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MARCH 2025

Battle For Popasnaya Result In Russia’s Victory (Videos)

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Battle For Popasnaya Result In Russia's Victory (Videos)

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On May 7, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) units reportedly retreated from the town of Popasnaya in the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), where violent clashes continued for several weeks. Russian troops together with the LPR People’s Militia continue the offensive.

According to the reports from the area, the 24th mechanized brigade of the AFU was defeated and withdrew from the city towards the town of Bakhmut. The mop-up operation continues on the north-western outskirts of Popasnaya.


According to the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, Popasnaya is 80% controlled by Russian forces. Chechen units are also deployed in the area.

Russian-led forces moped-up the industrial zone and destroyed the Ukrainian strongholds around Popasnaya.

“Almost all strongholds around the city have been destroyed, Popasnaya is blocked, and is 90% in the ring, only one road needs to be closed. Popasnaya was a very fortified village, it was impossible to go there, but our specialists found the key, opened the door, went in and destroyed…” – Ramzan Kadyrov claimed


At the same time, Units of the LPR PM are advancing from the south towards Lisichansk. An important road junction of the settlement of Svetlichnoye has been taken under the Russian control. Earlier, clashes were reported in the villages of Nizhny and Orekhovo.

According to Ramzan Kadyrov, Russian forces took control of the town of Nizhny on May 7. The report is yet to be confirmed by the LPR military officials.

The breakthrough around Popasnaya marks the collapse of the northern flank of the grouping of Kyiv’s forces in the sector. This will likely lead to the collapse of Kyiv’s defense in Severodonetsk and Seversk and will open route towards Bahmut.

The advance from Nizhny and Orekhovo will let LPR forces to cut off another road leading to the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk area.


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So after weeks of combat they finally captured a small town, what a decisive victory! With this pase they will reach kramatorsk by the end of the year. This is just like the battle of kursk. There will be a moment the russians have sustained such a high level of attrition that they can’t keep up the offensive without full mobilization and if they stay like that ukraine will eventually launch a large counteroffensive.



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Last edited 2 years ago by Rebecca Amador
Alexandre Souvorov

La circonspection permet une structuration efficiente de la pensée directrice primitive. Daignez Faire Preuve De Dignité Intellectuelle Et parlez de ce que vous connaissez vos Évaluations primitives et défectueuses Émanent De Votre Myopie Analytique profonde. La progression Russe Est Lente Mais constante, L’objectif de La Russie Est La victoire pas l’apparence De La Victoire.


Je suis d’accord avec vous : ” La progression Russe Est Lente Mais constante, L’objectif de La Russie Est La victoire pas l’apparence De La Victoire.”

Alexandre Souvorov

Parler pardon

Solomon says split Ukraine in half

They’re saying that Justin Trudeau’s father was Fidel Castro.

Just discovered that today. Crazy as it sounds, it’s probably true.



So, Canada’s number one is Castro’s son and its number 2 is the granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi. What a fucked up world we live in.


It is not about the liberation of yet another of many villages. It is all about crushing the Ukrainian Nazis, which they do every day. Soon those Nazis won’t feel like go an fight anymore, when they see what is awaiting them. You NATO trolls have no idea what your master got themself into. It serves you well.


Indeed !

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hey TopCum look at those ruskies roasting at snake island, every day they try to evacuate they get raosted again, rinse & repeat, those ruskies are so dumb. Have a look, on this one you can see “the already destroyed since 3 months UAF air force” having a little fun also


Ukrainian refugee mom

You clown, it’s a strategic town on a road to Bakhmut. Of course Ukrainians defended it.



Dirk Manly

And despite best efforts, which will become increasingly weaker as time goes on, UFA lost this fight.

jens holm

You dont get defensive warfare.

Maybee You can understand the battle of England.

Helloooo. Anybody home there?

The key to Ukraine’s concept of defensive warfare is to order their troops to defend a hole in the ground until it’s filled up with the last corpse, after their ammunition has run out.

At least the Vietcong dug tunnels, not open air trenches when the enemy controlled the sky. You’re idiots.

Drunken Rats in a Maze

The reason the AFU don’t dig tunnels is HQ is afraid that once they get down there, they’ll get drunk and won’t be able to find their way out, even if they wanted to.

Low IQ cannon fodder

Based on what I’ve seen of their POWs, I doubt they’d even need to get drunk to get lost.

Western Geopolitics 101

Brandon and BoZo will fight Russia to the very last Ukrainian, then abandon that wasteland and focus on Taiwan.

Last edited 2 years ago by Western Geopolitics 101

What you are trying looks like a kind of mental masturbasion. Carry on if it helps you to stay in a world of fantasy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar

The reality is that after weeks of fighting a large chunk of Ukraine has been bitten off and Russia has shown, despite incessant bleating from Z-elensky, it can grind away with ever decreasing circles to liquidate and cage Ukrainian Nazis. That is what happened in Mariupol, and that is what is happening before our eyes in Dombas.

Moon Dog

Ukraine wont have the manpower to launch any large counter offensive, they are being pounded 24 hrs a day with artillery, and the reserves they are moving in are old men and teens

Michigan Man

Don t worry. Some days ago, I have read somewhere that some senators in the US and even lots of bishops and clergy folks in the USA are now advising the government to nail the russians once and for all. The idea is to simple make a programm, which is like in the wild west old movie “The Glory Seven (with Jul Brunner)”. The US has the largest amount of humans in prison in the whole world already (in regard to the US overall population). Around 2.3 mio people are imprisoned there. Costing money every day.

Lots of them are well known to brutal violence and have even weapons-knowledge. The american people do not want to be dragged into a new war, but they will have nothing against cleaning the prisons, and giving those who commited horrific crimes a second chance to now do something good for society and national security, instead of costing them money. The clergymen are supporting this “giving a second chance” stance. Lots of senators do too. And also Hillary Clinton is said to support this idea.

Anyway, it is very easy for the US to arrange with Blackwater and and US military advisers and secret US military facilities in Poland and elsewhere some training grounds for these men.

There can be easily recruited between 85.000 – 450.000 men and women from the US prison system, ready to go to Ukraine and fight the invading russians. And it will not cost, but even save the US government money.

Look. Lets say there is a person on death row, because of having killed 3 people in a shoot out, or killed his wife and her lover + family. The guy is there for 5 years already. Is 28years old and waiting for his execution. Now comes a US special agent, asking him if he would want to have his verdict cancelled. Only thing to do is to therefore subscribe and sign a deal, that he is going to Ukraine, inofficially of course – and not on behalf of the USA but by free will – and will take some short military training with eighter Blackwater or related military industry & counseling organisation.

The deal is: He goes to Ukraine -> stays there for a max of 5 years. When he has confirmed bodycount of 10 russian invader forces killed, his death sentence is gone/cancelled automatically – and turned into life in prison. If bodycount is 15 Putinskis killed – sentence is reduced to 25 years in prison. And for each additional erased russian invaders five additional years are dropped.

5 years are also dropped of course, for the 5 years the person stays in Ukraine, but that dropping can of course only start when death sentence is gone. The years he has already spent in prison are, of course, also counted and dropped from the then left over sentence as well.

If there is a natural talent, who manages to get his sentence completely canceled and ends up with zero years prison left before the 5 years are done, and still manages to wipe out more invaders, then, from that point on, for every invader killed, 10.000 US dollars (or something around that sum) will be put into his account.

So with this scheme the US will have a steady flow, yes a real flood of highly motivated headhunters eager to kill as much russian invaders as possible steadily coming into Ukraine. And people who are sentenced to between 25 years to life in prison or even have the death sentence already on their head, will likely fight like never before and will not be shy to take a ruski head to prove they killed that Putin lad/trooper.

And also cross-border in Mexico with all the drug-cartels, which are often anyway having secret contacts with the CIA, these organisations too have highly motivated personal, killers as well as specialists in weapons, in ambush & kidnapping techniques, and are professional in information-extracting methods etc. And are, of course, not shy about using some extraordinary force in order to achieve their goals. There is an interesting website called elblogdelnarco.com (see: https://bit.ly/3vMLphQ )where you can watch them at work.

So also from these sources it is easily possible, to build some kind of inofficial private foreign legion, to go to Ukraine. As these organisations are more then willing getting their men the best training and as much as possible combat expierence as possible, because when back home it will give them an (often life-saving) advantage over their contrahent organisations. And also having direct good contacts to Ukraine and Poland or Europe in a whole, plus US Blackwater and government authorities might be of some advantage for those organisations and their businesses as well.

So all in all it is clear – now that the fighter-instream is kicking in, and with the US now starting to clear the way for doing this not ‘lend-and-lease’ but ‘sign-and-(be)release(d)’ programm, starting flooding the Ukraine with highly motivated fighters of which every single one is greedy to kill as much as possible russian invaders, I am absolutely sure, Putin will have to rethink his invasion. What can he do against an at least 85.000+ highly motivated personal coming from the US alone plus likely an additional 10-15 thousand specialists from Mexico? (And that will only be the first batch of up to 450.000 personal arriving from that programm – as US prisons are full and enough inmates there more than willing to go to Ukraine and kill some ruskies there in order to get their sentence lowered or even fully dropped + they can earn big money for every invader they kill). You think the (at best) 12.000 fake-chechens, these traitors of their own grandfathers, these traitors of their own religion (islam), which Putin might have send to Ukraine so far, will be able to overcome the nonstop fighter-stream coming in from the west ? You think they will hold ground in Ukraine against these sheer amount of highly motivated killers ?

I don t think so. Whatever, we will see. But all that said. Best thing would of course be, that Putin retreats to at least the Donetzk and Lughansk regions, calls the UN security council and the rest is solved peacefully. As otherwise he will get much more than just a bloody nose. And might very well even kick loose World War 3, what is – and that’s what frightens me – likely what both sides (which are in fact only one side – as on both sides sits the International Jewry behind the governments, ruling and controlling the countries through their politician-puppets) want. They want maximum carnage and make Ukraine the opener for worldwide confrontation (WW3), and chaos from which then they want to build up their satanic jewish technocrat transhumanised World Dictatorship. See also. https://zero-sum.org/ukraine-and-the-new-al-qaeda-by-whitney-webb/

And that the new ‘sign-and-(be)release(d)’-programm will only be the first phase of the already planned-for much larger NATO counter-attack against the russian invaders in Ukraine, which will start within the next months, should be more then clear to everyone here. And of course, we can be sure that the US will have more dirty tricks, dirty bombs (neutron) and other ugly surprises ready for the Putinfreaks. See for example: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-02-usa-nato-gearing-up-for-counterattack-against-russian-forces-in-july-or-august.html

We can of course also be sure that finally Schweden, Finland and Georgia will join EU and NATO, too. Georgia will be weaponized to the fullest, and Kadyrovs murtadeen russian puppet colony will be smashed by true chechen fighters from Islamic Emirate of Ichkeria, assisted by thousands of US drones. Kadyrov will end his life in a gruesame way, eighter by rusty knife, or by US drones strike. Russian puppet state there will implode. And Chechnya-conflict will spread to Ingushetia, Dagestan and widen quickly, finally engulfing all of southern russia, with then Turkey and Aserbaidshan also taking more or less openly part in (on the NATO side of) the conflict .

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

You should be examined by a Veterinarian Stupid Cracker. If you send US Prisoners to Ukraine they will Join the Russian first and then will run back to America to start a war against White Crackers like you. The vet will prescribe Potassium Chloride if I understand your terminal degree of Imbecility.

Dirk Manly

Russians have no desire to have felons of any sort in their army, especially t hose who can’t understand Russian.

UFA would take them, but they would backstab the UFA by deserting, selling their weapon and all ammo and equipment on the black market.

Nom de Plume

UFA’s already selling half the weapons it receives.

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hey Gayreta look at those ruskies roasting at snake island, every day they try to evacuate they get raosted again, rinse & repeat, those ruskies are so dumb. Have a look, on this one you can see “the already destroyed since 3 months UAF air force” having a little fun also



There are so many muricans who can’t get enough of real destruction and slaughter on their tv-screens.

Joe the Plumber

As long as it’s them ukrainian nazis, it’s OK with me.


Before you send your “highli motivated fighter” don’t forget to prepare enoug body bags

Joe the Plumber

Damn body bags don’t even have zippers. Ukies leave their own to stink up the countryside. What a disgrace.

Dirk Manly

No military commander wants to command felons. They don’t obey orders, and they will flee from danger on a dime, taking their uniform, equipment and weapon with them, which they will then sell on the black market.

Literally WORSE than useless.

Joe the Plumber

Don’t forget they’ll frag the commander on their way out too.


It’s a wonder you can read.


There’s a fine German word for what you are; namely, “ein Spinner”!

Helloooo. Anybody home there?

Jeezus, so many words to say so little of any worth. You must just like to hear yourself spew crap. Keep it to yourself in the toilet next time. It’s the polite thing to do. We’re not animals here. (well, some of us anyway).


The question is how many losses did the Ukrainians suffer, not only there but overall. With a kill rate of 500 to more than 1000 dead every day, soon Ukrainian defenses will collapse totally. With such losses there may not be a serious counterattack by ukrianian forces any time soon. They can only hope that NATO will send soldiers or surrender.



The maharaja

The part where yu are wrong is in at this point in the War Ukraine has sent everything it had t hold off the Russian advance. Russia sent all it had in Ukraine to push off the AFU from the LPR and DPR. They meet in Popasnaya …..the town is not significant the two armies choose to do battle there. The Russian army won.

I get your not that brite, but did you really think the “Bulge” was a strategic town in ww2? or the town of Verdun was the home of the French governments. For god sakes you your brain. you are like some kind of man child.

Last edited 2 years ago by The maharaja
John Doe

Another idiot who knows nothing about the war. Popasnaya was one of the most fortified areas in the Donbass, they had been building fortifications there for over 8 years. Not only that but it holds strategic significance, by people on the front it was considered the ‘Stalingrad’ of the current special operation. What does taking it result in?

▪️ The ability to continue the offensive on multiple fronts simultaneously;

▪️ access to a major transport hub – the town of Bakhmut, the occupation of which will disrupt the supply of some of the AFU units;

▪️ the possibility of creating several cauldrons and cutting off the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk group from the rest of the AFU forces in the Donbass.

Dirk Manly

Bastogne was, and remains an operationally important town because 7 highways meet in Bastogne.

The maharaja

yes they all have strategic value, they do not end the war. the fact that they have value is why they are reinforced or fortified but they are no more important than many other towns, What makes it important is that both sides chose to throw far more forces into the defense of or the taking of. It could have been sevrodonetsk or izyum but in this case it was popasnaya. The UAF chose to defend it and they put maximum effort into it. Russia had more BTG in that area then in many others. In addition once the UAF was defeated the defense of the dobass will be harder on many levels. Sevrodonetsk will be next it will not hold out as long.

Bastogne while sitting on major roads was no more important then the four towns they had to take prior. could just as easily been there. antwerp was the goal.

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

The new General who comand Russian troops in Ukraine is the same who was in Syria…he prefer slow advance,tire the enemy and destroy enemy equipment to avoid a tactical retreat with all resources..

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hey Dummy look at those ruskies roasting at snake island, every day they try to evacuate they get raosted again, rinse & repeat, those ruskies are so dumb. Have a look, on this one you can see “the already destroyed since 3 months UAF air force” having a little fun also


John Doe

The propaganda appears to have rotted your brain. The attack you mention was after Russian forces had already left the island. They were attacking empty buildings, congratulations! Ukrainians then landed on the island and the Russians returned and destroyed several jets, helicopters and a boat.


Russian hating troll, what boring life that must be go get a job or something.


Russia won the Battle of Kursk you retard. Choose your words more carefully.


No shit they won, this time its the russians in the place of the nazi’s in Citadel. Eventually they will run out of steam and lose ground. Even IF they manage to take the whole of donbass then what declare victory and ukraine accepts peace? Noway thats happening, ukraine will fight to the end which means that if russia wants to end the war they have to mobilize in full and prepare for years of war to occupy every inch of ukraine.


Step in front the chart and observe where this teritiries are. This is not Afganistan hills which are 10.000 miles from US. Behind this teritories lies 10.000 km of Russia. If Ukraine will send fresh troops on frontline, Russia can send them 3 time more easy and in 3 time bigger extent. With transport less attacked. Do you really think that rest of Ukraine has will to fight war for lend where majority din’t want to live in Ukraine and live without electricity and everything else. Because next step will be attack of Russia to major ekectricity network. And what will Zelensky say then? Who will listen to him if nobody would have electricity to fill the mobile?

Dirk Manly

Russia should have taken out the radio and TV stations immediately.

Took the words right out of my mouth

I think at this point, Ukraine fighting to the end is what Russia wouldn’t have any other way.



War doesn’t come with any guarantee. I takes time to conquer a town one house at time. People are too used to thunder wars, forgeting that Russia is fighting an enemy who has been armed and trained by NATO. This means they are fighting against an army of that caliber and still managing to gain ground even though they are at disadvantage for being on attack. This says a lot about russian army. If only they hadn’t been so naive at first…


Sure all it will take for your dream to come true is One more soldier. Why don’t you get to it and join them in the battle instead of being here showing your ignorance and weakness?


Just keep crying while we enjoy watching the defeat of the AFU.

Dirk Manly

I’m a descendant of Ukie and Lithuanian immigrants, and ANYTHING that hurts this criminal regime is good. Very sad about Ukie soldiers dying for a lying drug addict and his puppeteers in Switzerland and Washington DC.

No truer words spoken

Good for you, dude. I’m a very distant descendant of Gediminas, the founder of Lithuania and the sooner these ukronazis are retired to hell, the better off all of eastern europe will be.

Don’t forget the UK though, America’s no. 1 barking lap dog. What annoying noises they make. Like braying jackasses.

The Nuland/Kagan Neocon Tag team

If you’d stop sending our wunderweapons to the Russians by mistake, you senile old fart – maybe we could make some headway.


You mean the Germans. The Germans attacked and LOST at Kursk. Russia was on the winning side of WW2….I know thats hard for you to hear because your another fucked in the head nazi lover who knows literally NOTHING about military matters.

Last edited 2 years ago by GLEN BOLDERSON



You truly are an Imbecile = For 8 years the c@@ck suckers of Nazi Ukraine and their Owners of NATO, fortified this area and armed the c@@ck suckers with all the latests piece of shit western arms tech and THEY LOST….. So Shut Up Full Retard. Keep the Flys out of your Mouth. Uncle Joe Biden now ran out of Money and Ukraine Lost the War.

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

What you write says only about how stupid and uneducated you are. This is the most powerful fortified area of the first line of defense. And now this first line is completely broken. You will be surprised at how fast the APU will start losing positions now. These are the timid stones that start an avalanche. and by the way, the fact that 7 brigades of barefoot ter defense are being dragged to the front says that neither the APU has people nor equipment. So croak on here. Popasnaya has fallen and this is a DISASTER for the APU.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians
Dirk Manly

You are so clueless. It’s NOT about capturing land as much as it is about fixing, surrounding, and destroying Ukrainian combat units.

Ukraine: gives “bloody nose” to first vehicle in a recon element. Russia: Completely surrounds the entire Ukrainian unit, and then pounds it into submission with artillery fire.

Guess who is winning? Hint: it’s NOT Ukraine. The best thing for Ukrainian troops to do for their country is to stop fighting immediately.

My boss

and by the end of 5 years kiev is taken. Mission accomplished. lol

Solomon says split Ukraine in half

That’s small town no. 342, to be exact.

M from Romania

miracle… popasnaya is “almost” conquered… was waiting for this news for over a month now


Perhaps ” Chechen units are also deployed in the area.” has helped a bit. 😁😁


Majority of urbane fighting specialists were in Marioupul. If are there then rest of towns can’t be conqured. And why? Because Putin and Kremlin were all the time blocking the progress in Marioupul. Nobody is doing more for Ukraine army then Putin, with his altruistic interfering.


Shush you don’t know what your talking about … just sit back and watch the fall of Ukraine


Pro sodomites and vassals of the global armed robbers are being liquidated.


Took them a while


This is what war looks like when you care for civilians. Over 95% of deaths are combat forces

M from Romania

yeah but thats not how u win a war ..


What would a Romainian nazi know about war other than defeat and humiliation

Dirk Manly

It’s how you win the peace afterwards.

a passer by

No, this is exactly how to win a war, it’s winning over “hearts and minds” of people affected.

Even the US used a strategy of that name in ME, but eventually resorted back to killing everyone. Evil just can’t help themselves.

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

Popasnaya was liberated, the remnants of the 24 brigade were thrown back and fled. The APU came out from Azovstal with a white flag, apparently they came to their senses. Mi6 warns about the attack on Zaporozhye by large Russian forces. So there will be a blow here, it was successfully hidden by the troops of the Russian Federation. And 7 territorial defense brigades are being dragged to the Donbass front, they have not been reformed into normal brigades, there is neither time nor heavy weapons. With a weight loss of 55 thousand people, the situation is a complete finish. And like a “cherry” on ice cream, the APU recognized that the ghost of Kiev is a fictional fake. Where is the Clyde there, is he still lying about the victories of the APU? or has he already gone to the channel where every day there are new prisoners and killed soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. https://t.me/s/chub_detection

The Turks are angry. Ukrainians are worthless bayraktar operators, a lot of photos with damaged bayraktars with an unflagged bc. Hence the conclusion, and they will also handle NATO weapons in the same way. Well, then that’s fine, let the weapons burn in the inept hands of the Ukrainian reservists of the 5th wave of mobilization.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

If Turks keep sending Bayraktars to the Ukrainians then they will lose market, the reputational damage it isn’t compensated by the sellouts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cyberpunk2077

Aller the 60 Turkish drones are destroyed by the passer and electronics arms


Slava Rossia




Nothing can save the AFU Donbass group from a humiliating and total defeat. They will be encircled and their only sane option will be to surrender.


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !



Supposedly this was captured weeks ago. The Russians don’t have enough troops for an offensive, the entire operation is a sham. If Russians had any sense they would join the Ukrainians and throw off the yoke of the dual citizen oligarchs.

Peter The Ungrateful


‘This specimen [Strelkov] was always out of his depth, having zero military academic background, not to speak of his absolutely risible lack of any understanding of the conflict. You would expect this from such a “colonel” who mostly spent his military life as a volunteer in low intensity conflicts primarily on NCO level positions. How he “defended” Slovyansk in 2014 everybody saw and that is why he spent three days naked in Donetsk prison, awaiting execution, and only interference from Alexandr Borodai saved his sorry ass. But then again, I am on record that I do not look kindly, albeit do not completely forbid, at references to such Girkin’s enablers as “Colonel” Cassad (Boris Rizhin). Cassad is in all this primarily, for all his commendable humanitarian activity, for money, same as Podolyaka and many others, including Girkin who is still butt-hurt that every single political party in Russia, from UR to CPRF refused even to talk about his aspirations to run on ANY platform as long as it gets him to State Duma. So, he is a classical sore loser and that what defines his “activity”.’

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
General (Posthumous) M'quve

I am obviously not qualified to argue about the military “res gestae” of Mr.Girkin (“Strelkov”) from a technical standpoint. Also, I certainly cannot touch the historical perspective, within this limited environment.

I will just note that the heavily derogatory remarks which you quote, come from Andrei Martyanov.

This “specimen” is a sadly known coordinator, along with his quasi homonym Raevsky, of a highly opportunist crew of expats.

They are seen surrounded by a blindly faithful (and highly censored) community of disgruntled former American GI’s, Flat-Earthers, QAnon residues, White Male supremacists ranting against girls who dare take-up STEM studies, clownish German pseudo-academicians with false credentials, and other kinds of badly concealed fascists, recruited with the sole condition of being (temporarily) pro-Russian.

About the knowledge and skillfull command of military analysis, one can just look up at their (especially Raevsky) claims of 80% of the entire AFU being destroyed in late February, the Donbass “cauldron” being closed and not more resupplied in early March. All of this kindly provided from their comfortable American mansions.

About Mr.Girkin, I can only say that he was at least on the battlefield, for good or bad.

Boris Rozhin is an intelligent and morally unimpeachable commentator from Crimea. Excellent chessplayer to boot.

Enough for me.

Last edited 2 years ago by General (Posthumous) M'quve
Peter The Ungrateful

I am not interested in guilt by association. You obviously have nothing of substance against Martyanov, so bye.


People just want to have normal regular lives. What’s the point of wars anyway? Making somebody rich?

Better to build and make life easier then to destroy. Putin must behave like a better man now and stop this diplomatically. No one will think lesser of him.


Ukraine would have been blessed with neutrality, but the embrace of America is the embrace of Death.


It’s a good day for NAZIS to die. This war will not end until DEATH INSURANCE CALLS FOR THE CLOWN FROM KIEV.

Lance Ripplinger

Ukraine will be reduced to a small, rump state in the west, once the war ends. Russia has all the time in the world to keep chipping away at the AFU in the Donbass. They are taking far less losses with this type of warfare. The AFU is powerless to stop the massive artillery shelling by the Russians. The lack of fuel and supplies is taking its toll. Reports of conscripts and reservists being sent to the front line by Ukraine, is not a good sign on their part. Middle aged men with little to no training are just canon fodder at this point.


Russia has nothing to lose: commodity prices sky high, stealing intellectual property, counterfeiting currency. The World Order cannot exist with a large nation out side of it.



If this is confirmed then is another big score


amerikant humiliated by taliban upset that ukies demolished by Russia

Neoconniving their way to Armageddon

Popasnaya was opasnaya but now it’s a little lamb.

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