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BBC Revaled Secret Deal Between ISIS And US Forces In Syria’s Raqqa

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While some reports about the cooperation between ISIS and US forces in Syria remain questionable, in general, the fact of this cooperation is a widely known secret. Even the mainstream media admits this.

BBC has published information about a secret deal that let hundreds of ISIS fighters escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.

According to BBC, the deal to let ISIS fighters escape from the de facto capital of the Caliphate, Raqqa had been arranged by local officials,. It came after four months of fighting that left the city obliterated. Neither the US-led coalition, nor the US-backed SDF wanted to admit their part in arranging the convoy that led some of ISIS’s most notorious members and dozens of foreign fighters spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.

“We were scared from the moment we entered Raqqa,” said one of the drivers of the convoy. “We were supposed to go in with the SDF, but we went alone. As soon as we entered, we saw ISIS fighters with their weapons and suicide belts on. They booby-trapped our trucks. If something were to go wrong in the deal, they would bomb the entire convoy. Even their children and women had suicide belts on.”

The SDF cleared Raqqa of media presence. Publicly, the SDF said that only a few dozen fighters had been able to leave, all of them locals. This contradicts what one truck driver states: “We took out around 4,000 people including women and children — our vehicle and their vehicles combined. When we entered Raqqa, we thought there were 200 people to collect. In my vehicle alone, I took 112 people.” Another driver says the convoy was six to seven kilometres long. It included almost 50 trucks, 13 buses and more than 100 of the Islamic State group’s own vehicles. Ten trucks were loaded with weapons and ammunition, according to the drivers’ testimonials and secretly filmed footage.

The SDF didn’t want the retreat from Raqqa to look like an escape to victory. No flags or banners would be allowed to be flown from the convoy as it left the city, the deal stipulated. Despite assurances from the SDF, foreign fighters — those not from Syria and Iraq — were also able to join the convoy, according to the drivers. They said people from France, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi, China, Tunisia, Egypt among others were granted passage.

The convoy can also be seen in this video:

In light of the investigation, the coalition now admits the part it played in the deal. Some 250 ISIS fighters were allowed to leave Raqqa, with 3,500 of their family members. “We didn’t want anyone to leave,” says Colonel Ryan Dillon, spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve, the coalition against ISIS. “But this goes to the heart of our strategy, ‘by, with and through’ local leaders on the ground. It comes down to Syrians – they are the ones fighting and dying, they get to make the decisions regarding operations,” he says. While a Western officer was present for the negotiations, they allegedly didn’t take an “active part” in the discussions. Colonel Dillon maintains, though, that only four foreign fighters left and they are now in SDF custody.

Along the route, many people BBC spoke to said they heard coalition aircraft, sometimes drones, following the convoy. From the cab of his truck, one of the drivers watched as a coalition warplane flew overhead, dropping illumination flares, which lit up the convoy and the road ahead. The coalition now confirms that while it did not have its personnel on the ground, it monitored the convoy from the air.

An ISIS intelligence chief was on the convoy out of the city on October 12. Now in jail on the Turkish-Syrian border, he has revealed details of what happened to the convoy when it made it safely to ISIS territory. He says the convoy went to the countryside of eastern Syria, not far from the border with Iraq. According to him, thousands escaped.

“I remained with a group which had set its mind on making its way to Turkey,” he says. “We hired a smuggler to navigate us out of SDF-controlled areas. He abandoned us midway. We were left to fend for ourselves in the midst of SDF areas. From then on, we disbanded and it was every man for himself.”

The SDF continue to maintain that no deal was done. As far as the coalition is concerned, there was no transfer of hostages from ISIS to coalition or SDF hands. Dozens of foreign fighters, according to eyewitnesses, joined the exodus. The deal to free ISIS was about maintaining good relations between the Kurds leading the fight and the Arab communities who surround them, BBC stipulates.

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Saa should have attacked them…and then they would have blown themselves up…no big deal…no waste of ammo as well.

George King

Hmmm, appears the SDF air force was flying air cover and recon for the operation. But it appears from the report that not all but some will still meet their destiny in the weeks to come from either PMU Iraqi and Syrian forces as the Tigers move in for mop up.

From what is happening in SA we are probably going to see a shift from faux Shia vs Sunni to an Arab nationalism coming from the dark forces. How else can they attack the PMU which consist of Sunni fighters as well?


appears the SDF air force was flying air cover and recon for the operation…. uh wouldn’t that be us, the US. I didn’t know the Kurds had an air force. We/US are friends to no one. If I want to see the face of international terror I go look in the mirror.

George King

Yes without stating the US in comment it was in the article. I take exception to being the face of terror as I only have one vote (that dosen’t count) and like George Carlin says “It’s a big club and we aren’t in it!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5dBZDSSky0


Lets not forget what president trump said…..’winning is not important, not letting them escape is’…..and now they are doing that….

Jens Holm

I count anything from Trump as low as possible.


cia, the army everyone does the same

Jens Holm

Im sure many are dead. But fine for ISIS to get hard reinforcements.

George King

When it is all said and done we will look back and see whether from either brilliant strategy or good fortune (the honey trap of Albukamal) and the timing of an end around sweep into SW Albukamal by the Syrian forces.

“Hard reinforcements”? It is more like useful idiots funneled into the killing field.

African Child

Read the story again, it says ”Along the route, many people BBC spoke to said they heard coalition aircraft, sometimes drones, following the convoy. From the cab of his truck, one of the drivers watched as a coalition warplane flew overhead, dropping illumination flares, which lit up the convoy and the road ahead.”


ok ok…just saying….a single sniper should be enough…those guys are phsychos anyway…..

Jens Holm

It was a part of an agreement. You fx ignore simple things seen many times in the movies, that there among the civilians/hostages/Isisfamilies are fetonators/bombs – So if ISOS soldiers go they go too.

Jens Holm

The negositions and the mix of dirt and good was there all the time, where I followed it. The 275 soldiers to DEZ was the number as well. We didnt know how many hostages/civilans there were.

But if we try to compare, Manbij was 100 ISIS soldiers for 2000 “hostages”.

If I as ISIS should cross and SDF territory and reach DEZ close to SAA & Co, I would not trust any and demand to be well armed. Thats what they did.

So whats the problem. Its very dirty but Raqqa was liberated soon after. Better to hit ISIS at DEZ, if there are many of them :).

Wagner schmit

Estimates about ten thousand pro ISIS civilians in raqqa city only 4 thousand left now? Either killed off or fled.


or changed sides

Wagner schmit

No since you believe that bullshit then they joined SAA also by your logic. Especially those “tribal fighters” that SAA recruited.

Gregory Louis

The gov has almost 60 to 70 percent o the Syrian population….and those are tribal fighters can you prove otherwise of course not it’s like saying the QSF isn’t full of ex FSA

Jens Holm

He is far out by that.

Jens Holm

Im sure those hardly can be handfulls unless in Your brain. SDF should accept Jihadist supporting them in the future for sekularism by Marxisme.

You are really sick believing that at all.

We have seen FSA, NUSRA, ISIS several times. Those are kind of family related.


or they just don’t care who rules them, when isis comes, they put out an isis flag, when sdf, and sdf flag etc

Jens Holm

Thats estimates. Those often are the best, which can be given.

Im sure they downseize many low class supporters. Thats normal as well.


BBC reports it ’cause it is a scoop they wouldn’t like anyone else to report before them. Maybe they found out the Russians were about to do an expose on their media and went ahead and did it themselves.

Wagner schmit

Like the video games footage Rusisa posted and the foreigner minister was dumb enough to buy into it and Russian media channels?


The whole Albukamal op has been a huge blunder so far. Don’t know if they were trying to make up for ISIS/SDF capturing the entire eastern bank of the Euphrates, with the oilfields and all, but that botched up job needs fixing regardless of the fake pictures and videos.

Wagner schmit

They have to blame someone for their failure at doing a rush job. So blame the Evil US devils.

Toxicus Mechanicus

I knew it,you are a teenager who watches cartoons.Leave the politics to adults you terrorist lover piece of shit brat.

Wagner schmit

“I knew it,you are a teenager who watches cartoons.Leave the politics to adults you terrorist lover piece of shit brat.” Ahh can’t argue so throw insults classic troll. Call me a teenager when you have immaturity level of over a thousand if you can’t respond in a mature intelligent fashion go play call of duty kid. Actually over 22 so adult so maybe you should STFU with the classic bots.

Toxicus Mechanicus

Awww are you offended japanese cartoon lover loser? It’s probably gonna suck for you when you realise life is not like in cartoons and you are nobody.


No, like usa claiming that Russia hacked their election or claiming that they are helping people in ME to live better or ….. so many things :)

Wagner schmit

That stupid but does not excuse stupid russian propaganda.


Dear SF, matt @disqus_8IIISEZIcY beat you to this report, by 16 hours! I suggest you hire him and bury him under so much work, so he can’t find time to comment anymore! ;)

Lilian Turin

OK, another one of those incredible situations that puzzles me, like huge ISIS counterattacks coming from nowhere inside Syrian desert

How is it possible that both Russia or Syrian airforces did not spot the convoy of 140+ vehicles coming out of Raqqua !!?!?? Why they did not bomb into oblivion ??

It makes no sense !!

African Child

Quote from the article ”Along the route, many people BBC spoke to said they heard coalition aircraft, sometimes drones, following the convoy. From the cab of his truck, one of the drivers watched as a coalition warplane flew overhead, dropping illumination flares, which lit up the convoy and the road ahead.” US gave them air cover

Lilian Turin

One of the many controversies of this war, like Russia’s inaction on the many Israeli attacks in southern Syria. If you notice neither Sputnik or RT put any emphasis on this news. Clearly both Russia and the US were fully aware of this situation.

Jens Holm

As long as Israel fight only Hesbollah and its helpers Israel can do anything, they want.

Jens Holm

You can say that, but I would also gues they counted vehicles to see if any of them went anywhere else. Thats what they could do.


Russia does not want to take on US

Jens Holm

Because 140 vehicles did not and all was cowered well.

Let me remind me how many times SAA, Russians and that lousy mob of Ditatorsupporters have not seen ISIS comming for attacks and counterattacs.

Most of the time they hardly know, whats just in front of them. It make sense to me. You are just another believer of the Greatness of Damaskus almost comminding Putin, Hesboallah and Iran.

African Child

The Russians have already shown this secretly filmed videos online of ISIS convoy leaving Raqqa but the conniving western media totally gave it a news blackout until now. BBC is releasing this information now to warn Europeans that ISIS hardened fighters are being smuggled into Europe from Raqqa to Turkey and everyone needs to be conscious of that. All they need to do is shave off the long beards and put on suits and they can be on the next available flight to Germany or Paris


So what if they go to Europe, after all Europe is against SAA or rather Syria which to this day sanction Syria and never. Help in the fight

Jens Holm

If You followed fx liveupdate, they had many small parts from the negosiatios. Most people could gues complicated negosiations was going on and SDF and USA did not agree fx which from ISIS should go to where or not.

There is no evidence for any dangerous from ISIS are smugled in. There is evidens for potentiel ones.

And its about a choise rescuing others in Raqqa. You forget those many, which now are alive.

Kristy Rain

This is typically called ‘Sanitizing a story’ *slow, slow clap*


“ Colonel Dillon maintains, though, that only four foreign fighters left and they are now in SDF custody”…HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, We know that Colonel Dillon is a LIAR because he open his mouth…The UNITED STATES/ISRAEL rescue THEIR INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORIST from Raqqa to be DEPLOYED on other areas to fight the Syrian military.

Jens Holm

Opening Your mouth that much up covers almost well, there is no brain behind it.


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