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MARCH 2025

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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Dear friends,

The story of Bana Al-Abed, daughter of Ghassan Al-Abed, became known worldwide since 2016. By that time a 7-years-old girl from Syrian Aleppo began to share in Twitter her “anxiety about living in a war-torn city”, continuously blaming the Syrian and Russian force for alleged bombing on so-called civilian headquarters.

Immediately after the appearance of Bana’s account, it gained headlines in all main international media, at the same time, it garnered harsh criticism: a lot of evidences proved that the girl’s account was fake or that she lies in her tweets. As the Syrian girl’s popularity grew, her image gained significant political influence, and was actively used to discredit the Syrian regime. Despite revelatory evidence, the little girl remains very active in social media, and her image is further used by the Western media for information campaigns.

SouthFront publishes an investigation carried out by one of our respected contributors, revealing new details of the life of Bana, her family and Al-Nusra Front.

We invite you to express your opinion in the comments.

Submitted by Khaled Iskef

Little Syrian girls Bana Al-Abed became a symbol of all children suffering from wars. The Western world traded with Bana’s story because of her family’s loyalty to the militant Islamic factions and her father’s affiliation with the Islamic elite brigades. Western media, including the American Times Magazine, report on her personal tragedy in the war.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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Bana is spreading tweets about her life in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo and talks about the widespread bombing operations. In his interview on Danish TV channel, President al-Assad was asked about Bana al-Abed. Prisedent Al Assad said that she is used for propaganda, and that terrorists use civilians as human shields, that Syrian forces must liberate them.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

Now, there is seven years old girl called Bana al-Abed in aleppo

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

It is a game of propaganda and media

Fatima Al-Abd, Bana Al-Abed’s mother, was broadcasting in her daughter’s account from the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo, indicating and describing the airstrikes carried out randomly and over civilian areas.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

I guess our twitter account is a weapon

Bana and her mother in an interview with the BBC considered that the Twitter account is a weapon for changing the regime in Syria. In her tweets in English, she always talks about saving the children of Syria to gain public opinion.

The account is managed by her mother Fatima al-Abed, and her father Ghassan al-Abed has his own account, claiming that he is an independent lawyer working against terrorists.

Our investigation unveiled later that he is working with them.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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We went to the house of the girl’s family, Bana Al-Abed, to search for the motives and background of this family. We found documents and drafts in the handwriting of Ghassan Al-Abed.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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Ghassan Al-Abed worked in the local council of the Free City of Aleppo as a lawyer and director of the legal department and the civil registry belonging to HTS.

During the search, we found documents condemning Ghassan Al-Abed as a military trainer for the Islamic Safwa Brigade and an investigative judge for the Sharia Board during the control of ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front over Aleppo and the Sharia Board in particular.

His father owns a weapons repair and maintenance shop, and this shop is supervised by Ghassan Al-Abed. We also found an arrest warrant in 2008 against the brother and father of Ghassan Al-Abed Muhammad Al-Abd “on charges of smuggling weapons.”

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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The photo of Ghassan Al-Abed carrying a weapon with ISIS flag behind him.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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The photo of the 3-year-old girl, Bana Al-Abed, carrying a weapon in her grandfather’s shop, which is supervised by her father, Ghassan Al-Abed.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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The locals assured us that the area is under the control of Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda in the Levant, and that next to the home of the girl’s family, Bana al-Abed, is the headquarters of Jabhat al-Nusra.

On the spot, we discovered that there were about 25 headquarters of the Al-Nusra Front and the Abu Amara Brigade near the family’s home, and that these areas were safe haven for Al-Qaeda.

We compared Bana’s photo with reality to have tangible evidence.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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The image above confirms that the place where the photo was taken is the place of her grandfather, Muhammad Al-Abd, where he was selling and maintaining weapons.

Following the instructions of her parents, Bana writes that she misses school that was destroyed by airstrikes, without mentioning that the school near the home of her family was transformed by armed groups to military headquarters.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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We visited her school. The image and the angle confirmed that we found the right place. Months ago, we visited this building and for the first time and we discovered a document from Ayman al-Zawahiri to al-Baghdadi, al-Julani and Abu Khaled al-Suri in this building. It confirms that this building was transformed into the main headquarters of al-Qaeda in Aleppo, it was the transportation building.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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We interrogated locals about who controlled this area in order to the documents that we found. We also asked them whether civilians were allowed to take photos in the territory under Al-Nusra Front control, given that the place where the child was photographed is only a few meters away the terrorist headquarters. The answer was negative. Witnesses confirmed that no one except the militants themselves was allowed to take photographs there.

It means that the Bana’s family is directly linked with Al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front, according to the testimonies of local civilians.

In one of the live broadcasts of an interview with a Turkish media outlet, the girl was asked in English about the foods she likes in Turkey, so her answer was: “Save Syrian children!” It means that she could not speak English, and all her tweets were written by her mother.

We continued our investigation. After having completed our tour in the Al-Nusra Front headquarters, we went to the area and discovered that the Abu Amara Brigade, the security arm of the Al-Nusra Front, controlled the mall building as a detention center.

This headquarter was under command of Yasser Al-Abed, founder of the Abu Amara Brigade, and Muhanna Jafala (known as Abu Bakri). Yasser Al-Abed was arrested in 2012 on charges of terrorism and the killing of the two Aleppo businessmen Mahmoud Ramadan and Mahmoud Sourani. After a year and a half, he was released in a prisoners exchange deal with the Syrian army.

The following screenshot was made during his interview on Syrian government channel.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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Ghassan Al-Abed used to visit this headquarters because Yasser Al-Abed is his relative.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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A local civilian Abu Abdo Dalati was in his shop next to Ghassan al-Abed’s father’s shop for weapons maintenance. He told us about the military headquarters of the Al-Nusra Front and the Abu Amara Brigade, and he mentioned that what Ghassan al-Abed exploited his daughter in media in order to reach his goal, which is to please Erdogan and meet him. He actually reached his goal.

We also discovered that Bana’s mother changed her name to her husband’s surname. According to the document that we found in her house said that her real name is Fatima Shihan. She was affected by her husband who belongs to the Free Army and then Al-Nusra Front, in order not to be known by her relatives, as her uncle was a member of the Baath Party, the legitimate ruling party in Syria.

Bana Al-Abed sent letters to the author of the Harry Potter story, JK Rollins, who released a book about the life of this Syrian girl.

There were attempts to prevent the book from being published in order to convict the author to show the truth about this family, but they were unsuccessful.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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A picture of a report found on the Internet confirms that the Bana’s Twitter account was opened in London in 2016 during the siege of Aleppo. The question is how to open the account with no web connection in the eastern neighborhoods of the city of Aleppo.

Bana Al-Abed A Small Weapon In A Big War: Investigation

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We are not against childhood; we are not accusing the child Bana Al-Abed. Like other children, she is a victim of exploitation by her family in order to pursue terrorist interests. Our goal is to tell this story from an angle different from MSM’s one and to unveil the truth. We seek to show how children are exploited and their stories are distorted in order to defend terrorism, to support them under the pretext of defending Syrian children.

We talk about it with impartiality, accuracy and objectivity.


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sky duke

This is the reason why people like her should be genocided

Supreme Blyat

Finally I feel like Home here :)

sky duke

Thanks my russian brother 🇷🇺🇧🇻🇫🇮🇬🇧


Says the guy who cannot be bothered to read the whole article…

“We are not against childhood; we are not accusing the child Bana Al-Abed. Like other children, she is a victim of exploitation by her family in order to pursue terrorist interests. Our goal is to tell this story from an angle different from MSM’s one and to unveil the truth. We seek to show how children are exploited and their stories are distorted in order to defend terrorism, to support them under the pretext of defending Syrian children.”

Fog of War

Many ISIS fighters were ” exploited ” as children also. Do they only get to be killed when they turn 18 ?


Even many of the adult ISIS fighters were exploited. Why do you think the reconciliation deals, cease fires, “green buses,” etc. were used? Showing people a better way and giving them a chance to change is not just doing the Jesus thing; it is also the most pragmatic course of action. As Sun Tzu said, “Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

Tommy Jensen

The Syrian governments says they have proof many of the ISIS mercenaries are GMO enhanced. They, US/UK, maybe Russia, maybe China use Syria as a test ground for a new generation of hybrid soldiers. If this is the case there is no more emotions or exploitations to take into consideration.

Oliver Eitel

not so far from fiction your story, they used a lot of drugs to stay awake and becoming emitonless, the Syrians and Russian, and Hisbolha found a lot of nice happy pils in ISIS camps….they were on drugs 24/7

Oliver Eitel

I think even an Saudi Prince was caught with it on his plane…but nothing happened

Hind Abyad

Humm? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvjTeuSKTW0


And thanks to you, too. ^_^

khaled iskef

could you provide me in any way a statment that syria government say so ???


babble on dimwit…

Concrete Mike

Yes, thats one of the many things that seperates us from these barbarians.

Hind Abyad

I don’t know what you mean who’s genocidal


Bana Alabed is a neo-Anne Frank who survived butcher Hitler, er, Assad. Gotta acknowledge the little ISIS/al-Qaeda/White Helmets actress is far more convincing than the Holohoax though.

But Putin can’t care less Syria was targeted for destruction based on lies and manipulations of reality through the use of Ziowahhabi and terrorist proxies, he opened Russian skies for the NATO coalition to transit to Afghanistan based on the 9/11 Zioterrorist self-attack and ensuing bullshit. Busines and partnership with the terrorist Ziocorporate globalists comes first so things like this can be overlooked.

Supreme Blyat

Btw Anne Frank didn’t survive

Fog of War

But her ball point pen did.

Sol Invictus



So, what do you suggest Putin do, Shy? Go all out militarily against the “international clique”? Because that worked so well when Hitler tried it…?

Putin parrying the clique’s attacks and provocations while waking people up to who the real enemy is is the better option.

Fog of War

Are you saying China, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, Belarus, and a multitude of others cant take on the pitiful ZioWest ?

And please dont mention the threat of a nuke war. That possibility works both ways


The banksters’ new “axis of evil” having a different line-up and Internet Age advantages does not make it invulnerable. Please note, FoW, that the “ZioWest” potentially includes the US, the UK, “Israel,” Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Germany, Japan, South Korea, India, Brazil, South Africa… Playing this wrong risks not just facing the whole New World Order, but also splitting the BRICS.

chris chuba

Before Bana there was Aleppo boy, but I forgot his name. Whatever happened to him?

Icarus Tanović

Ask that Christian Amanpour.


Your cloths sure smells of chlorine amanpoor?

Icarus Tanović

She should burn on the same stake as bin Salman, and Salman Rushdie.

Peter Jennings

Wasn’t there elastagirl? Who kept being pulled from destroyed buildings. She and Aleppo boy were photographed at one of the filming locations.



Omran Daqneesh (now living safely in liberated Aleppo)

Not sure if these links are all still functional:

• Omran Daqneesh’s Father Exposes the MSM ! • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rE0emXxJTo

• The Truth About the #Syrianboy Viral Photo. Its really a story of two boys. #OmranDaqneesh • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jifS0fi9WB8 (Distressing)

• Aleppo Boy’s father supports Assad, slams US propaganda • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gha4jkiSlRw

• ‘Media used my son for their purposes’: CNN’s Amanpour challenged to go talk to ‘Aleppo boy’ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAMLF-EI2ls

• The Father Of Omran Daqneesh Says Terrorists Used His Son’s Photo For Propaganda • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylXf0UCkh4A

chris chuba

And that’s why we still hear from Bana but not Aleppo boy anymore. He has lost his value for western propaganda. So now we are trying to freeze and starve him and the rest of the Syrians to death by shipping their wheat and oil out of their country.

viktor ziv

Do you remember the beheaded 10y old boy by el-Zenki? Accused for spying… R.I.P.

Jihadi Colin

Yes, I recall also that the Obama regime said “one beheading here or there” was not a reason to drop support for Harakat Nour Ad Din Al Zenki.

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly he is right, if he said so. Its not evben an Obama thing. Its more that he dares to say people are spendables like that.

Hind Abyad

Indeed it was painful to watch

White Helmets the one in red circle https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f987b88a6fa7171aeef4bc6552f43505ee80fbfa3e0b3f437518fff8aacaea0.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/81068f2fee39fd2df049d24165eebfb48416f08a89a79c1c5518cdf0e3ad6272.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e934883b6e5194486cc6d851890646a11dbded0c6037b5a50f16cc238d8868d0.png

Jens Holm

I do. Thye certainly branded themself :( :(

Jens Holm

Nice to see someone hit like that today at least look fine. Nice pics.

I remember the Vietnamese girl hit bynapalm running naked too. That picture was forbidden by facebook, because it was childporno:(

I also remember the Manniken pis as statue and world art forbidden by several sites as porno.

..And an old thriller – “…and the rain was black”.

Hind Abyad

Hoping they burn in Hell for eternity for the Hell imposed on innocent people. 2013 Anti-Syria propaganda. “I think there’s a great resentment even among the Alawites towards the Assads,” says the source. “Because they feel they are the ones paying the price. Even in you hear it.The graves for us and the palaces for them.” This after HRW “You Can Still See Their Blood” Executions, Indiscriminate Shootings, and Hostage Taking by Opposition Forces in Latakia Countryside” https://www.hrw.org/report/2013/10/10/you-can-still-see-their-blood/executions-indiscriminate-shootings-and-hostage https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cea7df8a049842c8c762701c25af2e145ba2b1756561d826179319b1f3340988.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ffa5d996a21862d422508ce1879db8ee0b049855b644162f63f6e4226289828f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/331a29a335a34505fdc5e7516072998d22a60f9dc602af60ad88b39b9ca3e9dd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7d1a7b58120f527d397e6548b5f97ef65cc12381f426827ef53ac5c1c21ef3e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/250bb739b4237d51529ca1316f084ea81e8c16f9c66cf2ed9e6153766b7ff570.jpg

Kenny Jones ™



Fairly sure that Hitler wasn’t Charlie Sheen, Hunter Biden or Bill Clinton.


“KJ” was blocked – probably an agent provocateur from Tel Aviv.

Jihadi Colin

Omran was a photo op, but an organised propaganda campaign,and his parents were always pro Syria, not headchoppers.

khaled iskef

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-40176781 i was the first who got omran first proto after he looked blooded his father was refusing to speak to media when the terrorist was in his country

Hind Abyad

Look like make up blood he never cried they say.

khaled iskef

no he did not , his father told me that when the explosion haeppend he lost omran and found him in white helmets hands taking pictures of him instead of helping him


Great reporting Khaled – followed and subscribed to your youtube channel.

Shame about that typical BBC vomit but at least you helped raise the topic for others to question.

khaled iskef

thank you

Peter Jennings

Think Bana, think the angry emoji, who is also being used by her parents for all the perks they can get. When Syria becomes liberated, these people will be looking for jobs in the west which comes with a lovely down town flat, a stones throw from spook central.


There is a lot of bullshit propaganda about Aleppo. The real thing i recall was the siege by jihad scum on the big hospital, the daily bombings on Kurd and government neighbourhoods, the beheading of a young boy but after all the heroic liberation of Aleppo wich is now a peacefull city again.

Hind Abyad

American Embassy in Syria. https://twitter.com/walid970721/status/1252629342720573442


wasnt jeffey the liaison for ISIS terrorists???

Hind Abyad

Yes disguised as anti ISIS.. ”Jeffrey is a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a member of the CIA External Advisory Board, a member of the American Council on Germany, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations”


Yes Aleppo was on my TV every day at that time with 24/7 Bullshit,have you noticed since the City was liberated not one report of how life is now in Aleppo from those Reich prostitutes in the media?


Yep like in all other liberated area’s as well. Those who fled are the retarded goatfuckers who collaborated with the jihad swines

Icarus Tanović

Check Ozzy man Goats.

Hind Abyad

Happy to introduce one I loved very much. ‘My Daily Life in SYRIA (Heart-Breaking Travel Experience)’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM9cxVKNqJ0


It was another ‘humanitarian crisis demanding intervention’ trope in western media – then when SAA resumed control and order – total western media silence. The western media were never interested in the true story – that non-local terrorists occupied eastern half of city, entrenched themselves in a front line, and routinely shelled the western half of city and its residential suburbs. The western media were only interested in attempting to use Aleppo as a means to an end – to create a sufficient public narrative (barrell-bombs!) to instigate a western military intervention against Syrian state. When Aleppo was no longer available as a tool for manufacturing the standard humanitarian crisis narrative, it was quickly forgotten in western media.

khaled iskef

This is what we are trying to expose through the true and fair media


I wouldn’t trust the opinion of any 7 year old on such matters, let alone one whose parents are terrorist militants. Children are easy to brainwash.

Jens Holm

Its also easy to indicate brainwash or not. So many here seemes brainswashed from before they were born.


Ok NATO lover, go back to reading articles on MSM websites then. Comfort yourself with lies about the ‘global rules-based order™’ being under constant threat by those evil Russians/Chinese/Iranians etc.

Jens Holm

You know nothing about me or has no memory. Your assumptions are wrong too.


Seems accurate to me, given the babble you write…

Sol Invictus

You cannot be brainwashed tho: you have no brain at all.


So are fluoridated fools. North America is full of them.

Jens Holm

Its very impressing that SF not even mention 6.000 SDFs trying to clean up the Al HOL CAMP for anything illegal they can.

So far many things are found as well as at least 23 are arrested.

Fog of War

Straight from the source.

” Pollard: Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty’ & should consider spying for Israel ”


Tommy Jensen

Personally I believe in everything what Bana tells the world, because children never lie. Only adults lie!

If she says HitlerPutin and Butcher Assad bombed hospitals, weddings, kindergartens and schools, because the two Hitler regimes refuse to give Syrian moderate civilians a little freedom, its the truth and also a fact!

Jihadi Colin

Er, Banana’s mother claimed she wrote all of Banana’s tweets (it was even on the Twitter page, “all tweets by my mom (sic)”), so your argument is invalid.

Hind Abyad

No Tommy I know what you mean this is not the case.

Bana’s father is a terrorist, she obeyed her mother. I was always on Syrian news makes me sad and only came here after banned on twitter. As for your following paragraph I reject ..not funny rather MSM.

Concrete Mike

Hi welcome.

Tommy is the King of sarcasm and irony.

Do not get triggered, as he is a snapshot into the american reality. Take it as that.

Hind Abyad

Oh yes i know him ;-) he has a twin brother.

Hind Abyad

I do ;-(


I see what you did there, Tommy – you just wanted me to share this:

• Western media quick to accuse Syria of ‘bombing hospitals’ – but when TERRORISTS really destroy Syrian hospitals, they are silent


On the latter half …

“It truly sounds grandiose when a statesman or journalist steps up to proclaim, in glowing terms, the necessity of eliminating a regime in another country for the sake of democracy or something of that kind.”

(I’ll provide the source when I think you can handle the truth 😊 )

Arch Bungle

Children tell the lies they are told …

Good in the service of Evil.


babble on halfwit…


Bana speaking “English” or not …


Featured here by the remarkable Eva K Bartlett


Hind Abyad

Skoolafish bless you for this. I loved Walid.

Bana had be to seated close to her mother who whisper English words.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5f1dfe6a9d8bb936924d8d765f8ef2860c3af2006d65148f2c48a4b8dba79338.jpg


Some great reporting also from Vanessa Beeley on 21st Century Wire from prior years.

• White Helmets Exploit Children to ‘Manufacture Consent’ for ‘Humanitarian’ War in Syria – Vanessa Beeley


• BANA ALABED: A Lost Childhood and a Future Jeopardized by Ongoing Child Exploitation – Vanessa Beeley


More … https://21stcenturywire.com/author/21vbeeley/

Hind Abyad

Vanessa Beeley was tireless helping Syrians. (Hope it has sound)

Al Kindy Hospital was the pride of Syria, Syrians and Lebanese were there for cancer.

‘Aleppo’s Battlefield Russian Report Heroes of al Kindi hospital’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Q88UnyMZQ

khaled iskef

me and vanessa did some really hard work exposing forgien agenda in my country like the white helmets and omran dakinsh as u can see in my privet investigations about all the pervious subject here in the links : https://telanganatoday.com/remember-omran-syrian-boy https://www.almayadeen.net/reports/932143/6-%D8%A3%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%85%D8%B6%D8%AA-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%B2%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%86%D9%87%D8%B1-%D9%82%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%82-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A8 https://southfront.org/the-fiasco-of-james-le-mesuriers-death/

Hind Abyad

Hello Khaled! Thank you for all your work defending the truth.

Almayadeen in Arabic have important documents. I can open but it’s frozen..

Do you remember Ahed Tamini, when she was 8 or so, she was invited by Erdogan to recieve for a prize for her courage, she never smiled.

khaled iskef

her name is ahed tamimi she is a Palestinian i know she did not but the turkish media pictured it as the dream of her life to meet Ardogan

Hind Abyad

Really? Little Ahed unresponsive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZYvY3ghcVg

khaled iskef

Looks like she’s been indoctrinated

Hind Abyad

She’s one year younger than Bana.


Hind Abyad

Quebec is the only province that dare have an opinion in Canada. An Egyptian friend of mine is one of them. https://syriefactuel.medium.com/quand-rachad-antonius-relaie-la-désinformation-sur-les-casques-blancs-82c3bcbb70ed


Une video pour vous….


Hind Abyad

Merci Alexandre, c’est bien se passe, ils sont hors la loi et s’en fichent, personne peut rien contre eux, au moins il informe les Français De souche, qui aiment leur pays heureusement il y a encore la generation qui a vécu dans une France libre, pour informer la jeunesse.


Un dernier œuf de Pâques:https://parstoday.com/fr/news/middle_east-i94822-isra%C3%ABl_est_au_bout!


Hind Abyad

Je suis bien contente, une bonne date, Pâques c’est encore plus important que Noêl pour les Chrétiens du Moyen Orient.


La fameuse Grande Pacques Russe


RIMSKY KORSAKOV – Ouverture La Grande Pâque Russe




The situation around the Ukraine is very rapidly escalating and there are a lot of signs that everybody is preparing for some kind of crisis. I would draw your attention to Andrei Martyanov’s blog and, specifically, this article of his: https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/2021/04/they-neocons-may-have-anger-issues.html. I would also point you to this recent article on ZH: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/frightening-escalation-looms-russia-warns-nato-against-sending-any-troops-ukraine.

So far these are the key elements of what is taking place:

First, the Ukronazis have moved a large force (infantry, armor, artillery, MLRS, etc.) close to the line of contact. Ukrainian forces have also penetrated into the “grey zone” which was supposed to remain neutral and separate both sides. Kiev has officially approved a doctrine which calls Russia the enemy. The Ukrainian Chief of Staff has admitted that the Ukrainian forces are forward deployed and in the highest state of readiness. The diversity-freaks who now run the US “diplomacy” have made numerous statements in full support of the Ukraine. NATO has failed to reach any consensus (Germany seems to be the main reason for this). The Poles are now openly provoking Russia by sending military ships (surface and one sub) and aircraft in the direct proximity to the Russian pipe-laying ships in the Baltic. In one case, a Polish fishing vessel has even rammed a ship claiming “engine problems”. The French AFP reports that General Mark Milley spoke with General Valery Gerasimov, the Russian Armed Forces chief of staff, and General Ruslan Khomchak, chief of the general staff of the Armed Forces. Russia has been steadily reinforcing her western border and, especially, Crimea. The Donetsk People’s Republic has declared a mobilization of all her reserves. The internal situation of the Urkonazi occupied Banderastan is quickly degrading due to the pandemic, the infighting of various factions and the economic freefall. What does the government do to counteract these problems? Repeat “Russia! Russia! Russia!” like a mantra. There are consistent reports that NATO is either already on high alert or will soon be.




Ukrainian’s elected Zelenskiy because he ran on a platform of peace with Russia. It is amazing how many ‘players’ are profiting from the sale of weapons to Ukraine since 2014, while talking about peace with Russia. For whatever reason Zelenskiy has ordered Ukrainian forces to the border of Crimea. Russia has responded to Zelenskiy’s action. Biden has committed to some type of support for Zelenskiy should Russia (unlikely) invade. Russia has a right to protect Crimea from invaders. Here is just another example of US government provoking unrest in the world and again with Russia


Alexander Mercouris is possibly a little more optimistic than the Saker concerning the situation. I have friends working on the vessels installing the Nordstream2 pipelines. They won’t be too chuffed to know there’s a Polish submarine prowling around the western Baltic with bad intentions. Surely the occulted diabolicals won’t pull a stunt on Easter Sunday ?


I dare…..

Hind Abyad

Glad to see Vanessa’s back on twitter many documents were cut off on youtube like here. I tried a blog recommended by you it said hold on https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/625128b30005e11686a076dd3ab5f7f187fc66c1a92f77af67a0faee7dfc5332.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e2894687582697af5e4688af708b294dc80b93225a8cda8dae2fbcbfbad80a1.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvqyXP_BbBQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIoI1LaFRTs


“Shame on you … Shame on you … Shame on you … “

Oh dear, I thought I was listening to Greta Thunberg – both equally abused and dehumanised with no chance of regaining their souls.

Hind Abyad

You have good memory, never thought about this. It’ brainwash children loose their innocence and spontaneity (like adults) feel important. Bana was just seven the age of dreams and promises.. beautiful.. cloths fairy tails and gifts..

‘Meet Syrian refugee girl Bana Al-Abed who starred at the Oscars’https://www.arabnews.com/node/1260576/art-culture


Veering off topic but this is a real treat …

• Pepe Escobar joins Jeff J. Brown for a great conversation about US, EU, China, Russia, Iran and DPRK


Jeff’s comparison of the upstart Blinken with the likes of the eminent ‘yodas’ Wang Yi and Lavrov was superb.

Just one thing – Jeff keeps making this same mistake so I left a comment:

What a treat to listen to you both, Jeff and Pepe. Shared widely.

Just one point of order, Jeff. It is not ‘White’ people who control the ‘western’ narrative through all major media outlets including Hollywood, who determine [particularly US] foreign policy, especially in the ongoing genocide throughout the Middle East and towards Russia and China, and it is not ‘White’ people bent on exterminating its very own existence via the [Coudenhove-]Kalergi Plan (see the recipients of the Charlemagne Prize]. Furthermore, the Jewish Sassoon dynasty, known as “Rothschilds of the East”, and central to the opium wars and the start of China’s century of humiliation, is anything but ‘White’.


Good point. George Orwell said the same thing in “1984,” about how the dystopians are not really about “White” people. He wrote, “The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life.” Anyone of any race can carry that ideology, and it hurts all people of all races.

Hind Abyad

An amazing surprise for me to watch Jeff J Brown and Pepe about what’s hunting us all on this planet..with the passing of the last ten years my thoughts have been ‘if they’re unsinkable they will sink themselves up..i don’t care if it’s in my life time. https://twitter.com/CGChinaLiYang/status/1376139882461081604

Hind Abyad

Wrong pic above


R Zella

Interesting at 26:40 that Israel is not scared of the nukes of Iran but Hezbollah and their 100,000+ missiles hidden in the hills.

Concrete Mike

Whenever i start a peice of diesel equipment that belches out black smoke, I often yell to the sky “Fuck you greta!!!”

Feels good man.


That so called mother should be arrested for child abuse,she will probably give the kid to IS as a jihadi bride before she is ten.

R Zella

“Flemish priest Father Daniel Maes, based in Damascus’ countryside, said: “I have seen with my own eyes how agitators from outside Syria organized protests against the government and recruited young people. Murders were committed by foreign terrorists, against the Sunni and Christian communities, in an effort to sow religious and ethnic discord among the Syrian people.” From my own fourteen visits from April 2014 and over the next seven years, what I’ve heard and experienced in Syria only confirmed my early suspicions that what Al Jazeera and Western media were purporting were lies.

– While people did aspire to political change (and the government made changes), from the start there was violence from well-armed “protesters.” – Contrary to what the media would have us believe, there wasn’t wide support for what was dubbed a “revolution,” and it wasn’t actually a revolution. Predominantly Sunni Aleppo rejected the non-revolution. – The core message of the protesters who continued beyond the first few protests was not about democracy but about driving out Christians to Beirut and killing Alawites. A sectarianism promoted by the West and its Gulf allies.

Although mass media attempted to paint events in Syria as a “civil war,” both Israel and Western nations have long been supporting terrorists in Syria, including Al-Qaeda in Syria (reportedly providing them medical treatment), and even Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). And as I detailed, the West has long been working to change the government of Syria, even decades prior during Hafez al-Assad’s time.”

Sure sounds like the Antifa types/terrorists agitating in Syria too. Cruelty and lies same m.o.

Jihadi Colin

I remember Banana’s mother tweeting “she is dead”, and then hastily claiming she was talking about someone else, then tweeting “so we got out of East Aleppo”, then deleting that tweet. Apart of course the infamous “Dear World, it is better to start WWIII” one which launched a thousand parodies.

My personal idea is that Banana’s parents – and by now she herself – are as much con persons as tools. They used and discarded plenty of dupes, including Abdulkafi Alhamdo (who allegedly taught Banana’s mother English) as soon as they were no longer useful. Alhamdo is now bleating about Assad “pomping” his new home of Idlibistan, while Banana lives it up in the Imperialist States of America.


Dilemma between “i told you so” kind of news and shame of reporting an old and non trending news.

Sol Invictus

You don’t know what shame means you braindead troll….


no i don’t. you do apparently though.

Sol Invictus

All human beings do, unlike animals (like you).


What animal do you see me as, in your fantasies? :)))

Arthur Deodat Jr.

I feel sorry for Bana. IMHO she was abused by intel/PSYOP. A little child that can’t speak english but tweetes perfectly in the same language. A media container filled with fake news and slogans to press on people’s emotions. To apologise chaos sewn in Syria in greed for oil and political goals.

Hind Abyad

Ba is a stupid spoiled girl… here’s Malaka 8 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CkBqZS1jeo


That was very moving – downloaded and shared. Thank you Hind.

Cheryl Brandon


Arch Bungle

An Empire Run By Paedophiles, exploiting a Child.

What a surprise …


The one thing that most people refuse to understand, is that in a dog eat dog world, a world where survival of the fittest is the standard, and where economic inequality is representative of real power and fitness?

money power rules. Obviously. Globalists are money power.

It is the ONLY explanation that works geo politically. The propaganda ? Teams of spin doctors, shrinks and otherwise disingenuous people paid good money to fluck with our insignificant collective intellect. To an end.

I know why they do it, and I think globalism needs be done. Because the finite world is at war with itself, and can not sustain.

The media is propaganda. BBC is smack dab in the middle of the globalist empire. Because usury, is the power behind globalism. Obviously. The only real international power. And those who refuse to submit get bombed back to the middle ages. Those who sit on oil and resources are subjected to genocide by globalist “tools”.

The whole geo political picture is no different. Useful idiots used to facilitate lies and propaganda. Greed and envy facilitating the help of countless minions. Its all theater and to an end. While the herd is so easily manipulated with fear and greed and hate and prejudice.

For me the question and answer are quite simple.

If we participate in globalism as it is offered, then we must face the fact it will change our ideology permanently. And it will change us, permanently. And we have to accept they will do murder and invasion and torture and any depredation thinkable, in order to do it. We have seen it, many times.

I think we are a failed species. Because we war upon each other while we shat all over our finite planet with infinite dreams of self gain at the expense of everything else… The globalist offers us the end to the war, but what is the cost of that ? An end to free spirit ?

For me, I know I am powerless to do anything but think. And I think we are doomed to either destruction, or serfdom. Under the current globalist plan.

“What will be, will be” And as George Carlin said, ” we got a front row seat to the freak show”. So I pay attention to the freak show.

They now do gene therapy on the masses, under the guise of vaccinating. It is not a vaccination. It is gene therapy. And you are the guinea pig. Because they fast tracked right on by safety.

Big pharma, is owned by the globalist.

Take your chances. I will wait and see what happens to you. While you allow them to alter your genetic makeup, in order to reduce the symptoms of a relatively benign disease. Because the so called vaccines do not prevent anything. Without safety trials yet :P

Canadian government announced recently that only 66 cases of seasonal flu reported this season. It is usually 40 to 60 THOUSAND.

lol. Take your shot sheep.

Hind Abyad

Well said.


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