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Battle For Tripoli Continues. Casualties And Equipment Losses Grow Further (Maps, Photos)

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On April 14th, the Libyan National Army’s (LNA) Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar visited Cairo, Egypt and met with Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.

#القائد_العام للجيش الليبي المشير خليفة حفتر يصل إلى العاصمة المصرية القاهرة ويستقبله الرئيس المصري عبدالفتاح السيسي…

Posted by ‎شعبة الاعلام الحربي‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

“The president affirmed Egypt’s support in efforts to fight terrorism and extremist militias to achieve security and stability for Libyan citizens throughout the country,” Sisi’s office said. Thus, expressing Egypt’s support of Haftar’s offensive on Tripoli.

Italy also established a permanent crisis committee on Libya, after Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that he had received a letter from Field Marshal Khalifa on April 12th.

On the same day, the LNA information division posted a video on their Facebook, showing the aftermath of an airstrike by the Government of National Accord’s Air Force.

تجدد استهداف قاعدة مصراتة للمدنيين الآمنين بمنطقة سوق الخميس

تجدد استهداف قاعدة مصراتة للمدنيين الآمنين بمنطقة سوق الخميس ، وهذه المرة عن طريق البراميل المتفجرة سقطت على إثرها الطفلة سمية ووالدتها نادية .. ويعاني باقي أفراد أسرتهما من إصابات خطيرة ، بالإضافة للأضرار المادية الكبيرة دون أي مراعاة للإنسانية وضرب القوانين الدولية المتعلقة بحقوق الإنسان عرض الحائط ..تعدكم قواتكم المُسلحة بالثأر لسمية ووالدتها وكل المدنيين الذين سقطو ، وأن الرد على هذا القصف الهمجي الغاشم سيكون قاسي .حفظ الله ليبيا وشعبها#شعبة_الاعلام_الحربي

Posted by ‎شعبة الاعلام الحربي‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

The attack from the Misrata air base was aimed at the Souq al-Khamis area and reportedly killed a mother and child, while injuring the other family members.

The LNA also vowed a harsh response to this alleged disregard of human rights.

Furthermore, Gunwa militants from the Camp Hanza in the Airport Road launched locust missiles in the direction of the plateau, allegedly trying to hit civilian houses, with the aim of presenting it as a LNA attack to further propaganda against it.

مليشيات غنيوة المتمركزة في معسكر حمزة بطريق المطار أطلقت مجموعة من صواريخ الجراد في إتجاه مشروع الهضبة وفي إتجاه حي…

Posted by ‎شعبة الاعلام الحربي‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

The LNA also slammed the creation of fake pages impersonating the 106th Brigade and attempting to present it as attacking and purposefully targeting civilians.

#الاعلام_الحربي مجموعة من الصفحات المزورة التي تنتحل أسماء كتائب وجهات تابعة للقوات المسلحة ، تعيد نشر مقطع به عملية…

Posted by ‎شعبة الاعلام الحربي‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

The LNA also captured the Bani Walid airport.

The LNA spokesman claimed that a militia commander was planning to move 350 mercenaries to the capital.

A LNA MiG-21 was downed by the GNA on April 14th, the pilot survived and was well, according to the LNA spokesman.

Battle For Tripoli Continues. Casualties And Equipment Losses Grow Further (Maps, Photos)

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Battle For Tripoli Continues. Casualties And Equipment Losses Grow Further (Maps, Photos)

Orange buttons are LNA, while Blue are GNA. Click to see full-size image.

Battle For Tripoli Continues. Casualties And Equipment Losses Grow Further (Maps, Photos)

Click to see full-size image

On the side of the GNA, a meeting took place of the Commander of the Libyan Army Lieutenant General Mohammed Ali al-Sharif with the Chief of General Staff, as well as the leaders of the Western and Central Military regions and Tripoli, the commander of the anti-terrorism force and other officers to coordinate the defense against Haftar’s forces.

‏⁧‫#عملية_بركان_الغضب‬⁩: صور تظهر جانباً من اجتماع القائد الأعلى للجيش الليبي في غرفة العمليات المشتركة مع رئيس الأركان…

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

The GNA also accused the LNA Air Force of targeting Ministry of Education warehouses in the Ain Zara area, destroying records of important educational processes and textbooks.

#عملية_بركان_الغضب‬⁩: صور تظهر جانباً لأثار قصف طيران #المتمرد لمخازن وزارة التعليم أمس السبت، والذي استهدف ثلاثة مخازن…

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

GNA ofrces in the town of al-Suwani captured enemy fighters and equipment. In total, 25 individuals were apprehended, and 10 military vehicles were seized.

Photographs of the vehicles captured by the 166th battalion were also posted.

‏‫#عملية_بركان_الغضب‬: صور تُظهر عملية استسلام كتيبة تابعة للمتمرد بكامل أفرادها و عتادها و آلياتها للكتيبة 166 التابعة…

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

The overall briefing of April 14th included claims that the GNA had made significant gains of al-Suwani, and that it carried out five airstrikes on LNA targets around Tripoli.

Finally, the Supreme Commander of the GNA’s Forces allegedly ordered the release of all LNA fighters who were under the age of consignment.

‏‫#عملية_بركان_الغضبالإيجاز الصحفي لعملية بركان الغضب اليوم الأحد 14 ابريل 2019مواصلت قوات جيشكم الليبي وقواته…

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019

The briefing was followed by more pictures of damaged civilian housing and cars, allegedly due to LNA’s reckless airstrikes. The GNA continues to accuse LNA of targeting civilians.

‏⁧‫#عملية_بركان_الغضب‬⁩: صور تظهر جانباً من آثار القصف الجوي بصواريخ غراد و قذائف الهاون لميليشيات ⁧‫#المتمرد‬⁩…

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Sunday, April 14, 2019


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Hasbara Hunter

The AngloZioNazis, ZIONATO, United ZioNations & Their Headchopping Militias will be Kicked out of Libya…They are Done….

Syria insider


You can call me Al

Did you call “The Red Indian” a cock ?.

Hasbara Hunter

He is a Dutch guy…Probably AIVD…

You can call me Al

JOKe, having a laugh….. of FFS he sent you a picture of a cock (hen)……..Christ Utrecht is going to be fun !!!. LOL <— PLEASE NOTE.

Hasbara Hunter

??? Utrecht next week?

You can call me Al

If it is hot – I can drink and smoke outside, I am there.

You 2 carry me back, I shall explain why then.

Syria insider

No I didn’t

You can call me Al

It was a joke.

You can call me Al

There is that, but if you look at the map, the LNA have the majority of O&G fields, all gas pipelines and control of all oil pipelines (repeat to clarify – control)……. the AngloZioNazis, ZIONATO, United ZioNations & Their Headchopping Militias are dead men walking.

Hasbara Hunter

Custer’s 7th Cavalry already Fled Libya…


I learned yesterday that during the Cold War, it was British and CIA pilots who flew the US ‘U2’ spy flights over Russia, mainly from Turkey.

The pilot shot down was , ‘Gary Powers CIA’, after that the flights were aborted. The British pilots were trained in the US, the planes were owned and maintained by the US, and marked with RAF roundels.

The USAF was scared of being caught because of the likely opposition within the US of risking a war with the Soviet Union.

Hasbara Hunter

The USraelis like to do things behind a Curtain…too bad for them…the Curtain is Gone…


I understand that the British government is sending a covert submarine delivery of Crack Pipes to the Zio-NATO supported gangs.

The White Helmets will of course be deployed to Libya for ‘humanitarian reasons’ as they have geat experience in putting injured civilians ‘out of their misery’ with a humane shot to the back of the head. :)

You can call me Al

Hehehe, cheeky.

I hope the LNA quickly eliminate the White Helmets if they do arrive.

I hope and trust that the LNA take over the Country, re-establishes it as a united Nation, gets the Russkies in to fix the utilities first and then build the Nation up to be the richest and most advanced African nation again ……and a Russian ally.


This is a bit off topic , but very pertinent in its own way. It is a paragraph from a lengthy MOD report on Operation Banner.

“Without effective cultural understanding the security forces in any theatre cannot conduct a truly effective information campaign and arguably, therefore, an effective counter insurgency campaign. Additionally many military activities may be flawed because the reaction of population cannot be properly predicted: there is a need both to gain intelligence and to understand local perceptions.7 This links to the idea that insurgency feeds off dissatisfaction, and dissatisfaction is a sentiment based on perception. Perception is framed by culture. ”

This is what the US military have no idea about, as all too many officers are indoctrinated with US Exceptionalism, 1st, Second and Third.

If you want the whole report , I will send it via our other channel.

You can call me Al

Thanks. It is so obvious when you think about and so easily observed monthly.

As a rather poor example, but on the same thread it was the same when Obama butted in on Brexit or some European twat buts in on a domestic issue, the UK unites against such verbal attack (whether rightly or wrongly).

They have won the battles in Iraq, Afghanistan and many other Countries, but they will never win the wars.

The full report would be welcome please.


On the way.

You can call me Al

Cheers again.

A glanced through it, then read it again; I came away from it feeling a little disappointed to to be honest bored. Typical business-like report and something written by a student or a junior grade civil servant.

I shall give it another crack tomorrow with an open mind, and see if something gets through to me.

I am a hater of the IRA, maybe that did not help + the Yanker Noraid ….. and after my Manchester Arcade + Brighton + Birmingham …..


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