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MARCH 2025

Barrage Of Rockets Hit Base Hosting US Troops In Central Iraq

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Barrage Of Rockets Hit Base Hosting US Troops In Central Iraq

Illustrative image.

Late on April 18, a barrage of rockets struck Balad Air Base which is located 64 km north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

The RT TV said that three rockets landed in the base. However, Reuters reported that the number of rockets was at least five. From its side, the Sabereen News channel on Telegram claimed that six rockets were actually used in the attack.

US troops are known to be present in the air base, where F-16 warplanes are also deployed. The base also hosts headquarters of American Sallyport Global Holdings.

Citing Iraqi sources, RT reported that two Iraqi service members were wounded in the rocket strike. Meanwhile, the Sabereen News claimed that foreign contractors working for the US-led coalition were also wounded.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, so far. Pro-Iranian factions in Iraq are known for carrying similar attacks on US troops in the country.

This was the second attack on a facility hosting US troops in Iraq this week. On April 15, a suicide drone hit a US military installation in Erbil International Airport in the Kurdistan Region.

The new rocket attack on Balad Air Base was likely a part of the ongoing military campaign by pro-Iranian forces to push US troops out of Iraq. The US-led coalition usually responds to fatal attacks only.


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Steve Standley

Note that “contractors” were reported as casualties by Sabre News, and that there was no acknowledgement from US news sources. As I said before, contractors (read mercenaries) are employed by the US here to avoid any responsibility or blow back.


Contractors = non-military personnel


Contracto0rs = dogs of war – Erik Prince’s White Trash Rapists


Contractors = Wagner war criminals


They are the trash rejects of our militarily. The US public is casualty averse since Vietnam, so they hire ghetto and trailer park trash rejects to fight in these endless lost wars for Jews. These are mostly criminals and responsible for the vast majority of war crimes against civilians. In Iraq these Blackwater mercenaries are responsible for over 20,000 civilian deaths since 2008.

Ashok Varma

A realistic article in Washington Two blocks from the Federal Reserve, a growing encampment of the homeless grips the economy’s most powerful person Rachel Siegel , The Washington Post

Ashok Varma

You are a remarkably ignorant troll. The contractors are mercenaries, mostly recruited from the military. They are more expendable as the corrupt governments don’t have to pay any benefits or their deaths raise public ire. It is estimated that over 30,000 US contractors have been killed or maimed in these wars for Zionism.


Ignorant … canard


The criminal parasitic Jew leeches have got the US involved in this endless quagmire in Arab lands. It serves no US interest as the Jew bastards want to shed our blood and money for their delusional agenda. America needs to end these wars and let the Jews fend for themselves. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Ashok Varma

US dolts are bleeding in endless wars for nothing as China rises. As Napoleon said, don’t interrupt when your enemies commit suicide.

Steve Standley

Good advice. I only wish the primary perpetrators were bleeding and committing suicide.

Ashok Varma

US is the primary loser at home and abroad in these lost sapping wars, costing $15 trillion and thousands of deaths, and for what? US policies are manipulated by a greedy evil cabal of Zionist Jews who are hell bent on global destruction, but now with power shifting to Eurasia by the hour, they will fail as global resentment against Jews is rising. The US in its suicidal meaness is delivering the world to China on a silver platter. The Chinese economy is growing by 20% post Covid. The Chinese are investing a trillion dollars in Iran alone as an excellent article by an Indian journalist in Asia Times today highlights. Americans are naive, violent, stupid short sighted braggart that are ruining their poverty stricken failed state. Almost half the US population is now officially in abject poverty and living on streets or destitute. The delusions of grandeur have proved to be a Hollywood fantasy.


Yeah i believe its $15 Trillion for just in the Middle East or worldwide?

Either way it has to be more than CNBC’s estimate in 2019 of $6.4 Trillion since 2001 in the Middle East.

Lone Ranger

Seems like the new norm… Don’t worry, it was all covid cases…


Covid is a ‘yankee plot’ … eh?

Lone Ranger

Globalist plot.


Exactly … May it strike you dead

Lone Ranger

You first Shlomo… You are the same neo trotskyites ziorat trash who funded adolf and the nazi party and the commie revolution in Russia. But you are failing big times nowadays… Chickens are coming home to roost…


I’ve had 1 Pfizer … waiting patiently for the 2nd … eh?

The variants are relentless … more deadly to a younger generation …

ver geharget


Don’t waste time getting the Vaccine ‘cos Herzbollah will slaughter you by 2022 anyway


Not if you go home where you came from, huh?


Lone Ranger

Finally some good news… Hope you get yzpur second shot soon…


Thanks … I need to get it … the golf course beckons

Just Me

Hush you little Jew twatz. Big changes happening. A high level Saudi delegation is negotiating with Iran for an end to Yemen war and co-ordinating regional security with Iran. Also Chinese investment in Iran up to 1 trillion dollars. Zionist scum admit that they can not do anything against Iranian nuclear program. Ameriswine running from Afghanistan. READ ASIA TIMES , YOU DUMB TROLL. NEXT….


Talk is cheap …. Actions speak louder than

The War in Yemen should be ended …. a political solution arrived at

Iran / Saudis with a Kumbaya moment? Let’s see ….

As for China ? Let’s see …

Americans leaving Afghanistan is a brilliant idea …

Ashok Varma

Make sure you get Johnson and Johnson triple shots too to increase your golf and mental handicap too. You Jews are a burden on western tax payers anyway and want to live forever. The future has landed……


Eunuch … eh?

Ashok Varma

That is low and eunuch like, even for a hasbara troll.

Ashok Varma

In India Hijras or eunuchs curse a lot.

Free man

What did you say about Covid ? https://twitter.com/AbasAslani/status/1383838060685586435


He died of a broken heart … after Natanz blew up … eh?

Free man

Or the mullahs don’t want to admit that he died of the corona virus.


Ya think?

Free man

Yes. There are currently record numbers of coronavirus deaths in Iran.

Captain Freedom

From the FDA fact sheet https://www.fda.gov/media/144414/download

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms may include: fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; diarrhea.

Symptoms like flu. But where is death? WHERE?

Free man


Captain Freedom

Belarus among many other countries, is doing well without any measures or mandates since the scamdemic began. Lets just ignore that, right? If you pay attention you’ll notice what polticians and media say doesn’t line up with the situation on the streets AT ALL. But continue living in the matrix, a world entirely created by the mass media that dominates your daily life.



List shows 10 countries with the highest number of cases and deaths for today.


Covid-19 deaths per 1 million of population as of today (worldometers)

Czechia=2,651 Hungary=2,612 San Marino=2,560 Bosnia and Herzegovina=2,386 Montenegro=2,275 Bulgaria=2,200 North Macedonia=2,133 Belgium=2,039 Slovakia=2,033 Slovenia=2,000 Italy=1,936 UK=1,867 USA=1,747 Brazil=1,747 Peru=1,704 Portugal=1,666 Spain=1,646 Poland=1,640 Mexico=1,632 Croatia=1,606 Andorra=1,590 France=1,541 Liechtenstein=1,465 Panama=1,416 Lithuania=1,397 Moldova=1,384 Romania=1,371 Sweden=1,359 Colombia=1,324 Chile=1,308 Armenia=1,307 Argentina=1,300 Luxembourg=1,238 Switzerland=1,207 Latvia=1,098 Austria=1,094 Bolivia=1,071 Lebanon=1,018 Ecuador=991 Georgia=989 Netherlands=985 Ireland=971 Germany=959 Malta=924 Ukraine=914 Greece=911 South Africa=897 Aruba=859 Estonia=823 Albania=815 Tunisia=815 Jordan=802 Belize=788 Iran=787 Monaco=786 Paraguay=729 Russia=723 Israel=689 Serbia=688 Sint Maarten=624 Canada=622 Mayotte=604 Costa Rica=599 Palestine=581 Eswatini=574 Caribbean Netherlands=568 Curaçao=535 Uruguay=531 French Polynesia=500 Honduras=494 Channel Islands=491 Bahamas=490 Wallis and Futuna=451 Guadeloupe=440 Turks and Caicos=434 Denmark=423 Turkey=422 Libya=417 Azerbaijan=405 Guatemala=396 Iraq=366 Saint Lucia=364 Oman=361 Bahrain=340 Isle of Man=340 Cabo Verde=339 Guyana=339 Kuwait=333 El Salvador=319 Suriname=317 Antigua and Barbuda=314 Dominican Republic=313 French Guiana=312 Saint Martin=306 Bermuda=290 Botswana=281 Belarus=256 Seychelles=253 Jamaica=243 Morocco=240 Cyprus=237 Namibia=234 Kyrgyzstan=234 Montserrat=200 Saudi Arabia=194 Kazakhstan=179 Martinique=171 Comoros=165 Finland=160 Sao Tome and Principe=157 Indonesia=157 UAE=156 Barbados=153 Réunion=150 Lesotho=146 Philippines=144 Qatar=134 Norway=130 India=129 Maldives=128 Egypt=122 Djibouti=116 Trinidad and Tobago=109 Nepal=104 Zimbabwe=103 St. Barth=101 Mauritania=95 St. Vincent Grenadines=90 Iceland=85 Syria=81 Japan=76 Equatorial Guinea=74 Pakistan=72 Algeria=71 Gambia=69 Venezuela=67 Zambia=66 Senegal=64 Afghanistan=64 Bangladesh=63 Gabon=59 Myanmar=59 Malawi=58 Sudan=49 Cuba=46 Kenya=45 Malaysia=42 Somalia=40 Yemen=37 Cameroon=35 S. Korea=35 Australia=35 British Virgin Islands=33 Guinea-Bissau=33 Cayman Islands=30 Sri Lanka=29 Ethiopia=28 Hong Kong=28 Nicaragua=27 Mozambique=25 Congo=25 Ghana=24 Rwanda=24 Haiti=22 Mali=21 Faeroe Islands=20 Uzbekistan=19 Madagascar=19 Angola=17 Liberia=17 CAR=15 Togo=14 Mongolia=13 Mauritius=12 Ivory Coast=10 Guinea=10 Papua New Guinea=10 South Sudan=10 Nigeria=10 Sierra Leone=10 Chad=10 Grenada=9 Tajikistan=9 Benin=8 DRC=8 Niger=8 Uganda=7 Burkina Faso=7 Brunei=7 Singapore=5 New Zealand=5 Eritrea=3 Cambodia=3 China=3 Fiji=2 Western Sahara=2 Bhutan=1 Timor-Leste=1 Thailand=1

Ashok Varma

Not true. Wishful sick thinking.

Free man


Ashok Varma

Iran has done far better than India, US, Brazil and most of Europe. In any case human misery is nothing to gloat over. Shows a sick hatefilled mind.

Free man


Kenny Jones ™

Natanz is at 60% now, what blow up?


Natanz … can you smell it from your home?

If not … you soon will … eh?

Kenny Jones ™

No then it will be 90%


Cool … the fireball will be painless

Ashok Varma

Dimona will be hit. Next

Ashok Varma

Nothing happened. Indian media has an interview with the ex-Zionist airforce chief and he says that Iran has prepared for all eventualities for over 21 years and their nuclear program can not be rolled back.

Kenny Jones ™



Yep, it blew up its enrichment from 20% to 60% – OUCH FakeJoo land thieves shot themselves in the foot AGAIN. Next attack will Blow up Natanz enrichment to 99%. Thereafter, NEXT attack will blow up Fake Joo stolen State of “Israel”. No More Fake Joo left. LMFAO

Icarus Tanović

No, you misspelled, it’s actualy Ganz and Demona, Negev.


No … it was Natanz

If Dimona was attacked … Iran would be flattened … it’s people suffering from lack of water / food / services

Icarus Tanović

We’re just waiting for that to happen, so we’ll see who levels who.


Yes … let’s hope it’s devastating to the Arab / Muslims and the Persians … eh?

Icarus Tanović

But ain’t gonna be. And Persians are Muslims. Block head.


Aww …

You sound upset … do you have skin in the game?

With your chosen avatar name ?


Ashok Varma

Iran held a great militarily parade today. Just saw it on Zee TV. Many new weapons.

Free man



No, its a fake Joo plot

Kenny Jones ™

It is a scamdemic


I agree … walk around without a mask

I agree … go to work if you’re unwell

I agree … don’t wash your hands and touch your face … pick your nose

I’m good …

Kenny Jones ™

Thanks, I will, it’s called natural selection, who dies, dies, not my problem


I agree … but we live in community in the West … there are laws and the ‘rule of law’ …. following them are important

Sharia law is for Muslims … Muslims but especially Shia are people who believe in fate …

Let’s hope you get your wish …

Icarus Tanović

Is that your zionistic sharia that you’re talking about, you rotten wankstar?


I’m telling YOU like it is bro … YOU’RE hated … by a group with sovereignty and willingness to use their military might to shove it down your throats … eh?

I’m ok with it … eh?

Kenny Jones ™

There is no mask mandate in the Middle East


The population will be spreading the virus … unwittingly

Kenny Jones ™

The ‘virus’ isn’t real


Oh … it’s very real and relentless in its pursuit of a host


I agree.

Ashok Varma

It is just a flu. The deaths are from various pre-existing conditions in mostly old and vulnerable poor people. Look at Sweden, hardly any deaths as it has good universal health care.

Icarus Tanović

And I’m bwahahahahahahahahahaha NEXT.

John Wallace

We don’t have covid so we don’t use masks but as for the rest . of course not.

Ashok Varma

Most likely another Jew crime against humanity.


That’s sadly true :) Covid us the Zionist reaper of choice these days :)

Ashok Varma

Covid is hyped up flu and being used by repressive western governments to suppress human rights. All deaths, whether from car accidents, old age, heart attacks, cancer etc are being lumped under Covid. Globally 90% of deaths in India and most of the world have been old and poor people.


2. Retaliation will be exacted … Iraqi forces better separate and point out the PMU forces …

1 & 3 Are bs …

Remind me … the IDF face missile fire without knowing from whom and without exacting retaliation?


Icarus Tanović

Yes, like what would happen? IDF are chickens. Like tou would leveling Beirut like you did backinthadays? Go ahead and try. And I just wonder, I have questions, why IDF doesn’t cross to Lebanese airspace anymore, to help theirs Wahhabi ISIS headchopping friends doing carnages in Syria? There’s something about Cindy.


The IDF have their own agenda … eh?

I just read and marvel at the capabilities of the IAF … Lebanon can’t stop them … eh?

If they attempted to shoot at an IAF JET that would beget a major war … eh?

Icarus Tanović

Do you know how dumb you sound? You sound like retard…eh Drunk…eh Punk…eh Doped…eh. This is how do you sound, like having some block in the middle of the sentence.


Tell me how you REALLY feel … I really care … eh?


Icarus Tanović

Just like I said. And one thing is for sure, you are not from Israel, you’re from America, American Zionist, wannabe jew, and you’re not.

Ashok Varma

Claims to be living in Canada. But does not know anything about Canada. These Jew trolls are all liars and spew nonsense to deflect from real issues.

Ashok Varma

Iraq facilitating Iran-Saudi talks. Zionism is in mortal peril.


Consider the source … besides the UAE has many Iranians … Iran is OK

The IRGC / Mullah Police State is the enemy


good and more to come and soon the really heavy stuff will arrive and make the jews in palestine wish they never had been born. I guess they could be welcome on an over crowded island in the north sea but the yankee-twats’ general population hates the jews with abandon and they will never be allowed to settle there.

Kenny Jones ™

Waste of rockets, no official US troops are there, hit the ones with them in it, contractors aren’t worth it

Ashok Varma

They should be targeting US and NATO occupation troops and exacting casualties. The rocket attacks should be numerous and followed with IEDs.

johnny rotten

Thanks to the work of the english secret services now the Americans know who is behind these attacks with rockets, Mr. Boshirov and Mr. Petrov, are always them: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af8dec35eddcb9fb431f7bb29d9caeef341fc99a0f8ac01b9878154d6930cf21.jpg

John Wallace

Weren’t they the same individuals shaking the boarding stairs causing Biden Dem (entia ) to fall a few times. They were also seen at the Twin Towers playing with remote control devices hung around their neck. They were also pretending to be fishermen on those attacking the US in the Gulf of Tonkin . They were also the ones secretly removing WMD out of Iraq . They were also the ones that provided the pistol that shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie. They are presently holidaying in Lugansk for unknown reasons.


You forgot that these same perps also crossed into the US from the Mexican border in 2016 to orchestrate the interference in the US elections that caused Hillary Clinton to be defeated by Donald Trump.



Rodney Loder

You could be forgiven for thinking Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry is now the US Secretary of State, fact is Biden got the message and wants to kiss and cuddle with China, however let’s not forget China would sell out anyone for the price of an oiley rag, except for principals that China’s future is dependant on and that includes Iran whereas previously it was the Israel maggots.

Icarus Tanović

You think they’re gonna leave? Maybe if Iraqis hit themas hard as Vietnamese did. But then Zionists are to take care of them selves, and they’re treated as 51th state of America.

Just Me

The Iraqi and regional resistance needs to pick up the tempo of attacks and inflict casualties on the US occupation cowards. They are fleeing from Afghanistan due to relentless attacks and rising cost which the Pentagon admitted is now officially $2.47 TRILLION. The Jew scum have bankrupted the dumbass Ameriswine and put them in the pig sty for good.

Ashok Varma

The Iraqi PM whose family lives in Iran is facilitating talks between Iran and Saudis and also emirates. The Zionists are in for a shock soon.

Ashok Varma

The longer the US bleeds in these sapping lost wars for Zionism, the better for rest of the world. US economy is bankrupt but the Anglo-zionist warmongers want to spread more global conflicts. Even Rome in its final days was not so idiotic.

Ashok Varma

It does not take a Rhodes scholar to realise the Guns versus Butter economic conundrum. The US is hooked on wars with a declining economy and that is a path to ruin. 64% of global manufacturing is in China alone. What does the US peddle besides expensive third rate weapons or junk cars? If we get rid of the CIA stooge Modi, even India will have a bigger economy than the US. Americans have proven to be astoundingly stupid, like a teenager with ADD armed with a shotgun. A danger to itself and all others.

Assad must stay


Jens Holm

Th dollar will collapse this week to as it did last week and last week.

The poor there, 165 million living in the streets hardly having umbrelles as cover, will be paid in Lira, Rials and Rubels. The already more wealthy poor people will get a shelkel addiction if the have curley hair and their ancisters didnt arrange own transportation. .

Jens Holm

I hope it wont kill You learning things.

Jens Holm

The americans had left and was asked in by the Bagdad Governess. They are used to outbalance the prohpets from Iran too. By that Iran dont dare to take over.

…And Syrians:)

Iraq already has had its own civil war even before Syria. What no war??????


Another reminder that the globalists are restricted to their bunkers and afraid to come out. Step on a few cockroaches and their heroes drop bombs on your women and children from 30,000 feet. Talk about appeal. No one wants them there. They have nothing anyone wants. So sad. But do make a case otherwise. The exceptions are those corrupt handful of Iraqi officials on the immediate payroll to do as Washington regime tells them. And so it will continue until this cycle is broken.


the EMPIRE OF CHAOS…is being reminded..BY THE REGIONAL NATIVES….”time s up” get out or be buried in the sands of mosopotamia”


the superb DMITRY ORLOV…raised in america..now back in russia…PUT IT WELL.. the FIVE STAGES OF COLLAPSE…financial…political….military…societal,,,cultural… “HISTORY shows NO empire survived when BUT 3 of the stages appeared simultaneously…or in quick succession…ALL previous empires did not require even four….once 4 th is reached…in any combination… it enters a period where ALL EFFORTS TO POSTPONE final collapse ONLY ACCELERATES AND INTENSIFIES the final collpase…creating a LOOP of cascading disintegration””

” all FIVE conditions are now present in the USA…and it s close allies…and the scenario ..in the usa? after the finale? ……unless it makes the mistake of launching a NUCLEAR war on russia or china…resulting in smoking ruins to the usa…the result is the same…..the sound of crickets””



UHMMM he sounds like he s not Chinese speaking Mandarin…or English like he loves English ‘democracy and human rights on UIGHUR either”…SO what are the ANGLO SAXONS doing trying to order HIM around…?


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