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Battle For Yemen’s Al-Hudaydah On November 1-5, 2018 (Maps, Videos)

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Battle For Yemen's Al-Hudaydah On November 1-5, 2018 (Maps, Videos)

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Over the past weeks, the Saudi-UAE-led coalition has deployed signficiant reinforcements in the area south of the Houthi-controlled city of al-Hudaydah in western Yemen. The reinforcements include at least 10,000 troops and a few hundreeds pieces of military equipment.

Using these fresh forces, the coalition kicked off a new offensive in an attempt to capture the strategic port city. The coalition forces advanced in three main directions: in the area west of the airport, the area east of the airport and the area east of the city itself.

Thus, the coalition is aiming to isolate the airport, which is an important stronghold of the Houthis, from the rest of the city. A wider goal is to isolate the city itself from the rest of the Houthi-controlled area.

So far, the Houthis have not been able to stop the advancing coalition forces. The Houthis lack military equipment and anti-tank weapons to counter the mechanized infantry of the coalition. However, they are now concentrating forces for a counter-attack. The fate of the battle for al-Hudaydah will depend on the ability of the Houthis to force the coalition forces to withdraw from the city countryside.

Battle For Yemen's Al-Hudaydah On November 1-5, 2018 (Maps, Videos)

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The coalition is actively using its advantage in manpower and military equipment to propel the ongoing advance. The Saudi Air Force is also playing an important role in the advance. In fact, Saudi warplanes carry out multiple strikes on every fortified position of the Houthis.

It’s interesting to note that the coalition kicked off its advance on al-Hudaydah just few days after the US authorities had declared that they would support a ceasefire in Yemen. However, it seems that Saudi Arabia and its allies are not interested in the ceasefire.


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Promitheas Apollonious

They are attempting (saudis) the same strategy of attack the syrians used against isis pockets. I hope the houthis counteract the movement.


the ceasefire annoucement by pompeio within 30 days, is the time left the saudis have to take the port….they are going all in now which should be good for the houthis…i verymuch doubt that they will achieve any significat advance, since the latest big attack started 5 days ago and no progress achieved …they only were able to capture kilo 7 area…….

S Melanson

Correct. Common to try and seize key objective(s) prior to ceasefire to gain leverage in the negotiations. As for the offensive prospects, I have this to say – this offensive will fail.

The article states the Houthis lack anti-tank weaponry against coalition APC??? SF has published countless articles with credible videos of Houthis laying waste to APCs of Coalition using ATGM. That alone makes me dismiss this article.

Further, if the objective is an urban centre, armour is of limited use, it will be brutal building to building fighting like Stalingrad. Coalition soldiers should be glad they did not make it into the city – they would not last 5 minutes and I do not care how much incentive these mercenaries got, sinceno use for the dead

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

“Further, if the objective is an urban centre, armour is of limited use, it will be brutal building to building fighting like Stalingrad.”

Agree, infantry rules the streets, bombardment of any sorts just creates more positions to fire from. History have proven that times and times again.

Take a look at the Syrian experience with vehicles from Darayya.

S Melanson

Yes, few realize a city of rubble is worse to attack then a city not touched – Stalingrad good example.

This Coalition last gasp attempt reminds me of the March 6, 1945 spring awakening offensive around lake Balaton – Germany’s last offensive of WWII I am weary of citing Wikepedia but this entry is quite good – I find of interest is how the Soviets prepared for the expected offensive and reminds me of Houthi prep for June coalition offensive on Hodeidah

other note, me and many others commented in early June the coalition were walking into an obvious trap, talk about clueless at coalition HQ – I renamed it Ronald McDonald’s Playhouse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Spring_Awakening

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Agree, Stalingrad can learn us so many things, and for me, the battles in Darayya confirmed that once again.

Lake Balaton; I will read up on that, thanks

S Melanson

I am familiar with the offensive and I read the Wikepedia to see how they covered and I was very impressed – rarely do I find Wikepedia at this level. Thank you for sharing your thoughts

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

I used the many GoPro video on youtube to see the battle, Darayya.

I like to see it with my own eyes instead of reading about it. Two things among others that i found weird about SAA use of vehicles, is that they so many times did a 180 instead of just reversing, and saw them some times go into street with MBT´s so narrow that they could not turn the turrets.

The narrow street part could be a tactical neccesity, but the reversing part, i have no explanation for that.

Harvey Swinestein

Wikipedia is an Israel /Zionazi propaganda outlet. If you are aware of their strong Israeli bias you can glean some information from it, but it is loaded with lies and innuendos

S Melanson

Why I am weary – some wikepedia articles are god-awfully biased. And in fact I posted a comment blasting the bias of wikepedia on the Ukraine clashes with breakaways – the Ukraine that fields the neo-nazi Azov Brigade, rifles supplied by Israel – so nice Israel could help and I am sure the Russians were appreciative too.

S Melanson

They will not take the port – see my recent post above exposing the lies.

Promitheas Apollonious

and who really give a shit what the americans are announcing?


emphasis on attempting

S Melanson

See my post above, I expose the lies – the article is total BS

Promitheas Apollonious

I have seen it and been wondering why they do that. Compromised or just poor judgement on the side of their helping hands and incompetence so is just paste and copy journalism they are doing like every one else.


I reckon they (saudi led coalition) will get it this time.

S Melanson

see my recent post above pointing out the countless lies


S Melanson ; on topic but on ‘RussiaInsider’ there is an article, “Russia is a key if quiet player in southern Yemen”, it struck me as dis-information, but in the comments there is a chap outlining its history, a good read. https://russia-insider.com/en/russia-key-if-quiet-player-southern-yemen/ri2273

S Melanson

thanks for the heads up


Well thank you for the reading material however I think now is probably the time for some headway by Saudi led coalition, in regards to attacks on Yemen on multiple axis, so I reckon they could and will probably isolate Hodeida and airport .

S Melanson

So, I have been very surprised with latest developments. I posted on the Nov. 7 update for Houthi mobilization and statements indicating seriousness of offensive so you proved right. Do you know something I do not? Please tell.


You won’t get an answer like this ever my friend, over 10 years ago I was having an argument with someone I know who is a Shia Iraqi, originally from Baghdad. It was over the ousting of Saddam Hussein by US led coalition. You see the Iraqi from Baghdad supported the US led invasion and hated Saddam but I argued that without Saddam, Iraq wouldn’t be where it was then and that it would be a failed state without his harsh security regime but more specifically I told him that without Saddam the terrorists would take over Iraq, because the Iraqis are crazy like that. Of course when the event took place he met with me to say he was wrong and maybe he did need Saddam after all. Another way to say this is I have been watching war and tactics and global events and sometimes you can predict what could happen if the conditions are correct.

Tom Tom

not a chance.


In near future these all perpetrators will die brutally. What happens with Saddam when allied with Washington against Iran. These Arab morons do not read their history and rapidly digging graves for themselves.

S Melanson

I posted a refutation with links see my post above

S Melanson

This article has a lot of problems. I will start with the map. I went to ISW News English website – since map is English – note ISW also has site that is all Arabic as expected – Islamic World News.


The latest update is November 4th on the Coalition offensive on Hodeidah. I cannot find the map above that is credited to ISW News.

http://www.english.iswnews.com/3611/latest-updates-on-yemen-4-november-2018-latest-news-from-heavy-battle-of-hudaydah/ – “the building of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Hudaydah also fell to coalition forces” Source is Coalition – as of Nov. 4

BUT, SF posted an article yesterday (https://southfront.org/saudi-led-coalition-forces-launch-large-scale-attack-on-al-hudaydah-reach-city-entrances-map-videos/) that states:

“On November 3, the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni proxies launched a large-scale attack on the Houthi-held city of al-Hudaydah on the western coast of Yemen, During the first day of the long awaited-attack, the Saudi-led coalition managed to impose control of the university of al-Hudaydah”

The map that I cannot find credited to ISW News contradicts ISW News that states no progress in south attack as map shows coalition advance: “The Coalition Operations Room plans to seize the southern half of the Hudaydah by attacking the southern coastal strip of Hudaydah and the eastern road (from two axes, namely, al-Matāhin and Nana); But Ansarallah’s resistance in the southern areas of al-Hudaydah is currently blocking their progress”

November 3, ISW reported (http://www.english.iswnews.com/3593/latest-updates-on-al-hudaydah-battle-saudi-coalition-resuming-heavy-attacks-again/) “They also claim using visual evidences that the reason of poor advance in despite of heavy attacks to southern part of the city in recent days is the underground tunnel network from the airport to university (Emirates claim), presence of AnsarAllah Kataeb al Mawt forces in frontlines and snipers in southern rural part of city.” This article includes two maps of INTENDED coalition advance which match the map in the SF article above if combined. But the advance failed, according to Coalition with the reasons why. Therefore, the map is BS.

The ISW News articles I cite back up Houthi claims of Coalition casualties that are twice or more the casualties the Coalition state inflicted on the Houthis – also ISW News reports dozens of vehicles including armoured vehicles destroyed by Houthis, yet:

The SF article states: “So far, the Houthis have not been able to stop the advancing coalition forces. The Houthis lack military equipment and anti-tank weapons to counter the mechanized infantry of the coalition” The article is contradicting one of its main sources and SF has published countless articles with credible videos of Houthis laying waste to APCs of Coalition using ATGM. And ISW News states the Houthis have stopped the advance based on Coalition sources.

Further, if the objective is an urban centre, armour is of limited use, it will be brutal building to building fighting like Stalingrad. Coalition soldiers should be glad they did not make it into the city – they would not last 5 minutes and I do not care how much incentive these mercenaries got, they know not much use if they are dead.

So we have a repeat of the accurate and objective reporting of Arab Gulf Media once again, expect to hear the imposing of control over the University 6 or 7 times more times, they have to outdo their lies about Hodeidah Airport – progress in reporting standards always a priority of Arab Gulf Coalition Propaganda Media


I also couldnt swallow the “The Houthis lack military equipment and anti-tank weapons to counter the mechanized infantry of the coalition” statement. Come on

But I have to admit this offensive has me nervous. Hope to see some Houthi media stuff soon

Thanks for the comment S Melanson!

S Melanson

I believe it was a Hail Mary attempt to take objectives before US forces ceasefire talks. US gave 30 days and we are about 10 days in. Houthis have reported and indications support that offensive failed. See Yemen resistance watch website.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Very interesting post, backed by research.


Brigadier General of Yemen Armed Forces Yehia Sari also stated that the Saudi’s are not close to, nor achieving anything in western coast of yemen, according to Al-Masirah TV. And that their media blitz to try to say otherwise is just lies and delusion.

He also says “aggressive military escalation and the promotion of imaginary victories, whether in the West Coast or any other front, would not improve the shaky position of the forces of aggression.”


Pave Way IV

“…I cannot find the map above that is credited to ISW News…”

The author, @A7_Mirza, only updated the map graphic today. There isn’t a new ISW article to accompany it, that’s why you can’t find one. Go to the author’s Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/A7_Mirza/status/1059416815678439425 for his live Google My Map link.

Re: SF vs. ISW “…So the day after imposing control, they managed to seize one of the University buildings…”

Whatever SF said (link is dead) on the 3rd was what they understood from the Coalition of Evil or their lackeys reports. Reported elsewhere that the University was under attack. ISW article from yesterday clarifies that one southernmost building complex (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences) of the University were taken, not the whole University.

“…But the advance failed, according to Coalition with the reasons why. Therefore, the map is BS. Further, how can tunnels to University be halting advance if University Coalition controlled? Must be a new definition of ‘controlled’…”

We’ll eagerly await your updated, detailed maps rather than rely on the BS maps that A7_Mirza and SF have published. You have some, right? Both the SF and ISW maps above are pretty clear about the Faculty of Medicine being under CoE control, with further attacks directed at the main campus of the University. And Ansar Allah has been busy digging tunnels to defend al Hudaydah for months. Specifically one from the airport to the University? I doubt that.

“…The article is contradicting one of its main sources and SF has published countless articles with credible videos of Houthis laying waste to APCs of Coalition using ATGM.”

Agree, but the current stalled CoE advance has gone further up the coastal strip into the main university campus than previous attempts in June and September.

The CoE push past the Sana’a Road, Kilo 10 and 16 and the subsequent attack on the Faculty of Engineering (part of the University of Hudaydah) wasn’t repelled successfully by the Houthis – despite their ATGMs. Time will tell if the CoE can make it to, or north of, the actual port to cut off food and medical supplies. Or if the Houthis cut them off and slaughter them. My money is on #2.

The CoE is in no hurry to grind through the urban area al Hudaydah. If they make it around to the port through the mostly open outskirts of the city, then they’ll wait until starvation/disease soften up Houthi resistance. They might even be stupid enough to resupply themselves through the port. I wouldn’t want to be on one of those ships. If they take the port and lay siege to the city, then they’ll continue up to the final, much smaller Port of al Salif and its floating oil terminal.

S Melanson

I point out the map is sourced to ISWNews.com so why would I go to a twitter account. ISW news has two maps published Nov. 3 that if combined match the map above (I provide the link, see for yourself) – so if the map is of latest developments, then ISW has a crystal ball. Also, where is the sources for these developments – a twitter account posting a map is not authoritative

Finally, ISW News has now posted Nov. 5 article but the map is not the same as the map in the SF article and so how am I wrong?

You are also missing the main point – the contradictions make the reporting not credible. The SF article above, SF article yesterday as well as sources are contradictory on many points so why should we trust. By the way, I am not criticising SF the messenger.

Consider the discrepancy between controlling the University (on first day of offensive – Arab Gulf media source) and seizing a building after control supposedly established – source http://www.english.iswnews…. – and according to coalition (published Nov. 4 but university controlled Nov. 3, both cannot be true)

You say, “And Ansar Allah has been busy digging tunnels to defend al Hudaydah for months. Specifically one from the airport to the University? I doubt that.”

My post quoting ISW News: “November 3, ISW reported (http://www.english.iswnews…. “the reason of poor advance in despite of heavy attacks to southern part of the city in recent days is the underground tunnel network from the airport to university (Emirates claim), presence of AnsarAllah Kataeb al Mawt forces in frontlines and snipers in southern rural part of city.”

If you doubt it, take it up with ISW News and the Coalition – If no tunnel, then Emirates BS to excuse lack of progress.

From: http://www.english.iswnews.com/3611/latest-updates-on-yemen-4-november-2018-latest-news-from-heavy-battle-of-hudaydah/ “But Ansarallah’s resistance in the southern areas of al-Hudaydah is currently blocking their progress”, how can it be said in article above “So far, the Houthis have not been able to stop the advancing coalition forces” – at the very least it is misleading.

I am quoting the articles by SF and the sources for the articles – to point out how they contradict each other. This is why I say it is all BS. Some may be true, but I need to see other less biased sources

Pave Way IV

“…You are also missing the main point – the contradictions make the reporting not credible. The SF article above, SF article yesterday as well as sources are contradictory on many points so why should we trust…”

Contradictory near-real-time detail on a heavily-censored war translated from sources in Arabic aligned to one side or the other and re-reported in English, which is probably the authors’ second or third language? Maps that show approximate territory claimed/controlled by either side along with the most pertinent intended attack vector arrows without indications of prior failures or stalemated ops?

Gosh, you’re right. This is all just bullshit reporting. SF and ISW obviously tricked us into believing they were collectors and dispensers of immutable, near-real-time absolute facts of on-the-ground fighting in and around Hudaydah. You saw right through their contradictory BS and questionable sources. Why did I even waste the time reading this article or looking at their maps?

Thanks for the heads-up!

S Melanson

I see my error and my fault. I make it seem ISW and SF are the problem. I edited my post to clarify

I am talking about the original sources – Arab News that are aligned with the Coalition and coalition itself – and it is important to see what both sides are saying because it tells you something even if not true – ISW reports also Houthi which tend to be accurate – and actually I am impressed with ISW as rare to see both sides of conflict reported – without judgement. Basically Southfront and ISW are reporting what they are told by Coalition and coalition supporting media . And I point out the contradictions as reported by the messenger.

And you are right, a fluid battle but coalition is contradicting itself in very similar manor as reporting in June. ISW reports both sides and seems credible and points out changing coalition narrative so they have my respect.

But SF articles on Yemen are saying things that glaringly contradictory without any qualification – it keeps repeating coalition claims long discredited and the part about no ability to fight coalition mech infantry is over the top as SF has many articles showing the Houthis have been devastatingly effective. Whats up with that?

Tom Tom

Excellent, thanks.

Promitheas Apollonious

well……………. speaking about incentive, they have offered them a whooping $500 bonus, IF they survive and don’t die, in the process.

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