’m very keen to see how Biden manages this crisis.

CIA bot

Biden can’t manage his bladder, he is the last person in Washington to decide about about anything.


I’ll go with your first 3 words.


You know what?, A real easy fix for this type of problem is actually very simple. Stop running around and startng a bunch of shit everywhere all of the time.


US is a war economy. They make a living starting shit.

Marshal Rokossavsky

US is a global parasite.


This reminds me of the ‘Soleimani’ situation…..

Wake me up when they have a legitimate response.

Yamil Pidorez

Lots of headaches incoming…

Cyric Vigilius

Yup, to be expected with the Alzheimer’s in chief.

Yossi Cohen (Israel, fag and proud)

Oye vey! Lots cocks incoming your anus my cock buddy 🤤 let’s get ready and swallow, I know you like me to cum in first, penetrate you like those evil missiles!! Gulp!

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC


CNN Comedy News Network

CRAM and Patriot efficient as always 😀


No surprise there . NATO failed to intercept an old and slow Soviet Tu-141 drone flying from Ukraine all the way to Croatia!


Would be even funnier if it was steered by Russian electronic-interference!

Peppe il Sicario

That is not so remote of a hypothesis. Russia was more than likely testing the AA defenses of the North Atlantic Tranny Organization!!!


It’s so funny : a few days ago I argued with some fool from croatia, he was like ‘nato should attack Russia and they cannot nuke us because US anti-missile shield in Romania!’ LOL They cannot intercept one ancient soviet garbage drone, imagine trying to intercept 1000s of missiles including hypersonic. But fools really think they are protected ……


Strange…this is becoming a regular occurrence…ask Israel how well they shot down a couple old S200 missiles…that flew through Israel. FAIL. Then ask KSA and UAE how their air defense is working out. FAIL. All western systems are overpriced, over-hyped and are only good for looking at. Defense? Well, not so much.

Last edited 3 years ago by zman

patriot efficiency rate: 0%

Marshal Rokossavsky

India fired a Bramos and US supplied Pakistani radars failed to detect 12 minute flight into Pak airspace undetected. US weapons are dud and all Hollywood hype. No wonder the ar$eholes lose every war. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Cyric Vigilius

That’s why I say hey man nice shot. What a good shot man.


Haha, love that song!

basement in US embassy in poland

great job, bro. NK is moving hard right now too. NK already launched two ballistic missiles/rockets for polar satellites last two weeks. yanquis are whining about this as usual.

Last edited 3 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland

Damn, things are getting very strange!


There’s obviously some squabbling going on amongst the Iranians as otherwise we would have seen decisive and painful retaliation against the US. Instead we ‘again’ see another pathetic staged attempt.


Oh my god, you moron. This attack was on Zion Mossad, not yanquis.

“Al Mayadeen correspondent reported that more than 10 ballistic missiles struck the vicinity of the Harir base near Erbil Airport in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, Erbil, early Sunday morning, adding that explosions were heard in the area.” “The same sources added that the attack did not target any Iraqi or US facility, affirming that the Mossad site on the way to Saladin resort was destroyed, and enemy collaborators were killed and wounded.” “The operation against the Mossad has nothing to do with the latest Israeli attack in Syria”, the sources noted.


Oh, sure.Yeah, it’s so pathetic that the western liars have yet to even report this. BBC, CNN, etc…all they can talk about is Russian strike on base close to Polish border. This just didn’t happen? Gee, if it’s so insignificant, at least mention it. No, they’re going to ignore this until they can get their stories made up. Then they’ll say 1 soldier had a headache and a female soldier suffered a wound, but was discovered only to be menstrual cycle. There will be no mention of Israelis, Mossad, US SF or of US AD failure. In fact likely it’s all made up and just didn’t happen. In a week or so, there will be a helicopter or plane accident with all aboard perished. More body bags for the Zionist cause.

Last edited 3 years ago by zman

Iran just walked on Zion big nose that’s all. This attack was not because of 2 IRGC that were killed by Zion in Syria btw. They have to wait for that one.

Lesco Brandon

Those patriot missile systems are doing their job very well


operated by emma with two moms

Bigg Chungus

The really hilarious thing is that this was her actual job title in the video!


Very true. :)

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Probably hit their own launchers after launch as per usual. Standard procedure…

Pavel Ishaias

False flag of the little hats… (Rat´s hat)


Ya just blame Iran RIGHT AWAY. Wait until we know for sure. Dumb reactionary apes. You never know who could be behind and wanting a reaction. Many players in the middle East and now eastern Europe. Dumb reactionary apes.


Let us in on what happened with Soleimani….

Ashok Varma

This should not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the region. US is illegally occupying parts of oil rich Syria and Iraq and stealing oil and sponsoring terrorism. The Iranians have their own red lines and are not afraid to call the US and Zionist bluff. Even the Economist, a Bilderberg mouthpiece in this weeks edition correctly states : Iran’s economy proved resilient in face of sanctions and Russia should emulate the Iranian model of self-sufficiency as both Russia and Iran are the most heavily sanctioned countries in the world, but have immense nationalism and capabilities. The Iranians thrived due to their resilient nature caused by export diversification, import substitution and flourishing stockmarket, among other strength factors. Russia and Iran need to cooperate more in all fields.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashok Varma
Peppe il Sicario

If Russia confiscated the wealth of the two-faced Western-loving “5th column” oligarchs in the country and their agents, they would blast off like crazy.

Tommy Jensen

I urge everybody to enter into a dialogue with each other for the sake of peace and freedom, and refrain from further violence. Sit down together and talk it over!

Ashok Varma

Russia has tried, but it is hard talking to a Jew Clown in the service of Nazis and US warmongers.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

You cannot negotiate with terrorists. Its a waste if time. Especially in case of americant and limey terrorists.


Wait a minute, Israel killed two Iranians in Syria, so Iran retaliates by striking a US base in Iraq???? This makes NO sense


It makes perfect sense: USrael is just one big global terrorist organization. Great Satan and Little Satan.

Yossi Cohen (Israel, fag and proud)

Oye vey, they call it a US base for PR purposes, when in fact it’s a Zionist brother where we Israeli trannies go to blow and get penetrated… like tonight 🤤 great party 😘


It’s possible it was a Mossad base


it was indeed zionist bases in erbil. hits timestamped at 01:20 (greetings from general Soleimani), pay back for killing 2 iranian military advisors by zionists in recent attack on damascus.


We didn’t expect you to comprehend

Brother Ma

It is called asymmetric attack.


Mossad training centers.


Zion hides in N-Iraq with Kurds that worship them, you donkey, it was last year I think Iran killed Mossad’s pigs there as well – with yanuqis and Kurd-zion.


Did Iranian missiles once again evade American air defence? America is a joke, their bases will get flattened in an hour


The yanuqis going to say some BS like how they did in KSA. “it was facing Yemen so our system doesn’t see Iranian missiles from North of KSA”


Some people are saying Iran hit a Mossad operation base.

Bigg Chungus

I hope they flattened it. Maybe next they can send some guys into Azerbaijan to execute all of the Israeli spies that infest that place and have made a nest from which to launch operations.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Oy gevalt…

Peppe il Sicario

Do you know what Joo swine PM Bennet stated recently? “The Israeli government is considering accepting up to 500,000 Non-jooish Ukranian refugees into the country.” See!! The Joo homo cowards need real men to enlist in their army and fight their dirty joo wars.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Yossi Cohen (Israel, fag and proud)

Oooh I just came with sister Yamil, first time we came together 🥰 thanks Iran ❤️

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Thats how you threat CIAisis terrorists. Russia please take notes. The gloves are off.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A couple of ballistic missiles a day keeps CIAisis terrorists away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Good riddance 🇮🇷

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls are crying and raging 🤗🤡


Iranians don’t play

Simon Ndiritu

BTW, why can’t resistance obliterate one convoy carrying stolen oil from Syria? It would hurt oil thieves more


US making friends around the world!


Just taking out the trash.

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