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Battle For Bakhmut On May 16, 2023: Fighting For The Last “Domino” Stronghold (Video, Photos 18+)

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Battle For Bakhmut On May 16, 2023: Fighting For The Last "Domino" Stronghold (Video, Photos 18+)

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Heavy battle for Bakhmut is ongoing. In the city, Wagner fighters continue to storm the fortified areas of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the multi-storey buildings in the west of the city. On the outskirts of Bakhmut, the Ukrainian units continue attempts to break through Russian defences.

The main direction of Russian assault is the are of multi-storey buildings located between Chaikovskoho and Dekabristov streets.

Battle For Bakhmut On May 16, 2023: Fighting For The Last "Domino" Stronghold (Video, Photos 18+)

Source: Military Chronic

The head of the Wagner Group Yevgeny Prigozhin showed the map and explained the situation in the city. The so-called nest, horse and constructor districts are already under control of Wagner fighters. Domino is the last area, where the AFU are fiercely resisting. A small area in the south of Chaikovskoho street, near the Mig-17 monument is also still under the Ukrainian control. The Ukrainian military is evacuating the wounded from there.



Here is the map explained. The areas under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are highlighted in red.

Battle For Bakhmut On May 16, 2023: Fighting For The Last "Domino" Stronghold (Video, Photos 18+)

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In the house marked with blue, Wagner fighters found the dead US mercenary, Nicholas Naimer. 

Battle For Bakhmut On May 16, 2023: Fighting For The Last "Domino" Stronghold (Video, Photos 18+)

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Battle For Bakhmut On May 16, 2023: Fighting For The Last "Domino" Stronghold (Video, Photos 18+)

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His body will be transferred to the US with the support of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine (GUR):

“Of course, I will hand over the body of the American, I will do it specifically for The Washington Post. They responded to my request, today I personally received all the names, passwords, (all the necessary information). Now we will work with customers. We will work hard, “within the law,” I would say so. And of course I will transfer the body, guess through whom. Who didn’t guess, a hint: through the GUR, through Kirill Budanov.” Prigozhin said.

On the same video above, the military commander added that the day before 21 civilians were evacuated by Wagner forces from the house nearby.

Another video was filmed by a Wagner fighter, showing the building mined by Ukrainian forces. Numerous civilians confirmed that Ukrainian servicemen blew up their houses, killing civilians who were hiding inside. LINK, LINK, LINK It was also earlier reported that the Kiev regime was preparing a provocation. They mined a house on Yubileinaya street, where dozens of civilians were hiding, in order to blame the Wagner PMC for the war crime. LINK



The situation on the city outskirts remains tense. Ukrainian forces are storming Russian positions in the south from their stronghold in Krasnoe (Ivanivske) in an attempt to reach the village of Klesheevka where a command heigh is located. At the same time, fighting is ongoing north of Bogdanovka, where the AFU attempt to cut the road between Berkhovka and Yagodnoe.

Over the past day, no Ukrainian gains were reported.

Battle For Bakhmut On May 16, 2023: Fighting For The Last "Domino" Stronghold (Video, Photos 18+)

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It was revealed that on May 13, Russian artillery destroyed a strategically-important bridge which connected the village of Krasnoe (Ivanovskoye) with the so-called “road of life”, the T-0504 between Chasov Yar and Bakhmut. A significant part of the Ukrainian reinforcements were transferred across this bridge to the southwestern part of Artemovsk, to the area of the former Artem state farm.



On May 16, the head of the DPR claimed after the recent advances of the AFU, Russian flanks were strengthened by additional forces.

“There is a difficult situation on the flanks, there are probably the most active actions of the enemy. For Ukraine in general, Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) has become the biggest problem, and, of course, they have thrown quite serious reserves there. Just on the flanks — the main direction for probing the defense.

They had some successes, but, I’ll tell you, we transferred our guys from other sites, strengthened them, so I think the front there should be straightened,” the head of the DPR said.

According to Russian media, four more battalions were deployed in the area. They are not expected to advance in the near future but the additional forces could help to strengthen Russian flanks. The AFU has so far achieved some tactical success but they have already paid for the advance with the lives of hundreds of servicemen.


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they should have sent that slob back to the us by fedex.


wagner destroying a bridge is significant. it means that whereas before they were welcoming as many ukro goblins to the area as possible, now they’ve decided to restrict their movements.

on the subject of the dead american, i’m glad that he’s finally no longer in any position to continue doing harm. with his passing, the world is just a little safer. thank you wagner.

Florian Geyer

very well said, cromwell. i would post him via snail mail and ripen him up for the journey to hell, lol.


kill all the nazis , those you don’t kill don’t let you live


every ukro soldier is a nazi, or?


close enough.

L du Plessis

what a bloody mess!! fight russia fight!!! 💪🇷🇺


joe is out! a gangster!


finnish explosives.

crazy canuck

i watch my hotwife being fuc-ked, then i clean the cu-m

Last edited 1 year ago by crazy canuck

i hate war footage with music, especially with rock one, i prefer just raw, monotonous shouting


el problema de la civilizacion son los codiciosos que lo quieren tener todo


you might say that “nicholas naimer” may he burn in hell in addition to being a perfect “a$$ hat”… should have been more observant what the experts at ae911truth were saying isntead of ignoring it all those years during his formative military education that now has him and the likes of lt general cloutier as the ultimate “worm food” for their stupendous arrogance!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Degeneration Of Russia

russia is facing catastropic military defeat and humiliation. putin’s gambling failed coz russian army sucked very badly.


and that’s why the ato of the failed ukrainian cia project is in its ninth year and the failed ukrainian cia project has lost over 150 000 kia, millions of refugees, four oblasts and crimea. ukrainian winning!

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

utter nonsense. most likely 25000-35000 ukrainian soldiers have been killed. you are foolishly believing in russian propaganda.

The Crunge

looks like naimer is no more.

T.M Wallgren

russian propagandists are claiming that over 150,000 ukrainian soldiers have been killed. this unbelievable claim actually should mean that 600,000 to 700,000 have been wounded. real figure is actually less than 150,000 wounded and less than 35,000 killed.

Kjetil Bjarnesen

now we are in core of pro russian out of reality. when believing these highly exaggerating enemy loss figures the conclusions of kreml and putin are very wrong. russian mod is spreading these claims to hide rf’s own military failure. russians have been fooled.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

in mid feb 1940 stalin claimed “so far we have killed 60000 finnish fascists”. actually at this stage of winter war finns has lost 15,000 men killed or died on wounds. red army fed stalin with exaggerated enemy loss figures to minimize own terrible blunders.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

when it comes to soviet own losses official numbers were until late 1980s: 48000 killed. then in late 1990s: 126000. in 2007 pavel petrov based on database of deceased with names: 167976. russians are liars.

Erik Nielsen

are they still fighting about the post office in bakhmut?

Edgar Zetar

you known what i read on this propaganda mister r. an usa soldier named nicholas namer or n.n. always wondered how much time the world should wait before seeing the results of tsx project a.k.a amadeus soldiers. project. you need two people to dance.


livestock is always transported to the slaughterhouse. when has a slaughterhouse ever gone to the livestock? carry on mr bear, the world is with you apart from the cancerous western transgendermutant retard filth. z

Peter Jennings

another american, dying for democracy.:) the donbass will soon be free and independent from the us and nato. however, ukraine will look like libya and syria by the time they are finished.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

morte aos soldados europeus e americanos disfarçados de soldados ucranianos. morrem aos milhares aos pés da rússia!

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