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MARCH 2025

Belarus Chooses Integration With Russia Against Navalny Poisoning

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Belarus Chooses Integration With Russia Against Navalny Poisoning

A. Lukashenko and M. Mishustin

On September 3, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin paid an official  visit to Belarus, where he met with President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko and held talks with Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko with the participation of delegations from both sides. Significant progress has been made on many issues of the Russian-Belarusian agenda, including the future of their Union State. It seems that Lukashenko has finally chosen a strategy for overcoming the crisis – accelerated integration with the Russian Federation.

Given the current situation in the country and the long mass protests ,the “acceleration” of integration means that this should be done as quickly as possible, in the coming weeks, in a few months at most.

Relations between the two sides have deteriorated significantly over the past year. Lukashenko, apparently, deliberately distanced from Moscow and did everything possible to be less dependent from his neighbor. Disputes over natural gas supplies to Belarus have become a stumbling block in the negotiations between the two sides. The price conflict in the oil sector led Belarus to look for alternative sources of raw materials and purchase oil shipments from Azerbaijan, Norway, Saudi Arabia, as well as from the United States. A signal of the crisis peak in relations between the two countries was the detention in Minsk of 33 Russian citizens accused of preparing provocations before the presidential elections.

Belarus Chooses Integration With Russia Against Navalny Poisoning

Protests in Minsk

Despite quite deep differences, in the crisis situation, Lukashenko chose a strategy of rapprochement with Moscow. The Russian Prime Minister arrived in Minsk today, the Belarusian defense Minister is flying to Moscow tomorrow, and the leaders of the two countries will meet in the next few days.

Currently, negotiations are underway on cooperation in various areas. In addition to enhanced political and economic integration, the format of combining armed forces into a single military bloc is being discussed. This implies the creation of a unified military structure, which significantly exceeds the level of integration within the framework of the CSTO agreements. The first step in this direction is already done. Today there was a resignation of the leadership of the Belarusian law enforcement agencies: head of the KGB, Secretary of State of the Security Council and Chairman of the State Control Committee. At the same time, the countries seek to maintain their administrative and political independence.

Accelerated integration with Russia will allow Minsk to resolve at least partly the growing crisis situation and solve a number of economic and domestic political problems. This settlement will satisfy the demands of a large part of the protesters, especially if a decision is made to hold new Presidential elections in the coming months.

Belarus Chooses Integration With Russia Against Navalny Poisoning

IMAGE: REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

If integration leads to stabilization within the country, then in the international arena, it certainly causes dissatisfaction of the Western countries.

In this context, it is important to consider the current state of relations between the West and Russia, Belarus. From today’s agenda, it is clear that the situation is deteriorating sharply, primarily due to the announcement by the German government that traces of poison from the group of substances that Novichok belongs to were found in the body of the Russian opposition leader Navalny. (Link, Link)

Today, Belarus has clearly expressed its position supporting the Kremlin. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during a meeting with Russian Prime Minister said that he had evidence of falsification of words about the poisoning of Navalny.

“We intercepted the conversation. We understand that Warsaw is talking to Berlin. Two subscribers on the line. Our electronic military intelligence intercepted it. < … > And we intercepted an interesting conversation ,which (I will let you read it, we will prepare it and send it to the FSB) clearly indicates that this is a fraud. There was no poisoning of Navalny, ” Lukashenko said.

It seems likely that the poisoning of Navalny and the subsequent imposition of sanctions against Russia are nothing more than a response to Lukashenko’s turn towards increased integration of the Union State with Russia. At the same time, it was the policy of the West, which actively supports the revolutionary forces in Belarus, that forced Lukashenko to turn to the East. Thus, the collective West loses influence on the figure who remains in power despite the protests that have been going on for almost a month.

Most likely, an ultimatum was sent through diplomatic channels to abandon plans for integration under the threat of new sectoral and personal sanctions. However it is not possible to openly impose sanctions in response to the Russian-Belarusian rapprochement, it is too rough and strained. Thus, there was a need for a pretext that was sufficiently weighty to take measures of pressure. The perfect pretext is the poisoning of Navalny, which miraculously took place at the most appropriate moment. Navalny’s personality has become the trigger of sanctions pressure, and his fate is a direct signal to Moscow. It is not a coincidence that the German foreign Ministry issued a statement that the development of the situation with Navalny directly depends on Moscow’s actions. Pressure on Moscow is being exerted by the united front of the leaders of Germany, France, and the United States, primarily by the leadership of the democratic party and its “deep state”.

Manipulations around the “Navalny gate” serve as a means of persuading Russia and Belarus to abandon integration. However, it seems that the parties have already moved to active actions to strengthen the Union State, and the rejection of rapprochement now would lead to an even greater crisis increase.

Belarus Chooses Integration With Russia Against Navalny Poisoning

Illustrative image

On the other hand, we cannot rule out the possibility that the Kremlin used the poisoning of Navalny as a decisive argument to persuade Minsk to accelerate integration.

Against this background, the version that Navalny was specifically handed over to the West looks quite viable, predicting that the Euro-Atlanticists will not miss the possibility to take advantage of the situation, accusing the Russian Federation. After another allegation of using Novichok, the Kremlin demonstrates its absurdity. In Russia, copies of Navalny’s biomaterial have been preserved, which makes it possible to prove the direct lies of Western leaders. Immediately after Merkel’s statements, experts from the Moscow research Institute named after Sklifosovsky conducted a study using the U.S.- made equipment. Substances from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors, traces of which were found in the body of Alexey Navalny by German doctors, Russian specialists as before did not reveal.

It is likely that Moscow will go further and associate “Navalny gate” with the already existing precedents of openly false statements from the West, for example, the lies of the Americans to the UN in connection with the presence of chemical weapons in Iraq.

Together with the continuing political crisis in Belarus, the poisoning of Russian opposition politician will serve as a basis for accelerating integration processes between Russia and Belarus, including the unification of the armed forces of the two countries, joint protection of the state border, the introduction of a single currency, etc.


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Colour revolution obsolete like large fleet carrier and Abrams tank. Good luck Red and Green!

Lone Ranger

Finally a smart move. Hope it was a good lesson for Loui not to kiss CIA/MI6 butt.


26 y learning curve better than none…but outside conditions ALSO had to be right like Russian national industrial policy and decline of EU.


Like Hungary ’56

Lone Ranger

Totally different subject.


Different times, alike situation.

Lone Ranger

Nothing alike in it.


They liberated your grandparents from the capitalistic nightmare.

Lone Ranger

That was in 45. And it was nazism not capitalism.


And that’s when your jewish grandparents arrived in the freshly liberated country.

Lone Ranger

Not really, they lived here for hundreds of years. But these are big words from a traitor coming home from Canada…


Where did they come from, few hundred years ago?

Lone Ranger

I dunno, records are going back only that far. Why do you care?


I don’t. Actually I don’t believe 99% of what you say

Lone Ranger

That goes vice versa…

Lone Ranger

Eastern Europe had it harder, but if not for the iron curtain we would be the same liberalnazi LGBT drug addicts like in the west.


Yeah, that’s why so many westerners come here to find a decent job. Thanks to you commie jew.

Lone Ranger

Im still a conservative, Shlomo. More and more westerners flock to Eastern Europe. 15.000 germans settle in Hungary each year. Without the east Europe wouldnt exist anymore.


Totally alike.

Lone Ranger

In Disney movies…

Lone Ranger

CIA sacrificed 20,000 Hungarians for nothing by the way. They kept telling hold on help is coming. But they lied deliberately,they only wanted bad PR for Russia and good PR for themselves. Empty promises and a lot of dead people, summer uses the U.S. pretty good for the past 120 years.


Yeah, stupid hungarians, luckily USSR saved them from malign CIA influence. And your grandparents waited them with red flowers.

Lone Ranger

Not stupid but naive. We weren’t used to lying pricks americans. Nobody is waited them with flowers. Unlike your grandparents whom threw roses to the nazi troops and Bandera…


So hungarians wouldn’t have done shit without promisses from Americans, they are cowards and naive, great way to portrait your country, communist jew.

Lone Ranger

I’m a conservative. We are the exact opposite of cowards, but we wouldn’t have kept fighting a lost battle for two weeks. Only coward here is the U.S. and you, banderaboy.;)


You fought there?

Lone Ranger

Im not that old.


Nah, his grannie welcomed nazi troops and Banderistats with open legs and an open mouth. Bacon-boy does the same with his tricks.


Good, good, very good. Progress. If America and Co. are pissed about this, it means that Belarus is on the right track.


Make no mistake – US created a second Ukraine in Belarus. Sorry.

Davide Herzog

They tried , they wished to make a golpe like in the russian regions of ukraine or georgia . Now it’ s over and Russia is expanding toward west .

Kinzals and others will be closer , much closer to Paris , Berlin , Rome , Brussels etc


I think this will be one fabricated false flag too far by the forces of arrogance,if these intercepts prove anything i can’t wait to see the faces of those bastards.

johnny rotten

Russia has already taken this into account for some time, the West is already at war with Russia and sooner or later it will become a real war, for Russia it is useless and deleterious to speed up the moment of confrontation, indeed it is better to postpone it perhaps even to a point where the West will no longer be able to fight for manifest inferiority, things are going in that direction, both military and economic and political, so let them shoot bullshit and sanctions, always show calm and don’t let them change mode, when your opponent is self-destructing do not distract him until the completion of the work, meanwhile prepare for war as best you can, this is what Russia is doing. Many complain that Russia is lazy in the face of provocations, both in Syria and everywhere in general, but as the sage says, the fruits are harvested when they are ripe at the right point.

Trap Is Not Gay

On the contrary, Jews are turning the Americas (the continent) and also Europe into a mass of mongrels brainwashed to put them in the fronts of war for the Jew ruled Israel first “democracy” (free to obey the Jew).

The nigger watered scum mob is made to be the new communist “bolsheviks”, marching for delusion and fighting for free (dying for free, front men).

I know China has 1 billion people (and more people from the East), but it’s hard to say if it’s better to clean out the Jew’s dumbass negro mongrel pawns much later (or more soon), who knows what the JewSA is going to make out of AI, 4G, etc.

Russia and China are dealing with animals, beasts, mad dogs.

Russia is the best country now, but also Russia doesn’t seem to have a goal, and the more the end goal is delayed the more the uncertainty and who to fight for or dissent from (instability for everybody).

But anyway, my respect to you guys.

Fog of War

Russian and China ? You dont say .



Trap Is Not Gay

Here comes again the projector shill with the eternal JewSA projection bullshit


Fog of War

You got me man. You’re just too clever.

Trap Is Not Gay

Too clever? No, that’s projection and you’re a shill.

Fog of War

Ok Karen.


Poor nwo/bankster slave on incests,you are in no position to succeed in anything:More to life than being the debt whore sakave of incests,dumb nazi fk!


Socialist khazar/nazi reight incest sects,seens stalin were communist not the fake neo-liberal slimes of the incest bush,clinton,odummer kweer reigns,see communitys aas in the peoples partys are not pro lgbtq/phaedokweers,whys is china so advanced,think! No such thing as communist governance in usa never was nor will be (period) The cia/lamestream media on purpose got it for real deal communists if anything because they can house all their peoples saving them from debts,also care for their peoples insoimuch as affordable health care yet education costs a pittance compared to the masonic culted pro reight skulls n bones regimes,this is why the world bank hates china,russia,venezuala and other more afforfable means to get the needed jobs done!

Trap Is Not Gay

Shut up shill

Go watch Fox News and send more money to the ME


Trap IS gay, you faggot sicko


US is about to collapse, there will be no war at all! After implosion of the dollar first NATO will fall apart and after that a NATO as well. Russia is preparing for war true….but not necessarily against US.

but as the sage says: johnny rotten fruit, has spoken

Me&Myself None

I do not think that is a good idea to discuss integration between Belarus and Russia right now. This can inflame the current situation even more, since it doesn’t seem that the population of Belarus wants such integration.


They soros protesters are only a minion compared to the 90% who infact voted against them, use you head ,not the kamnsteams strapons,idiot!As if they prefer lieing feminazi soros/skanks, drr you weak dumb fascist fks!


Russia’s only diplomacy is breaking morale of the civilians, with tanks rolling on streets

Fog of War

The game is not over yet. Addtionally, what does integration really mean ? Will Belarus kick out all foreign embassies ? Will its current trade deals trasfer to Russia ? What about its debts ? What if a large percentage of Belarusians go against integration, will the country spilt ? Too many questions .


Don’t insult intellects,hellarys sect of no good dementy soros/feminazi/trolls only got sht on offer! Save it for nwo/european kweer bars,they like all kinds of sht there don’t they,lice infested rats! Belarus has kicked out them vile ambassadors,more to come too,every right after such insolence It expects to remain after believing soros/lies? Ok give it a good smack in the mouth it deserves!!


It’s not what Belarusians want, it’s all abouth whether Poland can or cannot restore the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth by annexing lands including Belarus. I would hazard a guess – no they can’t. Either way most Belarusians would immigrate to Russia if their land is taken, so integration is probably everyones best interest excluding Polands – on whose opinion no one is interested.

Davide Herzog

Also because poland is a british creation ! These are German and Russian lands . Poland must be delated . Neither speak about other 3 baltic farts…


Know thy foe,hit them hard,focus on the C.I.S,tighten that china belt too,let the eu-epp-nazis suffer huge

eventually they will beg to join in,either way the eu-epp cannot use china to get its own vile ways (period)

Erik Ziel

And also Texas Chooses Integration With Russia, And…


Its lukas who chose not people. for peoples opinion there needs to be a referendum

Davide Herzog

Also we Italians want a referendum to become part of Russian Federation ????. WE HATE UE .


go for it


Oh-oh… a doctored photo of the chanceloress… tststs. Well, forget your “the West”, it’s global financial elites which have governments play their part. You can also find them in the East. No need for binary schizophrenia. Still, points about stirring up unrest in Belarus and unwarrented embargoes against Russia are, of course, correct.


I don’t think it is “doctored” edited. Source is REUTERS ( they would NEVER do that with the image of any Western leader let alone with one of the most important leaders) and there is name of the photographer also. And on top Merkel is old cow and she has those pouches typical for elderly women and to me it looks 100% naturally created wrinkle.

carlo cozzarin

Once opponents are politically useless, they can always be useful as victims We have already seen it a thousand times… These intelligence assholes, presumably Anglo-Saxons, are the real useless


I don’t watch thriller series on TV anymore, they are too boring. But the first thing one would think of is: what happened between the arrival of Navalny in the Berlin Charité hospital and the test for Novichok? Of course it wouldn’t be the Germans who would poison Navalny for reasons of credible deniability. But at least since the Maidan murders of protesters by Western stooges we know that the Empire is not afraid of sacrifying their own…


It seems that Lukashenko has finally chosen a strategy for overcoming the crisis – accelerated integration with the Russian Federation.

Jim Bim

Germany says ” Navalny was poisoned without a doubt” NAT0 says “the evidence are clear” Trump says at the press briefing on Friday, the United States has no proof into the alleged poisoning of Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny….”We haven’t had any proof yet”

cechas vodobenikov

Belorussians are obviously more aware than Ukrainian nazis

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