This article was written by Luís Garcia, author of the book VENEZUELA: Westerners have lost the ability to reason!, and of numerous articles published on his website Nomadic Thoughts. He is the translator of the Portuguese version of Andre Vltchek’s book Por Lula: O Brasil de Bolsonaro (For Lula: Bolsonaro’s Brazil) and has also collaborated with authors like Tim Anderson, Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Stephen Gowans, and several others in the translation of their articles into Portuguese.
As Western Propaganda Machine can’t convince us to hate China with logical reasoning and intellectual honesty, BBC and many other Western media offer us emotional manipulation, with carefully selected words meant to transmit negative ideas about China.
Here’s an example: “In Xinjiang, displays of police might are everywhere”.
BBC employees surely heard about Goebbels, thus we can assume they know what they are doing:
There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, and this will always be ‘the man in the street.’ Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.”
Joseph Goebbels
This article proposes a full debunking of one of the most-watched videos on Youtube responsible for the creation of a myth that so many throughout the world now believe. Just like in the Western-proposed myths of the Chinese invasion of Africa or the nefariousness of the New Silk Road, the purpose is the very same: to damage the image of China as much as possible, a country seen by many others as the last hope for humankind.
As the incomparable Walter Rodney exposed in his masterpiece How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Western powers did destroy all they could in Africa. These are the same powers now bashing China for what they committed in Africa. Similarly, the Western nations continuously bombing Muslim nations to Stone Age are proposing a parallel reality in which Muslims are rather victims of Chinese imperialism.
This kind of propaganda has to be exposed and it is actually very easy to expose if one compares it with factual reality backed by hard evidence. Let’s try it!
BBC starts by insinuating 4 sensational Chinese sins:
- large-scaled oppression;
- police forces don’t allow enlightened Western journalists to film evidence of Chinese sins;
- China omnipresent and repressive regime doesn’t allow Uighurs to express themselves;
- wise and superior Westerners know much better, only from browsing GoogleMaps!
And of course, BBC didn’t forget dramatic music suggesting we are about to witness some gruesome evidence proving once and for all that China, the Chinese government, the CCP, and the Chinese Han are indeed bad, really bad.
“The search for China’s hidden camps.”
Firstly no, BBC doesn’t need to search for well-known facilities already visited by BBC employees and other Western media, where footage was widely collected, thus proving the so-called “camps” are objectively visible and not “hidden” at all.
As for the many other “camps” BBC believes to exist thanks to GoogleMaps footage, well, if BBC journalists and experts managed to find those “camps”, then they are also not “hidden”. Conclusion: the use of the word “hidden” makes no sense at all.
Secondly, these are not camps. Until proven the contrary, Vocational Centers (Vocational Education and Training Centers, 职业技能教育培训中心 in Chinese), are what their creators call them: “Vocational Centers”. To call it a camp, BBC might be dishonestly insinuating the idea of “concentration camps”. If it is not the case, BBC should clarify what definition of “camps” shall the viewers use when watching BBC.
As for concentration camps, how do they actually look like? To read A Brief History of US Concentration Camps (by Brett Wilkins) would be a good starting point for these apparently oblivious BBC journalists. Otherwise, here are some examples:
Concentration camps for migrants in El Paso, USA, 2019

U.S. Border Patrol agents register migrants at a processing center in El Paso, Texas. (Photo: Mani Albrecht/U.S. Customs and Border Protection, via Getty Images)
Concentration camps for German prisoners in France during WWII:

Original Caption: German prisoners in a French prison camp. French Pictorial Service., 1917 – 1919 U.S. National Archives’ Local Identifier:165-WW-461D(3)
America’s Japanese Concentration Camps during WWII (an obvious example of a minority oppressed by its mother state):
“What has happened to the vanished Uighurs of Xinjiang?”
Firstly, which “Uighurs”? Can BBC provide a list of the Uighurs in question, including full names and locations where they were last seen? Extraordinary statements require equally extraordinary evidence.
Secondly, from an intellectually honest and sane perspective, it is unacceptable to talk about “vanished” persons, when we don’t even know who they are. One can’t even deny what BBC insinuates, for a matter of basic logical reasoning known to humankind at the least since the time of the great Greek philosophers: first, tell me who you believe to be missing, then someone might be able to prove you right or wrong.
Thirdly, if the BBC talks about unknown and unspecified persons that hypothetically vanished (or not), asking what “happened” to them is just irrelevant.
Although the BBC didn’t bother to explain it, one can easily understand that by “vanished Uighurs” BBC means the decrease in population of certain locations in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region due to the relocation of locals to other areas, where they get housing and new jobs to take them out of poverty. This has been happening inside Xinjiang Region, hence discrediting, even more, the insinuation of “vanished Uighurs of Xinjiang”. The fact that these projects are not exclusive of Xinjiang and the Uighurs, further discredit the incomprehensible alleged “persecution of Uighurs”.
To state that Uighurs were “vanished” implies that they can no longer be found on Earth’s surface. That’s simply not true and, if the BBC insists on this bold accusation, hard evidence has to be provided, or it is simply BBC’s fake news. The real news is that these can easily be found and the Chinese initiative is taking hundreds of thousands of Uighurs out of poverty at a very fast pace:
“Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region lifted 537,000 people out of poverty last year.”
“A total of 513 villages and three counties in Xinjiang shook off poverty last year, and the region’s poverty headcount ratio dropped from 11.57 percent in 2017 to 6.51 percent.”
“The region invested over 33.4 billion yuan (4.9 billion U.S. dollars) in poverty relief last year, 92.3 percent of which went to the four prefectures, which sit on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert.”
“The region also built new houses for 68,900 households in 22 impoverished counties in southern Xinjiang last year.”
“In a bid to eliminate absolute poverty by 2020, Xinjiang will continue to use relocation as a means of poverty reduction and speed up infrastructure construction in poverty-stricken villages.”
Given the fact that the BBC and other Western media argue that the Chinese authorities do not let them film the [concentration] “camps”, why don’t they film the houses, factories, and farmland where the alleged “vanished” Uighurs live and work? Nobody will prevent them from going there, the locations are well known and there is also Google Maps footage of those places to be analyzed by experts. who would be mesmerized with the fast-paced construction of infrastructure usually called “progress”!

Uygur women working at a clothing factory in a village of Aksu prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The average monthly income of the workers at the factory is over 2,000 yuan
More emotional manipulation with carefully selected words in a deceptive attempt to transmit negative impressions: “In Xinjiang, displays of police might are everywhere?”.
One has to wonder what does “display of police might” means in BBC newspeak? To be dressed as policemen? To carry the same tools and light weapons every police force on Earth carries? To drive police cars as every police force does? No BBC, that’s just police forces doing their job!
This is an (unnecessary) display of police might in Boston, USA:
This is an (unnecessary) display of police might in the US:
As for “police everywhere”, everywhere where?
- Option 1: Only in Xinjiang?
- Option 2: Especially in Xinjiang?
- Option 3: Everywhere in China?
Option 1 is a clear lie. Let’s move on.
Option 2? Why not, but please do not forget to provide data showing that, on average, there’s more policemen or police cars in the streets of Xinjiang than in the rest of China (which would be perfectly normal given the number of terrorist attacks perpetrated in that region and/or perpetrated by individuals born in that region).
Option 3. I have been to several Chinese cities, I lived in China and, from my own experience, this “display of police mightiness” is quite common in China, especially in bus stations, train stations, and city-centers.
What about the unusual and illegal display of military might by UK/US forces in Afghanistan (country A) in the aftermath of a terrorist attack committed in country B (USA) by nationals of its close ally country C (Saudi Arabia)?
What about the display of police and military might everywhere in the Thai provinces of Pattani and Narathiwat? I personally experienced it being stopped every 2 or 3 km for dozens of kilometers in these provinces. Officially, this immense display of police and military might is there to prevent the occurrence of more terrorist attacks as the ones committed by members of the local Muslim minority. Where are the BBC reports on the display of military might in Southern Thailand?
Back to “vanished” people, what happened to people in Detroit? Why are locals “vanishing” there? Following BBC’s reasoning, Chinese CGTN could visit that half-ghost US city and equally conclude that “up to 1 million” US citizens vanished at the hands of the US repressive regime, and are now confined in some hidden concentration camps against their will.
False allegations, right? Right, and that’s exactly the problem with BBC’s report on Uighurs!
In truth, there are many modern slaves in the US, arrested by the millions in private jails that look more like concentration camps and where a minority is clearly the predominant target of persecution. Watch Tortured & Enslaved: Enter the World’s Biggest Prison, by Abby Martin.
“There’s something here they don’t want you to see.”
“You” who? BBC can’t be talking about BBC journalists and other Western journalists because several of them have entered vocational centers and were allowed to film inside. BBC can’t be talking about Western audiences because Western audiences have access to footage like the video being debunked here, plus access to Chinese news channels in the English language like CGTN.
And dear BBC, don’t say “ah, but Chinese media only show you what they want you to see”, implying that sick old dichotomic Western fallacy: we are the good guys, therefore, by definition, we are telling the truth about devil inferior races/regimes; we don’t have to prove it with hard evidence; on the other hand, if those devil races/regimes do not show evidence of the alleged horrific crimes we believe they are committing, we can conclude they are hiding the truth; the actual non-existence of what we want to believe in without evidence… is an irrelevant detail.
Saddam’s nonexistent WMD story is the ultimate example of this wicked reasoning.
Really, a Westerner convinced that Chinese are lying or hidding something just because Chinese are Chinese and not Westerners, proves nothing about those unknown unproven assumptions and further exposes Western complexes of superiority and supremacist ideals, as well as the Western tendency for intellectual arrogance, colonial paternalism and exceptionalist perspective of reality.
Back to British propaganda, BBC can’t be talking about Chinese audiences because they too have access to the mentioned Western media and Chinese media in English plus to the Chinese media in Chinese Mandarin.
BBC can’t be talking about Chinese people passing by, as it is obvious they can see the outside. And the BBC can’t be talking about the inside either, because few seconds after this absurd claim, the BBC showed civilians entering the vocational center to visit relatives!
“Huge fences all around. Look. Behind this blue steal walls, in a former school, it is what China calls a vocational center. But it looks more like a prison.”
It makes perfect sense to install a vocational center in a former school, no? Did this BBC journalist spend at least a minute to think about the concept or is he just too full of Western supremacism to concede the Chinese people the possibility of being reasonable persons?
In his perspective, it looks like a prison. Ok, why not. But one can also argue the Westminster Palace looks like a gruesome symbol of imperial plunder and the enslaving of human beings in Africa and Asia.
Huge fences and steel walls? Yes, because now it is no longer a school. Now it is a vocational center, part of the Chinese government policy to irradicate religious extremism that led to several terrorist attacks and many injured/dead victims.
When extremist Islamists (a UK/US creation, not to be confounded with peaceful Islam) explode a bomb in Paris, Western MSM goes mad; people all over the planet, over-exposed to Western media, mourns the French victims; the French government keeps letting Saudi and Qatari extremists spread more Islamist extremism inside French mosques; French Army continues to occupy and bomb Muslim/Arab nations. And the West is absolutely fine with all that.
When Uighur extremist Islamists (supported by the US and with political representation in Washington) continuously commit terrorist attacks in China, Western media ignores it; indoctrinated Western audiences and many others living in Western vassal states never get to know about the terrorist attacks, let alone the number of Chinese people injured or killed.
Instead of disrespecting International Law, like France, the UK, and the US do, China does not invade nor bomb countries. China opts to re-brainwash Chinese Uighur citizens victims of extremist/terrorist brainwashing (so far a very effective measure, as the wave of terrorist attacks stopped).
Furthermore, in a very Chinese way of dealing with reality, China strongly bets on prevention. China offers Uighur people in danger of being radicalized (and everybody else) the chance to acquire professional skills and learn languages, promoting better chances of a prosperous future that will take Uighurs away from US-backed terrorist indoctrination.
“From above, the grim details can be picked out. Last year the school had a football pitch. Today it’s covered with what looks like accommodation blocks. Watchtowers are visible.”
But it is perfectly reasonable that a former school transformed into a vocational center has a hybrid look. It looks like the school it once was but with jail-like characteristics appropriated to its new purpose.
Many watchtowers, barbed wires for the vocational training centers? Why such tight security if they are vocational training centers?
Most of the newly-built vocational training centers are located in South Xinjiang where Uighurs predominate, and where many have been brainwashed with religious extremism especially Wahhabism. To detoxify their religious extremism, they are told to enroll in vocational centers with free lodging, food and skills training. There’s a need to have tight security around the training centers to prevent attacks by East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) terrorists. In the past, ETIM terrorists attacked fellow Uighurs when they refused to participate in terrorism.
As noted by others, how can it be detention camp when the trainees are free to go home for the weekends, and visits by relatives are allowed.
After a few years of cracking down on terrorism, the authority in Xinjiang turns its attention to the root cause of terrorism: poverty and ignorance. Empowering them with employable skills and detoxifying them are effective in cutting off new recruits by ETIM. So much so that there hasn’t been a single act of terrorism since 2016!”
Dormitories for people to stay overnight makes perfect sense in a vocational center (even in a school)! A “grim detail” would be to keep the football pitch and force trainees to sleep outdoor.
Watchtowers in a school would look odd, but not in a vocational center. Fences and watchtowers are there to protect facilities, employees, and trainees for the reasons already exposed. So what? Is BBC against the rule of law and against Chinese authorities’ right to enforce the law, a very soft law?
Is this BBC journalist, shocked by the soft measures China takes to fight terrorism (that would be seen as a progressive joke in the US, land of the Patriot Act), implying that he actually supports terror and extremism in China?
Anyway, if the Chinese policy of re-educating people brainwashed with extremism to give them tools to start a new life is just too much for BBC, what about the British government, the British Army, the British Secret Services, British media, and British NGO’s actively training, helping, financing, transporting, arming and/or campaigning for international terrorist organizations in Syria (including Uighur’s Turkestan Islamic Party, present in Idlib)?
And what about the jails for underaged citizens in the US sometimes indefinitely arrested because of insignificant transgressions like verbally offending a teacher? Aren’t they also oppressed by fences and watchtowers?
In a grim reality of US concentration camps do live thousands of child migrants, with “reports by children of rapes, sexual abuse and assaults” according to WSWS.
Southern migrants, are victims of scandalous inhuman conditions in a grim reality of US concentration camps :
This is what the Paso Del Norte Border Patrol station in El Paso looks like today. The queue of migrants who turned themselves in is stretched to the parking lot.
— Valerie Gonzalez (@ValOnTheBorder) March 27, 2019
Compare it with life inside a Chinese vocational center:
This is a 2-minute long take I shot at the vocational training center in Kashgar, Xinjiang.
— Hu Xijin 胡锡进 (@HuXijin_GT) October 24, 2018
Compare it with “grim details” in the US imperialistic need to kill 1,147 innocent people abroad in order to execute 41 suspected foreign terrorists without trial.
Just imagine the Chinese Army killing 1,147 civilians abroad in their attempt to kill 41 Uighur men suspected of being terrorists. Imagine the Chinese Army slaughtering this amount of innocent people. How would the West react?
BBC journalist claimed “officials“ prevented him from interviewing relatives of people staying at the vocational center nearby.
Yet, the journalism failed to identify the person in question and to prove his “official” status. Yet, he was able to talk to that family, thanks to another alleged and unidentified “official”.
Then, the footage was edited; the video was trimmed on minute 1.22, thus hiding how long the journalist managed to talk to the family. 10 seconds? 10 minutes? One hour? We don’t know the answer for that but, given the noticeable differences in light and camera position before and after minute 1.22, it is clear that the conversation lasted more than mere seconds (as he insinuated), eventually stopped by that unidentified man BBC calls an “official”.
BBC wished to insinuate (systematic) censorship on this issue but failed to provide hard evidence of a single case of censorship; BBC wasted 27 seconds on thin air.
“Xinjiang’s main Muslim minority are known as the Uighurs.”
Correct, BBC finally got something right.
“We find many of their homes locked and deserted.”
BBC should have hard evidence to back such bold claims, but it doesn’t.
As Gerry Brown argued:
The video suggests that they all have been sent to detention camps. My article in Counterpunch quoted an official figure of 400,000 Uighurs having been relocated from remote villages to nearby towns and cities where they can be gainfully employed. As a result, 600,000 Uighurs have been lifted from poverty in 2 years to 2017. Such relocation is not confined to Uighurs in Xinjiang. It has been done for Han Chinese in other provinces as well, millions of them.
Another few thousand Uighurs have gone to Turkey through issues of Turkish passports by Turkey embassy and most ended up in Idlib fighting along with ISIL. In Northern Syria, the Uighur terrorists occupied the houses of Syrian Muslims, who were forced to leave their homes and land. And the West portrays these Uighur terrorists as the victims!
If there are Xinjiang deserted areas previously inhabited by Uighurs, why every single document on the demographics of Xinjiang suggests the very opposite? As Dennis Etler argued:
After the beginning of the economic reforms in the 1980s Xinjing had a population of 13.08 million of which 46% were Uighur and 40% were Han. The 2000 census recorded 18.46 million of which 45.21% were Uighur and 40.57 were Han. The 2010 census recorded a population of 21,813,334 with 43.3% Uighur and 41.0% Han. The demographics of Xinjiang have hardly changed over the last 35 years of economic reform and growth! So where is the vast demographic shift, the government sponsored premeditated flooding of Xinjiang with Han to dispossess the Uighurs that the Western media constantly harps about? IT’S SIMPLY NON-EXISTANT! Lies, lies and more lies.”
With a quick look at Xinjiang’s demographics on Wikipedia, one learns that between 2000 and 2015 the total amount and the percentage of Uighurs in Xinjiang actually increased, from 43,6% to 46,42%. During the same period, the percentage of Han Chinese decreased, from 40,6% to 38,99%. And we shall not forget that there are more Uighurs living in other regions of China. The math is easy and the conclusion is very simple: the absolute number of Uighurs living inside Chinese borders keeps growing year after year, proving that Uighurs are NOT vanishing.
Knowing all this, what can be said about: “we find many of their homes locked and deserted”?
Well, firstly, the BBC offered anti-journalism when it insinuated a correlation between a locked house of a single person to alleged desertification. Secondly, the BBC does not provide locations, thus undermining third-party verification. Thirdly, BBC does not provide evidence of a correlation between alleged desertification and the vocational centers’ policy. Fourthly, “many” is too vague.
Caught empty-handed, BBC tries to convince us about a gruesome made-up story. Goebbels would be very proud of BBC!
“Sinister official notices on the doors saying the missing are being looked after.”
Well, sinister this Machiavellian insinuation, and the fact BBC resumed 1 title and 6 topics into a single word: “sinister”.
Sinister is to have an international corporation with an annual budget of £4.722 billion (2013/14 figures) conveniently unable to provide a full translation of a tiny document that is not at all “sinister”. Here’s a translation:
“六个讲清楚” – “6 points of clarification”
1. 讲清楚其家人被关爱的原因 – To make it clear why the authority cares about his/her relative.
2. 讲清楚当前的严打政策 – To make it clear the current hard crackdown on terrorism.
3. 讲清楚宗教极端思想的现实危害 – To make it clear the harm of religious extremism.
4. 讲清楚被关爱的人如果不及时采取措施很可能危害社会,连累家庭 – To make it clear if his/her relative doesn’t take corrective action, he might endanger society and affect his family.
5. 讲清楚政府是立足帮忙挽救的出发点进行集中关爱 – To make it clear the authority is sincere in helping his/her relative, and such help will be given collectively.
6.讲清楚如果触犯法律法规必将严惩 – To make it clear if his/her relative breaks the law, the punishment will be meted out strictly.
See? Why manipulate this document’s content, suggesting “the missing are being looked after” as if they were “vanishing”.
To insinuate something without actually saying it is indeed one of the most common tactics used by Western lying MSM. In this case, insinuate a genocide is taking place in China,
In reality, the document explains why and how the Chinese authorities are leading with the radicalization of some of its citizens because of Western-sponsored religious extremism that resulted in numerous terrorist attacks in China while explaining how the Chinese government is trying to solve the problem.
What’s wrong with this document? Instead of opening vocational centers, should China do like the US rogue state, drone-bombing thousands of civilians or carpet-bombing entire countries?
Or is BBC trying to tell us that China shouldn’t do anything about terrorism and allow it to freely spread inside its borders?
“One credible estimate suggests up to a 1 million Uighurs may now be detained.”
What estimate? Who suggested so? No source here, just a vague allusion to BBC’s not credible source, Gay McDougall, who simply repeats CHRD and Adrian Zenz made-up figures.
Many might not be aware but the ONLY source for the 1 million + Uighurs who allegedly vanished in alleged concentration camps is the EXCLUSIVE work of the renowned anti-communist Adrian Zenz, a member of the North American non-profit anti-communist Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, an organization founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Mister Zenz, according to his own research, came up with this figure by simply extrapolating numbers in the most unscientific manner and without hard evidence to back it. Here is it: “Wash Brains, Cleanse Hearts”: Evidence from Chinese Government Documents about the Nature and Extent of Xinjiang’s Extrajudicial Internment Campaign.
Since he published his research on vanished Uighurs, his unfounded allegation of 1 million + vanished Uighurs has been repeated millions of times throughout the world as the ultimate truth. Yet, a lie repeated many millions of times will never become the truth, no matter what. On the contrary, it ends by getting exposed like in Ben Norton’s article No, the UN did not report China has ‘massive internment camps’ for Uighur Muslims.
“But the BBC has seen new detailed satellite analysis of dozens of suspected camps across Xinjiang. ”
No, BBC looked at public footage, like everyone using Google Maps can do.
Exactly, “suspected”, not proven. Speculation is not proof.
Anyone can do better using Google Maps, such as analyzing dozens of very real military-based illegally installed in occupied Syria by 3 rogue states: the USA, the UK, and France.
“Few of them look much like schools. This giant compound is surrounded by a high wall with 16 watchtowers.”
Here, BBC posits it “looks like schools”, thus contradicting previous statements.
What about forgetting the concepts of “school” and “prison” and start referring to vocational centers as “vocational centers”? Everyone got it, it has a hybrid combination of both schools and prisons features, for the reasons already addressed here, and it has a name: vocational center!
“We try to approach the site by car (look at this), only to discover that’s being expanded on a massive scale (like a city).”
BBC team approached a “suspected camp” by car, to find out that the “suspected camp” has been expanded. So what? Before talking about the expansion of it, BBC still has to prove if it is, in fact, a “camp”.
If this place is another vocational center (China never denied the existence of vocational centers), what’s wrong with expanding it?
Finally, it is said: “massive scale! Like a city!” Sure, why not massive. Human beings able to reason will promptly ask back:
- What’s your definition of “massive”?
- Do you have precise numbers in square meters?
- Isn’t China’s size equally massive?
- Isn’t China’s population equally massive?
- So what’s the big deal?
“Then the police block our way. If this really is all about education, then why the effort to stop us getting close?”
Well, if BBC presence in China is really all about informing us about vocational centers, then why the effort to visit buildings under-construction instead of visiting vocational centers and showing us how a vocational center looks like from the inside?
The Chinese authorities do not stop foreign journalists from visiting vocational centers. On the contrary, they invite foreign journalists to visit vocational centers.
The “police blocked” his way? What’s wrong with it? Can’t this supposed journalist stop one minute to think about the reasons behind the creation of such facilities (eradicate terrorism)? What if this BBC journalist were a UK spy working for ETIM? Can’t he understand that strategic facilities built by the government to combat terrorism can’t be visited just like that, by a random guy, especially a foreign one? Can’t he understand that an invitation and/or an authorization are common requirements everywhere in the world?
In France, RT journalists were banned from attending Macron’s campaign. In Canada, Venezuelan Telesur was prevented from following the Lima Group’s meeting in which Western direct and illegal interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs was being discussed. These are blatant examples of violations of the Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists. Yet, BBC finds it unreasonable to have Chinese police blocking its journalists in such odd locations!
“If this really is all about education”?
No, this is not all about education. Period.
“Effort to stop us getting close”?
Luckily for the journalist, they were Chinese police forces and not US police forces. Otherwise, by now, he would probably be seven feet under the ground.
And then, there’s another pragmatic reason for not letting this BBC journalist getting closer. Look at the bulldozer next to his car:
Now is time to analyze the discourse of Ana Sebastián (unprofessionally, BBC spelled her name wrong).
“The satellite analysts show us a more recent image; it’s clear how much the site has grown.”
Really? One might wonder how dated satellite images can be more recent than footage filmed by a BBC cameraman standing right there!
Even if true the allegation that the not-yet-identified infrastructure “more than doubled” in size, what does it have to do with Chinese vocational centers?
“But the team is able to show that this one camp is part of something much bigger”.
Really? How?
“By identifying many other secure facilities right across Xinjiang.”
Amazing. These postmodern experts can label a given infrastructure as “camp” just by finding satellite footage of other similar unidentified infrastructures in some other unidentified locations. If lack of logic were a crime, these people would definitely be sentenced to the death penalty!
What if the similar (not identical) facilities are something else like, let’s say… prisons? Anything against the existence of prisons in China?
Can these postmodern pseudo-experts really prove what these facilities really are? Can they prove that these facilities are somehow related to Chinese vocational centers? Can they prove that these facilities are a synonym of Uighurs vanishing by the millions?
“Plotting their growth over time shows just how fast they are being built”.
Sure, but be amazed by the fast growth of infrastructure in China is like being amazed by the fact that 1+1=2. Can they prove some sort of correlation between this growth and their insinuation of “hidden camps”?
“Satellites see beyond what the human eyes can see.”
Nonsense. Some can, indeed! But not these ones, capturing regular footage using the visible spectrum. Those satellites do not see beyond our sight. They just shoot pictures. It still needs human eyes to look at those pictures, and then, using postmodern skills, find “camps” or unicorns on it.
“As the years pass, we have detected that the number of infrastructures being built… increases. And most significantly in the last 2 years.”
Sure, she found out that the number of unidentified buildings being built in China indeed increases!
But, why not analyze satellite images of the numerous Chinese projects created to take Uighurs out of poverty? Perhaps these experts on unicorns are not allowed to do so, as it wouldn’t fit in the pre-planned script to bash China.
“And prison design experts tell us this could now be one of the biggest detention facilities in the world, holding 11,000 inmates at the very least.”
Prison design experts? Really, namely who? And what do they gave to do with the subject of vocational centers?
They say it “could”, right, but presumptions, speculations, wild guesses, and any other kind of conditional assertions do not qualify as evidence and are contrary to the principle of serious journalistic research.
“China denies it is detaining Muslims in Xinjiang.”
Yes, exactly. China denies it is “detaining Muslims” for 2 very obvious reasons.
Firstly, the target of this de-radicalization program is extremism/terrorism. If the target were Islam, China would have to “detain” more than 24,7 million Muslims belonging to many different ethnic groups (Hui, Uyghur, Kazakh, Dongxiang, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Salar, Tajik, Bonan, and Tatar). The Uighurs are not even the biggest Muslim minority in China!
Secondly, China denies it because those “Muslims” are not detained. Real detainees in a real prison can’t go home; regular detainees in a regular prison can’t receive visits the way they do in vocational centers; detainees do not have this kind of access to training courses and respective certificates.
Please turn off the sound and focus on the footage the BBC collected inside a Chinese vocational center for another piece of their sinophobic propaganda:
What does it look like? A school, a prison, or rather what Chinese authorities claim it is a vocational center?
Please compare BBC’s footage in China with footage recorded inside US prisons:
If Uighurs are horribly treated by Chinese authorities, and if China really is that almighty high-tech dystopian surveillance nightmare Western media is always telling China is, how come there’s no footage leaked to prove it?
And if there’s no footage yet leaked, how can a serious journalist allege despicable crimes against Uighurs based only on witnesses with links to US government-sponsored organizations? Manufacturing of dissidents, witnessing lies about Xinjiang or North Korea in the name of the US propaganda machine have been widely exposed, one only needs to look at the facts:
While waiting for the pieces of hard evidence to back Western allegations and already discredited witnesses, one can look at what the Western incoherent accusers have been doing in places like Abu Ghraib or Bagram:
“In response to the allegations, state TV has been showing classrooms of supposedly grateful adults willingly undergoing re-education.”
Yes, Chinese TV channels have been showing footage. Yes, in response to BBC’s baseless allegations, Chinese authorities show footage disproving them.
“Supposedly grateful adults”?
BBC supposed so. No one else did. If really in pursuit of truth, the BBC could probably find people truly grateful to their parents, friends, or the Chinese state for having helped them to get rid of terrorist ideology by joining this program. And, probably, the opposite too. The human psyche is too complex. The BBC journalist should keep his manipulative hyperbole for himself.
“Willingly undergoing re-education”?
Some do, some don’t. Does BBC have hard evidence that all of them, or a large majority of them, were forced to join the program? And if forced, what’s the problem of forcing people to pass through a program of de-radicalization, after the country have had experienced a wave of deadly terror attacks?
When the US, the UK, and the Saudi terrorist states impose an illegal full-blockade on the impoverished and military offended Yemen, aren’t 14 million-plus Yemenis forced to starve to death? In Yemen, there’s a serious problem, a serious crime going on, a slow-motion genocide on the making that BBC dishonestly opts to systematically downgrade!
Back to China, of course, some were forced by their relatives and some others forced by somebody else with the intention of taking those persons away from something like this:
What is BBC’s point in all this? Does the BBC support the presence of thousands of Uighur (TIP) terrorists in Syria? Does the BBC support the return of Uighurs terrorists trained by the al-Qaeda in Idlib to perform terrorist attacks in China? Knowing TIP is an ally of al-Qaeda/HTS in Syria, can we conclude the BBC supports al-Qaeda?
Well, the British Army occupying Syria surely did so. The British government financing the al-Qaeda-affiliated White Helmets group in Syria also did it for sure.
The BBC, as the propaganda state channel of a genocidal state that still sponsors terrorism overseas, including in the Chinese city of Hong Kong, should refrain from accusing China without serious evidence.
“Undergoing re-education”?
Yes, exactly. Although during the whole report BBC shows skepticism about the existence of a true re-education program taking place there, that’s what we objectively can see:

Click to see full-size image
But if in BBC newspeak, a classroom of a vocational center in Xinjiang is rather a camp, or a concentration camp, or a prison… then, following the same Orwellian deconstruction of reality, these orange-dressed students are having a good time in a university campus located in Guantanamo, right?
“Without this, I might have followed religious extremists.”
Finally, BBC shares the opinion of one of the trainees undergoing a de-radicalization program. She surely knows better about her own life and her own socio-cultural background than BBC does. In a few words, she denied several of BBC’s allegations!
A typical Western reaction to this would be to argue that she was forced to say it. Once again, if someone argues so, then proof has to be provided, or else it just becomes one more example of racism towards the Chinese of the kind that implies evilness in anything done by Chinese officials. Because no, the Chinese are not a crowd of 1,4 billion indoctrinated zombies thinking all exactly the same due to CCP brainwash. Probably, that’s what most Westerners believe Chinese are after having passed through a long massive process of Western sinophobic indoctrination, but their beliefs won’t change Chinese reality.
“From a vegetable field to another one of China’s new schools in less than six months, complete with watchtowers.”
Why the reference to “a vegetable field”? Does BBC also have something against the Chinese turning a vegetable field into a vocational center?
“Less than six months.”
Amazing, right? But guess what, the Chinese, on average, are incredibly industrious, organized, and efficient!
“With watchtowers” in a school.
Apparently, BBC will never get it right but the place in question is a vocational center, not a school.
“We try to film one of them, but once again, while trying to get to the truth, we’re asked to leave.”
He “tries to film one of them?”
No, he didn’t. He has already been inside on vocational center. He doesn’t need to try, he only has to get permission (as he previously got). This is just footage of a prankster behaving like a spoiled little brat.
“While trying to get to the truth, we’re asked to leave”?
Why didn’t he try to get the truth when he was inside a vocational center? The explanation is rather simple. He was too busy ridiculing the Chinese people and mistreating the Chinese authorities with his deplorable (wrong) sense of moral and civilizational superiority! And here he incoherently plays the victim.
Anyways, since when BBC cares about the truth? Faked news about baby incubators destroyed in Kuwait? Faked evidence of WMD in Iraq? Staged evidence of chemical attacks in Syria? The BBC never cared much about the truth. The BBC consistently cares about hiding the truth and broadcast lies to promote as many Western crimes against humanity as possible!
No, BBC has absolutely nothing to do with truth or reporting the truth:
(One of John Pilger’s best documentaries. From 32:19 to 37:25 he exposes the hypocrisy of Fran Unsworth, then BBC Head of Newsgathering).
As for the Chinese policemen working there, he was just doing his job. He wouldn’t risk losing his job for letting an unknown bad-tempered domineering British person with complexes of superiority enter such facility without confirmed authorization.
This BBC’s journalist probably thinks he is still living in the Century of Humiliation, the dark era for China’s history during which the barbarian armies of France and the UK plundered and destroyed the Summer Palace, a great example of the refined Chinese civilization. Or during which supremacist Europeans could literally buy Chinese slaves, while imposing racist laws granting impunity to European missionaries and other Europeans committing crimes against the Chinese people in China? Or during which the UK imposed the collapse of the biggest economy in the world by forcing the Chinese to get addicted to British opium?
Silencing journalist for real is what is happening with Julian Assange. Silencing journalism for real happens when RT and Sputnik are banned from a UK media freedom conference. Silencing journalism happened in Bolivia when the non-elected fascist regime of Jeanine Áñez ordered teleSur and RT Spanish to be shut down.
There are numerous recent examples of censorship in the West, in Western vassal states, or in countries victims of US imperialism like Haiti or Honduras. There’s systematic censorship on Western social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. In Europe, there are UE-funded pro-NATO think tanks like European Values, organizations ruled by Russophobic fundamentalist fascists openly demanding a TOTAL BAN on Russian media and Russian journalists in Europe!
On the other hand, BBC journalists and many other Western journalists are absolutely free to lie about China and vilify China while staying in Chinese territory. This fundamental contradiction illustrates very well the double-standards of the supremacist mentality behind the gigantic informative war on China being carried out by the NATO alliance.
To conclude, this and many other dishonest reports making up atrocities in China have the only purpose of discrediting China, undermining future constructive links between the West and China (New Silk Road being the ultimate example) and a way to postpone a bit more the inevitable fall of Western-NATO imperial and often criminal control of our mother Earth.
As Zhang Yi kindly elucidates:
The China-through-a-Western-lens is an incomplete, one-sided and defective approach. Western media see a quite different China from the real China. Such an image of China may exist in the Western media sphere for a long time, as the West needs it to cling to its sense of superiority. Sadly, such unwarranted pride will prevent the West from understanding the real China.”
Luís Garcia
The world is not Manichean. The rank hypocrisy of the United States and Nato, as well as contemporary Western imperialism exhibited in the destruction of Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, war on Iran etc. is indisputable fact. But to reason from that fact to not taking seriously China’s atrocious, if not genocidal, treatment of its Muslim population in general and the Uighurs in particular constitutes a barbarous non-sequitur.
There is more than sufficient reason to consider Communist China responsible for heinous, totalitarian human rights abuses. Anyone who believes that China is not a totalitarian state with its own ruthless propaganda machine doesn’t live in the real world.
As for “Chinese imperialism”: Eastern Turkestan, known as Xinjiang, is not a traditional part of China, but was conquered in the course of Manchu imperialism in the mid 18th century. From a historical perspective, the Muslims of that previously independent region were persecuted severely by the Qing/Manchu Dynasty from then and throughout the 19th centuries, including many massacres, systematic rapes, and other pogroms. Communist China further decimated the Muslim community throughout China, which was once ten times greater than it is now. So yes, the situation in East Turkestan is a residue of Chinese imperialism.
The persecution of the Uighurs is in the politically disastrous position of being caught between being used by American and Nato (including Turkey) and ignored by the Resistance Front against American Empire. But, again, the world is not Manichean and some of us have to stand up for the oppressed, independent of matters of political expediency in the interest of fighting the Empire.
I agree. Naming it as BBC propganda and even dont let Britts send from there and too is artificiel intelligence of the worst kind.
In my opinion China has done the best possible of all worlds. Nothing is perfect, but what do you do with radical brainwashed Salafism? In ME they had been killed or jailed lifetime. In Britain they have been jailed on Devil’s Island, in Sovjet they had been sent to Gulag. In China they get education, work and sound facilities until they can function outside in society.
Come on. Dont demand the impossible of people who do a fine job.
Exactly. Yet, many in the West ignore the great work done in China, preferring to swallow vicious sinophobic propaganda. On the other hand, most Westerners are perfectly fine with the West “fighting terrorism” by bombing Muslim countries to oblivion. [I am the author of the article]
We know You. Anything which is not as Your maters tell You, is propaganda.
I allow me to remind You that we actually made both WW1 and WW2 almost by Ourselves.
An almost funny version. When people becomes extremists, its because thye have reasons for it.
And why Salafists. It the exact same mechanismes around the world including many other parts of Islam as well.
Your version for what China does to Chinese seemes to be added a lot of beer or samething much worse. They can teach dead hjorses to be real camels whenever they want as long as we let them.
That’s fair, Jens. And Gerry Brown was quoted as to those main reasons: “Poverty and ignorance.” Part of this is Bolshevik-brand communism’s fault. After all, if the world oligarchs behind the Mujaheddin, Al-CIA-da, and affiliated groups did not believe they could have similar results with China, would they have supported so much corporate industry in China?
However, trying to turn China into another US or UK started in the 1970s; that was 50 years ago and things can change.
There was an article about this over at The Saker: Escobar’s “Will Confucius marry Marx.” The spiritual foundations like those of Karl Marx (atheist “man… move around himself as his own true Sun”), Lenin, Mao, etc. are self-centered and subjectively moral. Although, Confucianism has been making a comeback in China, and it has a collective-centered, objectively moral spiritual foundation where, as Escobar says, “moral quality and ability to govern well and fairly” are what matters.
China is now in a real position to tackle poverty and ignorance similar to what the collapse of the Soviet Union and comeback of Christianity did for Russia. Note that Russia also had serious problems with Salafists and Wahhabists when it tried to move away from Bolshevik-brand communism: The Chechen Wars. Yet hasn’t extremism declined since then? Aren’t Chechens now helping reign in extremism alongside other Russians, like in Syria…?
“But to reason from that fact to not taking seriously China’s atrocious, if not genocidal, treatment of its Muslim population in general and the Uighurs in particular constitutes a barbarous non-sequitur.”
No such thing is happening. Muslim nations that investigate have ALWAYS congratulated China on how it treats its muslim minorities. Stop drinking too deeply from the cup of stupid.
” Communist China further decimated the Muslim community throughout China, which was once ten times greater than it is now.”
Bullshit. Lying troll scumbag.
Plenty of lies in this comment, starting with dates such this: “conquered in the course of Manchu imperialism in the mid 18th century”. Do you deny all the evidence of the presence of Chinese culture for at least 2000 years in the region? Will you deny Uighurs only came to the region 1500, fleeing persecution by other Turkic nations? Will you deny Uighurs were folllowing Nestorianism, Buddhism and other religious before aggressive Turkic nations forced this TurkicUigurs to convert to Islam? This is just an example. Your comment is full of lies.
Thats Konstructuvisme of the worst kind. Things wasnt there as You insinuate at all.
Ypu even ignore Mongols had a whole Empire there, where they as other Turk related was well connected to the NON CHINA there.
But maybee Im a Japanese too. I have a camera from there.
As a minimum normal people can see, where the many chinese walls was and still are.
please share here a piece of hard evidence of “persecution of the Uighurs”
“BBHermes” down-voted my invitation to share pieces of evidence. All said, hahahahah!
The author seemes to have no idea about resistance often are against changes or for them. Is thet terrorisme. Well it becomes so, when a Goiverment has plans for moving around millions and millions of people and they can, because the Chinese Goverment many years ago has confiscated all land. giving the ones living there no rights – if they ever had by the Feudals.
Its also kind of comic Ali the Author refer to what USA and UK did in the past, so the world can accept, whats going on i Tibet as well.
So all has to clean their own gardens…
I dont recognize much of this article according China. Many others has infiormation about it and bring what they can and will. BBC is just one of them, and now – as usual – the chinese deny they have very dirty laundry, which not even the best soap can make clean.
I do recognize the “western” part. We dont need much more of that.
I think it has to mentioned what we see in refugee and prison camps fx in Syria.
You are lying when you say “Chinese Goverment many years ago has confiscated all land. giving the ones living there no rights” The very opposite is truth. Shame on you for lying in such despicable manner.
You are a filthy liar.
Show me evidence of confiscated land, then I show you plenty of evidence of the very opposite (anyway online and easy to find). Anyways, utterly zombified Western supremacists like you have lost the ability to reason, the mask is of. Your complexes of superiority towards other races and nations are now running wild and free, shamelessly making up lies about others, shamelessly ignoring your own current colonial imperial crimes all over the planet. Your hopeless beings got to a point you can no longer differentiate facts from fiction, factual reality from opinions,…
You are so stupid You cant even see the old chinese cities are gone and almost none living there are from that Region at all.
Those people are displaced hardly with no compensation for more then a tent. If You moved Your behind and something else, You can find years of video and picture data about it.
But that haram to You. The Chinese in a socialistic country now all are landowners, which probatly happend yesterday and therefor is not news yet:(
You lying: “o compensation for more then a tent” If you had read the article and clicked on the proposed sources, you would have stumbled upon of HARD EVIDENCE denying your simplistic lies.
There are tons and tons of it and much more then for several chinese computers of the best. Maybee Your were blinded forst time You use chopstickers:)
Give me a list of the “old chinese cities are gone” I lived in China and have been to many places. Did you?
I make no list. Its all over moron.
Old building are totally gone and replaced by tall buildings with not eve asking.
Sopmepeople by accident send You some dim il sungs by accident and You liked them. Thats all You know of China.
So if I fx has no children, i cant know anything about them:)
Progress hater detected. New buildings only in New York, Berlin or London, right? Chinese shall live in Stone age caves, right? Have you ever wonder about Chinese opinion? Hopeless racist supremacist!
It was about expropriation and the millions which are not compensated, when old town centers are replaced even they have lived there a families for hundreds of years.
Yours hallo deep goodnight is a conclusion just showing, You have not been writinbg, what it is all about. .
El famoso Luis Garcia aka Hasbara troll aka Ccp comrade. Its well known that CCP is lead by worst kind of people on earth. Human organs traffic, eugenism, land stealing, torture and so on. What is the point of Sf to promote such low impartiality author? China is number 1 censor of internet and the writer try to dupe us pretending that west is worst than Ccp. Really pathetic.
Way to go, voting for yourself. Turkey also closed down their internet and the western shysters are closing down any descent to their warmongering.
Hey nameit, when are you going to remove your own, and only vote, for yourself?
It smacks of narcissism and desperation. Try it again, you might get two!
The point is China censor lies and influence campaigns, which is of big annoyance for the West/CIA/MI6 MSM lie industry. They dont accept social undermining and influence destabilisation as they do in West and why should they.
To be fair, Tommy, not accepting “social undermining and influence destabilization” in the form of smut and Bolshevik propaganda is what the “Nazi book burnings” were about, but how highly do you think of those? And in case you believe that MSM narrative…
“When compared to workers in America, the UK, Sweden and France, workers in Nazi Germany were paid the least. However, in the area of imports/exports, Nazi Germany did quite well. In 1933, 1935, 1936 and 1937 there was a trade surplus while the annual trade deficit of 1934 and 1937 were relatively small.” ~ “Nazi Germany and the Economic Miracle,” C.N. Trueman
Low worker wages compared to foreigners but having so much domestic production there are trade surpluses is exactly what China is doing now to grow its middle class. So if “the West/CIA/MI6 MSM lie industry” is lying about the anti-China warmongering, why would the anti-Germany warmongering be legit?
The problem with those levels or methods of censorship is that it makes administrations look shady, leaves people ill-prepared for thinking critically when they do come across the censored information, and can cut people off from good information. For example, Attack on Titan: That was banned in China a few years ago partly because it got roped into the Hong Kong independence discussion. However, if the government had let the story play out, its themes of people being lied into needless conflicts and avoiding that if everyone just talked and listened to each other are more helpful to the government’s policies than detrimental.
I agree transparency is preferable. But if censure ship is done correct its a protection for the vulnerable in our society yes? We need to protect our children against pedo and violence on the net. We need to demonstrate that violence and relaxed attitude to extreme weirdos and giving minorities majority is not correct. Because it is used as destabilisation programmes from hostile foreign powers. I dont know China deeply, but from what I have seen they do it so far in the right manner it should be done. The way natural censure ship should be done.
Yes, Tommy, I can sympathize with a “need to protect our children against pedo and violence on the net.” For example, this is arguably what Russia did with its laws against homosexual propaganda to kids. Where Russia’s censorship approach performs better than China’s is in regards to adults. When kids grow up, they gain more ready access to international travel, foreign education, VPNs, and other ways to get around censorship, so why try and continue the censorship at that level?
The Saker wrote an article a couple years ago, “Re-visiting Russian counter-propaganda methods,” and he made a good point that is still relevant now: “During the Cold War, the frankly stupid people in charge of the Soviet propaganda machine spent immense resources trying to block the western propaganda from seeping in from under the Iron Curtain… Nowadays, this has dramatically changed and the Russians understood that much better than anybody in the West: in the age of the Internet and satellite TV you cannot target your message solely at a domestic audience, nor can you prevent the other guy’s propaganda from reaching your own domestic audience… The truth is that about 80% or more Russians support Putin precisely because they are exposed to the western propaganda machine and its message on a daily basis… Unlike their US American counterparts, the Russians are not engaging in policies which they cannot justify before their own public opinion or before the public opinion of the rest of the planet.”
I read that very informative Saker article. Agree with you thats the best way is to maintain the moral flag high and point out, “you are welcome to enter the smut of the west, but we maintain our high style here”. Honesty will last longer and always win in the end.
1 – Thank you for the insulting reaction. Coming from a detractor, it reassures me I did a rather good job here. 2 – Why do you use words in Spanish? I am not a national of any Spanish speaking country. 3 – Yes, China censors plenty of things, but that is not the subject. 4 – As for the subject, do you have anything to say in favor of BBC’s report? Did you find any flaw in my article 5 – South Front does not promote me, only invites rational and objective thinking. If you believe you can do better, propose your own unicorn-impartial articles.
You up-voted your own comment!?! Oh geez, the credibility… hahahaha!
That would have been much more constructive to comment on the content of the article. Would you have anything interesting to say about that? In this case we could level the debate up. Really pathetic to find this kind of comment on a respectable outlet such South Front.
Be silent you feckless retard.
bbc lost any and all credibility it once had so bbc can and should be disregarded in anything except football and the premier league (and anything foreign, like serie A or la liga is foreign and ohh so murky and disagreeable). bbc would be better to write about the nearest concentration camp to the bbc hq, viz. concentration camp Gaza, where about 2 million palestinians are incarcerated under abominable conditions guarded by jews prepared to shoot kids throwing stones. that is a disgrace of uk’s as per usual befuddled thinking – shame on bbc and shame on her majesty’s fucking government..
When all one has to work with are arseholes, the produce is bound stink like shit.
There is a before and after 9/11. Before 9/11 BBC was among the highest well reputed media in the world. From 9/11 it was down the slope. Today BBC is pure shit and among the lowest fake media.
In this article I mentioned John Pilger and his great documentary The War You Don’t See. Watch it and realize how wrong is your assertion that the BBC was “well-reputed”a prior to 9/11.
Maybe it was my own perception which changed and got wiser…………….LOL. Could very well be.
sir jimmy savile, obe, kcsg, world’s most prominent pedophile left this mortal coil in 2011 and that was the end of bbc’s standing on the world stage – they ought to have closed down shop and allowed it back in a new shape and new people and the old ones stripped of money and titles and and and. but as per usual the idiocy of the ruling class (almost certainly in on jimmy’s peccadilloes) was sloppy and allowed things to remain as before just better prepared to squash any scandal a la jimmy savile when it comes along (as it most certainly will).
BBC has been a propaganda outlet from it’s inception. 9/11 just exposed it’s lies to the world.
Yr probably right. The red pill made my change my perception.
The BBC is none other than British Bullshit for Cowards, when western fake media accuse others it is because they project on their enemies what they first do of abominable, 500 years and more of mass murder and looting around the world have not yet taught anything to the Queen’s subjects, and they still have to apologize to China for the two Opium Wars and 150 years of brutal colonialism imposed on the Chinese people.
The bbc doesn’t do hard evidence. Hearsay is all it requires. I urge all those in Blighty to stop giving their money to these lazy parasites and hypocrites. There is no longer any serious journalism going on at the bbc.
Today the bbc is a laughing stock for all those with a brain and a memory. Where is the report on Saville bbc? Why does the bbc still have protected pedophiles on their payroll?
Hopefully the bbc will one day burn to the ground and nobody will miss it. It has passed its sell by date and needs to be replaced, and stocked with actual journalists that report on events rather than create them for gov’t money.
“Hopefully the bbc will one day burn to the ground and nobody will miss it.” Salty CCP worker spotted.
“rather than create them for gov’t money” Haha who says that
If you cannot see already then it’s best you stay in your bubble. You will only get humiliated and angry. Those outside your bubble will carry on with the adult talk and conversation. If you manage to get hold of a copy of the Saville report, please let us all know.
What’s the project of downvoting people answering you with arguments and downvoting anyone contradicting your non-factual-non-constructive comments ? Who’s the TROLL here Nameit?
Several before BBC has whole TV programs about it. There are witnesses too.
Ypu write as some kind of bad stomac.
Russian Propaganda Against Uyghuristan: China’s Our Ally, Therefore They Must be Innocent!
Putin is China’s dog until he stands up for the Christians and Muslims being persecuted in China.
Some day it will again be the Chinese and Russians being slaughtered like animals while the propagandists say “oh that’s not what’s really happening”, “it’s not really all as bad as that”, “whatever we’re doing must be necessary because we’re awesome leaders”, but I will be like “yeah right”
No, China is not innocent by friendship. China is innocent until proven guilty. So far, only allegations and false witnesses already exposed as employees of RFA/NED/CIA. Only very racist people can accept such accusations against China without hard evidence to back such accusations coming from discredited terrorist nations like the US, France or the UK.
You would deny it even it was printed up in Your behind close to You tiny brain.
If You dont know its probatly because You live in a place, where they erase facts.
You better learn English first. Then learn LOGIC REASONING. I didn’t deny anything, on the contrary, I call for evidence and I refuse to condemn Chinese without evidence.
“You would deny it even it was printed up”: No, that is you projecting your biased racist illogical mind on me. I don’t do so. If I have hard evidence, I will condemn China. Please provide hard evidence first.
But forget, you can’t understand the philosophical necessity of proving before condemning. You condemn before proving, making yourself a pitiful racist. You condemn before proving, showing how brainwashed you are.
Faced with an article of mine debunking an entire BBC video-report with plenty of lies and dishonest insinuations, you can’t come up with a single attack on my article. Why? Why can’t you point any flaw on my article? Amazing right?
You are just a spoiler.
Sure, I am a spoiler writing articles you can’t debunk, while you are a chimerical intellectual. Congratulations.
Racist? Seriously, how much of a leftist Jew are you?
CK: Do you realize that this is South Front’s comment section, and these guys often show the Uighur radicalization problem, particularly as it relates to the proxy war against Syria? The country Russia is helping to free from radicals…?
‘Contrarian Ken’, change your name to Idiot Ken, for you speak with no proof, no logic, no reason.
Cuntarian Ken is better.
Ugh. I can’t think of anything better. “Cuntrarian Ken” it is!
Ok but even if the article is the truth, it doesnt mean that China didnt made genocide on 6 million Uighurs in ovens. It could still have happened and happen every day!
Even if it is truth? I only mentioned facts! Click on the hyperlinks for sources! Can’t you understand the difference between OPINION and FACTS? This is not an article of opinions, it is an article debunking BBC’s baseless opinions with FACTS.
Ta bom rapaz. Ja foi aceitado.
Look at your words “could still have happened”? Yes, it could also have happened that you raped 6 little girls. Can I prove you did so? No. Can I prove you did NOT do? No. If you opt to believe China killed 6 million Uighurs, without evidence, so I will opt to believe you raped 6 little girls, also without evidence. Greek philosophers, back 2300 in time, had already explained why one can’t prove the existence of something by negation. In 2021 there is a Tommy Jensen who still doesn’t get it, hehe.
I take that. Actually I am amazed about how much I have been and still is wrong with many things but…………….Im keeping up. Some day I will be right and you guys wrong. Fear that day!…………………………..LOL.
the chinese being cleverer than the friggin germans would keep them alive as cheap labour fed on swill to make china a happy place for everyone including the uighhurs.
You are an idiot. Truth is determined on the basis of PROOF not speculation.
Where is your PROOF , fool?
Its ok Archy. If you can dream it you can do it.
The wagon train has moved Tommy boy.
This is just a report of lies !!! China is doing horrible things
Yes it’s an obvious propaganda of CCP terrorist sect. I wonder why southfront publishes this fabricated and negationnist article.
You are are propagating obvious propaganda, you liar.
You are another fool with no proof that China is guilt of the Uighur genocide accusation.
In your imagination, you liar. Where is your proof? China is doing nothing like what ‘israel’ is doing.
The jews run two giant Arab concentration camps in Gaza and the West Bank and we are asked to BELIEVE in RUMOURS of Chinese ‘concentration camps’ for Muslims?
These lies are created by the very same people who hate muslims and Arabs, they are now pretending o be so ‘concerned’ with the welfare of muslim Uighurs.
Why? Because they are terrified of China. They want to project their own evil onto China hoping to turn world opinion against the coming Chinese Superpower.
That’s my favorite argument. Terrorist Western states bomb, kill, rape, kidnap, torture, plunder, enslave, etc, everywhere in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, PALESTINE, Sudan, Pakistan, etc…. Yet they are the very SAME who make up these sinophobic lies.
The truth is obvious. Only jews can propagate lies so shamelessly. If the lie is too obvious to be believed, yet sheep fall for it, know that a jew is behind it somehow.
dumber the lie, easier they swallow it.