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Battalion Of Former Ukrainian Servicemen Took Oath To Russia

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Battalion Of Former Ukrainian Servicemen Took Oath To Russia

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On November 7, servicemen of the first Russian battalion, which consists of former Ukrainian soldiers, took the oath to Russia before being sent to the front line. The battalion named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky already passed the joint combat training at the rear training grounds in the Donetsk People’s Republic and is ready to enter the battles. An oath-taking ceremony was also held in the DPR. LINK, LINK

In the end of October, the battalion named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky became part of the operational-combat tactical formation (OBTF) “Cascade”. The famous military formation Cascade was created in 2017. It currently consists of about 7000 fighters of various specialties who serve under the command of the Colonel-General of the police Alexey Dikiy, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the DPR.

In February 2022, members of Cascade successfully advanced through Shirokino, Berdyansk, Sopino, Pionerskoye, Vinogradnoye and reached the city of Mariupol. Their reconnaissance battalion took part in the assault on Mariupol and the siege of Azovstal. This tactical unit approached the city of Ugledar and together with the marines of the 155th brigade of the Pacific Fleet, took control of Pavlovka located on the city outskirts. During Kiev’s counteroffensive in the Zaporozhye region in June 2023, the Cascade, together with the motorized infantry of the 5th Army of Russia, engaged in battles in the area of Velikaya Novoselka. According to the latest data, servicemen of this military formation are still deployed in the Ugledar and South-Donetsk directions.



Today Cascade is replenished with the battalion of former Ukrainian servicemen., who volunteerly joint the ranks of the Russian military to fight for the Ukrainian people. They are convinced that Ukraine must be saved from the hands of the current regime in Kiev.

“We have already sworn an oath to the Ukrainian people once, but we have not betrayed the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian people are now being held hostage by the criminal Kiev regime. We take the oath to the Russian people, but without betraying the Ukrainian people — we always stay with them because we are brothers,” a former soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told the media.

The first reports abou this volunteer battalion came in February 2023.  Then Andrei Tishchenko, one of the unit commanders, former senior sergeant and tank commander of the Ukrainian troops, told that the unit then consisted of seven dozen people, 95% of whom were former Ukrainian military with combat experience.

Most of them are natives of Donbass, mobilized in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. All of them passed a preliminary check and signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, received Russian citizenship. These people fulfilled the oath they took for the people of Ukraine to the end, and refused to protect the interests of the enemies of the people.


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what about the neo-nazi rusich group fighting on the side of the russian federation? the “denazification” of ukraine is only a low-iq smokescreen for poutine to justify invading and annexing ukraine. russians can risk up to 15 years in prison for disagreeing with the warmongering neo-bolshevik narrative, longer than many other russians guilty of far worse crimes.

en wikipedia org wiki rusich_group

vk com dshrg_rusich

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Professor Burton

death to neo-nazis, eric. you’re too half-witted, too hateful, too propagandized. your track mind betraying you. history repeats itself. you marched where you are commanded by a jew to die for the jews. once again meeting the pointy end of a russian sword. like a good nazi because the only good nazi is a dead nazi.


meaning you hate white people? and you ignore or deny all of the atrocities russia committed before, during and after world war 2? many of which were committed by the soviet union itself, not to mention all of the rapes and murders committed by the russian federation in ukraine.

Professor Burton

i dont hate whites. i am white. i hate half wits. whether they are white supremacists or jewish supremacists. you are all part of the problem. and we are not talking about nazi germany or ussr. we are talking about neo nazis and modern day russia. your track-mind is betraying you, son.

Last edited 1 year ago by Professor Burton

” i hate half wits. whether they are white supremacists or jewish supremacists.”

yet here you are. a half wit without a clue of what you are talking about. believing the media lies about “nazis” this and that. you do not have the background knowledge required to understand.

“whether they are white supremacists or jewish supremacists. you are all part of the problem.”

Professor Burton

what even is your point? you give me a headache. you sound like a confused teenager. now you are not white supremacist? what exactly are you? just anti-jew? anti-russia? pro ukraine? pro hitler? its like a soup of shit. what even is your point? you suffer from cognitive dissonance. i know the history of nazi germany. i’m the first one to tell you that countries and its peoples are pushed to war by the global banking elite.

Professor Burton

they set heroes and villains on the world stage as you pointed out in your pro-hutler diatribe. and they’re doing it again. but this time russia is the new “villain” and they are the ones fighting the satanic talmudists and masons. so why are you confused now? and anti russia


i am not a white supremacist. white people are the only people not allowed to protect, or love their identity. jewish identity is jewish supremacism. you are a bread and circuses moron, you are apart of the problem.

Professor Burton

i am vehemently anti jew. and unashamed or scared to say it. i like secular jews. sionazis can all go eat shit and die


“we are not talking about nazi germany or ussr.”

it is completely relevant.

“we are talking about neo nazis and modern day russia.”

modern day russia glorifies the soviet union that was run by psychopaths and killed millions of people. russia and the rest of the world upholds heinous lies to justify their criminality.

“your track-mind is betraying you”

the expression is not “track-mind”. it is “one track mind”. it shouldn’t be hyphenated.


derpster, who were these “millions of people” klled by the soviet union? the german and vassal armed forces in ’41-45? the counter-revolutionaries killed in the civil war? let’s see what you’ve got.

Low Hung Testicle

ussr was controlled by bolshevik jews you brain dead clown…. shut up with your nonsense and filling these pages with contradictory shit you jew loving fagg0t


you have poor focus and have no clue about what you think you know. you are too lazy, or stupid to know you believe in lies. the skinheads do not properly represent what they claim to. their bad image aids your total lack of understanding of subjects you ignorantly consider “ignorant, bigoted, hateful”. and you lack the intelligence / curiosity to dig deeper.

inpector gadget

you are projecting all you shit. that all describes you. people are giving you complexities beyond your carefully crafted copy n paste talking diatribes — and you seek contrarianism for the sake of being contrarian, disagreeable.

inpector gadget

they are telling you the beyond the bad guy vs good guy that the global banking elite mostly made up of jews are orchestrating conflict including alot of the misconception surrounding ww2. yet you are still on that “you dont understand the depth of our brand of fascism” bs


russia has the right to protect itself from unprovoked aggression of the kiev puppet gov who killed over 4000 babies. #neveragain

Last edited 1 year ago by WINSTON

hillbilly eric retired janitor in omaha—discarded bitter packuda


you refer to me as a hillbilly. and yet you cannot even formulate coherent sentences. your grammar is shit and you seem to have lived your life under a rock.


eric, retarded conspiracy theories are not allowed on non msm sites. if you did not know, and i am sure you did not, a study was made by the metropolitan university of manchester and they found out that people with low iq, such as yourself, should not be reading nor contributing to non msm information services as it causes you much stress and you are liable to die early from a heart attack. don’t believe me ? go look it up.


let me guess; you are african aren’t you? do me a favor and lookup the average national lqs of sub-saharan africa.


your comments about jews would land you a length prison sentence in russia. they protect jewish supremacists. the soviet union had the death penalty for anyone exposing jewish racism towards gentiles, they call it “antisemitism”. communism was created, led and financed by jews.


that is why hitler became german leader to combat the harm jewry inflicted upon germany, and that is why they lured germany into a war by harming ethnic germans in poland in order to overpower the national socialists in germany and restore jewish control in that country.


derpster, hitler became the “leader” of germany to take it down the garden path of destruction, which he did. the british were financing konsul at the same time they financed the ira in the twenties. still, that was a very good try that you made.


all of your other comments about “not sees” (they never called themselves “nazis”) is black propaganda based entirely on lies to brainwash everyone to suppress an ideology that is uplifting, therefore it poses a threat to jewish supremacist domination.

however it seems like you lack the mental capacity to think critically. all you seem capable of doing is mindlessly regurgitating the senseless drivel you were brainwashed to repeat like a parrot.

Professor Burton

to the contrary, you are repeating the ultra right propaganda. i see the erosion caused in society by globalist masonry / jewry everyday. it’s all reached a breaking point. however, i invite you to take a step backwards, access 5th dimension, and recognize how they polarized people to kill and die for them. two polarities exist and the hatred is a cycle feeding the beast that is killing all of us


russia elite is equally christian as it is jewish. we are an interfaith society and we adhere to the principles of equal respect. you are right, we do not tolerate any incitement of violence towards anyone. including the christians majority.


i literally showed you the richest russians are ethnically jewish. there is no way they could have acquired that much wealth without resorting to crime and nepotism.

you wrongly assume you know better than i do. while you repeat media lies regurgitated over and over, i studied the subject in far greater depth for much longer than you ever will.

you apparently lack the interest to ever look into it for longer than 15 minutes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Professor Burton

yes the world is unfair that way. grow up. you are all over the place. every country on earth has inequality and rich & poor. the world is not fair that way. get over it


you must have never looked into any world statistics. russia has a low gdp per capita, high abortion rates and low religiosity. russia would be indistinguishable from brazil if it were located in a southern climate.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

low “religiosity”? wat dat is?


i admit i should not have insulted anyone here. however that seems to be the norm on this side of the internet.


your pov is not particularly unique. we’ve already heard this “muh russia bad” rhetoric many times from the wef, soros, bill gates, israeli politicians and all the other usual suspects.

as i’ve said before, post a picture of your nose first and then we’ll talk.


3 hours later and still no picture of his nose. i knew it hehehe


before you proceed with your “muh russia evil” rhetoric, post a picture of your nose.


saudummes hasbaraq hurenkind should better stfu if unable to understand the difference between russian and slavic nationalists and patriots, and nazis or fascists.


1. why can’t you spell properly?

2. slavic nationalism is illegal in russia. they enforce multiculturalism at gunpoint more rigidly than any nato or eu country.

3. russian “patriotism” is kalergi mutt man internationalism / globalism intended to destroy ethnic russians through miscegenation. while imprisoning, or killing anyone who disagrees.


this is why you are not the brightest bulb or sharpest tool, are you? “globalism intended to destroy ethnic russians through miscegenation” i’m not sure if you noticed but russia is quite large and borders eastern europe including finland (considered west european), central asia, and east asia. we are multicultural and eurasian. if you want homogeneous white country, feel free to move to norway (if they’ll have you)


“i’m not sure if you noticed but russia is quite large”

most people are concentrated in urban areas. most of russia is uninhabited, the villages and townships outside of the major cities are not kept up well.


“if you want homogeneous white country, feel free to move to norway”

it was homogeneous before it conquered large portions of asia in the 17th and 18th centuries. it was white supremacist before bolshevism.

norway takes in rapists and serial killers from third world countries.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

“russia is quite large”

millions of immigrants were not moving to the major cities when russia was communist. was it necessary to build europe’s largest mosque in moscow?


this is why you are not the brightest bulb or sharpest tool, are you? “globalism intended to destroy ethnic russians through miscegenation” i’m not sure if you noticed but russia is quite large and borders eastern europe including finland (considered west european), central asia, and east asia.


obviously erik inferior amerikan hillbilly…”only amerikans fetishize the alphabet”. richard hofstater….”only amerikans reduce thinking to spelling–the amerikan spelling fetish”. daniel boorstin…lol


2. no kidding. explain how this is achieved.

pappa gone

from your perspective…. and iq… and from your latitude you can t understand, perhaps you must go in europe to see and live reality you can t see from internet or western msm


your perception of fascism and national socialism is based on hysterical propaganda created by illiterate lunatics who ignore scientific facts. they only have baseless claims without any forensic evidence to ever prove their claims.

cremation technology vs the ‘holocaust’:


Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

poko molo—eric…the retired janitor nazi emerges from her idaho trailer park


russia scores quite low on the quality of life index.


ki csinálta a felmérést?


derpster, the holocaust fable is a push-me-pull-you. couldn’t exist exist without the “we saved the world” garbage of the anglo-us imperialists and their lesser lackeys in western europe and the other five eyes.


refuting holocaust lies made up by communists:


Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

i doubt you ever read books written by fascists or national socialists, or your understanding would be entirely different. you have not yet been redpilled.


* chief soviet propagandist ilya ehrenberg was jewish, he wrote an article in 1943 about six million dead jews. that is despite there being fewer than 4 million jews in all german-occupied european throughout world war 2.


“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind is primitive and puerile…” julius evola….poko erika molo proof


why is russia such a shithole?


because the us financiers destroyed it with the complicity of identitarians after 1991.


ehrenberg wrote periodicals that later instigated the red army to rape 2 million german women and children. and helped the brits and americans murder 10 million german civilians and pows after ww2.

here is a book on the subject with an image of a soviet leaflet instigating genocide against germans: tinyurl(dot)com(slash)25dhatdt


the rape of those 2 mill never happened but i wish it did. if western jews like to demonize russians anyways they might as well play the part, but unfortunately they are too soft.


it did happen. there are plenty of photographs of dead german women and children after the war with clear signs of being shot, raped and bayoneted.

it was encouraged by ilya ehrenberg:



you’re into the numbers game just like the identiarians on the other side. project much?



“ilya ehrenburg’s notorious leaflet ‘kill’ (facsimile). the last paragraph reads “the germans are for us than a heap of german corpses.’ see partial translation on pp. 65-6 (politisches archiv des auswärtigen amtes, bonn.)”

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

on page 201:

“kill. nothing in germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. follow the words of comrade stalin and crush forever the fascist beast in its den. break the racial pride of the german woman. take her as your legitimate booty. kill, you brave soldiers of the victorious soviet army.”


you are moronic beyond belief. if you really understand global affairs, you’d understand that russia, even with its jewish oligarchs and ties to israel, is still fighting the jewish banking cabal ruining the world. they stopped ‘greater israel’ project in syria, we said no to monsanto, we said no anti-ethical propaganda in entertainment including lgtbq agenda, we are most spiritual and christian country today


panyatno…y staboy


you must not have seen the picture of the soviet soldiers grabbing a bicycle from a german woman. or their lecherous facial expressions.

russian veteran recalls their crimes in germany: tinyurl.com/mrxwdfzb

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

not a bicycle! oh, the humanity!


russia and china are tied to jewish global finance justified in deuteronomy 15:6.

rothschild bank has an office in russia:

t me eternalmuscovite 2953

t me thuletide 1695

^ china’s ties to un agenda 2030, rothschilds, rockefellers, and the jews who were instrumental in establishing the chinese communist party.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

thuletide wordpress com 2022 06 12 russia is nigeria with snow


>russia is nigeria with snow

still seething about russia putting the first man and satellite into space i see, hehehe. you have 150 posts in this article. i’d say the copium is off the charts.


a leaflet penned by jewish soviet ilya ehrenberg, on page 201:


“kill. nothing in germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. follow the words of comrade stalin and crush forever the fascist beast in its den. break the racial pride of the german woman. take her as your legitimate booty. kill, you brave soldiers of the victorious soviet army.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

“we said no anti-ethical propaganda”

“ethnic” and “ethical” have two different meanings. they are not the same word. western media and school system is racist against white people and white people only.


“we said no to monsanto”

russian groceries still import processed food from japan, korea, china and other countries.

“lgtbq agenda”

lgbtq comes from jewish mysticism. the books the nazis burnt at nuremberg and other german cities in 1933 was primarily jewish sexology propaganda from the jew magnus hirshfeld who performed the first sex change operation in the early 1930s.


sigmund freud and communist literature were the only other material they burned at nuremberg:

this is not the full speech: odysee com a new spiri joseph goebbels :b

forward com culture 549587 trans book burning library gay pride

“in weimar germany, the gay jewish doctor magnus hirschfeld performed the first gender-affirming surgeries and collected research on sexuality. the 1933 book burnings destroyed his life’s work.”


– (sefaria) more than just male and female: the 6 genders in ancient jewish thought

– (jewish telegraph agency) the 8 genders of the talmud

– (my jewish learning) the eight genders in the talmud

– (advocate) study: one-third of israelis are bisexual

– (boston globe) welcome to tel aviv, the gayest city on earth

– (haaretz) homosexuality is part of jewish tradition

– (times of israel) us jews among the most supportive of gay marriage


that is just as absurd as anything ol’ eric is spewing. identitarian rubbish, devoid of factual information and insight.


then you must be blind or a complete fucking idiot.


hillbilly poko polo the amerikan moron erika…lol


10 ways russia is acting like israel:


“i have been recognizing the same pattern of behaviors coming from russia as i have from their ally israel, which is not surprising since israel is made up largely of jews from the “former” soviet union. here are ten ways that the chabad-controlled state of russia is acting like israel.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Professor Burton

and why did russia stop isis in syria? and stopped the geostrategic and geopolitical goal of regime change? russia drew a line in the sand. isis is known to be a jew-backed empire knick-knack to facilitate expansionism. similarly to ukraine. there couldn’t possibly be a bigger unreconcilable difference than that, now could there?

Last edited 1 year ago by Professor Burton

the russian government (vladimir putin) is friends with the eff (economic freedom fighters) of south africa. they openly preach genocide against boers (white settlers) who lived there for 400 years, a bit longer than the blacks.

putin’s government bows to chabad lubavitch that rules over russia. russian oligarchs are primarily jewish.


are you seriously trying to claim that the dutch and french religious kooks who colonized south africa were the first homo sapiens in the region?


you did not read the article.

on another note, 40% of isis members came from russia, a country that helps the eu to commit white genocide in europe through endless mass immigration. tens of millions of violent fighting age men from africa and the middle east are making life a living hell for indigenous europeans.

G. Saviano

you are confused and brain washed by alt-right media. this is exactly how they round you all up and give you marching orders and wind up killing you morons. you’re too stupid to live and i say good riddance!


funny thing is you childishly insist i am wrong without proving i am wrong. you cannot even prove what you believe is true. while on the other hand, i endlessly provide evidence to prove my beliefs are true and factual.


“amerika requires a stupefied population”. christopher lasch….is bitter erika the poko molo senile discarded retired janitor upset weak impotent —-your desperation amuses me hillbilly


the part about 40% of isis members coming from russia came from russian media. they specifically said the caucasus, so russia and former soviet union.

“his is exactly how they round you all up and give you marching orders and wind up killing you morons. you’re too stupid to live”

you are basically describing russia’s slave population. they have 145 million slaves called “citizens”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

“alt right”. we do not use that term. the alt right is gone. it consisted of mild conservatives, most of them degenerate. some examples include nick fuentes, stefan molyneux, richard spencer and others. they were basically propagandists for the russians.


“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen


> 40% of isis members came from russia

oh i see so isis = russia. they didn’t look nor sound very russian to me but don’t let facts get in the way of insane ramblings of either a paid shill or someone who’s obviously deranged.


truly, we are on verge of world war 3. we stopped globalist aspiration of regime change in syria. forced a retreat of the chaos doctrine. and this was against the will of the west and its globalist puppet masters.


according to russian media they are already waging world war 3. russia and the “west” both serve zog, they want to make china their next nwo superpower.


Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

you feel that the situation in syria reflects a decrese in chaos in the region?


“why did russia stop isis in syria?”

how is kadrov any different from isis? they are cut from the same cloth.


sure moron


” isis is known to be a jew-backed empire knick-knack to facilitate expansionism. similarly to ukraine. ”

why then is russia colonizing ukraine? why is putin friends with berel lazar whose organization (chabad lubavitch) openly preaches that non-jews are subhumans without souls?

why is jewish supremacism allowed? yet exposing them and their lies is castigated as “hate speech”? real hate speech is encouraged, exposing it is misconstrued as hate speech. you seem too stupid to realize that.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

obviously erika inferior to jews—did you scrub mr shekelsteins toilets for 42 years only to receive a pension of 1 taco per month?


you call a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia a sign of superiority? you may want to lookup ‘jewish genetic disorders’ by ernest l. abel.

(haaretz) scientists discover gene that predisposes ashkenazi jews to schizophrenia

“variations of the dnst3 gene make ashkenazi jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.”


en wikipedia org wiki medical genetics of jews# ashkenazi% diseases

inspector gadget

1. nato expansionism all the way to russia’s border, breaking all accords.

2. jewish supremacism is not allowed. nor is white supremacism. or christian or muslim.

you are either a troll / west shill or really stupid. or both

inspector gadget

and to expand on point number two: the western backed nazi-junta coup in 2014 and merciless persecution of those ukrainians that did not recognize illegitimate nazi regime.

but i understand you are not interested in facts. you are here as a troll .


derpster, no matter how one feels about the russian state, it’s not accurate to describe the events in donbas as “colonizing ukraine”. that’s just absurd identiarian nonsense.

pappa gone

in your country there are a lot of ziofascists, why you do not go to crush them? and leave europeans to do whatever they like to do? think to change your shit of nation, which is very evil and bad oriented?



“after being personally sent by putin from his home in volgograd 600km away to chechnya to serve his criminal sentence for burning a quran, nikita was beaten on video by islamist warlord ramzan kadyrov’s son adam kadyrov, in a video posted by ramzan himself. ramzan then publicly praised his son for this action. this created a moderate outcry in russia. however, in a meeting with putin shortly after, putin praised kadyrov’s leadership”

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric


a few days later, ramzan posted a video which featured nikita claiming that he would like to convert to islam. ramzan claimed he didn’t truly mean it, and that “his (blue) eyes are looking elsewhere”, rather than into the eyes of the islamic warlord whose son beat him for burning a quran, and is now forcing him to convert to islam.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

remember that according to russian state media, putin himself said that anybody who burns the quran or disrespects islam will also be sent to a majority muslim region of russia to serve their criminal sentence for violating article 282 “inciting racial hatred”. how many more blue eyed russians will be beaten and forced to convert to islam for protesting the islamization of russia.”


“the islamization of russia” you’re retarded 🤣😂🤣

russia is the interfaith epicenter of the world, half-wit. we are the most christian country in the world today and this is why we are persecuted. as true christian we live side by side with muslims and jews and outlaw religious persecution by anyone.

G. Saviano

problem is neo nazis are wanna be vikings. they think they descend from the rus. you can see this barbarianism and this is what caused russia’s intervention in the first place. they are an uncivilized pillaging and raping lot, lost in bloodlust and justify it all with their ideology. we romans are all too familiar with the barbarian. at the end of the day, i would still support a supremacist jew over a half wit neo nazi.


yet you completely refuse to check anything i sent. you childishly insist i am wrong without proof. you hold the blind belief you are correct because that is why you were endlessly told over and over again throughout your entire life. never have you questioned what you were told, you merely assume you are correct.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

only a fool will bother w poko molo fringe stupidity—-you are the sf village idiot


everything i sent is verifiable from jewish sources and other source material. most crimes in europe are committed by migrants that are black or muslim. and you expect us to get along with those who rape and murder people on a daily basis? they want to force sharia law on us at gunpoint and they admit to this openly.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

“just as amerikan society differ so does the amerikan national character differ profoundly from those in europe asia …” geoffrey gorer


more identiarian rubbish. tell us again about the “free market”.


“as true christian we live side by side with muslims and jews”

then you must be completely ignorant of history and religion in general. you basically parrot what you are told without question. judaism is not a religion, it is a racial doctrine based on theft and murder. it is littered throughout the bible.


erika moron atheist…”the entire new testament except paul reflects hebrew thinking”. frederick schleimacher


”the entire new testament except paul reflects hebrew thinking”

that simply verifies my point.


weak senile erika bullied and persecuted by superior mulattos in omaha for 57 years now bitter inferior racist…desperate for attention…poko molo desperate


why does sub-saharan africa still practice cannibalism today? the earliest examples of metallurgy were discovered in southern europe and west asia (anatolia) dating back 7,000 years. the oldest known wooden wheel was discovered in slovenia carbon dated to somewhere around 3,150 bce.


so homo sapiens existed for 300k-odd years, and you’re getting all hot and identiarian about technological advances that occurred in the last ten thousand years?


compare that to the southern tip of africa where european explorers from portugal encountered a now extinct tribe of pygmies in the 17th century. they were called khoisan. their language consisted of “clicking” noises.

another example are the australoid aboriginees who were naked and wore very little if any clothing.


i should also mention how sub-saharan africa had no civilization before contact with europe. the only exceptions were in west and east africa where they came into contact with the arab slave trade that imported blacks to spain and north africa. the only other exception were the islamification of east africa and the ancient egypt’s who enslaved the nubians and forced them to be a tributary state. carthagian exploration of the west african coast does not count.


“by superior mulattos in omaha for 57 years now bitter inferior racist”

if might is right then you shouldn’t whine about america or israel bombing other countries.


islamizatioin of russia? i thought it was jews running the show. it’s really hard to keep up with you identitarians.


hehehe no surprise that the jew poster is arguing that an internal race war in russia would be a good thing, especially at a time when they are all mobilized to defeat satan and his vassals.

Last edited 1 year ago by WINSTON

then according to you, the entire world is russia? i never claimed a race war would be a good thing. it is already happening in russia and elsewhere.


dumb hillbilly knows zero about russia…”the monolingual inevitably confuses style with content”. george simmel..or do you also speak ebonics

Last edited 1 year ago by Shaman

“especially at a time when they are all mobilized to defeat satan and his vassals.”

yahweh and allah are the same god. they are the devil himself.


“the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikans has made us an international joke”. morris berman


yet i can spell far better than you can.


that is why they are half wits. they do not understand. he is lost in his ultra right bs track mind. not really understanding the complexities. his whole argument rests on russia has jews so russia is jewish. first of all, not all jewish oligarchs in the world have the same globalist degenerate agenda. but try telling him that, he’ll just regurgitate his copy and paste bs

Last edited 1 year ago by Davidoff

“that is why they are half wits. they do not understand.”

you are projecting your own psychology onto myself. you have not confronted your jungian shadow.


“his whole argument rests on russia has jews so russia is jewish.”

then you have not carefully read my statements. jews are the wealthiest billionaires in russia and they forced communism on russia through acts of terrorism between 1917-1924.


>jews are the wealthiest billionaires in russia

you could apply that same statement to literally every other country yet you’re here, 150 posts in, rambling exclusively about russia. maybe take a timeout and try your copy pastas on a different crowd, although i don’t imagine that many will be interested in the ramblings of an insane kike who is larping as a white person.


“first of all, not all jewish oligarchs in the world have the same globalist degenerate agenda. but try telling him that, he’ll just regurgitate his copy and paste bs”

1. you are very narrow-minded. 2. you do not understand my point-of-view, you are too lazy to listen. 3. you are projecting your vulgarity onto me.


putin admitted the first soviet government was predominately jewish:

en kremlin ru events president news 18336

“you know, i thought about something just now. the decision to nationalise this library was made by the first soviet government, whose composition was 80–85% jewish.”

jens holm

eric, the internet research autistic savant fails in data synthesis


now here you faggots are hurling childish insults at me from behind a computer because you are too cowardly to say it to someone’s face. that’s why you do it on the internet.


in the 11th century, the russian empire conquered khazaria and destroyed any possibility of a larger establishment of a khazarian/jewish homeland in eastern europe. centuries later, the khazarian remnants gained a level of revenge by orchestrating the bolshevik revolution and murdering the russian monarch family the romanovs.


today, globalist banking cabal / same representatives pf bolshevik revolution attempt to war against us. and this moron is still picking the wrong side? with the very people that he rails against. 😅 you cannot make this shit up. this is why they call you half-wit


the kieven rus did not manage to conquer the khazar homeland in the caucasus. the russian empire you are thinking of emerged out of the principality of moscow in the 16th century as a vassal of the golden horde.

circassia and similar tribal federations were conquered by the russian empire in the 19th century, not in the 11th century.


you may be confusing the khazars with alania. or maybe the golden horde? the alans were an indo-iranian federation of tribes who fell under the sway of atilla the hun. alani is a dialectal variant of the old iranian word “aryana” (aryan).


the byzantines viewed the rus as scythians, indo-iranians from the fifth century bce. ammianus marcellinus in the 4th century ad had written they were men of great statue and beauty, their hair was somewhat yellow and their eyes were frightingly fierce. herodotus described the scythians as being tall with red hair, blue eyes and fair ruddy skin.


by the way, the russian government portrays the symbol of the kieven rus (trident) as a “neo-nazi hate symbol”. it makes since. after all, they are writing the kieven rus out of their history books.

glaring inconsistencies like that will contribute to putin being remembered as a moron. he even denied the existence of ukraine on a french 17th century map russian media was showing on the table he was standing over.


as for the ashkenazi jews who comprise more than 80% of the world jewish population, genetic research shows they are approximately half levantine and half european. you cannot claim they are the only zionists jews, sephardic and mizrachi jews are hardline zionists too. they outnumber the ashkenazi jews in israel, 17% of israeli jews are the families of jewish immigrants from the soviet union.


2017 study: ashkenazis are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european

ncbi nlm nih gov pmc articles pmc5380316

2020 study: ashkenazis are over 50% middle eastern and 41% european

pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov 32470400


you cannot even prove me wrong. you resort to childish lies and slanders because you are stupid and incapable of anything better.


“not all jewish oligarchs in the world have the same globalist degenerate agenda”

russia’s jewish oligarchs: tinyurl(dot)com(slash)2cdukk42

roman abramovich, alexander abramov, oleg depripaska, mikhail prokhorov, german khan, viktor vekselberg, pyotr aven, vitaly malkin, arkady rotenberg, vladimir gusinsky, boris berezovsky, yuri milner, eugene shividler, alexander knaster.


“he is lost in his ultra right bs track mind. not really understanding the complexities.”

do you even know what i believe? or what jews believe?

“first of all, not all jewish oligarchs in the world have the same globalist degenerate agenda.”

why then do they all oppose real nationalism, except when it comes to israel? why do they keep quiet about the supremacist beliefs of judaism from books you never read.


“try telling him that, he’ll just regurgitate his copy and paste bs”

what i copy and paste proves i’m correct. you never read it and childishly insist i’m wrong with nothing to prove me wrong. face it, you mindlessly believe what you were told your whole life without question.

you do not challenge your beliefs and will never look into them if you are not forced to.

the only other way is for the media to tell you otherwise, since you apparently have no mind of your own.


the truth is in the pudding as they say. russia is fighting the globalists. pure and simple. i already told you why. yer you keep projecting your bs unto me. saying i am regurgitating propaganda when i am the one explaining the unreconcilable differences that contradict your talking points. we are most christian country today. we said no regime change in syria. we said no to monsanto degenrstive gmo’s. we said no lgbtq agenda, etc etc


eric, why do you think the west sanctions us? and bans our athletes from competing? and seek to balkanize russia? you think it’s all for show? again, let us put all of the talking points aside for a moment and look at the facts on the ground


why does zelensky go after ukrainian christian orthodoxy? answer that. while we protect all faiths. who is who

G. Saviano

i am afraid the neo nazis in ukraine are more pagan, than christian. this explains why they are used to persecute christians for zelensky and globalst masonry & jewry. they are in it for the infernal chaos and thrillkill. they do not see the diabolical grin and sideways stare in the demonoid’s face at the wheel — driving them over the cliff. the ideology and code is an afterthought to them. something of a conversation piece, nothing more

Last edited 1 year ago by G. Saviano
Professor Burton

the ukrainian regime is absolute scourge. the thrill-murder of civilians, including children, children and human trafficking, diabolical organ harvesting of both civilians and soldiers both, arms trafficking to organized crime all over the world, grifting and stealing. the list is endless. truly, these people have a special place in hell reserved for them as well as their western backers.


nothing wrong with paganism. i see you know nothing about it; only the most cliche claims imaginable.

greco-roman sources describe them as honourable men and women of valour. the bible contains many instances of human and animal sacrifice, jesus himself was a human sacrifice who said eat my flesh and blood.

pagans among the vikings in northern europe, or scythians in ukraine and central asia had a similar mock (fake) cannibalism symbolizing an occult message of sacrifice and redemption.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

lookup adam green know more news on odysee. watch the video ‘judeo-christian blood magic’.

orthodox and hasidic jews practice their own atonement ritual called kapparot. they wave a chicken over their heads and cut its head off. this “absolves” the jews of all sin. however the concept is completely corrupted from its original meaning.


“the ideology and code is an afterthought to them”

funny how you do not even know anything about them but lies. in 1933 hitler’s germany was the first country to introduce animal rights and environmental conservation. russia ratified similar laws as late as 2018. most “nazis” as you call them confuse national socialism with liberalism. so in a way they too are not well-read, but they remain far better read than yourself.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

i should also say hitler wanted to remove class differences if you read transcripts from his own speeches. the book “der untermensch” (the subhuman) lacked any racist attacks on any of the slavic peoples, rather accurately depicting them as victims of communist barbarism with pictures to illustrate that misery. what the booklet called “untermensch” was in reference to jews, half-breeds and predicted how the jews weaponize other races against europeans.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

if you study nietzsche (a highly misunderstood philosopher), you will know what they meant by subhuman.


basically your “knowledge” on the subject consists of bold face lies that exceed the ridiculous. propaganda so bad that you can tell it’s fake by watching it.

they even paid actors to pretend they were isis fighters, here is so-called “proof” from a russian tv set that isis fighters were in ukraine:



this is what refutes the holohoax narrative:

modern cremation technology vs the holocaust: tinyurl.com/45bhezz8

the next video i’ll send after this is from eric hunt. it was made before he had his nervous breakdown, and was legally threatened/coerced by the jewish lobby to turn his back on everything he said.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

only an idiot would believe “hate speech” laws stop hate speech when the same governments go out of their way to promote hate speech against the target population (white people). the real purpose is to suppresses the truth to preserving lies and maintain dictatorial control over the public.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

and yes, the russian government pretends we still live in the 19th century. i recall the poorly edited footage they made of two entirely separate events recorded on film to make it look like queen elizabeth ii was feeding bread crumbs to impoverished chandalas in india. the irony is footage the lady who was probably throwing bread crumbs to birds was filmed in the early 1900s before elizabeth was born.


never mind. it was vietnam under french colonialism:

observers france24 com en europe 20220914 queen elizabeth video throw coins poor children fake video actually filmed in 1899 vietnam

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

i assume the russian public is too stupid to have noticed, and those who did were too scared to say anything. it’s funny how russians can be imprisoned for a similar length of time as hardened criminals are if they deviate from what they are not allowed to say in regards to world war 2, or anything related to the war in ukraine. you are not allowed to say “voyna” (war) or you can be imprisoned for several years.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

the russian government banned slavic paganism, it banned catholicism and banned the jehovah’s witnesses. this offends the feelings of those believers, but it is not a crime.

it is only a crime if you disagree with what the russian government wants you to think, and what religions they want you to follow.


“i want the masses of russia to follow a communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” lenin explained. pavlov was astounded. it seemed that lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of russia? make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “exactly” replied lenin. “man can be corrected. man can be made what we want him to be.”…

— a people’s tragedy, 1997, pp.732-733.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

holocaust stories vs science: tinyurl.com/2mw9jv37

david cole’s river ganges analogy: tinyurl.com/ycepu398

the river ganges is 2500 km long. many cremated human and animal remains pollute that river. yet there is no evidence for cremated human remains (splintered bones, etc) at any of the alleged nazi extermination camps.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

the americans retained a numerical technological advantage in nuclear weapons before the 1960s. they did not send weapons to chechens in the 1990s. they skipped every chance they had to balkanize russia. since world war 1, america exists as a conduit to help destroy western civilization and transition power over to other countries to take its place.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

“why do you think the west sanctions us?”

the jews fight amongst themselves, competing over how they think is the best way to achieve full-spectrum dominance over non-jews. you did not refute my point about communist jews establishing the chinese communist party, or china’s many business and financial ties to israel and jewish bankers.


“why do you think the west sanctions us?”

“the jews fight amongst themselves, competing over how they think is the best way to achieve full-spectrum dominance over non-jews.”

wrong! this is bullshit answer. there is a schism, yes. but it’s to bring russia to heed. and punish it for banning soros ngo’s and other trojan-horse ngo’s, for banning monsanto, outlawing degenerate lgbtq agenda etc, etc, etc etc


china was the first to implement rigid covid restrictions that remain in place to this very day. or that putin and xi ping were members of the world economic forum, an organization where klaus schwab and yuval harari like to speak like cliche villains from a james bond movie.


everyone does business in china, you are just too moronic. i cannot take you seriously anymore. and yes boshevik jews had strong ties and influence in china — and it is authoritarian government. and the west is now imitating the bolshevik globalist authoritarianism. more so than russia now. it’s a strange world, indeed. good luck being a half-wit crypto nazi


america skipped every chance they had to ruin russia. they sold them armaments, built factories and architecture like power plants and dams in the 1930s. they bailed them out in world war 2 with substantial quantities of weapons, clothing, vehicles, airplanes, and raw materials. america never asked for repayment.


america did not attack the red army when it was close to collapsing in may, 1945. they did not nuke russia for 4 whole years before jewish american spies gave the soviets secret information to build the atom bomb.


yeah and? now they going after russia. all of your points are pointless mental masturbation.


it’s a fake conflict to tie in with phase 2 of the wef’s great reset and un agenda 2030. the fake covid pandemic was phase 1. russia and china took part in that depopulation (genocide) and mass surveillance simulation, they deliberately miscalculated normal deaths in hospitals as deaths from covid to sell vaccines that poisoned and killed people. they too were recorded as “death from covid”.


nations from around the world actually organized a mini covid-19 simulation the year before. there are also simulations for worldwide cyber attacks.

basically the globalists want to implement new great depression and justify greater regulatory control over people’s movements and natural resources. there are also plans for a worldwide cyber attack to destroy the internet and implement internet 3.0.


you are off the deep end. holy hell man. take a breather. you are going to kill yourself from the stress. forget the evil globalists. you will kill yourself if you keep going like this


communism was a jewish plan to destabilize nations they sought to control and fill the power vacuum. fascism and national socialism curtailed their plans. that’s why they resorted to mobilizing a race war against white people and denying biological reality concerning race and gender.

now they want to exterminate “amalek”. rabbis openly refer to white people as “amalek” and say they are commanded by their demonic god to exterminate us.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

who is amalek? tinyurl.com/2bdwb6r9

* basically white people, christians and western civilization.

according chabad org library article_cdo aid 3942715 jewish who were amalek and the amalekites htm “the mitzvah to destroy amalek implies that no trace of amalek’s existence could be left.” < why they deny aryans were white people who still exist in asia today in extremely small quantities.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Professor Burton

ok i agree with this. part of the jewish “chutzpah” in twisting and misappropriating judaism. which is a weaponized belief system against the non jew, first and foremost. i don’t disagree.


examples include the kalash in pakistan and india, nuristani in afghanistan, pamiris in india and china, udmurts in russia. these are the remnants of the original indo-iranian and indo-aryan peoples. they are related to indo-europeans whom all white people originate from. the proto-indo-europeans were the early bronze age population of yamnaya steppe herders who invaded europe and mixed with the corded war people. from there they exterminated the western hunter gatherers in western europe.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

after that they invaded asia by passing hrough central asia and the caucasus on their spoked wheel war chariots with their women, children, workers and elderly following behind in caravans.


the perennial nazi retired hillbilly janitor poko molo now returns —new name; eric….desperation in omaha railer park


i would be very wary of this unit russia, whats to say they don’t switch sides ‘again’ after being sent to front lines or attack behind the lines or desert back to nazi ukraine, anything could happen i cannot see how russia could trust these men. they probably will fight for russia against nazi ukraine but can you take that risk??? i think not a good idea russia whilst still fighting going on.

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